RyanBeil:Baseballreturnstousafter a2weeksabbatical
Itsbeentwolongandarduous weekswithoutadropofbaseballto watchatNatBaileyStadium.
TheVancouverCanadians BaseballSquadron(orTroupe,ifyou prefer)lastplayedathomeonMay 14th(versusEverett)beforeembarking onascenicbustourofWashington State
Andthatlastgameathomewasan unfortunateloss,ofthedrubbing variety,withtheAquasoxthumpingus 16to6
Needlesstosay,andIthinkIspeak fortherestofthehometownfaithful here,I’llbegladtoseetheC’sreturn onMay30thsotheycanwashawaythe memoryofthatgetawaygamefromthe partofmybrainthatisresponsiblefor baseballrecollection WhichIbelieve istheOccipitalLobe.
InanticipationoftheCs(hopefully) triumphantreturntotheNat,I wantedtodoalittlecheckinginand alittlepreviewingfortheupcoming homestandsowe’reallreadytogo comefirstpitchthisweek
Checking in: with this being a weekly column, I dont want to spend too much time on the standings, as things can change so much day to day that what goes to print can quickly become more irreleva than a snowplow in the summer
But Asofthiswriting,theC’sare tiedforsecondplaceintheNorthwest LeaguewithSpokane,whotheyjust sohappentobeontheroadplaying untilMay28th Bothteamsareahalf gamebackfromthefirstplaceEugene Emeralds Whotheyjusthappentobe playingwhentheyreturnonMay30th.
Thereareamyriadofdifferentways everythingcouldshakeout,butsuffice ittosay,thisupcomingseriesathome willlikelybeanimportantfactorinthe league'sfirsthalfplayoffpicture. And,justincaseyouforgot,hereshow
the playoffs work in our small but noble league, straight off the MiLB website: “ with only six clubs in he Northwest ague, the format for the Postseason will consist of a single, best-offive Championship series The two playoff participants will be decided basedonthebestwinningpercentage of each half. In the event the same Clubwinsbothhalves,theClubwith the next best winning percentage in the second half will advance ” Were still firmly in the first half, but its almost June and that can become July pretty darn quick If the C’s want to clinch in the first half, doing more winning than losing in Spokane and thenathomewillgoalongwaytohelp
BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604-439-2688
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Public Hearing: June 15, 2023
Thursday, June 15, at 1 pm to be convened by electronic means with in-person attendance also available in Council Chambers at City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Vancouver City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the following matters:
1. Rezoning: 2325-2377 West 49th Avenue
To rezone 2325-2377 West 49th Avenue from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2B (Residential) District, to permit the development of a five-storey, market rental building A height of 16 8 metres (55 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.40 are proposed.
2. Rezoning: 3803-3823 West 10th Avenue
To rezone 3803-3823 West 10th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to RR-3B (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a six-storey, mixed-use market rental building with 20 per cent of the residential floor area secured as below-market rental units and commercial uses at grade. A height of 22.0 metres (72 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 3 50 are proposed
3 CD-1 Rezoning: 427-449 West 39th Avenue
To rezone 427-449 West 39th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of an 18-storey secured market rental building, with 176 rental residential units, of which 20 per cent of the residential floor area is secured as below-market rental units A building height of 55 metres (180 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 6 10 are proposed
4. Broadway Plan Implementation Amendments to Zoning and Development Bylaw and Guidelines
To amend the Zoning and Development By-law and associated guidelines, specifically related to the I-1, I-1A, I-1B, I-1C, IC-1 and IC-2, C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 district schedules This is being done to support implementation of the Broadway Plan, and advance the directions of the City’s Employment Lands and Economy Review, Metro Vancouver Regional Industrial Lands Strategy and Metro 2050: The Regional Growth Strategy
Public Hearings are to be convened by electronic means, with in-person attendance also available You may participate in the Public Hearing either by speaking by phone or in person, or by submitting comments that will be distributed to the Mayor and Councillors
All spoken and written comments will be publicly accessible on the City of Vancouver’s website with your full name attached
To participate in the Public Hearing, you can register to speak beginning at 8:30 am on June 2, 2023 Register to speak online by visiting: vancouver.ca/your-government/speak-at-city-council-meetings.aspx and select the agenda item(s) you wish to speak to; telephone participation is encouraged as it is the most efficient way to speak to Council Register to speak via phone by calling 604-829-4238 and specifying which meeting date, meeting type and agenda item(s) you wish to speak to, and indicate whether you are participating by telephone or in person
Broadway Plan area
Areas impacted:
District Schedules I-1, I-1A, I-1B, I-1C, IC-1, IC-2, C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1
You can also register in person on the day of the Public Hearing, between 12:30 and 1 pm at City Hall; for more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
At the conclusion of the registered speakers list, if you haven’t yet spoken and wish to do so, follow the phone in instructions provided by the Chair or attend in person and approach the podium as the Chair calls for additional speakers The Chair will close the speakers list upon seeing no further speakers
To participate by telephone, provide a telephone number that can be used to contact you, and provide an email address where instructions on when and how to call into the Public Hearing can be provided Unregistered speakers may also call in during the Public Hearing The telephone number and participant access code are tweeted out and available on the live stream, while the meeting is in progress For more information, visit vancouver.ca/publichearings
Send your comments to Council online at vancouver ca/public-hearingcomments, by email at speaker request@vancouver ca or by mail to: City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office, 453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4
Get live updates on the meeting at vancouver ca/speaker-wait-times or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk Watch the meeting live at vancouver ca/council-video
Copies of the draft by-laws will be made available for in-person viewing from 8:30 am to 5 pm on weekdays at the City Clerk’s Office on the Third Floor of City Hall from Friday, June 2, 2023 until the Public Hearing commences, and for viewing at all times on the meeting agenda starting June 2, 2023 at 1 pm
See the agenda on the City’s website at vancouver ca/councilmeetings
Minutes of the Public Hearing will also be available at this location approximately two business days after a meeting Details of all Council meetings can be found at covapp.vancouver.ca/councilMeetingPublic
Summerisfast approaching,and whileitmayhave yettobegin,wecan startplanningforend-ofseasonfunasThePacific NationalExhibition(PNE) hasrevealeditsfullslateof 2023Fairprogramming
19toSeptember4,BC's longest-runningandlargest ticketedeventisreally packinginthefamilyfriendlyentertainmentthis year.
“ThePNEFairis thrilledtobebackinfull operationwithanextensive entertainmentoffering Thereistrulysomething uniqueforpeopleofall ages, ”saidPresidentand CEOShelleyFrostina recentmediarelease “We haveanarrayofgreatnewentertainment andattractionsandcantwaitforeveryone toexperiencewhatwehaveinstorethis summer ”
The2023FairatthePNEisloadedwith thingstosee,do,andtaste,fromthealwaysthrillingandover-the-topfoodoptionsto astar-studdedline-upofSummerNight Concerts
Thisyear,thePNEhasteamedupwithJust ForLaughstohostaseriesoflivecomedy performances;detailsabouttheperformers willbeannouncedinJune
Alsonewfor2023isanimmersiveMonet experience,whichwilltransportfair-goers rightintothelifeandartworkofthefamous Frenchimpressionist
Morenewadditions:BestoftheWest ArcheryChampionships,Remix Inferno–APyroMusicSpectacular, andaone-timespecialeventfeaturing
Vancouver'sownSchoolofRockguitarists Foodfans,takenote:TheTasteShowcase isinanindoorvenuefeaturinganexpanded SafewayCookingStagewhichoffers demonstrationsfromlocalculinarytalent anddailyprogramming,aswellasa culinarymarketsellingspecialtyfoodgoods andkitchenaccessories
Therewill,ofcourse,belotsofliveanimals, fromthefarmcreaturesyoucanmeettothe enduringlypopularSuperDogs,andthere willbeanewscreenedshowcalledAnimal Anticswhenyouneedtograbasnackand aseat
TheKnightsofValourareback,asare DuelingPianos WatchTheFlyingFools HighDiveShow,takethekidstoBlue's DanceParty,orenjoy"ForTheLoveOf Drag,"atributetosometrueicons Don't forgetthedinosaursortheSuperAction Academy!liveshow,orthePNEPrize Home
TheFair'sfullprogrammingdetailsare availableonthePNEwebsite.
PNEFairticketsmustbepurchasedfora specificdateandwillonlybeavailableatthe gatesifonlineticketshavenotsoldout The PNErecommendsthatallguestspurchase ticketsinadvancetoavoiddisappointment Gateadmission(norides)rangefrom$7to $25dependingonageandtimeofpurchase Playlandridecouponsare$2oryoucan purchasepassesfor$32-55 Note,there areanumberofwaystosaveonyourFair admission
TheFairatthePNEisopenAug 19to Sept.4from11a.m.to11p.m.(closedAug. 21and28)
2023SummerNightConcert Series:
Wednesday,August23-BoneyMfeaturing MaizieWilliams
Thursday,August24-YungGravy& bbno$
Tuesday,August29-PinkMartini featuringChinaForbes
Wednesday,August30-Dougandthe SlugswiththeVSO
Thursday,August31-PatBenatar&Neil Giraldo
Monday,September4-BlueRodeo:30 YearsInJuly
ByLindsayWilliam-RossWehave anarrayof greatnew entertainment andattractions andcan’twait foreveryoneto experiencewhat wehaveinstore thissummer.
Ifyouwerewonderingaboutthose"15minutecityready" stickersyou'vebeenseeingaroundVancouverlately,Ihave badnewsforyou:they'repartofawacky,globalconspiracy theory
Theconceptofa15-minutecitywasfirstmadepopularby urbanistCarlosMorenoandwastoutedbyVancouver's now-mayorKenSimbackin2022whenhewascampaigning foroffice
Simsaidthathispartywouldplantobuilda“15-minutecityin neighbourhoodsacrossourcity,wherepeoplecanlive90per centoftheirliveswithina15-minutewalkoftheirfrontdoor ” Whileatfirstglancethesestickersthatarepoppinguplook tobecelebratingthatidea,they'reactuallymeanttopaintthe conceptinadarkandgruesomelight
Thechainlinkfenceinthebackgroundofthestickersgives awayitsintent;thefenceismeanttorepresentthetyrannythat theconspiracyloonsthinkcitiesarebeingdesignedtobring about Atinyportionofsocietybelievesthatthere'ssomesort ofglobalplantokeepusallconfinedtoourneighbourhoods inordertotakeawayourfreedoms(wherehaveweheardthat nonsensebefore?).
Aneventinierportionoflocalsthinkit'sagoodideatofireup theirinkjetprintersandmakepaperstickersandslapthemup allovertheplace,inanattempttoeducatethemassesabout thisnonsensicalplottheythinkisbeingbroughtaboutbythe WorldEconomicForum.
IhopeIdon'tneedtotellyouthatthat'sfrickin'bonkersand thatforhundredsofyears,theentireideaofacityhasbeento havethingsnearby A15-minutecityiseffectivelytheperfect city,andnotbecausesomebogeymanallofasuddencameout andsaidso,withtheintentionoftakingawayourfreedoms IpersonallymovedbackfromtheFraserValleytotheheart ofVancouverbecausemyfamilywantedtoliveinacitywhere wecaneasilywalktomostthingsweneedinourlives
Previewing:AsIhavealreadymentioned(it’slikeIwon’t shutupaboutit)it’stheEugeneEmeraldswhorollinto townwhenbaseballreturnstoVancouverattheendof May LastyearschampionsandtheteamIamcurrently advocatingtobeourgreatestrival.
ItshouldbeajuicyseriestosinkourteethintoandIwanted toflagacoupleplayersoneachteam(thevillainsandthe heroes,respectively)tokeepaneyeon.
OnthevillainousEmeralds(theHighAAffiliateoftheSan FranciscoGiants)watchoutforLuisToribio,wholeadsthe teaminhomeruns,andGrantMcCray,whohas17stolen basesontheyearandistheGiants#4prospectaccording toMLBPipeline
OntheheroicC’s,RainerNunezappearstobeheatingup offensivelyandcatcherAndresSosahasreturnedtoplaying action after a stint on the Injured List
So, there you have it Baseball returns to our fair city after a horrendouslylonghiatus Getyourpencilsandyourscorecards ready and join me (won’t you?) as always, at the Nat!
ByRyanBeilVancouverhasasolidhistory ofsupportingsmaller,local companies,butwhataboutthe brandsthathavegonebeyondthe province'sborders?
Thereareafewfamousones,likeLululemon orGreenpeace,thatstartedherebefore becomingrecognizedgloballywhilestill beingassociatedwiththecity
Thenthereareafewmoreobscureones; previouslywenotedthatcompanieslike NabobandImparkhavetheirhistoryin Vancouver.Oddlyenough,evenLondon Drugsdoes
Andhereareafewmorebrandsthathavean international,evenglobal,reachfromroots righthere
Formanypeoplewhoworkinlargeofficesor forabusinesswithremotelocations,Slackis aneverydaytool
ThecompanyactuallystartedbeforeSlack (theapp)wasaplan Originallyitwascalled TinySpeckandwasfounded(inpart)by StewartButterfield(whowasborninLund, B.C.)in2009.ButterfieldandtheotherTiny Speckco-founderslaunchedGlitch,avideo game.
However,itwentunderafteracoupleof years Butterfieldandtheotherskeptthe companygoinganddevelopedSlack,which theylaunchedinAugust2013 In2021thecompanywassoldtoSalesforce; atthetimeitwasvaluedatmorethan$27 billionUSD
Junkremovalmaynotsoundlikebig business,butwith155locationsintheUS, Canada,andAustralia,1-800-Got-Junk?is doingverywell
Itwasfoundedin1989inVancouverasThe RubbishBoysDisposalServicebyBrian Scudamorewhenhewas19;in2020itwas valuedat$300millionUSD.
Withthegrowthinvegetarianandvegan foods,thereareanumberofcompanies ridingthatmarkettoglobalsuccess.
Daiya,foundedinMetroVancouverin2008 byGregBlakeandAndrewKroecher,was createdwhentheywereabletocreateanondairycheese Atfirst,itwasakintohavarti, buttheybroughtinafoodscientisttoget itclosertocheddarandmozzarella,which makeupmostofNorthAmerica'scheese market
Itwasahit,andtheyquicklygrew Lessthan adecadeafterDaiyawasfoundeditwassold toaJapanesepharmaceuticalcompanyfor $405millionUSD
Injustunder40yearsAritziahasgonefrom astoreinOakridgetoaglobalbrandwith storesacrossCanadaandtheUSA BrianHillstarteditinOakridge,butretail clothingsaleswasn'tnewtohim.Hisfamily startedHill'sonKerrisdalebackinthe1920s, andnearly100yearslatertheHill'sDry Goodsbrandwaslaunched Aritzia,meanwhile,openedupa 13,000-square-footflagshiplocationin Manhattan,anditsbrandsareopening stores,likeTNAandBabaton
ThefirstDeltaHotelopenedin1962 inRichmondbutitdidn'tstayasmall independentcompanyforlong;thecompany wasquicklyscoopedupbybiggercompanies, butremaineditsownbrandandsubsidiary WhileithadmoderategrowthinCanadafor awhile,Marriott,theworld'slargesthotel company,acquireditin2015andseemsseton makingitaglobalbrand.
In2015ithad36properties,allinNorth America Nowithasmorethan100hotels withlocationsinEurope,theMiddleEast, andChina
Now& Then:Built in1887,this isoneof theoldest buildingsin Vancouver
The Second Fergusson Block at 200 Carrall St was built just a year after the first one burned down in the Gastown Fire of 1886 When it was finished, lawyers moved in upstairs and A M Tyson sold 'Gents Furnishings' on the main floor
Today it's cocktail bar The Diamond upstairs and a clothing store downstairs
JohnBentleyisan architecturalphotographer who has photographed the inside and outside of thousands of buildings around Vancouver Using images from the Vancouver Archives he offers a glimpse of the past and present on his site Vancouver Now & Then
Residential Indoor Wood Burning Seasonal Prohibition May 15 to September 15
If you operate a residential indoor wood burning appliance in Metro Vancouver, Residential Indoor Wood Burning Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1303 applies to you.
What you need to know:
• Users of residential indoor wood burning appliances (fireplaces, wood stoves, etc.) must use best burning practices
• Residential indoor wood burning appliances cannot be used between May 15 and September 15, every year, unless:
¡ The wood burning appliance is operated within an off-grid residence located outside the Urban Containment Boundary
¡ The wood burning appliance is the only source of heat in a residence
¡ There is an emergency (such as a gas or electrical outage lasting more than 3 hours)
Bylaw 1303 aims to reduce the impact on public health and the environment due to smoke from residential indoor wood burning
As of September 2022, if you burn, you must declare your use of best burning practices and, in urban areas, register eligible wood burning appliances
For more information, scan the QR code, go to metrovancouver org and search ‘Residential Wood Burning’, call 604-451-6677 or email riwb@metrovancouver.org
Metro Vancouver offers rebates to reduce emissions from wood burning appliances
For more information, go to metrovancouver.org and search ‘Community Wood Smoke Reduction’
Vancouver-madehangovercure pillgetsHealthCanadaapproval
Afterfiveyears, theVancouverbasedcompany
Wastedhasreceived HealthCanadaapproval foritshangoverremedy
Afterlaunchinginthe U.S.in2018andsecuring adealonDragon'sDen, Vancouver-basedNo DaysWastedhasmade anameforitselfwiththe DHMdetoxpillswhich aremeanttobetaken onanightoutorright beforegoingtobedto helpmitigatetheeffects ofahangover.
Sinceappearingon Dragon'sDen,No DaysWastedhasbeen featuredinForbesand onBarstoolSportspodcastslikeSpittin' ChicletsandCallHerDaddy.
"I'mthrilledthatwe'reliveinCanada,"says founderandCEONishalKumar."We're excitedtohelpourcommunityfeeltheirbest allthetime.We'reproudtomanufacture locallyintheVancouverarea,reduceprices forCanadiansby30percentcompared toourUSDpricing,andalsoincrease distributiontomakeNoDaysWasted accessibletoallCanadians"
Themainingredientinthesupplementis dihydromyricetin(DHM)whichbreaks downacetaldehyde,atoxinassociated withalcoholandreducesinflammation. "Acetaldehydeisthemainreasonwhyyou experiencenausea,brainfogand'hangxiety' afterhavingafewdrinks,"explainsKumar, thelatterreferringtotheanxietysomesuffer fromduringahangover.
Otherantioxidants,liverprotectants,and metabolism-boostingingredientsarealsoin
thepilltohelpthebodybounceback. NoDaysWastedrecommendscombining thesupplementwiththeirHydration Replenisherbecausewhileit'samyth thatdehydrationcauseshangovers,the electrolyte-richpowderhasvitaminsandzinc forimmunesupportthatwillcertainlymake therecoveryprocessspeedier.
Nowthatthey'reofficiallyapproved,the miraclepillisrollingoutatretailersacross theLowerMainland."We'realreadyin Vitasave,BanterRoom,HotelBelmont, andPharmasave-withmoreretailersbeing addedeveryweek,"saysKumar.
WelksGeneralStoreonMainStreet, NorthpointBrewinginNorthVancouver, OfftheRailsVancouver,andPudgies PizzainWestVancouveralsocarrythe supplementsandKumarsaysthatWhistler, VancouverIsland,andtheOkanaganwillbe seeingthepillsinstoressoon.
ByAllieTurnerThis great West End "feels like summer" beach shot was taken and shared by Manj Bains who goes by the handle
@manjbainsphotography. Forachancetohaveyour photofeaturedhereand onourInstagramaccount, tagyourInstagram photoswiththehashtag
#vancouverisawesome Tokeepupwitheverything happeninginyourcity (andformoregreat photographs!)followusat @viawesome.
VancouverAquariumlaunches 'FishandSips'nightsforadults
We'veallheard thephrase 'drinkslikea fish',butwhat aboutdrinkingnearafish? Ormanyfish?That'swhat theVancouverAquariumis offeringthissummer,with their'FishandSips'events.
"VancouverAquariumis openingitsdoorsafterhours foranewadult-exclusive eventseriesstartingJune 17,"theaquariumstates inapressrelease,offering
attendeesanewwaytovisit their65,000residents.
FishandSipsoffersthree thingsanormalvisittothe aquariumdoesn't.There willbebeer,wineandsnacks toenjoyasattendeeswander theaquarium,it'llbea chancetogointheevening, andtherewillbenokids.
"Ticketholdersare welcometoenjoyour4D Theatreexperienceand attendexclusiveTalksand Feedings,withunique animalsandexhibits featuredateveryevent," statestheaquarium.
Whilethetalksand presentationsarestillbeing organized,they'llinclude thingslikethesealions,sea ottersandthenew'Nature's Ninjas'exhibit.Unlikethe 'NightsattheAquarium' events,whicharegourmet dinners,'FishandSips'isa morerelaxedeventseries.
When:June17and24,2023. Doorsat6:30p.m. Where:TheVancouver Aquarium,845AvisonWay Cost:$55forgeneral admission.$45formembers.
ByBrendanKerginPoll:Theperfecttemperaturein Vancouver,accordingtolocals
Withtemperatureswellabove normalthroughMay,it seemedlikeagoodtimetoask Vancouveriteswhattheythink theidealtemperatureisforthecity.
Vancouverhasamoderateoceanicclimate, whichmeansfewextremehighsandlows, andjudgingbythepollV.I.A.ran,localslike itthatway.
Firstplacewenttothe21Cto25Crange, anditwonbyalongshot.Withnearly60 percentofthevote,itmorethandoubled secondplace,whichwasslightlycooler temperaturesfrom16Cand20C.That rangescoredaround26percentofthevote. Andreally,thoseweretheonlytwopeople reallywentfor.Thosewholikeabitmore heat,between26Cand30C,tookthirdspot withlessthan10percentofthevote,and othertemperatures(evenoneswithbigger ranges)werenegligible.The11to15Ccrowd finishedfourth,witharound3percentofthe vote,asdidthe31+.
V.I.A.polled727readersandaskedthe question:Whatistheidealtemperaturein Vancouver?
Thepollranfrom5/14/2023to5/20/2023.Of the727votes,wecandeterminethat435are
fromwithinthecommunity.Thefullresults areasfollows:
Resultsarebasedonanonlinestudyofadult VancouverIsAwesomereadersthatare locatedinVancouver.Themarginoferror -whichmeasuressamplevariability-is+/3.63%,19timesoutof20.
VancouverIsAwesomeusesavarietyof techniquestocapturedata,detectandprevent fraudulentvotes,detectandpreventrobots, andfilteroutnon-localandduplicatevotes.
Application for an Event Driven Liquor Primary License has been received by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch from University of British Columbia located at 6288 Stadium Road in Vancouver
Proposed licensed hours are: 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM 7 days a week
Person capacity will be limited to 15,606 persons exterior (stadium seating, field and viewing area surrounding field) and 350 persons interior
Residents located within a 1 mile (1.61 km) radius of the proposed site may comment on this proposal by:
1) Writing to: The General Manager C/O Senior Licensing Analyst Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch PO Box 9292
2) Email to: LCRB.SLA@gov.bc.ca
To ensure the consideration of your views, your comments, name and address must be received on or before June 29, 2023. Please note that your comments may be made available to the applicant or local government officials where disclosure is necessary to administer the licensing process
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.
A provincial by-election has been called in Vancouver-Mount Pleasant for Saturday, June 24, 2023.
You can vote if you are:
• a resident of the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant electoral district,
• 18 or older on June 24, 2023,
• a Canadian citizen, and
• a resident of British Columbia since December 23, 2022.
Voter registration
Register now to save time when you vote
You can register or update your information at elections.bc.ca/register or by calling
1-800-661-8683 Voter registration online and by phone closes at 11:59 p m (Pacific time) on June 14 After June 14 you can still register or update when you vote, but voting will take longer Remember to bring ID when you go to vote.
Ways to vote
Vote at the district electoral office
Voting at the district electoral office is available now during office hours
Vancouver-Mount Pleasant district electoral office
#615 369 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver, B C 236-468-3379 deovmp@elections.bc.ca
Hours of operation
Monday – Friday, 9 a m to 5 p m
Saturday, 10 a m to 4 p m
June 16 – June 21 (advance voting), 8a m to8p m
June 24 (Election Day), 8 a m to 8 p m
Vote at advance voting
There are six days of advance voting, from June 16 to June 21, 2023 You don’t need a special reason to vote at advance voting – it’s an option for all voters Advance voting places will be open from 8 a m to 8 p m
Vote on Election Day
Election Day is Saturday, June 24, but there are lots of ways to vote before then. On Election Day voting places will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Vote by mail
If you wish to vote by mail, request your voting package as soon as possible Go to elections.bc.ca/votebymail or call 1-800-661-8683
Candidate nominations
You can get a candidate nomination application package online at elections.bc.ca/candidates or request a package from the District Electoral Officer. Completed nominations must be filed with the District Electoral Officer by 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 3, 2023
Work in the by-election
By-election jobs are available Visit elections.bc.ca/jobs for more information
Know Your Electoral District
Eligible voters in the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant electoral district can vote in the by-election. The boundaries of the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant electoral district are shown on the map If you aren’t sure if you’re eligible to vote in the by-election, contact Elections BC.
Call 1-800-661-8683 or visit elections.bc.ca.