GVCC May/June Vancouver VISION Magazine

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up to bat for business comcast presents

may’s small business workshop series new pop up marketplace

Chamber in Olympia

PAC leads discussions

MAY/JUN 2017




High end market place 1 9 0 6 b r o a d way s t. va n c o u v e r , WA | 3 6 0 . 6 9 5 . 3 6 1 2 R e c r e at i o n a l & m e d i c a l c a n n a b i s h i g h e n d m a r k e t p l a c e .c o m


Table of Contents




Staff, Board, Tiers and Advertisers


A Message from the CEO


The GVCC in Olympia


A Message from the Chairman


Up Next: Pop Up Marketplace


Tier Membership Provides Access


Feedback From the Membership


The Annual GVCC Golf Tournament


Spring Media Relations Workshops


New GVCC Members


Ribbon Cutting Gallery




Event Calendar


PG 16-17: The Spring “Media Relations” Workshop Series will be a home run for small business owners, nonprofits and marketing professionals. Eight classes in May will cover the bases of earned media.

PG 14: The June 8th Annual Golf Tournament is nearly sold out.

PG 22: The May Business After Hours will be Retro at MAACO!

Paul Green of Comcast is at the Baseball Diamond at Hudson’s Bay High School. Comcast is the sponsor of the GVCC’s Spring “Media Relations Homerun” Workshop Series. Photos by Kate Singh Photography MORE INFO ON PAGES 16-17

PG 20: The GVCC Ambassadors were at over 16 locations hosting Ribbon Cutting events. Pictured: Next Level Event at The Lofts at Glenwood Place. Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Vancouver VISION Magazine



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CEO/PRESIDENT: John McDonagh CHAIRMAN: Ben Hoskins


BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ben Hoskins, 1-800-GOT-JUNK CHAIR ELECT: Eric Sawyer, BBSI Preferred Payroll VICE CHAIR: Amy O’Hara, When the Shoe Fits TREASURER: Lisa Goecke, Perkins & Co. PAST CHAIR: Eric Olmsted, On Line Support, Inc.

Winston Asai, Columbia Machine Ben Bagherpour, SEH America LeAnne Bremer, Miller Nash Graham & Dunn Carol Bua, City of Vancouver Jody Campbell, The Columbian Kevin Getch, Webfor Bryce Helgerson, Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center Robert Knight, Clark College Julianna Marler, Port of Vancouver USA Tim Schauer, MacKay Sposito Rhona Sen Hoss, Sen. Annette Cleveland’s Office Kristy Weaver, Pacific Continental Bank Dr. Steve Webb, Vancouver School District Jim West, Coldwell Banker Commercial Jeff Woodside, Nutter Corporation


Supporting our community through local lending and charitable contributions since 1923.

John McDonagh, President/CEO 360-567-1050 jmcdonagh@vancouverusa.com Erika Laws, Membership Recruitment Director 360-567-1089 elaws@vancouverusa.com Matt Hoffstetter, Membership Services Director 360-567-1058 mhoffstetter@vancouverusa.com Barb Holbrook, Office Manager & Ambassador Coordinator 360-567-1093 bholbrook@vancouverusa.com Sharon Batten, Finance 360-567-1080 sbatten@vancouverusa.com

Chandra Chase, Programs and Communications Director 360-567-1056 cchase@vancouverusa.com Teresa Lawwill, Community Partnerships Director 360-567-1090 tlawwill@vancouverusa.com Ashlyn Salzman, Events Manager 360-567-1052 asalzman@vancouverusa.com Jeannet Santiago, SBAP & PTAC Business Counselor 360-567-1051 jsantiago@vancouverusa.com  Louise Fendrich, PTAC, Government Contracting & Business Solutions Counselor 360-567-1081 lfendrich@vancouverusa.com




Pacific Continental Bank SEH America, Inc. Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center Riverview Community Bank Port of Vancouver PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center Banfield Pet Hospital

Columbia Machine, Inc. iQ Credit Union Holland/Burgerville Kaiser Permanente Chevron USA Comcast Business Class BNSF Railway Columbia Credit Union On Line Support The Columbian Vancouver Energy

Century Link Regence BlueCross BlueShield Mackenzie Chick-fil-A

PARTNERS & ADVERTISERS ADCO Commercial Printing & Graphics Aevum Images Beaches Restaurant & Bar Clark PUD Formal Flush

High End Market Place Northwest Personal Training On Line Support Inc Pacific Continental Bank Riverview Community Bank

Salsbury & Co Simply Thyme Catering The Columbian The Vancouver Business Journal Vancouver Energy

1101 Broadway, Suite 100 Vancouver, WA 98660 360-694-2588 yourchamber@vancouverusa.com www.vancouverusa.com facebook.com/yourchamber twitter.com/vanchamber pinterest.com/gvccvancouver VOLUME: 127 EDITION: 3 Vancouver VISION Magazine (USPS 008786) is published bi-monthly: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/ Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec by the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, 1101 Broadway, Suite 100, Vancouver, WA 98660. Tel. 360-694-2588, Fax 360-693-8279. Vancouver VISION Magazine annual subscription is $25. Periodicals postage paid in Vancouver, WA. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Vancouver VISION Magazine, 1101 Broadway, Suite 100, Vancouver, WA 98660. This publication is dedicated to providing Chamber business news, educating and providing critical commentary.





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Advertisements start as low as $195 for print and $75/month for digital. Email cchase@vancouverusa.com.

from the GVCC ceo

The Last Four Months Chamber Makes Strides in Business Advocacy, Partnerships and Programming

Photo by Kate Singh

The start of 2017 has seen much activity in our strategic areas of focus: programs & services, advocacy, publicity & marketing. Your Chamber of Commerce is no longer simply a networking organization. Supporting our members and John McDonagh being on-theGreater Vancouver watch for VancouChamber of Commerce ver & Clark County CEO/President businesses is our mission. Whether helping move businesses forward, influencing new or modified regulations or connectioning with other businesses and lawmakers in the community, the Chamber is active nearly 24/7. Here is a sampling of Chamber activities and results over the last four months. If you want to become involved, please call or email with your interests.

Programs & Services:

In 2017, we want to bring the best practices and tools for Workplace Wellness to our members. In February, we were partners of the Workplace Wellness Network’s Quarterly Workshop for employers and launched our monthly “Ready, Set, Go! Wellness Workshop Series,” presented by Legacy Salmon Creek. These sessions are designed to give employees tools and ideas to bring back to the workplace. We are preparing to launch our Small Business Month (May) Workshop series, “Media Relations Homerun.” In this day and age of an over-abundance of media outlets and contacts, this workshop


series is designed to connect you with the various outlets as well as give you the “inside baseball” methods for assuring your stories are chosen. See our website for details and registration information, see pages 16 & 17.

meeting to let the Governor know what the hot topics for business are here in SW Washington.

We also made our annual trip to Olympia. We met with our Clark County Legislative delegation on the priorities Our Small Business Resource Center is the Chamber and our partners at CREDC in full swing with grants renewed for and ICC laid out for them in December. both Small Business Advisory ProBoard, Tiers, and PAC members made gram (SBAP) and the Procurement & the trip and had fruitful discussions with Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) for our legislators. We also took the opporgovernment contracting. Additionally, tunity to support our Ports by testifying in response to members looking for at a House hearing on a bill regarding assistance in finding and hiring qualified port connectivity. employees, we are partnering in the Business Solutions Consortium for Clark Publicity & Marketing County in an effort to bring employHave you been taking advantage of ment tools to businesses of all sizes and the opportunities that come with your needs. Please let us know if we can as- membership? One of the opportunities sist your business through any of these is to celebrate significant milestones of programs. your business with a Ribbon Cutting. Ribbon Cuttings are free to all members Advocacy and bring our Red Coat Ambassadors Your Chamber has been at the discusto the event, guaranteeing a wealth of sion table for critical issues the last few social media exposure for your business months. For example, we were part of as a result. the business contingent on the Public Safety Funding group that convinced Each month we also gather at a sponthe Vancouver City Council to have a soring business’s location for a Business conversation with the community about After Hours. This is a great way to get the total needs for public funding in the to know various members at their locacity. This larger scale conversation is tion, or to invite the entire community now underway. We have also parto your business. ticipated in the discussions driving the “Employment Lands” study, sponsored Partnerships by the CREDC and the Washington Your Chamber is also active in a variety Roundtable and “Washington Economic of programs in which we partner with Development Study.” others in the community. For example, our participation with Clark College, the March presented an opportunity to Clark College Foundation, Workforce meet with Governor Inslee during his SW, SW WA STEM Network, and the recent visit to Vancouver. The GVCC Columbian and the Vancouver Business Board and Tier members met with InJournal. Recently, the GVCC co-presentslee, along with representatives of the ed the annual Iris Awards at Clark. Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC) and Identity Clark County (ICC). Nothing like a face to face

Vancouver VISION Magazine Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce

GVCC in Olympia

Public Affairs Committee, Tiers, and GVCC Staff Represent SW WA Businesses On Thursday, March 16th the GVCC, led by Don Russo of Schwabe Law Offices and Nina Carlson of NW Natural (Co-Chairs of our Public Affairs Committee), arrived in Olympia for a day of meetings with our elected officials: Representatives Wylie, Pike, Kraft, Stonier, Harris and Vick; as well as with Senator Rivers and Senator Cleveland’s senior staff representative Rhona Sen Hoss. Chamber CEO John McDonagh kicked things off with a group meeting with Representative Sharon Wylie in the O’Brien Building. Transportation was the focus of conversation as Wylie is Vice Chair of the Transportation Committee. Next, the GVCC moved onto the Irv Newhouse Building to meet with Senator Rivers, who the Chamber asked for support in funding the six million dollar request for STEM education, the Clark College and WSU Vancouver capital requests and touched on the Port of Ridgefield’s dark fiber/broadband project. Next, we traveled to Senator Annette Cleveland’s office where we were greeted by staffer Rhona Sen Hoss. Cleveland made a point to champion the I-5 Bridge at our December “Legislative Outlook Breakfast” event and Sen Hoss recapped this issue along with items touching on education, infrastrucPictured from top left, clockwise. Rep. Sharon Wylie at our first meeting of the day. The GVCC’s Public Affairs and Tier Members with Rep Vicki Kraft. Rhona Sen Hoss representing Senator Annette Cleveland’s office. Monica Stonier speaking on local and statewide education. Rep. Liz Pike with the full GVCC group. Paul Harris and Brandon Vick as they fist bump during our shared meeting.

ture, and healthcare. We received a surprise visit by Schuyler Hoss from the Governors office, who regularly serves as his Southwest Washington Representative. The final stop before lunch was at Rep. Pike’s office in the Legislative Building where we spoke about WSU Vancouver and Clark’s capital requests, the bridge, and Hi Tech & Aerospace tax exemptions. After lunch we went back to the O’Brien Building to meet with freshman Representative Vicki Kraft who is working on a number of veteran and land use bills. We were able to meet briefly with Representative Monica Stonier and she provided an insightful view on local and statewide education issues. Finally, we met with Representatives Vick and Harris together and touched on a number of issues for their perspective: the I-5 bridge, WSU Vancouver and Clark College education requests, career directed learning, and the Port of Ridgefield’s dark fiber/broadband project. The day provided opportunity for SW Washington Businesses to advocate for their community. We were informed of the budgeting issues our legislators face. Thank you to those members who attended our annual trip to Olympia.

Chairman of the Board

Inside the Chamber Chamber Provides Three New Development Avenues

Ben Hoskins You Move Me / 1-800 GOT JUNK Franchise Owner GVCC Chairman of the Board Photo by Kate Singh

The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce offers tools to help grow our businesses and ourselves. Advocacy, education, promotion and connecting with other local businesses have been core functions of the GVCC for over 125 years. These have helped us to move business forward in Southwest Washington.

In addition to the benefits of Chamber membership, the GVCC allows us an opportunity to also give back. Supporting the Chamber of Commerce helps to grow a strong local economy. Together we can grow and thrive; this provides good jobs that are the foundation of a strong community and economy. There are a number of ways to give back to the business community. Your Chamber is hard at work creating new opportunities to do just that in a number of different ways. For example, this year the Chamber introduced a mentorship program. Volunteer member mentors donate their time and skills and meet face-to-face with new or existing members. Our mentor program focuses on an exchange of skills with the goal of further developing our members businesses. While we showcase the benefits of membership, this is an avenue for building deep connections while gaining skills in a specific area like: public speaking, digital marketing, nonprofit management and fundraising, and human resource best practices. We are also in the process of develop-


ing a Chamber Scholarship program for graduates of the Chamber’s Small Business Assistance Program. The SBAP, in partnership with the City of Vancouver, provides low and midincome businesses counseling and technical assistance. The Chamber Scholarship Program provides an opportunity for SBAP businesses to join the Chamber right from the inception of their business. These are local entrepreneurs who have already demonstrated the need and desire to grow their businesses. Lastly, some of the Chamber’s efforts revolve around STEM education and Career Directed Learning, which impacts our employees of tomorrow. For example, in February the Chamber arranged a local techCONNECT for over 30 local high school students. The students met with Chamber Staff and Board Members and then connected with Ronnie Noize of the DIY Marketing Center for networking training (jobs skills) before having an opportunity to visit Webfor, a local tech company in Downtown Vancouver. These students spoke with Kevin Getch, the owner of Webfor and his employees about their educational and professional journeys. The entire experience was a volunteer effort by nConnect, SW WA Stem Network, Tier member Chick-fil-A, and our school districts. The teachers expressed (after the event) that this was a unique and meaningful onsite visit that the Chamber made possible. The GVCC often coordinates efforts to give back to the business community by asking community partners and our members to join forces. Stay tuned as opportunities to become a business mentor, scholarship collaborator, or volunteer and/or partner in our area’s youth workforce development arena arise.

Vancouver VISION Magazine Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce

GVCC MENTORS: Team meeting of the GVCC’s mentors as the first mentoring cycle is nearly over. Each mentor has a developed skill set that they are sharing with a fellow GVCC member, as well as highlighting member benefits. Mentors and Mentees are needed for cycle two, beginning in May. Email Mhoffstetter@ vancouverusa.com.

FIRST techCONNECT VISIT RESULTS: It was reported by their teachers

that 22 of the 34 students that took part in the Chamber’s first techCONNECT visit to Webfor (earlier this year) have enrolled in the Fort Vancouver’s CTE Web Design course for next year. “We know through research that students who successfully complete CTE coursework are more likely to graduate from high school and pursue postsecondary education as well as earn more after high school. Thanks again for your help in developing our future tech workforce,” said Debbie Blas, SW WA MESA Director. Pictured: Webfor Content Writer Harris Newman speaking with students about the tech industry. During the open networking period the students learned from employees regarding course work recommendations and specifics about working for a tech company.

Looking ahead eyes on new opportunities

New Pop-Up Marketplace Set to Launch The GVCC is putting a new spin on our “Shop Local” event. We will take the same premise of showcasing local options for goods and services to the streets in conjunction with the Riverview Six to Sunset Concert Series at Esther Short Park. The Chamber will host our new vendor Pop-Up Marketplace at Vancouver Center Towers which acts as a natural artery into the downtown shopping and dining core. The Pop Up Marketplace will take place during three concerts this year on the evenings of July 6th, July 27th, and August 10th from 4:007:00pm. If you are interested in a vendor space at the Pop Up Marketplace contact Ashlyn Salzman at (360) 567-1052 or asalzman@vancouverusa.com. For sponsorship opportunities, contact Teresa Lawwill at (360) 567-1090 or tlawwill@vancouverusa.com.

Government Contracting Events in May The Southwest Washington PTAC business counselors are bringing you an informative “Doubleheader” session in May. In these two workshops you will receive a comprehensive education on government contracting for your business.

this no cost event: washingtonptac.ecenterdirect.com/events/850791

The second session in this doubleheader will be on Wednesday, May 24th. The seminar will provide specific information on how to market to the government, which is different The first session “Is Government Contracting from marketing to commercial enterprises. The class “PTAC: Marketing to the Governfor You?” is on Wednesday, May 3rd. In this ment,” will teach you how to incorporate a seminar, you will be provided the tools to begin the process of pursuing opportunities capability statement into your marketing plan with federal and state government agencies. and will provide you with some additional The presentation will benefit businesses both leverage in making the right connections with government agencies. This class is a prereqlarge and small. Topics covered will include: uisite for a Meet the Buyers event to be held How federal and state governments buy later this summer where you will have the opgoods and services, governmental registrations and how to conduct market research to portunity to present and receive feedback on better understand your government custom- your capability statement from federal, state ers. It will cover how agencies advertise their and local experts. Register at washingtonptac. ecenterdirect.com/events/850792 procurement offerings and small business programs and certifications. Please RSVP to

MEGA Business After Hours is Set for July Vancouver Mall is going to host one of the biggest parties of the year on Tuesday, July 25th. The GVCC’s summer “MEGA: Business After Hours” event will be in celebration of their 40 years in the community. Attendees will have a chance at a number of remarkable prizes worth thousands of dollars. Those who pre-register before July 20th will receive a reusable mall swag bag with a surprise gift card inside. Event will be limited to the first 400 that RSVP. You’ll have fun as you embark on a scavenger hunt throughout the mall to be entered to win a fantastic grand prize! There will be live music, food, and beverages by Brewtopia.

Chamber tier level members

Tier Members are GVCC Stakeholders, Investment Provides Access There are three levels of tier membership at the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce: Chairmans, Presidents, and Directors circles. Tier membership increases status as a stakeholder in the community and provides unparalleled access to our decision makers. The GVCC routinely advocates for our members around issues and initiatives affecting business. For example, in March two events gave direct access to our Tier members. The first was within our Vancouver meeting with Governor Inslee. The second was during our annual trip to Olympia to meet face-to-face with our elected officials and touched base on our Business Community Priorities for Southwest Washington in 2017.

The Governor Teresa Lawwill Community Partnership Director tlawwill@vancouverusa.com Photo by Kate Singh

Invitations were extended to our Tier members providing access to meet with Governor Inslee in an intimate setting at the Hudson Building to hear how he is working for us in Southwest Washington. Our Tier member guests were from Burgerville, Pacific Continental Bank, Vancouver Energy, Mackenzie, Columbia Machine, Banfield Pet Hospital, Chick-fil-A, PeaceHealth, iQ Credit Union, and Port of Vancouver. They listened and asked questions of our governor along with about 15 other community and business leaders. Topics ranged from biotech, I-5 Bridge replacement and the proposed energy terminal.

Hillary Barbour, Director of Strategic Initiatives with Burgerville asked the Governor about the general mood in DC regarding immigration as it relates to the impact on workforce concerns in the agricultural industry with uncertainty in labor and how it affects harvests. Burgerville sources over 70% of their ingredients from the agricultural industry. Gov. Inslee’s response was to be vigilant and stay focused on this issue with our local legislators.


Next our tier members were invited, along with the GVCC’s Public Affairs Committee, Board and Staff to make our annual trip to Olympia. It was the first trip to the capital for two of our tiers and was an informative and collaborative day trekking the State Capital grounds. To the right, are three quotes from our Tier Members who attended the Governor’s meeting and made the trip with us up to Olympia for the day to meet with our local legislators and representative from Gov. Inslee’s office, Schuyler Hoss.

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In Olympia “The Port of Vancouver

USA appreciates the opportunity to work with the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce in all its efforts to support and advance our

In Olympia

“For Mackenzie, the value in being

community. Traveling with

a tiered member of the GVCC is the

the Chamber to Olympia to

ability to be a part of a local

meet with our local legislators

organization that engages

and the Governor is a great

both business owners and the

opportunity for the port to

community, and is connected

represent our interests as well

to policy makers to allow for

as those of our broader com-

a coordinated voice to be

munity. While the port can

heard in Olympia. As a tiered

access our

member, added value has

local representatives individually, being a Chamber Tier member allows us to be a part of representing the greater community in our efforts

Jim Hagar Economic Development Project Manager at the Port of Vancouver USA *The Port is a GVCC Chairman’s Level Tier Member

provided us the opportunity to meet in Olympia with our state policy makers. Being a part of the chamber has allowed us numerous opportunities to engage on important legisla-

Todd Johnson Director of Planning Mackenzie Architecture · Interiors · Engineering · Planning *Mackenzie is a GVCC Director’s Level Tier Member and Todd is part of the Chamber’s Public Affairs Committee.

tive issues and to hear from our policy makers about their positions on critical upcoming legislation."

From The Governor’s Meeting “The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce does great work connecting businesses and building an active community. We believe in being an integral part of building a strong, vibrant community. The Chamber’s tier membership offers unique opportunities to learn about and become involved in issues that are important to Southwest Washington. We appreciate our partnership with the Chamber

Jared Larrabee Vancouver Energy

*Vancouver Energy is a GVCC President’s Level Tier Member

and the ability to engage with the community, including local business leaders, elected officials and community advocates.”

Chairmain’s Circle Tier Members

to make Southwest Washington a great place to work and do business. Tier membership also provides the port access to all the wonderful events

President’s Circle Tier Members

the Chamber holds every


year, as well as access to the many programs that support our mission of regional economic development. Thank you again for your efforts.”

Director’s Circle Tier Members

From the GVCC’s Members

“The GVCC golf tournament is always the TRUE barometer of the Who’s Who of the Vancouver business scene. The event is always packed with great people having fun and laughing, playing a little golf and truly enjoying each other’s company. I wouldn’t miss it!!!”

“We were overwhelmed by the amazing turnout [Feb Business After Hours] and I’m very glad that I got to meet Dave, Terri & their crew at the Camas Hotel by co-sponsoring this event! Nice work everyone!” The February Business After Hours at the Camas Hotel. JASON REID OF REID BUSINESS SERVICES

Upcoming GVCC Board Chairman and regular golf player at the GVCC’s Annual Tournament in June. ERIC SAWYER, BBSI AREA MANAGER

“I know participating in the GVCC’s golf tournament not only supports the services and programs of the Chamber, but also provides the opportunity to meet our business leaders on the course.” GVCC Golf Tournament Regular and 2016 tournament winner! VANCOUVER MAYOR TIM LEAVITT

“The choice to have a ribbon cutting event done by GVCC was money well spent! It helped with energizing our business from the start and

not to mention a spike in sales! Thank you Barb and the GVCC!”

Tim Phommany of Fast Thai shakes the hand of Eric Olmsted (Immediate Past Chairman of the GVCC and owner of On Line Support) at their Platinum Ribbon Cutting Event. TIM PHOMMANY FAST THAI

“Being part of the Greater Vancouver Chamber is the best way to connect with businesses in Clark County!” A Board Member speaks at their Anniversary Celebration as Peter Johnson listens with the crowd. PETER JOHNSON BOOMERANG

The GVCC Mentor Team is shaping up to be an incredible asset to our membership. I recently met with our team half way through the first three month cycle to assess the program’s effectiveness. Two things were clear in that meeting, that we chose the right mentors, and the mentors were

offering tangible tools and ideas to move their business partners forward.

Matt is the Chamber’s Membership Services Director and Coordinator of the GVCC’s Mentor Team. MATT HOFFSTETTER THE GVCC


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Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Vancouver VISION Magazine


BEST BET june golf tournament

June 8th 2017

The 15th Annual Golf Tournament TAKE A CHANCE ON THE GREEN On Thursday, June 8th the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce will “Take a Chance on the Green” at Lewis River Golf Course with its 15th Annual Golf Tournament, sponsored by Columbia Bank. It is a testament to the quality of the Chamber’s tournament that Columbia Bank has sponsored every year since its inception! Tee sponsors are doubling down on this years Las Vegas inspired theme “Take a Chance on the Green” within their interactive tee displays on the course. Golfing is just a start to the fun you will have on the course. Each hole will feature giveaways, treats, and games of chance that tie to this year’s theme. Whether you have a foursome prepared or are an individual golfer looking to make new connections, we have a spot for you in our tournament! We welcome all skill levels while maintaining a fun and competitive game of golf. MORNING FUN

We’re adding a bit of flavor to your breakfast. Grab a bloody Mary from Mill Creek Pub’s Bloody Mary Bar, which they’ll be bringing to

Lewis River Golf Course for the very first time for our golf tournament. Try your hand at Bloody Mary building – if yours impresses the judges, you’ll receive a $100 gift certificate to Mill Creek Pub! Also, breakfast is on the house. Show up hungry and ready to golf. We’ve partnered with Lewis River Golf Course to provide breakfast sandwiches to each of our attendees – including sponsors! EXTRAS The GVCC is bringing one of our region’s famous icons to Lewis River Golf Course to lead the procession of golf carts to their starting holes. The Unipiper is known for playing flaming bagpipes while riding a unicycle. This act has landed him various gigs across the country, and he was even featured on Jimmy Kimmel. He’ll don his finest Scots garb while playing traditional music that harken back to the origins of the game of golf. Hole in ONe Prizes Hole #3 - Stay & Play @ French Lick for Four by Lewis River/GVCC Hole #7 – Your chance to win a car by McCords Vancouver Toyota. Stay & Play @ Hapuna Beach, Hawaii by Lewis River/GVCC. Hole #11 - Stay and Play @ Tree Tops Resort. Hole #17 – Trip to the Strip: Visit fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada by Lewis River/GVCC.

Pictured: The four-person golf team of our tournament’s presenting sponsor: Columbia Bank! Left Image: Michelle Freeman (Columbia Bank), Larry Kingsella (Desi Print), Tyson Campbell (Integra), and Amy Davis (Columbia Bank).

Photo by Kate Singh of Aevum Images.

TEE DISPLAY SPONSORS Sponsorship Opportunities: There are still a few opportunities to market your business at the best Golf Tournament in SW Washington. Your logo and business name will receive unparalleled attention as we promote our tournament through all of our media channels. Course Sponsor - $4,000 Your logo and business names on all printed and electronic promotional materials. Sponsor introduced at the event with mic time to address our attendees, Course sponsor to host player breakfast and greet all tournament participants. ¼ page ad in the golf program, Tee Display, 1 team of 4 golfers and listed as the

Team Prize Sponsor, which will give you the opportunity to co-present prize winners at the luncheon. Awards Luncheon - $3,500 Your logo is splashed on all materials, ads, press releases, etc., Co-emcee the award lunch , ¼ page ad in golf program, 1 team of 4 golfers, and much more). Flags - $700. Provide your logo on company pin flags to be placed on each of the 18 hole greens. This will give your business high visibility along with recognition in the Golf Program and tournament banner.

Tee Display - $700 This sponsorship gives your company the opportunity to meet and interact with each player (and the other sponsors) as a host of your own tee. You can run games, offer door prize drawings, collect business cards and entertain the golfers using our theme “Take a Chance on the Green.” Company logo and/or business name listed in the tee directory and golf program, banner and promotional materials. Only 3 left!!


Shop, Sip & Swing at the Women’s Golf Tournament Why a Women’s Golf Tournament? The Chamber’s Women only Golf Tournament is a great way for professional women to network and enjoy a beautiful afternoon on the course. The GVCC created the Chamber’s Women’s Golf Tournament three years ago to break down barriers so women can successfully do business on the course. We welcome and encourage all skill levels to play in this tournament in the hopes that you’ll join future tournaments in Clark County. We all know that business and networking are done on the golf course and we’d like this opportunity to increase your comfort level on the course to take advantage of these opportunities. You don’t have to be great to play golf and making business connections on the course is extremely valuable. Join us on August 17th! Our Women’s Golf Tournament has been a huge success and we invite you to Camas Meadows on Thursday, August 17th to take part as a player or sponsor. This is a great way to market and promote your business to the women of our community.

You do not want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind golf tournament....It’s not your Daddy’s Tournament....

It’s your Momma’s!

knock it outta the park The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce is bringing the best in media relations together for an eight-part workshop series during “Small Business Month” in May.

Every Tuesday and Thursday starting on May 2nd, attendees will enjoy lunch by Simply Thyme Catering while learning from this region’s media relations experts in our “Spring Media Relations Homerun Workshop Series,” presented by Comcast. THE GOAL To get our members comfortable with press releases, news tips, and common practices to successfully communicate with local media outlets. We’ll help you establish a media relations plan and then provide you with a unique opportunity to meet our region’s news leaders from: The Columbian, Vancouver Business Journal, ClarkCountyToday.com, The Reflector, KPTV, and northbanknow.com. Finally, we’ll wrap the series up on techniques

GET YOUR TICKETS Register for one or all eight workshops online: vancouverusa.com

$20/Members $35/Non-Members $149 All Access Pass Includes Lunch

to further leverage your earned media coverage about your business.

Workshop #1 Effective Press Release Tips

MAY 02

Workshop #2

Communicating with the Media

MAY 04

Workshop #3 Strategic Media Relations Campaigns

MAY 09

Workshop #4

Attracting TV Coverage

MAY 11





Communications Manager for Workforce SW

VP of Innovation for the Port of Ridgefield

DIY Marketing Center Founder

“On th Go With Joe” Reporter for Fox12

Photos by Kate Singh SPONSOR

It’s spring training time

The Chamber’s “Media Relation’s Homerun Workshop Series” will get your marketing person in shape to compete for media coverage in our local newspapers, online media, and television arenas. This is a great opportunity to knock it out of the park for your business. Comcast is committed to helping businesses compete as they offer a wide variety of solutions for small businesses. This is your Southwest Washington Comcast team: Danny Sackett, Paul Green, Eric May, Brad Ramey, and Chris Acosta.

Danny Sackett

Paul Green


Chris Aco

Eric May

Brad Ramey

The Perfect Series for your Marketing Superstar Workshop #5 Submission at the Columbian

Workshop #6

Opportunities at the vbj

MAY 16

MAY 18



Business Reporter at the Columbian Newspaper

Managing Editor at the Vancouver Business Journal

Workshop #7 Clark County Media Panel


ClarkCounty Today.com


The Reflector





Workshop #8

Taking Your Coverage Further

MAY 30 KEVIN GETCH Founder and Director of Digital Strategy for Webfor

new gvcc members Align Creative Solutions 608 NE 107th Street Vancouver WA 98685 www.acreativesol.com Biscuits Cafe 1801 SE 164th Ave Suite 103 Vancouver WA 98683 www.biscuitscafe.com Cascade Marine Agencies 7700 NE Greenwood Drive Vancouver WA 98662 www.cascademarineagencies.com Damsel in Defense 601 ne 112th st Vancouver WA 98685 www.mydamselpro.net/ BEAUTIFULLYPROTECTED/ Edward Jones Investments 234 SE 136th avenue #103 Vancouver WA 98684 www.edwardjones.com Effective Web Solutions 13215 SE Mill Plain Blvd Vancouver WA 98684 effectivewebsolutions.biz Ever-Kleen 9613 NE 131st Avenue Vancouver, WA 98682 www.everkleenpw.com Farmers Insurance Megan Giesbers 3925 NE 72nd Avenue Suite 104 Vancouver, WA 98661 Garden City Dental 8311 NE HWY 99 STE 106 Vancouver, WA 98665 www.gardencitydental.net Hawes Group 12204 SE Mill Plain Blvd Vancouver, WA 98684 www.hawesfinancial.com Heathen Estate 9400 NE 134th Street Vancouver, WA 98662 www.heathenestate.com Holmberg Recruiting


PO Box 65788 Vancouver, WA 98665 www.holmbergrecruiting. com

The Art of Cure 6417 NE 56th Street Vancouver, WA 98661 www.theartofcure.net

Jantzen Beach Modern Dentistry 12239 N Center Avenue Portland, OR 97217 www.jantzenbeachmoderndentistry.com

The Modern Orthodontist 2702 NE 78th St Suite 106 Vancouver, WA 98665 www.themodernorthodontist.com

KXRW Independent Radio. Vancouver. www.mediamakingchange. org/kxrw/ National Women’s Coalition Against Violence & Exploitation (NWCAVE) PO Box 872494 Vancouver, WA 98687 www.NWCAVE.org

University of Portland Pamplin School of Business 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland OR 97203 www.business.up.edu Urban Waxx 16415 SE 15th St. Suite 106 Vancouver WA 98683 www.urbanwaxx.com

Nutter Foundation 7211 NE 43rd Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 www.dozerday.org

Vancouver Home Healthcare Agency LLC 201 NE Park Plaza Dr STE 200 Vancouver WA 98684 www.vhhca.com

NW Medicine & Rehab 11802 NE 65th st #100 Vancouver, WA 98662 www.nwmedrehab.com

Whimsy Chocolates LLC 21013 NE 182nd Ave Battle Ground WA 98604 whimsychocolates.com

Oregon State University College of Business 302 Austin Hall Corvallis, OR 97331 www.business.oregonstate.edu/ P3 Insurance Agency, LLC 3000 SE 164th Avenue Suite 108 Vancouver, WA 98683 p3insuranceagency.com PlayLive Nation 8700 NE Vancouver Mall Dr Suite 278 Vancouver, WA 98662 www.playlivenation.com/ vancouver QA Technology Solutions 1510 SE 86th Ct Vancouver, WA 98664 www.qa-tech.net




Being a good corporate citizen means being a good community neighbor and partner. Vancouver Energy is committed to giving back to and investing in the community. That's why we partnered with the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington to create a donor-advised fund. The Vancouver Energy Community Fund focuses on education, public safety and environmental conservation and sustainability.

Applications for the next round of funding are due May 31, 2017.

in the Chamber?

Tap Union 1300 Washington St Vancouver, WA 98660 tapunionfreehouse.com

Vancouver VISION Magazine Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce

Contact: Erika Laws Membership Recruitment Director (360) 567-1089 elaws@ vancouverusa.com

Visit our website to learn about our community partnerships and how to apply for grants. www.vancouverenergyusa.com/ giving-back/how-to-apply



www.FormalFlush.com Private 2 Stall Restroom • High End Toilets with Hand Free Flushing • Large Counter Space with Copper Sink • Fully Decorated Inside like a Luxury Home • Heating & Air Conditioning • All Supplies Included • LED Lighting Inside and Out • Hot Water for Washing your Hands Delivery and Pick Up

Ribbon Cuttings Grand opening of On Line Support’s new office building, featuring: On Line Support (New Location), NW Medicine & Rehab (New Member), and Paul Montague Tax Preparation (Grand Opening). 11802 NE 65th St, Vancouver, WA

Next Level Ribbon Cutting Popcorn Cove “One Year Anniversary” 13411 SE Mill Plain Suite A-2 Vancouver, WA

Barb Holbrook Ambassador Coordinator Email to inquire about a Ribbon Cutting event at bholbrook@vancouverusa.com

GRAND OPENING! Café Yumm! Cascade Park Plaza 305 SE Chkalov Dr Suite 128


Vancouver VISION Magazine Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce

Next Level Ribbon Cutting Glenwood Place Lofts “Grand Opening” 5300 NE 82nd Ave Vancouver, WA

Prime Fighting “Weigh In Celebration for 3/11 Event” @ The Clark County Fairgrounds

Arthritis Foundation “Walk to Cure Athritis” Celebration 9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 160 Portland 97219

Camas Hotel “Grand Re-Opening” 405 NE 4th Ave Camas, WA

Urban Waxx “Grand Opening” 16415 SE 15th St Suite 106 Vancouver, WA

Say Ciao! “Grand Opening of Tap Room” Columbia River Tap Room & Eatery 2501 SE Columbia Way #270

Historical Museum Centennial Celebration! 1511 Main Street Vancouver, WA

PLAYLive Nation “Four Year Anniversary!” 8700 NE Vancouver Mall Dr (in the mall)

Blooming Meadows Adult Family Home “Grand Opening” 7503 NE Meadows Dr Vancouver, WA

Utopia Salon & Day Spa “Celebrating Being on the Top 200 Salons by SALON TODAY” 1503 NE 78th St #2, Vancouver WA

Twin Star Credit Union “Grand Opening” 7912 NE 6th Ave Vancouver, WA




1950’s Themed Business After Hours @ Maaco in May

May is Small Business Month! On May 1st the City of Vancouver will proclaim all of May as “Small Business Month!” While the Small Business Administration celebrates a National “Small Business Week” our City has challenged small business support groups, as itself to do more for Southwest Washington. The City has a full calendar of events, hosted by over 10 nonprofit support groups like, Score, Vancouver Community Library, CREDC, and Fourth Plain Forward, as well as the GVCC! www.cityofvancouver.us/ced/page/ may-small-business-month-vancouver

Become Part of the Youth Employment Summit on May 23

The showroom will be transformed into a vision of the 1950s. You’ll have the opportunity to see beautiful classic cars restored to their original condition and admire the vintage props around MAACO’s shop as you enjoy catering by Beaches Restaurant & Bar. $10/member.


Ready, Set, Go! Wellness Workshop #4: Difficult Co-Workers

The team at Community Mediation Services will present an informative “Tips on Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers” workshop as part of our Monthly “Ready, Set, Go! Wellness Workshop Series,” presented by Legacy Salmon Creek. A healthy lunch is included by Chick-fil-A. $15/member.


Vancouver VISION Magazine Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce

Students Connecting with Webfor at our last TechCONNECT event. Calling businesses to engage with local youth! The Youth Employment Summit has three goals: 1. To provide real world connections between youth and local businesses to highlight career clusters and showcase career related learning opportunities. 2. To intentionally build up our youth’s base line for 21st century skills as noted by local businesses, and 3. Create a localized effort to provide summer employment for our region’s youth. Businesses that participate will have direct access to our region’s future workforce. You will share and create interest for your career cluster in an effort to strengthen your future pipeline of employees. In addition, businesses that participate will be able to contribute to our region by supporting and helping to shape our youth’s career pathways and postsecondary schooling. The Youth Employment Summit will be on Tuesday, May 23rd from 9am to 1pm. Please email Hans Erickson with Partners in Careers at hans@swwpic. org or 360-696-8417 ext. 113.

Two Different Experiences Focused on Just one Thing..... You!




Vancouver WA, 1919 SE Columbia River Drive * 360-699-1592 Portland OR, PDX Airport, Pre-Security * 503-335-8385

Special thank you to Simply Thyme Catering for being the GVCC’s Workshop Series lunch sponsor!

They provided excellent lunches for our fall and spring series - always on time, delicious, and professional.

WA REHOUSE Vancouver WA, 100 Columbia Street * 360-750-7256


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS! www.bestofclarkcounty.com


VISION 1101 Broadway, Suite 100 - Vancouver, WA 98660 USA

Periodical US Postage Paid Vancouver, WA


UPCOMING EVENTS ON VANCOUVERUSA.COM: 5/2/17 GVCC EVENT Media Relations Workshop Series: Press Releases @ THE GVCC

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop

Julia Maglione teaches our first workshop: Five Steps to an Effective Press Release. Series sponsored by Comcast, lunch provided by Simply Thyme Catering.

5/3/17 GVCC EVENT SW Washington Leads and Needs



The best morning networking in Clark County! $5 members, $10 non-member. Free if you bring a nonmember guest. Sponsored by Regence BlueCross BlueShield.

5/3/17 GVCC EVENT Website Work Session @ THE GVCC


Sit down with GVCC staff and learn how to fully enhance your online presence.

5/3/17 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING EVENT Is Government Contracting for You? @ THE GVCC


This will be a government contracting 101 style workshop to get you familiar with the contracting landscape.

5/3/17 GVCC EVENT Ribbon Cutting



Help the red coats celebrate with the Vida Flare food cart and sample their delicious food!

5/4/17 GVCC EVENT Media Relations Workshop Series: Communicating with the Media @ THE GVCC

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop

Nelson Holmberg teaches “Communicating with the Media” as part of our series sponsored by Comcast. Lunch provided by Simply Thyme Catering.

5/9/17 GVCC EVENT Media Relations Workshop Series: Media Relations Campaigns @ THE GVCC

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop

Ronnie Noize instructs the workshop “How to Build a Strategic Media Relations Campaign.” Series sponsored by Comcast. Lunch provided by Simply Thyme Catering.

5/9/17 GVCC EVENT Business After Hours @ MAACO 5-7PM

$10/Member $20/


The crew at MAACO will transform their garage into a 1950s themed showroom. This is an event that you will not want to miss - live demos and catering by Beaches.

5/11/17 GVCC EVENT Media Relations Workshop Series: Attracting TV Coverage @ THE GVCC

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop

We welcome Joe Vithayathil of Fox12’s “On the Go with Joe” who will share tips and techniques on attracting TV coverage. Series sponsored by Comcast. Lunch provided by Simply Thyme Catering.

5/12/17 PARTNER EVENT Next Level Networking @ THE GVCC


The DIY Marketing Center will teach you how to make a great impression and up your networking game at this workshop.

5/16/17 GVCC EVENT Media Relations Workshop Series: The Columbian @ THE GVCC

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop

The Business Reporter of the Columbian, Troy Brynelson will talk about how to make effective submission

to Vancouver’s only daily newspaper. Series sponsored by Comcast, lunch provided by Simply Thyme Catering.

Media Relations Workshop Series: Clark County Media Panel

5/17/17 GVCC EVENT SW Washington Leads and Needs

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop



The best morning networking in Clark County! $5 members, $10 non-member. Free if you bring a nonmember guest. Sponsored by High End Market Place.

5/18/17 GVCC EVENT Media Relations Workshop Series: The VBJ @ THE GVCC

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop

Take this opportunity to meet and learn about submissions from the Managing Editor of the Vancouver Business Journal, Nick Shamnac. Series sponsored by Comcast, lunch provided by Simply Thyme Catering.

5/20/17 GVCC EVENT Ribbon Cutting



The Ambassadors will help kick off one of the post popular familyfocused community events: Dozer Days! Be sure to take part in this must-see event for kids.

5/23/17 GVCC EVENT


This panel features our newest news source: ClarkCountyToday.com. East Clark County’s largest paper: The Reflector, and Clark County’s best bet for entertainment and dining news: northbanknow.com.

5/24/17 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING EVENT Marketing to the Government @ THE GVCC


Identify government customers, analyze needs, develop tool to market, connect and more. No cost.

5/24/17 GVCC EVENT Ribbon Cutting



Help us celebrate 45 years in the community! 7012 NE 40th Street.

5/25/17 GVCC EVENT Ready, Set, Go! Wellness Workshop @ THE GVCC NOON - 1PM

$15 includes lunch Workshop Topic: Tips and Strategies on Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers instructed

by Savenia Falquist at Community Mediation Services. Lunch provided by Chick-fil-A, monthly workshops sponsored by Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center.

5/25/17 GVCC EVENT Ribbon Cutting



We will be celebrating at Columbia Springs with our Ambassador team! Delicious food and wine, plus tours. 12208 SE Evergreen Hwy.

5/30/17 GVCC EVENT Media Relations Workshop Series: Expanding on Coverage @ THE GVCC

11:30 Lunch Noon Workshop

Kevin Getch will share Webfor’s strategies on leveraging earned coverage to your customers, prospects and the community at-large. Series sponsored by Comcast. Lunch provided by Simply Thyme Catering

5/31/17 GVCC EVENT Ground Breaking Ribbon Cutting



Please join us as the GVCC Ambassadors help break ground on the Kiddie Academy of Vancouver with Mayor Tim Leavitt. 1920 SE 167th Street.

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