Vanessa balbino

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vanessa balbino portfolio 2011-2014

Index Public Library and Multimedia Resource Centre Jewish Complex Module of Feeding Unifesp Habitacle Megacities Pavillion of Seviile Hand drawings

VI COMPETITION OF CBCA FOR ARCHITECTURE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS SECOND PLACE IN COMPETITION Orientation: Professor Helena Ayoubi Team: Fabiana Imamura, Lucas Cortes, Vanessa Balbino


The proposal was based on the conception of a project from a public library media center that intended to explore steel as a construction technique. The decision to use this material in the project design and structure was made after a thorough research on the matter was carried out. The technical basis of the competition also highlighted the need to consider the environment, the inclusion of the library in the urban context and how to best access it. The group proposed an intervention which took into consideration not only the new building design, but also the redevelopment of the entire block in order to suit the context of insertion of this new equipment. It should be placed in a way attract children, teenagers, adults, seniors and people with special needs. The party emerged from the design considerations of the steel construction technique, so as to use it in the fullness of its features, creating a cultural and educational reference in the neighborhood of Pirituba. One very important aim was also to preserve the visual environment of the library to be built and the existing technical school. There was a great ultimate intention to make each one of the premises match to each other in terms of appearance.

Further information:

Site Plan Scale 1:1000


Uses Set of works and study areas


Uses Reception Place to archive newspapers and other periodicals. Internet Acquaintanceship area Set of works for youth and children



Uses Auditorium Technical areas for maintenance and preservation of books Set of works and study areas

Uses Parking Technical areas

Directors / Staff Rooms for workshops Acquaintanceship area



Label Scale 1:750

1. 2. 3. 4.



Northeast Elevation South-west Elevation Longitudinal Elevation Longitudinal Section

FAUUSP - 2013

Orientation: Professor Renato Cymbalista Team: Bruna Dallaverde, Giulia Mutton, Marcela Granda, Vanessa Balbino



The exercise was proposed by a History class which asked students to design a religious temple accordingly to a client’s demand. Rather than thinking about aspects of performance and aesthetics of the building, it was essential to firstly understand the specific spatial issues of religion. Thus, we were challenged to propose a project that dealt with the principles of civil society, and urban dimension so that we would be able to constitute a cultural and religious expression that would meet the user’s expectations.


Recreation area and religious events

School and cultural activities

From the standpoint of form, the whole material is formed by a rough texture. When it comes to the synagogue, the materials used are thought in a way to establish an ongoing dialogue between light and shadow, transparency and opacity, indoors and outdoors.




Site plan of the Jewish complex




Perspectives according to the views



of observers (A, B, C, D) located in the site plan


Label 1. Visitable outdoor area (green roof) 2. Beth Madrash 3. Toilets 4. Acessible toilet 5. Warehouse 6. Rabbi’s room 7. Rabbi’s assistant 8. Coordinating body 9. Conference


Label 1. 2. 3. 4.

Reception Coral support area Coral area Ceremony support area 5. Ark 6. Teba 7. Musical instruments area 8. Musical instruments stogare 9. Religious space 10. Mikveh 11. General use space 12. Toilets 13. Scullery 14. Cleaning supplies storage


Label 1. Study hall 2. Toilet 3. Multimedia room


Label 1. 2. 3. 4.

Bibliografic Toilets Accesible toilet Warehouses


FAUUSP – 2012

Orientation: Professor Robinson Salata Team: Guilherme Formicki, Marcela Granda. Paula Lemos, Vanessa Balbino

MODULE OF FEEDING Photovoltaic plates supply a significant portion of the electricity module, giving autonomy electrical infrastructure

Breakpoint Considering the theme "Temporary Modular Architecture," the design team developed a module that meets the needs of hydration and nutrition of weekend bike riders in the city of São Paulo. Their cycling path consists of major avenues lanes originally used by vehicles. The design took into consideration the following points: • • • • •

Lightweight structure to facilitate the module transportation; Assembly and disassembly by compression (easy process); Easy transportation (axles on wheels and a significant reduction in volume); Independent external hydraulic and electrical systems; Small volume and area to be occupied.

Retractable awning

Mini kitchen with sink, refrigerator and microwave

Side bike racks with a capacity of 4 bicycles

Wheels make it easy to move the module in different directions

Scale Model Study

Slightly sloping walls for helping water drainage

Artificial lighting, LED

Space for entering the retractable part

Built-in c'abinets and shelves

Refrigerator Sink


Supporters of separate kitchen area with polycarbonate translucent for easy viewing and control of the bike by its owner Wheel guide path



Detail of fit between the bars

Detail of the union of the vertical bars horizontal structures in separate parts

Extruded aluminum tube with 20mm diameter


Extruded aluminum tube of circular cross section d = 38mm

Male fitting, extruded aluminum

Male-female union fitting to the structures

Duralumin plate kinking increased resistance to Details of male fittings

Structure of mobile part

Water reservoir with a capacity of 90 liters Battery backup and transforming solar energy into electrical energy Plumbing

Structure of the fixed portion adapted to receive the kitchen

Reservoir wastewater



Top view of the structure opening

Structure of the photovoltaic panel opening

Detail of the floor presented in separate parts

Extruded aluminum profile 40x80mm

Extruded aluminum tube with 20mm diameter

Side view of the open photovoltaic panel

T nut + screw connection

Extruded aluminum profile for connection between the profiles of the floor

Extruded aluminum tube with 38mm diameter

Nut 'T' and union screw connection to the floor structure

Connecting piece of the floor structure in extruded aluminum

FAUUSP – 2013

Orientation: Professor Alexandre Delijaicov Team: Bárbara Campelo, Lucas Cortes. Paula Lemos, Vanessa Balbino

UNIFESP Architectural project as a drawing of city

The campus project meets the students’ demands for housing and study premises as well as cultural and leisure facilities for the local community. To accomplish these requests, the pre-existing plateaus on the given tract of land were considered organizing elements of the architecture of the program and thus it was decided to minimally intervene on it. On the first plateau (bottom to top) are located cultural and leisure facilities. On the second one, academic buildings such as the administration headquarters. And on the third plateau, one can see the sports facilities. Beside the plateaus, the students’ lodgings are located in a way to offer a privileged view of the surroundings. The open spaces are designed as a system of free living and entertainment to the users of campus spaces. The buildings layout enables the existence of adequate sunlight, ventilation and also enhances the existing scenario of the campus region.

Area: 170 000 m² Location: Jacu-Pêssego Avenue, on the eastside of São Paulo City.

Model of presentation Stage 4

Label (from right to left): Models of presentation– Stage 1 Models of presentation– Stage 2 Models of presentation– Stage 3 Scale Model Study (all stages)

Models of presentation– Stage 4


FAUUSP - 2012

Orientation: Professor Myrna Nascimento Team: Belisa Godoy, Bruna Murakami Guilherme Formicki, Marcela Granda. Vanessa Balbino

HABITACLE The exercise was to create an object based on the human scale. This object should provide the user with a spatial experience that differed from what surrounded it. The aim was to identify aspects of the language of design compatible with the technology used (cardboard). The design should consider the needs of a scheduled production and a stable structure, which should finally be developed in 3D as a tool for thinking and designing. Students were supposed to explore the relationship inside / outside through form, space and light. The developed volume consists of three modules constructed mainly of pentagons and squares (which makes mass production easier) that were united by a central support structure, which could be associated with different numbers of modules whose format could be pentagons, squares or other types. Each module is designed so that the user sitting inside it can wrap himself in different light manifestations (that may vary depending on the day time) that create an alive space.

Localization: Sal達o Caramelo FAU-USP

The photographs on right show a little about the process of building the habitacle

The photographs expose the light inside each module of the habitacle

FAUUSP - 2012

Orientation: Professor Francisco Homem de Melo Vanessa Balbino

MEGACITIES The theme of the exhibition is the urban sprawl of megacities. For this exhibit, I gathered photographs of Martin Roermes’s work " Metropolis “ as well as pictures of São Paulo that I took envisaging the same subject . The boards on which the photographs are exhibited are greater than the observers in order to provide visitors with the opportunity to dive into each photo, as they tell a story, a set of movements , a spectacle . The conceived steel structure that separates each piece of exhibition creates imaginary and private spaces that offer people the chance to focus their gaze . Moreover, the work contemplation is proposed in a intriguing and suggestive way . To achieve this aim, this work is shown in fragments of photographs on black backgrounds. Within the space narrated by photography, there is a series of stories . The visitor, then, curiously faces an environment that stimulates further, for the chance to wander between many pictures is seen as a something fluid and inviting.

Location: Salão Caramelo FAU-USP

Elevation A Scale 1:75

Elevation B Scale 1:75

Plan type - Panel Scale 1:75

Editorial and graphic design catalog 36 pages Size: 240x135 mm

On left : the cover page Below: two pages inside the catalog

Graphic Design Poster Size: 420x270 mm

Graphic Design Flyer Size: 120x420 mm

Two figures above: the two sides of the open flyer The white rectangles are openings The two figures on right: the two sides of the closed flyer It’s possible to appreciate the interaction with the openings and the photographs. This shows a similar reasoning to the exhibition

Photographs Examples of photographs that were taken in SĂŁo Paulo by Vanessa Balbino in 2012 .

MARCOS ACAYABA WORKSHOP MODELS AS A TOOL FOR DESIGN - 2014 Professors: Marcos Acayaba, Abílio Guerra, Marta Bogéa, Antonio Carlos Barossi, Yopanan Rebello. Team: FAUUSP: Bárbara Campelo, Lucas Cortes, Vanessa Balbino FAU Mackenzie: Fellipe Brandt, Luís Taboada Porto University: Sara Frazão

PAVILION OF SEVILLE – SAO PAULO (UNBUILT PROJECT) The aim of this workshop was to study the designing process of architect Marcos Acayaba by building the models of two projects originally presented in Architecture and Urbanism competitions. The two contests were the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and the Pavilion of Seville (São Paulo) Competition - Concursos Museu Brasileiro da Escultura e Pavilhão de Sevilha (São Paulo). From original graphics, the projects were revisited by teams of architects. The team I took part in decided to study the design of the Pavilion of Seville. We built and presented this model. Because of the nature of the competition and due to the adopted scale, the project had some inaccuracies, as well as features that have not been detailed for its execution. In this sense, the study via drawings and models was important to promote the understanding of what was idealized. The detailed design for the execution of the presentation model was extremely helpful as well. Personally, this workshop was a great opportunity to improve my abilities and to increase my knowledge about architecture, which was a result not only of my own effort, but also of the interesting work in group and of the helpful dialogs with our professors and, of course, with the author of the project, Marcos Acayaba, who is a Brazilian reference for me.

Some of the original drawings used to make the model. Source:

To build the tensioned membrane which covers the last floor we had only this draft exposed above as a written reference.

Detailing of the tensioned membrane which covers the last floor (scale 1:100)

Vanessa Balbino


Above there are some sketches which I made in a summer vacation in the city of Rio de Janeiro. My mainly intention of that was to understand some aspects of the buildings (as well places) and also to practise the eye of the architect. The buildings present architects that I have as reference, for example the Ministério da Educação e Saúde Pública building which was designed by Lúcio Costa, Affonso Reidy, Carlos Leão, Jorge Moreira, Ernani Vasconcelos and Oscar Niemeyer and counted with the orientation of Le Corbusier, other important reference in my formation.

Passion Fruit Nowadays, in general, great architects are who experiments new ways to project and to make architecture, such as Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, Rem Koolhaas and Richard Rogers who are examples of reference for me as student. As far as I’m concerned the observation of nature is interesting, because from this knowledge it’s possible to learn about structures, volumes, colors, among other data, which inspires new ideas. Above, there are some drawings of an deeply analyze about passion fruit I elaborated in a University subject as a repertoire to creation an object.

vanessa balbino About me A self-determined person who likes learning for self-satisfaction, for professional purposes and to contribute to the solutions and needs of a diverse and multicultural society. Her greatest architectural interest is the design of spaces, the study of environmental comfort in buildings and the analysis of the relationship between buildings and cities. She estimates it all for she sees it as the best way to express herself in the world. Moreover, putting it into practice demands skills and qualities consistent to her field such as high interpersonal communication, creativity, proactivity, leadership and observation. She is now looking abroad to expand her knowledge on Architecture and Urbanism from different approaches. She has the intent of also knowing new places and new people and so that she will be able to share experiences.



Academic Architecture and Urbanism-studying in the 4th year-USP-Brazil

Undergraduate Research

English Studies Good User Cert-IELTS-British Council Complementary Courses Technical courses

History of Urbanism in Brazil, 1890-1956: circulation of ideas and construction discipline (March 2012-March 2013) Analysis of the discipline that addresses the topic studied, literature review and propose changes to the program schedule. Responsible for reserching bibliographic and iconographic material support classes, monitoring classes and evaluating the result of the proposed changes. Guiding professor: Dr. Renato Cymbalista - USP

Small Business Management - Centro Paula Souza (2009-2011) Volunteer Works Computers (MS Office and knowledge about hardware) - Cedaspy (2005-2007) Workshops

5 annual Hult Prize Regional Finals (Sao Paulo, Brazil - 2014) – participation as a team embassador of a group from University of Los Andes – Colombia.

Marcos Acayaba / Workshop models as a tool for design - FAUUSP (2014). Responsible Professors: Prof. Dr. Marcos Acayaba (FAUUSP), Prof. Dr. Abílio Guerra (Mackenzie), Prof. Dr. Marta Bogéa (FAUUSP), Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Barossi (FAUUSP), Prof. Dr. Yopanan Rebello.

USP Ambassadors Program (Sao Paulo, Brazil - 2013) – dissemination of University to the students of public school system to provide information about the institution, especially its free public character, the possibility of exemption from the registration fee, adding points in the vestibular and financial help of staying after entry.

II International Seminar of Madrid-Sao Paulo / “My House My Life Program” and the central area of São Paulo. Strategies for re-densifying, re-use and re-technicization FAUUSP Maranhão (2013). Responsible Professors: Prof. Dr. José Maria Lapuerta (ETSAM UPM), Prof. Dr. Carmen Espegel (ETSAM UPM), Prof. Dr. Andrés Canovas (ETSAM UPM), Prof. Dr. Leandro Medrano (FAUUSP), Prof. Dr. Luiz Recamán (FAUUSP).

XV IPHS – International Planning History Society Conference: Cities, nations and regions in planning history (Sao Paulo, Brazil - 2012) – support activities to the Seminar: covering reception and greeting participants, giving help to the speakers (for example, preparing the lecture room and providing materials) and giving information about the event and the place.


Other Courses Auto CAD, SketchUP Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, Revit Architeture Award 2nd place 6th Contest CBCA project in steel for architecture students in 2013: "PUBLIC LIBRARY MEDIATECA" (further information: Student Time: Fabiana Imamura, Lucas Cortes, Vanessa Balbino. Guiding professor: Dr Helena Ayoub .

Professional Works Abracadabra Eventos (2005 - 2009) Children's Entertainer and Kitchen Aid Responsible for drawing on children’s face, making “toys” with balloons, organizing games for the children, serving the guests and preparing lunches. Cultural Horizons Development Sightseeing, visits to museums, expos and other cultural activities.

Thank you for your consideration! vanessa balbino

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