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In Memoriam
—Pierluigi (Louie) Tolaini (1936–2020)
When Louie Tolaini left his Tuscan home in the late 1950s to emigrate to Canada, he hoped for a better life in a new place. What he achieved was a life that built a better world.
We celebrate the visionary who built the unparalleled Canadian transport company, TransX; who returned to his home region of Tuscany to create the incomparable Tolaini Estate wines; and who inspired his daughter, Tina Jones, to have the vision to build great teams, work hard, and continually reach for excellence.
Rebecca Lechman

Rebecca was an intrinsic and beloved part of the Banville & Jones family for 7 years. She was the first to say hello, the first to give her opinion, and the first to offer help. She was the mother hen of our staff, always there to take coworkers under her wing and help them shine. Rebecca was terrifically honest and had a wicked sense of humour.
We celebrate her accomplishments—from earning her Sommelier designation to becoming a key member of our teaching faculty. Her spirit will live on among us with this mantra to guide us: What Would Rebecca Do?
To honour Rebecca, every March will now be Chardonnay Month (her favourite) at Banville & Jones. Proceeds from all March Chardonnay sales will be put in an educational trust fund for Rebecca’s niece, Aneska, who meant the world to her.
Cheers to you Rebecca, truly one of a kind.