Fred van Beuningen Director Rotterdam Partners
New Coalitions
Billion people
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
World Urban Population World Rural Population
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Urbanization comes at a prize Energy- and resource-intensive Cities consume 60% to 80% of the worlds energy, buildings about 38%.
Urbanization comes at a prize Energy- and resource-intensive Poor quality of life. Health costs resulting from the country’s air pollution between 1% to 6 % of GDP for U.S. and China.
Urbanization comes at a prize Energy- and resource-intensive Poor quality of life. Carbon-rich Of the 28 billion tons of CO2 emitted annually, 8,4 billion tons comes from energy consumption in buildings.
Urbanization comes at a prize Energy- and resource-intensive Poor quality of life. Carbon-rich Outdated Electrical grids designed in the 1800s struggle to supply demand, face increasing congestion problems and are unsuited for renewables integration.
Efficient urbanization is a complex, multivariable problem spanning many domains
Social cohesion
Leisure Water
New perspective on the economy
Focus on: Consumption
Financial innovation
Real innovation
Share traders
Share holders
Short term speculation
Long term growth
Sustainable growth through innovation is needed
New perspective on the economy
From linear to circular From fossil to bio-based Towards more sustainable lifestyles
From Linear to Circular
From Linear to Circular
Rethinking Progress: The Circular Economy Ellen McArthur Foundation
From Linear to Circular A circular economy: An industrial system that is restorative and regenerative by intention and design. Replaces the ‘end-of-life’ concept. Inspired by nature and wants to safeguard our planet for future generations.
From Linear to Circular Principles Aims to ‘design out’ waste Introduces a differentiation between consumable and durable components Renewable energy Thinking in systems No waste
From Linear to Circular
Environmental focus
Sustainability focus
Maturity of sustainability thinking
Circular focus
Value creation
Bio-Based Economy The bioeconomy encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, bio-based products and bio-energy. It includes agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and pulp and paper production, as well as parts of the chemical, biotechnological and energy industries.
EU (2012), Innovation for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe
Bio-Based Economy
Bio-Based Economy
Farma Fragrances
Flavours Flowers Fruits Fresh vegetables Food crops
Fodder Functional molecules Fermentation products
Chemicals & materials
Fibers Fuel
Conventional Bio-Value house
Sustainable lifestyles
< 1 planet
1 - 2 planets 2 - 4 planets
> 4 planets
One Planet Lifestyle
Sustainable lifestyles Driving innovation to meet new models of sustainability Efficiency alone will not be enough to bring current consumption patterns to sustainable levels, widespread changes will also be required to consumer behaviours and lifesytyles.
Sustainable innovation & business
Sustainable infrastructure & products
Sustainable consumer behaviour
Sustainable lifestyles
Sustainable lifestyles Self-Actualization Esteem Belonging Safety Physiological
Technology Mega Trends
Business model
Innovation for sustainable value
How to make a city great
Achieve smart growth
Do more with less
How to make a city great A review of the steps city leaders around the world take to transform their cities into great places to live and work
Win support for change
How to make a city great
Achieve smart growth: Adopt a strategic approach Invest to support growth Think client service Integrate environmental thinking
How to make a city great A review of the steps city leaders around the world take to transform their cities into great places to live and work
How to make a city great
Do more with less: Cost efficiency Public Private Partnerships
How to make a city great A review of the steps city leaders around the world take to transform their cities into great places to live and work
How to make a city great
How to make a city great A review of the steps city leaders around the world take to transform their cities into great places to live and work
Win support for change: Build consensus through dialogue
If mayors ruled the world Political institutions designed 400 years ago are unable to solve 21st century problems. Cities have a superior capacity to deal with these issues due to: â&#x20AC;˘ non-partisan and pragmatic style of governance of mayors and local administrations â&#x20AC;˘ consolidated practice of engaging in partnerships with other cities to tackle common problems
If mayors ruled the world New global model of governance A parliament of mayors as a worldwide network of cities could effectively react to global challenges that are not going to be solved by individual, uncooperative nation-states.
Pragmatic Coalition
Hands-on and realistic
Driven by results
Solutions over dogma
Place over party Collaboration over competition
Smart Specialisation
Economic Clusters Port, Industry, Clean Tech Medical Agriculture & Food
Promoting the Rotterdam economy
Promoting the Rotterdam economy Attracting international companies in line with strategic economic priorities. Developing relationships with established companies focused on retaining and expanding their presence. Promoting trade relations aimed at opportunities for Rotterdam-based companies.
New Coalitions
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New Coalitions
New Coalitions
Promoting the Rotterdam economy Marketing to target groups to coordinate supply and demand regarding Rotterdam. Creating conditions for market actors to showcase Rotterdam optimally. Informing and advising target groups and market actors based on its independent role and in-depth knowledge of Rotterdam.
New Coalitions
New Coalitions
Promoting the Rotterdam economy Facilitating the dialogue between the municipality and partners in the city. Contributing to consensus on strategic course of action for economic development. Initiating projects with partners to strengthen the economy.
Thank you Which transition path you think is most important? What coalition is necessary to achieve that path?
Fred van Beuningen Director Rotterdam Partners
New Coalitions