1 minute read
Australia Japan
Vaping regulations in Australia could be described as volatile and have caused quite a stir in recent years. Nicotinecontaining vape products are completely prohibited, unless prescribed by a registered doctor. The penalties for possessing illegal vape goods can be quite severe, even leading to jail time and hefty fines. There are also varying laws on where you can and can’t use prescribed and zero-nic e-cigarettes.
While non-nicotine containing e-cigarettes are not regulated, there are restrictions against the sale of nicotine vape goods. This is because they are classified as medicinal products. Japanese vapers ARE permitted to import a limited supply of nicotine vape products…but this is for personal use.

All entries will be judged on the overall flavour, so you can submit both freebase and salt nicotine e-liquids in any of the flavour categories (this also includes flavoured disposables and closed pod systems)
CLOSE Monday 27 March
Pub C Oice Awards
Industry Awards
For 2023
Every year exhibitor stands become even more impressive thanks to the help of the professionals. This award is to highlight their creative talents.