When is it illegal to fire an Employee?

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When is it illegal to fire an Employee? No one wants to be a bad guy in anyone's life but the termination process is one such process which turns things over. According to many people, the termination process is one of the hardest processes in the work culture, simply for the fact that people are not aware of the various ​employee termination policies​ available.

You simply cannot just terminate the employee based on any reason. You need to have some specific reason for ​legally terminating an employee from his/her services. One of the other reasons for properly terminating the employee is to be well-protected against workplace violence. Are you aware of the steps that you can take to make the entire process smooth and simple? Do you care enough to understand the entire process concerning ​legally terminating an employee​?

Illegal reasons to fire an employee​: Here are some of the reasons which prove to be illegal for firing an employee from the company:

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● Discrimination​: This is as simple as it sounds. You cannot fire any employee based on the discrimination factor. You need to have a lawful and valid reason for firing an employee from its duties. No matter of discrimination should be the base for firing an employee else it would be counted as ​illegally terminating an employee​.

● Retaliation​: This is another important aspect under which you cannot fire an employee or under which firing of an employee would be considered as illegal. For example, if you fire a female employee who claims that she is not getting equal pay as the other men who are doing the same job, then it would be quite illegal on your front. If you are under any such lawsuit, then it would be really difficult for you to get out of this without any hassles.

● Employee's Alien Status​: Firing an employee based on his/her alien status is also considered as ​illegally terminating an employee​. As long as the person has legal eligibility to work and can come to work, there is no right that can fire him from the work and if you do so, that would be illegal.

● Refusing to go under a lie detector test​: If an employee is not convinced to go under the lie detector test, he has all the rights to stand against it without the fear of getting terminated. It would be illegal to fire an employee if he has refused to undergo a lie detector test. Many offices have special laws concerning the polygraph tests, etc. of their employees but besides these special laws, firing an employee would be considered as illegal. These are some of the reasons under which it would be considered ​illegal terminating an employee by the office and as a result, the offices would be under serious problems as well. The termination process won't be that difficult if you are aware of the legal reasons to fire someone. Comment below your thoughts and opinions of the same. We would like to hear from you. Article Source -

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www.complianceprime.com https://compliancetrainingonline380883645.wordpress.com/2019/04/08/when-is-it-illegal-to-fi re-an-employee/

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