VNC Bulletin 4.8.18

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We’re glad you are here! We want your experience at Vandalia Nazarene to be as pleasant as possible. Let a greeter or usher know if there’s anything we can help you with. Please feel free to worship in the way you feel is most comfortable. Our desire is simply for you to meet God here this morning, and for you to get an idea of what our church family looks like. Mark, Holly, Ella & Ayden Batton

Today, 4/8

Morning Worship

9:30a & 11a

The Underground


Family Night - Enjoy time with your family Monday, 4/9

Safety Team Training

Tuesday, 4/10 Wednesday, 4/11

Church Board Meeting Bible Study, The Underground & Kids Rock

Saturday, 4/14

Cross Sports Soccer Games Begin

Sunday, 4/15

Morning Worship Life Groups

Wednesday, 4/18

Bible Study, The Underground & Kids Rock

7p 6:30p 6:30p

9:30a &11a 6p 6:30p

Safety Team Training There is a Safety Team Training on Monday, April 9, at 7p. If you have any questions, please see Gary Jackson.

SWO NYI Summer Camp 2018 It’s NYI Summer Camp Time! The fee this year is $195 up to April 2 and $225 after April 2. The teens are looking for sponsors to help with the cost. If you would like to sponsor a teen, please mark your envelope “NYI Camp”. Thanks for your help. For question, please see Pastor Ross or Gloria.

Short Term Sunday School Teachers The Children’s Department is looking for short term Sunday School teachers for 2nd service. Ages 1st-5th grade. If you are interested in teaching May/July/September or June/August, please let Miss Summer know.

SWO Praise Rally The teens will be attending the SWO Praise Rally on Sunday, April 22 at 7p. More information coming soon.

Dewey & Jackie Armstrong Lawrence & Martina McKever Ralph & Sharon Anderson Robert & Grace Gordon Dave & Barb Lyons Lloyd & Virginia Dunaway Mark & Holly Batton Dave & Sharon Harrison

1 7 8 16 17 21 29 30

Emmett Hunt

1 John Vance


Carolyn Vogelmann

1 Gary Jackson


Curly Harris

1 Levi Glenn


Jessica Carpenter

2 John Meholick


Janie Montague

3 Adalynn Jones


Dan Johnson


Mallory Johnson


Toni Byrnes


Rod Barnhart


Michael Brandt


The Underground Soup & Grilled Cheese Lunch The teens are having a donation fundraiser on April 29 after the morning worship. There will be soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. All proceeds will go directly into the teen accounts to help pay for youth events like camp. Come and support our teens and enjoy a great lunch. For questions, please see Pastor Ross or Gloria.

Children’s Volunteer Meeting On Sunday, April 22, directly after 2nd service, there is a Children’s Volunteer Meeting. Lunch will be provided. If you are a Children’s Volunteer, I would love for you to come and get updated on procedures, safety, and VCS. Let me know if you have any questions. PLEASE RSVP on Facebook so I know how many to plan for when ordering lunch. Hope to see you there, Summer Lyons.

Worship Volunteer Meeting If you help Jacob with worship, please plan on attending the Worship Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, April 22, directly after 2nd service. Lunch will be provided. See Jacob Mitchell for questions.

SWO Kids’ Camp FRIENDSHIP June 25-28 is the camp date this year. Cost is $170 from now until June 4. After June 4, the price goes up $20. Please let us know if the cost is a hardship WORKSHOP for your family. We want everyone who wants to attend to have the opportunity. In addition, if you are interested in making a donation towards kids’ camp, please mark it and place it in the offering. If you have any questions, please see Summer Lyons.

Man Camp May 18 & 19, 2018 is Man Camp with special speaker Jeramy Williams. Man Camp is held at the Higher Ground Conference & Retreat Center and is for guys 16 and older that need a get-away weekend! More information will be coming soon.

Hendrickson Family - loss of Donna’s brother, Ron this past week Naomi Brown - recovering from eye surgery Stephen Welker - recovering from brain aneurysm surgery on 4/4 Mike Burton - recovering from heart surgery Diana Hoessli - health issues, testing John Sharp - health issues Steve - health issues, Pastor Mark’s uncle David Harrision - beginning radiation treatment Tracy Shadowens - health issues Larry Oxford - heath issues Mike Norrod & family - health problems Bob Shattuck - heart issues, Cindy Rose’s uncle Wayne Amos - health issues Curly Harris - health issue Chris Sales - health concerns Brenda Amrine - health issues Bob Gumbert - health issues, school friend of Rod and Toni Byrnes Marion McCauley - prayer concerns, friend of Laura Oxford

Don Fleming - health issues, friend of Beth Lambert Nan Mizer - cancer, Beth Lambert’s mother Myron Williams - radiation treatments Cierra Adams - serious health issues Dennis Holley - health issues Nancy Cheek - Cancer Mary Whittaker - health issues Laura Oxford - awaiting double lung transplant Kathy Calhoun - health issues Esther Smith - health issues Marcia Fisher - cancer, Joyce Frank’s sister Bea Wolfe - advanced Alzheimers, Dave Wolfe’s mother Jim Wolfe - Uncle Don has brain and kidney cancer Military: Ryan Lucas, Kyle Brown, Jacob Glenn, Christian Henning, Michael Anderson , Gary Mizer, Mackenzi Riley, Andrew Gunthert, Austin McCoy, Mellissa Adams, Robert Day, Zach Ringo

Tithes & Offerings - Weekly Need $5,993 April 1 $8,958

Check out our web site at for more information about Vandalia Nazarene and it’s ministries, opportunities, staff, the church’s beliefs and more.

Mark Batton - Pastor Bob Vogelmann - Sr. Adult Pastor Summer Lyons - Children’s Leader Ross Frank - Youth Pastor Becky Mahle - Administrative Secretary Carolyn Vogelmann - Pastoral Liaison Jacob Mitchell - Music Leader

Service Times: 9:30a Celebration (Traditional) 11:00a Encounter (Contemporary) Wednesday 6:30p Find us on Facebook, Google Calandar and at Email:

Vandalia Nazarene Church * 620 Stonequarry Rd. * Dayton, OH 45414 937-890-1841

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