Branding Manual
TABLE OF CONTENT 1.The brand 1.1 Who we are
1.2 The Company Values or Spirit
2 The design
2.1 Basic Elements
3 The applications 3.1 Examples 4 Appendix 4.1 Contact
Basics / The brand / Who we are
Who we are
We run a coffe store for parents and children . For parents a food and snack store with rainbow theme teaching parents to be open minded about LGTBQ, and to be happy so they can teach their children to be happy. We also sale products such as Natural beauty products like protector pollution foundation. On the other hand, we children to take care of the environment by creative products such as magic powders to save the planet amd some products that teach children to apreciate the natural buity of San Francisco. We are a ragtag group of miscreants who sell natural supplies in order to benefit the free programming that happens at our writing-tutoring center at 826 Valencia, and in classrooms all over San Francisco—and that’s all you need to know. Maybe more than you need to know.
Basics / The brand / Who we are
The Big Idea Create a place where parents and children can be open minded about all communities and to be enjoy life and appraciate all the beuties that sorund us. While teaching children to take care of the environment by selling creative products that teach children to apreciate the natural buity of San Francisco.
Basics / The brand / The Company Values or Spirit
Our mission is to encourage the exploration of endless possibility through the power of appreciating nature and living in community. The brand core that unites our entire brands is to have environmental awareness and to accept all communities, race, gender, ethnicity, culture, religion,and sexual orientation. United Soul is becoming an environmentally consious icon of united community. This is captured in our promise to our customers: “With united soul we save the planet and share in community as a whole� We have taken this promise and our brand core environmentally consious to define our personality. It helps us bring United Soul brand to life.
The Design / Basic Elemntes / LOgo
THE LOGO Our trademark The United Soul logo consists of the wordmark United Soul and the United Soul picture mark. These elements must ALWAYS be used TOGETHER. Never use the picture mark or wordmark on its own. The combination of these two elements makes United Soul recognizable everywhere around San Francisco. The logo is inspired by the sibol of a leave and the type used representing nature and the siluatte of a finger print as a clipping mark inside the leave represnting the meaning of community and union.
The Design / Basic Elemntes / LOgo
THE LOGO SIZE AND DIMENTIONS The logo box: Proportion and logo positioning Specific proportions have been defined for the United Soul logo boxes. There are three fixed size versions available. The most common is 4.5 x 1.8 inches for the United Soul logo. The version with 2.2 x 0.8 inches is used for short United Soul company logos, e.g. AGF. Logo boxes with proportions of and 1.5 x 0.5 in respectively is also used.
1.8 in
0.8 in 2.2 in
4.5 in
1.5 in
0.5 in
The Design / Basic Elemntes / LOgo Dos and Donts
The Design / Basic Elemntes / Colors
(including green and brown) for private and business customers CMYK 65/26/97/9 RGB(81, 172, 7) #51ac07
CMYK 65/26/97/9 RGB(81, 172, 7) #51ac07
CMYK 51/72/86/69 RGB(61, 31, 31) #3d1e1e
CMYK 50/61/76/47 RGB(87, 67, 48) #574330
CMYK 52/22/71/3 RGB(132, 161, 106) #83a06a
CMYK 43/78/66/53 RGB(88, 44, 45) #582c2d
CMYK 26/24/29/0 RGB(191, 182, 173) #beb6ad
CMYK 50/23/68/3 RGB(136, 161, 110) #87a06e
CMYK 45/84/74/71 RGB(63, 20, 20) #3f1314
CMYK 68/79/47/45 RGB(69, 48, 69) #452f44
CMYK 26/24/28/0 RGB(191, 184, 176) #beb8b0
CMYK 36/40/36/1 RGB(167, 148, 148) #a79393
CMYK 0/0/0/28 RGB(192, 194, 196) #c0c2c4
CMYK 50/23/68/2 RGB(137, 162, 111) #89a26ef
CMYK 52/55/63/29 RGB(106, 91, 79) #6a5b4f
CMYK 12/9/10/0 RGB(121, 121, 120) #dddddb
CMYK 44/9/58/0 RGB(150, 190, 137) #96be89
CMYK 59/41/75/22 RGB(100, 111, 78) #646f4d
CMYK 25/25/40/0 RGB(194, 181, 155) #c2b49a
The Design / Basic Elemntes / Patters
Grey Scrollwork pattern used in label products
Green Waves Pattern used in label Products
Brown tree trunk pattern used in statinary products
The Design / Basic Elemntes / typography
GABRIOLA Gabriola Gabriola River Adventure River Adventure
The Design / Basic Elemntes / typography
We’ve selected a type family that gives United Soul a friendly, warm, and real voice: River adventure and Gabriola. • Gabriola is our primary typeface used in all communication materials • Use type size and weight to establish a clear hierarchy of information • Don’t substitute any other typefac • Printed items being distributed, use Gabriola • In case your computer does not have Gabriola please use Candara for internal presentations Typographic Elements Qualities of Gabriola Gabriola says “nature” and “straightforward” and is easy to read. A humanistic sans-serif typeface, Gabriola’s great for retailing and communicating “low prices.” Preferred casing Uppercase and lowercase styling in headlines and call outs support our brand warmth and friendliness. To purchase our authorized fonts, go to:
The aplication/examples/ photography
Aprendix/ Contact
Any questions? Contact Do you need access to the Allianz Corporate Design Management Platform CDMP? Or do you have specific questions relating to our design? We are always happy to help. Please contact Allianz Group Marketing.
United Soul Group Marketing Corporate Design San Francisco, CA 826 Valencia Street 94110