How to do bmx tricks

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How to Do BMX Tricks

Be really comfortable on a BMX

Adjust the flip for a nice landing, but for starters get a good 4–5 feet

To give you an idea of how you want to pull off the ramp

Try taking a few practice runs, going as fast as you're planning on going

Now you're off the lip, flipping upside down

If you go completely around on the rotation and you see the ground

Now if you went too slow, or didn't commit to the flip enough

Next try pumping harder into the ramp going off the lip, this will speed up your rotation

Wear pads, all of them, every time you ride your bike

Everyone whose ever rode a BMX bike has wanted to do a backflip, it impresses kids, it looks dangerous, and it's the coolest a grown man can look on a little kids bike... the thing is they are really easy, and once you have done one, it can be even safer than doing one on say, a trampoline Watch Extreme Physical Stunts Online

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