Monday, May 6, 2013
SPECTACULAR 2013, LOS ANGELES (BURBANK) CA “Live by the Spirit, and you wiLL not gratify the deSireS of the SinfuL nature. gaLatianS 5:16 生活的精神,你會不 會放縱慾望的罪惡性質。加拉太書 5:16Živjeti po Duhu, i nećete ugađati požudi grešniceprirode. Galaćanima 5:16 Žijí podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokojí touhy z hříšné přirozenosti. Galatským 5:16
“JeSuS Said, "if you hoLd to my teaching, you are reaLLy my diScipLeS. then you wiLL know the 6
truth,and the truth wiLL Set you free." John 8:31-32
Jesus sagde: "Hvis du
holder til min undervisning, du er virkelig mine disciple. Sü vil du kende sandheden, og sandheden skal gøre jer frie." John 8:31-32 Jezus zei: "Wanneer u bij mijn woord blijft, zijt gij waarlijk Mijn discipelen. Dan zult u de waarheid kennen, en de waarheid zal u vrijmaken." Johannes 8:31-32 Sinabi ni Hesus, "Kung hawak mo sa aking pagtuturo,ikaw ay talagang aking mga alagad. Pagkatapos ayalam mo ang katotohanan, at ang katotohanan ay magse-set ka ng libreng." Juan 8:31-32
“god haS committed to uS the meSSage of reconciLiation. we are 11
therefore chriSt'S ambaSSadorS, aS though god were making hiS appeaL through uS. we impLore you on chriSt'S behaLf: be reconciLed to god.” 2 corinthianS 5:19-20 lasl � s J � . �0 e: "Hvis du holder til min undervisning, du er virkelig mine disciple. Så vil du kende sandheden, og sandheden skal gøre jer frie." John 8:31-32 Jezus zei: "Wanneer u bij mijn woord blijft, zijt gij waarlijk Mijn discipelen. Dan zult u de waarheid kennen, en de waarheid zal u vrijmaken." Johannes 8:31-32 Sinabi ni Hesus, "Kung hawak mo sa aking pagtuturo,ikaw ay talagang aking mga alagad. Pagkatapos ayalam mo ang katotohanan, at ang katotohanan ay magse-set ka ng libreng." Juan 8:31-32
“you are aLL chiLdren of god through faith in chriSt JeSuS, for aLL of you who were baptized into chriSt have cLothed 18
yourSeLveS with chriSt.there iS neither Jew nor greek, SLave nor free, maLe nor femaLe, for you are aLL one in chriSt JeSuS.” gaLatianS 3:26-29 a; � - o �0 ��. pace> Så vil du kende sandheden, og sandheden skal gøre jer frie." John 8:3132 Jezus zei: "Wanneer u bij mijn woord blijft, zijt gij waarlijk Mijn discipelen. Dan zult u de waarheid kennen, en de waarheid zal u vrijmaken." Johannes 8:31-32 Sinabi ni Hesus, "Kung hawak mo sa aking pagtuturo,ikaw ay talagang aking mga alagad. Pagkatapos ayalam mo ang katotohanan, at ang katotohanan ay magse-set ka ng libreng." Juan 8:31-32
Posted by RANDOM STUFF at 12:51 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: burbank, cancer research, equestrian center, fiesta charity spectacular, horse show, los angeles equestrian center
“conSider it pure Joy, my brotherS, whenever you face triaLS of many kindS, becauSe you know that the teSting of your faith 20
deveLopS perSeverance. JameS 1:2-3 Se det Som ren gLädJe, mina bröder, när du möter prövningar av oLika SLag, efterSom du vet att teStning av din tro utveckLar uthåLLighet. JameS 1:23 Eğer inanç test azim geliştirir biliyorum çünkü birçoktürde denemeler karşı karşıya zaman saf sevinç,kardeşlerim, düşünün. James 1:2-3 Вважайте, що це чистої радістю приймайте, браття мої, коли впадаєте в усілякі випробовування,знаючи, що досвідчення вашої віри дає терпеливість. Джеймс 1:2-3
“in everything, do to otherS what you wouLd have them do to you, for thiS SumS up the Law and 23
the prophetS.
matthew 7:12 Trong tất cả mọi
thứ, làm cho người khác những gì mà bạn muốn họ làm cho mình, cho số tiền này lên Luật và các tiên tri. Ma Thi Ơ 7:12 Ym mhopeth, ei wneud i bobl eraill beth fyddech chi'n eu cael ei wneud i chi, ar gyfer y symiau i fyny y Gyfraith a'rproffwydi. Matthew 07:12 In alles, doen aan ander wat jy wil hê hulle aan julle doen, vir hierdie bedrae aan die wet en die profete.Matteus 7:12
“no temptation haS Seized you except what iS common to man. and god iS faithfuL; he wiLL not Letyou be tempted beyond what you can bear. but 30
when you are tempted, he wiLL aLSo provide a way out So that you can Stand up under it. 1 corinthianS 10:13
Asnjë tundim ka
kapur ju, përveç asaj që është e zakonshme për njeriun. Dhe Perëndia është besnik dhe nuk do të ju lejojnë të joshet përtej asaj që ju mund të duroj. Por kur ju jeni tunduar, ai gjithashtu do të sigurojënjë rrugë jashtë në mënyrë që ju mund të qëndrojnë derinë bazë të saj. 1 Korintasve 10:13No temptation man ümumi nə istisna olmaqla sizi ələverdi. Allah sadiqdir, o sizə daşıyırlar ötesindealdanmaq imkan verməyəcəyik. Siz altında durmaq bilər ki, Lakin tempted zaman o, bir yol təmin edəcək. 1 Korinflilərə 10:13 Tentazioa No konfiskatu du zer da gizon izan ezik. EtaJainkoa leiala da, ez du utzi behar duzu, zer jasandezakezu haratago tentazioa. Baina tentazioazaudenean ere du es kaintzeko modu bat da, beraz,Zutik dezakezu azpian. 1 Corinthians 10:13
“do everything without compLaining or arguing , So that you may become bLameLeSS and pure,chiLdren of god without fauLt in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you 37
Shine Like StarS in the univerSe aS you hoLd out the word of Life.” phiLippianS 2:1416 Рабіце ўсё без скаргаў або спрачацца, так што выможаце стаць беззаганнымі і чыстымі дзецьміБожымі, беспахібнымі у крывым і распусныяпакалення, у якім вы ззяць як зоркі ў Сусвеце, як вытрымаеце слова з жыцця. Піліпянаў 2:14-16 Правете всичко, без да се оплаква или твърдейки, така че да могат да станат безукорни и чисти, деца на Бога, без вина в криво и покварено поколение, в който блестят като звезди във Вселената, катодържите словото на живота. Филипяни 2:14-16 Feu tot sense murmuracions i conteses, perquè sigueuirreprensibles i senzills, fills de Déu sense taca enmig d'una generació maligna i perversa, en la qual vostèsbrillen com estrelles al firmament, mantenint en alt laparaula de vida. Filipencs 2:14-16
Posted by RANDOM STUFF at 12:47 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: burbank, cancer research, equestrian center, fiesta charity spectacular, horse show, los angeles equestrian center
“our StruggLe iS not againSt fLeSh and bLood, but againSt the ruLerS,againSt the authoritieS, againSt the powerS of thiS dark worLd 39
and againSt the SpirituaL forceS of eviL in the heavenLy reaLmS. therefore put on the fuLL armor of god, So that when the day of eviL comeS, you may be abLe to Stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to Stand. epheSianS 6:12-13 Barátta okkar er ekki við menn af
holdi og blóði, heldur við höfðingja, gegn stjórnvöldum, gegn völd þessa myrkurs heimi og við andaverur vonskunnar íhimingeimnum. Því setja á alvæpni Guðs, þannig að þegar dagur illt kemur, þú mega vera fær til að standajarðar þinnar, og eftir að þú hefur gert allt, að standa.Efesusbréfið 6:12-13 Perjuangan kita bukanlah melawan darah dan daging,tetapi melawan pemerintah-pemerintah, melawan penguasa penguasa, melawan penghulu dunia yang gelap ini, melawan roh-roh jahat di alam surgawi. Oleh karena itu mengenakan seluruh perlengkapan senjataAllah, sehingga ketika hari malapetaka datang, Andamungkin dapat berdiri di tanah Anda, dan setelah Anda telah melakukan segalanya, untuk berdiri. Efesus 6:12-13 Níl ár streachailt in aghaidh flesh agus fola, ach i gcoinne an rialóirí, i gcoinne na n-údarás, i gcoinne na cumhachtaí an domhan dorcha agus i gcoinne na fórsaíspioradálta olc sa ríochtaí heavenly. Dá bhrí sin, a chur ar an armúr iomlán Dé, ionas gur nuair a thagann an láolc, féadfaidh tú a bheith in ann fód a sheasamh, agustar éis duit gach rud a dhéanamh, chun seasamh.Eifisigh 6:12-13
“whatever iS true,whatever iS nobLe,whatever iS 46
right,whatever iS pure,whatever iS LoveLy,whatever iS admirabLe -- if anything iS exceLLent or praiSeworthy -- think about Such thingS. phiLippianS 4:8 Quaecumque sunt vera quaecumque nobile quod iustum quicquid est puris, quidquid pulchrum, quidquidlaudabile - laudabile aut siquid optimus - talibuscogitare. Philippians 4,8 Kāds ir taisnība, kāds ir cēls, kāds ir taisnība, kāds irtīrs, kāds ir jauki, kāds ir apbrīnojama - ja kaut kas irlielisks vai slavējami - domāt par tādām lietām.Filipiešiem 4:08 Viską, kas yra tiesa, kokia yra kilnus, kas bus teisinga,bet yra grynas, bet yra puikus, bet yra puikus, jei kas nors yra puikus arba pagirtina - galvoti apie tokius dalykus. Fil 4:08
"aSk and it wiLL be given to you; Seek and you wiLL find; knock and the door wiLL be opened to you. for everyone who aSkS 49
receiveS; he who SeekS findS; and to him who knockS, the door wiLL be opened." matthew 7:7-8
"Cereți și vi se va da a tine; căutațiși
veți găsi, bateți șivi se va deschide la tine pentru oricine cere, apătă;.Cine caută, găsește, și celui ce bate, i se deschide."Matei 7:7-8"Просите, и дано будет вам, ищите и найдете, стучите и отворят вам ибо всякий просящийполучает,. Ищущий находит, и стучащему, дверьбудет открыта". Матфея 7:78"Proste a bude vám dané, hľadajte a nájdete, klopte, advere budú otvorené pre vás Pre každého, kto prosí, dostane;. Kto hľadá, nájde, a kto klope, bude dvereotvoriť." Matthew 7:7-8
Posted by RANDOM STUFF at 12:41 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: burbank, cancer research, equestrian center, fiesta charity spectacular, horse show, los angeles equestrian center
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▼ 2013 (5) ▼ May (5) “Live by the Spirit, and you willnot gratify the ... “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, wheneve... “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, bu... “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bea... WELCOME !
Monday, May 6, 2013
“be compLeteLy humbLe and gentLe; be patient, 52
bearing with one another in Love.” epheSianS 4:2 Vær helt ydmyg og blid, vær tålmodig, idet med hinanden i kærlighed. Efeserne 4:02Wees volledig nederig en zacht, geduldig, en elkanderin liefde. Efeziërs 4:2 Maging ganap na mapagpakumbaba at banayad;maging mapagpasensya, nadadala sa bawat isa sa pagibig. Efeso 4:02
“Sitting down, JeSuS caLLed the tweLve and Said, "if anyone wantS to be firSt , he muSt be the very LaSt, and the Servant of aLL." mark 9:35 57
Sitting down na, si Jesus na tinatawag na Twelve at sinabing, "Kung ang sinuman nais na maging unang,dapat siya ang napaka huling, at ang mga lingkod ng lahat." Marcos 9:35 Istuen, Jeesus kutsui kaksitoista ja sanoi: "Jos jokutahtoo olla ensimmäinen, hänen on oltava viimeinen jakaikkien palvelija." Mark 09:35Assis, Jésus appela les Douze et dit: «Si quelqu'un veut être le premier, il doit être le dernier même, et le serviteur de tous." Marc 9:35
“god iS Spirit, and hiS worShiperS muSt worShip him in Spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Deus é espírito, e os seus adoradores deben adoraloen
espírito e en verdade. Xoán 4:24 Gott ist Geist, und die ihn anbeten, müssen ihn im Geist und in der Wahrheit anbeten. Johannes 4:24 Isten szellem, és az ő imádók kell imádniuk őt lélekbenés igazságban. János 4:24
Posted by RANDOM STUFF at 12:36 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
Labels: burbank, cancer research, equestrian center, fiesta charity spectacular, horse show, los angeles equestrian center
WELCOME ! First, I am NOT officially affiliated with the Fiesta Horse Show in any way...I just attended the show and wanted to share my experience with you. They also were raising money for cancer causes, and of course that is a good thing, so if you wish to contribute to a worthy cancer cause (not to me), please feel free to do so.
I LOVE horses...and there's something about them that inspires me and makes me think of God...dogs have that effect on me too. Maybe God gave us certain animals specifically to be our companions in a spiritual sort of way. Enjoy !
“you are forgiving and good, o Lord, abounding in Love to aLL who caLL on you. pSaLm 86:5 uSted eS bueno y perdonador, oh Señor, rico en amor a todoS LoS que invocan ti. SaLmo 86:5 Jste
odpuštění a dobré, ó Pane, hojný v lásce ke všem, kdo 67
volají na vás. Žalm 86:5Du er tilgivende og gode, Herre, rig på kærlighed til alle som kalder på dig. Salme 86:5 Posted by RANDOM STUFF at 12:33 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: burbank, cancer research, equestrian center, fiesta charity spectacular, horse show, los angeles equestrian center
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“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, wheneve... “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, bu... “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bea... WELCOME !
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