Can Employees Be Fired For Facebook Post? Over the years, Facebook has evolved into one of the most powerful and influential social networks. And its 2.23 Billion active users attest to this fact. One can only imagine the number of people one can reach with a post through Facebook. So, even a single erroneous post can turn around the fortune of a person, or company, and vice-versa. The question which now arises is that should employees be fired for Facebook posts? The answer to whether a person should/shouldn’t be fired for Facebook posts cannot be answered in black or white. So, we can expect ambiguous answers in such a case. Employees while signing the joining letter should also be made to sign a letter that contains social media clauses of the company. Most companies miss this crucial part. In such a case, even if someone puts anything offensive to the spirit of the company even inadvertently, he/she is fired. This is an inadequate practice to take place. There should be a minimum threshold of nuisance that can be tolerated by the company. Firing people without any major reason can also come across as violation of employee rights. But a company’s reputation should also not be undermined. A brand is built by years of efforts on the part of the management. In such scenario, a single post can prove fatal to a company’s brand value. For instance, an irresponsible and indolent employee can try to sabotage his company’s reputation by writing negative things about his organization on social media. Sometimes these seemingly benign things cost Millions to the company or even Billions. Such employees should immediately be fired for Facebook posts. A $10 billion worth company recently got bankrupt because of allegations on social media. Posts on Facebook can spread like a virus making them a deal maker or breaker. On a serious note, the employer must have the right to dismiss an employee because the stakes in a company are very high. Someone might even question that personal life and professional life shouldn’t be mixed. But the thing most people miss is that social media should not be meant to reveal secrets or damage reputation of a firm. In today’s times even if one is not convicted of a crime, a mere allegation can completely damage years of credibility. A fine line must be drawn by the company and they should also state all their social media clauses while hiring an individual. Doing so is important because many a times the employee is not aware of his social media limitations. But he/she ought to be fired for Facebook posts if he/she crosses the company regulations.