Recruitment education

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Recruitment Rules & Behavior

Residence Halls ● Active members and PNM’s may not enter one another’s personal residences (e.g., Commons dorm room, Towers suite) at any time, except in the case of biological sisters. However, if a biological sister lives in a sorority residence, the PNM may not enter.

Residence Halls ● ● ●

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Biological sisters can go in the dorm room, but not a sorority house VUCeptors can’t go into rooms, but they can go into dorms ○ exception: introduction in move-in, etc. PNM’s can’t go into a Towers/Highland suite that houses sorority women at all, including the common room! ○ not for pregames, studying, etc. You can go into Freshmen dorms for classes, but you should NOT be in the upper floors where only freshmen live No going into off-campus personal residences

Money and Gifts â—? Active members may not spend money, nor give or receive gifts from PNMS.

Money and Gifts ● Can’t buy them lunch, dinner, cab rides/ubers ● No purchasing/procuring alcohol for PNM’s ● During recruitment, you can’t give them anything that they can take with them (letters, drinks, food, etc.) ● You can’t use Commodore cash to buy something

Men â—? Men may not be used, in any way, to persuade PNMs to join or not join a specific chapter. Men may not wear recruitment shirts for any chapter. No organized PR efforts may be made by any fraternity to support or represent any sorority. â—? Men may only be involved in a sorority's fall philanthropy benefit as an attendee, a member of a contracted or hired group that is available to the public, or as a qualified professional speaker.

Men ● Men may not change their profile pictures to recruitmentrelated photos ○ a picture/image/graphic that encourages to go XYZ sorority ● No men in fall philanthropy events whatsoever (unless a “contracted” group like the Melodores, a speaker, etc.) ○ can be an attendee ○ no male fashion shows ● Men can NOT wear recruitment t-shirts ● Men cannot engage in sorority recruitment activities or behaviors

Social Media ● The use of any social media platform (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) is not to be used between active members and PNMs, with the exception of relationships established prior to a potential new member’s acceptance to Vanderbilt University. In addition, chapter social media accounts may not have interaction on social media with individual PNM’s, though PNM’s can follow chapter accounts (i.e., no interactions between individual PNM’s and individual active members on social media including but not limited to: liking, following, sharing, posting pictures with, etc.).

Social Media ● ● ●

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***You CANNOT post pictures with a PNM on ANY social media platform*** No PNM-to-individual active interaction on any social media You can ONLY be friends with someone on Facebook (or any social media) IF you knew this person and friended them on Facebook prior to their acceptance at Vanderbilt Don’t friend girls on Facebook you meet at Rites of Spring! No social media activity with a PNM whatsoever (unless you knew her before her acceptance) - this includes pictures, liking, posting, etc. You can ask for their number and text them ○ However, you are not to ask for the sake of gathering PNM’s numbers! This is unnatural and directly against the spirit of the rules. RA’s and VUCeptors can be friends only on Facebook

Incentivizing Interaction Chapters can in no way require or incentivize their members to interact with PNM’s, such as going to lunch with PNM’s, collecting information like names and phone numbers, or meeting with them, etc. Incentivizing includes but is not limited to “points”, prizes, money, chapter privileges, parking spaces, etc.

Incentivizing Interaction ● ● ● ●

you should not be required or incentivized to be meeting PNM’s, going out to lunch with them you should not be incentivized to get their contact information, or gather any information about them...That’s weird. you should not be incentivized to do another non-normal, natural interaction with PNM’s incentivizing is a very broad term that includes anything you would normally think of as an incentive ○ points, credit ○ money, gifts, etc. ○ any chapter privileges

Substances â—? The distribution of alcohol, drugs, and fake IDs in a public or private setting is strictly prohibited.

Substances ● ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY FORM. This is a VERY serious violation. ● You can’t allow a PNM to “borrow” your ID, you can’t pass her a drink at a party or bar… ● Drugs? No. ● You are all underage, enough said.

Hotboxing â—? Hotboxing or intentionally intimidating a PNM to join or not join a specific chapter is strictly prohibited. Hotboxing is defined as 3 or more active members communicating with a PNM at one single time.

Hotboxing ● This includes when/if you’re at lunch with a PNM, during class, etc. ● This includes extracurriculars/social events (parties) ● No intimidation in ANY form - keep the PNM’s best interests at heart if you have doubts about how your behavior is being construed! ● 3 actives of any sorority

Vehicles � The joint use of personal cars or cabs between active members and PNMs is strictly prohibited. This includes trips to and from bars, airports, stores, malls, etc. However, rides for academic or extracurricular purposes and rides to and from school to one’s permanent home address are acceptable.

Vehicles ● This includes Uber & cab rides ○ you CANNOT share a cab to/from the airport/grocery store/CVS ● You can drive someone home to their permanent home address - for breaks, etc. ● You can drive people to practices for sports, music, service if you’re also in that activity and going to the same event/practice, etc. ● You can drive people to church ● You CANNOT drive people to lunch or social interactions

Fraternity Chapter Houses â—? No active members or PNMs are to be on fraternity property at any point during Formal Recruitment and the following week, until the first registered event.

Fraternity Chapter House ● ● ● ●

The first registered event of the year is the Friday after Formal Recruitment, no one is allowed in to fraternity houses until this party Fraternities will be fined $5000 if girls are at their house during this time This includes off-campus, unofficial houses (like casual pregames in apartments) A fraternity event is anything that would be normal considered a fraternity event; i.e. if someone walked by and was able to recognize it as a specific fraternity doing something then that is a fraternity event ○ Whether that is a gathering of four or twenty fraternity men

The Gap ●

During the Gap in Formal Recruitment, a hi-bye relationship between the active members and PNMs is to be maintained. A hi-bye relationship is defined as a casual greeting on a superficial level. Active members and potential new members should not be text messaging during the Gap. No chapter house is to organize a collective PR effort during the Gap. This includes but is not limited to t-shirts, social media campaigns, etc. No active members are to loiter on Commons campus except in the case of classes or dining. No PNM’s are to “go out” during the Gap. This includes but is not limited to bars, fraternities, residence hall parties, etc. No PNMs are to consume alcohol during the Gap.

The Gap ●

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A “Hi-Bye” relationship means that you can say hello and goodbye to the PNM. You can’t engage in conversation. ○ If you’re saying something to a PNM that is not along the lines of “hi” or “bye”, it is NOT allowed (exception is class group projects). ○ You can’t TEXT them or interact with them on social media, either! You are allowed to “go out” during this week (until 24 hours before any round of formal recruitment begins) PNMs are NOT allowed to “go out” You are not allowed to be on Commons at all, unless you have class or are eating in the dining hall DO NOT TELL PNMs TO GO OUT, or even hint/suggest it. This puts unfair pressure on them and is NOT ALLOWED by you or them.

Etiquette After Bid Day � All Panhellenic Chapters will abstain from alcohol for 48 hours starting at the end of all chapters’ Bid Day event.

Panhellenic Chapter Total â—? Panhellenic Chapter Total will be the average chapter size and will be set each semester. During the fall semester, it will be set on the 10th day of classes after rosters have been finalized. During the spring semester, it will be set on Bid Day at the conclusion of all Bid Day activities.

Apparel â—? The consumption of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products while wearing sorority apparel is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to t-shirts, tanks, sweatshirts, shorts, sandals, fanny packs, coozies, hats, lavaliers, temporary tattoos, etc.

Apparel ● What is allowed: ○ ○ ○ ○

stickers croakies sunglasses pins

● What is NOT allowed ○ ANY PNM WEARING ANY FORM OF YOUR SORORITY’S LETTERS ○ Anything else with your letters on them. ANYTHING

Tailgates ● During tailgates, active members may wear croakies, sunglasses, stickers, and/or pins. No PNM may wear a tailgating sticker or pin with sorority letters on it. No sticker or pin may be removed from the wearer without the wearer’s consent. ● Men are allowed to wear sorority stickers while tailgating

Misc. ● You can go to lunch with people But not off campus Not on Taste Of Nashville locations Only on locations on Vanderbilt’s campus No exceptions even if you knew her before she came to Vanderbilt! ○ *Make sure she knows she can say no if she doesn’t want to go or is busy - and that it won’t “count against” her in any way ○ ○ ○ ○

Keep In Mind... ● Always act in the best interest of the PNM ○ For example, if she is in medical danger at a party, you can act in the interest of her safety (drive/pay for a ride to the hospital). ● Remember that your behavior or what you say can be construed to a PNM in ways you can’t even think of ● Don’t be making promises of any kind about recruitment - no matter how well you know her, you cannot guarantee her anything

Keep In Mind… ● BE NORMAL. Don’t do anything that’s not a normal, socially acceptable action. ○ I.e., asking for her number one minute after meeting her ○ Asking her on a lunch date upon meeting her ○ Going on crazy numbers of lunch dates

Code of Ethics A highlight from our Code of Ethics: It is in accord with the dignity and good standing of sorority members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To avoid disparaging remarks about any sorority or non-sorority women. To create and encourage friendly relations between sorority and nonsorority women. To lay aside competition and strive for respect, mutual trust, and cooperation amongst Greek organizations. To prevent negative publicity regarding the Greek community. To not exploit personal relationships for recruitment purposes. The best interest of the PNM should be kept in mind at all times.

Code of Ethics ● How does this apply to recruitment? ● How does this apply to your recruitment behavior during both formal recruitment and the fall semester? ● How does this affect how you interact with PNM’s?


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