Vanwalee Chansue Design Portfolio

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interior design portfolio

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/00 CONTENTS /01 01-10

office design unfolding spine

/02 11-18

museum and school ambiguous border

/03 19-24

installation figures at fault

/04 25-34

teens public library growing surfaces

/05 35-38

interactive partition the hammock room

/06 39-50

stainery - cleanery interior filtration

office design 01

/01 OFFICE DESIGN concept program type

unfolding spine office: work, live, and play undergraduate design studio

This design is for the United Nations Division of Inclusive Social Development office (9,500 sq.ft.) located on the 9th floor of the Pepsi-Cola Building in New York City. The proposed programs are aimed to align with the goals and mission of the U.N. which are focused on education and equality. The education program is composed of a linear armature. This is the spine from which other programs are dependent. Windows and column grids establish a matrix field. This field generates spaces of varying sizes and quality to accommodate opened work areas for collaborations, or enclosed spaces for offices.


office design

office design

/ location 9th floor area / concept (top right)

(bottom right) 03

The Pepsi-Cola building 500 Park Avenue, New York, NY 9,500 sq.ft. A grid system extends from existing columns and window mullions form a center of a spine. The spine branches and fold-outs to reveal and conceal. Assigning programs: work in the grid field, educate in a spine, and live in branches


office design

05 office design


office design

office design 07

/ skin-skeleton

The spine contains layers of interior skin, structure, and exterior skin that fold differently, blurring boundaries of work, live, and educate.

/ spine branch

The spine branch defines living space. It folds to reveal and conceal, to accommodate different conditions required for each program such as becoming a reception desk, overhead element for pantry area, and enclosed rooms for meeting spaces.


office design

09 office design


office design

museum and school 11

/02 MUSEUM AND SCHOOL concept program type

ambiguous border photography museum and school undergraduate design studio

This proposal is for the relocation of the International Center of Photography to the Essex Crossing, Lower East Side. Ambiguity of information in photography is translated through the use of material transparencies and overlapping and shifting levels in the section. Visual connection is achieved while maintaining physical separation for functions. Borders of programs overlap to create connections between gallery visitors, students, and faculty.


museum and school

museum and school 13

/ location

79 Essex St, New York 3 floor 2 adjacent buildings 10,305 sq.ft.

/ site analysis

Ambiguity of information on the existing site, program, and photography. Ambiguous borders including zoning lines, pedestrian borders, and cultural borders exist. The building for the intended design also shares a border at the main staircase.

In the school’s lounge, a transparent floor allows students works to be displayed under.

museum and school

/ floor display


museum and school 15

level 03

level 02


museum and school

museum and school 17

/ section

Ambiguity is translated into sectional shift and overlap of floor levels and programs. Platforms and stairs become occupied by programs. Users decide their own boundary to follow and their own circulation.

/ material

Transparency of materials is used to create ambiguity between visual and physical. Visual connection is achieved while maintaining physical separation for functions.

The photography is displayed, printed with transparent films and as projections, on the transparent glass, offering visitors a nontraditional way to view both sides.

museum and school

/ viewing photography


installation 19

/03 INSTALLATION concept program type

figures at fault self-reflection installation undergraduate design studio

With our lack of recognition for over-consumption of cardboard, the group wants to inform users by putting them through an uncomfortable space as their sacrifice. Small spaces were constructed to create discomfort. The height limitation gives users the only one unconventional option to go through the space: kneeling and crawling. As they move towards the wall, the light shining behind creates an enlarged shadow in front of them onto the cardboard. This is geared to be a point of reflection for the users that they play a big part in cardboard consumption.


Bourke Shelby Chansue Vanwalee Du Emily Ergeneli Su Fu Suki Hoang Khanh Linh

Hu Tom Li Ally Long Taylor Luu Han Santarelli Caroline Yuen Shirley




/ location


Corridor on 1st floor Steuben building. This corridor fits the space limitation of one person. The length of the corridor helps with the distance needed to create the shadow. The walls are the support for the installation; it helps create the arch of the assembly.





Section B

Section A




/ material limit

Different assembly techniques with the cardboard were tested for the best bending angle. The assembly can be rolled-up and stored without having to disassemble the modules, making it efficient to continue working on the project.

/ challenges

The cardboard became loose and the top section fell apart. The problem was resolved by creating deeper slits that interlocked more securely and assuring the correct vertical


Type A

Type B

Type C

Type D

Type C



teens public library 25

/04 TEENS PUBLIC LIBRARY concept program type

growing surfaces teens public library undergraduate design studio

Teens in this area of Harlem currently do not have their own space in their local library, and existing programs for them are limited. The goal of this library proposal is not only to provide dedicated space, access to equipment, other resources, and programs for teens, but also to provide a safe space for them in the neighborhood. The library is designed to provide a sense of scale, privacy and multi-functional spaces for teens. To activate the library, surfaces could also provide areas for projections of learning material and exhibiting the teens’ artworks.



teens public library

teens public library 27

/ location 2nd floor area / concept

New York Public Library Harlem Branch 9 West 124th street, New York, NY 3,225 sq.ft. Creating places in the library for access to technology, learning, meeting, and relaxing. Soft surface elements wrap around the library interior to create a sense of safety and comfort for teens.

The designed elements act as armatures, thickening from the existing surfaces, wrapping, and extending to become functional, soft boundaries. The corners become safe places with vantage points and a sense of physical boundary around the teens.

teens public library

/ making place


29 teens public library


teens public library

teens public library 31

/ material

Textiles serve as an acoustic buffer for spaces. Carpets and soft materials are used to provide a comfortable and intimate feeling. Movable furniture allows teens to create their own space.

/ function

The wrapped elements accommodate gradual changes in height and function as lighting elements, seating, tables, and shelving. Ceiling planes provide light and create a sense of scale.


teens public library

33 teens public library


teens public library

interactive partition 35

/05 INTERACTIVE PARTITION concept program type

the hammock room elementary school’s mindfulness space fellowship program

Focusing on the power of participatory design and mindfulness to support mental health in the classroom, Impact Wrkshp partnered with Newark Yoga Movement, to design and build The Hammock Room. Impact fellows designed and fabricated a set of interactive partitions to help divide an open plan classroom into activity zones for yoga, art-therapy, and writing, to help students reduce stress, develop relaxation and breathing skills, and unleash creativity through art and writing. The partitions serve as active interfaces, helping to engage the students as participatory learning tools within the classroom. contributors

Impact Wrkshp Fellowship SCHARC STUDIO Newark Yoga Movement Vanwalee Chansue Maya Ponzini Samantha Garcia


interactive partition

interactive partition 37

/ location

Sussex Avenue Renew School, Newark, NJ Classroom was being used as a storage.

/ partitions

A macrame system was handwoven with various opacity to maintain sight-lines while reducing visual distraction in class. Partitions contain storage compartments and integrated signage to encourage students to physically interact and play with the textiles, do yoga in class and use breathing beads for meditation.


interactive partition

stainery - cleanery 39

/06 STAINERY - CLEANERY concept program type

interior filtration stainery - cleanery undergraduate thesis

Water ebbs and flows, stains follow. Embracing this inevitability is at the heart of the Cleanery, a project that filters polluted water from New York’s Gowanas Canal. Along this walkable process are other cleaning activities take place; clothes, pets, and cars. Extracted filth is productively used to color other objects.



//// Stool + stainery - cleanery

stainery - cleanery

/ location

365 Bond st. Brooklyn, NY on Gowanus canal.

/ cleanery

The thesis explores productive uses of stain through the program of cleanery; cleaning clothes, vehicles, and pets. Water used for the programs is from the Gowanus canal. Through the process of washing objects, the water is cleaned and put back to the canal.


/ stainery

The stain filtered out is put into productive uses in the stainery program. The muck is mixed with concrete to create unique tile patterns Fabric is dyed with the stain. Lint and fur are made into felt.

The filtration system becomes an interior that people can experience. Filter specific to water contamination and cleaning program

stainery - cleanery

/ filter interior


43 stainery - cleanery


stainery - cleanery

stainery - cleanery 45

/ pipe

Pipe for water and pipe for human Bringing water and people into space.

/ filter

Mesh filter - large particles

/ entrance

Users enter a tunnel leading down and experience trash being filtered out while being surrounded by contaminated water


stainery - cleanery

stainery - cleanery 47

/ pipe landscape

Mechanical filter - lint and hair Charcoal - pesticides, organic compound, metal Ozone and UV light - oxidation and sterilization Muck wall collects filth from the system

/ dog wash / clothes wash

Creating interaction space between programs Play with dogs while waiting for laundry. The equipment takes water directly from the filtered pipes, showing behind the scenes of the system.


stainery - cleanery

stainery - cleanery 49

/ oyster bed rooftop

Oyster - PAH, PCB, toxins Algae - phosphate

/ car wash

People take the lift up to the rooftop oyster bed in the existing building’s common area. As people take the lift down, water gets pumped down to carwash service located in an existing parking lot.


stainery - cleanery


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