How the Star/Soar method is beneficial for behavioral interviewing?

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How the Star/Soar method is beneficial for behavioral interviewing? For any company that wants to be successful and be ahead of their competition, it is important that they have the right and dedicated employees in their team. But do you think it is easy to find the real behavior of the employee just by asking the hypothetical questions?

Well, until now it was quite difficult but then thanks to the concept of ​behavioral interviewing that the companies can now understand the real behavior of the employees quite easily. This star method moves ahead of the hypothetical questions and relied more on realistic questions which helps the company to make the right decision.

Who will be benefited with the behavioral interviewing method? Along with the entire organization, there are many other people who will be benefited with the use of the ​behavioral interviewing process. Here are some of the people who will receive the benefits of this method: ● Managers, supervisors, team leaders ● HR staff ● Interview conducting committee When these people will get the desired benefits from this ​star method​, it will be really beneficial for the organization to witness the maximum benefit as well.

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How the company will be benefitted? Here are the following ways in which the company will receive the benefits of behavioral interviewing with the help of the Star/Soar method:

● Understanding the impact of bad hiring​: More than hiring the good employees, it is the hiring of the bad employees which troubles the company. There will be no point of the working of good employees if the majority of the hiring of the company is not suitable. Therefore, with the proper use of the ​behavioral interviewing process, the company can minimize the hiring of not so good employees.

● Better Employee Retention​: This ​star method of focusing on the behavior of the employees helps in the better retention of the deserving employees. The company officials will be absolutely sure of hiring as well as retaining the right candidates who will serve the company with the best benefits and dedication.

● Understanding the real behavior of the employee​: For being sure that the selected employee deserves the position, it is important for the higher officials and HR professionals to be sure of the exact inner personality of the employee. This is where they can take help from the ​behavioral interviewing​ process.

● Finding the right potential of the employee​: In order to be sure that all the operations of the company are running suitably, it is important that all the employees perform all their duties perfectly. This can only be achieved when the employees are assigned the right duties which can be done by making use of the ​star method​ of analyzing the behavior of the employee. Isn't the ​behavioral interviewing process simply the most suitable for providing the maximum benefits to the company with minimum risks association?

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