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RyanBeil:MyscientificreasoningwhytheEugene EmeraldsshouldbetheC'sgreatestrival

AttheMajorLeague level,baseballhassome ofthemostinteresting, deepestand longest running team-on-team rivalries in the sporting world

The Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees have hated each other’s guts since Sox owner HarryFrazee sold Babe Ruth to the Bronx Bombers for $100,000 in 1918.

A fun side note to this story is Frazee is said to have used the money he made in the deal to finance a broadway musical. This has little to no bearing on the rivalry itself, I just like to bring it up

The San Francisco Giants and LosAngelesDodgershavealong running feud that dates back to the late 19th century when both of the teams were based in New York City

Thetwoteamswereactuallyonly allowed to relocate to California in 1957, if they moved together And one more example, just off the top of my head, completely at random: The Chicago Cubs and St Louis Cardinals hate each other because the Cubs are perfect, pure and good while the Cardinals are dastardly and possess the hearts of villains. See? Rivalries are fun They're goodforthegame Theygiveyou something to look forward to, create fun stories and really get your heart pumping, as a fan

In my opinion, Its time the Vancouver Canadians have an official Most Hated Rival and today I would like to use my columnspacetopitchtheEugene Emeraldsfortheposition

Herearejustafewreasons(and by“justafew”Imean“theentire list”) of why I think the science supports this vision:

1. They beat us in the finals last year They were crowned the champions of the Northwest League for 2022 The wound is still very fresh. And they didn’t just beat us. They swept us. If that doesnt make you angry then congratulations on your superb emotional control.

2. Theyve won the championship two years in a row now Back to back! They’re looking to establish themselves as the most feared team in the league, and someone needs to stop them before it’s too late!

3.They’vewonthechampionship eight times Eight! That’s the most among all the teams in the league!Suretheyretiedwith Spokaneandthenow-defunct YakimaBears,butthat’snotthe point!

Iknow,Iknow.Youcantjustwill a rivalry into existence with an article and a short list They are forgedorganicallyonthefieldand inthestands,overmanygames andmanyyears.

And,Iknow,Iknow:withonly sixteamsintotalplayinginthe league,itseasyforabsolutely everybodytobecomeyour greatestandMostHated Rival But still, when the Eugene Emeralds roll into town on April 25th, Im going to have a little extra venom in my heart Doyouagreeordisagreewithmy selectionoftheEmeralds?Doyou knowofanotherhistoricbaseball rivalryIdidntmention?Comelet meknow.Asalways,youcanfind meattheNat


Thereareanumberof buildingsappearing inbothpictures (takenin1926 and2020),includingthe imposingWorldBuildingin thebackground

Thegreen-domedstructure (alsocalledtheSunTower) oncelaidclaimtobeingthe tallestbuildingintheBritish Empireforatime,boasting animpressive17floors

Thesedaysitseemstobeina constantstateofrepair-not surprising,givenitsageand extremevertical-ness

JohnBentleyisan architecturalphotographer whohasphotographed theinsideandoutsideof thousandsofbuildings aroundVancouver Using imagesfromtheVancouver Archivesheoffersaglimpse ofthepastandpresentonhis siteVancouverNow&Then

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