Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 6 pm to be convened by electronic means with in-person attendance also available in City Hall, Council Chamber, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Vancouver City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the following matters:
1. Rezoning: 657-685 East 18th Avenue
To rezone 657-685 East 18th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to RR-2A (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a four-storey market rental building A building height of 13 7 metres (45 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 1 75 are proposed
2. Rezoning: 5995-6015 Dunbar Street
To rezone 5995-6015 Dunbar Street from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2B (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a five-storey market rental building A building height of 16 8 metres (55 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 20 are proposed
3. CD-1 Rezoning: 3205 Arbutus Street
To rezone 3205 Arbutus Street from C-1 (Commercial) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of a four-storey mixed-use building with 54 secured market rental units and at-grade commercial space A building height of 19 2 metres (63 feet) with additional height for a rooftop amenity and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 56 are proposed
Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 6 pm to be convened by electronic means with in-person attendance also available in City Hall, Council Chamber, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Vancouver City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the following matters:
A. CD-1 Rezoning: 1045 Burnaby Street
To rezone 1045 Burnaby Street from RM-5A (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of a 16-storey residential building, with 20 per cent of the residential floor area secured with below-market rents There are 170 securedrental housing units proposed, of which 133 are market rental and 37 are below-market rental A height of 49 0 metres (160 8 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 6 19 are also proposed
B CD-1 Rezoning: 4065 Victoria Drive (Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House)
To rezone 4065 Victoria Drive (Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House) from RS-1A (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit a three-storey replacement and expansion of the non-profit owned Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House and associated facilities A height of 13 9 metres (46 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 1 41 are proposed
C. Rezoning: 2126 West 34th Avenue, 5025 Arbutus Street and 2109-2129 West 35th Avenue
To rezone 2126 West 34th Avenue, 5025 Arbutus Street and 2109-2129 West 35th Avenue from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2B (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a five-storey market rental building A building height of 16 8 metres (55 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 40 are proposed
Public Hearings are to be convened by electronic means, with in-person attendance also available You may participate in the Public Hearing either by speaking by phone or in person, or by submitting comments that will be distributed to the Mayor and Councillors
All spoken and written comments will be publicly accessible on the City of Vancouver’s website with your full name attached
To participate in the Public Hearing, you can register to speak beginning at 8:30 am on April 14, 2023 until 5 pm on the day of the Public Hearing:
• Register to speak online by visiting: vancouver.ca/your-government/speak-at-city-councilmeetings aspx and select the agenda item(s) you wish to speak to; telephone participation is encouraged as it is the most efficient way to speak to Council
• Register to speak via phone by calling 604-829-4238 and specifying which meeting date, meeting type and agenda item(s) you wish to speak to, and indicate whether you are participating by telephone or in person
• You can also register on the day of the Public Hearing, between 5:30 and 6 pm at City Hall; for more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
To participate by telephone, you must have access to a telephone, provide a telephone number that can be used to contact you, and provide an email address where instructions on when and how to call into the Public Hearing can be provided to you Speakers can also call in during the Public Hearing The telephone number and participant code are tweeted out and available on the live stream, while the meeting is in progress For more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
Send your comments to Council online at vancouver ca/public-hearing-comments, by email at publichearing@vancouver.ca or by mail to: City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office, 453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4
Get live updates on the meeting at vancouver.ca/speaker-wait-times or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk Watch the meeting live at vancouver ca/council-video
Copies of the draft by-laws will be made available for in-person viewing from 8:30 am to 5 pm on weekdays at the City Clerk’s Office on the 3rd Floor of City Hall from Friday, April 14, 2023 until the Public Hearing commences, and for viewing at all times on the meeting agenda starting April 14, 2023 at 1 pm See the agenda on the City’s website at vancouver.ca/councilmeetings Minutes of the Public Hearing will also be available at this location approximately two business days after a meeting Details of all Council meetings can be found at covapp.vancouver.ca/councilMeetingPublic
Visit: vancouver.ca Phone: 3-1-1
At Tapestry, one of our most often asked questions from those considering a move is, “When should I move-in?” Whether speaking to someone who is actively employed or an individual who might be years into retirement, our answer is always the same: “Don’t wait do it NOW!”
Why are we so emphatic in our response? The only regret we hear from residents after moving in is they wish they hadn’t waited so long to move. “When you move into Tapestry, it’s an exciting chapter and can be a new lease on life,” says Keeley Jones, Sales & Move-In Advisor at Tapestry’s Vancouver communities “Once residents move into Tapestry, they always tell me they wish they had made the move much sooner!”
After touring several communities, Norma moved into Tapestry in November 2022. “Tapestry has everything I want – freedom, independence – but I also enjoy interacting with other residents ” Norma is thrilled with her choice and takes full advantage of everything Tapestry offers
Barbara, who moved into Tapestry in 2019, never felt ready to move into a seniors’ community After a serious fall, she realized it was time to make a change and move into a place where she could remain independent, and benefit from services to keep her safe, healthy, active and engaged “You have to realize that
to realize that you may need assistance My family is delighted that I am at Tapestry ” Living in a seniors’ community where you can be active and engaged yet feel supported is a key reason individuals decide to move into Tapestry. With our holistic focus on wellness, seniors can remain independent and continue to do what they love in a community offering endless opportunities to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle
This includes the provision of personalized wellness support services provided in the discretion and comfort of a resident’s suite. Tapestry offers a broad range of customizable services, including shower and grooming support, medication assistance and blood pressure monitoring
“Wellness is crucial for seniors to maintain their independence,” says Natasha Lyons, RN, who oversees the Tapestry Wellness team, comprised of both health and wellness professionals
“Independence enables seniors to continue to fully engage with life on their own terms and to
If you are a senior considering lifestyle options, you likely receive a lot of advice about the “best time” to move into a seniors’ community like Tapestry While it’s prudent to consider different factors, we believe the most important consideration is when it makes the most sense for you based on your personal circumstances, preferences and expectations. Now has never been a better time to explore how you can maintain your independence at Tapestry. We are currently offering a $5,000 move-in incentive available until May 31 We also uniquely offer complimentary move-in support services to simplify and streamline your transition to Tapestry Learn more by visiting DiscoverTapestry.com. We invite you to tour and enjoy a complimentary lunch
For Barbara, wellness means joining Tapestry’s daily exercise classes, discussiongroupsandpaintinglessons.ATapestryresident since 2019, she loves living independently, surrounded by our vibrant community and friends whofeellikefamily.Beyondinspiring,sheconsidersit a new leaseonlife.
Call today to learn more about our exciting Spring move-in incentive valued at up to $5,000.
“Being well and feeling healthy is everything for me. ”
IvealwayswonderedwhyNew Year’shassuchastranglehold onresolutions
Makingplansofactionto improveyourlifeinthedeadof winterhasalwaysseemedalittle contradictorytome
Abettertime,inmyview,isthe beginningofspring!Whenthe crocusesarecroscusing,thesunis beginningtobecomealittleless shyandthejoggers,runners,bikers andslacklinersaregentlyemerging fromtheirrespectivehibernations
So,formyfirstarticleofthe baseballseasonIwanttoshare withyouthreesimpleresolutions thatIpromisetoupholdandwhich willenhancemybaseballfandom experience
Havemoreempathyforthe umpires
Ifyouveeversatbesidemeata baseballgame,youknowIhave astrongpredilectiontoletthe umps“haveit”Whentheygetacall
wrong Whentheygetacallright
Whentheycleanoffhomeplate withtheirlittlehand-brooms Im givingthemthebusiness.
MaybeIlikespeakingtruthto power Or,perhapsIstillhave achiponmyshoulderfroma fewbotchedlittleleaguecalls
Whateverthecase,thisseasonI resolvetodomybesttoempathize withtheumpires
doubt Iwilllearntheirnames andstories.AndbyseasonsendI promisetohavechosenafavourite umpireandcheerforthemforone game Ormaybeoneinning At leasthalfaninning.Babysteps.
Thisonemightprovedifficultas Imainlysitbehindtheprotective netting.Whichis,generally speaking,designedtokeepfoul ballsfromgettingthrough.
However,withmytrustyMedia Credentials,Icanandwillbecome aballhawkandpatrolallofthehot zonesinthestadium
Andifthatdoesn’twork,I’llbringa chairouttotheparkinglot. Also,Iknowwhatyouregonna ask:whenIinevitablycatch thisfoulball(duetomyinnate athleticismanddefensivebaseball prowess)willIgiveittoakid?
Theshortansweris,yes The longeransweris,yes,butonlyafter Isignitandtheyagreetogiveit backafterasuitableperiodoftime.
Ahumanoperatedscoreboardis suchabeautifulpieceofbaseball history.Andthefactthatwehave oneattheNatistrulyspecial In mymind,analogalwaysbeats digital,andIhopetheoutfield scoreboardisnever“updated.”
DodgerStadiuminLosAngeles (boo),GreatAmericanBallPark inCincinnati(bigboo),Wrigley
FieldinChicago(gocubbies), andFenwayParkinBoston(boo) aretheonlyfourMajorLeague stadiumsthatstillhavemanual scoreboards Sotheyrehardtofind thesedays
Iwanttohangsomenumbers Runs,Hits,Errors.Iwantto experiencethesacreddutyof keepingeveryoneintheballparkon thesamepage
Thescoreboardkeepersare trulytheheraldsofourcherished baseballkingdom AndIwantin Ihaven’tfullyfiguredouthowIwill accomplishthis,butmyplanthus faristowalkoverduringagame andaskifIcanhelp Intricate,I know,buthopefullyitworks. Thereyouhaveit!Iwillfollow upattheendoftheseasonandlet youknowhowitallwent Andlet meknowifyouhaveanybaseball resolutionsofyourown Youcan findmeattheNat.Seeyouthere!
When your living room is front row, we’re with you all the way.
BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604-439-2688
LindsayWilliam-Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesomecom
FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesomecom
FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@vannet|delivery@vancouriercom orcall604-398-2901
SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesomecomor 303W5thAve,VancouverBC,V5Y1J6
Ifyou'veenjoyedaVancouver CanadiansbaseballgameatNat BaileyStadiumatanypointin thelast16yearsyouhavetwomen tothanktoday-JakeKerrandJeff Mooney,whorecentlyannouncedthat they'vesoldtheteam
Backin2007thefutureoftheteamwas uncertain;theonce-greatstadiumwas aneglectedandleakyslimeholethat theCityofVancouverhadseemingly forgottenabout,andthetwocame ridinginonashinyredgolfcartwith agiantbaseballcapontopofit,justin thenickoftime.
Or,thatis,theydrovetoHillcrestPark intheirluxuryvehicles,withfortunes theyhadearnedintheforestryand hospitalityindustries,andboughtthe teamoffthen-ownerFredHermann Thatinitialpurchasewasjustthe beginning.Theywouldgoontodirect morecashintothestadium,theteam, andthefanexperience,allofwhich desperatelyneededhelp Theywouldsoonfindoutthatmoney, passion,andloveforthegamealone couldn'trebuildatrulybelovedteam,
sotheytappedMLBexecutiveAndy Dunntoheadthingsupandright theship Dunnhasbeentheteam's CEOeversince,andhisanalogyfor turningthingsaroundisthatbaseball organizationsaren'tspeedboatsbut cruiseshipswithlong,arcingturns KerrandMooneywerepatientand generousastheC'smadethatarc,never takingadimeoutoftheorganization
andcontinuallyputtingeverythingback intoit.
Today,theVancouverCanadiansare whatIconsidertobethebestvalue fortheticketpriceinVancouver Sure they'vewonmultiplechampionshipsin theNorthwestLeagueinwhichthey playbuttherealwinsaretheonesthe communityasawholecontinuesto
When was the last time you had a scam call or a scam email and you didn’t know what to do?
Well, you’re not the only one Join us at Legacy Senior Living for a Fraud prevention Seminar with Jeremy Gellis from White Collar Defense & Investigations | Cozen O’Connor LLP.
Tuesday, April 18 at 2:00pm.
Did you know 43% of the Canadian adult population will fall victim to fraud? With seniors being the primary targets, millions of dollars are lost each year to telemarketing schemes alone
Learn how to prevent scammers taking your hard earned money, keep your personal information secure, how to protect yourself online, and how to avoid being scammed.
AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock|JustinChen MaureenLaventureThefast-growingCanadian armofglobalfootwearand fashionretailinggiantJD Sportshasopenedanew headquartersinVancouver.
The12,000-sq-ft spaceonthefifth floorof22East5thAveinMount Pleasanthas140workstations,with about65filledonDay1
Thecompanywillkeepits6,000-sqftofficeinToronto,butJDSports CanadaCEOGaryOchitold GlacierMediathattheVancouver officeisthecompany'sheadquarters becauseitislarger,anditiswherehe isbased.
Ochiplanstohiremorethan300 peoplebytheendoftheyear, bringingJDSportsCanada's workforcetomorethan1,000.
"Alargefocuswillbeoncareerorientedpeopletobehiredintothe Vancouveroffice,"hesaid.
"Everythingfromproperty, accounting,humanresources, buying,planning,marketing–basicallyeverysinglepartofthe companywillbethere"
Abouthalfofhisstaffhavehybrid workschedulesandcomeintothe
officethreetimesaweek,whilethe restcometotheofficedaily,hesaid
Hiseffortstohireworkershasso farbeenachallenge,hesaid He hasusedrecruitmentagenciesas wellasinternalstaffwhosearchfor potentialemployeesonsocialmedia sitessuchasLinkedIn
locationatWest5thAvenueand QuebecStreetinpartbecauseit isconvenient Theofficeiswithin walkingdistanceoftheExpoLine andCanadaLineSkyTrainstations, andwillbewithinwalkingdistance ofthefutureBroadwayLine "There'slotsofgoodfoodnearby," hesaid."Therearelotsofgood
after-hoursthingstodo.Thereare parks"
Hesaidreal-estatepriceswere notadeterminingfactor,although ColliersInternational'smost recentofficereportnotesthat comparableofficespacetendstobe moreexpensivedowntownthanin theBroadwaycorridorandother Vancouverneighbourhoods
Vancouver-bornOchioverseesthree storebannersundertheJDSports Canadaumbrella:JDSports,Size andLivestock
Heplanstoopen13newJDSportsbrandedstoresbytheendoftheyear, bringingthatbanner'sCanada-wide storecountto23.
SportsstorenowisatSurrey's GuildfordTownCentre,although oneissettoopenatRichmond CentreinMay,Ochisaid
"OurfirstCanadianflagshipstore willopeninVancouver,inthefirst quarterof2024,"hesaid
Readmoreofthisstorybyscanning theQRcode.
ByGlenKorstromInarecentredcarpet interviewdiscussinghow muchhelovesCanada, starPedroPascalletslip thatthecastofTheLastof Uswouldbeheadingback theretofilmtheshow's secondseason
Thefirstseasonofthe popularHBOtelevision serieswasfilmedinand aroundCalgarybutthe teasefromPascalhadpeople wonderingifperhapsthe showwouldsetupshop elsewhereinCanada
Theseriesisbasedona successfulvideogameofthe samenameandasignificant amountofPartIItakesplace inthePacificNorthwestsoit wasn'tastretchtohopethat theshowmightbecomingto
Well,Vancouverfansoftheshowcanofficially getexcitedbecauseDeadlinejustconfirmed thatTheLastofUswillindeedbefilmingthe secondseasoninourfaircity
MetroVancouverandpresumablythe surroundingLowerMainlandwillbe transformedintoapost-apocalypticworld afteraglobalpandemicdestroyscivilization (kindofonthenose)
Pascalplaysahardenedsurvivortaskedwith protecting14-year-oldEllie(BellaRamsey) whomaybehumanity'slasthope
"Weareincrediblyexcitedtowelcome TheLastofUstoourcityastheybringthe productionoftheirnextseasontoHollywood North,"saidVancouvermayorKenSimina statement
“TheLastofUsisoneofthebiggest productionseverfilmedinCanadaandone ofthelargestshowsontelevisiontoday,"the mayorcontinued,adding:"Thechoiceto movefilmingtoVancouverisademonstration ofourcity’scontinuedstrengthinthefilmand televisionsector."
Someofthosewinsincludeacharitable foundationthathelpsthousandsofkids playeachyear,multiplelittleleague parksrefurbished,andnotleastofallan approachableandaccessiblegamethat everyonecanenjoy-notjustthehardcore baseballnerds
Inthisweek'spressconferenceannouncing thesaleoftheteamtoacompanycalled DiamondBaseballHoldings(DBH),Kerr andMooneydiscussedtheir"bittersweet" feelingsaroundsellingit.Kerrnotedthatthe
menwhoaregettingoninagecan"readour ownbirthcertificates,"thattheirfamiliesare notinvolvedinthebaseballbusiness,and thattheybelieveit'sthebestnextstepforthe C'sistoputitintothehandsofDBH
WithhighhopesforthefutureoftheC's,we salutethesetwodudeswhosavedbaseball inVancouver,andwhowillcontinueto beinvolveddespitenolongerowningour belovedhometeam
ByBobKronbauerThisistherearofwhatwaspreviously thePointGreyPharmacy,at10th andTrimble
Thereareanumberofpapered-over windowson10thAve.,whichleadsmeto wonderhowmuchlongerthisbuildingwilllast
Thepharmacyisnowacoupleofblockswest at4516W10thAve.
JohnBentleyisanarchitecturalphotographer whohasphotographedtheinsideandoutside ofthousandsofbuildingsaroundVancouver UsingimagesfromtheVancouverArchiveshe offersaglimpseofthepastandpresentonhis siteVancouverNow&Then
ThisshotoverFalseCreekwastaken andsharedbyAaronWardwhogoes bythehandle@aaronlward.
Forachancetohaveyourphoto featuredhereandonourInstagramaccount,
tagyourInstagramphotoswiththehashtag #vancouverisawesome
Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeningin yourcity(andformoregreatphotographs!) followusat@viawesome
As a matter of principle I don't use the word 'hate' as part of my vocabulary nor do I have hatred toward anyone.
However, as an exception, I have a vindictive evilpassionatehatredforCanadageeseandifIcanlegally getoneintomyovenwiththerightcombinationofherbs and spices served with a some 'real Canajun' sides of sweet potatoes, corn and some stuffing with wild rice straight from the prairies I would invite my best friends overforawonderfulmealtocelebratethedemiseofoneof thesenastyfeatheredfreaks
About four years ago I was violently attacked by three Canada Geese who stalked me in the park honking for food perhaps or maybe they just didn't like me I was left with bruises and a sore back and shoulders for weeks after and ever since then I've dreamed of my sweet and yummy revenge
I've got a turkey roaster and all the ingredients in my kitchen and I'm a fabulous cook if I say so myself and some of my friends would agree as well Bon appetit y'all who might be hungry for some wild I'msurethatevenMarthawouldbeproudifmy'dinner dreams'cometrue.
Vancouver'sRenfrewCollingwoodneighbourhood currentlyhasanoldplayground,wading pool,abasketballcourt,andopenareas withasoftballdiamondandfield. TheVancouverBoardofParksand Recreationrecentlyapprovedplansto renewthepark.
Thelistofchangesincludesboth upgradesandnewamenities
CollingwoodParkvisitorscanexpect arenovatedplayground,morepicnic tablesandbenches,asmallplaza,and amulti-sportscourtwithanintegrated skateboardfeature Thewadingpool willbereplacedwithasmallsplashpad. Theplayground'scurrentfeatureswill beupdatedtoincludeaclimber,swings, trampoline,carousel,andplayhouse. Constructionissettobeginthiswinter andfinishinthefallin2024
Forashorttime,the "TransAmTotem"was oneofVancouver'smost recognizablepiecesof publicart
Installedin2015aspartofthe VancouverBiennaleatQuebec StreetandMilrossAvenue(near theSkyTrainroute),itstoodon amedianattheintersectionfor afewyears Itwassupposed tocomedownattheendofthe biennialevent,butLululemon's ChipWilsonshelledouthundreds ofthousandsofdollarstobuyit anddonateittothecity,aspartof Vancouver'spermanentpublicart collection
However,"TransAmTotem"had tobetakendowninAugust2021 forrestoration
MarcusBowcottandHelene Aspinalls'TransAmTotem' toproperlyrestorethispublic artpiece,whichhasincurred significantdamagefrombirds,"
tweetedthecityonAug 11,2021 "We'recurrentlyidentifyingalongtermlocationtoinstalltheartwork oncerestorationiscomplete."The goalwastosetitupinanewhome
inthesummerof2022,according toaletterfromcitymanagerPaul Mochrietocouncilfrom2021
Calendarsshowitiscurrently springof2023
While it has been spotted at least once out in the wild, a new home has not been determined, says the city, and it's still being fixed up, more than 18 months from its deconstruction
"City staff continue to work to restore and confirm a site for Marcus Bowcott and Helene Aspinalls public artwork, in conversation with the artists and other stakeholders, and seeking advice from the Host Nations to ensure good protocol," states the city
Among the work that needed to be done on the cars, according to the 2021 letter, was bird-proofing the artwork, repainting the cars, and replacing missing headlights that have allowed pests and birds in
ByBrendanKerginMelloisoneofVancouver's favouritemoderndonutshops, featuringaline-upofdonuts, includingtheirsignaturefluffy briocheKorean-styledonutsfilledwith agenerousquantityofwhippedcream
Whiletheshophaslongbeenknownfor itsstrawberriesandcreamdonutandother flavourcreationslikecerealmilk(witha crunchysugar-dustedcerealcoating)or tiramisu,theyhaveabitofacultfollowing fortheirdonutinspiredbyaclassicbagel
Mello'sEverythingBagelDonutisloaded withachivecreamcheesefillingandthe seedy,garlicky"everything"seasoningyou knowandloveonthedonut'sexterior
Theresultisashockinglybalancedtreatthat perfectlystraddlesthelinebetweensweetand savoury.
Thoughitisabitofanoveltyitem-andnot alwaysonthemenuateitherMellolocations (223EPenderStand4635ArbutusSt)-itis notastuntdonut Ifyou'relookingforadonut fixorabsolutelyneedaneverythingbagel withcreamcheese,Mello'sEverythingBagel Donutwon'texclusivelysatisfyeithercraving, mindyou-itmoresokindofinventsits
TheVancouverArtGallerywillno longeroffera"bydonation"entrance tovisitors
ThemonthsofAprilandMaywillsee alotofchangesatthepopulararthub,from alteredhourstoanewsubscriptionpass StartinginMay,theVancouverArtGallery willbeclosedtothepublic onTuesdays,achangethat thegallerycitesasacommon practiceforartgalleries aroundtheworldtoallowfor maintenance
TheVancouverArtGallery'sschedulewill alsobealteredinMay.Itwillbeopenfrom10 a m to5pm daily,exceptonThursdayand Friday,whenthegallerywillbeopenfrom10 a m to8pm
owncategorythatyoudidn'trealizeneeded fulfilling.It'sprettyforkingawesome. Andwhenitcomestotheirotherflavours, well there'sareasonwhyMelloisso popular.Theirfilledbriochedonutsare fantastic
FindmoredeliciousVancouverfoodand drinkvideostoriesbyfollowingV I A 's ForkingAwesomeTikTokaccountat@ forkingawesomevia
ByLindsayWilliam-RossDuetotheweeklyclosures, theartgallerywillalsoaxe its"bydonation"option, whichiscurrentlyavailable Tuesdaysfrom5to8pm
Instead,theartgallerywill offeramonthlysubscription passwhichcosts$5per month(inadditiontoa$29 activationfee)andprovides unlimitedaccesstoexhibits. Themonthlyfeeisthesame amountastheminimum donationonTuesdaynights
Immigrant Services Society of BC’s Career Paths program connects you to work that utilizes all the training and experience you earned in your home country
Immigrating to Canada shouldn’t have to mean leaving your passions and hard-earned career experience behind. In fact, the Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC) – an agency dedicated to helping immigrants and refugees settle in Canada through language, employment and career support – is making sure this isn’t the case.
“I was in a place of complacency for years after immigrating to Canada, telling myself, ‘I have a job, and I’m being paid properly I can pay my bills. I’m fine,’” recalls Shaneika Blake, who immigrated from Jamaica with an MBA in human resources management.
“I thought I would never get a job in HR here in Canada, so I applied for and worked in executive assistant, administrative type roles. I was good at my jobs, but I was never passionate about them,” she says.
When she connected with the ISSofBC’s Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants program last October and began working with Employment Relations Specialist Joanne Johnston, Blake
quickly realized it didn’t have to be this way
“Joanne encouraged me to go for a job that I am passionate about and to never give up on my goals,” says Blake, recalling how much she needed that encouragement.
As part of the program designed to connect immigrants and refugees to work that uses the experience and credentials they received in their home country, Blake received assistance with her resume and job applications, was given networking advice and opportunities, as well as funding for an upskilling course and the required memberships for an HR role.
“Shaneika was just on fire after that, getting tons of applications out, getting tons of responses back,” says Johnston. “To see her, in a very short time, get very firm in her focus and then see the results of that focus, it has been amazing.”
Only two months into working with Johnston, Blake landed her current role as an HR professional. “I really have to give credit to Joanne,” says Blake. “The ISSofBC has been really instrumental in my development, and they’ve helped me to get a job that I’m passionate about. I can utilize my skills to the fullest, and I can be at my full potential now.”
The ISSofBC’s Career Paths program has recently expanded its eligibility criteria to include those who’ve held Permanent Resident status within the last ten years, from the previous five-year requirement.
“I think the most unrealized potential in our labour market right now lies with internationally trained professionals and what they are able to contribute,” says Joanne Johnston. “I’m hoping
that through the Career Paths program, we can build an opportunity to change that area and get more buy-in and confidence from employers that these are worthy candidates.”
“I highly recommend that immigrants reach out to the ISSofBC’s Career Paths program,” says Blake. “Reach out. You do not have to do this alone because there is a whole community of people who are here to support you.”
For more information about ISSofBC’s Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants program, visit their website at issbc.org/ask.
LNDSAYWILLIAM-ROSSAlocally-basedpubstylerestaurant chainisgearingup tolaunchitsthird
Vancouverlocation The aptly-namedLocalPublic Eatery-themorecasual siblingtoJoeyrestaurantshasrevealedplanstoopenits doorsinthegrowingRiver Districtdevelopmentlater thisspring.
EveninVancouver'sshorthistory,there havebeenmanyhistoricandheritage sitescreated
Somepredatethecity,butthemajority comefromthecity'searlieryears.Manyof themarebuildingsbuiltinthe1910sor1920s, butthere'safairamountofvariation. Therearealsosomeunusualhistoricsites, andherearefiveofthem(thisisnotan exhaustivelistofeitheroddorhistoricsites inVancouver).
Thisisperhapsthemostnoticeablehistorical oddity.Thesedaysthere'saToy"R"Us signtackedon;tosomeitlookslikethetoy companytookadvantageofthebiggersign butdidn'torderbigenoughletters. Infact,theBowmacsignitselfisaheritage landmarkworthyofpreserving Itwasbuilt in1958,andwasoneofthebestknownof Vancouver'snumerousneonsigns.
Notmanyboatsarefederalhistoricsites,but notmanyboatsofthehistoryoftheSt Roch
ThesmallshipattheVancouverMaritime Museumiswhat'sundertheA-frameatthe museum.Theschoonerwasactuallypartof theRCMP'sfleetfordecades.
TheSt Roch'sfamecomesfromafewthings (includingbeingtheonlyrealfederalpresence inthehighArctic),butthebigoneisits voyagefromthePacifictotheAtlanticviathe NorthwestPassage;itwasthefirstshipto makethathistoricjourney.
3.TheSandstonecolumnoutfront ofthemaritimemuseum
Thisoneisn'tanofficialhistoricsite,butitisa historic oddity
In 1872 it was mined from a quarry in Nanaimo for use at an American mint However, the ship carrying it sank near Mayne Island
just40feetbelowtheoceansurface,andan effortwasmadetorecoverwhathadsunk In1987thecolumn,alongwithother stonework,waspulledfromthedepths. It'stwinwastakenbacktoNanaimo,while theotherwastakentothemuseum
OnthesouthwesternedgeoftheVancouver GeneralHospitalthere'sanoldwall Itmay notlooklikemuch,butit'sitsownheritage site,asthelastpieceofKingEdwardSchool
ItwasthefirstsecondaryschoolinVancouver southofFalseCreekwhenitwasbuiltin 1905;atthetimethehospitalwasaneighbour Theareahadjustbeenlogged.
Infact,itwasthefirstsignificantsecondary schoolinthecity;beforethattherewasan eight-classroomstructureatCambieand Dunsmuir.
Someolderreadersmayrememberthefire thatdestroyedthebuildingin1973;thewall survivedthefireandhasremaineddespitethe changesaroundit
While old (built in 1897) the house at 1114 Barclay St may seem fairly typical for the neighbourhood, and it is.
Whatmakesitanunusualhistoriclocation iswhathappenedthere;in1908apopular versionofOCanadawaspennedinsideby EwingBuchanandbecamethenationalistic hymn of choice on the West Coast.
It was very pro-Britain with lines like: At Britains side, whateer betide And referencing the national anthem of the United Kingdom: Withheartswesing,“GodsavetheKing”
TheversionofOCanadawrittenbyRobert StanleyWeirstartedtobecomethenational anthemin1967,buttheprocesswrappedupin 1980(thoughthelyricshaveevolvedovertime)
ByBrendanKerginLocal'sRiverDistrict locationisbeingtouted asafuture"hotspot"in thecommunity,withcraft cocktails,16taps,andits "winewithoutrules"motto (minusthoseimposedbythegovernment) Designfeaturesinthespaceincludegarage doorsthatwillgivetherestaurantan"indoor/ outdoorfeel"andadouble-heightspace withamezzaninefloorthatcanbebooked forgroups.Tofurtherengagewithpatrons, LocalwillshowsportseventsonTVson gamenights.
OnthemenuareLocal'sdisheslikeFried Chicken,TruffleCheeseburger,andanAhi TunaPokéBowl,amongotherapproachable items
Currentlyinitshiringstages,Localjoinsa numberofnewandforthcomingrestaurants
intheRiverDistrict,includingSushi Mura,therecently-launchedKokoroTokyo Mazesoba,andBufalaandLuckyTaco, whicharestillintheworksfor2023
LocalhasrestaurantsacrossfourCanadian provincesandWashingtonstateintheU S InVancouver,thebrandbeganwithits Kitsilanolocation,followedbyitstakeover ofthepopularex-ChillWinstonspacein Gastown(withitsiconicfrontpatio)in2017
TheRiverDistrictLocalPublicEateryis aimingtoopeninlateMayandwillbelocated at8558RiverDistrictCrossing
ByLindsayWilliam-RossWeird SometimesratedR Australian
AuntyDonnaiscomingto Vancouver Thecomedians behindtheBigOl'HouseofFun(which has100percentfromcriticsonRotten Tomatoes)onNetflixandothershowshas bookedadateinVancouveraspartoftheir "MagicalDeadCatTour "
"ItheMagicalDeadCathaveonceagainput theAuntyDonnaboystothetestandhave askedthemtotraveltothefarawaylandsof USA,Canada,UK&Irelandtoperform theirwonderfullyriotoussketchcomedy tothecitizensofthesecountries,"states thegroup'ssite,andpotentiallyamystical deceasedfeline.
FrontedbythetrioofMarkBonanno, BrodenKelly,andZacharyRuane,Aunty Donnamixessketchcomedy,absurdist humour,andsongsintotheirshows Along withtheperformers,there'satriobehind-thesceneswriting,directing,andcomposing They'vebeencomparedtoTimandEricand
MontyPythonintheirstyleandexecution, withskitslikeEdHelms,StrayMan,and FamilyFeud Therearealsosongslike MorningBrownandEverything'saDrum. ThetourswingsthroughVancouveron Friday,Oct 20,whentheysetupinthe VogueTheatre.Doorswillbeat7p.m. PresaleticketswentonsaleonMarch21and rangefrom$42to$84,plusfees
ByBrendanKergin LOCALPUBLCEATERYCherryblossomseasonis inbloomacrossMetro Vancouverandlocals arehuntingforthebest spotstosnapphotosofthedelicate powder-pinkflowers
TheVancouverCherryBlossom festivalkickedoffonApril1and runsuntilApril23andthereare numerousplaceswhereyoucan spotbreathtakingbloomslocally.
Youcanusethefestival'sinteractive map,theCherryCompass,tofind cherryblossomtreesinbloom acrosstheregion Themapprovides detailsaboutthetypeoftreesthat youwillspot(calledthecultivar), thenumberoftrees,theareathey arelocatedin,andwhentheywillbe blooming.
Therearesomeplacesthatare consideredthebestplacestoview largenumbersofbeautifulblooms, too Havealookatsomeofthe bestspotsyoumightwanttovisit forasunnystrollwhentheMetro Vancouverweatherpermits
consideredthe"horticultural jewel"ofVancouver,boasting asmorgasbordofbreathtaking bloomsyear-round,butitisalsothe highestpointinthecity,sitting125 metersabovesealevel,accordingto theCityofVancouver
Theparkhasseveralvarietiesof cherrytrees,whichbloombetween earlyMarchtolateApril
Vancouver'slargestparkhasrows ofblossomingtreesneartheformal rosegardenandtheJapanese CanadianWWIwarmemorial Theparkisalsoanidealplaceto spendafullspringday,asthereare numerousplacestoexploreoverthe 400-hectareforest.
StanleyParkwasalsorecently rankedamongthetopspotsinthe countrytoenjoyspring,withover 500,000treesandabreathtaking
seawall theworld'slongest uninterruptedwaterfrontpath
VanDusenBotanicalGardenhas morethan100cherrytreesand 24varieties.Butitisalsoagreat spottospotmigratorybirdswhen youvisitsinceit'saforestoasisin
Vancouver'surbanjungleforbirds migratingonthePacificFlyway
Thefestivalwillalsohostthe SakuraDaysJapanFaironApril15 andApril16atthegardenthisyear
StartingonApril1,admissionfor thegardenis$12 30foranadult, $8 60forasenior(65+),$8 60fora
youth(ages13to18),and$6.15fora child(ages6to15) Childrenunder fourvisitforfree.
NitobeMemorialGardenat UBC
TheNitobeMemorialGardenisa "traditionalJapanesestrollgarden andauthenticteahouse"locatedat theUniversityofBritishColumbia (UBC)whereyoullfindcolourful cherrytrees
Accordingtotheuniversity, the"NitobeMemorialGarden isconsideredoneofthemost authenticJapanesegardensoutside ofJapan "
Youcanalsospotsomevoluptuous bloomsaroundBurrardSkyTrain station,VancouversCityHallat West12thandCambie,andalong YewStreetinVancouversKitsilano neighbourhood ScantheQRcodetolearnmore andviewthemap
ByElanaShepert withfilesfrom BrendanKerginNo
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