Physical Education – ’45 Minute’ HOPPS Lesson Plan
Miss. Tracy Carrier Lesson Topic: Kickball
Time: 5-8 min Leah
Group Member Names: Miss. Leah Olstad Miss. Vanessa Grundy Grade Level: Grade 7-8
Hook (Activity to Capture Interest & Motivate) Activity: Monster Ball Purpose: To get increase heart rate, warm up muscles, and use the same ball as will be used in lesson Description of Hook Activity: Set out 40 “dodge balls” on the floor, the object of this warm up game is for the students to keep the balls moving. They will learn what strategies work the best, and can work together or individually. If we (the coaches) spy a ball that is not moving we yell “MONSTER BALL!” and everyone must run and touch the south wall, then return to the game.
Time: 2-3 min Vanessa
Objectives (Learning Outcomes) What? -This game is essentially like baseball, however the baseball is substituted for a rubber ball and instead of hitting it with a bat, and you kick it with your foot. Why? -We will teach everyone the proper technique to kicking a ball with foot to get optimum accuracy, control, and power. -The specific skills worked on will be; kicking, catching, and throwing. How? -After the warm up and skill teaching we will play a game of kick ball. -Positions: pitcher, 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, catcher, fielders and kickers -Those who are in line to kick will be doing “Up and Over” Activity to gain points for their team.
After: split class into 3 groups for skill development: rotate through stations. Practice (Skill Teaching & Practice Drills/Activities)
2 min -Vanessa Skill #1 (DDAPER): Kicking Key Execution Points & Teaching Explanation: Describe: Stance-2-Steps-Kicking-Action-Follow-Through. Demonstrate: o STANCE: To learn to kick we will first start off with standing legs shoulder width apart. o 2 STEPS: Next we will take a step forward with kicking foot and then plant support foot beside ball Prepared by T. Keeper
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Physical Education – ’45 Minute’ HOPPS Lesson Plan o
KICKING ACTION: we are going to balance ourselves, turn our foot to the outside and use instep or top of foot to contact the ball, extend knee quickly and aim TIP: Use your dominant foot to kick in order to maintain control of where the ball is going o FOLLOW THROUGH: kicking leg continues its movement forward across the body and use arms to maintain balance Ask Questions: Is there anything you don’t understand? What are the four steps we just discussed? How many steps do you need to take? What part of our foot are we kicking with? What are we doing with our leg in our follow through? Practice Repetitions: o Drills and Activities Evaluate: o Check Students while they participate in the drills/activities. Give feedback and correction if needed. Re-Teach: o Re-Teach the skill if needed. 3 min
Drill(s)/Activity(s): Progression 1: Practise on own against wall kicking with controlled movements. Progression 2:Teacher partners up the students: one partner gently rolls the ball for their partner to practise kicking and then switch roles. Progression 3: use different directions for rolling the ball. For example: the person rolling the ball now may roll the ball to the left or right so the person kicking has to anticipate where the ball is going to be and where they need to be kicking at.
2 min- Tracy
Equipment: 10 balls Skill #2 (DDAPER) Catching- Tracy Key Execution Points & Teaching Explanation: Describe: o L: Look (Eyes on object to catch) o A: Align (Align body with incoming object) o R: Ready (Arms at side of body or slightly in front) o S: Soft Hands (Move hands to meet the object) o B: Bring to Body (Elbows are bent and bend as object is brought down and towards the body) o P or T: Pinkies (If object is below the waist) or Thumbs (If object is above the waist) Demonstrate: o Show students what each step looks like.
Prepared by T. Keeper
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Physical Education – ’45 Minute’ HOPPS Lesson Plan
Ask for Questions: o If a ball is above your waist which fingers are close together? –Thumbs o If a ball is below your waist which fingers are close together?- Pinkies o What does the L mean? o What does the A mean? o What does the R mean? o What does the S mean? o What does the B mean? Practice Repetitions: o Drills and Activities Evaluate: o Check Students while they participate in the drills/activities. Give feedback and correction if needed. Re-Teach: o Re-Teach the skill if needed. 3 min
Drill(s)/Activity(s): Progression 1: o Students are paired up o Students will sit across from each other with legs apart on specified lines o One student rolls the ball to their partner o The partner reaches to catch the ball and brings it to their body o Then they will switch roles Progression 2: o Students rotate one partner to the right o Students will now kneel across from each other o Partners will toss the ball in a gentle toss to their partner o Then they switch roles Progression 3: o Students will again rotate one partner to the right o Students will now stand across from each other o Students will toss or roll the ball to their partner o The person catching the ball must be prepared to either have the ball be rolled or tossed o Then they switch roles Equipment:5-7 balls
2 min- Leah
Skill #3 (DDAPER): Throwing- Leah Key Execution Points & Teaching Explanation: Describe: o P-S-T-F (prepare, step, throw, follow through Demonstrate: o Prepare -Face body to the side, put weight on back foot
Prepared by T. Keeper
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Physical Education – ’45 Minute’ HOPPS Lesson Plan o
Force production (Step) -Hips rotate first then upper body, take step forward o Critical instant (throw) -Snap the wrist, release ball just in front of head o Follow through -Hand comes across body and points at target (between eye balls) -throwing hand drops down and finishes by pointing toward opposite knee. Ask for Questions: o What foot do you put your weight on if your right handed? o Where should your throwing hand end up after your follow through? o When in the preparation stage do you face your body toward the target or to the side. Practice Repetitions: o Drills and Activities Evaluate: o Check Students while they participate in the drills/activities. Give feedback and correction if needed. Re-Teach: o Re-Teach the skill if needed 3 min
Drill(s)/Activity(s): Wrist Snap Partner Pass (1 minute) - Teacher partners up the students by separating them on two lines across from each other - Students are on their knees across from a partner (10ft apart) - Students will need to grip the ball and look to where they are throwing it while only using their dominant hand. They must hold their elbow of the dominant hand with their other hand to ensure the wrist is snapping. - Students then must pass the ball remembering to snap their wrist in the throw - PROGRESSION: Students will back apart from each other to make it a bit more challenging. Pretend Overhead throw (1 minute) - Partners must now stand across from each other and do the whole action of the overhead throw using proper PSTF technique. (without the ball) - Partners should try and help each other out by reminding them if they missed a step. PROGRESSION: (1 minute) - Students will now practice with a ball and see how many times they can pass it to their partner without dropping. This will test the student’s ability to aim and throw using the proper technique.
10 min Tracy- explains Vanessa and Leah: demonstrate
Equipment: -There will be 6-8 balls at this station, as students will be partnering up. Post-Assessment: Challenge/Activity/Game(s): Safety Measures: eye contact when throwing and kicking. Aim at chest. Have controlled kicks and throws. General Safety: shoes tied, proper footwear and gym strip, body awareness, and fair play.
Prepared by T. Keeper
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Physical Education – ’45 Minute’ HOPPS Lesson Plan
KICKBALL: Describe: 2 Teams- Pick Positions- Pitcher Rolls; Kicker Kicks; Kicker runs bases; Fielders catch and throw- Repeat till 3 outs- Switch from kicking to fielding. Demonstrate: 2 Teams: 14 players on each team (or class divided in half), wear different coloured pinnies, rock-paper-scissors to decide who kicks first. Pick Positions: within team pick positions for field(pitcher, back catcher, 1st base 2nd base 3rd base, fielders) and pick order for kicking. Pitcher Rolls: the pitcher will roll the ball toward the kickers foot Kicker Kicks: the kicker will kick the ball using the previous kicking progressions- kick into field and immediately run. Kicker runs bases: kicker runs from 1st to 2nd to 3rd and back home while ball is in play. Fielders catch and throw: while the kicker is running the fielders goal is to get the kicker out by either catching a fly ball or throwing it to a baseman. Repeat till 3 Outs: the kickers will do as above with each kicker until the fielders have gotten 3 people out. Switch from kicking to fielding: after 3 outs the teams will switch from kicking to fielding Ask Questions: What is the pitchers job? After kicking the ball what does the kicker do? Who are the fielders trying to get the ball to if they catch it? How many outs till we switch? Practise: see previous skills Evaluate: Watch students perform game, give feedback and corrections when needed. Re-Teach: Re-teach skills if needed and go through the progression of the game again if necessary. IMPORTANT: Max Activity- The students waiting for their turn to kick will form a line and do the over-under activity. This activity will allow them to gain points for their team: one point for every completed length. This activity is done by passing the ball over their head- the next student: passing under their legs. Repeat pattern. Time: 3-4 min Vanessa to Debrief
Summary (Cool-down, Debrief, Equipment): Cool-down/Stretching: Chose a student to lead the stretches must do 2 stretches for legs and 2 for arms. Hold each for 30 seconds on each arm/leg Stretch legs: reach for toes and pull leg up behind butt. Stretch arms: pull arm across chest and arms circles Do both of these to reduce injury and to loosen up body. Debrief (Key Points): SKILL 1: Kicking: Stance, 2 Steps, Kicking Action, Follow Through SKILL 2: Catching: Look, Align, Ready, Soft hands, Move your hands to meet the object, Bring to body, Pinkies or Thumbs
Prepared by T. Keeper
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Physical Education – ’45 Minute’ HOPPS Lesson Plan SKILL 3: Throwing: Preparation, Step, Throw, Follow Through Tie to Next Class & Reminders: Reminder about the take home final exam!!!
Equiptment: 30 Pinnies, 15 of each color 4 bases 3 Pylons 25 Balls
References: PHE Canada(PhD Rick Bell, PhD Sandy Gibbons, PhD Viviene Temple),(2008. Fundamental Movement Skills:Active Start and FUNdamental Stages. Ottawa: PHE Canada.
Prepared by T. Keeper
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