3 minute read
Diary of a vaper
from USA - 1
Criminology graduate Jordan Howes, 26, started smoking when he was 15 and, like many, always wanted to stop but never could… until he discovered vaping.
Words: Jordan Howes
For a while now, the smell of lingering tobacco on my clothing has become overwhelmingly suffocating and I worry about my future health if I don’t quit smoking. I’ve heard that vaping has helped many to switch, but I never gave it much serious thought until now. The mess of convoluted and contradictory data out there has always put me off. Some websites say vaping is a ‘healthier’ alternative to cigarettes, but others conclude that it’s ‘as bad, if not worse’, than smoking. And the ‘science’ is hardly helpful either. Certain studies claim that vaping is not very effective in helping smokers quit but other sources (including the NHS) suggest that thousands across the UK have successfully stopped smoking with the help of e-cigarettes. Which is it? With cigarettes I know I inhale around 7,000 different chemicals – many of which are carcinogenic and linked to many life-threatening conditions. Vaping removes combustion from the equation and I’m excited to learn that Public Health England regards it as 95 percent less harmful than smoking. I owe it to myself to give this a try. The extensive choice of hardware available is staggering and a little overwhelming but after a lot of research, I choose a relatively humble £30 pod kit from what seemed like a reputable online vape company and gave it a go. The first few days were difficult as I got used to a new sensation, but I soon found that the cigarette cravings had gone. I haven’t thought about lighting-up once and the smell of blackcurrant is much more pleasant than stale cigarette smoke. The experience so far has been eye-opening and if I can use vaping to completely cut out smoking from my life then this will be a huge success for me. It’s early days yet, but I am now more determined than ever to make smoking a thing of the past.

JUNI 2022

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“ ”Being a member of the UKVIA enables VPZ to be part of the wider engagement and education around the vaping industry with public health bodies and beyond by working together with other likeminded and professional companies that are part of the sector. UKVIA provides a great platform to help realise the the evidence-based life changing public health benefits of vaping products.
Doug Mutter, UKVIA Board Member and Manufacturing and Compliance Director at VPZ
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