Spring / Summer 2025

Elements in multi, Lush Lagoon in linen, Pure 66 light stone, Pure 68 in powder blue and stone

Elements in multi, Lush Lagoon in linen, Pure 66 light stone, Pure 68 in powder blue and stone

Soothing Dreams in sand, Washed Cotton in smoke green, Pure 68 in cream tan and smoke green and bathrobe
Vogue in light green

Soothing Dreams in sand and Washed Cotton in smoke green

Pure 90 in white, Pure 88 in jeans blue and white, Pure 66 in powder blue, Pure 68 in powder blue and Pure 10 in blue ink

Pure 90 in white, Pure 88 in jeans blue and white, Pure 66 in powder blue, Pure 68 in powder blue and Pure 10 in blue ink

Royal Garden in cream tan, Pure 07 in cream tan, Pure 66 in powder blue and Pure 68 in powder blue and cream tan

Royal Garden in cream tan, Pure 07 in cream tan, Pure 66 in powder blue and Pure 68 in powder blue and cream tan

Biarritz in mauve and cream tan, Fortunate in multi, pure 68 in cream tan

Biarritz in mauve

Harmony in cream tan, Dynamize in multi, Washed Cotton in viola, Home Pique in viola, Pure 82 in thyme and Biarritz in mauve

Harmony in cream tan, Dynamize in multi, Washed Cotton in viola, Home Pique in viola, Pure 82 in thyme and Biarritz in mauve

Swirls in moonscape, Pure 07 in cream tan and blush, Pure 68 in blush and cream tan, Biarritz in mauve

Swirls in moonscape, Pure 07 in cream tan and blush, Pure 68 in blush and cream tan, Biarritz in mauve

Pure 93, Pure 92 and Pure 66 in sepia pink, Purity Sorrento in white, Pure 68 in blush and bathrobe Prestige in sepia pink

Pure 93, Pure 92 and Pure 66 in sepia pink, Purity Sorrento in white, Pure 68 in blush and bathrobe Prestige in sepia pink

Kyoto in grey

Chicago in mole grey and Coco beach towel in salie

Pure Fragrances Pure Roomspray, Biarritz in white

Ranger in pistache

Ranger in mauve and rose taupe, Ontario and Vancouver in mauve

Chicago in viola

Wavy Wonder in thyme, Pure 84 in thyme and pearl blue, Pure 68 in pearl blue, Pure 82 in thyme and bathrobe Luna in thyme, bathrobe Biarritz in thyme

Lush Lagoon and Palm Paradise in thyme and Pure 68 in pearl blue and smoke green

Lush Lagoon and Palm Paradise in thyme and Pure 68 in pearl blue and smoke green

Ranger in salie

Bathrobe Grace in smoke green and bathrobe Talyor in olive

Greenscape in thyme, Pure 84 in cream tan, Pure 07 in smoke green and Pure 68 in smoke green and stone

Greenscape in thyme, Pure 84 in cream tan, Pure 07 in smoke green and Pure 68 in smoke green and stone

Bathrobe Sofia in thyme

Eldar Garden in thyme, bathrobe Sofia in thyme

Florentine in multi, Pure 07 in cream tan, Pure 84 in rose dawn and Pure 82 in thyme and blush

Florentine in multi, Pure 07 in cream tan, Pure 84 in rose dawn and Pure 82 in thyme and blush

Bathrobe Luna in moonscape

Orbit and Wavy Wonder in moonscape, bathrobe Luna in moonscape

Serene Flower in off white, Pure 83 in linen and blush and Pure 68 in stone

Serene Flower in off white, Pure 83 in linen and blush and Pure 68 in stone

Pure 93 in stone, Pure 89 in stone, Purity Sorrento in white, Pure 83 in white and Pure 68 in cream tan

Pure 93 in stone, Pure 89 in stone, Purity Sorrento in white, Pure 83 in white and Pure 68 in cream tan

Bathrobe Beaumont in white and Biarritz in blue ink

Pure 91 in stone, Pure 89 in stone, Pure 88 in white, Pure 22 in sand, Pure 10 in white and bathrobe Beaumont in white

Pure 93 in powder blue, Pure 89 in powder blue, Purity Portofino in white, Pure 10 in white and Pure 68 in pearl blue

Bathrobe Biarritz in white

Echos in multi, Pure 83 in blush and Pure 68 in blush

Echos in multi, Pure 83 in blush and Pure 68 in blush

Vintage Bloom in multi, Pure 66 in sepia pink, Pure 82 in blush

Bathrobe Biarrtiz in sepia pink

Bathrobe Biarritz in lavender blue

Bathrobe Biarritz in lavender blue

Fleur Festive in lavender blue, Washed Cotton in white, Pure 83 in white and Home Pique in lavender blue

Fleur Festive in lavender blue, Washed Cotton in white, Pure 83 in white and Home Pique in lavender blue

Fleur Festive in cream tan, Serene Lines in powder blue, Pure 68 in cream tan, bathrobe Fleur in cream tan

Violet Garden in off white, Pure 07 in viola, Home Pique in viola, Pure 68 in cream tan, bathrobe Rosa in multi, Ranger in mauve

Soft Bloom in offwhite, Washed Cotton in sepia pink, Home Pique in sepia pink and lavender blue, bathrobe Biarritz in sepia pink

Rose Acacia in cream tan, Ziggy in pink and Home Pique in sepia pink

Rose Acacia in cream tan, Ziggy in pink and Home Pique in sepia pink

Blossom Breeze in cream tan and bathrobe Amy in cream tan

Bathrobe Vogue in ash rose

Sunset Nights in multi, Washed Cotton in cream tan and rusty brown and Home Pique in rusty brown and ash rose