What is the difference between service animals and companion animals?

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What is the difference between service animals and companion animals? There has always been an undying confusion with the sheer understanding between service animals and companion animals. The debate of ​service animals vs companion animals have been really going on and on for quite a long time now. The people are often seen mistaken with the ​companion animal services​ offered. The managers and owners of the professional apartments have witnessed a rise in the accommodations requested by the people living with animals. The increase in the number of such requests has also questioned the ability to approve these requests with the best solutions. Is it really possible?

Most of the people suggest that the proper understanding of the exact difference between a service animal and companion animal along with the ​companion animal services available would make the needful possible. Let us try and understand the basic ​difference between service animals and companion animals​. Difference between service animal and companion animal​: Service animals​: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal like a dog or any other animal which has been trained in a certain manner to perform the various tasks on behalf of its disabled owner. These dogs are trained especially to offer the maximum help to their owners with a disability like helping any vision challenged person across the street.

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Companion animals​: Just opposite to service animals, the companion animals are not trained with any special training for helping their owners with their tasks. The companion animals simply offer companionship to their owners who are either alone or are struggling with any sort of disability. There is no guarantee that the companion animals will behave properly in public places. Therefore, it is suggested to have a thorough understanding of ​companion animal services​. Points to understand​: After understanding the difference between these two types of animals, it is also important to understand some of the essential points that matter the most in issues related to reasonable accommodations. Here are some of the important points to consider: ● Understanding the true meaning of disability ● Understanding what reasonable accommodation means ● Knowing all the possible conditions when the reasonable accommodation would be needed ● Understanding the difference between reasonable accommodation and modification ● To have proper knowledge about the time limitation to make a request for reasonable accommodations ● To, also, have knowledge of the time required for granting reasonable accommodations ● Understanding each and every rule that the reasonable accommodations demands and needs from the owners ● The proper knowledge of all these factors helps the disabled owners to get seamless and proper assistance and help from reasonable accommodations. This will also help to make the correct and accurate decision about the need for reasonable accommodations. It is not only the owners who will be benefited with this information but also the authorities will get the proper benefit when faced with any request of reasonable accommodations. The main aim of the proper understanding of ​companion animal services is to offer the maximum benefits to both the parties without any hassles If you need any further information or details about the same topic, then please do comment below. We will get back to you with the best information possible. Article Source https://compliancetrainingonline380883645.wordpress.com/2019/03/07/what-is-the-differe nce-between-service-animals-and-companion-animals/

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