Easy on the Planet - Building a sustainable future together

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Building a sustainable future together Reduce logistical impact and purchase with your eco-conscience

Being responsible at Staples Solutions Corporate Responsibility is embedded in our business as a key strategy for our customers and suppliers. We work closely with our suppliers to bring more sustainable solutions to our range and offer a wider choice of products and solutions to our customers. We are aware that we have a responsibility to make a positive impact on our customers, our employees and our planet. The world we live in is changing dramatically and we believe that embracing sustainability will continue to provide us a competitive advantage with our eco product range as well as our Easy on the Planet customer reward programme and planting trees.

Why a customer reward programme and trees? We understand that sustainability is at the heart of your strategy and our unique Easy on the Planet programme will reward you for your eco-conscious purchasing behaviours. Easy on the Planet was created so that Staples Solutions could partner with customers to track, quantify and ultimately improve their sustainability through their purchasing. We work with customers to review and change their business purchasing behaviour to reduce the number of small orders and purchase more eco alternative products. Our Easy on the Planet programme will assist you with greater visibility of your ordering patterns for eco-conscious products and order size. Paper makes up a large proportion of our business and our Easy on the Planet programme positively pays back by planting new trees. Trees represent positive environmental contributions, providing clean air and positive carbon value as well as a cornerstone of healthy eco-systems and improved aesthetics. With the support of our customers we are contributing towards reforestation in an area of heavy deforestation.


Easy on the Planet programme elements

1. Reduce your % of small order deliveries We want to reduce the impact of logistical operations for our customers through various methods. Minimising the amount of small, inefficient orders you place is an easy way you can positively impact the environment and your environmental credentials. This will reduce excess packaging, transport emissions as well as reduce your administration costs. We monitor your orders against benchmarks to provide you progress updates. By increasing the size of your orders we will plant trees on your behalf.

2. Increase the % of products you purchase with our Easy on the Planet Icon We’ve added our Easy on the Planet icon to help you identify more eco-conscious products. We monitor your improvements against benchmarks to provide you progress updates. We will look at the amount of products you select with our Easy on the Planet icon each year and measure your overall improvement. By selecting more eco-conscious products, we will plant trees on your behalf.

3. Purchase any product with the EasyTree Icon We’ve added our EasyTree icon to a selection of our Easy on the Planet products. By selecting eco-conscious products with the EasyTree icon, we plant additonal trees on your behalf.

Criteria Our eco-conscious products can be easily identified by our Easy on the Planet icon as products that we believe demonstrate reduced environmental impacts compared to other products in their category. A product is considered Easy on the Planet if it has one or more of the certificates displayed on the left. Also, a product may qualify for Easy on the Planet if it meets one or more of the criteria specific to its product category.


Business intelligence to drive positive change We utilise business intelligence information to monitor your purchases and order size so that you are able to strategically identify opportunities for purchasing more eco-conscious products and reducing your % of small orders. Our Easy on the Planet icon helps you easily identify products which have been selected as ecoconscious alternative products.

Performance updates We provide you with customer specific electronic quarterly updates which focus on your % of eco-conscious products and % of small orders. This information will enable you to easily monitor your status by highlighting your performance against a benchmark.

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Your reward

Annual certificate

Trees, Trees, Trees. Our unique programme has been rewarding our customers since 2015 by planting trees on your behalf. The quarterly performance updates will allow you to monitor your progress and influence your end of year result and plant as many trees as possible.

We provide each customer with an annual certificate to reward you for your contribution to a more sustainable future. Your certificate will highlight how many trees will be planted on your behalf as a result of purchasing more eco-conscious products and reducing your small orders.





Congra tu Staples lations Solutio ns' Cus tomers Congratulations Staples Solutions' Customers

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Thank you!


Results worth shouting from the tree tops We reached a significant milestone at the end of 2020 as we planted, on behalf of our customers, over 1 million trees since 2015.

since 2015

2020 results Enabling us to plant

Over 16.000 eco-conscious products over

10.000 customers

200.000 trees

17 Academies

1.060.892 trees planted

Resulting in...


of CO2 per year decrease

Climate change education for

764 children


Our Partnership with Plant-for-the-Planet Since 2015, we’ve partnered with non-profit organisation Plant-for-the-Planet to support climate action and your business sustainability strategy by planting trees in what was an area of high deforestation in Mexico. Taking on the legacy of The United Nations Environmental Programme’s Billion Tree Campaign, since 2008 they have: • • •

Helped mobilise the planting of more than 13.6 billion trees Organised 1.500 Educational Academies in 74 countries Trained 88.000 children as Climate Justice Ambassadors

Amazing achievements and we are proud to have supported them and our customers towards a more sustainable future for all.

“Over 1 million trees planted by Staples Solutions on behalf of their customers what a great achievement! On behalf of Plant-for-the-Planet I want to thank you wholeheartedly for giving future generations hope. Tree planting is not only a great way to tackle the climate crisis, but also a peacebuilding measure to unite people around the world. We need this more than ever. Let’s keep growing!” Karim Kaamel, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Plant-for-the-Planet


Staples Brand Products Staples® Brand Products are engineered for business. That journey begins with ethical sourcing combined with innovative design that delivers a broad assortment of the highest quality products at unbeatable value. We recognise our responsibilities in minimising our social and environmental impact during every part of the process.

Sustainable Earth™ by Staples® Staples® Own Brand strategy is focused on improving our eco product range enabling our customers to select alternatives with the environment in mind. Our Sustainable Earth™ by Staples® range is made with renewable resources and/or recycled materials, and are third-party certified to validate their environmental credentials. Choose from a range of categories from the breakroom to the meeting room.


Are you interested in building a greener procurement programme? If you want more information on our Easy on the Planet Programme please contact your Account Manager and together we can make a difference.

Building a sustainable future together

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