TheVancouverBoardof ParksandRecreation recentlysentoutastronglywordedpressrelease aimedsquarelyatpeoplewhohate CanadaGeeseasmuchastheydo.
Ourcityishometowhattheysay are"athousands-strongflock"of theseaggressivebeaststhatwere introducedhereinthe1960sand
Vancouverofferstheman"ideal habitatandlackofnatural predators,"andastheirpopulation hasgrownthey'veprogressively becomeaworseandworse nuisance
Theboardsaystheir"booming population"is"wreakinghavoc," and"causingdamagetoparks andpublicenjoyment,"andthey're hopingtoenlistyouintheir ongoingefforttoreducetheir numbers.
WhileinB.C.it'stechnicallylegal toharvest10oftheseiconic(and, quitefrankly,delicious)birdsa daywithaBCResidentHunting Licence,huntingisn'tlegal withinthecitylimits,sooverthe
pastdecadetheCityhasaddled thousandsoftheireggs.
Thispracticehas-intheirwordshelpedreduce“newrecruitstothe population,”asifthey'resomesort ofinvadingarmy
Which,makenomistake,theyare! Butthey'veoptedforabortionover outrightmurderofthebirdsafter they'vehatched
Addlingisthehumanewayof reducingthepopulation,andit consistsofsomeonegoingoutand physicallyremovingfertilizedeggs fromnestsandreplacingthemwith previouslyfrozenones.
Thegeeseapparentlycomebackto theirnestsandsitrightbackdown onthoseeggs,andtheirbirdbrains can'ttellthedifference
Andwhilethey'vegotpeopleout huntingfornests,theCityneeds yourbrainonthisone They're askingresidentstoreportnests thattheyseebycalling311sothat theycancomeandaddletheeggs inthem
Incaseyou'veseenanestandare sittingonthefenceaboutwhether ornottoreportit,theparksboard
hassuppliedthisofficiallistof thingsthatgeesearecurrently doingthatmakesthemwishthey weredead:
•Eatingyounggrassinnewly seededfieldsandlawns
•Diggingholeswiththeirbeaks aroundsprinklerheadswhen tryingtodrinkwater;causing trippinghazardsanddamageto irrigationsystems
•Droppingsonbeaches,picnic areas,andsportsfieldsendingup onsportsequipmentandcausing peopletoslip
•Pollutingoutdoorswimming pools,beaches,sprayparksand waterfeatures
•Defecatingonmemorial benches
•Increasedaggressionduring matingseason
•Destructionofjuvenilesalmon habitatthroughconsumptionof protectivesedgegrassesinlocal estuaries
BobKronbaueristhePublisher andEditor-in-ChiefofVancouver
BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesome.com|604-439-2688
LindsayWilliam-Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesomecom
FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesomecom
FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@vannet|delivery@vancouriercom orcall604-398-2901
SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesomecomor 303W5thAve,VancouverBC,V5Y1J6
Vancouver's seawall is one of the most iconic parts of the city.
Popularwithbothtourists andlocals,thelengthyfootandcycle patharoundagoodchunkofthecity's waterfrontispopularfortransportation andrecreation
Alongitswayaremanyiconicsitesand sights,makingitnotonlyfunfortourists butusefulforthoseeasilylost Forlocals it'sgenerallyconsideredanicewayto getaroundorbephysicallyactive Herearefivethingsyou(probably) didn'tknowabouttheiconicwalkway.
Whilebuildingawallaroundthe waterfrontseemslikeasimple andstraightforwardtask,ittooka surprisinglylongtimetodoitall That's partlybecauseitwasn'talldoneatonce, withtheearliestbitsdatingbackto around1917.
TheStanleyParksectionwasofficially openedin1971,butthelastpartsweren't actuallyputinplaceuntil1980,and extensionswereaddedafter
2 Onemanwasresponsibleformuch ofit,andhisasheswerespreadnear Slhxi7lsh(SiwashRock)
JamesCunninghamis themanmostassociated withthelongwall.A masterstonemason, theScotsmanwas responsibleforbuilding thewallfromthe1920s intothe1960s Even afterheretiredthereare storiesofhimvisitingthe walltomakesureitwas goingok
3 Itholdsaworldrecord
It'stheworld'slongestuninterrupted waterfrontpath
Despitethis,thebeginning(atCanada Place)andtheend(nearKitsilano Beach)areonly4kmapart
4 Thebasesofgraveswereusedatone point
Inthe1960sthemilitaryareaof MountainViewCemeterywasbeing renovated Aspartofthat,thegranite blocksusedtoraisethemarkersoffthe groundwereremoved,andthemarkers setflushwiththeground
Thoseblocks,often,werethentaken downtotheseawall,tobeaddedin
5 AsectioniscalledExistentialAlley AsectioninDavidLamParkiscalled
ExistentialAlleyinavarietyofplaces online It'sagravelpathrightalongthe water
Oddlyhowitgotitsnameisunclear, andGoogleStreetviewhasn'tdared(or hadthetime)togodownthealley
However,othershave,andsomeoftheir onlinereviewsare...somethingelse.
"10/10spotwhenhavinganexistential crisis Bringsnacks,"writesone
"AlthoughIjustwanttobelikeall thedifferentpeoplethisalleywastoo popularduetoitsuniquenessformeto endorseit,"notesanother.
"Itis;therefore,itexists,"finishesoneof thelongerreviews
ByBrendanKergin AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock|JustinChen MaureenLaventureRogers and Shaw are coming together to do more for you and the country we’re proud to call home.
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Learn more at about.rogers.com/shaw
ThisstunningshotofthecitylightsatnightwastakenandsharedbyAaronWardwho goesbythehandleof@aaronlward.
ForachancetohaveyourphotofeaturedhereandonourInstagramaccount,tag yourInstagramphotoswiththehashtag#vancouverisawesome
Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeninginyourcity(andformoregreatphotographs!)follow usat@viawesome.
June15,2011isadaythatlivesin infamyforresidentsofMetro Vancouver
AftertheCanuckslostinGame7of theStanleyCupFinalstotheBostonBruins violenceeruptedinthecity'score,damaging buildingsandthecity'sreputation AmericansportsbroadcasterESPN announcedonMarch24thattheir documentaryseries'30for30'wouldtakea lookattheeventmorethanadecadeafter thenightofchaosanddestruction Titled"I'mjustherefortheRiot,"the documentarywilllookattheaftermathas rioterswhowerecaught,eitheroncameraor bythelegalsystem,wereoutedandshamed "Fromthemobmentalityinthestreetsto similarvengeanceintheonlinehuntingof
thoseresponsible,itwasadarkmomentin thecityshistory–onethatraiseddeeper questionsaboutfandom,violence,andthe shockingpowerofanangrycrowd,"statesa releaseaboutthedocumentary
It'snotjustalookatwhathappened,but why,notesanESPNspokesperson
Thefilm,whichhasjustcompleted production,wasmadebyAsiaYoungman (whomadeThisInkRunsDeepabout Indigenoustattooartists)andKathleen Jayme(who'sdelvedintoVancouver'ssports worldtwicewithTheGrizzlieTruth,and FindingBigCountry).
Adateforitsbroadcasthasnotbeen released
To our readers:
The March 23 Stars of Vancouver Features on B-Section contains incorrect information about Michelle Yu under the realtor category.
The business name should read "Michelle Yu Personal Real Estate Corporation - RE/MAX Real Estate Services"
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Thank you, Vancouver is Awesome
Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 6 pm to be convened by electronic means with in-person attendance also available in City Hall, Council Chamber, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Vancouver City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the following matters:
1. Rezoning: 657-685 East 18th Avenue
To rezone 657-685 East 18th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to RR-2A (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a four-storey market rental building A building height of 13 7 metres (45 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 1 75 are proposed
2. Rezoning: 5995-6015 Dunbar Street
To rezone 5995-6015 Dunbar Street from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2B (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a five-storey market rental building A building height of 16 8 metres (55 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 20 are proposed
3. CD-1 Rezoning: 3205 Arbutus Street
To rezone 3205 Arbutus Street from C-1 (Commercial) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of a four-storey mixed-use building with 54 secured market rental units and at-grade commercial space A building height of 19 2 metres (63 feet) with additional height for a rooftop amenity and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 56 are proposed
Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 6 pm to be convened by electronic means with in-person attendance also available in City Hall, Council Chamber, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Vancouver City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the following matters:
A. CD-1 Rezoning: 1045 Burnaby Street
To rezone 1045 Burnaby Street from RM-5A (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of a 16-storey residential building, with 20 per cent of the residential floor area secured with below-market rents There are 170 securedrental housing units proposed, of which 133 are market rental and 37 are below-market rental A height of 49 0 metres (160 8 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 6 19 are also proposed
B CD-1 Rezoning: 4065 Victoria Drive (Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House)
To rezone 4065 Victoria Drive (Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House) from RS-1A (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit a three-storey replacement and expansion of the non-profit owned Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House and associated facilities A height of 13 9 metres (46 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 1 41 are proposed
C. Rezoning: 2126 West 34th Avenue, 5025 Arbutus Street and 2109-2129 West 35th Avenue
To rezone 2126 West 34th Avenue, 5025 Arbutus Street and 2109-2129 West 35th Avenue from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2B (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a five-storey market rental building A building height of 16 8 metres (55 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 40 are proposed
Public Hearings are to be convened by electronic means, with in-person attendance also available You may participate in the Public Hearing either by speaking by phone or in person, or by submitting comments that will be distributed to the Mayor and Councillors
All spoken and written comments will be publicly accessible on the City of Vancouver’s website with your full name attached
To participate in the Public Hearing, you can register to speak beginning at 8:30 am on April 14, 2023 until 5 pm on the day of the Public Hearing:
• Register to speak online by visiting: vancouver.ca/your-government/speak-at-city-councilmeetings aspx and select the agenda item(s) you wish to speak to; telephone participation is encouraged as it is the most efficient way to speak to Council
• Register to speak via phone by calling 604-829-4238 and specifying which meeting date, meeting type and agenda item(s) you wish to speak to, and indicate whether you are participating by telephone or in person
• You can also register on the day of the Public Hearing, between 5:30 and 6 pm at City Hall; for more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
To participate by telephone, you must have access to a telephone, provide a telephone number that can be used to contact you, and provide an email address where instructions on when and how to call into the Public Hearing can be provided to you Speakers can also call in during the Public Hearing The telephone number and participant code are tweeted out and available on the live stream, while the meeting is in progress For more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
Send your comments to Council online at vancouver ca/public-hearing-comments, by email at publichearing@vancouver.ca or by mail to: City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office, 453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4
Get live updates on the meeting at vancouver.ca/speaker-wait-times or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk Watch the meeting live at vancouver ca/council-video
Copies of the draft by-laws will be made available for in-person viewing from 8:30 am to 5 pm on weekdays at the City Clerk’s Office on the 3rd Floor of City Hall from Friday, April 14, 2023 until the Public Hearing commences, and for viewing at all times on the meeting agenda starting April 14, 2023 at 1 pm See the agenda on the City’s website at vancouver.ca/councilmeetings Minutes of the Public Hearing will also be available at this location approximately two business days after a meeting Details of all Council meetings can be found at covapp.vancouver.ca/councilMeetingPublic
Visit: vancouver.ca Phone: 3-1-1
Following petitions from parents, a numberofVancouver school zones are slowing down
On March 27 the City of Vancouverlauncheditsfirst
pilottoreducespeedlimitsin nine school zones
“This pilot is just one of the many steps we are taking towardsmakingVancouvers streetssaferforchildren, seniors,andpeoplewith disabilities,”saysMayorKen Sim in a press release.
The pilot is running exclusively at elementary schools and speed limits are only in effect during school hours, between 8 a.m. and 5 p m , on school days
The following streets and blocks have slowed down from 50 to 40 km/h:
Dr Annie B Jamieson
š (Crosstown)
reductionsfrom50to30 km/h:
Waverly 6100–6200 ElliottSt
Speedlimitsforschool zonesonthemajorroad network,suchasKingsway, ClarkDrive,KnightStreet, Broadway,and41stAvenue, remainunchanged
Alongsidenewlyinstalled regulatorysigns,Community
PolicingCentrevolunteers arepresentatsomelocations toreminddriversofthenew speedlimits
CityofVancouverstaffwill report back to Council in the spring of next year with data results and public feedback from the pilot to helpdetermineifVancouver should expand the speed limitreductiontoadditional elementary schools.
ByMariaDimentItwasabeachdayforthiscutecritter AVancouverresidentsnappedaphoto ofabeaveratKitsilanobeachonarecent Saturdaymorning
Theadorableanimalisseenwaddlingalong theshore,enjoyingtheoceanwaves'push andpull
Thisisn'tthefirsttimelocalsspotteda beaverwanderingthroughthecity.The furrybrowncreatureswereseenambling throughaKitsilanoneighbourhood, downtownVancouver,theOlympicVillage, andevenstoppingbyalocalgiftshop
ByMariaDimentThe Board of Directors of Vancouver Airport Authority announces that the Annual Public Meeting will be held to present the Airport Authority’s 2022 Annual & Sustainability Report and financial statements
East Concourse, U.S. Departures Level 3 (near the Fairmont Airport Hotel)
Vancouver International Airport
12:30 p.m. registration / 1:00 p.m. meeting begins
Please join us for the meeting in person or virtually; the meeting will be live streamed at YVR.ca/APM
The 2022 Annual & Sustainability Report will be available at YVR.ca at the end of April.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions at the meeting. Questions may also be submitted in advance to community relations@yvr ca or via Twitter using #YVRAPM To be answered during the meeting, questions must be submitted by 5:00 p.m on Wednesday, May 3.
All members of the public are welcome.
Vancouver Airport Authority operates Vancouver International Airport (YVR) in service of the community and economy that supports it.
Le conseil d’administration de l’Autorité aéroportuaire de Vancouver annonce la tenue de l’assemblée publique annuelle pour présenter le rapport annuel et de développement durable 2022 ainsi que les états financiers de l’Autorité aéroportuaire.
Hall Est, niveau 3 des départs des États-Unis (près de l hôtel Fairmont Airport)
Aéroport international de Vancouver
12 h 30 inscription / 13 h la réunion commence
Joignez-vous à nous pour cette rencontre en personne ou virtuellement ; celle-ci sera diffusée en direct sur YVR.ca/APM
Le rapport annuel et de développement durable 2022 sera disponible sur YVR.ca à la fin avril.
Les participants auront la possibilité de poser des questions lors de la rencontre. Les questions peuvent également être soumises à l’avance à community_relations@yvr.ca ou via Twitter en utilisant #YVRAPM Pour obtenir une réponse lors de la rencontre, les questions doivent être soumises avant 17 h. le mercredi 3 mai.
(YVR) au service de la communauté et de l’économie qui le soutient.
Itookthisshotwhenthehousecameupfor salein2015,andcameacrossthevintage phototaken97yearsearlierfromexactly thesamespotwhereIwasstanding Spooky
Three of Vancouver's most prominent familieshavecalledthishousehomeoverthe years It sits on an acre of land just minutes fromthedowntowncore,ararityreflectedin its most recent selling price Editor's note: The address was previously
1402McRaeAve,howeverithassince beenchangedto3333TheCrescent.BC Assessmentputsits2023valueat$13,877,000 Itwaslistedatjustunder$19Min2017.
JohnBentleyisanarchitectural photographerwhohasphotographed theinsideandoutsideofthousands ofbuildingsaroundVancouver Using imagesfromtheVancouverArchiveshe offersaglimpseofthepastandpresent onhissiteVancouverNow&Then
VancouvercouncilwasunanimouslastTuesday initsvotetoregulatethesaleanddisplayofbear sprayinwhatisanefforttoreducethenumberof robberies,assaultsandthreatsthathaveescalated inthecity
ThemovewasbasedonastaffreportthatsaidVancouver policerecordedapproximately3,000violentoffences between2018and2022thatinvolvedbearspray,manyof themcommittedbyyoungpeople
“It'sbeingusedforcriminalactivity,it'sbeingusedto intimidatepeople,it'sbeingusedtohurtpeople,”said Coun PeteFryinaninterviewpriortothecouncilvote “Andatsomepoint,wehavetobeabitmoreproactive”
•Nooneunder19,orwhocannotprovideidentification, canbuybearspray
Teslapaidlocalsover $100Ktohacktheircars
•Bearspraysellersmustkeepthesprayinalockedor inaccessibleareafromthepublic.
•Retailersmustrecorddetailsofeachsale,keepthe recordfor12monthsandmakeitavailableuponrequest tothechieflicenceinspectortoensurebylawcompliance.
Councilalsoagreedtoamendtheticketoffencesbylaw, whichallowsthecitytolevyafineof$1,000foranyone whodoesntcomplywiththenewrequirements. Councildecidednottoimposeanoutrightbanonbear spray,soadultswhorequirethesprayforitsintendeduse towardoffbearsandwildlifewhileinthewoods can stillbuyitinVancouver
Readmoreofthisstorybyscanningthe QRcodehere.
Eachyear,Teslaoffersaluckycomputerwhizthe opportunitytowinbigmoneyandtheirveryownnew carataVancouverhackathon.
Theautomotivecompanytakespartintheannual Pwn2Ownhackingcompetitionandchallengessecurity researcherstofindweaknessesinthelatestmodelofTesla's systemandexploitthemforcash
Inpreviousyears,hackersusedvulnerabilitiesinthetuner, Wi-Fi,Bluetoothandmodemtoaccesstheinfotainment system,securitycentre,andevenTesla’sself-drivingautopilot capabilities,thustakingcompletecontrolofthevehicle Theultimatetestisifthehackremainsinplaceafterareboot. Thisyear,thetopscorer,handleSynacktiv,tookhomeover $100,000andaTeslaModel3aftersuccessfullyexecutingan attackagainsttheTeslaGateway.
ThecompetitionwasongoingfromMarch22to24and otherhackersalsotookaimatbignamessuchasAppleand MicrosoftWindows.
Nancy Denise Ayres passed away peacefuly with family by her side on February 14th, 2023 after a ong ilness Nancy was born on May 12th, 1950 in North Batteford, Saskatchewan, to Ken and Ruth Brousseau She moved to Cagary where she competed elementary school and hgh school Folowng high school, she competed a certficate n Key Punching Nancy worked at Philps Oi Company and Petro Canada in Alberta, and moved to B C in 1973 to work at Chevron Oi Co In ths year she met the ove of her life, Gordon Thomas Ayres and they were marred on November 19th, 1973
Nancy is survived by her loving husband, Gordon, daughter and son-in-aw, Sally and Pau Martin of Squamish, sister-in-law, Gwen Reese (Gordon’s sister), of South Surrey, two grandkids, Ella and Haley Martn and niece, Meody Lynn Hirsch (Jeremy) Nancy was predeceased by her parents, her brother Jim Brousseau, and brother-in-law Bl Ayres
Nancy was a ovng wife, mother, wonderfu grandma and good friend She wl be greaty mssed by al her famly and friends
A Ceebration of Life for Nancy wil be hed on May 13, 2023 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, at 751 Sitka Square, Vancouver, BC In leu of flowers, donations may be made to the Parknson’s Society of B C and the B C Cancer Foundation
A sp r tua ceremony of fema e empowerment w th hea ng poems about eterna ove Two soulmates, Alexander and Euryd ce, w l f ght an ancient curse with mag cal stories and poems.
Call 778 683 8449 or visit: eventbrite.ca/e/eurydice in love tickets 539585222927
The Canadian Internationa Dragon Boat Fest va Society (hereafter C DBFS) hereby g ves notice that an app ication has been made to the Min ster of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approva of the work described herein and its site and plans.
Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, CIDBFS has de posited w th the Minister of Transport, on the on l ne Nav gable Waters Registry (http://cps canada ca/) under the NPP Fi e Number 2017 500049 a description of the fo low ng work, its site and plans:
Installation of temporary buoys for a dragon boat race course on/across False Creek, East of Cambie Br dge: be tween Sc ence World to the Concord Pacif c Presentat on Centre, between Canoe Bridge to Plaza of Nat ons, and between Cooperage Way to Habitat s and on or about: May 6, June 3, June 23 25, and September 23, 2023.
Comments regard ng the effect of th s work on marine nav gation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above referenced number) or, by send ng your comments d rectly to #820 800 Burrard Street, Van couver BC, V6Z 2J8, if you do not have internet access.
However, comments wi be cons dered on y f they are in writ ng (electronic means preferable) and are rece ved not ater than 30 days after the publicat on of the last notice Although a comments conform ng to the above w be considered, no individual response will be sent.
Signed at Vancouver this 1st day of March, 2023 Alexis Gall, Executive Director and General Manager Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival Society 604 688 2382 | dragonboatbc.ca | info@dragonboatbc.ca
3 Pro Home Improvement Inc. 807 64th Avenue E, Vancouver, BC V5X 2N5
Construction Labourer
Rate per hour: $31 40 hours per week, Full tme permanent postion
Start as soon as possibe
Vacances: 3 Work setting: varous locatons
Education: No degree/ certificate/dipoma requred
Experence s an asset
Responsbilties: Load unload & transport constructon materias Erect & dsmantle concrete forms, scaffolding, ramps, catwalks shorng & barricades Mix, pour & spread materias
Assst in framng houses, erecting wa s, bu dng roofs
Clean & ple savaged materias Cean up chemca spi s & other contaminants
Remove rubbe & other debrs at construction stes
To apply, email resume to: inc@gmail com
O d Books Wanted Aso:
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Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.