Life is a Bowl
Full of Cherries a book of food idioms and silly pictures
written by Vanita Oelschlager illustrated by Robin Hegan
This is something that is very flat. “The school bus ran over my lunch and left it flat as a pancake.�
I wish I could co ve my ears! r
Somebo d pour syr y up on him!
Flat as a pancake
Who put him on t op the stack of ?
is Ugh, he !!! SO FLAT
Couch potato
This is a person who is lazy and lies around on the couch watching TV all day. “Billy was a couch potato until he got interested in playing basketball.”
ed I’m plant ’t n an d I ca get up!
Where is? n the moo
This is something you think you can do that is unrealistic. “Being an astronaut at 13 is a pie-in-the-sky dream.�
Pie-in-the-sky The moo nee de d an vacation.
Life is a Bowl
“ This book is not your ninth grade teacher’s English lesson on idiomatic expressions! Vanita Oelschlager and Robin Hegan’s work brings fun, laughter and life to some of the best examples of our complex and delightful language. Young children are “ripe for the picking” when it comes to literacy development, and this book is a great tool for both the home and classroom.” Katherine Y. Hatcher Director of Lower School Lake Ridge Academy North Ridgeville, Ohio
Full of Cherries