Pomegranate Face Scrub and the Beauty Secrets Pomegranate is one of the healthiest fruits available on our earth. They are loaded with nutrients so they are called divine food in India. Rich in nutrition as it is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, E as well as folic acid. Pomegranate is used as an essential ingredient in many skincare products like Pomegranate face cream, Pomegranate face scrub, Pomegranate body scrub, etc. Beauty
pomegranateSkin hydrationPomegranate is citrus food, contains a high amount of vitamin C. They lock the moisture in the skin and keep it hydrated for a longer duration. Vitamin C also helps in reducing dryness and keeps skin soft and smooth. Anti-Tan
Exposure to pollution, UV rays, sunlight, smoke harm skin badly, but the great thing is pomegranate can help. Highly rich antioxidants and anti-tan properties never let UV rays or pollution to take over.
Anti-ageing Pomegranates have shown immense effects on controlling over ageing. It helps in the regeneration of body cells, tightens the skin and makes skin wrinkle-free. Acne fighter: Acne is painful, Right? The pain and that little swollen area on skin tears everybody but pomegranate with its anti-inflammatory properties help you fight with ghosts of skin very well. It restricts the growth of bacteria and steadily heals acne. let me take you on a journey of Pomegranate based face scrub- how is it prepared and how beneficial it can be? Pomegranate Face scrubPomegranate Face Scrub is made up of a blend of pomegranate peel, orange peel, milk powder, and natural cane sugar. All the necessary ingredients are mixed in a specialized way to prepare a perfect face scrub for your skin. Pomegranate face scrub itself is a boost to the skin but adding the essence of rose water magnifies the power of scrub. Rosewater suits every skin types so it is good to add a few drops while applying face scrub on face. The interesting fact about rose water is, you can mix it with face scrub or spray it on the skin after the scrub. Boost the power of pomegranate face scrub with Rosewater-
Take out a pea-size pomegranate face scrub. Add a little amount of rose water into it. Apply this mixture gently on your skin, don’t apply with hard hands. Scrub gently and wash thoroughly with clean water. Dry out the skin and spray a few drops of rose water for refreshing skin. Ideal to use twice a week. Benefits of Pomegranate with Rosewater • Uniquely formulated to resist acne and oxidation • Gently exfoliates and purifies the skin in a gentle manner • and hydrates skin • Pomegranate works to reduce tan • The orange peel acts as an astringent • Tones and rejuvenates mature skin and ideal for all skin tones and textures. The Final bidPomegranate face scrub can be miraculous but it is not advised to use scrub more than twice in a week. For scrub, it is recommended to use rose water for more benefits.
For More Detailed Information About Pomegranate Face Scrub Visit: Vanyaherbal.in