1 minute read

5thingsyou (probably)don't knowabouttreesin Vancouver

The City of Vancouver owes its standing, in a very real way, to trees

It was the lumber industry that built the city in its earliest days, and still is a part of today's economy. They're more than just an economic driver, though, as they play a variety of roles, from local First Nations culture, to urban beautification, to keeping the city healthy

FirstWorldWarveteranAndyNatrall, andthecountlessotherIndigenouswar veteranswhofoughtonthebattlefields. TheInvictusGames,foundedby PrinceHarryin2014,isaninternational sportscompetitionfor woundedandillmilitary personnel.

Readmorebyscanning theQRcodehere.

ByMinaKerr-Lazenby,LocalJournalism InitiativeReporter

Given this, there are lots of tree facts in this city, from the tree that Queen Elizabeth II planted to Canada's first civic arboretum to the fact there's a map of over 151,000 trees in the city (not including Stanley Park)


1.Vancouverhasagardenoftreesmentioned byWilliamShakespeare

Stanley Park has many, many hidden gems, and an arboretum of trees mentioned in Shakespeare's play is one of them

The perfect garden for the natural conservationist/ literature nerd, it's also a bit of a historical site, as the first

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