Thursday, June 15, at 1 pm to be convened by electronic means with in-person attendance also available in Council Chambers at City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Vancouver City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the following matters:
1. Rezoning: 2325-2377 West 49th Avenue
To rezone 2325-2377 West 49th Avenue from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2B (Residential) District, to permit the development of a five-storey, market rental building A height of 16 8 metres (55 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.40 are proposed.
2. Rezoning: 3803-3823 West 10th Avenue
To rezone 3803-3823 West 10th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to RR-3B (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a six-storey, mixed-use market rental building with 20 per cent of the residential floor area secured as below-market rental units and commercial uses at grade. A height of 22.0 metres (72 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 3 50 are proposed
3 CD-1 Rezoning: 427-449 West 39th Avenue
To rezone 427-449 West 39th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of an 18-storey secured market rental building, with 176 rental residential units, of which 20 per cent of the residential floor area is secured as below-market rental units A building height of 55 metres (180 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 6 10 are proposed
4. Broadway Plan Implementation Amendments to Zoning and Development Bylaw and Guidelines
To amend the Zoning and Development By-law and associated guidelines, specifically related to the I-1, I-1A, I-1B, I-1C, IC-1 and IC-2, C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 district schedules This is being done to support implementation of the Broadway Plan, and advance the directions of the City’s Employment Lands and Economy Review, Metro Vancouver Regional Industrial Lands Strategy and Metro 2050: The Regional Growth Strategy
Public Hearings are to be convened by electronic means, with in-person attendance also available You may participate in the Public Hearing either by speaking by phone or in person, or by submitting comments that will be distributed to the Mayor and Councillors
All spoken and written comments will be publicly accessible on the City of Vancouver’s website with your full name attached
To participate in the Public Hearing, you can register to speak beginning at 8:30 am on June 2, 2023 Register to speak online by visiting: vancouver.ca/your-government/speak-at-city-council-meetings.aspx and select the agenda item(s) you wish to speak to; telephone participation is encouraged as it is the most efficient way to speak to Council Register to speak via phone by calling 604-829-4238 and specifying which meeting date, meeting type and agenda item(s) you wish to speak to, and indicate whether you are participating by telephone or in person
Broadway Plan area
Areas impacted:
District Schedules I-1, I-1A, I-1B, I-1C, IC-1, IC-2, C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1
You can also register in person on the day of the Public Hearing, between 12:30 and 1 pm at City Hall; for more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
At the conclusion of the registered speakers list, if you haven’t yet spoken and wish to do so, follow the phone in instructions provided by the Chair or attend in person and approach the podium as the Chair calls for additional speakers The Chair will close the speakers list upon seeing no further speakers
To participate by telephone, provide a telephone number that can be used to contact you, and provide an email address where instructions on when and how to call into the Public Hearing can be provided Unregistered speakers may also call in during the Public Hearing The telephone number and participant access code are tweeted out and available on the live stream, while the meeting is in progress For more information, visit vancouver.ca/publichearings
Send your comments to Council online at vancouver ca/public-hearingcomments, by email at speaker request@vancouver ca or by mail to: City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office, 453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4
Get live updates on the meeting at vancouver ca/speaker-wait-times or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk Watch the meeting live at vancouver ca/council-video
Copies of the draft by-laws will be made available for in-person viewing from 8:30 am to 5 pm on weekdays at the City Clerk’s Office on the Third Floor of City Hall from Friday, June 2, 2023 until the Public Hearing commences, and for viewing at all times on the meeting agenda starting June 2, 2023 at 1 pm
See the agenda on the City’s website at vancouver ca/councilmeetings
Minutes of the Public Hearing will also be available at this location approximately two business days after a meeting Details of all Council meetings can be found at covapp.vancouver.ca/councilMeetingPublic
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Want to go for a swim in Stanley Park's polar bear enclosure?
It's been animal-free since 1997, but one Vancouver architectural firm has proposed a unique use for the long-vacant space: A Nordicstyle sauna.
Tony Osborn Architecture and Design (TOAD) has launched the idea with renderings,
drawings, and a full website at polarbearsauna.ca.
“Our team has been fascinated by this modern ruin for years now. We really wanted to find a way for visitors to Stanley Park to reoccupy this abandoned site without erasing its complicated history” says the firm's owner, Tony Osborn, in a press release The enclosure was part of the Vancouver Zoo; while the zoo's
history started around 1888, the concrete habitat for the world's largest land predator was built in 1962. In 1997 the zoo came to an end when its last resident, Tuk the polar bear died.
While there have been a variety of ideas for the empty enclosure over the years, including a salmon hatchery, nothing has come to fruition
TOAD created the proposal
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unsolicited but says the time is right for such a sauna, as it's a growing trend In Victoria, HAVN, a floating spa with similar facilities, has just arrived in the inner harbour. And TOAD points to the Scandinave Spa in Whistler and Circle Wellness in Vancouver as other examples
"Borrowing from various sauna cultures around the world, this complex would become a public
place for people to congregate, socialize and rest; especially in the wet winter months when social interaction is in such short supply," states the proposal's website.
At the same time, the Vancouver parks board recently passed a motion telling staff to "think big" when it comes to revenue
BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604-439-2688
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Borrowingfromvarioussaunacultures aroundtheworld,thiscomplexwould becomeapublicplaceforpeopleto congregate,socializeandrest;especially inthewetwintermonthswhensocial interactionisinsuchshortsupply.
generation in the city's parks
“Were hoping Vancouverites are excited about this idea. I mean, going to Stanley Park on a rainy winter afternoon for a relaxing soak surrounded by old cedars... It would be incredible," says TOAD's Egor Revenko in the release "We need more facilities like this, because we have the perfect climate for them ”
ByBrendanKerginHotairballoonsareamodeof transportationtheaverageperson doesn'tspendmuchtimethinking about.
ShortofFinneasFogg'smiraculous journeycircumnavigatingtheglobein80 days,they'renotaverypracticalmeansof travelfrompointAtopointB Butmany peopleconsiderhotairballoonridestobe somethingofabucketlistexperience,like paragliding.
Unlikeparagliding,however,you'reunlikely tospotahotairballoontraversingtheskies overMetroVancouver.
Hotairballoonsarelargelyassociated withplaceslikeTurkeyorNewMexico
(AlbuquerquehoststheInternational BalloonFiestaeveryyear) Thereusedtobe acompanyinLangley,SundanceBalloons, thatconductedridesbutitclosedseveral yearsago
Now,Vancouveriteslookingtofloat throughtheskiesinatinybasketwillhave totravelasfarasKelownatothenearesthot airballoonbusiness.
OkanaganBallooningownerJohn KlempnersaysthatSundanceBalloons likelyclosedduetocosts.Thefranchise
consolidatedallofitsB C pilotstoAlberta whereitrunsseveraloffices,plustheyhave locationsinSaskatchewanandOntario Healsoblamesobstaclestogettingnew pilotsasmanyoftheoldguardareaging out
"Youngguysaregoingforjetengines,"he tellsV I A overthephone "There'smore moneytobemadethere."
Ballooning,initsinfancy,beganasahobby, albeitanexpensiveone Nowyoucanmake
amodestlivingatit,saysKlempner,but thecostofinsurance,equipment,training, andlicensingaddsupand,asweallknow, Vancouverisanexpensiveplacetolive Whyyouwon'tseehotairballoonsover MetroVancouver
"Balloonslikewideopenareas,"says Klempner
Thevesselsareconsideredaircraftand arefederallyregulatedbyTransport Canadawhichhasrulesaboutlanding
spotsinproximitytoairportsandother infrastructure.
Morebigairportsnearbymeanit'sharder toflyandtherearefewerlandingspots, whichautomaticallymeansthatVancouver andAbbotsfordareout,andKlempner admitshe'sconcernedforthefutureofthe businessinKelownabecauseoftheincrease indevelopmentandinevitableairport expansion
"InfiveyearsIdon'tforeseeanyballooning inKelownaanymore,"hesays
Thereisanotherwaythatpeoplecan experiencehotairballoonsinurbanareas, however Tetheredridescanbedonealmost anywhere,accordingtoKlempner.Allyou needis200x200feetoftethertiedtofour vehicles.
Infact,Klempner'scompanyjusthada tetheredhotairballoonattheAbbotsford tulipfestival.
LookingbackthroughtheVancouver Archives,therewasatetheredhotair balloondisplayinStanleyParkin1986, presumablyforExpo'86 Weshouldtotally bringthatback.
ByAllieTurnerFooHungCurious,thegiftshop locatedinsidetheChinatown StorytellingCentre,haslaunched limitededitionmerchandisethatwill hitnostalgicVancouversportsfanshard.
The"LuckyGrizz"collectionbysports apparelbrandMitchellandNessin collaborationwiththeCanadianChinese YouthAthleticAssociation(CCYAA) andChinatownStorytellingCentre, celebratesthehistoryoftheAsianCanadian communityandsportsinVancouverby combiningtheiconicLuckyCatwiththe city'sdearlydepartedbasketballteam Thisisnotthefirsttimethatthisteamhas createdGrizzliesmerch.
Lastyear(2022),inhonourofLunarNew Year,theCCYAApartneredwiththe ChinatownStorytellingCentretosell
fourshirts,allfeaturingaversionofthe VancouverGrizzlieslogocalledBoba Grizz.
TheLuckyGrizzcollectionincludesablack crewnecksweater,blacklong-sleeveshirt, tealT-shirt,andblackT-shirtthatfeaturesa LuckyCatwearingaGrizzliesjersey Themaneki-nekoor'beckoningcat'isa commonJapanesefigurineoftenbelievedto bringgoodlucktotheownerandisfound acrossAsiaandinChinatownstorefronts aroundtheworld.
ThecollectionlaunchedSunday,May28, andisexclusivetoFooHungCuriouswith allproceedssupportingtheChinatown StorytellingCentre Itcanbefoundintheir storeoronlineatfoohungcurios com
If you're looking for the perfect Father's Day gift you need look no further than the online store of this very community newspaper you're holding
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Have a look at our store at bcisawesome com, and be sure to order soon as Father's Day is coming up quickly. (It's on June 18.)
The Northwest League we know, love, and revere today has existed in some form or another since 1890 Thats the year Wyoming became a state! This may seem to be a fairly irrelevant historical factoid for this column, but it's one of the only historical factoids I could find that wasnt a complete and total downer; 1890 was not a fun-filled year
But worry not, dear reader. This is not going to be a sorrowful essay about 1890 This is a fun column about baseball! With a gentle sprinkling of history mixed in. The Northwest League has seen many changes, adjustments, and developments over the years
One of the more recent changes, adjustments, and developments was the promotion of the league to the level of High-A in 2020 when it also went from eight teams to six
While I do love having a higher level of professional baseball in the city to enjoy, I can’t help but sometimes miss the old eight-team circuit and feel nostalgia for the two teams that were dropped from the league. So today, I thought we d pay a little homage and do a little checking in on two baseball teams I used to love to boo when they came to town The Boise Hawks and the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes
Founded in 1987, the Boise Hawks are Idaho’s premiere baseballfranchise.Inmyopinion.Idon’tactuallyknowwhat the rest of the baseball landscape looks like in Idaho, but I standbymyassertion.Hopefully,Idon’tgettoomanyangry letters from Meridian, which is another city in Idaho. I really miss the Hawks There was something about them that made them so fun to cheer against They had an air of villainyaboutthem.Maybeitwasthegraphite-colouredroad uniforms or the hats with talon scratch marks on them? More likely it’s because they share a name with the bad-guy team from The Mighty Ducks movie franchise Whateveritwas,IalwaysloveditwhentheHawkswould flyintotown.Andthat’sjustabirdreference.TheseHawks playedminorleaguebaseball.TheseHawksrodethebus. Funfact.WayneGretzky’ssonTrevorplayedaseasonwith Boise - 2013 to be exact I was at a home game that year where The Great One himself dropped in to watch his son play ball There were more eyes on the stands than on the field that day And some very creative heckles for Trevor to endure Or so Ive been told
The Hawks currently reside in the Independent Pioneer League,andplayedinthechampionshipseriesin2021.They unfortunatelylost2gamesto1totheMissoulaPaddleheads which is just a fantastic name for a ballclub.
First and foremost: I love a hyphenated sports team. Why play for only one geographic area when you can have multiple? It just seems like good business.
Secondly, I love it when sports teams really go for it with
ThisphotooftheOceanConcretefacility(whichhas beenoperatingsince1920onGranvilleIsland)was takenandsharedbyStephenTadghwhogoesbythe handle@stephentadgh.
Forachancetohaveyourphotofeaturedhereandonour Instagramaccount,tagyourInstagramphotoswiththe hashtag#vancouverisawesome.
Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeninginyourcity(andfor moregreatphotographsandplentyofstories!)followusat @viawesome.
theirnicknames.What’smorepowerfulanddevastatingthan avolcano?Anearthquake?Ameteorshower?Asolarflare? Youtellme.
TheVolcanoesarealsostillplayingbaseballandareactually charter members of the Mavericks Independent Baseball League, which is a four-team, independent league entirely based in the Salem Metropolitan Statistical Area and play all their home games at the same stadium. Which is pretty awesome
Whoknows?MaybeonedaythecurrentNorthwestLeague willexpandbeyondsixclubsandwecouldseeoneorbothof these teams again But thats not likely
Fornow,theyliveinourmemories.Andintheirrespective cities.Butthenexttimeyou’reattheNat,maybetakea momenttoremembertheVolcanoesandtheHawksandall thejoytheybroughtuswhentheC’swouldthumpthem.
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Application for an Event Driven Liquor Primary License has been received by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch from University of British Columbia located at 6288 Stadium Road in Vancouver
Proposed licensed hours are: 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM 7 days a week.
Person capacity will be limited to 15,606 persons exterior (stadium seating, field and viewing area surrounding field) and 350 persons interior
Residents located within a 1 mile (1.61 km) radius of the proposed site may comment on this proposal by:
1) Writing to: The General Manager C/O Senior Licensing Analyst Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch PO Box 9292 VICTORIA, BC V8W 9J8
2) Email to: LCRB.SLA@gov.bc.ca
Killarney Community Centre Society Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, June 27th, 2023, 7:00 p m
In Kllarney Senior Centre Grand Hal Everyone Welcome!
f you are interested n gettng involved, We have vacances avalable for Board Members
Please contact Kilarney Communty Centre at 604-718-8201 or kllarneyccs@gmail com
GARAGE SALES BRENT GARDENS COMPLEX YARD SALE 4353 Haifax Street, BURNABY Saturday Only June 10 • 10am to 1pm Street Parking
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The 2023 Vancouver-Mount Pleasant By-election is on Saturday, June 24, 2023. There are lots of ways to vote.
You can vote if you are:
• a resident of the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant electoral district,
• 18 or older on June 24, 2023,
• a Canadian citizen, and
• a resident of British Columbia since December 23, 2022
Ways to vote
Vote at advance voting – Find advance voting places and the dates they are open below, or visit wheretovote.elections.bc.ca/vmp
Vote on Election Day – Find voting places and the dates they are open below, or visit wheretovote.elections.bc.ca/vmp. Election Day is Saturday, June 24, but there are lots of ways to vote before then
Voting in the district electoral office is available during office hours from now until 4 p m on Election Day
Vancouver-Mount Pleasant district electoral office #615 369 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver, B C 236-468-3379 deoljf@elections bc ca
Hours of operation
Monday – Friday, 9 a m to 5 p m Saturday, 10 a m to 4 p m June 16 - June 21 (advance voting), 8a m to8p m June 24 (Election Day), 8 a m to 8 p m
If you requested a vote-by-mail package from Elections BC, return it as soon as possible
Vote-by-mail packages must be received by Elections BC by 8 p m (Pacific time) on Saturday, June 24, 2023 Mail your completed package as soon as possible or drop it off at the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant district electoral office
What should I bring to vote in person?
• ID that shows your name and home address See elections.bc.ca/id for the list of acceptable ID
• Your Where to Vote card Look for it in the mail from Elections BC It will make voting faster and easier
Britannia Comm Centre-Gym C 1661 Napier St, Vancouver, BC
Carnegie Comm Centre
401 Main St, Vancouver, BC
Charles Dickens Elem School
1010 E 17th Ave, Vancouver, BC
Grandview Elem School 2055 Woodland Dr, Vancouver, BC
International Village Mall 88 W Pender St, Vancouver, BC
Mt. Pleasant Elem School 2300 Guelph St, Vancouver, BC
Candidate’s Name
Kimball Cariou Communist Party of BC
Wendy Hayko
BC Green Party
Jackie Lee BC United
Karin Litzcke
Conservative Party
Joan Phillip BC NDP
Kimball Cariou 706 Clark Dr, Vancouver, BC, V5L 3J1 (604) 255-2041
Simon Lewis PO Box 8088 Stn Central, Victoria, BC, V8W 3R7 (888) 473-3686 ext. 25
Kivan Club (BGC South Coast BC)
2-2875 St George St, Vancouver, BC
Queen Alexandra Elem School 1300 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC
RayCam Co-operative Centre-Gym 920 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC
Strathcona Comm Centre 601 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC
Tyee Elem School 3525 Dumfries St, Vancouver, BC
Kevin Tang PO Box 28131 RPO West Pender, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3T7 (604) 606-6000
Robert Bray 784 Bowen Dr, Campbell River, BC, V9H 1S2 (250) 504-0052
John Hindle 320-34 West 7th Ave , Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1L6 (604) 379-8955
Call 1-800-661-8683 or visit elections.bc.ca.
Edward Sem PO Box 28131 RPO West Pender, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3T7