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with the assigned time. If the student, with notice, does not appear for their scheduled hearing, the information in support of the charges shall be presented and considered even if the student is not present (in absentia).

In all disciplinary circumstances the student(s) should be reminded that the developments of self and personal integrity are primary goals of the conduct process. Also, the corrective measures are intended to assist each student become a responsible and positive contributing member of the VU community. Each hearing will include information about a student’s right to appeal the decision. A Resolution Decision letter will be issued within ten (10) business days.

Student studying abroad may attend their hearing via a mutually agreed upon online platform or phone.

Besides the hearing officer or SACC members and the student(s) involved in an incident, the involved student has the option of requesting an advisor or witnesses to be present. Description of these roles is provided below:

Advisor: The student shall have the right to choose anyone from the University community to serve as an advisor. The advisor may not act as a witness, either of the incident or as a “character” witness. The advisor does not speak for, or in place of, the student but only serves to support the student. If the student wishes to have legal representation, he/she needs to discuss this with the Vice President for Student Affairs in writing prior to the hearing. Legal counsel has limited roles in private university disciplinary proceedings and would serve as an advisor.

Students should select as an advisor a person whose schedule allows attendance at the scheduled date and time for the hearing because delays will not normally be allowed due to the scheduling conflicts of an advisor.

Witnesses: The student has the right to call witnesses on his/her behalf following this guideline: witnesses are limited to those persons who have firsthand knowledge of the behavior/incident in question (i.e. eye and ear witnesses). Both the student and the hearing officers or SACC have the right to call witnesses. “Character” witnesses are generally not allowed to participate in hearings. The hearing officer or SACC shall rule on allowing any “character” witnesses to offer their testimony. Witnesses may not participate in the council hearing except for an orientation and to give their testimony. The hearing officer or committee shall rule on the admissibility of all evidence.

A violation of University policies and Community Standards may result in the imposition of one or more sanctions. A sanction is a disciplinary action that requires the student to meet certain expectations and/or complete specific requirements within a stated time frame. The goals of sanctions are to promote change in the individual, provide opportunity for restitution to individuals and the community (in case of theft, loss, and/or damages), and to restore the individual back into the community where possible.

Sanctions affecting the conduct of students are based on general principles of fair treatment. Sanctions will take into account the intent of the accused, the effect of the conduct on the victim and/or the Vanguard community, the student’s disciplinary history, whether sanctions such as education and community service are likely to change the student’s conduct, and the student’s needs and prospects for improvement. While attempting to be consistent in its disciplinary decisions, the University also seeks to be fair and sensitive to the facts and circumstances of each individual case. Some sanctions may need to be more punitive due to the seriousness of the offense or student response. Sanctions that may be imposed are not limited to those listed.

The University is not required to impose the same sanctions in all situations involving the same violation of community standards; however, to honor consistency, the various judicial councils attempt to impose similar sanctions for similar violations. Consideration will be given to the specifics of the incident and to the previous behavior of the student(s) involved. More serious disciplinary action will be taken in situations involving repeated violations. The University will assess each case based on the responsibility for membership expectations and impose appropriate sanctions.

• A note on Addictive Behavior: Student conduct process may be adjusted regarding addictive behavior at the University’s discretion if the student is genuinely pursuing assistance. In some cases, students will be required to be under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional and the student may need to sign a release of information allowing university officials to access this information.

Conduct Hearing sanctions may include, but are not limited to:

• Warning: A restatement of the community standards is made to the student, together with an official warning concerning future behavior. May include loss of or restriction from certain activities or privileges. • Fines: The student is expected to make a payment of charges for violation of regulations. Instructions for payment of charges will be listed on the contract. These vary according to the violation. If a student fails to pay a fine by the due date, the fine will be placed on the student account with an additional administrative fee.


• Disciplinary Probation: The student is expected to show a development in responsible actions toward Vanguard and members of the community for a specified period of time. May include limitations in or restriction from certain activities or privileges. • Citizenship Probation: The student may not participate in any VU activity except for academics for the duration of this sanction. This includes but is not limited to theatre, athletics, student leadership, or other extra-curricular activities of any kind. • Removal from On-Campus Housing: The student must properly follow the instructions listed in this handbook for proper express checkout and remove all belongings from housing no later than 5:00pm on assigned checkout day (typically within 48 hours of notice). The student will no longer be allowed to live on campus for the remainder of the semester through their assigned end date nor will they have guest privileges in the Residence Halls. • Loss of Privileges: Some students may lose privileges such as visitation, leadership opportunities, living on or off campus, campus employment, co-curricular activities, parking, etc., appropriate to the violation of the Student Standards of

Conduct. • Restitution: In certain circumstances, sanctions may include payment of financial compensation for loss, damage or injury.

Failure to pay such charges may result in additional sanctions (including, but not limited to, denial of re-enrollment or refusal to release official transcripts and records). • Discretionary Sanctions: Reflection exercises, essays, service to the university or other discretionary assignments. • Interim Suspension: In certain circumstances, the Vice President for Student Affairs or a designee may immediately impose a University or residence hall suspension. Interim suspension may be imposed: A. To ensure the safety and well-being of members of the Vanguard community or preservation of University property. B. To ensure the student's own physical or emotional safety and well-being. C. If the student poses a credible threat of disruption of or interference with the normal operations of the University. During the interim suspension, the student may be denied access to the residence halls and/or to the campus (including classes) and/or all other University activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible as the Vice President for Student Affairs, or the designee may determine to be appropriate. The interim suspension shall extend only until such time as the SACC hearing can be completed and other sanctions (if any) imposed.

Student Affairs Committee sanctions may include, but are not limited to, the Conduct Hearing sanctions listed above. The S.A.C.C. may also impose the following sanctions:

• Deferred Suspension: Deferred suspension is a formal warning that a minimum one semester suspension will result from another serious violation. Students may be placed on deferred suspension for 1 or 2 semesters. The student’s academic adviser will be notified of the deferred suspension status, as well as the student’s parent(s) if he/she is claimed on the parent’s tax return. • Suspension: The student is voluntarily separated from the University for a specified length of time. Absences from classes and chapels are not excused and academic work that is missed may not be made up. • Administrative Withdrawal: The student is required to withdraw from the University without the privilege of returning until a time specified by the SACC. • Expulsion: The student is permanently separated from the University with a notation of the reasons for the termination in his/her file.

When students are suspended, administratively withdrawn, or expelled for disciplinary reasons, there will be no refund of tuition or room/board charges for the semester and financial aid may be canceled. Students are subject to the credit and refund implications set by University policy in the Course Schedule.

If a student is removed from housing, they must completely vacate the residence halls within 48 hours of receiving the sanction or by the deadline provided.

In certain limited situations, the SACC may impose a sanction but suspend or postpone its actual implementation.

Sanctions for Student Organizations

Student groups and organizations may be charged with violations of these Community Standards. A student group or organization and its officers may be held collectively and/or individually responsible when violations of this code occur either during an event sponsored by the organization or by an individual representing or associated with that organization or group. The following sanctions may be imposed upon groups or organizations: deactivation, warning, reprimand, probation, fines, loss of privileges, restitution, and other educational sanctions. Deactivation includes loss of all privileges, including University recognition, for a specified period of time. Individual students are subject to other sanctions as described above.


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