April 30, 2017
The Cross: Detour or Destination?
9:30 - Celebration (Traditional) 11:00 - Encounter (Contemporary)
We’re glad you are here! We want your experience today at Vandalia Nazarene to be as pleasant as possible. Please let a greeter or usher know if there’s anything we can help you with. Please take advantage of our children and teen ministries. During our worship, please feel free to worship in the way you feel is most comfortable. Our desire is simply for you to meet God here this morning, and for you to get an idea of what our church family looks like. Mark, Holly, Ella & Ayden Batton
Sunday, 4/30
Morning Worship
9:30a & 1:00a
Family Night - Enjoy time with your family Wednesday, 5/3
Bible Study, Rhythm, Kids Rock
Thursday, 5/4
Ladies Night Out - LaFiesta, 8331 N. Main St.
Sunday, 5/7
Tuesday, 5/9
Morning Worship Service Rhythm Life Groups Church Board Meeting
Wednesday, 5/10
Bible Study, Rhythm, Kids Rock
9:30a & 11:00a 6:00p 6:00p 7:00p 6:30p
There is a short presentation from the Gideons in both morning worship services. More information on the Gideons is available in the lobby. Ladies Night Out is this Thursday, May 4, 6:30p, at LaFiesta - 8331 No. Maint St., Randolph Plaza.
Sunday School Teachers Needed: Preschool and K-5 grade. We operate on an every other month schedule. Please let Summer Lyons know if you are available to help. SAVE THE DATE! Deep Sea Discover VBS is June 4-7!
Jim Wolfe Kathy Denniston Kevin Hornbeck Bob Vogelmann Virginia Moore Michael Brandt Julie Height Nicholas Sammons Donna Fischer Clark Schneider
1 2 6 7 10 11 12 12 14 19
Morris Helton Kelly Cruea Andrea Meholick Taylor Brandt Jerry Clark Jacob Henning Virginia Dunaway Melissa Adams Mike Burton Judy Carpenter
20 21 25 25 26 26 28 28 30 30
Jim & Beth Becher Ray & Gwen Dixon Kathryn & Jamain Finley Andy & Heather Glenn
2 8 26 29
Bridge To The Future! May is “Debt Reduction Month” We are trying to be debt free in 5-7 years. During the month of May, you may give above your normal tithe to the “Debt Reduction Fund”. In June there will be a Celebration Dinner and the total for the debt reduction will be announced then.
Bibles For VBS! Vacation Bible School is June 4-7. We would like to be able to provide Bibles for those children that do not have one or is unable to purchase one. We can purchase a Bible for $15. If you would like to help with this cost, please mark your envelope “VBS Bibles” or see Summer Lyons. We gave out 15 Bibles last year to kids who didn’t have one.
Family Game Night Aaron Lyon’s Sunday School Class is having a Family Game Night on May 19, at 6p, at Aaron & Summer Lyons’ home. Bring your “Make the Thing You’re Known For” dish and any games you may want to play. Please see Aaron or Summer to RSVP, or text Summer at 903-8027
SWO Boys and Girls Summer Camp SWO Summer Camp for kids who complete 2nd-6th grade is June 12 to June 15. Early registration is $150 (March 12- May 26), Late registration is $170 (May 27-June 5). If you are unable to meet the cost, please see Summer Lyons. If you would like to sponsor a child for camp, please mark the offering envelope “Summer Camp” or see Summer Lyons. Register ONLINE ONLY at: swokidscamp17.wufoo.com/forms/swo-kids-camp17
Prime Time Kitchenaid Factory Tour The Prime Timers are going to Greenville on May 23, to take a tour of the Kitchenaid Factory, shop at the retail store, and have lunch. Sign up in the lobby. For questions, see Cindy Rose.
John Meholick - shingles Naomi Brown - recovering from a fall Mike Burton - in rehab Ralph Anderson - recovering from serious surgery on 4/10 Steve Wills - cancer, Pastor Mark’s uncle Toni Byrnes - recovering from hand surgery Sharon Childers - health issues Donna Hendrickson - health issues Carol Eaton - health issue Birdie Livesay - double mastectomy, friend of Pam Cassell Barb Clark - recovering from shoulder surgery Myron Williams - radiation treatments Cindy Whittaker - health issues Vickie Reynolds - cancer, Steve Hoessli’s sister Cierra Adams - serious health issues Ruth Olon - recovering from open heart surgery on April 25, Fran Legore’s sister
Wayne Amos - health issues Larry Oxford - health issues Dennis Holley - serious health issues Bill Burton - under Hospice Care Doris Sharp - health issues Nancy Cheek - Cancer Keith Meagley - Father has Alzheimers Mary Whittaker - health issues Laura Oxford - awaiting double lung transplant Kristen Porter - stage 3 colon cancer, Kathy Denniston’s niece Military: Ryan Lucas, Kyle Brown, Christian Henning, Michael Anderson , Gary Mizer, Mackenzi Riley, Andrew Gunthert, Austin McCoy, Jason Adams Jr., Mellissa Adams, Robert Day
Tithes & Offerings - Weekly Need $6,215 April 23 $3,559
April 16 $4,629
April 9 $4,974
Tech Upgrade - $2,972
April 2 $6,851
Check out our web site at VandaliaNaz.org for more information about Vandalia Nazarene and it’s ministries, opportunities, staff, the church’s beliefs and more.
Mark Batton - Pastor Bob Vogelmann - Prime Time Pastor Summer Lyons - Children’s Leader Ross Frank - Youth Leader Becky Mahle - Administrative Secretary Carolyn Vogelmann - Pastoral Liaison Cindy Whittaker - Financial Secretary
Service Times: 9:30a Celebration (Traditional) 11:00a Encounter (Contemporary) Wednesday 6:30p Find us on Facebook, Google Calandar and at www.VandaliaNaz.org Email: vncoffice@gmail.com
Vandalia Nazarene Church * 620 Stonequarry Rd. * Dayton, OH 45414 937-890-1841