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Success Story
Joe’s story
I was working on my resume in the VIU cafeteria and saw a booth advertising the Career Studio, so I asked for some information and found I could go in person to reach out for help. It had been so many years since I applied for a job and I felt my resume was very out of date I had spent a decade and a half at one job and was having trouble presenting my skills in a way that would be readable and relatable to potential employers.
I dropped in without an appointment, and the Career Studio was very helpful. They read my resume, gave feedback and got me signed up for an online course. I found the course helpful for reformatting my resume and presenting my skills and experience in an attention-grabbing way
When I re-approached the workplace I was seeking employment at with my updated resume, I was hired! The Career Studio was a huge help. I would recommend it to anyone.
Chelsea’s side of the story
A student came in one morning for a resume critique to get a job after years with the military. This was out of the scope of my practice, but I knew one thing – being in the military teaches you many things and there are many transferable skills. The challenging part for me in this was helping the student see that
As we talked, Paula, our Career Services Officer, assisted me. She was able to send me some resources that I could share with the student and we enrolled him in the resume and cover letter course that is free from the Career Studio. A few days later, this student emailed me to let me know that he got a job after using the course and the resources. My heart was filled with a lot of happiness to hear that The situation was a challenge at first, but it demonstrates that no work experience is ever a waste With the right communication, you can connect transferable skills to make the employer see you are a fit without doing the job.