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Is there still hope for Canadian vapers?
from USA - 1
Could Health Canada’s appointment of pro-vaping Michael Pesko mean an end to the country’s harm reduction gridlock?
Words: Jordan Millar
After its ‘killer’ federal flavour ban proposal sparked outrage around the world, it seemed clear that vaping was at the top of Health Canada’s hit list. Advocates rallied in their thousands, accusing the group of ignoring best practice and ‘disregarding’ the lives and health of adult smokers.
But, in an optimistic turn of events, the health body appointed an experienced pro-vaping economist as a guiding hand for future e-cigarette policy.
Michael Pesko, responsible for a number of studies that investigated the potential of vaping as a consumer product and the consequences of stringent regulations, is celebrated by the harm reduction community.
And while he’s not the first pro-vaping member of Health Canada’s ‘Board of Scientific Advisors for Vaping Products’, advocates across the globe are asking if this could be a turning point for the nation’s regulations.
They highlighted that, despite the ‘tragic’ and ‘infuriating’ story of Health Canada’s approach so far, this could be a ‘positive move for the future’.
Vape activist Skip Murray said: “A good scientist does their very best to be unbiased, to actively seek accurate information.
“Mike supports people knowing the truth and he understands how deadly smoking is…I think he is a good choice for this position.”
Another, Hamish Bowley, added: “Something tells me Canada will get past the noise and back on track, bravo Michael.”
However, while the selection of Dr. Pesko could be a sign of good things to come, it remains to be seen if Health Canada will even follow his advice.
Christina Xydous, a longtime harm reduction advocate said, while she hopes this marks a change for Canadian vaping policy, she doesn’t want to get too comfortable.
She warned that, in the past, the health body consulted with international tobacco control specialists – who support e-cigarettes as a reduced risk tool – and still pursued anti-vaping proposals.
The Quebec Coalition for Vapers’ Rights spokesperson (CVDQ) said: “There are increasing signs that positions may be changing, or at the very least, there might be division within Health Canada.
“This development probably signals an internal debate that’s happening…so maybe we will see the tides turning.”