porfolio Vanja Stojanovic

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design project_SS 2012

INSTITUT DU MONDE DE I’ISLAM_isclamic cultural center ao. univ. prof. dipl. -ing. dr. techn. Christian Kühn guest prof. Michael Hofstätter / PAUHOF Vanja Stojanovic Igor Dimitrovski

After a short reaserch about islamic culture and architecture, and introducing ourselves with it, we found an inspiration in some of islamic architectural elements and detals. It represented a challenge how to implement those elements into a modern architecture, and in that way to achieve a projection of an ancient architecture within an futuristic architectural appeal. Essencialy important was to achieve a certain feeling that visitors would have inside the ambiency of an islamic cultural center, and how the building would, so to say, “speak� for itself, in order to bring closer the idea of islamic culture to the potencial visitors - users. The meaning of an atrium within the building, was also one of the most important details, that we wanted to apply during the design process, due to the importancy that atrium has as a meetingpoint in islamic architecture.

vertical communication



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no noise step_1




_the bulding walls surround the

main communication between two meetingpoints _spiral ramp as guidance for main communication _small atrium within the building volume _the user has the oportunity to look arround and be introduced with the cultural center without direct entrance in it


CONCEPT : In this typ of enviorment, where exist two levels of area with high intensity motion (lower - longitudinal motion throught the location and higher - the platforms), users and their behavioure within this surrounding were most definitely one of the most important factors that have been affected our decisions during the process of developing the project. Communication between the platform and entrance area of the bulding should be abled with a strong conntection between those two meetingpoints and for us, it represents a possibillity for user to walk freely among the complex of cultural center and alow himself a few moments of sightseeing, without a pressure to enter directly into the building. That means that everybody, who is interessted in any information about the islamic cultural center, what it represents, or what does it offers to a visitor, could look around and enjoy the view while walking down/up the spiral ramp inside the building. So, the ramp with the small atrium below presents a part of the public space, that is, so to say, captured within the building. The building is consisted of steal construction covered with two shells, one from the outside, and one from the inside. Those shells create one round building body and at the same time, they are adding the sculptural element of the dome to the overal expirience of the building, which should be presenting our vision of an modern interpretation of the dome. The motiv of triangle shapes and on the fassade is also an ispiration with the islamic architecture, but transfered into a modern era of maybe even some futuristic presentation of it. Playfullnes of the smaller and bigger triangles has been created in order to reveal or hide the building parts and in that way to encourage the curiosity of visitors towards isclamic cultural center. Small atrium inside the building is oriented to the Mecca, and it is suppose to be a major meetingpoint, highlighted with the ramp that circules around it.

the atrium inside the building

last floor / view from the restaurant

ground floor

1th floor

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4


infopoint for the whole building office foyer (auditorium) wardrobe


office caffe foyer (museum) wardrobe


4th floor

6th floor

1 2 3 4 5

1 - library 2 - sound&image 3 - terrace


library reference wardrobe PC area study area

undergrounfloor 1 2 3 4 5 6


parking foyer high council instruction room auditorium (360 seats) auditorium (180 seats)

2nd floor museum

3rd floor

5th floor



parking ramp, platform high Council

7th floor 1 - restaurant 2 - terrace

office area auditorium

museum library



univ. ass. dipl. -ing. dr Ulrike Pitro

ARCH LAB_campus for architectural students of TU Vienna Vanja Stojanovic Igor Dimitrovski

The concept of this project is developed as an answer to the question of a mutual interaction between several flexibile spaces in terms of flexibile transformability. In order to find out more about this situation, we made first steps towards the best solution for the assigment by reaserching about a working process of an student of architecture during one semester. This includes all the steps one student has to go through while creating of an project, starting from the sketch, rushing through the big amount of creativ work and finishing with making a model. So, we made the analysis about which spaces this one student needs and uses, how often, and in what way. With this analytic acess to the theme, we wanted to achieve the essence of spatial flexbility and variability, or ho w one space can be used in few different ways, but at the same time to create a space that is easy to use and maintain. Also, according to our vision and architectural filosophy, the fact that the location is one beautyful and green area of the Ressel park, couldn’t be ignored. On contrary, it was important for us, how to implement this new fresh space into a historic and green enviorment. That means, that we wanted to break one big building (5000m2) into a much smaller partitions and coordinate the position of the buildings according to the existing passagen and paths.

There are three main orientation spots in the project and those places are connected in between with some paths. Those three spots are consisted of two bigger buildings and one pavillion complex. The non existing border between private and public is the factor that unites those three places into one wholness make the impression about an endless space scattered aeverywhere in the park. The buildings are suppose to be in some way camouflaged into the nature, and be part of it. Maybe it could even said that the buildings are meant to create one big hallway in the park enviorment, the places through whom a person could walk freely. As an addition to the project, and in order to create space even more adjustible to the users, we designed a speciall furniture unit, whose abilities are shown off in different positions.Iin the interiour is also drawn a flexibile wall in some spaces, what supports the whole idea about the transformability of the room. The playfull fassade, whose oppenings create the shadows that remind on the falling leaves, is suppose to be adding the character to the impression of connection between the park and building complex.

roof between pavillions

passage /metro st.

area : Resselpark Karlsplatz, Vienna

computer space zone / big open area designed as a forum, whose purpose is to be used for teaching classes as well as comfortable place for working on the computer, where students can sit around, on the big benches, drawing projects or just hang out in their free time; the oversized stairs shape could be also used as a storage units...when needed, the whole room could be used as a big auditorium...in the groundfloor of the building there is a lots of spare space where it suppose to be a copy studio, because it is the best position for the copy mashines to be available for the other buildings in the complex

mashine working zone / exibition space - this area in the project is designed as a pavillion complex with several small houses, where each house could be equiped with different light mashines and used for a variety of workshops, but also this could be a good way to separate activities of students in their process of making a model for their projects...the pavillions are connected with a unic roof structure that has many triangle shaped openings, what blends the houses into one buildng; due to the pavillion structure and outsiede spaces created among them, the small houses could be used as a modern exibition space for student projects; right below the pavillions, in the, so to say, basement is working area with heavy mashines, such are lasercutter, fraser mashine..., sanitary rooms and and storage, and because of the position - below the ground, this space could be well isolated from the noise that big mashines are producing, and because of the big round openings on the celling, this room would get more than enough lightning needed for daytime work

mediathek / working / learning zone - this space is organized with a few flexible walls, which are designed to make one part of the room totaly isolated, or partly isolated; they are consisted of certain number of vertical panels, which could be rotated around their axes and to be slided and packed, so the separated areas made in that way could be used for differernt typs of teaching or other activities

working space zone / an empty free area that suppose to be used as a space for drawing, socializing among the students, but also for teaching and in order to achieve more freeform typ of learning area, there are speciall designed flexible furniture units, placed everywhere, which can be used as a single working space for students, or to be rearanged as a wall, and in that way to separate one part of the space from the others and making more private atmosphere




workbox / this designed piece of furniture element should present a light structural unit with a possibility to serve to it’s user in a few ways - as a place for work // storage, and when it’s assembled, as a solid unit for building the wall structure; it is consisted of 2 mountable tables, 2 lamps and a room for storaging 2 chairs, but it is also equipped with a plug in for computer; because of wheels, the unit could be moved in any direction in the space

chair storage


plug in


chair storage

interior of the auditorium / computer zone

univ. prof. arch. mag. arch. Gerhard Steixner univ. ass. dipl. -ing. dr. -ing. Sandra H채uplick Meusburger ass. prof. dipl. -ing. dr. techn. Karin Stieldorf

design project_WS 2011

THE SHUTTER HOUSE_solar energy home / solar decathlon competition Vanja Stojanovic Igor Dimitrovski

The house represents a futuristc view on the modern lifestyle of two young people living together. It is consisted of 3 basic moduls: kitchen, living room and bedroom, but with the modular planing of the house, the future residents would have the oportunity to build the space of their house according to their own needs and desires, and even if they would, after some time, wanted to change the house (for example to expand it) it could be possible simply by adding the new modul to the existing structure and putting the glass connection between. In order to complete the idea of one totaly adjustible space, the moduls are designed to have their own flrxible features. For example, the kitchen area can be completely closed with the sliding wall, and the bed can be closed into the wall. The invisibility of certain spaces, which are not often used during the day time, but only when required, gives the residents the oportunity of using one space for different activities. By closing each and every unit (modul), the whole space of the house could be cleared and used as one big zone. Such transformability of the house interior would be, according to our vision, ideal for complexed layers of differentt activities in one day and their mixing when needed. Empty space gives us the possibility of transforming it into what we want, bedroom, office, kitchen, party area...In other words, we wanted to show that the idea of one space - one purpose, is exceded by modern life habbits.

Today, in our society, there are so many problems that exist among youn generations. Wrong rollemodels and disorted prespective about the way of living and life itself, that young people have, mostly come out of media. The new trends of modern lifestyle, present a high speed life with a plenty of activities during oneday, but also a wrong picture of how the day should look like. The goal was to create the new rollemodel of one modern household, by presenting the example of two young people (a couple) who could manage to achieve to do all the activities they have during the day equaly fast, as the fast way of living today requires, but also more practicaly , and in more healthier way. By creating a new image through the architecture, we wanted to make our own contribution on the subject, and in that way to share our filosophy of healthy way of living and saving energy.


2 1




Ground Floor

Ground Floor

-opened shutters-



-closed shutters-

cross section 2-2


er int



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cross section 1-1

aluminium facade air structural insulated panel

PV solar panels

vacuum insulation panel

spray on insulation

Each modul is designed as a combination of one regular wall, one glass wall, one floor element and one roof element. The idea was to use prefabricated elements, in order to be easy to build one modul in short amount of time. For the structure of prefab pannels would be attached solar pannels, who would have the ability to be moved in different positions according to the sun angles, using the hidroylic sistem for that matter. The main goal is to have the possibility of exploating the solar energy in the most efficient way. There are two basic positions of the solar pannels, one for the summer sun and one for the winter sun. Also, the shadow casting in the house would create the speciall impression of the overal appearence. The window system, which would be placed under the solar pannel, would have the abbility to be moved up in the way that the room could be completely opened to the porch, and created an opened connection between the living space and nature. The modular system of building the house allowes the oportunity for the house to be easely transported and built on the site.

angle er su n summ

west facade

south facade


100 cm

230 cm


100 cm

280 cm

_movable roof / celling structure _working on the principle of kinetic energy _controlling sound effects

univ. lektorin mag.arch. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan

small project_SS 2011

THE CLOUD_robonetic structures Vanja Stojanovic Igor Dimitrovski

The inspiration for this project was found in the plant called Mimosa Pudica. This plant is well-known by it’s sensitivety per touch. The foliage closes during the dark and reopens in light, but it could also close under various other simulations, such as touching, warming, blowing or shaking, and then re-opens a few minutes later. Because of that, it is also known as the “shy� plant. Those seismonastic motions are challenging and it seemed very interesting to try out to apply this phenomenon in the field of architecture.

After a short reaserch ing and experimenting with the form, it turned out that the tetrahedorn could be the most refined shape in the matter of this task. His structure and edgeness were providing many ideas of how a certain number of this element could function, when combined into a some kind of modular system, with an ability to make a motion. In order to define the exact purpose of this typ of structure and make the best solution for it, it was necessary to continue with experimenting with the motion, as well as with the form of tetrahedorn, by making all moduls in the same size, divide them into small groups and then connecting them with the rubber between. In that way it was possible to simulate the motion. Also, the moduls were built into several different wys: smaller and bigger sizes, designed as a skeleton shape...and all that in order to reaserch what would happened with the form of the structure and in which way she could be moved.

The final project presents a movable roof / celling structure - the cloud. It could make a movement by the principle of kinetic energy and the motion would be caused by sound. It could be located anywhere, but the most important utility would be for opera house and other bigger and smaller halls. With the cloud in the room, it could be controlled the sound effects during some music activitie. It wouldn’t be needed any other power to start up this kinetic structure other than sound itself. It could be applied as independent structure for some event, or used in order to provide better sound effect in already built objects.




exploring various form and triangular structure


motion of the triangles caused by sound controlling sound effects

cloud utility in opera house

social art museum mirror of contemporary society

third year_2008 / 2009

SYNTESIS_museum in Rajiceva street in Belgrade Vanja Stojanovic

location_city center_belgrade

The idea was conceived according to the list of seven human sins, with an attempt of waking up the awarenes of the modern human society captured by the negative system of value. In accordance with the theme - a museum, that was the inspiration, or starting point for preliminary design of such a building, which at the end would consisted of few galleries with thematic setting. The concept was that throgh one permanent, and flow of temporary exibitions at the museum, it would be able to get the feedback, or a response from the visitors, and in that way to trigger the reflections of human relationships, as a topic that concerns us all. That imposed the name Social Art Museum, or museum of human behavior. The bulding would be located in the heart of the Belgrade, in Rajiceva street, right in the city center, near the Kalemegdan fortress and Knez Mihailova street, which are one or the greatest sights of Belgrade. The location is considered to be very attractive for construction of buildings with cultular contents. Related to that, the concept was derived from the idea that art as such, can be observed from a sociological point of view. So the aim that the building reaches a certain degree of flexibility, the activity in which all it’s visitors would participate. In that way, the users could actually really create the atmosphere in their surrounding - the building, as a group, or individually.

Given that the concept is related to theme of seven human sins, the building is sunk into the ground. The idea was to use the large roof top area for public purpose, so the benches would be placed everywhere. So, according to the theme, there are designed seven concrete plateaus of different heights within the museum complex. This big park space, placed on those plateaus, that would envelope the building could also animate the people who would pass by, to come and see the exibition, what could bring up the communication of the bulding with it’s enviorment and visitors to a certain level. Also, the park space could be adapted for summer exibitions. In the interior of the museum, each of the seven exibition zones would be separated from the other, by walls. These walls would be positioned in the way, in that they would not interfere with the possibility of interaction between them. That means, that the visitors would be able to, when standing in selected zone, be aware of the content in the adjacent ones. Gallery space on the first floor is suppose to present the ultimate stop on this journey throught the first seven zones, because of the ability for the visitors to percieve the entire setting from this point, and take time to reflect about the exibition in their own individual way.

Uzun Mirkova street


Vase Carapica street

Parisian street

1_ main entrance 2_3_4_5_6_7_8_ exibition space divided into seven zones designed for standard museum settings in relation to the themes presented 9_10_ area for employees in the museum with a separate entrance - office, kitchen and restroom 11_ large flexible space adapted for different contents depending on the art that would be shawn (plays, singing, performance...) 12_ main exibition space, with primary purpose for special performances in the museum, also flexible, with the possibility of merging with the previous zone 13_ public exibition space, and large entrance space for presentation of museums repertoire 14_ public park with stages arranged mostly for public use, but also for some performing exibition purpose, like acting and vocal performance 15_ gallery floor with the possibility of observing the seven zones of exibition space in ground floor, equiped for showin art films









4 3


11 8 2 1

1. floor

garage (smaller scale)

Kneza Mihaila street

ground floor

view from Vase Carapica street

view from Parisian street

third year_2008 / 2009

URBANISM_river in the city Vanja Stojanovic Nada Spasenovic

The location, the Third Belgrade, which was given by the assigment, is considered to be the Belgrade of 21st century, the city of the future. This part of the city offers the most attractive view of the banks of Belgrade. Nearby is located the Great War island, which aspires to become one of the most beautiful parks of Belgrade. For this reason, this up to now, largely undeveloped territory, has a great potential in the future development of the serbian capital. The idea for the concept is based on a term of symbiosis, a situation in ehich 2 different organismus live together in close association and in which both members benefit from eachother. Since the position of the location is right by the river Danube, including the canal called Dunavac, this could be applied to the city and the river. That would mean to enable functions in the city depending on the river, which would also depend on the city. Considering the selected location, a good feature of the city in the symbiosis with the river, would be, for example tourism, which consequentely could be the main function among many others. The inspiration for the for the form was the golden section, and it’s perfected form obtained from a simply pattern. Integration of the idea of symbiosis from which comes the main function for this part of the city area - tourism, and the idea of movement of the golden section would imply such an organisation of all functions, in which the number and importancy of all integrated categories of objects slowely reduces, up untill the center, where would be placed the most important buildings of the complex.

location_Third Belgrade

Introducing river into the city area, it could be able to bring in the same flow of the traffic and pedestrian zone up to the main meeting point. Moving along the spiral, the number of the functions would decline. It would begin with numerous features and ent with the “Urbanstop� - the center which would be the main meeting place and preceded by new content - the cultural center. These two together, given the central position, would dominate over the also important function - the tourist zone. Tourism and sports would be indentified as the main functions on the start of the spiral and cultural center with the square and a lake next to it, would be placed in the center of the city complex, and the canal, that would surround the city would flow into it’s center. All the functions / activities would be clearly defined and arranged in zones, what would provide a readable space. In this way would be also defined, the major roads who would provide connection of the Third Belgrade with the other parts of the Belgrade.

square administration concert hall sports complex and facilities tourist complex pedestrial zone river roads greenery residential

greenery roads river pedestrial zone administration square cultural center square roads river cultural center

_administrative facilities (with the increasing of the terrain height number of floors of the buildings rises) _concert hall with the possibility of adjustmentsfor other functions _tourst facilities - hotels _golf course _sports facilities - stadium and halls for various other sports _parking spaces _public area - square _sports grounds tennis, basketball, volleyball

_administrative buildings _municipal building _restaurants and cafes _tourist facilities - city hotel _the main cultural center located in the center of the site, divided into 2 zones - large theater with accompanying facilities and small theater (cinema, galerie, exibition) _faculty of applied arts and faculty of dramatic art with library and a square _public areas - squares and parks

second yerar_4. semester, 2007 / 2008

ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTIONS_ administrative building Vanja Stojanovic Nada Spasenovic

Jelena Petkovic Stevan Abramovic

Building plot is located on the Third Boulevard in New Belgrade (district in Belgrade), it is rectangular in shape and the terrene is completely flat. Neighbour object is an administrative building (ground floor + 1 story). All other buildings around it make up a residential block. Given that emphasis in this semester assigment was to develop constructive solution, the form of the object is simplified. The building constitutes of ground floor + 2 stories. Structural system of the building is reinfoced concrete skeleton construction. Preliminary project envisages the formation of the core and the remaining useful space. Thus, there are two cores in the building, the big one with elevators, staircases, toilets and ancillary rooms are placed, and the small one with staircase and toilets for employees. The remaining area is mainly office space, with a large conference room in the basement. Facade lining of the building is made ny using thermo insulated TRIMO panels, except for the ground floor where the part of the facade is supposed to be built as spider glass facade (entrance hall and conference hall). This choice of materials for building facades, would provide good insulation and customize the adaption to the local climate. Partition walls between offices, according to the project, would be made of gypsum cardboard. The first and second floor windows are in the shape of stripes and stretch along the entire length of the facade (exept in cores). The roof would be built as transient, with a final coatin of stone. When it comes to administrative space, the lounge for reception on the first floor separates office space from the CEO’s offices, in order to emphasize the authority among employees. Theconference room would be fully equipped as a flexible multifunctional space for different needs of the employees.

FACADE alu sandwich panel TRIMO 12 cm reinforced concrete wall 20 cm FACADE window construction with underconstr. 12 cm reinforced concrete parapet 12 cm

FACADE glass facade with underconstruction 16 cm

ground floor 1_entrance hall with coffee shop 2_restrooms 3_room for video surveilance 4_offices 5_conference hall


vertical profile - section


PARTY WALL plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm thermal isolation 7 cm plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm

vertical boxy profile 6/8 cm

4 FACADE alu sandwich panel TRIMO 12 cm reinforced concrete wall 20 cm

PARTY WALL RESTROOM waterproof plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm thermal isolation 7 cm waterproof plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm

horizontal profile - view



PARTY WALL plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm thermal isolation 7 cm plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm FACADE glass facade with underconstruction 16 cm vertical profile - section

horizontal profile - view

FACADE window construction with underconstr. 12 cm reinforced concrete parapet 12 cm



vertical boxy profile 6/8 cm

PARTY WALL RESTROOM waterproof plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm thermal isolation 7 cm waterproof plasterboard panel 2 x 1,25 cm

first floor 2_restrooms 4_offices 5_conference hall 6_maintenance room 7_waiting room 8_secretary office 9_coffee and cousine 10_executive office










front facade view second floor




2_restrooms 4_offices 6_maintenance room




FLAT ROOF stone pavers 20x20/3 cm hydro insulation 1 cm cement screed 4 cm thermo insulation 8 cm vapor barrier vapour control layer areated water 0,5 cm layer for fall 4 cm reinforced concr. panel 8 cm lowered ceiling 40 cm

FLOOR granite ceramics 15 cm cement mortar 15 cm cement screed 4 cm pvc sound insulation reinforced concr. panel 8 cm lowered ceiling 40 cm

FLOOR parquet 3 cm cement screed 4 cm pvc sound insulation reinforced con. pan. 8 cm lowered ceiling 40 cm

FACADE alu ti sandwich panel TRIMO 12 cm reinforced concrete parapet 20 cm

FACADE alu sandwich panel TRIMO 12 cm reinforced concrete wall 20 cm

BASEMENT WALL mortar 8 cm brick 12 cm mortar 2 cm hydro ins. 1 cm thermal ins. 5 cm reinforced con. 20 cm

FLOOR granite ceramics 15 cm cement mortar 15 cm cement screed 4 cm pvc sound insulation reinforced concr. panel 8 cm lowered ceiling 100 cm

FLOOR parquet 3 cm cement screed 4 cm pvc sound insulation reinforced con. pan. 8 cm lowered ceiling 100 cm

FLOOR parquet 3 cm cement screed 4 cm pvc sound insulation reinforced concr. panel 8 cm

FLOOR parquet cement screed thermal ins. hydro ins. reinforced concr. panel backfilled ground

FLOOR granite ceramics 15 cm cement mortar 15 cm cement screed 4 cm pvc sound insulation reinforced con. 8 cm

3 cm 4 cm 5 cm 1 cm 10 cm

SIDEWALK packed concrete 10 cm gravel 10 cm bitumen

BASEMENT WALL brick 12 cm mortar 2 cm hydro ins. 1 cm thermal ins. 5 cm reinforced con. 20 cm

FOUNDATION cement screed 4 cm thermal insulation 5 cm hydro insulation 1 cm reinforced concr. panel 50 cm gravel 10 cm

side facade view

FOUNDATION cement screed 4 cm thermal ins. 5 cm hydro ins. 1 cm reinforced concr. panel 90 cm gravel 10 cm

cross section C-C

cross section A-A

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