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Regarding astronomical data


The field of astronomy that deals with mapping Kuiper belt objects, including all the dwarf planets and asteroids discussed in this book, is constantly evolving. This means that the diameters and orbital periods of these distant objects are often revised. For the objects in this book, astronomical data from universities and specialized astronomy centers in the United States (JPC, MPC, and others), France, and Poland were used, as they were available at the end of May 2023.

Regarding this series of books on asteroid astrology

As an astrologer, I remain politically neutral. Literally, because I never vote. My general view on politics is that it is a bizarre phenomenon driven by distortions and excesses that play out within the Cancer-Capricorn axis, with the negative side of Saturn prevailing in both the camp of political leaders and voters (shifting responsibility onto others). I can summarize my view on politics with the words of Groucho Marx:

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”

I mention this because, although some of my pieces may appear politically engaged, I am apolitical. The tragic aspect of our contemporary zeitgeist, distorted by the mass media to its very core, is that nearly everything you write or speak about is immediately politicized, fueled by an epidemic of identity crises. However, as spoken, this is nothing more than a hysterical zeitgeist phenomenon, from which I have distanced myself from the beginning. You can write about politics or political players without being political or taking a stance other than a human standpoint.

From an astrological perspective, every individual is equally interesting, regardless of what they do or how society judges their behavior or position.

In my work, I may have broken taboos by assigning dominant influence to certain asteroids in people’s horoscopes, which, according to mainstream societal norms, fall into the realm of excesses (porn-stars, political dissidents, criminals) or for which the mass media created a completely distorted but politically desirable image (various politicians, billionaires, etc.).

As an astrologer and a human being, I have a very simple ethical standpoint, which I can summarize in the belief that astrological influences are nothing more than a necessary filter through which divine spirit and creative energy fragment, allowing creation to come into being. Within this mystical occurrence, where light divides and condenses kaleidoscopically into the manifest microcosmic world, I see astrology as an important tool for understanding this never-ending process.

These insights can help us create a world in which each individual can fully develop their core qualities, thereby experiencing maximum freedom and personal happiness. Thus, in contrast to the shadow of fatalism and determinism under which astrology has long been burdened, along with its divination aspect, I see astrology as an instrument that, through insights into and understanding of how intrinsic forces interact, can lead to more freedom and a higher level of human evolution.

Cubewanos Or Classical Kuiper Belt Objects

A Cubewano, also known as a classical Kuiper belt object, is a type of Kuiper belt object (KBO) that orbits beyond Neptune without being influenced by an orbital resonance with Neptune. Unlike Pluto, Their orbits are relatively circular with low eccentricity and sometimes low inclination orbits in the range of 41-48 AU. These objects do not cross Neptune’s orbit and have characteristics similar to the classical planets. The Cubewanos form a group of asteroids in the Kuiper Belt beyond the orbit of Pluto. Their orbital period around the Sun is 260 to 330 years. To be classified as a Cubewano, the asteroid must be quite large (at least about 100 km in diameter), although Arrokoth (36 km) is also recognized as Cubewano.

The name “Cubewano” comes from the first trans-Neptunian object (TNO) discovered after Pluto and Charon, which was initially designated as (15760) 1992 QB1 until it was named 15760 Albion in January 2018. Other similar objects found later were often referred to as “QB1-o’s” or “Cubewanos” in honor of this object. While the term “Cubewano” is commonly used among those who practice new astrology, the scientific community more frequently uses the term “classical Kuiper belt object” to refer to these asteroids and dwarf planets.

Cubewanos in astrology: zeitgeist-dwarfs

Cubewanos are complex objects, mainly due to their versatility rather than inherent conflicts or wounds, as found in Centaurs and Jupiter Trojans, or the obsessive tendencies seen in Plutinos. Many of these objects are linked to the zeitgeist phenomena that characterize the 21st century. For instance, Quaoar governs growth and expansion through wiki-like structures and networks, which we encounter frequently on the internet. Albion represents the connections between previously separate areas or dimensions, emphasizing interconnectivity in general, and is also associated with the internet. Makemake governs new technology, microbiology, satellites, skyscrapers, peak performance, and experiences in various fields, including unique vocal ranges like that of soul singer Chaka Khan, with her Moon/Makemake conjunction. Praamzius is a complex Cubewano with a connection to weather, the waveparticle duality and analogous situations. Logos-Zoe resides in the world of spreadsheet planning, where the right hemisphere has minimal input. Varuna governs significant events in mass media that linger with the public, while Varda represents forceful expression, pounding the table to make a point forcefully.

The term “Cubewanos” encompasses a considerable number of dwarf planets or potential dwarf planets. While many are associated with postmodern or 21st-century phenomena and realities, they can also have a significant personal impact. The rules for Cubewanos in a chart, whether personal or mundane, are similar to those applied to most asteroids and dwarf planets: using orbs of just 1 degree is recommended, preferably even less!

Haumeids act like a mix of a Centaur and Plutino

This 1 degree orb-guideline also applies to objects mentioned in this book that may not be categorized as Cubewanos but rather as Twotinos and other objects (in deviant resonances with Neptune) or the Haumeids. Speaking of the latter, Haumeids, in general, are less concerned with collective developments, trends, and evolutions, focusing primarily on personal depth-psychological aspects, struggles, and drama. One could characterize them as behaving like hybrids between Centaurs and Plutinos.

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