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Spring 2012
Volume 40 • Number 2 • Spring 2012 1101 Broadway, Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98660
ChamberNews (USPS 008786) is published quarterly by the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, 1101 Broadway, Suite 100, Vancouver, WA 98660. Tel. 360-694-2588, Fax 360-693-8279. ChamberNews annual subscription is $25. Periodicals postage paid at Vancouver, WA. Postmaster: Send all address changes to ChamberNews, 1101 Broadway, Suite 100, Vancouver, WA 98660 This publication is dedicated to providing Chamber business news, educating the reader, and providing critical commentary.
Departments & Columns
10th Annual GVCC Golf Tournament
From the Chair
From the CEO
Protecting Business in Southwest Washington By Tim Schauer, GVCC Board Chair A Bright Light Still Shines By Kelly Parker, GVCC President & CEO
Chamber Voice Helps Stave Off New Tax
Things That Go Bump in the Night
By Jan Teague, President/CEO Washington Retail Association
By Eric Sawyer, Area Manager BBSI Preferred Payroll
GVCC Member Brings Cash Mobs to Vancouver Member Spotlight: West Coast Bank
10 From a Member
No Business After Hours: Tax Day Survivor By Mark Matthias, Owner Beaches Restaurant & Bar
14 Swing into Spring: How to Improve
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Your Golf Game
By Sherri McMillan, M.Sc., Owner Northwest Personal Training
Member Services: • Ribbon Cuttings • Member News • New Members • Renewing Members
From the
Tim Schauer MacKay & Sposito, Inc. Chair, Board of Directors Public Affairs Committee Chair Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce
Protecting Business in Southwest Washington
’m pleased to report the voice of your Chamber has been heard in Olympia during this last legislative session. Many thanks to the members of the Chamber’s Public Affairs Committee (PAC) who have helped us advocate for business during this challenging session. Joining community leaders from Columbia River Economic Development Council, Building Industry Association, SW Washington Contractors Association, Identity Clark County, City of Vancouver and Clark County, your Chamber challenged the Washington Department of Ecology’s overly aggressive timeline for implementing new rules regarding stormwater permits. Your community leaders expressed concerns that these rules require businesses to use unproven yet disproportionately expensive techniques to treat and detain runoff. Techniques which, if our businesses cannot justify the expense, would result in postponing or abandoning new projects at a time when they are most needed to fuel economic recovery. The legislation we supported would delay the implementation of a new set of rules by one year, granting experts more time to analyze how the new rules will impact both business in our state and our continued economic recovery.
It is just one issue of many involving the Department of Ecology and stormwater regulations that impact our area. We respect and support Clark County Commissioners in their pursuit of stormwater standards specific to Southwest Washington rather than those developed for Puget Sound. In his 2012 State of the County address, Clark County Commissioner Mark Boldt said the state needs to set basic goals on managing polluted rainwater and then get out of the way, letting local governments determine how to meet those goals. We agree with Commissioner Boldt. We will continue to support Clark County’s pursuit of reasonable and feasible local standards that prioritize clean stormwater while also appropriately balancing the community’s need to retain, grow and attract business to SW Washington. In other news, your Chamber was credited with the successful defeat of a measure to remove the sales tax exemption. Legislators wanted outof-state shoppers to pay sales tax. While it may make sense on the surface, the truth is that many businesses would suffer – especially those in our region. There are many businesses in Vancouver that sell high-dollar items like furniture, jewelry and antiques, and signs report up to 40 percent of their current business comes from Oregon shoppers. Since Oregonians don’t pay sales tax in their state, they’re highly unlikely to pay sales tax here. Losing a large percentage of sales would not only hurt our local busiCHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE nesses, but it would also reduce the state’s tax revenues. We thank Rep. Ann Rivers for her Pacific Continental Bank lead opposition to the bill. All but one of our delegation members supported us in the vote. SEH America, Inc.
Thank You!
Finally, I’ll mention the Columbia River Crossing, a project the Chamber supports for the immediate jobs it would create and for the investment in the foundational infrastructure that our region relies on to successfully move people and freight within, to, from and through our region.
It will allow this community to continue to compete for important industries and the job growth they bring. We pressed legislators to take the next step in the question over tolling. We supported a measure that would allow the Washington Transportation Commission to analyze exactly what the tolls would look like to pay for our local share of the bridge.
We think it’s important that we have a voice in this process. There are many decisions to continues on page 10
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
First Independent Bank Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center Riverview Community Bank
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Columbia Machine, Inc. iQ Credit Union Burgerville – Holland, Inc. Kaiser Permanente PeaceHealth Southwest Washington Medical Center BNSF Railway Chevron
From the
Kelly Parker President & CEO Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce
A Bright Light Still Shines
n the long 122-year history of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce (GVCC), there are many bright lights that have helped lead our Chamber and our community. Donna Cantonwine Wend was among the brightest and boldest of our Chamber leaders. Donna passed away February 2012 at the age of 81. Donna came to work at the Chamber in 1969, and served as the organization’s president from from 1981 to 1992. She invested 23 years into our community, in which she left indelible and positive marks. Donna initiated many new programs that we still benefit from today. She had the vision for creating the Columbia River Economic Development Council, Leadership Clark County, Identity Clark County and GVCC’s Ambassador Program. She took her vision, shared it with fellow community leaders, encouraged their support, strategized how to create the programs, and carefully nurtured their implementation helping each program grow strong. She did all this without claiming individual credit, always giving praise to her partners and Chamber members. I had the great pleasure of meeting Donna soon after I joined GVCC as a very new Chamber executive. I had heard great things about her from friends in the Chamber. I called her to ask for advice. She was generous with her time and her encouragement. She told me of the challenges she faced and how she handled those situations. We talked about the Chamber’s mission of supporting businesses and building strong communities. She encouraged me to trust my instincts, to surround myself with smart, good people, and to be bold. I think back on that meeting and how I appreciate the gift she gave me. And when I look around, I see the many gifts she gave us all.
continues on page 18
Who says one local bank can’t make a difference? At Pacific Continental Bank, we’re not waiting for an economic miracle. We’re creating our own financial stimulus, one business loan at a time. Call us today to discuss your lending needs.
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Spring 2012News • Advancing the page Business4C Community. • Vancouver Chamber of Commerce-Chamber • 1/2 • 7.5”x5” April, May, June 2012 Insert • VANCOUVER Market
Chamber Voice Helps Stave Off New Tax
Jan Teague
Protecting retailers – It’s just one of the many issues your Chamber has been focused on this winter. Jan Teague, President/CEO of the Washington Retail Association, tells the latest story of your Chamber’s efforts to ensure the voice of businesses is loud and clear in Olympia.
any thanks to Kelly Parker from the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce (GVCC) who worked to alert her members and other Oregon bordering chambers to take action and call their legislators to vote no on HB 279. Their efforts really showed that chambers everywhere can muster their members to voice concerns on key issues with the state legislature! This bill would have taken away the non-resident sales tax exemption, devastating many retailers near the Washington-Oregon border. Oregon has no sales tax and in order to help Washington communities near the border, there is no sales tax on non-residents. I had one retailer call me from as far away as Longview. She was really worried for her downtown retailers who were already struggling. She said they had a delicate balance and that a number of Oregon residents shopped with her. I received numerous calls and e-mails that day from various chamber members wanting more details. The issue is a statewide concern and other chambers such as Spokane also made their concerns known. The GVCC’s grassroots alert was working.
Just to be sure you know, there were 51 House members who voted in favor of this thing. Some were from the communities bordering Oregon, which surprised me. They really wanted that tax money. They had estimated generating over $23 million in new tax dollars in 2013 by doing away with the exemption. But no one in the legislature had accounted for retail sales losses or job losses. There is no law to require that estimate on private sector impacts. Job losses translate into using government programs such as food stamps and unemployment insurance, which raise business taxes. But there is no law that requires an estimate on public services either. The law only requires an estimate on state revenues. So even though this bill would have impacted families negatively, the tax dollar in the eyes of those 51 House members blurred all unintended consequences of the tax. The debate in the legislature was pretty fierce, with over 20 legislators debating the issue. But, thanks to the those advocating on behalf of businesses everywhere, the bill
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
By Jan Teague, President/CEO Washington Retail Association
The GVCC’s grassroots alert was working.
failed to receive the required 2/3 majority vote, and was ultimately shot down. The Washington Retail Association, WRA, is a 501 C 6 trade association formed to advocate for Washington State’s retailers at the local, state and national level. Since 1987, the WRA has protected Washington’s retailers from unreasonable taxes, fees, regulations and legislation. The efforts of the WRA benefit all Washington state retailers and help fuel statewide economic growth. Learn more about the WRA at n
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Why One Local Businessman is Shopping Local By Eric Sawyer, Area Manager, BBSI Preferred Payroll
he saying goes, “Perception is reality.” Why are kids afraid of the dark? Because their perception is that something scary is hiding in the dark shadows under their bed or in the deepest recesses of their Eric Sawyer closets. Their perception is their reality. Scary things hide in the dark, so I’m afraid of the dark. Even when the bravest of moms shows them, with the lights on, that nothing is hiding under their beds or in their closets, the fear returns the moment the light goes out. It’s irrational thinking based on an irrational perception of the truth. Remember though, their perception is their reality. And, while that might just seem like kids’ stuff, the truth is that we adults are not much different than my six-year-old convinced there’s vampires or worse hiding in the dark. So many business owners have the perception that they can’t work with local compa-
nies, thinking that “local companies can’t possibly compete on price,” or “they don’t have the bells and whistles of the big guys,” or “I LIKE just being a number and waiting on hold for an hour when I need their help.” Nobody ever really says or admits to that last one, but it’s essentially what they’re communicating month in, month out when they remain a client with (insert favorite gigantic company that you love to hate). It may just be that we’re conditioned to think that the most recognizable name is a sign of a good business. But the truth is that there are plenty of good local businesses providing an extremely high level of service for other businesses on a day-to-day basis and at a great price. I ask that you give those local organizations a chance. There are lots of local businesses who can not only compete, but outperform the big guys. They answer their phones when you call. You’re not a number when you need their help. In fact, you’re giving them an opportunity to rise to the
occasion, put on their shining armor and jump to the rescue. My wife and I were driving along a few years ago, minding our own business. We were sitting at a stop sign when all of the sudden, “BAAAMMM!!!!” A car slammed into us from behind. Our car was wrecked, but luckily, we were okay. When I called my large, national insurance carrier, however, I was sent on a wild goose chase that ended up lasting weeks. Several years later, as though we had a target on our back bumper, my wife and I were once again hit from behind. But, by this time, I had switched to a local insurance agent, which meant that after one quick phone call to my new agent, everything was handled for me right away. No headaches. No issues. No stress. Local to the rescue! The moral of the story: Never ride in the back seat of my car while I’m driving. Oh, and local businesses supporting other local businesses makes for a damn strong local economy. n
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To subscribe to The Columbian call 360-694-2312. Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Spotlight W
hen locals think of West Coast Bank (WCB), most associate the name with the six-story building that helps make up the Vancouver city skyline. Others might think of West Coast Bancorp, one of the largest community banks in the Pacific Northwest with three locations in Vancouver, 60 branches across Oregon and Washington states, and $2.4 billion in assets. But what’s most impressive about WCB is not the scenic location of its main Vancouver branch or the aforementioned facts and figures. Rather, what is most impressive is that WCB achieved its growth by sticking to the 87-year-old institution’s founding principle of putting community first. Ask any of the bank’s loyal customers what WCB means to them, and they’ll tell you one thing again and again: community.
WCB’s focus on community starts with the organization’s commitment to personal service. Blending the sophistication and expertise of larger banks with the local decision making, market knowledge and customer service characteristic of smaller banks, WCB prides itself on exceeding customers’ expectations. “WCB is all about relationships,” says VP/Branch Manager Michele Freeman. “Building and maintaining personalized relationships with our customers helps us gain a thorough understanding of each customer’s financial needs and develop customized solutions.” WCB’s commitment to exceptional service extends outside of the office and into the
community, where WCB’s philanthropic efforts and nonprofit involvement are in full swing year-round. An active member of the Rotary Club of Vancouver and the Southwest Washington Contractors’ Association, Freeman says the bank’s community focus is one of her favorite aspects about working at WCB. “My career has allowed me to be much more involved in the community and with nonprofit organizations than I could have been on my own.” It was through WCB, Freeman points out, that she first became involved with the Chamber ten years ago.
Freeman’s colleagues exemplify the bank’s community focus as well. WCB’s Senior VP/ Credit Services Manager Lisa Dow served as former GVCC Chair, and Assistant VP/ OREO Asset Manager Linda Reid has served on various Chamber committees including this year’s Golf Committee. Freeman, Dow and Reid agree that their contributions are nothing out of the ordinary for WCB’s staff. From tellers volunteering at local food banks to vice presidents serving on nonprofit boards, WCB’s employees tend to be passionate about supporting their community. The organization’s investment in the communities it serves is equally apparent. A recent sampling of sponsorship and donations includes the American Cancer Society’s Hope Ball, Hood to Coast 2012, Habitat for Humanity, Vancouver Humane Society and Guide Dogs for the Blind. WCB’s relation-
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Michele Freeman VP/Branch Manager ship with the Chamber, serving as the presenting sponsor of GVCC’s annual golf tournament for ten consecutive years, is another shining example of the bank’s service to Southwest Washington. West Coast Bank provides exceptional value to its patrons and communities. Whether it is financial investment, philanthropic support or customer service, WCB continues to operate with a community-first mentality. n West Coast Bank Vancouver - Main Branch 500 E. Broadway, Suite 100 Vancouver, WA 98660 360-695-3439
GVCC Member Brings Cash Mobs to Vancouver
n Thursday, March 15, 2012, roughly 70 members of the local community swarmed Kazoodles Toy Store in the region’s first cash mob, generating nearly 1,600 dollars in sales. A portion of those proceeds, as well as select toys purchased during the event, were donated to Innovative Services NW. The cash mob event was organized by two Vancouver-based organizations, PerkSavvy. com and, in an effort to support local businesses. “A cash mob is similar to a flash mob, but instead of breaking out in song and dance, cash mobbers join together to break out their wallets and support a local business,” explains Christine Ortiz, co-founder of PerkSavvy.
“We had 37 purchases with 1,549 dollars in sales,” Sisson says. “That’s a good Saturday all in one hour!” Organizers plan on holding cash mobs on a monthly basis for as long as the movement’s excitement continues. The next cash mob is scheduled for April 12, 2012 in downtown Vancouver. Learn about upcoming PerkSavvy cash mobs at www.facebook. com/PSCashMob., a Clark County-focused daily deals and local directory site, was founded in
September 2011 by Dawn Redmond and Christine Ortiz, two Clark County residents who prefer to shop, eat and play locally. PerkSavvy strives to offer the best daily deals, discounts and perks to its members. PerkSavvy’s “seeker staff” scours the ‘Couve for the most interesting restaurants, activities and experiences, delivering these perks to its members via email and social networks. PerkSavvy is a member of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. Savvy residents interested in receiving local deals and coupons can sign up for free at www. n
The PerkSavvy cash mob organizers announced the pre-selected Kazoodles Toy Store as the destination when the participants met at Chuck’s Produce on Mill Plain Blvd. moments prior to walking to the store en masse. “We kept it a secret because we wanted to show support for a local, small business in a fresh, fun and exciting way,” says Ortiz. “You never know how many people to expect when you hold an event like this, especially when you take into account the weather and the fact that cash mobs are still widely unknown,” says’s cofounder Dawn Redmond. Despite the rain, approximately 70 “mobbers” participated in the event. Mayor Tim Leavitt showed up to offer his support as well. Mary Sisson, owner of Kazoodles Toy Store, was impressed with the turnout, however. Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
From a
By Mark Matthias, Owner Beaches Restaurant & Bar
No Business After Hours: Tax Day Survivor
ep, it’s time to reconnect with friends just for the heck of it. I can’t think of a better day to unwind then April 17th – Tax Day. I mean seriously, this is a day of celebration when you just gotta be thankful that Uncle Sam didn’t get it all! This “No Business After Hours” will once again feature Great Food, Beverages, Live Music & Door Prizes. The theme ‘Tax Day Survivor’ just might apply to you. Or, maybe tax evasion is more appropriate? And meeting at Pearson is not a coincidence. Small planes for rent will be available for those looking to get out of the country quickly, and silently. Thanks Elson. Elson? He’s probably caught that first flight! Operating in a world of unknowns has become the norm for each of us. So, with that in mind, it’s time for all of us to get outta the office with no expectations of accomplishing anything. No pressure to sell; no pressure to buy; no pressure to give; no pressure to take (okay, that one is fair game – you may win something); no pressure to get those taxes done (you may be a hair late on that one); and no pressure to talk politics (why ruin a perfectly good Tax Day?). Need a reason to get together? Hmmm, how about we live in a really cool community with good people & good friends – now that’s the perfect reason to get together and have a little fun. I want to thank some companies helping with this event. That would be Alaska Airlines, IQ Credit Union, Pearson Air Museum, and of course the team at the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. I can assure you these folks know how to throw a party. Or at least they know HOW to party! It’ll be a good one, so get signed up at
See ya there.
Business After Hours
P.S. Did I happen to mention that Alaska Airlines & Beaches will be giving away a Hawaiian trip for two? If you want a chance, you must pre-register by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 13! n
January 24 February 28
March 27 April 17
From Chair Cont...
continued from page 4
be made: How much should the tolls be? Will they vary during the day? How long will they be in place? Without tolls there is not enough other money to finance the approved project. We support the pursuit of learning what tolls will look like sooner rather than later. This community has been debating the concept of tolls for a long time, but now we need to weigh the pros and cons of a specific proposal and continue to move forward with the project. n
May 22 June 26 July 24
August 28 September 25 October 23 November 13 December 18
BAH at GVCC, Beaches Shop Local Business Showcase & BAH, Riverview, VoiceWalker International Air & Hospitality Academy No Business After Hours, Beaches, iQ Credit Union Horenstein Law Group, Killian Pacific, Miller Nash, West Coast Bank Sponsorship Available Martel Wealth Advisors, Regents Bank, C.E. Johnson, Beaches Columbia Bank Shop Local Business Showcase & BAH No Business After Hours Glenwood Place Senior Living Fort Vancouver Library Foundation
Interested in sponsoring a 2012 Business After Hours? Contact Susie Bauder at (360) 567-1093 or
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
2012 BAH List - 3.30.12 - NO LOGOS.indd 1
3/31/12 11:43 AM
$20 Chamber members • $30 Non-members • $35 At the door (Price includes two alcoholic/non -alcoholic drink tickets -Value $5)
Win a FREE trip for 2 to Hawaii! Register by 5 p.m. Friday, April 13, 2012 to be entered into the drawing. Must be present to win.
Presenting Sponsor: Nike Tent Sponsor:
Supporting Sponsor:
June 14, 2012 • 8:30a.m. Sponsoring gets you in front of 144 influential players that you would never be able to have a face-to-face with if you were to visit their office cold. The chamber’s golf tournament allows you a whole day to really get to know a person, which is typically reflective of how they run their business. ~ Paul McLinn, Calderon Family Dentistry
The playing of golf is almost secondary to the networking and fun elements of the tournament. Everyone in attendance, from the hole sponsors to the golfers, are having fun. ~ Don Russo, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt
Hole-in-one Sponsor:
Ball Drop Sponsor:
hen it comes to golf, your Chamber means business. GVCC supports and fosters a healthy business community and, at our annual tournament, that’s exactly what you see when you step out on the green: Members of the local business community building relationships, expanding their spheres of influence, and developing avenues for doing business.
Bring your game; improve your network!
et out of your office this summer and out on the green. Join your colleagues and other Vancouver execs for a day of business and pleasure at the picturesque Camas Meadows Golf Club. We have room for 36 teams of four. Bring a team or sign up as an individual and we’ll create one for you. You’re entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, golf carts, fun activities at every hole, tons of great prizes (the first to hit a hole-in-one drives away with a brand new car!), and a tasty BBQ to follow!
Sign up to play today! For player inquiries and general information re. the tournament, contact Susie Bauder at, 360-567-1093.
The truth is, no one does golf tournaments better than the Chamber! The annual Chamber event is well known as the best business golf tournament in Southwest Washington, and the 10th Annual GVCC Golf Tournament is shaping up to be our best golf tournament yet!
Gain exposure; make an impression!
ponsors and players return to this tournament year after year to spend a day on the links, showcase their company, and connect with high-level execs and decision makers from all industries. In addition to the promotion on collateral before, during, and after the tournament, the Chamber’s tournament sponsors also gain incredible visibility. From personally meeting participants and collecting business cards, to facilitating activities and drawings, sponsors help make the tournament a fun and engaging environment while simultaneously showcasing their organization. People do business with those they know and trust, and the Chamber’s tournament gives you a chance to create a face-to-face relationship that transfers beyond the golf course.
Choose your sponsorship level! For a full list of sponsorship opportunities, contact Teresa Lawwill at tlawwill@, 360-567-1090
Stay tuned for Golf Tournament updates:
n Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Swing into Spring: How to Improve Your Golf Game By Sherri McMillan, M.Sc., Owner, Northwest Personal Training
Sherri McMillan
pring is in the air, and many of us are now realizing summer is on its way. Tennis, cycling, jogging, golfing, in-line skating, baseball, swimming, hiking … I can’t wait!
With the longer days, many of us have a renewed sense of energy. So, along with the spring cleaning you may be tackling around the house, it’s time to get your body in tip-top shape for golf. Golfing has experienced a rapid rise in popularity over the last few years. Veteran golfers aren’t surprised. In fact, longtime golfers love their sport so much they spend a lot of hours and money attempting to perfect their swing, finetune their skills and lower their score. But very few gung-ho golfers spend any time on improving their basic physical conditioning. The reality is, the golf swing is a very complex, explosive and unnatural movement placing significant stresses and torque on the body parts involved. Because of the nature of the sport, golfers are at a high risk for developing overuse injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joint structures -- particularly in the low back, hip and shoulder areas. Professional golfers are injured on average twice a year and amateur golfers once a year, with the most common injury sites being the wrist (27 percent), back (24 percent), elbow (23 percent), shoulder (8 percent) and knee (7 percent). Most of these injuries are the result of the repetitive nature of practice swings, combined with a poor warm-up and weak trunk, shoulder and wrist muscles. The stronger, better-conditioned golfer will be less susceptible to injury and will recover more quickly after an injury. A good golf
conditioning program will incorporate balance exercises, full body rotational movements and a stretching program that increases a golfer’s ability to rotate at the spine. Here are some exercises to help improve your golf swing and prevent injury: Lunge with ball rotation: Start standing with your feet together and holding a medicine ball. (You can purchase medicine balls and exercise tubes at most department stores like Target or a sports equipment store.) Slowly lunge forward until your front knee is positioned over your foot at a 90-degree angle. As you lunge, rotate the medicine ball to the same side of the front leg. Keep your abdominals contracted throughout the entire repetition. Return to the starting position. Alternate legs performing 13 to 20 repetitions on each side. Tube trunk rotation: Wrap a tube around a pole at about midthigh height. Stand sideways to the pole holding the tube in both hands, standing far enough from the pole so there is tension on the tube. Keep your abdominals contracted and slowly pull the tube across your body in an upward motion as your trunk rotates outwards. Perform 13 to 20 reps each side.
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
V-sit rotation: Start by sitting completely upright. Then recline back a few inches while maintaining a good postural position supporting your body weight on your sitting bones while keeping your chest out, shoulders back and abdominals contracted. Holding this position, slowly rotate your elbows side to side. Perform five times on each side, take a break and then repeat. To make this exercise more challenging, hold onto a medicine ball. Hip and back stretch: Lie on the floor on your back. Lift your left leg straight up and wrap a stretching strap around the foot. Holding the strap in your leg arm, cross the leg over your body toward the floor so that the left foot almost touches the right hand that is resting on the floor. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds. If this stretch is too aggressive, bend the knees. Repeat on the other side. Sherri McMillan, M.Sc. is the owner of Northwest Personal Training in downtown Vancouver. She is the author of five books including “Go For Fit - the Winning Way to Fat Loss” and “Fit over Forty” and is the featured presenter in various fitness DVDs. For more information, visit or call 360-574-7292. n
Ribbon Cuttings Summit Mortgage
13115 NE 4th St. • Suite 160 Vancouver, WA 98684
2200 NE Andresen Rd. • Suite J Vancouver, WA 98661
5201 East Fourth Plain Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98661
Any Lab Test Now
Horenstein Law Group
WE Plan It! LLC
Bruno Portrait Studios, LLC
Ryonet Corporation & Main Event
G6 Airpark, Inc.
19215 SE 34th St. • Suite 106-304 Vancouver, WA 98607
Victor Fitness
5601 E 18th St. • Suite 308 Vancouver, WA 98661
1333 Washington Street Vancouver, WA 98660
8115 N.E. Vancouver Mall Drive Vancouver, WA 98662
500 E Broadway • Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98660
12303 NE 56th Street Vancouver, WA 98682
Interested in scheduling your own ribbon cutting ceremony? Contact Darcy Altizer at or 360-567-1051
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Member News Members on the Move
■ Barbette Schoening was re-elected to her fourth term as president of Second Chance Companions when the nonprofit organization held elections on March 11, 2012. Barbette has over 15 years of experience with Animal Rescues and started volunteering at SCC in 2006. Since then, she started SCC News and has brought in thousands of dollars through her grant writing efforts. Other election results include: Terry Spangler as first Vice President, Dawn Forlini as Second Vice President, Susan Ritenburgh as Treasurer, and Debby Anderson as Secretary. ■ Frumenti, Lander & Wallace, P.S. (FL&W), a certified public accounting and consulting firm located in Vancouver, has announced the promotion of Ryan Greear to partner with the firm. Greear has Ryan Greear over 11 years of experience in public accounting, specializing in tax services for closely held businesses and their owners. A graduate of Central Washington University, Greear earned his bachelor of science in accounting. Greear joined FL&W as a certified public accountant in 2003. In addition to his work at the firm, Greear is involved in a number of professional and civic organizations, serving on the board of managers for the Clark County Family YMCA. ■ Forward Motion Physical Therapy welcomed Virginia M. Larson PT, MS, COMT to its staff earlier this year. Larson gained her accreditation as a certified orthopedic manual therapist (COMT) Virginia M. Larson – a title held by only a handful of highly trained physical therapists across the nation – from the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy.
Matt Lee
■ Opsahl, Dawson & Company recently brought on a new shareholder: Matt Lee, manager of the CPA firm’s Vancouver office! Matt has been a licensed CPA since 1989, and has managed the Vancouver office
since joining the firm in 2010. Prior to joining the firm, Matt held positions as a manager of a local CPA firm, a CFO of a multi-national business, a controller of a fortune 500 company’s division, and a business owner.
■ Tim Cross has joined Heritage Bank, serving as Vice President Relationship Manager to the bank’s Vancouver office. Tim brings fifteen years of banking experience to Heritage Bank and will be dedicated to growing business relationships in the Vancouver area. ■ Share recently elected their 2012 Board officers, including Peter Fels, of Peter L. Fels PC, who was elected as president of the board. David Parker of Journeyman Electrician was elected internal vice-president. Tim Miller of US Bank was elected external vice-president. Ronald Dobyns of Columbia Credit Union was elected treasurer. Wendee Shuell of Educational Opportunities for Children & Families was elected secretary. ■ The partners of MacKay and Sposito Inc. (M&S) recently announced that Rob Palena, P.E., has joined the firm’s partnership group. As M&S’s Vice President of
Construction Management and Inspection, Rob leads a team of 24 highly qualified and diverse individuals. Rob oversees the construction management and inspection duties in all five branch offices, as well as three remote project offices. Rob, who is based out of the firm’s Vancouver, WA corporate office, has been working with M&S since 1999.
Making Headlines ■ Congratulations to John Cozzi Jr. of Tailored Logistics Inc. - the winner of GVCC’s Leads & Needs Quarterly Drawing! John took John Cozzi Jr. home one overnight stay at Oxford Suites in their premium suite plus 2 premium tickets for the 3/31 Timbers game versus Real Salt Lake at Jeld-Wen Field (seated at the midfield line, 11 rows up, under cover) - a total value of $300! Overnight stay courtesy of Oxford Suites. Timbers tickets courtesy of BBSI Preferred Payroll. ■ The board of directors of the Vancouver USA Regional Tourism Office voted to create a new sports commission that will continues on page 17
Join us to celebrate...
Start Ups! Innovators! Fastest Growing Businesses! Presented by
Plan to Attend!
Business Growth Awards Finalists Showcase and Reception Pearson Air Museum • Thursday, April 26, 2012 • 5-8 pm Admission $50 includes generous hors d’oeuvres buffet, beer/wine and networking entertainment provided by Patrick Lamb Pre-registration required 360.695.2442 | 1251 Of f icers Row | Vancouver, WA 98661 |
Event sponsors
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
High Fidelity entertainment
serve as a catalyst for attracting and promoting sports events and tournaments in Clark County. The newly formed Vancouver USA Regional Sports Commission will serve as a special advisory committee to the board and will be comprised of 20 to 30 members. Initial members of the Sports Commission include Brian McClary, Heathman Lodge; Charles Guthrie, Clark College; Peter Mayer, Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation; Alison Hite, Spring Hill Suites by Marriott; Dave Sobolik, Fit Right; and Kim Bennett, Vancouver USA Regional Tourism Office. ■ Nearly 250 people showed up to support their local businesses at GVCC’s Biannual Shop Local Business Showcase held on February 28th at the Red Lion Hotel at the Quay. The evening was packed with fun activities, door prize drawings, networking opportunities, and delicious food catered by the Red Lion. CenturyLink’s Joe Filipanko was the lucky winner of the iPad raffle. Joe took home a brand new Apple iPad 2, courtesy of DESIprint! We thank our sponsors – Riverview Community Bank,
■ Angie Hicks, owner of Angie’s List has awarded SW Washington’s Entek Corporation with the 2011 Super Service Award. The local heating and cooling organization took the award among all organizations of its kind on Angie’s List – Congratulations, Entek! ■ Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center’s External Affairs Officer, Annette Cleveland, is running for State Senate (49th LD). Learn more at ■ Cory Blickenstaff, owner of Forward Motion Physical Therapy in Hazel Dell, was recently certified in the exercise philosophy known as Functional Movement Systems (FMS). The rankCory Blickenstaff ing and grading system documents movement patterns key for functional mobility. Screening the quality and range of a patient’s movements enables therapists to readily identify functional limitations, as well as better employ corrective exercises for the findings. The screen is useful for anyone who is begin-
ning or altering an exercise, fitness, or training program and is intended to keep people from getting derailed by pain and injury. More information at ■ The Vancouver-based online couponing and daily deal site PerkSavvy. com (PS) has introduced a new feature for its users – a hyperlocalized online business directory. PS founders, Dawn Redmond and Christine Ortiz, describe the listings as a “mini website,” providing participating businesses with an array of customizable features, including photos, social media links, videos and coupons. Learn more at ■ Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt recently honored shareholder Lisa Lowe with its firm-wide John L. Schwabe Client Service Award, which recognizes an attorney in the firm who goes “above and beyond” in his or her dedication and service to firm clients. In addition continues on page 18
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
continued from page 16
VoiceWalker, and The Columbian – for making the event possible. We appreciate your contributions and support!
Member News Cont...
Member News Cont... continued from page 17
to peer recognition, the firm makes a $1,000 donation to the nonprofit organization of the award recipient’s choice. In this case, Lowe has chosen Humane Society For Southwest Washington. ■ Columbia Credit Union recently announced growth rates above the national average for 2011. The credit union posted increases in assets, loans and income over 2010 and surpassed national growth rates in several categories including savings and checking growth, loan originations, and membership. ■ Students and staff at International Air & Hospitality Academy (IAHA) and Northwest Renewable Energy Institute (NW-REI) are making a difference in the community through its casual dress days fundraiser. IAHA and NW-REI students normally adhere to a school dress code, but in 2011 the schools asked students and staff participating in casual dress days to donate $1 to the school’s Helping Hands Committee in exchange. Last year, the schools raised nearly $4,000 for local charities including: Make A Wish Foundation, American Heart Association, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Livestrong, PJ’s for Foster Kids, American Red Cross, Harney Elementary (Vancouver) and Susan G. Komen For The Cure. ■ Paying tribute to a long-time Chamber member and leader, GVCC President Kelly Parker presented Arch Miller with a Chamber Leadership Award at GVCC’s Business After Hours on March 27th. Nearly 150 people gathered at the Northwest Renewable Energy Institute for the event sponsored by the International Air & Hospitality Academy.
■ Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Donna Sage has launched a new behavioral therapy practice in Vancouver, Washington. Combining hypnosis with self-empowering techniques, The Sage Centre helps clients eliminate or control
self-defeating behaviors and achieve longterm change. Donna is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, but Sage says her BA in Human behavior, master’s in psychology and doctorate in philosophy enhance her expertise. ■ Congratulations to Sherrill Traviss of Deja Vu Camas Ladies Consignment Boutique! Sherrill was the lucky winner of $50 Fast Pass Giveaway randomly selected by participating in the “Back to Business in 2012” membership survey. Don’t miss your chance to win prizes! Participate in the Chamber’s next membership survey this June! ■ Bruno Portrait Studios, LLC celebrates 100 years of service to Clark County this year with a new location, returning to downtown Vancouver just blocks from where the company stood for over 90 years until 2000. “We wanted to put ourselves in the heart of the community again. To better serve you, the clients we have had the pleasure of creating memories for,” says President Aaron Peachey, explaining the organization’s move back downtown. The studio’s new location is 1333 Washington Street.
Member Events ■ Join the community from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at the Hilton Vancouver for Larry Paulson’s retirement Party. We’ll celebrate Larry’s remarkable 20-year career at the Port Larry Paulson of Vancouver USA, his countless contributions to the community and his legacy of leadership. Cost: $65 per person. Pre-registration is required. Register at ■ Celebrate with Innovative Services NW at the Fiesta of Caring Hearts at 5:30 p.m. on May 4, 2012 at the Red Lion Hotel at the Quay. You’ll hear inspiring stories, meet the three winners of the Caring Heart Awards, participate in the silent auction, and enjoy lively entertainment and Salsa dance lessons all while indulging in festive appetizers, dinner and drinks. Proceeds benefit Innovative Services NW. Cost: $55 per person. For more information, contact Kathy Deschner at (360) 823-5171 or
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
■ The Nutter Foundation’s Dozer Day fun returns to Clark County on Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.! An event for the whole family, Dozer Day gives kids a chance to hop in the driver’s seat of heavy construction equipment from big yellow dozers to dump trucks, driving with a professional operator by their side! Event proceeds will be donated to local children’s charities. It’s fun for the whole family that benefits so many others! Sponsored by Riverview Community Bank. Pricing and event info at ■ Benvenuti to Furever in Firenze! Join your community at Second Chance Companions’ (SCC) 10th Annual Great Balls of Fur Benefit on May 26, 2012, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Heisen House Vineyards in Battle Ground. Enjoy antipasto appetizers, and partake in the raffle and silent auction while listening to beautiful Italian music by Michael Maffei. The event will feature emcees Helen Raptis and David Schmitke. Cost: $25 per person. For more information visit or call Sandy Prue at (360) 852-0164.
From CEO Cont... continued from page 5
Donna has been described by her friends and colleagues as a strong, forceful, gracious, enthusiastic, smart and savvy leader with a great heart for her community. We thank her family for sharing her with us all these years. Donna put service above self. She valued people more than things. She saw a great future for our community and worked hard every day to make good things happen. No one can fill her shoes – we know that. Still, as we remember the woman who gave our community so much, we renew our commitment to try and be a little more like Donna; following her footsteps on the brightly lit path that she’s left behind. Thank you Donna. n
Renewing Members
AAA Washington
3 years
Foundation for Vancouver Public Schools
3 years
Acuity Business Services, LLC
2 years
Fusion Functional Fitness
1 year
2 years
Glenwood Place
1 year
Hamilton‑Mylan Funeral Home, Inc.
22 years
Highgate Senior Living
59 years
Homewatch Caregivers
1 year
David Horowitz
3 years
Human Services Council
27 years
JD Fulwiler & Company Insurance
61 years
Junior Achievement
37 years
Kadel’s Cascade Auto Body
5 years
Friends of Hospice of SW Washington
66 years
Gaffney Counseling & Consulting
9 years
Global Technology Solutions
77 years
Harry’s Key Service, Inc.
35 years
Holland Inc/Burgerville
5 years
Homewood Suites By Hilton
Howard S. Wright
7 years
IGI Resources
25 years
JoeScan, Inc.
44 years
Just Right Auto Repair
26 years
Kaiser Permanente Administration
Columbia River Mental Health Service
9 years
Keller Williams Realty – Dave Dumas
Comfort Inn & Suites Downtown Vancouver
36 years
Kramer Gehlen & Associates, Inc.
1 year
Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation
28 years
Lacamas Community Credit Union
22 years
Landerholm, PS
1 year
Lower Columbia Pathologists
22 years
Lynch Janitorial & Cleaning, LLC
Eric Fuller & Associates, Inc.
15 years
Marriot Residence Inn Vancouver
Evergreen Habitat for Humanity
1 year
Miller Nash, LLP
2 years
Moss Adams
6 years
Nies Insurance ‑ Vancouver
ACE Affordable Community Environments The Al Angelo Company ALX Fitness
The Amphitheater at Clark County At Your Place Senior Care Biggs Insurance Services
Blairco Heating & Air Conditioning Blue Bird Transfer, Inc. BNSF Railway Jack Burkman
Cascade Athletic Clubs at fisher’s Landing Cascade Inn
CDM Services
Cinetopia Theaters, LLC City of Vancouver
Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark Public Utilities
Columbia Collectors, Inc. Columbia Credit Union Columbia River
Economic Development Council
Columbia Treatment Services
Community Foundation for SW Washington Core Fitness LLC dba Stairmaster Cosco Fire Protection C‑Tran
CW Capital
Davidson & Associates Insurance Agency Daybreak Youth Services The Dmitri Agency Edward Jones
EOCF/Educational Opportunities for Children & Families
Erik Runyan Jewelers FASTSIGNS
First Christian Science Church and Reading Room
Formos Software Development
Fort Vancouver Regional Library Foundation
Kemira Chemicals, Inc.
2 years
Krispy Kreme
3 years
Labor Ready
1 year
Lakeside Industries
8 years
Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center
3 years
Lucky Limousine
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt
4 years
Mortgage Express, LLC
10 years
11 years
13 years 23 years 12 years 2 years
61 years 9 years
15 years 2 years 5 years 8 years
10 years 37 years 8 years
18 years 9 years
29 years 61 years
New Day Community Dental Clinic
7 years
10 years 11 years
40 years 2 years
21 years 3 years 7 years
10 years 48 years 8 years 5 years 6 years
Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting
96 years
2 years 22 years
Keller Williams Realty
8 years
hank you to all of our renewing members for continuing your Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce membership! We are proud to serve our members through our mission of providing positive business leadership, growing jobs and strengthening the local economy. ■
2 years 3 years 1 year
2 years
31 years 5 years
62 years 1 year
25 years continues on page 22
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
New Members
elcome to the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. We thank you for your investment. You help make our Chamber one of the largest and most active business associations in the region. Please go to our online directory at for website, contact and business category information about these companies and organizations. Please help us in our mission to build a strong and stable local economy – do business with Chamber members. ■
Chris LaGrange
Todd Mitchell
Norman Wolfe
3009 NE 87th Ave Vancouver, WA 98662 • 503-242-2895
1331 NW Lovejoy Portland, OR 98209 • 503-226-1191
1208 E 33rd Place Vancouver, WA 98661 • 877-502-7747
Ater Wynne, LLP
Elisa Cotton
Karen Krejcha
4601 NE 77th Ave., Suite 100 Vancouver, WA 98662 • 360-571-5626
PO Box 871676 Vancouver, WA 98687 • 888-699-2967
Creekside Mortgage, Inc.
Autism Empowerment
Marsha Dee
Brian and Sharon Rowe
4201 NE Minnehaha St. Vancouver, WA 98661 • 360-695-4198
4309 NE 12th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98663 • 503-260-2175
Quantum Leaders Julie Wisser
Riverview Community Bank Aumsville 112 Main Street Aumsville, OR • 503-749 1200
Certified Optimal Health Coaches
Dean Sterner
Wesley Dameron
Anjli Desai
10401 NE Halsey Street Portland, OR • 503-251-1074
2200 NE Andresen Rd., Suite J Vancouver, WA 98661 • 360-828-1444
13207 NE 20th Avenue Vancouver, WA 98686 • 360-696-0411
Fabrication Products
G6 Airpark, Inc. Steve Horenstein
Horenstein Law Group
500 E Broadway, Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98660 • 360-699-4771
James Hughes
Bergstrom Nutrition
1000 West 8th Street Vancouver, WA 98660 • 360-693-1883
Rick Takach
Vesta Hospitality, LLC
701 SE Columbia Shores Blvd., Suite 302 Vancouver, WA 98661 • 360-737-0442
Lucy Reckers
3 Cottage Lane
31196 SW Orchard Dr. Wilsonville, OR 97070 • 503-706-9355
Shawn Klinkner
Fishers Landing Medical Plaza
Days Inn Salmon Creek Rhonda Walton
EVO2GO Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
P.O. Box 65399 Vancouver, WA 98665 •360-574-1148
Cory Blickenstaff
Forward Motion Physical Therapy 717 NE 61st St., Suite 203 Vancouver, WA 98665 • 360-600-2272
Alan Ford
Garrow Equity Group
PO Box 65955 Vancouver, WA 98665 • 360-931-2250
Alycia Hadfield
Must Love Dogs NW
PO Box 87175 Vancouver, WA 98687 • 360-719-5850
Robin M Hilleary
Riverview Community Bank Gateway Cynthia Furlong
Riverview Community Bank Goldendale 412 South Columbus Goldendale, WA • 509-773 5719
Connie Hladek
Riverview Community Bank Longivew 1011 Washington Way Longview, WA • 360-636-1650
Kathy McKenzie
Riverview Community Bank Stevenson 225 SW 2nd Street Stevenson, WA • 509-427-5603
Dale Connell
Riverview Community Bank White Salmon 330 E. Jewett Blvd White Salmon, WA • 509-493-3449
ODS Health Plan, Inc.
Casey Ryan
Alpine Repair & Oil Change
Richard Rylander
23500 NE Sandy Blvd. Wood Village, OR •503-492 4113
Dan True
2210 W Main Street, Suite 107 317 Battle Ground, WA 98604 • 360-666-2562
417 SE 164th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98684 • 503-251-6180
Rodney Cook
12302 NE Fourth Plain Rd. Vancouver, WA 98682 • 360-256-4680
American Family Insurance 1200 NE 99th St., Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98665 • 360-823-5555
Camie Konkright
Arbonne International
PO Box 942 Ridgefield, WA 98642 • 360-921-3312
19515 North Creek Pkwy, Suite 214 Bothell, WA 98011 • 866-938-7561
Pacific Northwest Small Business Consulting Samantha Snider
ProCare Cleaning and Building maintenance, Inc. 6201 NE 11th Ave., Suite A2 Vancouver, WA 98665 • 360-448-2271
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Riverview Community Bank Wood Village Donna G Sage
The Sage Centre
The Academy Building 400 E. Evergreen Blvd., Suite 205 D Vancouver, WA 98660 • 360-260-4943
Richard Easbey
Studio F
10008 NE 65th Circle Vancouver, WA 98662 • 360-487-6191
Erin Martuscelli & Wendy Sturm
We Plan It, LLC
19215 SE 34th St., Suite 106 304 Vancouver, WA 98607 • 360-513-1707
Ken Schmidt
A.L. Insurance Group, Inc.
Kevin Bryan
1304 NE 154th Street, Suite 101 Vancouver, WA 98685 • 360-694-3165
7301 NE Hwy 99, Suite 5 Vancouver, WA 98665 • 360-694-9994
Quality Sales, Inc. Dana Patten
Curly’s Lock and Key
14407 NE 13th Ave. 680 Tyler St, Eugene OR 97402 Vancouver, WA 98685 • 360-835-3772
Erica Perrott
Silke Communications
7604 NE Hazel Dell Ave. Vancouver, WA 986685 • 360-694-7994
Lana Parra
Edwin Kawasaki
6707 NE 117th, Suite 100d Vancouver, WA 98662 • 360-798-7377
Additional Self Storage
16300 N.E. 15th Street Vancouver, WA 98684 • 360-260-1136
Dr Brian C Alder
Alder Family Dentistry
8700 NE Hazel Dell Ave Vancouver, WA 98665 • 360-574-8700
Renae McKague
Any Lab Test Now
5201 East Fourth Plain Blvd., Suite 105 360-828-5600
Myron Hertel
BookKeeping Express
212 NE 164th, Suite 9 Vancouver, WA 98684 • 360-200-7679
Aaron Peachey
Curly’s Lock and Key
Vancouver Elite Gymnastics Academy Aho Construction
5512 NE 109th Ct., Suite. 101 Vancouver, WA 98662
John White
BHP Billitan Canada, Inc.
1111 Main Street Vancouver, WA 98660 • 360-823-6116
Mary Burger
212 NE 164th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98684
Extreme Turbo Systems, Inc. 12613 NE 95th Street Vancouver, WA 98682 • 360-896-3000
Helen Wormser
19215 S.E. 34th Street, Suite 106 385 Camas, WA 98607
Nicholas Hippert
The Hippert Company
21410 SW 90th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 • 503-885-2968
Denise Sweeden
Meier Engineering
1310 Main Street, #201 Vancouver, WA 98660 • 360-696-8498
Computer Diva
Sandy Prue
Eileen Tefft
14208 NW 3rd Court, Suite 200 Vancouver, WA 98685 • 360-574-9313
17700 NE 29th Street Vancouver, WA 98682 • 360-567-8838
Connected Capital Finance
15024 NE 12th Street Vancouver, WA 98684 • 425-444-8338
Bruno Portrait Studios, LLC 1333 Washington Street Vancouver, WA 98660 • 360-693-6751
continued from page 20
Kathy Jorgeson
News Members...
Pacific Cascade Parking Equipment Tracy Beaty
Signs by Tomorrow Vancouver 1720 NE 64th Ave., Suite B Vancouver, WA 98684 ■
Kent Morrill
Estilo Salon, LLC
2520 Columbia House Blvd., Suite 102 Vancouver, WA 98661 • 360-719-2571
Guimis Giron
Giron Roofing, LLC
1311 NE 139th Street, Suite 6 Vancouver, WA 98685 • 503-995-4794
Kristine Kemp
Markon, Inc.
6524 NE 10th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98665 • 360-695-5368
Debbie Durgan
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School 4701 NW Franklin St. Vancouver, WA 98663 • 360-696-6700
Destination: Beaches PDX Private Meeting Spaces Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner
Take a Vacation without leaving town!
Dennis Sallee
Pita Pit/Yo licious
16401 NE 36th St. Vancouver, WA 98682 • 360-896-5773
Portland International Airport * Pre-Security * 503-335-8385 Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Renewing Members... continued from page 19
Nonprofit Network
11 years
1 year
Tom Phillips
1 yea
Outback Steakhouse
Pinnacle Mortgage Planning Port of Camas/Washougal Port of Portland
The Management Group, Inc. Tri‑Mountain Golf Course
7 years
Tully’s Coffee ‑ 164th
2 years
United Grain Corporation
25 years
Unitus Community Credit Union US Bank
18 years
Pro‑Tech Industries, Inc.
Vancouver Ford/Hyundai/Suzuki, Inc.
27 years
RAPCO Industries, Inc.
Vancouver Funeral Chapel
11 years
Realvest Corporation
Red Lion Hotel at the Quay - Quay Restaurant and Bar
The Reflector
Riverview Community Bank Salmon Creek Law Offices
Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Serenity Lane
T Square Remodeling
10 years
Portland Spirit
ServiceMaster Building Services
9 years
Specialty Graphic Solutions, LLC
14 years
Pickett Insurance Agency
Silver Star Cabinets, Inc.
Smith‑Cooper Northwest
3 years
The Oregonian
9 years
Shorty’s Garden and Home
9 years
Nutter Corporation
Vancouver Granite Works, Inc.
36 years
Vancouver Housing Authority
51 years
Vancouver Sign Group
Vancouver Watersheds Council
24 years
Walmart ‑ #2947
15 years
Wilson Associates Architects
7 years
& Planners AIA
45 years 2 years
6 years 1 year
19 years 20 years 9 years 4 years 8 years 5 years
43 years 48 years 75 years 24 years 8 years
61 years 2 years
11 years
19 years
Women Entrepreneurs Organization
2 years
Zero Down Time, Inc.
11 years ■
Yellow Book USA
5 years
3 years
13 years
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Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
Vancouver Chamber
The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Chair: Tim Schauer, MacKay & Sposito, Inc. Vice Chair: Kristy Weaver, Pacific Continental Bank Secretary – Treasurer: Winston Asai, Columbia Machine Immediate Past Chair: Jeff Woodside, Nutter Corporation
Jonathan Avery, Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center Todd Coleman, Port of Vancouver John Deeder, Evergreen Public Schools Tamara J. Fuller, NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson Jeff Harvey, Burgerville Dave Horowitz, Windermere Real Estate Elie Kassab, Prestige Development Alex McMillan, ALX Fitness Wayne Nelson, Clark Public Utilities Eric Olmsted, On Line Support, Inc. William Pritchard, Pritchard Orthodontics Rhona Sen Hoss, WSU Vancouver Keith Wallace, Frumenti, Lander & Wallace, P.S.
Working the lines, 24 hours a day...
• Administrative: Tim Schauer, MacKay & Sposito, Inc. • Finance: Winston Asai, Columbia Machine • Public Affairs: Tim Schauer, MacKay & Sposito, Inc. • Membership Services: Keith Wallace, Frumenti, Lander & Wallace, P.S.
Whether phone lines or power lines, we work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to keep your lights on. Have a service or billing question? Call 992-3000 anytime and we can help!
• Leadership Clark County • Southwest Washington Association of Business Leaders (SWWABL)
CHAMBER STAFF DSW 2011 Chamberads:Layout 1 8/10/11 3:09 PM Page 2 Sr. Messenger 7.625x7.875.indd 1
11/3/11 12:08 PM
Darcy Altizer Vice President, Member Services 360-567-1051 Susie Bauder Events Director 360-567-1093 Matt Hoffstetter Sales Director 360-567-1058
Duggan Schlotfeldt &Welch PLLC Attorneys at Law
900 Washington St. Vancouver, WA 98660 360.699.1201
Graphic Production: Gary Hollingshead Imagineering-Graphics 360-254-1825 Printing: Southwest Office Supply 503-241-1921
Teresa Lawwill Community Relations Director 360-567-1090 Terra Mahmoudi Communications Director 360-567-1056
Together our focus is business litigation, construction, real estate and insurance law.
Our attorneys are the best and brightest in their practice areas, with nearly six decades of combined legal experience. Our mission is to protect your interests and provide for your success. Just call Duggan Schlotfeldt & Welch when you and your business are seeking exceptional legal advice.
Kelly Parker President/CEO 360-567-1050
Spring 2012 • Advancing the Business Community. •
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Do Business With Chamber Members Periodical US Postage Paid Vancouver, WA
1101 Broadway, Suite 100 Vancouver, WA 98660 USA