I Preserve Fab ric
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onditions I Mainta eC in v o aff pr o Im
01 THE PARTAJA PLAC PROGRAM ..........................................5 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................7 CONTEXT ........................................................................................9 STRATEGY .....................................................................................11 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ..........................................................13 STAKEHOLDERS .............................................................................15
02 CATALOG OF INTERVENTIONS ........................................17 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................19 SPATIAL CONDITIONS ...................................................................21 SOCIAL CAPITAL ............................................................................33 SOCIAL ASSETS .............................................................................45 FINANCIAL RESOURCES ................................................................53 LEGAL STATUS ...............................................................................65
03 SCENARIOS ..............................................................................77 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................79 GUEST HOUSE ..............................................................................81 TAILORING SHOP ..........................................................................83 PLAYGROUND AND VEGETABLE PATCH .........................................85
INTRODUCTION The Partaja Plac Program was as developed under the framework of the Stuttgart University study module, “Localizing SDGs – Glocal: Down Dorcol in Belgrade�. It was designed as a collaboration between the University of Stuttgart and the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. The project was initiated in October 2017 with a joint workshop in Belgrade. Students from varying master programs worked jointly for one week. The students of the Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design Master, and the Architecture Master from Stuttgart worked on it jointly for the next five months. Living in an era of challenges posed by the continuing growth of the cities, there is a momentum in solving urban issues. There is growing interest in the New Urban Agenda, focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, etc. Belgrade, similarly, is striving to achieve better standards of living for its citizens and become an EU standard city. The main housing indicators for the SDGs in Belgrade focus on preserving the cultural identity, including the marginalized and poor population and the resolution of ownership issues. The project deals with Partajas, which are a special type of housing which has developed over the last century in Serbia. They have a special historic and heritage significance in the view of the authors. The Donji Dorcol district is facing many stresses due to the trends of privatization and large-scale investments. Usually, these do not cater to the needs of the inhabitants and support the gentrification trend. Based on the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals for Belgrade, the project aims to identify ways toward a more sustainable development of the area. The Partajas have heritage value as a type of housing unique to Serbia. It is an integral part of their history. Moreover, they are low-density housing in the city center with high social potential. They have the possibility to become an excellent base to build strong heterogeneous communities. The demonstrated project focus on activating the partaja communities. The strategy aims to empower the partaja communities for social and urban resilience. The inhabitants can play a significant role in shaping the future of Donji Dorcol. Through a participatory approach, the project tries to inform, activate and eventually empower the citizens to better their living situations. Through the program, the citizens are pushed to articulate needs, claim their rights and improve their conditions through small-scale interventions. Moreover, the project can also contribute to maintaining affordable, sustainable housing in the center of Belgrade. In this booklet, the strategy of the Partaja Plac Program and means to realize it is illustrated further.
Republic of Serbia
Stari Grad
HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL 22.2% Single occupancy
50% to 3 2 members
Temporarily unoccupied
Permanently unoccupied
in Stari Grad 37% 60 50 40 30 20 10 10
Average population involved in economy
CONTEXT Belgrade has a Complex history that has affected the everyday life of its citizens. The political changes, the rise, and fall of the socialist regime, etc. have had lasting effects on the economy, legal system and the socio-cultural environment. One of the manifestations of this is in people’s positive lack of trust in the formal system of governance. The citizens are unwilling to participate and contribute to community activities as they are convinced that the system will not change. Concerning the Partajas, unclear ownership is one of the biggest challenges. The ownership has changed hands several times through history; from one main owner to the state, back to residents, etc. Today, the land belongs to the state while the houses technically belong to the residents. The partajas have been neglected and assigned illegal status by both the citizens and the state. This observation is further reinforced when large discrepancies can be observed in official maps and sometimes, entire blocks in the Partaja remain missing. From a socio-economic point of view, the poor quality of built structures and their dismal conditions have built a negative image for the Partaja. They are considered as the slums of Belgrade. A large part of the residents of partajas is considered to be poor. Impoverished owners are a recurring theme in Serbian housing. Only 37% of the average population is economically active. Because of a lack of job opportunities, there is a trend of migration to more prosperous economies. As a result, several plots are abandoned, only the older population remain and the physical conditions are further deteriorating. The future of Dorcol is threatened by demolition and abandonment. New construction has paved the way for privatization and large-scale investors. There is a possibility of gentrification due to current developments and the threat of destruction of the area for the inhabitants. On the other hand, several potentials can also be observed. Being part of the old city fabric, the partajas have a central location. The Partaja exhibits A model of robust community living existing in the old city. The citizens enjoy a high level of education (40%) compared to the rest of Serbia (10%). The migration has led to a mixed demographic with elderly people and the oncoming wave of students, young families, etc. The existing society has a high social mixture. A large majority of the households are single or occupied by families of two or three and there is a tendency for larger groupings of houses. Most households make ideal candidates collective living and housing solutions. Partajas could be desirable housing with high social capital. 9
DATA COLLECTION survey, identification of partners
first contact, meetings and workshops
PROPOSAL define goals and develop project framework
contact experts and establish panel
STRATEGY The strategy of the Partaja Plac Program is divided into three main phases. The first is the short-term strategies, which includes collecting data from different sources and developing the program for the project. This phase was accomplished by the initiators of the project (Stuttgart Team) in the first 5 months of the project. They worked in close collaboration with Milicia Ristovic and Bozena Stojic from Belgrade. The second phase focuses on contacting the community and developing possible proposals together with the panel of partners. The panel of partners includes Milica Ristovic (student partner), Bozena Stojic (representative from the Ministry of Space NGO) and an elected representative for the Partaja. Each partaja will elect its own representative. All decisions are first made with participation from the community. In this phase, the first contacts to experts from the GIZ, the UNESCO, and the Municipality of Stari Grad are also established. They will eventually form the panel of experts who will supervise and evaluate the projects proposed from the Partaja. In the long term, the selected projects are implemented with participation from the community. The completed projects are constantly observed and evaluated over time. Whole Partajas are benefited over time as the energy generated by the first small-scale interventions will slowly trickle down to the rest of the Partaja. This program could also be implemented in Partajas throughout Serbia. It could serve as a role model in the empowerment of heterogeneous communities in Partajas for self-organized change. LONG TERM
developand submit proposals
starting projects
review and scale up
EXTERNAL REGULATIONS from diverse Institutions
1 L
ATI O N S monitor discuss supervise
ci e
rr unn
l i ng a c o
le c
REGULATORY FRAMEWORK The aim of the regulatory framework of the Partaja Plac Program is to guide the decision-making processes within the program. Two sets of regulations have been designed. The internal set of regulations determine the decision making processes of the community. The aim is to distribute the power equally amongst the citizens and also leave room for Veto-right if one of the members completely disagree with the development. The panel of partners (student partner, NGO representative and Partaja representative) support the decision-making process and provide specialized information about the schemes in the program if required. The external set of regulations concern the panel of experts (the GIZ, the UNESCO, and the municipality of Stari Grad). These regulations have the goal of evaluating the projects in the larger context. It is designed to ensure that the decisions of the community won’t have a negative impact on the overall development of the community. they represent the urban development, heritage, and interests of the city in the decision-making process. This will enhance the long-term sustainability of the interventions.
An elected representative from each partaja community is appointed to organize the efforts of the community.
Bozena Stojic and Milica Ristovic who have been involved in the project from the beginning, and assisted with data collection in Belgrade will take on permanent roles as the voice of the Stuttgart team in Dorcol.
C CITIZENS OF THE PARTAJA Every resident has a role to play in the decision making process with involvement in project selection, promotion, actualization, funding, etc.
Required to achieve the urban landscape heritage status for the partaja. They represent the heritage interests in all crucial decision making.
STATE (MUNICIPALITY OF STARIGRAD) Legal Framework is provided including Ownership, Building permissions, land use etc. It represents the urban development interests in all crucial decision making.
Additional needed regulations to prevent gentrification and support a sustainable development of the partaja
Urban Planning Dep.
Municipality of Starigrad
Our team
Milicia Ristovic
Micro Finance
Partaja Rep.
Bozena Stojic
Ratka Colic
Shops Shops
Nevena Alavuk
Partaja Citizens
strong link cooperation
weak link
REGULATORY FRAMEWORK STAKEHOLDERS STRATEGY The first connections were established in the joint workshop held in Belgrade with attendees from the University of Stuttgart, the University of Belgrade and several guest speakers. As key stakeholders, Milica Ristovic and Bozena Stojic have already helped the Stuttgart Team through the initial data collection and execution of the survey. Moreover, they have given important feedback to the development of the Partaja Plac Program. They are the candidates who can ideally cooperate with the Partaja representative to build the panel of partners. Together, they will take the lead in the implementation phase. they will have first-hand information from the community and moderate the community events. Moreover, they are the main information link to the Stuttgart team, who will take a back seat in Phase two and support the project remotely. Through the establishment of the panel of experts representatives from the civil, private and public sector will be integrated. A representative each from the GIZ, the UNESCO, and the municipality of Stari Grad will constitute this panel. Those will serve as secondary stakeholders that take a role as a supervisor and consultant. They will be informed about the project remotely and will involve and support the final decision-making stage of the projects. Furthermore, several other NGOs and local institutions are also stakeholders in the Program. These connections are to be strengthened and developed further throughout the implementation of the Program.
CLEAN UP Apply for
Holding/ arranging SMALL GATHERINGS
Apply for
Apply for
PARTICIPATE in the workshops and events of the Programme
Apply for
about participatory projects
INTRODUCTION The Catalogue of interventions is a tool for the inhabitants of the Partajas and all other institutions that will be working with them. It is designed to enable them to generate the most relevant set of interventions based on their current situation for improving their conditions. It consists of an analytical part which helps the community to gauge the existing situation in the Partaja. The catalog prescribes appropriate interventions based on the analysis part. The catalog is categorized into five, namely, spatial conditions, social capital, social assets, financial resources and the legal status. Firstly, the community should identify which situation they are facing currently with the help of the analytic tool. When the Partaja has been assessed in all the five aspects, the community is encouraged to identify the most appropriate and plausible interventions from the catalog based on the analysis and the range that the partaja falls into. Each Partaja thereby generates a set of interventions, which is generated specifically for their situation. Moreover, through the timeline of the project, this set of interventions will vary for the partaja according to its evolving situation. The following section will define each category and give an extensive description of each intervention. Furthermore, it will illustrate important points to be considered for the implementation including the different stakeholders involved in the process.
ASSESSMENT 1. PHYSICAL STRUCTURE Good physical condition
3. SOCIAL RESOURCES Strong bonds between neighbours
4. FINANCIAL RESOURCES Full physical /financial resources from community
5. LEGAL STATUS Community ownership
Acquaintances Bad condition
Destroyed/ dangerous
Tensions No interactions
No physical /financial resources from community
Pre-ownership status No ownership
Clean up
Spatial qualities of our surroundings make a big impact on the quality of our daily life. The quality of the physical environment greatly influences one’s image of a space. Therefore, it is crucial to analyse the qualities, problems, and potentials of the existing physical structures for the overall improvement of the Partaja. This category is a guideline for communities, to make decisions for both their shared and private areas in a collective way. The different interventions in this category aim to greatly modify the area through demolition or reconstruction if the condition of the building is really bad; or to gently improve an existing building through renovation, painting, furnishing, etc. depending on the requirement. 21
This intervention is for a situation when a space is well maintained and is in a good physical condition. A room or a yard being improved through the program can be furnished to make it more habitable. Based on individual need and interest of the habitants, the concept of the space is decided. Furnishings are purchased, optimised for the new common uses of the community. This concept can range from procuring seating, work-equipment, etc. to adding lighting fixtures, outdoor seating arrangements, pavers for a vegetable patch, etc. This will make the space more pleasant for the inhabitants.
The project is based on the ideas of the habitants. Through phase two of the program, several discussions and community events are held where inhabitants can brainstorm over ideas and needs for the yard and the shared spaces. It should be also discussed how each neighbour can contribute and support the process. Each member might discover that the project is achievable by using unused furnishings from their homes. They can also contribute with their labour. External experts can be provided by the program for technical decision making.
WHEN? • •
This intervention can be used in Partajas which already have very good spatial conditions. They are also envisioned to be used in the future (last stage of improvement) of the Partajas which are in deteriorated conditions today.
WHO? • • • •
Community Partaja Committee Panel of partners External experts
This intervention is for the everyday situation of the Partaja. It goes hand in hand with building a sense of ownership; which is crucial for the citizens to feel responsible towards their environment. Once the yard and the shared spaces have been cleaned up it should also be constantly maintained. This will ensure that they remain in good condition for a longer period of time. The maintenance of these spaces can reinforce pride for the Partaja.
Community members are encouraged to gather by themselves and make decisions on the need for cleaning and maintaining the spaces. It is important to feel a sense of responsibility towards their surroundings. They can also setup working schedules within the Partaja and plan the contribution of each individual. In case of years of refuse build-up, abandoned cars, wreckage, etc. they can avail the services of third-party clean-up companies through the program.
WHEN? • • •
This intervention can be used in Partajas which already have very good spatial conditions. They are also envisioned to be used in the future of the Partajas which are in deteriorated conditions today. This intervention is also applicable where a basic level of maintenance system needs to be developed in the community.
WHO? • • •
Community Partaja Committee Panel of partners
This intervention is designed for buildings or spaces which are identified for improvement through the program, but require some renovation to be made habitable for the inhabitants. It is necessary to ensure the functionality of basic facilities like sanitation, water, heating, electricity, etc. During the renovation some existing structures can be changed in order to optimise them for new functions and needs of the community.
Through the discussions between community members, the areas in the Partaja which need urgent renovation are identified. In the case of abandoned units, the community should decide for new functions in such spaces. These spaces belong to the whole community because of the co-ownership status. It is worth mentioning that the community can also undertake some parts of renovation work themselves, if the skills of the habitants allow.
WHEN? • •
This intervention is applicable in Partajas with desirable spatial structures but badly maintained yards, units and facilities. This intervention is to be prioritised in buildings which are inhabited but in urgent need of repair, existing structures post a threat to the inhabitants, etc.
WHO? • • • • •
Community Partaja Committee Panel of partners Project team Panel of experts
This intervention is concerned with the building of new structures to replace the existing buildings which are damaged or destroyed. An architect is to be drafted so that the newly planned structure respects the physical structure and quality of spaces in the Partaja. Such improvements are based on the needs of the community.
The community first urged to identify the need for and the possible usages for the new structures. The decisions for the new spaces and overall building design can also be done in a collective way with collaboration with external experts. In case of abandoned units, they belong to the whole community through the coownership status. The financing for such a scale construction will most probably come through the micro-finanace setup of the program. The community are also free to undertake some parts of the construction work themselves.
WHEN? • •
This intervention would be done in Partajas with desirable spatial structures which are partly destroyed or need very cost-intensive renovation. This intervention is to be prioritised in buildings pose a safety threat to the inhabitants.
WHO? • • • • • •
Community Panel of partners Project team Partners from private sector Micro-finanace company Panel of experts
When the existing structures are in very bad physical condition and their spatial structure is also not fitting the needs of the inhabitants, the existing build structures will be demolished. This can be replaced by new buildings or the land can be cleared to make more public shared space within the partaja. The structures which fit the needs of habitants and help preserve the co-living character of Partaja are most desirable. It is also crucial to ensure that the newly built structures are for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Partaja communities firstly and then for outsiders.
There are several points, which should be considered in this step. The decision for demolishing should be made in a collective way, involving the inhabitants and the panel of partners. The benefit of such a step has to be analysed, since the opportunity to demolish and later rebuild can endanger the character of the Partajas. The issue of ownership of the abandoned units should also be clarified before the demolition process begins. External parties are to be arranged through the program for the demolition and later clean-up.
WHEN? • • •
This intervention will be done in Partajas with completely undesirable spatial structures. In the occasion of a Partaja in need for open space and in possession of abandoned or unused buildings. This intervention is to be prioritised in buildings pose a safety threat to the inhabitants.
WHO? • • • • •
Community Panel of partners Project team Partners from private sector Panel of experts
Establishment of Partaja committee
Select community representative
Arranging small gatherings
Participate in the workshops and events of project team
get informed about participatory projects
The concept of ‘Social Capital’, referring to a profitable social organization, is introduced as an asset to community development. The most crucial point for the success of community-led development projects is the involvement of people, the way they contribute, the effort that they are willing to put and how well can they take over the organization of the whole process. Conventional development processes have given us a passive mindset, waiting for urban development to delivered as a service provided by the state. This category of interventions aims to help the community develop strong relationships between with the different inhabitants and also external actors. This will essentially increase social capital and enable them to improve their living conditions in a self-organized manner. 33
The Partaja committee is a group of residents, who undertake the responsibility of representing the members of their individual Partajas. They are the link between the inhabitants and the panel of partners, and other actors of the program. To make the decisions for actions in a collective way, a platform for neighbours to discuss their issues is established. Having the committee helps the community to have more organised meetings. This builds a formal structure for collective decision making, supplementing informal exchanges between residents. This also established their needs at higher institutional levels.
It is important to determine rules for running a collective society within the committee. Committee members are chosen through democratic election processes. Periodic meetings are organised, scheduled and held under the management of this committee. The other important function of the committee is to establish working groups within the community members to follow different tasks and procedures.
The committee should be established when these conditions are fulfilled: • High community involvement • Small gatherings are being held by the residents • Representatives of the different Partajas have been chosen
WHO? • • •
Community Community representatives Panel of partners
The community chooses one member to undertake the responsibility of representing the members of the Partaja. He/she is the first contact person for the panel of partners when concerning issues of the inhabitants. He/she would also be the face of Partaja to represent their decisions and put forward their concerns. He is in-charge of organising meetings, informing the inhabitants about developments, and also conducting the applications for collaboration with external parties.
The representative can be chosen in different ways. The community can also put forth the names of more engaged or active community members during the workshops. He/she can also be also a volunteer from the community. Finally, he/she is appointed with a majority vote or through an internal election. The consent of the inhabitants is crucial.
WHEN? • •
During or after the first workshop with the community Before regular meetings are starting to be held and there is a need to organise routine procedures within the Partaja.
WHO? • • •
Community Project team Panel of partners
Small gatherings are a natural process of acquaintances or neighbours meeting each other. This is seen as a method for community activation, since several communities are found to be inactive or are facing conflicts between each other. Community members are encouraged to start to meet and discuss their common issues or ideas.
With the initiation of the first community workshop, the inhabitants are forced to come out of their shells and meet their neighbours. Activities and events are held to identify common interests. Others are brought together over the discussion of common issues or shared experiences. It is expected that with such contact, relationships are developed which lead to gatherings starting to take place in a informal way. Neighbours can discuss ideas over coffee, etc.
WHEN? • • • •
During or after the first workshops While working on proposals When the project is ongoing and there is a need for community volunteers or working groups to handle them In everyday life
WHO? • •
Community Project team
By attending workshops the community members can gain common awareness about assets, resources and the needs of the community. This encourages a sense of solidarity amongst its members. It also aims to establish a platform for neighbours to come in contact within each other. That would also be a opportunity to identify active neighbours and encourage the participation of the others.
The workshops will be organised and moderated by the panel of partners. The communities from Partajas would be informed in advance. The meetings are based on discussion, interaction and participation. The inhabitants are encouraged to get familiarised with each other and identify common interests. Yards or shared spaces within the Partajas can be the ideal places to hold the meetings.
WHEN? They are held as part of the initial steps to mobilize the community. However, they could also be continued over the course of the program as it_ • Encourages inhabitants towards participation • Supports community initiation of proposals • Informs community about themes relevant to their projects • Fills the information gap between the community and the project team
WHO? • • •
Community Project team Panel of partners
The project team provides information material to the Partaja residents to inform them about possible ways of participation. In the Partaja Plac Program, participation is seen as necessary to the improvement of overall conditions. The biggest challenge in the project is not the physical conditions or the illegal status of the partajas; there exist several physical and legal tools to rectify this. The deep rooted problem is in the mindset of the people, the lack of trust in the system and inability to accept the possibility for change. Through participation, community morale can be boosted.
This information can be reached in workshops and events of the Partaja Plac Program. It can also be obtained in the form of readings which are distributed by the panel of partners. Presentations about successful participatory projects are to be held and the different tools of participation are introduced. The community can also reach the information through media run by the program.
This is part of the first few contributions of both project team and the community toward increasing involvement
WHO? • • •
Community Project team Panel of partners
Submitting suggested proposals
Expression of interest x43
Learn from other Partajas
Besides the amount of social involvement and building social capital, it is also crucial to have a realistic perception of the assets that the community possesses. This category of interventions aims to show the community, how to generate proposals based on their needs and potentials. Here, the active role of the community for development is illustrated. This is both about assets perception and inner organization. These steps also aim to enable the community to change their attitude from complaining and passively waiting for things to be changed, to become more active members in the implementation of changes. They get an opportunity to participate in decision making process. 45
Through the time frame of the program, several calls for proposals will be issued, ending with a deadline. Interested Partajas are invited to submit their requirements to the program in the form of a project proposal. This is developed with the help of the project partners. Proposals should include the basic concept, cost estimate, financing suggestion and a rough time-plan. Theses can be made both as private and as a group
The community will submit their ideas in form of a proposals to the Partaja Plac Program. They will receive feedbacks and evaluation from the program after the proposals have been reviewed by the panel of partners and experts. If modifications are necessary, a joint meetings are arranged with the partaja representatives. The proposals are revised until all actors agree. The final aim of this step is to select Projects to be implemented.
This step will be done when the community already has rough ideas which can be improved to projects to be implemented
WHO? • • • •
Community Project team Panel of partners Partners from private sector
The expression of interest secures the commitment of the community to the program. After the submission of the ‘expression of interest’ paper, the Partaja becomes an official part of the program. The ‘expression of interest’ paper is issued by the Partaja Plac program where the community members can sign their interest.
The community can express their interest through the collection of signatures as a group. By the collection of signatures from a majority of the members common interest can be established.
WHEN? • •
At this stage, communities are already aware of the Program and based on their assets and interests, they decide if it could benefit them. A majority of the inhabitants of the Partaja are interested in being part of the program
WHO? • • •
Community Project team Panel of partners
It is crucial to keep informed about projects done in other Partajas or learn from their experience in community participation and organisation. Since this sets a positive precursor, it can inspire communities for improving their living conditions. It is also important for achieving change in a bigger scale to share experiences and learn from each other.
There are several ways to get informed about other Partajas and their Projects. The most basic solution would be to talk to the inhabitants. The program will also publish reports about the implemented projects which are issued publicly. Communities can learn about them by reading these reports. Another way can also be attending the events and meetings held in other Partajas and establishing collaboration with working groups from other communities.
WHEN? • • •
For making the decision among the community for joining the Program. When a clear direction or idea for the intervention/improvement is missing. It can also be helpful and practical to keep informed and learn from implemented examples and experiences, so as to not repeat the mistakes and to learn from innovations did by others.
WHO? • • •
Community Project team Panel of partners
Organise funds and resources by community
Organize fundraising events
Establish business partnership/ expansion
Apply for micro finance
Apply for funds from external party
The need for financial resources should be considered in a strategic way based on the conditions of each community. It can vary from a collaboration with external actors to receive complete financing of a project to internally organizing to put together the existing financial resources of the community. The community is encouraged to come up with a collective perception of their financial capacity and decide for the requisite solution to attain the needed resources. This category of interventions demonstrates funding possibilities for different situations. Collaboration with microfinance institutions is encouraged. Additionally, it also provides information about existing financial programs with which the Parataja Plac Program can collaborate in order to get funds. It also serves as a guideline on points that they have to consider for running a common fund. 53
Many resources that the community need to improve their living conditions can be provided by the community itself. Resources refer to funds for implementation, technical skills and skilled labour. These can be raised in a collective way depending on the assets of each Partaja, skill set of the inhabitants, etc. Different methods can also be used to bring these assets together and use them to improve the conditions of the community.
There should be structures that enable the community to manage their common resources. Methodologies can be explained by the panel of partners and panel of experts trough the presentation of case studies. Considering the financial resources, methods like community saving or generating sustainable common income can be helpful to make the community financially independent from external sectors.
WHEN? • • • •
The community has the Proposals finalised Proposals are in the process of development The missing resources are defined The community is so highly involved in the program that they can consider sharing communal resources or contribute their time for the good of other Partajas.
WHO? • •
Partaja Committee Community
Communities can organise different events with the aim to gain financial resources for their Projects. This money, will stay in the community and will be spent on a collective decision making basis.
These events can include public parties, day markets, festivals, etc. where the community can sell home-made products. The idea and execution of the events are handled by the community. Donation events can also be organised for some specific projects.
WHEN? • • •
The community has the Proposals finalised Proposals are in the process of development The community is need for a small sum of money for supplementing their existing project budget.
WHO? • • • •
Partaja Committee Community Project team Panel of partners
One way to reach the needed financial resources is to engage small private businesses in the proposals and establish partnerships with them. Examples for partnership are to establish a coffee or tea shop, a shop or store in and abandoned building from which rents can be received or by producing homemade goods which can be sold to a external party.
The Community can provide their space, ideas or labour and receive financial support through these partnerships. The open spaces in the Partajas have a lot of potential to be used for different activities. It should be considered, that the type of collaborations and the impact that the partners are allowed to have on the Partaja should be decided collectively with all the neighbours.
WHEN? • • •
There are private or common ideas which can be implemented in Partaja but are lacking financial support If it is desirable for a community to have a small business in their Partaja like a coffee shop, small store, etc. Spatial potential exists
WHO? • • • • •
Partaja Committee Community Project team Panel of partners Partners from private sector
Getting micro finance can help to finance small projects and several such schemes exist in Serbia. One such program is Mirkro Razvoj in cooperation with bank of Serbia (www.mikrorazvoj.rs/en). Such loans typically have good pay-back conditions. Additionally, they can be accessed without having huge individual savings.
The Community is informed about the existing micro finance schemes and their application procedures by through the program. This can include holding workshops with representatives from the micro finance institutions, distributing information material etc. The community can also recommend other micro finance solutions that are known to them to the panel of partners.
WHEN? • • •
There are ideas which can be implemented in Partaja but are lacking financial support. Only a small amount of money is needed to realize the intervention. The community does not have the financial or social capacity for community savings or generating common income.
WHO? • • • • • •
Partaja Committee Community Project team Panel of partners Local and regional financing institutions NGOs
Getting funds from local institutions of public or private sector can be a way to finance improvements in Partajas. One of the drawbacks of such grants are that the project will be fully funded through a existing program with its own sets of regulations. In such a case, the project will also have to follow the prerequisites of that program. On the other hand, while applying as members of the Program, the community could receive higher credits for getting the funds.
The Community will be informed about external funding programs and their application procedure by the program team. The apllictaion procedures may vary from the different funding programs. The current programs that fit to the aim of the project can be researched with the help of NGOs, the panel of partners and the panel of experts.
WHEN? • • •
There are ideas which need to be implemented in Partaja but need financial support External party grants that suit the requirements of the programs exists The community does not have the financial or social capacity for community savings or generating common income
WHO? • • • • • • •
Partaja Committee Community Project team Panel of partners Local and regional financing institutions NGOs Panel of experts
Claim service provision
Apply for co-ownership
Apply for tenure security
Mapping ownership & gathering info.
Request info. material from project team
This category of interventions deals specifically with the issue of ownership and the legal recognition of the Partajas. The current ownership is ‘unclear’ because the buildings came up haphazardly on land which belonged to one owner with the main house. WIth the changing socio-political system, the ownership of all property transferred to the state. And with the collapse of the system, the owners have been given back ownership of the spaces occupied by them. However, the land still belongs to the state. In the meantime, new spaces have been built, some spaces have been abandoned, and some are left in a state of disrepair. Moreover, no formal map of the properties in the Partajas exists. This also shows that the state relegates their existence. Through schemes of collective ownership, the communities will have the advantage to built their own identity and benefit directly from the improvements. Suggested Interventions from the legal category, can help the community to generate a database about Partajas, and to use the existing legal structures in order to get a coownership title. This also includes procedures for applying for tenure security as a in-between status. 65
When the communities living in the Partajas come together and built up a strong social cohesion among themselves, they have already achieved a high level of social capital. They also have knowledge about their legal rights and privileges. At this stage they will be able to raise their voices to the higher governance structures and claim the missing services and infrastructures.
Having representatives and committees for Partaja, help the communities to concentrate their efforts in dealing with public governance structures. The organisation of meetings and establishment of associations between communities from different partajas can also give more power to the communities. It is important to build up networks with the local state to demonstrate the strength of communities and the possibilities for change.
WHEN? • • •
The Partaja committee is established and is holding regular meetings. The Partajas have gained full ownership status. The needs and rights of the citizens are defined so that the higher institutional structures can be claimed.
WHO? • • • • • •
Partaja Committee Partaja representatives Community Project team Panel of partners Municipality of Stari Grad
Due the problem, Today, the land on which the Partajas are built is owned by the city, while the citizens have ownership of the houses. Co-ownership can be a way for the inhabitants to reach a secure legal status for their homes. Through the The Law on Basis of Ownership and Property Relations (2001), the community can apply together for Co-Ownership. In this case, every household could own the house but the land will be jointly owned by the whole community.
The National laws make it possible for a group of people to take over the ownership of property in Serbia. The application procedures should be done by the committee and the community representatives with the support of the panel of partners. The community can also get legal support through the program from experts about their rights and the conditions of the contract.
WHEN? • •
The community has been successfully taking common decisions in a democratic way and functioning as a collective entity The community is interested in having a co-ownership as a group
WHO? • • • • • •
Partaja Committee Partaja representatives Community Project team Panel of partners Municipality of Stari Grad
Due to the long process towards achieving the legal ownership status, tenure security can be achieved as an in between step. It guarantees that people are allowed to live on the Partaja property and avoid the fear of being kicked out. This is the step before embarking on the legal procedures of getting the Co-ownership status. The Partaja Plac Program being associated with the Municipality of Stari Grad, aims to provide this status.
The community can apply towards the Partaja Plac program for tenure security. The applications possibilities will be explained during the initial workshops held and help will be provided by the panel of partners. The program will negotiate with representatives in the Municipality about the conditions of tenure security.
Once the community have the collective intend to reach the collective ownership status.
WHO? • • • • • •
Partaja Committee Partaja representatives Community Project team Panel of partners Municipality of Stari Grad
Mapping the exact location and the legal status of every unit that is part of a partaja. This data is currently incomplete and points towards the attitude of the Municipality. Such a mapping will raise the relevance and importance for interventions of the municipality. It also aims to raise awareness of people and gather clear information about the Partajas. It is a crucial step, which can be done by the communities with support of the Panel of partners. This Information can also bring attention to the topic on higher governance levels.
Various mapping methods can be used to gather the data. Data should be collected with the help fro the community. Besides physical and spatial mapping different methodologies including interviews, questionnaires, etc. could also be distributed to all inhabitants of Donji Dorcol. The volunteer citizens will be provided with mapping manuals giving information about how to map, what to map and the existing state of information. This database will be used for the oncoming projects by the community with the support of the program.
WHEN? • •
This is a basic step, happening when the community is already informed about the existing and also lacking legal information This data base is required for making decisions about the next steps toward reaching tenure security and co-ownership status
WHO? • • • • • • •
Partaja representatives Community Project team Panel of partners Municipality of Stari Grad Experts to support on legal issues NGOs
The information material program will help to understand the current legal situations and built knowledge about future possibilities. It serves as a base for further actions. It contains information about local regulations, legal procedures, requirements to get a collective ownership, etc. Since there are uncertainties about the status of Partajas, it is crucial to be informed about these topics. The program would provide information materials and also examples of potential legal possibilities to improve the conditions. These can include the local regulations and also best practice examples from around the world.
This information can be provided during the events, by distributing information papers or presenting during the workshops. Involved community members encouraged to get informed and share their knowledge with their friends and neighbours. Partaja inhabitants can also ask about their uncertainties in these events and other media.
WHEN? • • •
This is a basic step in order to raise the awareness about lows and rights to encourage people to participate in Program For communities that do not know about the rights and possibilities, informing can be a base for further legal interventions This can also be a supporting tool for the community during the whole process.
WHO? • • • •
Community Project team Panel of partners Experts
Three hypothetical scenarios in Donji Dorcol are illustrated to help elucidate how this catalogue can be used as a tool for urban regeneration of the Partajas. The characters are drawn from clues received during the site visits, informal interviews with residents, etc. This gives interested parties a picture of the future. 79
GUEST HOUSE This is the story of a successful neighbourhood improvement initiative by three older families living in the partaja. Marco and Vesna Jovanovic (68 and 70) are an old retired couple. They have a son living in New Belgrade and a daughter living in America and visiting once every two years. Ruza Zivannovic (75) is a widow and has a son settled in London. He moved out when he was starting university and has become a successful businessman in the UK. He is close to his mother and visits her as often as his busy schedule permits. Ahka and Milorad (last names unknown, 55 and 50) have two children of university age. Both of them are attending University in Germany. They visit their parents at-least twice a year, usually during Easter and Christmas. All three of these families live in the same Partaja. The Partaja also houses two other young families, one house rented by a few students and an abandoned house. The three elder families met once in a while for coffee. Because of the small size of their houses, the families constantly discussed the issues faced when their children returned home for vacations. With the growing size of the Jovanovic family, it was becoming impossible to accommodate all the children and the grandchildren overnight in the houses. Ruza’s son usually stayed in her house on his visits, but booked a room in a nearby hotel last Christmas when he visited with his girlfriend. Ahka and Milorad’s children still share the same room and accommodate themselves in their childhood beds. However, there is a growing unrest about the lack of space in the house. The families applied to the Partaja Plac Program with the aim of expanding their current living situations to accommodate their new needs. Several discussions were held on the feasibility of the project. It was seen that money was being spent on spaces that might not get fully utilised throughout the year. The idea of a community guest house came up over coffee one afternoon. It was planned to renovate the abandoned building. The program representatives focussed on using the available resources to build. The project was financed jointly by the three families with the help of a micro financing institution. Marco who is a carpenter contributed more in terms of man-hours and expertise. Ruza kept up the spirits with her happy banter and occasionally served coffee and cakes to the volunteers. In one year, they managed to renovate and furnish the abandoned building in their Partaja. The community ties have become stronger through this process. The young families also support and encourage the jovial spirit. Today, the Partaja has an income from this investment. They have the house registered on Airbnb. Tourists love to live in the Partaja and the guest house has 4.5 stars on the website. 81
TAILORING SHOP This is the story of a talented, young woman who managed to develop a successful start-up in the Partaja. Anna Milankovic (33) was born in Belgrade and has spent her whole life living in the partaja. She has a strong creative energy and loves clothes and fashion. She has been sewing her own clothes at home and always gets compliments from her friends and family on her unique style. She has been working in a second hand clothing store in Donji Dorcol for a few years now. However, she knew that her future didn’t lie in repairing clothes. She had always dreamed of doing something more with her passion. She applied to the Partaja Plac Program and in 2018 finally received funds from the state. She pitched the idea of making a business of her tailoring skills. This project enjoyed a high level of community involvement from the very beginning. The initial discussions of the community revolved around finding a space to house the tailoring shop. Some members were concerned about the noise that could come from ‘the row of roaring sewing machines’ as he quoted. Over time, the discussions focussed on the revenue the shop would create and how this could lead to improving the physical situation of the Partaja. The funding for the project was obtained through micro-financing through the Partaja Program. A lady who had a spare room on the ground floor agreed to rent the space to Anna on a monthly rental basis. The program requires her to pay back the money in instalments, as stipulated in the conditions of the micro-finance loan. She has managed to make the best of her resources and has built up a successful tailoring shop. She has two interns from the School of Textile Design in Belgrade working under her now. The interest generated by the boutique has led to further projects in the Partaja. After the setting up of the tailoring shop, the community jointly applied for funds to fix the main courtyard space facing the shop. This consequently led to the residents spending more time in this courtyard. Today, this area in front of it is being used for holding workshops and events by other organizations in the city. With a trickle down effect, this has led to further changes. One of the neighbours started a small informal table sale of baked goodies in the courtyard. The customers in the tailoring shop and passers-by in the courtyard cannot resist themselves. They always stop at the table to pick something up. Residents of the neighbouring partajas and social housings also visit the ‘bake-table’ for its offerings. It has been rumoured that the residents have plans for setting up a temporary tea house and bakery in the future.
PLAYGROUND AND VEGETABLE PATCH This is the story of a partaja community working out their differences through participation and achieving a common goal. The Marcovic Family (35, 36, 7, 5) have been living in the Partaja since the birth of their eldest son. The newest addition to the family is a 2-year-old brown pomeranian dog. Even if not the most desirable area in the city, the family chose to live there because of the location, proximity to everyday services and the school for the kids. Moreover, it was the most affordable housing that they could find. They had a three room apartment on the ground floor in the Partaja. However, Mrs. Marcovic soon realised that it was quite unsafe to leave the kids alone in the courtyard. The central space had become a virtual dumping ground over time. She were afraid that the children would hurt themselves in the courtyard. There were metal scraps with rusty edges along with an old rusty Fiat that had been parked there since the 1980s. They were the only ones with young children in their Partaja and the only ones who raised concerns. Everyone preferred to not interfere in community matters and avoid discussions with the neighbours about tough issues. The family applied for funds through the Partaja Plac Program for the up-gradation of the common area. Several events were held to increase the awareness and participation of the other residents. Even if the initiative came from the family, the other residents cooperated. It was recognised that cleaning up the courtyard was going to benefit everyone in the Partaja. Initially, a small sand pit and play area was built in one half of the courtyard. This has become an active Partaja frequented by young children every afternoon. Over the next summer, some urban gardening enthusiasts, led by Mrs. Macovic started a small vegetable patch in the other half. Some community members also involved themselves in the project. It is worthy to note that all the gardening initiatives were organized and executed by the residents with their own funds. Additionally, a sense of ownership over their common space started to develop. People see the vegetable patch and play area as an asset. This makes their Partaja special. It has been observed that residents voluntarily put efforts to clean and maintain the space. Now they are discussing a viable way to make use of the excess produce. Initially, they were distributed amongst the residents. A more profitable option would be to set up a Sunday market for sales of the excess produce.
TEAM STUTTGART TEAM Ali Haji Marlene Franck Vani Kunnappilly
ali.haji0689@gmail.com marlenefranck@yahoo.de vanisood89@gmail.com
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley Dr.-Ing. Josefine Fokdal Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Goutrié Dipl.-Ing. Wei Jiang
sekretariat@si.uni-stuttgart.de info@iusd.uni-stuttgart.de +49 711 68583370