EMC Elite Owners Manual

Page 1



Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance



Owners Guide Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures

The Thefollowing followinglist listofofsafety safetyprocedures proceduresare aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructionsprovided providedbybythe

Always: Always: EMC Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles • • Maintain Maintain the the vehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’speriodic periodicservice serviceschedule. schedule. • • Ensure Ensurerepairs repairsare areonly onlyperformed performedbybypersons personstrained trainedand andqualified qualifiedtotodo doso. so.


• • Check Checkthe thepolarity polarityofofeach eachbattery batteryterminal terminaland andensure ensurethe thebatteries batteriesare arere-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly. • • Only Onlyuse usegenuine genuinereplacement replacementparts. parts. • • Only Onlyuse userecommended recommendedtools. tools.This Thisincludes includesinsulated insulatedtools toolswhen whenworking workingininororaround aroundbatteries. batteries. • • Support Supportthe thevehicle vehicleusing usingwheel wheelchocks chocksand andjack jackstands. stands.Never Neverget getunder underaavehicle vehiclethat thatisissupported supportedby byaa vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking. • • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated. • • Test Testdrive drivethe thevehicle vehicleafter afterany anymaintenance maintenanceororrepairs. repairs.AllAlltests testsmust mustbe beconducted conductedbybyaaqualified, qualified,trained trained safearea areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and andauthorised authorisedperson personininaasafe


• • AllAllmaintenance maintenanceand andrepairs repairsmust mustbebeperformed performedbybyqualified qualifiedpersons personswith withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath. death.Always Alwaysuse useextreme extremecaution. caution. ororsevere


• • Follow Followmanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions instructionstotoimmobilize immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. • • Block Blockchassis chassisbefore beforeworking workingunderneath underneathgolf golfvehicle. vehicle. • • Avoid Avoidfire firehazards hazardsand andhave havefire fireprotection protectionavailable. available. • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electricalsystem systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa battery batterywire. wire. • • Brakes, Brakes,steering steeringmechanisms, mechanisms,warning warningdevices, devices,governors governorsand andallallother othersafety safetydevices devicesshould shouldbe be maintainedtotoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspectedand andmaintained


• • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance maintenanceand andthe themaintenance maintenanceperformed performedshould shouldalso alsobe berecorded. recorded. • • The Themaintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries.


• • AllAllname nameplates, plates,warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible 33 condition. condition. • • The Thecontrolling controllingparty partyshould shouldnot notperform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the priorwritten writtenauthorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sprior


• • Where Whereauthorised authorisedmodifications modificationshave havebeen beenmade, made,the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance

Varley Electric Vehicles Pty Ltd


(02) 4348 8000 | 11 Bowen Crescent, West Gosford NSW 2250



Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components.

SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &&than MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PAGE 3 3fitting 3 Putting more three pumps of greasePAGE inPAGE grease could damage grease seals and cause premature Safety Safety Safety Procedures Procedures Procedures

bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation Ventilation

Preventative Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Parts Parts Parts & Materials &&Materials Materials Operator Operator Operator Qualifications Qualifications Qualifications Personnel Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just below the bottom of Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning the threaded hole. If lubricant is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep Lifting Lifting Lifting the the theVehicle Vehicle Vehicle Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated fromWheel hole. Wheel Installation Wheel Installation Installation removed or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. and Tyre theTyre oil pan Tyre Inspection Inspection Inspection Brakes Brakes Brakes Periodic Brake Test (mechanical Periodic Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical (mechanical brakes) brakes) brakes) Lubrication Lubrication Lubrication Checking theLubrication Lubrication Levels Checking Checking the the Lubrication Levels Levels Light Bulb Replacement Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement Caution: ToNumber reduce the possibility of premature bulb failure, do not touch new bulbs with bare fingers. Serial Number Location Serial Serial Number Location Location Use Periodic clean, dryService tissue or paper towel to handle glass portion of the bulb. Periodic Service Schedule Periodic Service Schedule Schedule

Checking The Lubricant Level

Light bulb replacement

For vehicles equipped with head light/s locate bulb socket on backside of light bar and turn bulb socket a quarter Insert turn counter clockwise to unlock and pullPAGE out bulb. OPERATION PAGE 10 new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to OPERATION OPERATION PAGE 1010 secure. Operating Safety Rules Practices Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices &&Practices Operation &Service Info Operation Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo

the and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To replace Controls &Indicators Controls Controls & Indicators &tail Indicators Key Accessories Switch Keyabove. Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch as per Direction Selector Direction Direction Selector Selector State Charge Meter State State of Charge ofofCharge Meter Meter Accelerator Pedal Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal Combination Brake Brake Pedal Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake &&Brake Pedal Pedal Horn Horn Horn serial number and manufacture Canopy Roof &Windshield Windshield Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield &

Serial plate number location The date code are located on a plate on the passenger side of the dash housing or for 4 and 6 seat models on the rear of the front seat. Design changes take place on an ongoing basis. In13 order SAFETY PAGE 13 to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 13 manufacturer Generaldate code, serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. General General General Operation General General Operation Operation

Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items must be serviced more frequently on vehicles used under severe driving conditions such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with BATTERIES PAGE 14 BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 1414 a maximum load. Battery Safety Battery Battery Safety Safety Charger Installation Charger Charger Installation Installation General Information General General Information Information Storage Prolonged Battery Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery Charging Batteries Charging Charging Batteries Batteries Battery Maintenance Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Level Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level Water & Water &&Water Battery Cleaning Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning • Check service brake Battery Replacement Battery Battery Replacement Replacement Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting • Check park brake function, lock, Hydrometer Hydrometer Hydrometer

Periodic service schedule


hold and general operation

Check hand brake function (if fitted)

• Check warning device function in reverse TRANSPORT PAGE 19 TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 1919 Towing Towing Towing

Check TYRE condition Trucking, Transporting, Hauling Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling

Check overall vehicle condition

SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 20 days use SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20each 20 • Recharge batteries to full state of charge after •

Standard Equipment Classic Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic --Classic Inspect charger connector and receptacle Standard Equipment Executive Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive --Executive Standard Equipment Elite Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite --Elite




Warranty Warranty Warranty TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure.

Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.



8 2 28 2

at each charge


Golf Golf Cart Varley Cart Group Electric Group Pty Ltd Vehicles Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor Pty Ltd distributor (sole for distributor EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles for EMC in in vehicles in Australia) the right to changes to Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the reserves right to make to make changes changes to make this to this this document without obligation to same make thesimilar same or similar document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the the same or or similar Changes unitspreviously previously sold. changes changes f o r units f ofor r units previously sold.sold. Theinformation information contained within thismaterial material subject The The information contained contained within within this material this is subject isissubject to toto change change change without without without notice. notice. notice. GolfGolf Cart Varley Cart Group Electric Group is not Vehicles isliable not liable noterrors forisany for any liable errors in for this inanyerrors material this material or in orthis for incidental formaterial incidental ororconsequential for or consequential incidentaldamages or consequential damages that that maydamages may result result from that frommay the use the result of use this of from material. thisthe material. use of this material. CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN INAUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA | PHONE: | PHONE: PHONE: 13001300 (02) 73 66 4348 7385 668000 85 Golf Golf Cart Varley Cart Group Electric Group Pty Ltd Vehicles Pty -Ltd PO- BOX Pty PO BOX Ltd 1000 - 1000 11 Terrigal Bowen Terrigal NSW Crescent, NSW 22602260 West Gosford NSW 2250 Australia Australia. Australia.


Contents Contents


Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance



Safety Procedures Safety Procedures Safety Safety Procedures Procedures The following list of safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific

The following provided list of safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific manufacturer. instructions by the The Thefollowing followinglist listofofsafety safety procedures procedures are aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions providedbybythe Always: provided Always: Always: Always: • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. • •• Maintain Maintainrepairs the thevehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordance with the themanufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodicservice service schedule. schedule. Ensure are only performedwith by persons trained andperiodic qualified to do so. • Ensure repairs are only performed by persons trained and qualified to do so. • • Ensure Ensure repairs are areonly only performed performed bypersons persons trained trained and and qualified totoare do doso. so. Checkrepairs the polarity of each batteryby terminal and ensure thequalified batteries re-wired correctly. • Check the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. • •• Check Check the the polarity polarity of of each each battery battery terminal terminal and and ensure ensure the the batteries batteries are are re-wired re-wired correctly. correctly. Only use genuine replacement parts. • Only use genuine replacement parts. • •• Only Onlyuse use genuine replacement replacement parts. parts. Only usegenuine recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. • Only use recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. • • Only Only use userecommended recommended tools. tools. This This includes includes insulated tools tools when when working inororaround around Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and insulated jack stands. Never getworking under ainvehicle that batteries. isbatteries. supported by a • Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a vehicleusing in accordance withand the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift thevehicle • • Support Support the the vehicle using wheel wheelchocks chocks andjack jackstands. stands.Never Never get getunder underaavehicle vehiclethat thatisissupported supportedby byaa jack. Lift the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. vehicleinin inaccordance accordance with with the theexposed manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle • jack. Maintain the vehicle an area away from flame or persons who are smoking. • Maintain the vehicle in an area away from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. • •• Maintain Maintain the the vehicle vehicle ininan anarea area away from exposed exposed flame ororpersons persons who whoare are smoking. smoking. Be aware that any vehicle thataway is notfrom performing asflame designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. • Be aware that any vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. • •• Be Be aware aware thatany anyvehicle vehicle that isnot notperforming performing asasdesigned designed isisamust apotential potential hazard hazardand and must not notbe beoperated. operated. Test drivethat the vehicle afterthat anyismaintenance or repairs. All tests be conducted bymust a qualified, trained • Test drive the vehicle after any maintenance or repairs. All tests must be conducted by a qualified, trained safe area that or isorfree of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. anddrive authorised person inany a • • Test Test drivethe thevehicle vehicle after after any maintenance maintenance repairs. repairs. AllAlltests testsmust must be beconducted conductedby byaaqualified, qualified,trained trained and authorised person in a safe area that is free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. safearea area that thatisisfree free both bothvehicular vehicular and and pedestrian pedestrian traffic. andmaintenance authorised authorisedperson person ininaasafe • and All and repairs must be performed byofof qualified persons with the skills traffic. and experience to recognize • Allpotential maintenance and repairs mustand be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to to recognize protect themselves from situations that could result in damage the vehicle hazards and/or danger • • AllAllmaintenance maintenance and and repairs repairs must mustbebeperformed performed bybyqualified qualified persons persons with withthe theskills skillsand and experience experience totorecognize recognize and protect themselves from situations that could result in damage to the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand or severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. Always Always use use extreme extreme caution. caution. or or • Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. • Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. • •• Follow Followmanufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions totoimmobilize immobilize the thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. Block chassis before instructions working underneath golf vehicle. • Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. • •• Block Block chassis before before working working underneath underneath golf golf vehicle. vehicle. Avoidchassis fire hazards and have fire protection available. • Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection available. • •• Avoid Avoidfire fire hazards hazardsand and have fire fireprotection protection available. available. Before performing anyhave maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the • Before performinginstructions. any maintenance always disableremoving the electrical system accordance with the the key fromin switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s Disabling includes • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electrical system system inthe inaccordance accordance with with the the manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing the key from the switch and disconnecting a battery wire. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa battery wire. battery battery wire. wire. • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governors and all other safety devices should be • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, condition governorsand andshould all other safety should be to a safe operating never be devices modified. inspected and maintained • • Brakes, Brakes, steering steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices,governors governorsand andallallother other safety safety devices devicesshould shouldbe be inspected and maintained to a safe operating condition and should never be modified. maintained toaasafe safeoperating operating condition condition and andshould should never never bemodified. modified. inspected and andmaintained • inspected All maintenance should betorecorded in a log book in date order. The name ofbe the person performing the • Allmaintenance maintenanceand should be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the the maintenance performed should also be recorded. • • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. maintenance and andthe themaintenance maintenance performed performedshould shouldalso also be berecorded. recorded. • maintenance The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of • The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of entries. • • The The maintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries. • entries. All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible • Allcondition. name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible 3 • • AllAllname nameplates, plates, warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible condition.3 33 condition. condition. • The controlling party should not perform any modification or change to the vehicle without the • The controlling party not perform any modification or change to the vehicle without the priorshould written authorisation. manufacturer’s • • The The controlling controllingparty party should shouldnot not perform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the manufacturer’s prior written authorisation. prior prior written written authorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s • Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, • Where authorised modifications have been made, controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, instruction plates, tagsthe or are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and maintenance • • Where Where authorised authorised modifications modifications have havebeen been made, made, the thedecals controlling controlling party partyshall shall ensure ensure that thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, warning and maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed accordingly. maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance








3 3 2 2 3 3 3 32


Contents Contents Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance

1001ELV Ventilation Lubrication Hydrogen gas is generated in the charging cycle of batteries and can be explosive in concentrations as low as

Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause 4%. grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components. Ventilation&isMAINTENANCE during the charging PAGE process because of the flammable hydrogen gas which is emitted. SERVICE SERVICE &essential MAINTENANCE 3 3fitting Putting more than three pumps of greasePAGE in grease could damage grease seals and cause premature Safety Safety Procedures Procedures The amount of hydrogen gas emitted depends on a number of factors such as the condition of the batteries, the bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation output rate of the charger and the amount of time the batteries are required to be on charge. Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance emissions are generally considered to be within the area of 10 to 20 cubic litres per vehicle charge. Hydrogen Parts Parts & Materials & Materials Because of the highly volatile nature of hydrogen gas and its tendency to rise and accumulate in pockets in the Operator Operator Qualifications Qualifications ceiling, a minimum of 5 air changes per hour is required. Personnel Personnel Clean the area party around the check/fill plug and remove correct lubricant level is just below bottomasof should consult applicable fire andplug. safetyThe codes for the specific ventilation levelsthe required The controlling Cleaning Cleaning is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep the threaded hole. If lubricant explosion proof electrical apparatus. well as the use of Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated fromWheel hole. Wheel Installation Installation Never charge a vehicle in or anthe area is subject to spark check/fill or flame. hole. Pay particular attention to natural gas or removed oilthat siphoned and the oil pan Tyre Inspection Inspection TheTyre following list of safety procedures are tothrough be usedthe as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific heaters and furnaces. propane water Brakes Brakes provided The following list of safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific the manufacturer. instructions by ThePeriodic following listTest ofTest safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific Periodic Brake Brake (mechanical brakes) brakes) the manufacturer. instructions by(mechanical Always use aprovided dedicated for each individual battery charger. Lubrication Lubrication the manufacturer. instructions provided bycircuit Always: Checking Checking thebe the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels Always: Chargers must operated in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations or applicable electrical Always: Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s servicenew schedule. Caution: To reduce the possibility of premature bulb failure, periodic do not touch bulbs with bare fingers. (whichever is higher). code Serial Serial Number Number Location Location • EMC Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles Maintain the vehicle inpaper accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. Use clean, dry tissue or towel to handle glass portion of the bulb. •• Periodic Ensure repairs are only performed by persons trained and qualified to do so. Periodic Service Service Schedule Schedule and storage should by bepersons properly trained ventilated accordance •Maintenance Ensure repairs are onlyareas performed andinqualified to dowith so. applicable fire codes and • vehicles Ensure repairs are only performed by persons trained and qualified to do so. For equipped with head light/s locate bulb socket on backside of light bar andcorrectly. turn bulb socket a quarter hazards. ordinances to avoid fire Check the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired • Check the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. Insert new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE PAGE 1010 •• Check thegenuine polarity replacement of each batteryparts. terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. Only use secure. Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices • Only use genuine replacement parts. Operation &Service &Service Inforeplacement Info Only use genuine parts. •• Operation Only use recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. the and brake tools. light bulb, hardware securing lens and remove Install replacement bulb Controls Controls & Indicators &tail Indicators •To replace Only use recommended Thisremove includes insulated tools when working in orlens. around batteries. •isper Only use recommended This includes insulated tools when in or around Key Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch Support the vehicle usingtools. wheelinspection chocks and stands. Never get working under a vehicle that isbatteries. supported above. Itas recommended that a scheduled andjack maintenance program be established for each vehicle. by a Direction Selector Selector •Such Support the vehicle using wheel jack stands.operation Never getofunder a vehicle that isassisting supported a vehicle in accordance withand the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift the a Direction program isvehicle a valuable tool to chocks ensure the safe vehicle the vehicle, thereby in by the • State Support the using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a State of Charge ofthe Charge Meter Meter vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift prevention of accidents. vehicle in in an accordance with theexposed manufacturer’s jack. Lift the Accelerator Pedal Pedal • Accelerator Maintain the vehicle area away from flame orinstructions. persons who are smoking. Combination Combination Brake & Brake &in Brake Pedal Pedalaway from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. • Maintain theBrake vehicle an area Maintain in an area away exposed or persons who are smoking. Horn •• Horn Be awarethe thatvehicle any vehicle that is not from performing as flame designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. serial number and manufacture code are located on a plate on the passenger side of the housing Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield •TheBe aware that any vehicle that isdate not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must notdash be operated. •• forBe aware thatvehicle any vehicle that is not performing as designed is must a potential hazard and not betrained operated. Test drive the after anyrear maintenance repairs. All tests be conducted by must a qualified, of the frontorseat. or 4 and 6 seat models on the •OnlyTest the vehicle afterinany maintenance or repairs. All be tests mustand be conducted by a qualified, trained safe area that isorfree of both vehicular pedestrian anddrive authorised person a replacement parts andbasis. materials should used. • genuine Test driveEMC the vehicle any maintenance repairs. tests must be conductedtraffic. by the a qualified, trained Design take placeafter onaan ongoing In13 order toAll obtain correct components for vehicle, the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE safe areaPAGE that is 13 free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. andchanges authorised person in safe area that is free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. and authorised person in a serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. manufacturer date code, • General All maintenance and repairs must be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to recognize General • All maintenance and repairs mustand be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to to recognize General General Operation Operation protect themselves from situations that could result in damage the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger • All maintenance and repairs must maintenance be performed items by qualified persons withmore the skills and experience to recognize Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some must be serviced frequently ondamage vehicles and protect themselves from situations that could result in to used the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or protect themselves fromextreme situations that couldconditions, result in damage to the potential hazards and/or danger severe personal driving conditions suchand as extreme debris/dust frequent usevehicle with under severe injuryaor death. Always usetemperatures, extremebecaution. orpersons Only who possess valid driver’s license should authorized to operate the vehicle. severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE 1414the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. load. a•maximum Follow manufacturer’s instructions toPAGE immobilize Battery Battery Safety Safety • Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. •• Charger Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. Charger Installation Installation • Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. General General Information Information •• Prolonged Block chassis before underneath vehicle. Avoid fire hazards andworking have fire protectiongolf available. Storage Storage Prolonged Battery Battery LIST QTY. REQUIRED •TOOL Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection available. Charging Charging Batteries Batteries and have fire protection available. Avoid fire hazards •• Battery Before performing Battery Maintenance Maintenanceany maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the Floor Jack 1 DAILY/BEFORE USE: • Before performing any maintenance always disableremoving the electrical system accordance with the the key frominthe switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water • Electrolyte Before performing any maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the the key from the switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning battery wire. Jack Stands 4 • Check service brake manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing the key from the switch and disconnecting a Battery Battery Replacement Replacement battery wire. battery wire. Brakes, steering devices, Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Chocks 4 park •• Check brakemechanisms, function, lock,warning hold and generalgovernors operationand all other safety devices should be Hydrometer Hydrometer • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, condition governorsand andshould all other safety should be to a safe operating never be devices modified. inspected and maintained • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governors all other safety devices be Some servicing operations mayto(if require front wheels, the and rearand wheels or the entire vehicleshould be raised. • inspected Check hand brake function maintained afitted) safethe operating condition should never be modified. and to a safe in operating condition and The should never be modified. and maintained 9 • inspected All maintenance should be recorded a log book in date order. name of the person performing the • All Check warning device function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 19 19 •WARNING! maintenance should be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the maintenance and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. • Towing AllTowing maintenance should be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the maintenance and the should also be recorded. • reduce Check TYRE condition To the possibility ofmaintenance severe injury performed or death from a vehicle falling from a jack: Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling maintenance and manager the maintenance performed should also be recorded. • Trucking, The maintenance should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of •• The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of Be sure the vehicle is on a firm and level surface. Check overall vehicle condition entries. • The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of entries. SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20each 20abyjack entries. • • Never get plates, under awarning vehicle while it is supported by Recharge batteries to full and state of charge after days use All name instructions supplied the manufacturer be inforaEMC legible Golfshould Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty maintained Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic - Classic • All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible 3 condition. document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar • All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible • Use jackcharger stands and the stability of theatvehicle on the stands Inspect connector and receptacle each charge Standard Standard Equipment - Executive -test Executive changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. 3 Equipment condition. 3Equipment condition. Standard Standard Equipment Elite Elite The information information contained contained within within this material this is subject is subject to to The controlling partyin should not perform anywheels modification or change toThe the vehicle without thematerial • • Always place chocks front and behind the not being raisedchange change without without notice. notice. • The controlling party should not perform any modification or change to the vehicle without the prior written authorisation. manufacturer’s • Use The controlling party shouldthe not perform any modification or change toGolf theCart vehicle without theerrors Golf Cart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any in this in material this material or or •WEEKLY extreme caution during lifting process as the vehicle will befor extremely unstable prior written authorisation. manufacturer’s incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 23 23 prior written authorisation. manufacturer’s • Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure the use the of use this of material. this material.that capacity, operation, Warranty Warranty To raise entire vehicle: TYRES –the examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure. •• Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, maintenance instruction plates, tags or are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA • -Q&A Where modifications have been made, thedecals controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, Q&A authorised chocks in front andinstruction behind each wheel Install | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 accordingly. maintenance plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed warning and • Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing plates, or loose wheel nuts. are affixed and/or changed accordingly. maintenance instruction tags or decals warning and - Centre the jacks under the rear frame cross member Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 SERVICE SERVICE LOG LOG PAGE 2525 Australia. Australia. the vehicle enough to place aPAGE jack stand under the outer ends of the rear axle - Raise - Lower the jack and test the stability of the vehicle on the two jack stands 1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260 Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

Checking The Lubricant Level

Owners Guide

Safety Procedures Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures

Light bulb replacement

Preventative Maintenance

Serial plate number location

Parts and Materials

Operator Qualifications

Lifting the vehicle Periodic service schedule

8 2 28 4

3 3 3

WARNING! WARNING! Only Onlyauthorized authorizedand andqualified qualifiedpersons personsshould shouldundertake undertakeservice/maintenance. service/maintenance.

Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance

To Toreduce reducethe therisk riskofofinjury: injury:

• • Do Donot notattempt attemptany anytype typeofofmaintenance maintenanceororrepair repairbefore beforereading readingand andunderstanding understandingallallinformation, information, cautions cautionsand andwarnings warningsininthis thismaterial. material. • • Use Useeye eyeprotection protectionwhen whenworking workingon onthe thevehicle. vehicle.Use Useextra extracaution cautionwhen whenworking workingaround aroundbatteries batteriesororusing using solvents solventsororcompressed compressedair. air.


Personnel Personnel



• • To Toreduce reducethe thepossibility possibilityofofan anelectrical electricalarc arc(can (canresult resultininbattery batteryexplosion), explosion),disconnect disconnectallallelectrical electrical loads loadsfrom fromthe thebattery batterybefore beforeremoving removingthe thebattery batterycables. cables.

Safety Procedures Safety Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures Procedures

• •The Wrap Wrap wrenches wrenches withvinyl vinyl tape tapetotoreduce reduce thepossibility possibility ofofaadropped dropped wrench ‘shorting ‘shorting out’ out’aany abattery, battery, which which following list ofwith safety procedures are tothe be used as a guide only andwrench in no way supersede specific result result in in an an explosion. explosion. could could The following list of safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific manufacturer. instructions by the The Thefollowing followingprovided list listofofsafety safety procedures procedures are aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific the manufacturer. provided by •instructions • Remove, Remove, ground ground and and disconnect disconnect battery batterywires wiresatatthe thenegative negativeterminal terminalbefore beforeservicing servicingtotor educe r educethe the themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions providedbybythe Always: provided possibility possibility of of accidental accidental starting. starting. Always: Always: Always: • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. ••• Electrolyte Electrolyte spills spills should should be beneutralised neutralised flushing flushing the thearea areaperiodic with withaasolution solution of22teaspoons teaspoons(10ml) (10ml)sodium sodium Maintain the vehicle in accordance withbyby the manufacturer’s serviceofschedule. • •• bicarbonate Maintain Maintainrepairs the the vehicle vehicle in in accordance accordance with with manufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodicservice service schedule. schedule. Ensure are only performed by trained qualified to do so. bicarbonate (baking (baking soda) soda) dissolved dissolved ininpersons 1the 1the litre litre ofofwater. water. andperiodic • Ensure repairs are only performed by persons trained and qualified to do so. Ensure Ensure repairs are are only only performed performed by by persons persons trained trained and and qualified totoare do do so. so. protectant. Checkrepairs the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure thequalified batteries re-wired correctly.Insulate •••• Extreme Extreme caution caution must must be be used used when when using using aerosol aerosol containers containers ofofbattery battery terminal terminal protectant. Insulatethe themetal metal • Check the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. possibility possibility of of any any contact contact with with the the batter batter terminals terminals which which could could result result in in an an container to to reduce reduce the the • •• container Check Check the the polarity polarity of of each each battery battery terminal terminal and and ensure ensure the the batteries batteries are are re-wired re-wired correctly. correctly. Only use genuine replacement parts. explosion. • explosion. Only use genuine replacement parts. • •• Only Onlyuse use genuine replacement replacement parts. parts. Only usegenuine recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. ••• ItOnly Itisisinin the thebest bestinterest interestofofthe thevehicle vehicle ownerand and service servicetechnician technician carefully carefully follow the theprocedures procedures use recommended tools. This owner includes insulated tools whentoto working infollow or around batteries. • • Only Only use userecommended recommended tools. tools. This This includes includes insulated insulated tools tools when when working working invehicle inororaround around batteries. Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under that isbatteries. supported by a recommended recommended ininthis thismaterial. material. Preventative Preventative maintenance maintenance applied applied atatregular regularaintervals intervalsis isthe the best bestguarantee guarantee • Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift the • • for Support Support the the vehicle vehicle using using wheel wheel chocks chocks and and jack jack stands. stands. Never Never get get under under a a vehicle vehicle that that is is supported supported by byaa forkeeping keepingthe thevehicle vehicleboth bothdependable dependable economical. economical. jack. Lift the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. vehicleinin inaccordance accordance with with the theexposed manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle Maintain the vehicle an area away from flame or persons who are smoking. • •• Only Only qualified, qualified, trained trainedand and authorised authorised personnel personnel should should be bepermitted permitted toto inspect, inspect, adjust adjustand andmaintain maintain • Maintain the vehicle in an area away from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. • •• EMC Maintain Maintain the the vehicle vehicle ininan anarea area away from exposed exposed flame ororpersons persons who whoare are smoking. smoking. EMC Vehicles. Vehicles. Be aware that any vehicle thataway is notfrom performing asflame designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. • Be aware that any vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. • •• Be Be aware aware thatany anyvehicle vehicle that isnot notperforming performing asasdesigned designed isisamust apotential potential hazard hazardand and must not notbe beoperated. operated. Test drivethat the vehicle afterthat anyismaintenance or repairs. All tests be conducted bymust a qualified, trained • Test drive the vehicle after any maintenance or repairs. All tests must be conducted by a qualified, trained safe area that or isorfree of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. anddrive authorised person inany a • • Test Test drivethe thevehicle vehicle after after any maintenance maintenance repairs. repairs. AllAlltests testsmust must be beconducted conductedby byaaqualified, qualified,trained trained and authorised person in a safe area that is free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. safearea area that thatisisfree free ofof both bothvehicular vehicular and and pedestrian pedestrian traffic. traffic. and andmaintenance authorised authorisedperson person ininaasafe • All and repairs must be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to recognize WARNING! •WARNING! Allpotential maintenance and repairs mustand be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to to recognize protect themselves from situations that could result in damage the vehicle hazards and/or danger • • AllAllmaintenance maintenanceand andrepairs repairsmust mustbebeperformed performedbybyqualified qualifiedpersons personswith withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize and protect themselves from situations that could result in damage to the vehicle and/or danger • • Ifpotential Ifor using using ahazards apressure pressure washer, washer, ensure ensure allallinstructions instructions supplied supplied bybythe themanufacturer manufacturer are areread read and andunderstood understood severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand severe personaltoto injury or the death. Alwaysofuse extreme caution. orbefore possibility possibility ofuse severe severe injury injury orordamage damagetotothe thevehicle. vehicle. before operation operation reduce reduce the severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. Always Always use extreme extreme caution. caution. or or • Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. Caution: When Whenpressure pressure washing washing exteriorofofvehicle, vehicle, do dobefore not notuse use high highpressure pressure settings.To Toreduce reduce • Caution: Follow manufacturer’s instructions toexterior immobilize the vehicle commencing anysettings. maintenance. • •• the Follow Follow manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions instructions totoimmobilize immobilize the the vehicle vehicle before before commencing any anymaintenance. maintenance. the possibility possibility ofbefore ofcosmetic cosmetic damage, damage, do donot not use use any any abrasive abrasive ororcommencing reactive reactivesolvents solvents when whencleaning, cleaning, Block chassis working underneath golf vehicle. • particularly Block chassis working underneath golf vehicle. any anyplastic plastic parts. parts. particularly on onbefore • •• Block Block chassis before before working working underneath underneath golf golf vehicle. vehicle. Avoidchassis fire hazards and have fire protection available. Avoid fire hazards and haveand fire protection available.are ••••• Ensure Ensure correct correct techniques techniques and cleaning cleaning materials materials areused. used.Using Usingexcessive excessivewater waterpressure pressuremay maycause cause Avoidfire fire hazards hazardsand and have fire fireprotection protection available. available. • Avoid Before performing anyhave maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the severeinjury injurytotooperator operator ororbystander, bystander, damage damage totoseals, seals, plastics, plastics, seat seatmaterial, material, body bodyfinish finish oror electrical electrical • severe Before performing any maintenance always disable the electrical system accordance with the the key fromin switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing • • system. Before Before performing performing any anymaintenance maintenance always always disable disable the theelectrical electrical system system inthe inaccordance accordance with with the the system. manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing the key from the switch and disconnecting a battery wire. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa battery wire. • • Clean Clean windscreen windscreen with withlots lotsofofwater waterand andaaclean cleancloth. cloth.Minor Minorscratches scratchesmay maybe beremoved removedusing usingaacommercial commercial battery battery wire. wire. • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governors and all other safety devices should be plastic plastic polish. polish. • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, condition governorsand andshould all other safety should be to a safe operating never be devices modified. inspected and maintained • • Brakes, Brakes, steering steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices,governors governorsand andallallother other safety safety devices devicesshould shouldbe be maintained to a or safe operating condition andsoap should neverwith be modified. inspected andseats • • To To clean clean vinyl vinyl seats and and plastic plastic or rubber rubber trim, trim, apply apply a a mild mild soap solution solution with a a sponge sponge or or soft soft brush brushand and maintained totoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspected and andmaintained • wipe All maintenance should wipe with withaadamp dampcloth. cloth. be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the • Allmaintenance maintenanceand should be recorded inperformed a log book inshould date order. name of the person performing the the maintenance also The be recorded. All Allmaintenance maintenance should should beberecorded recorded ininaa log logbook book inrequire indate dateorder. order. The The name ofofthe theperson person performing performing the the •••• Removal Removal ofofoil, oil, tar, tar, asphalt, asphalt, shoe shoepolish, polish, etc. etc. will will require the theuse use ofof aname acommercially commercially available available vinyl/rubber vinyl/rubber maintenance and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. maintenance maintenance and and the the maintenance maintenance performed performed should should also also be be recorded. recorded. • cleaner. The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of cleaner. • The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of entries. • • The The maintenance maintenance manager manager should periodically periodically inspect inspect the the maintenance maintenance log logtotoensure ensure accuracy accuracy of of • • The The painted painted surfaces surfaces ofofthe theshould vehicle vehicle provide providethe thevehicle vehicle with with anan attractive attractiveappearance appearance and and durable durableprotection. protection. entries. entries. entries. • Frequent All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible Frequentwashing washingwith withlukewarm lukewarmororcold coldwater waterand andmild milddetergent detergentisisrequired requiredtotopreserve preservethe thepainted painted • surfaces. All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible 3 condition. surfaces. • • All All name nameplates, plates, warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible condition.3 33 condition. condition. The controlling party should notofperform any modification orwith change to the vehicle without the for • •• Occasional Occasional cleaning cleaning and and waxing waxing ofthe thevehicles vehicles painted painted surfaces surfaceswith non-abrasive non-abrasive products products designed designed for‘clear‘clear• coat’ The controlling party should not perform any modification ordurability. change to the vehicle without the prior written authorisation. manufacturer’s automotive automotive finishes finishes will will enhance enhance the the appearance appearance and and durability. coat’ • • The The controlling controlling party party should should not not perform perform any any modification modification or or change change to to the the vehicle vehicle without without the the 55 manufacturer’s prior written authorisation. prior prior written written authorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s Where authorised modifications have been made, theincontrolling partyofshall ensure that capacity, operation, • •• Some Some corrosive corrosive materials materials such such asasfertilisers fertilisers can can collect collect inthe theunderbelly underbelly ofthe the vehicle. vehicle. These These materials materials will will • cause Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and unless unless flushed flushed occasionally occasionally with with water. water. Thoroughly Thoroughly clean clean any anyareas areas cause corrosion corrosion ofofmodifications underbody underbodyparts parts • • Where Where authorised authorised modifications have have been been made, made,the the controlling controlling party party shall shall ensure ensurethat that capacity, capacity, operation, operation, maintenance instruction plates, tagspacked or decals are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and where where mud mud oror other otherdebris debriscan can collect. collect. Sediment Sediment packed ininclosed closed areas areas should should be beloosened loosened totoease easeitsits maintenance maintenance instruction instruction plates, plates, tags tagsor ordecals decals are areaffixed affixed and/or and/or changed changed accordingly. accordingly. warning warning and and removal, removal,taking takingcare carenot nottotochip chipororotherwise otherwisedamage damagepaint. paint.

Vehicle Vehiclecleaning cleaning








3 53 5 235 32 2

Lubrication Wheel Wheelinstallation installation

Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause Note: Note:ItItisseals isimportant important follow aa‘cross ‘cross sequence’ sequence’ pattern, pattern, when installing installing wheel wheel nuts. nuts.This Thiswill willensure ensurethe theeven even grease to failtoto orfollow grease migration into areas thatwhen could damage components. seating seatingofofthe thewheel wheelagainst againstthe thehub. hub. SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE 3 3fitting could damage grease seals and cause premature Putting more three pumps of greasePAGE inPAGE grease Safety Safety Procedures Procedures •bearing • With With the the valve valve stem stem to to the the outside, outside, mount mount the the wheel wheelonto ontothe thehub. hub. failure. Ventilation Ventilation Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance • • Using Using your yourfingers, fingers, tighten tightenthe thewheel wheelnuts nutsininincrements incrementsfollowing followingaa‘cross ‘crosssequence’ sequence’pattern. pattern.Lightly Lightlytighten tighten Parts Parts & Materials & Materials wheelnut, nut,then thenthe thebottom bottomright rightwheel wheelnut, nut,top topright rightwheel wheelnut nutetc. etc. the thetop topleft leftwheel Operator Operator The Lubricant Level Checking


Contents Contents Service && Maintenance Maintenance Service

Qualifications Qualifications • • Fully Fully tighten tightenthe thetop topleft, left,followed followedbybythe thebottom bottomright, right,followed followedbybythe thetop topright rightand andfinally finallythe thebottom bottomleft. left. Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just below the bottom of Cleaning Cleaning the threaded hole. If lubricant is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated fromWheel hole. Wheel Installation Installation removed orprocedures the oil siphoned hole. and the oil pan Tyre Inspection Inspection TheTyre following list of safety are tothrough be usedthe as acheck/fill guide only and in no way supersede any specific The Thecondition condition of ofeach each tyre tyreprocedures should shouldbe beinspected inspected per perthe the periodic periodic Service Service Schedule. Inflationpressures pressures should should Brakes Brakes The following list of safety are to be used as a guide only andSchedule. in no way Inflation supersede any specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. tyres tyres are are cool. cool. Be Be sure sure to to install install the the valve valve dust dust cap cap after after checking checking or or inflating. inflating. be be checked checked when when the the Periodic Periodic Brake Brake Test Test (mechanical (mechanical brakes) brakes) instructions provided by the manufacturer. Lubrication Lubrication Always: WARNING! WARNING! Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels Always: Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic servicenew schedule. To reduce the possibility of specified premature bulb failure, do not Due touch bulbs with bare fingers. ••Caution: • Never Never exceed exceed the the inflation inflation pressure pressure specified on on the the tyre tyreperiodic sidewall. sidewall. Duetoto the thelow lowvolume volume ofofthe the tyres, tyres,over over Serial Serial Number Number Location Location Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s service schedule. Use clean, dry tissue or paper towel to glass portion of bulb. • Periodic Ensure repairs are only performed byhandle persons trained and qualified to dofrom so. inflation inflation can canService occur occur inin seconds. seconds. Over Over inflation inflation can cancause cause the the tyre tyre totothe separate separate fromthe thewheel wheelofofeven evencause causethe the Periodic Service Schedule Schedule •tyreto Ensure repairs are only performed persons trained and qualified toaado so. tyre toexplode. explode. Always Always pressurize pressurize the theby tyre tyre with with small small amounts amounts ofofair airatat time. time. For equipped headbattery light/s locate bulb backside of are light bar andcorrectly. turn bulb socket a quarter • vehicles Check the polaritywith of each terminal andsocket ensureonthe batteries re-wired • Check the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. Insert new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE PAGE 10 10 Only use genuine replacement parts. •secure. •• Protect Protect face face and andeyes eyes from fromescaping escaping air air when when removing removingvalve valvecore. core. Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices • Only use genuine replacement parts. Operation Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo ofoftools. Only use recommended This includes insulated tools whenwhen working in or around batteries. •To •• To To reduce reduce the the possibility possibility severe severe injury injury caused caused bybyaabroken broken socket socket when removing removing wheels, wheels, use useonly onlysockets sockets the and brake tools. light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb Controls Controls & Indicators &tail Indicators • replace Only use recommended This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. designed designed for forsuch such use. use. Key Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch • per Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a as above. Direction Direction Selector Selector Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never getFor under a vehicle that is supported vehiclebe indetermined accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift the ••• Tyre Tyre inflation inflation should should be determined by by the the condition condition ofofthe the terrain. terrain. For outdoor outdoor applications applications when whenthe theby a State State of Charge ofthe Charge Meter Meter vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift the the following following should should be beconsidered. On Onhard hard turf, turf,aaslightly slightlyhigher higherinflation inflation majority ofofthe use use isison ongrassy grassy areas, areas, Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal • majority Maintain vehicle in an area away from exposed flame orconsidered. persons who are smoking. On very very soft soft turf, turf, a a lower lower pressure pressure should should be be used used to to reduce reduce the the possibility possibility ofof pressure pressure is is recommended. recommended. On Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal • Maintain the vehicle in an area away from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. Horn • tyres BeHorn aware that any vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. tyres cutting cutting into into the the turf. turf. serial number and manufacture code are located on a plate on the passenger side of the housing Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield •TheBe aware that any vehicle that isdate not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must notdash be operated. • forTest drive the vehicle anyrear maintenance repairs. All tests must be conducted by a qualified, trained of the frontorseat. or 4 and 6 seat modelsafter on the For For vehicles vehicles being being used used on amaintenance apaved paved orhard hard surface, surface, tyre tyre pressure pressure should should be bekept kept atatathe the higher higherallowable allowable • • •Test drive the vehicle after or repairs. All tests mustand be conducted by qualified, trained areaor that is free of both vehicular pedestrian traffic. and authorised person inany aonsafe Design take onaan ongoing basis. In13 order to obtain correct components for the pressure vehicle, theon but butunder under no noplace condition condition should should the the inflation inflation pressure pressure be behigher higher than than the therecommended recommended pressure ontyre tyre range, range, SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE safe area that is 13 free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. andchanges authorised person in serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. manufacturer date code, •sidewall. All maintenance and repairs must be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to recognize General General sidewall. • All maintenance and repairs mustand be performed by qualified persons with the experience to to recognize General General Operation Operation protect themselves from situations thatskills couldand result in damage the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items must be servicedthat more frequently ondamage vehicles used and protect themselves from situations could result in to the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or • • under AllAllfour four tyres tyres should should have havethe thesame samepressure pressure for for optimum optimumhandling handling characteristics. characteristics. Ensurethe thevalve valvedust dust cap cap severe driving conditions such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dustEnsure conditions, frequent use with severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or is is installed installed after after checking checking and/or and/or inflating. inflating. BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE 1414the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. load. a•maximum Follow manufacturer’s instructions toPAGE immobilize Battery Battery Safety Safety Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the mounted vehicle before commencing any maintenance. •••• The The vehicle vehicle isisfitted fitted with with low lowpressure pressure tubeless tubeless tyres mounted on onone one piece piecerims. rims. Therefore, Therefore, the themost most Block chassis before working underneath golftyres vehicle. Charger Charger Installation Installation effective effective way way to to repair repair a a puncture puncture in in the the tread tread is is to to use use a a commercial commercial tyre tyre plug. plug. cost cost • Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. General General Information Information • Note: Avoid fireBattery hazards andand have fire protection available. Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Note: Tyre Tyre plug plugStorage tools tools and plugs plugs are areavailable available atatmost mostautomotive automotiveparts partsoutlets. outlets.The The • advantage Avoid fireBatteries hazards and have fire protection available. Charging Charging Batteries advantage of of using using one one of of these these plugs plugs is is that that it it means means the the tyre tyre doesn’t doesn’t need need to to be be removed removed • Battery Before performing Battery Maintenance Maintenanceany maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the DAILY/BEFORE USE: wheel. wheel. from from the the • Before performing any maintenance always disableremoving the electrical system accordance with the the key frominthe switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water the key from the switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning battery wire. service brake ••• IfCheck Ifthe thetyre tyre isisflat, flat, remove removethe thewheel wheeland andinflate inflatethe thetyre tyretotothe themaximum maximumrecommended recommendedpressure. pressure.Immerse Immerse Battery Battery Replacement Replacement battery wire. the the tyre tyre in in water water to to locate locate the the leak leak and and mark mark with with chalk. chalk. Insert Insert tyre tyre plug plug in in accordance accordance with with Brakes, steering devices, Troubleshooting Troubleshooting •• Check park brakemechanisms, function, lock,warning hold and generalgovernors operationand all other safety devices should be instructions. manufacturer’s Hydrometer Hydrometer • manufacturer’s Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, condition governorsand andshould all other safety should be maintained to a safe operating never be devices modified. inspected andinstructions. • inspected Check hand brake functionto(ifafitted) maintained safe operating condition and should never be modified. and 9 • All maintenance should be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the Check warning device function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT 1919 •• All maintenance should be recorded inPAGE aPAGE log book inshould date order. name of the person performing the maintenance and the maintenance performed also The be recorded. Towing Towing and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. • maintenance Check TYRE condition Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Haulingshould periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of • Trucking, The maintenance manager WARNING! WARNING! •• The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of Check overall vehicle condition entries. entries. To Toreduce reduce the thepossibility possibility of ofsevere severe injury injury or ordeath, death, always always evaluate evaluatepedal pedal travel travel before before operating operating aEMC avehicle vehicle toto SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20 20by •••• Recharge batteries to full and state of charge after each days use All name plates, warning instructions supplied the manufacturer be inforaEMC legible Golfshould Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty maintained Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic - Classic ensure ensure braking braking function function is is present. present. • All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible 3 condition. document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar • Inspect charger connector and receptacle at each charge Standard Standard Equipment - Executive - Executive changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. 3 Equipment • • condition. All All driving driving brake brake tests tests must must be be completed completed in in a a safe safe environment environment with with a a high high regard regard for for the the safety safety of of Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite information information contained contained within within this material this is subject is subject to to • Standard The controlling party should not perform any modification or changeThe toThe the vehicle without thematerial change change without without notice. notice. personnel. personnel. Please Please note notethat that over over time, time, aasubtle subtleloss lossofof performance performance may may take take place. place.Therefore, Therefore,it itisis • The controlling party should not perform any modification or change to the vehicle without the manufacturer’s prior written authorisation. GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or standard standardwith withaanew newvehicle. vehicle. important importanttotoestablish establish the the WEEKLY prior written authorisation. manufacturer’s for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 2323 the controlling party • Where authorised modifications have been made, shall ensure the use the of use this of material. this material.that capacity, operation, AAperiodic periodic brake brakeperformance performance test testshould should be beperformed performed regularly regularly totoevaluate evaluate the theperformance performance ofofthe the Warranty Warranty TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure. ••• • Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and maintenance CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA Q&A Q&A system. usefulasas aamethod method of ofidentifying identifying any anysubtle subtle loss loss ofSERVICE of73 performance performance over overtime. time. braking braking system. This Thistest test isisuseful | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 85 66 85 accordingly. maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed warning and • Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.

Safety Procedures Tyre Tyre Inspection Inspection Safety Procedures

Light bulb replacement

Serial plate number location

Periodic service schedule

Brakes Brakes


8 2 2866


Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.



Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance

The Thepurpose purposeofofthis thistest testisistotocompare comparethe thebraking brakingperformance performanceofofthe thesubject subjectvehicle vehicletotothe thebraking brakingperformance performance ofofaanew newororvehicle vehicleorortotoan anestablished establishedsafe safeand andacceptable acceptablestopping stoppingdistance. distance. Actual Actualstopping stoppingdistances distanceswill willbe beinfluenced influencedbybyweather weatherconditions, conditions,terrain, terrain,road roadsurface surfacecondition, condition,actual actualvehicle vehicle (accessoriesinstalled) installed)and andthe thevehicles vehiclesspeed. speed.No Nosafe safebraking brakingdistance distancecan canbe bereliably reliablyspecified. specified. weight weight(accessories testisisconducted conductedby bylatching latchingthe theparking parkingbrake braketotoeliminate eliminatedifferent differentpedal pedalpressures pressuresand andtotoinclude includethe the The Thetest affects affectsofoflinkage linkagemiss-adjustment. miss-adjustment. Establish Establishthe theacceptable acceptablestopping stoppingdistance distanceby bytesting testingaanew neworor‘known ‘knowntotobe begood’ good’vehicle vehicleand andrecording recordingthe the distance.For Forfleets fleetsofofvehicles, vehicles,several severalvehicles vehiclesshould shouldbe betested testedwhen whennew newand andthe the stopping stoppinglocation locationororstopping stoppingdistance. range rangeofofstopping stoppinglocations locationsorordistances distancesrecorded. recorded. The following listaaof safety procedures are to be used asplace; aplace; guide only anditin no way supersede any the specific Note: Note: Over Overtime, time, subtle subtle loss loss ofofperformance performance may may take take therefore, therefore, itisis important important totoestablish establish thestandard standard The following provided list of safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific the manufacturer. instructions by with with afollowing anew newvehicle. vehicle. The Thefollowing list listofofsafety safetyprocedures proceduresare aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions provided providedbybythe Always: Drive Drive the thevehicle vehicleatatmaximum maximumspeed speedon onaaflat, flat,dry, dry,clean, clean,paved pavedsurface. surface.Quickly Quicklydepress depressthe thebrake brakepedal pedaltotolatch latch Always: line line or or marker marker in in the the test test area area and and remove remove foot foot from from pedal. pedal. (Be (Be sure sure to to be be seated seated securely securely the the parking parking brake brake at at the the Always: Always: • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. have haveaafirm firm gripofofthe the steering wheel. wheel. )the Themanufacturer’s vehicle vehicleshould shouldstop stopaggressively. aggressively. The Thewheel wheelbrakes brakesmay mayorormay may and •andMaintain thegrip vehicle in steering accordance with) The periodic service schedule. • •• Maintain Maintainrepairs the thevehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordance with with the themanufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodic periodicservice service schedule. schedule. Ensure are only performed by persons trained the and qualified to do so. Observe Observethe the vehicle vehicle stopping stoppinglocation location orormeasure measure thevehicle vehiclestopping stopping distance distancefrom fromthe thepoint pointatatwhich which not notlock. lock. • Ensure repairs are only performed by persons trained and qualified to do so. •the • brakes Ensure Ensure repairs repairs are areonly only performed performed by bypersons persons trained trained and and qualified qualified toto do so. so. distances. brakes were latched. latched. The The vehicle vehicle should should stop stop within within the the ‘normal’ ‘normal’ rage rage of ofdo stopping stopping distances.IfIfthe thevehicle vehicle the Checkwere the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. •stops Check the polarity of m) each battery terminal and ensure thedistance batteries are re-wired correctly. distance or or pulls pulls to to one one side, side, the the vehicle vehicle has hasfailed failed stops more more than than 4ft. 4ft. (1.2 (1.2 m) beyond beyond the the acceptable acceptable stopping stopping • •• Check Check the thepolarity polarityofreplacement ofeach eachbattery batteryparts. terminal terminaland andensure ensurethe thebatteries batteriesare arere-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly. Only use genuine the the test test and and should should be be tested tested again. again. • Only use genuine replacement parts. • •• Only Onlyuse use genuine replacement replacement parts. parts. Only usegenuine recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. If•Ifthe the vehicle vehicle fails the thesecond secondtest test immediately immediately take takethe thevehicle vehicletools out outofof service service and andcontact contact yourselling selling dealer dealer Only usefails recommended tools. This includes insulated when working in or your around batteries. •or •service Only Only use use recommended recommended tools. tools. This This includes includes insulated insulated tools tools when when working inororon around around batteries. Support the vehicle wheel chocks and jack stands. Never getworking under ainvehicle that isbatteries. supported service agent. agent. The Therear rearusing axle axle is isprovided provided with with aalubricant lubricant level level check/fill check/fill plug pluglocated located on the thebottom bottom ofofthe theby a or •differential. Support the using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never underafter a vehicle that is supported by a differential. Unless Unless leakage leakage isevident, evident, the the lubricant lubricant needs needs only only to toinstructions. be beget replaced replaced five fiveyears. years. vehicle inisaccordance with the manufacturer’s jack. Lift thevehicle • • Support Support the the vehicle vehicle using using wheel wheelchocks chocks and andjack jack stands. stands. Never Never get get under underaafter avehicle vehicle that thatisissupported supportedby byaa jack. Lift the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. vehicleinin inaccordance accordance with with the theexposed manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle • jack. Maintain the vehicle an area away from flame or persons who are smoking. • Maintain the vehicle in an area away from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. • •• Maintain Maintain the the vehicle vehicle ininan anarea area away from exposed exposed flame ororpersons persons who whoare are smoking. smoking. Be aware that any vehicle thataway is notfrom performing asflame designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. • Be aware that any vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. • •• Be Be aware aware thatany anyvehicle vehicle that isnot notperforming performing asasdesigned designed isisamust apotential potential hazard hazardand and must not notbe beoperated. operated. Test drivethat the vehicle afterthat anyismaintenance or repairs. All tests be conducted bymust a qualified, trained WARNING! •WARNING! Test drive the vehicle after any maintenance or repairs. All tests must be conducted by a qualified, trained safe area that or isorfree of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. anddrive authorised person inany a • • Test Test drivethe thevehicle vehicle after after any maintenance maintenance repairs. repairs. AllAlltests testsmust must be beconducted conductedby byaaqualified, qualified,trained trained safe area that is To free of both vehicular andofof pedestrian traffic. and authorised person inundertake aundertake Only Only qualified qualified persons persons should should service. service. To reduce reduce the the possibility possibility severe severe injury injury oror death deathfrom from improper safearea area that thatisisfree free both bothvehicular vehicular and and pedestrian pedestrian traffic. andmaintenance authorised authorisedperson person ininaasafe • and All and repairs must be performed byofof qualified persons with the skills traffic. and experience toimproper recognize servicing servicing techniques: techniques: • Allpotential maintenance and repairs mustand be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to to recognize protect themselves from situations that could result in damage the vehicle hazards and/or danger • • AllAllmaintenance maintenanceand andrepairs repairsmust mustbebeperformed performedbybyqualified qualifiedpersons personswith withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize and protect themselves from situations that could result in damage to the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or • • Do Do not notattempt attempt any any type type ofofservicing servicing operations operations before beforereading reading and andunderstanding understanding all allnotes, notes, cautions cautions and and and andprotect protect themselves themselves from fromsituations situations that thatcould couldresult result inindamage damage totothe the vehicle vehicle potential potential hazards hazards and/or and/or danger danger severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or warnings warnings in in this this material. material. severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. Always Always use use extreme extreme caution. caution. or or • Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehiclevehicle beforeatat commencing any maintenance. •••••• To To reduce reduce the thepossibility possibility ofofmotor motor damage, damage, never never operate operate full fullthrottle throttlefor for more more than than4-5 4-5seconds seconds Follow Follow manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions to toimmobilize immobilize the the vehicle vehiclevehicle before beforecommencing commencing any any maintenance. maintenance. Block chassis before instructions working underneath golf vehicle. while while vehicle vehicle is is in in a a ‘no ‘no load’ load’ condition. condition. • Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. • •• Block Block chassis before before working working underneath underneath golf golf vehicle. vehicle. Avoidchassis fire hazards and have fire protection available. ••• Wear Weareye eyeprotection protection when when working on onthe thevehicle. vehicle.Use Useextra extracaution cautionwhen whenworking workingaround aroundbatteries, batteries,ororusing using Avoid fire hazards and haveworking fire protection available. • •• solvents Avoid Avoidfire fire and and have fireprotection protection available. available. Before performing anyhave maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the solvents orhazards orhazards compressed compressed air. air.fire • Before performinginstructions. any maintenance always disableremoving the electrical system accordance with the the key fromin switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s Disabling includes Before Before performing performing any anymaintenance maintenance always always disable disable the the electrical electrical system system inathe inaaccordance accordance with with the the •••• To To reduce reduce the thepossibility possibility ofofcausing causing an an electrical electrical arc, arc, which which could could result result in battery batteryexplosion, explosion, turn turnoff offallall the key frominthe switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing battery wire. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. Disabling Disabling includes includesremoving removing the thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa electrical electrical loads loadsfrom from the thebattery battery before beforeremoving removing battery batterywires. wires. battery wire. battery battery wire. wire. • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governors and all other safety devices should be ••• Wrap Wrapwrenches wrenches with withvinyl vinyltape tapeto toreduce reduce the thepossibility possibility ofofaa dropped dropped wrench wrench ‘shorting ‘shortingout’ out’aabattery, battery, which which Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governors and all other safety should be to a safe operating and should never be devices modified. inspected and maintained • • could Brakes, Brakes, steering steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices,condition governors governors and and allallother other safety safety devices devicesshould shouldbe be result result in in an an explosion. explosion. could inspected and maintained to a safe operating condition and should never be modified. maintained torecorded toaasafe safeoperating operating condition condition and andshould should never never be bemodified. modified. inspected inspected and andmaintained • All maintenance should be in a logby book in date order. The name of the person performingbattery the atat • • Reduce Reduce the thepossibility possibility ofofaccidental accidental starting starting byremoving removing and andgrounding grounding wires wires and anddisconnecting disconnecting battery • negative All maintenance should be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the maintenance and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. negative terminal terminal before before servicing. servicing. • • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. maintenance maintenance and andthe themaintenance maintenance performed performedshould shouldalso also be berecorded. recorded. • The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of • • Electrolyte Electrolytespills spillsshould shouldbe beneutralised neutralisedwith withaasolution solutionofof22teaspoons teaspoons(10ml) (10ml)sodium sodiumbicarbonate bicarbonate(baking (baking • The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of entries. • • soda) The The maintenance maintenance manager manager should should periodically periodically inspect inspect the themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof dissolved dissolvedinin 1litre 1litreofofwater water and and flushed flushedwith with water. water. soda) entries. entries. entries. All name plates, warning andterminal instructions supplied by the shouldcaution. be maintained inmetal ametal legible • •• Aerosol Aerosol containers containers ofofbattery battery terminalprotectant protectant must must be bemanufacturer used usedwith withextreme extreme caution. Insulate Insulate container container • Allcondition. name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible 3 • • to All All name nameplates, plates, warning warningof and and instructions instructions supplied supplied bybythe the manufacturer manufacturer should should be beexplosion. maintained maintainedinina alegible legible possibility of contacting contacting battery battery terminals terminals which which could couldresult result ininan an explosion. to reduce reduce the thepossibility condition.3 33 condition. condition. party should not perform any modification or change to the vehicle the • •• ItItThe isisinincontrolling the thebest bestinterest interest ofofthe thevehicle vehicle owner owner and and service servicetechnician technician totocarefully carefully follow followwithout the theprocedures procedures • recommended The controlling in party should not perform anymaintenance, modification or applied change to the vehicle without the prior written authorisation. manufacturer’s recommended in this this material. material. Preventative Preventative maintenance, atat regular regular intervals, intervals, isisthe the best bestguarantee guarantee • • The The controlling controllingparty party should should not not perform performany anymodification modificationorapplied orchange change to to the thevehicle vehicle without without the the prior written authorisation. manufacturer’s for for keeping keeping the the vehicle vehicle both both dependable dependable and and economical. economical. prior prior written written authorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s • Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, • Where authorised modifications have been made, controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, instruction plates, tagsthe or are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and maintenance • • Where Where authorised authorised modifications modifications have havebeen been made, made, the thedecals controlling controlling party partyshall shall ensure ensure that thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, warning and maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed accordingly. maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance


Periodic PeriodicBrake BrakeTest Testfor forMechanical MechanicalBrakes Brakes



Safety Procedures Safety Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures Procedures


Service Service&&Maintenance Maintenance







3 73 7 237 32 2

Lubrication Lubrication

Caution: Caution:Do Donot notuse usemore morethan thanthree threepumps pumpsofofgrease greasefitting fittingatatany anyone onetime. time.Excess Excessgrease greasemay maycause cause grease greaseseals sealstotofail failororgrease greasemigration migrationinto intoareas areasthat thatcould coulddamage damagecomponents. components.

SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE PAGE 3 3fitting Putting Puttingmore more thanthree threepumps pumpsofofgrease grease inPAGE ingrease grease fittingcould coulddamage damagegrease greaseseals sealsand andcause causepremature premature Safety Safety Procedures Procedures

bearing bearing failure. failure. Ventilation Ventilation

Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance Parts Parts & Materials & Materials Operator Operator Qualifications Qualifications Personnel Personnel Clean Clean the thearea areaaround aroundthe thecheck/fill check/fillplug plugand andremove removeplug. plug.The Thecorrect correctlubricant lubricantlevel levelisisjust justbelow belowthe thebottom bottomofof Cleaning Cleaning lubricantisislow, low,add addlubricant lubricantasasrequired. required.Add Addlubricant lubricantslowly slowlyuntil untillubricant lubricantstarts startstotoseep seep the thethreaded threaded hole. hole.IfIflubricant Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle Install Install the thecheck/fill check/fillplug. plug.InInthe theevent eventthat thatthe thelubricant lubricantisistotobe bereplaced, replaced,the thevehicle vehiclemust mustbe beelevated elevated from from hole. hole. Wheel Wheel Installation Installation removed removed oror the theoiloilsiphoned siphoned through theacheck/fill check/fill hole. hole. and andTyre the the oil oilpan pan Tyre Inspection Inspection The following list of safety procedures are tothrough be usedthe as guide only and in no way supersede any specific Brakes Brakes The following list of safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. Periodic Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical brakes) brakes) the manufacturer. instructions provided by(mechanical Lubrication Lubrication Always: Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels Always: Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. Caution: Caution: To To reduce reduce the thepossibility possibilityofofpremature premature bulb bulbfailure, failure, do donot nottouch touchnew newbulbs bulbswith withbare barefingers. fingers. Serial Serial Number Number Location Location • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. Use clean, clean, dry dry tissue tissue or orpaper paper towel towelto tohandle handleglass glass portion portion ofofthe thebulb. bulb. •UsePeriodic Ensure repairs are only performed by persons trained and qualified to do so. Periodic Service Service Schedule Schedule

Checking CheckingThe TheLubricant LubricantLevel Level


Contents Contents Service && Maintenance Maintenance Service Safety Procedures Safety Procedures

Light Lightbulb bulbreplacement replacement

• Ensure repairs are only performed by persons trained and qualified to do so. For vehiclesthe equipped equipped with head head light/s light/sterminal locate locatebulb bulb socketon on backside backside ofofare light light bar barand and turn turnbulb bulbsocket socketaaquarter quarter •Forvehicles Check polaritywith of each battery andsocket ensure the batteries re-wired correctly. • Check the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. Insert Insert new new bulb bulb and and rotate rotate socket socket a a quarter quarter turn turn clockwise clockwise toto turn turn counter counter clockwise clockwise to to unlock unlock and and pull pull out out bulb. bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE PAGE 1010 • Only use genuine replacement parts. secure. secure. Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices • Only use genuine replacement parts. Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo • Operation Only use recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. replace the tailand andbrake braketools. light lightbulb, bulb, removehardware hardware securing securing lens lensand andremove remove lens. Install Install replacement replacementbulb bulb Toreplace Controls Controls &the &tail Indicators Indicators •To Only use recommended Thisremove includes insulated tools when working in orlens. around batteries. Key Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch •asper Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a as per above. above. Direction Direction Selector Selector • Support the vehicle wheel chocks stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a vehicleusing in accordance withand the jack manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift the State State of Charge ofthe Charge Meter Meter vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift Accelerator Pedal Pedal • Accelerator Maintain the vehicle in an area away from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. Combination Combination Brake & Brake &in Brake Pedal Pedalaway from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. • Maintain theBrake vehicle an area • Horn BeHorn aware that any vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. The serial serial number number and and manufacture manufacture date code codeare arelocated located on onaaplate plate on onthe thepassenger passenger side side ofofthe thedash dash housing housing Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield •The Be aware that any vehicle that isdate not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. •orfor Test drive the after any maintenance orseat. repairs. rear ofofthe thefront front seat. All tests must be conducted by a qualified, trained or for 44and and 66seat seatvehicle models models on onthe therear • Test the vehicle afterinany maintenance repairs. All tests mustand be conducted a qualified, trained area that or is free of both vehicular pedestrian by traffic. anddrive authorised person a safe Design Design changestake take place placein on on anongoing ongoing basis. basis. InIn order order totoobtain obtaincorrect correct components components for forthe thevehicle, vehicle,the the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE 13 safe areaPAGE that is 13 free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. andchanges authorised person aan serial serial number number and and vehicle vehicle model model must must be be provided provided when when ordering ordering service service parts. parts. manufacturer date date code, code, •manufacturer All maintenance and repairs must be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to recognize General General • All maintenance and repairs mustand be performed by qualified persons with the experience to to recognize General General Operation Operation protect themselves from situations thatskills couldand result in damage the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger Caution: Caution: To Toprolong prolongvehicle vehicle life, life,some some maintenance items itemsmust mustbe beserviced serviced more more frequently frequently on on vehicles vehicles used andmaintenance protect situations that could result in damage to used the vehicle potential hazards and/or danger personal injury or death. Always themselves use extremefrom caution. or severe severe severe driving drivingconditions conditions such suchas asextreme extreme temperatures, extreme extremedebris/dust debris/dustconditions, conditions,frequent frequentuse usewith with under under personal injury or death. Always usetemperatures, extreme caution. or severe BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE 1414the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. maximum load. load. a•amaximum Follow manufacturer’s instructions toPAGE immobilize Battery Battery Safety Safety • Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. • Charger Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. Charger Installation Installation • Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. General General Information Information • Prolonged Avoid fireBattery hazards and have fire protection available. Storage Storage Prolonged Battery • Avoid fireBatteries hazards Charging Charging Batteriesand have fire protection available. • Battery Before performing Battery Maintenance Maintenanceany maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the DAILY/BEFORE USE: USE: •DAILY/BEFORE Before performing any maintenance always disableremoving the electrical system accordance with the the key frominthe switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water the key from the switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning battery wire. • • Check Checkservice servicebrake brake Battery Battery Replacement Replacement battery wire. Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governors and all other safety devices should be Troubleshooting Troubleshooting ••• Check Check park park brake brake function, function,lock, lock, hold holdand and general general operation operation Hydrometer Hydrometer • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, condition governorsand andshould all other safety should be to a safe operating never be devices modified. inspected and maintained • • inspected Check Checkhand hand brake brake function function (iffitted) fitted) maintained to(ifa safe operating condition and should never be modified. and 99 • All maintenance should be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the Check Check warning warningdevice devicefunction function ininreverse reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT 1919 •• • All maintenance should be recorded inPAGE aPAGE log book inshould date order. name of the person performing the maintenance and the maintenance performed also The be recorded. Towing Towing and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. • • maintenance Check Check TYRE TYRE condition condition Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Haulingshould periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of • Trucking, The maintenance manager •• • The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of Check Check overall overallvehicle vehicle condition condition entries. entries. SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20each 20 ••• Recharge Recharge batteries batteries totofull fulland state state ofofcharge charge after after each days use use All name plates, warning instructions supplied bydays the manufacturer be inforaEMC legible Golfshould Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty maintained Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic - Classic • All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible 3 condition. document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar • • Inspect Inspect charger chargerconnector connector and andreceptacle receptacleatateach eachcharge charge Standard Standard Equipment - Executive - Executive changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. 3 Equipment condition. Standard Standard Equipment Equipment Elite Elite The information information contained contained within within this material this is subject is subject to to • The controlling party should not perform any modification or changeThe to the vehicle without thematerial change change without without notice. notice. • The controlling party should not perform any modification or change to the vehicle without the manufacturer’s prior written authorisation. GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or WEEKLY WEEKLY manufacturer’s prior written authorisation. for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 2323 the controlling party • Where authorised modifications have been made, shall ensure the use the of use this of material. this material.that capacity, operation, Warranty Warranty TYRES TYRES ––examine examine for forcuts, cuts,excessive excessive wear wear and and pressure. pressure. •• • Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA Q&A Q&A | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 accordingly. maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed warning and • • Wheels Wheels––Check Checkfor forbent bentrims, rims,missing missingororloose loosewheel wheelnuts. nuts.

Serial Serialplate platenumber numberlocation location

Periodic Periodicservice serviceschedule schedule


2 2888


Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.



• • Batteries Batteries––clean cleanbatteries batteriesand andterminals, terminals,check checkcondition, condition,allallconnections. connections.

Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance Service & Maintenance • • Wiring Wiring––check checkallallwiring wiringfor forloose looseconnections connectionsand andbroken/missing broken/missinginsulation insulation

• • Charger/Receptacle Charger/Receptacle––Clean Cleanconnections, connections,keep keepreceptacles receptaclesfree freeofofdirt dirtand andforeign foreignmatter matter • • Accelerator Accelerator––check checkfor forsmooth smoothmovement movement

• • Service ServiceBrake Brake––conduct conductbrake brakeperformance performancetest test





• • Park ParkBrake Brake––check checkbrake brakeperformance performanceand andadjust adjustif ifrequired required • • Steering Steeringassembly assembly––check checkfor forabnormal abnormalplay, play,tightness tightnessofofallallhardware hardware

Procedures • Safety • Tie TieRod/linkages Rod/linkages ––check checkfor forexcessive excessiveplay, play,bent bentcomponents componentsororloose looseconnections connections Safety Procedures Safety Safety Procedures Procedures following of safety procedures are to used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific • The • Rear Rear Axle Axle–list –check check for forleakage, leakage,add add oiloilas asbe required required

The following provided list of safety procedures are to be used as a guide only and in no way supersede any specific manufacturer. instructions by the The Thefollowing followinglist listofofsafety safety procedures procedures are aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions providedbybythe Always: provided QUARTERLY QUARTERLY––50 50HOURS HOURS Always: Always: Always: • Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule. Front FrontAxle Axle ––Check Checkfor damage damagetotoaxle axleand andmanufacturer’s loose looseorormissing missing hardware hardware • • Maintain the vehicle infor accordance with the periodic service schedule. • •• Maintain Maintainrepairs the thevehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordance with the themanufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodicservice service schedule. schedule. Ensure are only performedwith by persons trained andperiodic qualified to do so. • • Ensure Front FrontShock Shock Absorbers ––Check Checkfor for leakage leakage and andloose loose fastnessto do so. repairsAbsorbers are only performed byoiloil persons trained andfastness qualified • • Ensure Ensure repairs are areonly only performed performed bypersons persons trained trained and and qualified totoare do doso. so. Checkrepairs the polarity of each batteryby terminal and ensure thequalified batteries re-wired correctly. Front FrontSprings Springs ––Check Check for forloose loosehardware, hardware, cracks cracks atatattachments attachments • • Check the polarity of each battery terminal and ensure the batteries are re-wired correctly. • •• Check Check the the polarity polarity of of each each battery battery terminal terminal and and ensure ensure the the batteries batteries are are re-wired re-wired correctly. correctly. Only use genuine replacement parts. Front Front Wheel Wheel Alignment Alignment ––Check Checkfor forunusual unusualTYRE TYREwear, wear,align alignif ifrequired required • • Only use genuine replacement parts. • •• Only Onlyuse use genuine replacement replacement parts. parts. Only usegenuine recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. • • Only Park Parkuse Brake Brake ––Check Checkfor forbent/binding bent/binding linkage linkagerod, rod,check check for fordamage damage ororwear wear toto latch latch arm armor orcatch catchbracket, bracket, recommended tools. This includes insulated tools when working in or around batteries. • • Only Only use userecommended recommended tools. tools. This This includes includes insulated insulated tools tools when when working working invehicle inororaround around batteries. batteries. Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under a that is supported byfoot a lubricate lubricateasasrequired, required,use uselight lightoil, oil,DO DONOT NOTLUBRICATE LUBRICATECABLES CABLESOR ORBRAKE BRAKELATCH. LATCH.Check Checkand andadjust adjust foot • Support the vehicle using wheel chocks and jack stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. jack. Lift the • • Support Support the the vehicle vehicle using using wheel wheel chocks chocks and and jack jack stands. stands. Never Never get get under under a a vehicle vehicle that that is is supported supported by by a a brake brakelock lockif ifrequired. required. jack. Lift the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. vehicleinin inaccordance accordance with with the theexposed manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle Maintain the vehicle area away from flame or persons who are smoking. • •• Rear RearShock Shock Absorbers Absorbers –an –Check Check for foroiloil leakage, leakage, loose loose mounting mounting hardware hardware • Maintain the vehicle in an area away from exposed flame or persons who are smoking. • •• Maintain Maintain the the vehicle vehicle ininan anarea area away away from from exposed exposed flame ororpersons persons who whoare are smoking. smoking. Be aware that any vehicle that is not performing asflame designed is and aand potential hazard and must not be operated. • • Hardware Hardware and andFasteners Fasteners ––Check Check for forloose looseorormissing missing hardware hardware components, components, tighten tighten ororreplace replace missing missing • Be aware that any vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated. • •• Be Be aware aware that that any any vehicle vehicle that that is is not not performing performing as as designed designed is is a a potential potential hazard hazard and and must must not not be be operated. operated. Hardware. Hardware. Test drive the vehicle after any maintenance or repairs. All tests must be conducted by a qualified, trained • Test the vehicle afterinany maintenance repairs. All tests mustand be conducted by a qualified, trained safe area that or isorfree of both vehicular pedestrian traffic. anddrive authorised person a • • Test Test drive drivethe thevehicle vehicle after afterany any maintenance maintenance or repairs. repairs. AllAlltests testsmust mustbe beconducted conductedby byaaqualified, qualified,trained trained and authorised person in a safe area that is free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. safearea area that thatisisfree free ofof both bothvehicular vehicular and and pedestrian pedestrian traffic. traffic. and andmaintenance authorised authorisedperson person ininaasafe • All and repairs must be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to recognize SEMI-ANNUAL SEMI-ANNUAL––125 125HOURS HOURS • Allpotential maintenance and repairs mustand be performed by qualified persons with the skills and experience to to recognize protect themselves from situations that could result in damage the vehicle hazards and/or danger • • AllAllmaintenance maintenanceand andrepairs repairsmust mustbebeperformed performedbybyqualified qualifiedpersons personswith withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize and protect themselves from situations potential hazards and/or danger • • King King Pins Pins –personal –check check for for excessive excessive play play and andtightness tightness ofofretaining retaining nuts nuts that could result in damage to the vehicle severe injury or death. Always use extreme caution. or andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand or severe personal injury or death. Always use extreme caution. severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. Always Always use use extreme extreme caution. caution. orSteering or • • Steering Assembly Assembly – – check check bellows bellows and and pinion pinion seal seal for for damage damage or or grease grease leakage leakage Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. • Follow manufacturer’s instructions to immobilize the vehicle before commencing any maintenance. • •• Follow Follow manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions instructions totoimmobilize immobilize the thegrease vehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. Rack Rack End End Ball BallPoint Point––Lubricate, Lubricate, use use wheel wheelgolf bearing bearing grease Block chassis before working underneath vehicle. • Block chassis before working underneath golf vehicle. • • Block Block chassis chassis before before working working underneath underneath golf golf vehicle. vehicle. Rear Rear Axle Axle –hazards –Check Check for for unusual unusual noise noise and andloose loose or ormissing missingmounting mountinghardware hardware Avoid fire and have fire protection available. • Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection available. • •• Avoid Avoidfire fire hazards hazardsand and have fire fireprotection protection available. available. Before performing anyhave maintenance always disable the electrical system in accordance with the • Before performinginstructions. any maintenance always disableremoving the electrical system accordance with the the key fromin switch and disconnecting a manufacturer’s Disabling includes • ANNUAL • Before Before performing any anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electrical system system inthe inaccordance accordance with with the the ANNUAL –performing –200-300 200-300HOURS HOURS manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling includes removing the key from the switch and disconnecting a battery wire. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa • • Front FrontWheel Wheel Bearings––Check Checkand andadjust adjustasasrequired required battery wire.Bearings battery battery wire. wire. • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governors and all other safety devices should be Rear Rear Axle Axle ––Check Check lubricant, lubricant, add lubricant lubricant asasrequired required • • Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices, governorsand andshould all other safety should be maintained toadd a safe operating never be devices modified. inspected and • • Brakes, Brakes, steering steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices,condition governors governorsand andallallother other safety safety devices devicesshould shouldbe be inspected and maintained to a safe operating condition and should never be modified. • •• Service Service Brakes Brakes – – Clean Clean and and adjust, adjust, check check brake brake shoe shoe linings linings maintained toaasafe safeoperating operating condition condition and andshould should never never bemodified. modified. inspected inspected and andmaintained All maintenance should betorecorded in a log book in date order. The name ofbe the person performing the • Allmaintenance maintenanceand should be recorded in a log book in date order. The name of the person performing the the maintenance performed should also be recorded. • • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance and the maintenance performed should also be recorded. maintenance and andthe themaintenance maintenance performed performedshould shouldalso also be berecorded. recorded. • maintenance The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of • The maintenance manager should periodically inspect the maintenance log to ensure accuracy of entries. • • The The maintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries. • entries. All name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible • Allcondition. name plates, warning and instructions supplied by the manufacturer should be maintained in a legible 3 • • AllAllname nameplates, plates, warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible condition.3 33 condition. condition. • The controlling party should not perform any modification or change to the vehicle without the • The controlling party not perform any modification or change to the vehicle without the priorshould written authorisation. manufacturer’s • • The The controlling controllingparty party should shouldnot not perform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the manufacturer’s prior written authorisation. prior prior written written authorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s • Where authorised modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, • Where authorised modifications have been made, controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, instruction plates, tagsthe or are affixed and/or changed accordingly. warning and maintenance • • Where Where authorised authorised modifications modifications have havebeen been made, made, the thedecals controlling controlling party partyshall shall ensure ensure that thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, warning and maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are affixed and/or changed accordingly. maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance








3 93 9 239 32 2

Contents Contents Operation Operation

Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components.

SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE 3 3fitting could damage grease seals and cause premature Putting more three pumps of greasePAGE inPAGE grease Safety Safety Procedures Procedures

bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation

Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance Parts Parts & Materials & Materials Operator Operator Qualifications Qualifications Caution: Caution: Improper Improperuse useofofthe thevehicle vehicleororthe thelack lackofofproper propermaintenance maintenancemay mayresult resultinindamage damageoror Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the Read check/fill plug and remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just below the bottom of decreased decreased performance. performance. Read and and understand understand the the following following warnings warnings before before attempting attempting totooperate operate the the Cleaning Cleaning the threaded hole. If lubricant is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep vehicle. vehicle. Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated fromWheel hole. Wheel Installation Installation WARNING! WARNING! removed or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. and theTyre oil pan Tyre Inspection Inspection Brakes Brakes To Toreduce reduce the the possibility possibility ofofsevere severe injury injuryorordeath deathresulting resultingfrom fromloss lossofofvehicle vehiclecontrol, control,the thefollowing followingwarnings warnings Periodic Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical (mechanical brakes) brakes) must must be be observed. observed. Lubrication Lubrication Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels • • When When vehicle vehicle isistotobe beleft leftunattended, unattended,engage engagethe thepark parkbrake brake(and (andhand handbrake brakewhen whenfitted) fitted)and andremove removethe the Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement Caution: To reduce possibility of premature bulb do notAlways touch park new bulbs with bare fingers. Never Never park park orthe orleave leave the thevehicle vehicle unattended unattended on onaafailure, hill hillororincline. incline. Always parkon onlevel level ground. ground. key. key. Serial Serial Number Number Location Location EMC Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles Use clean, dry tissue or paper towel to handle glass portion of the bulb. Periodic Periodic Service Service Schedule Schedule

Operator Operatorsafety safetyrules rulesand andpractices practices Checking The Lubricant Level




Owners Guide

Light bulb replacement

• • Depressing Depressingaccelerator acceleratorpedal pedalwill willrelease releasefoot footoperated operatedpark parkbrake brakeand andmay maycause causeinadvertent inadvertentvehicle vehicle For movement. vehicles equipped with head locate bulb socket on backside of light bar and turn bulb socket a quarter movement. Always Always park park on onalight/s alevel levelsurface. surface. Insert new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pullPAGE out bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE 1010 •secure. • Drive Drive vehicle vehicle only only asas fast asasterrain terrainand andsafety safetyconsiderations considerationsallow. allow.Consider Considerthe theterrain terrainand andtraffic trafficconditions conditions Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules &fast Practices & Practices extremely extremely rough roughterrain. terrain.Consider Considerenvironmental environmentalfactors factorsand andthe theability abilitytotocontrol controlthe thevehicle vehicleand and and and avoid avoid Operation Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo the and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To replace Controls Controls &designated &tail Indicators Indicators areas. areas. stay stay inindesignated Keyabove. Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch as per Direction Direction Selector Selector • • Use Use extra extra caution cautionand andreduced reducedspeed speedwhen whendriving drivingon onpoor poorsurfaces, surfaces,such suchasasloose loosedirt, dirt,wet wetgrass, grass,gravel gravel State State of Charge Charge Meter Meterthe driving driving thevehicle vehicleacross acrossan anincline. incline. etc, etc, orof orwhen when Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal Serial plate number location

Combination Combination Brake Brake &be Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal • • All Alltravel travelshould should be directly directly up uporordown downhills. hills.Maintain Maintainaasafe safespeed speedwhen whendriving drivingdown downhill. hill.Use Useservice servicebrake brake Horn Horn travelling travelling down down an an incline. incline. A A sudden sudden stop stop or or change change of of direction direction may may result result in in loss loss ofof to to control control speed speed when when The Canopy serial number and manufacture date code are located on a plate on the passenger side of the dash housing Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield Never Never drive drive vehicle vehicle up, up, down down or or across across an an incline incline that that exceeds exceeds 14 14 degrees degrees (25% (25% grade). grade). control. control. or for 4 and 6 seat models on the rear of the front seat.

•Design • Slow Slow down downbefore before and andduring during turns.AllAll turns turnsshould beexecuted executed atatreduced reduced speed. speed.for the vehicle, the changes take place on an turns. ongoing basis. Inshould orderbe to obtain correct components SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 13 13

serialdo number andthe vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. date General General •manufacturer • To Toprevent prevent loss losscode, ofofcontrol, control, donot notmove move thedirection direction selector selector switch switch while while the thevehicle vehicleisisin inmotion. motion. Moving Movingthe the General General Operation Operation selector selector will will result result in in a a sudden sudden slowing slowing and and severe severe damage damage to to the the vehicle. vehicle. Always Always bring bring vehicle vehicle to to a a complete complete Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items must be serviced more frequently on vehicles used shifting shifting the thedirection direction selector. stop stop before before severe driving conditions suchselector. as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with under BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 1414position maximum load. a • • Make Makesure surethat thatthe thedirection directionselector selectorisisin incorrect correct positionbefore beforeattempting attemptingtotostart startthe thevehicle. vehicle. Battery Battery Safety Safety

Charger Installation Installation • • Do DoCharger not nottake take vehicle vehicleout outofof‘gear’ ‘gear’ ’ while ’ whileininmotion motion(coast). (coast). General General Information Information Periodic service schedule

Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery • • Keep Keep feet, feet, legs, legs, hands hands and andarms armsinside insidevehicle vehicleatatallalltimes. times.AllAlloccupants occupantsmust mustbe beseated seatedwhile whilethe thevehicle vehicleisis Charging Charging Batteries Batteries ininmotion. motion. Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water • • Check Check area area behind behind the thevehicle vehiclebefore beforeoperating operatingininreverse. reverse. Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning • Check service brake Battery Battery Replacement Replacement • • Never Never carry carry more morepeople peoplethan thanthe theallocated allocatedseats. seats. Troubleshooting Troubleshooting • Check park brake function, lock, hold and general operation


Hydrometer Hydrometer

Check hand brake function (if fitted)

• Check warning device function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 1919 Operation Operationand andService ServiceInformation Information Towing Towing

• Check TYRE condition Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling Before Before driving driving the thevehicle, vehicle, we weask askyou youtotospend spendsome sometime timereading readingthis thismaterial. material.This Thisguide guidecontains containsinformation information •thatCheck overall condition assist you youvehicle ininmaintaining maintaining this thishighly highlyreliable reliablevehicle. vehicle.Some Somereferences referencesmay mayapply applytotoitems itemsthat thatare areoptional optional that will willassist available available for for your your vehicle. vehicle. This This guide guide covers covers the the operation operation of of several several models, models, therefore, therefore, some some information information or or not not SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20each 20 days use • Recharge batteries to full state of charge after Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in representyour yourvehicle. vehicle.Physical Physicaldifferences differencesAustralia) inincontrols controls may may apply. may mayStandard not not apply apply to toorormay may notrepresent Australia) reserves reserves the right theapply. right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic -not Classic document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar • Inspect charger connector and receptacle at each charge Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive - Executive changes f o r units f oautomotive r units previously previously sold.sold. Most Most ofof the theservice service procedures procedures ininthis thisguide guidecan canbe beaccomplished accomplishedusing usingchanges common common automotive hand hand tools. tools. Contact Contact Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to servicerepresentative representativeon onservicing servicingthe thevehicle vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe the periodic periodic Service Service Schedule. Schedule. your yourservice change change without without notice. notice. WEEKLY



GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom the use the of use this of material. this material.



Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.

Warranty Warranty •Read TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure. Read this this material material completely completely and and be besure sure you youunderstand understand how howtotooperate operate the thevehicle, vehicle, its itsequipment equipment and andhow howtoto CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA Q&A Q&A use use it it safely. safely. Maintaining Maintaining good good performance performance depends depends to to a a large large extent extent on on the the operator. operator. | PHONE: | PHONE: 1300 1300 73 66 7385 66 85 • Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.

Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

8 2 2810 10

1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260


Vehicle Vehiclecontrols controlsand andindicators indicatorsconsist consistof: of: • • Dash Dashmounted mounted“Power “PowerOn” On”Key Key/ /lights, lights,accessories accessoriesswitch switch(optional, (optional,some somemodels modelsdo donot nothave havelights lightsoror accessories). accessories).*LSV *LSVkey/ignition key/ignitioninincolumn column

Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance

• • Dash Dashmounted mounteddirection directionselector selectorswitch switchForward Forward-Neutral- Neutral - Reverse Reverse (Note: (Note: Neutral Neutral is is the the centre centre position) position) • • Steering SteeringColumn Columnmounted mountedturn turnsignal signalselector. selector.(optional) (optional)(May (Mayincorporate incorporatehorn hornon onsome somemodels) models)


Controls Controlsand andindicators indicators



• • State Stateofofchange changemeter. meter.(Sometimes (Sometimesreferred referredtotoasasbattery batterystatus statusgauge) gauge) • • Accelerator Acceleratorpedal pedal • • Combination Combinationservice serviceand andpark parkbrake brakepedal pedal

Safety Procedures Procedures • Safety • Manual Manual Hand Handbrake. brake.(Optional, (Optional,some somemodels modelsdo donot nothave havemanual manualhand handbrake) brake) The following followingcolumn list listofofsafety safety procedures procedures are aretoto(some be beused used asasa aguide guide only only and and in inno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific • The • Steering Steering column mounted mounted Light Lightswitch. switch. (some models models do donot not have have lights) lights) themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructionsprovided providedbybythe • • Floor Floormounted mountedhorn hornbutton. button.(Some (Somemodels modelshorn hornisisoperated operatedbybypulling pullingback backon onturn turnsignal signalselector) selector) Always: Always: • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’speriodic periodicservice serviceschedule. schedule.

Key/accessories Key/accessoriesswitch switch

• • Ensure Ensurerepairs repairsare areonly onlyperformed performedbybypersons personstrained trainedand andqualified qualifiedtotodo doso. so. Located Locatedon onthe thedash dashpanel, panel,this thisswitch switchenables enablesthe thebasic basicelectrical electricalsystem systemofofthe thevehicle vehicletotobe beturned turnedon onand andoff off •by •byturning Check Check the the polarity polarity of ofeach each battery batteryterminal terminal and andensure ensure the thebatteries batteries are are re-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly. prevent inadvertent inadvertent operation operation of ofthe thevehicle vehicle when whenleft left unattended, unattended, the thekey keyshould shouldbe beturned turned turning the the key. key. To Toprevent the ‘OFF’ ‘OFF’ position position and and removed. removed. parts. •to•tothe Only Only use use genuine genuine replacement replacement parts.


vehicle vehicle isrecommended isrecommended equipped equippedwith with lights, lights, the thekey key switch switch has hasaasecond second “On” “On”position position to to allow allow lights lights and andaccessories accessoriestoto the •If•Ifthe Only Only use use tools. tools. This This includes includes insulated insulated tools toolswhen when working working in in or oraround around batteries. batteries. be bepowered. powered. • • Support Supportthe thevehicle vehicleusing usingwheel wheelchocks chocksand andjack jackstands. stands.Never Neverget getunder underaavehicle vehiclethat thatisissupported supportedby byaa the the Note: Note: If If the the vehicle vehicle is is equipped equipped with with factory factory installed installed custom custom accessories, accessories, some some accessories accessories require require vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle key keytotobe beswitched switchedtotothe thesecond second“on” “on”position positionfor forthe theaccessories accessoriestotooperate. operate. • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking. • • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated.

Direction DirectionSelector Selector

• • Test Testdrive drivethe thevehicle vehicleafter afterany anymaintenance maintenanceororrepairs. repairs.AllAlltests testsmust mustbe beconducted conductedbybyaaqualified, qualified,trained trained WARNING! WARNING! safearea areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and andauthorised authorisedperson personininaasafe


prevent loss lossofofcontrol control and andoror damage damage totothe thevehicle vehicle do donot notmove move the the direction direction switch switch while the thevehicle vehicle isisinin •To •Toprevent All Allmaintenance maintenance and andrepairs repairs must must bebeperformed performed bybyqualified qualified persons persons with with the theskills skills and andwhile experience experience totorecognize recognize Motion. Motion. Moving Moving the theselector selector can canresult result inprotect inprotect sudden sudden slowing slowingofof the thevehicle vehicle and and severe severe damage damage toin to the theelectronics. electronics. and and themselves themselves from from situations situations that that could could result resultin damage damage totothe thevehicle vehicle potential potential hazards hazards and/or and/ordanger danger severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. Always Always use use extreme extreme caution. caution. or or Caution: Caution:To Toreduce reducethe thepossibility possibilityofofcomponent componentdamage, damage,the thevehicle vehiclemust mustbe becompletely completelystopped stoppedbefore before


the the direction directionselector. selector. •moving •moving Follow Follow manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions instructionstotoimmobilize immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance.

on on the thedash dash panel, panel, this thisswitch switch permits permits the the selection selectionofofeither either‘F’‘F’(forward), (forward),‘R’ ‘R’(reverse) (reverse)ororneutral neutral(the (the •Located •Located Block Block chassis chassis before before working working underneath underneath golf golf vehicle. vehicle. position positionbetween betweenforward forwardand andreverse) reverse) • • Avoid Avoidfire firehazards hazardsand andhave havefire fireprotection protectionavailable. available. NOTE: NOTE:The Thevehicle vehiclewill willnot notoperate operatewhen whenswitched switchedtotoneutral neutralposition. position. • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electricalsystem systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa battery batterywire. wire.

State Stateofofcharge chargemeter meter

•Located •Located Brakes, Brakes, steering steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices, governors governors and andallallof other other safety safety devices devices should should be be on onthe the dash, dash, the thestate stateofofchange change meter meter indicates indicates the theamount amount of useable useable power power ininthe the batteries. batteries. maintainedtotoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspectedand andmaintained NOTE: NOTE:The Thestate stateofofcharge chargemeter meterdoes doesnot notnecessarily necessarilydisplay displaythe theremaining remainingrange rangeorordistance distancethe thevehicle vehicle •will •willtravel All Allmaintenance maintenance should shouldbebeis recorded recorded ininaFor alog logbook book inindate date order. The Thename name ofofthe theperson person performing the the50%. travel before beforeaarecharge recharge is required. required. For example, example, iforder. ifbatteries batteries are aredischarged discharged by byperforming approximately approximately 50%. maintenance maintenance and andthe the maintenance maintenance performed performed should should also also be berecorded. recorded. Depending Depending on onbattery battery condition condition and andother other factors factors the thetime time required required totofully fullyrecharge rechargethe thebatteries batteriesmay maybe be 8 8 hours hours but but if if the the batteries batteries are are only only charged charged for for 2 2 hours hours the the state state of of charge charge meter meter may may well well indicate indicate fully fully • • The Themaintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof charged charged batteries. batteries.InInthis thiscase casewhen whenthe thevehicle vehicleisisoperated operatedthe thebattery batterymeter meterwill willdrop dropvery veryquickly quicklytoto entries. entries. indicate indicatethe thelower lowerstate stateofofcharge. charge.The Thestate stateofofcharge chargemeter metershould shouldbe beconsidered consideredaaguide guideonly, only,and andnot not •relied •relied AllAllupon name nameas plates, plates, warning warningand and instructions instructions supplied supplied by bythe themanufacturer manufacturer shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible upon as aaremaining remaining range range oror“distance “distance totoempty” empty” indicator. indicator. should 33 condition. condition. The Thestate stateofofcharge chargemeter meteralso alsooperates operatesasasaafault faultidentification identificationdisplay. display.When Whenthe theonboard onboardcomputer computer(The (TheCurtis Curtis • • The Thecontrolling controllingparty partyshould shouldnot notperform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the Controller) Controller)detects detectsaafault faultaafault faultcode codewill willbe bedisplayed displayedon onthe thebattery batterystate stateofofcharge chargemeter. meter.The Thefault faultcode codemay may priorwritten writtenauthorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sprior seriesofofoff/on off/onororalternating alternatingblinking blinkinglights. lights.IfIfaafault faultcode codeisisdisplayed, displayed,for forexample examplethe thetop topand andthe thebottom bottom be beaaseries • light • Where Where authorised authorised modifications modifications have have been been made, the controlling controlling party party shall shall ensure ensure that that capacity, capacity, operation, operation, pause. pause.Call Call your your selling selling dealer dealer oror service serviceagent. agent. light bar barblink blink on on33times times then thenpause pause and andthen then 3made, 3times timesthe then then maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance





11 11 332

Contents Contents

Vehicle controls of: WARNING! Caution: Do not and use indicators more thanconsist three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause grease seals to fail “Power or grease migration into areas that switch could damage • Dash mounted On” Key / lights, accessories (optional, some models dothe notvehicle have lights or Unintentional movement of the accelerator pedal will release the park brakecomponents. and may cause to move

SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &result MAINTENANCE PAGE 3the3fitting accessories). *LSV key/ignition in column in severe injury death. With key switch ‘ON’, depressing the accelerator pedal starts the which could Putting more than three pumps ofor grease inPAGE grease could damage grease seals and cause premature

Safety Safety Procedures Procedures motor and if the direction switch is set to either forward or reverse the vehicle will move in that direction. When the bearing failure. • Ventilation Dash mounted direction selector switch Forward-Neutral- Reverse (Note: Neutral is the centre position) Ventilation released, the motor will stop. Depress the service brake to stop the vehicle. pedalPreventative isPreventative Maintenance Maintenance • Parts Steering Column mounted turn signal selector. (optional) (May incorporate horn on some models) Parts & Materials & Materials If theOperator key switch is ‘ON’ and park brake is set, depressing the accelerator inadvertently will release the park brake Operator • will State of change meter. (Sometimes referred to assevere batteryinjury status to move which could cause or gauge) death., and cause the vehicle Qualifications Qualifications Personnel Personnel Clean the area around andthe remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just to below thethe bottom of • Accelerator pedal the check/fill Depressing the accelerator pedal willplug release park brake if it is engaged. This is a feature assure vehicle Cleaning Cleaning is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep the threaded hole. If lubricant driven with the park brake engaged. is not Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle • Lifting Combination service and plug. park brake pedal that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated Install the check/fill In the event from hole. Wheel Wheel Installation Installation Note: If the vehicle is fitted with a manual hand do brake this willhand remain engaged even when the removed or the oil siphoned through the hole. and the oil pan Tyre Inspection Inspection • Tyre Manual Hand brake. (Optional, some models notcheck/fill havebrake manual brake) accelerator pedal is depressed. Driving or attempting to drive the vehicle while the hand brake is on will Brakes Brakes Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical (mechanical brakes) • Periodic Steering column mounted Light switch. (some models not have cause serious damage to the brakes) vehicle. Always release thedo hand brakelights) before driving.



Accelerator pedal Controls and indicators Lubrication

Checking The Lubricant Level

Owners Guide

Lubrication Lubrication Light bulb replacement • Checking Floor mounted horn Levels button. Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels(Some models horn is operated by pulling back on turn signal selector) Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement Caution: ToNumber reduce the possibility premature bulb pedal failure, do not touch new bulbs with bare fingers. Combination brake andofpark brake Serial Serial Number Location Location EMC Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles Use clean, dry tissue or paper towel to handle glass portion of the bulb. Periodic Periodic Service Service Schedule Schedule Key/accessories switch The brake pedal incorporates a park brake feature. To engage the park brake, push down on the upper section of

Forpedal vehicles equipped with head light/s socket when on backside of light bar andisturn bulb socket a quarter The parklocate brakebulb will release the system accelerator pedal depressed. the until it locks place. Located on clockwise the dash in panel, this switch enables the basicnew electrical of socket the vehicle to be turn turned on and off Insert bulb and rotate a quarter clockwise to turn counter to unlock and pull out bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE PAGE 1010of the vehicle when left unattended, the key should prevent inadvertent operation be turned by turning the key. To secure. Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices *Pullup handbrake fitted on some models. to the ‘OFF’ position and Operation Operation &Service &Service Info Inforemoved. the and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To replace Controls Controls & Indicators &tail Indicators vehicle is equipped If the Key Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switchwith lights, the key switch has a second “On” position to allow lights and accessories to as per above. be powered. Direction Direction Selector Selector


State State of Charge of Charge Meter Meter

the Note: If is the vehicle is equipped factory custom accessories, accessories requireback The horn operated pushing thewith horn buttoninstalled located on the floor to the left ofsome the brake pedal or pulling Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedalby key toturn be signal switched second “on” position the accessories operate. Combination Combination Brake Brake & to Brake & the Brake Pedal Pedal blinker stalk. (Depending on model)for (Horn not fitted to alltomodels) on the

Serial plate number location Horn Horn

The Canopy serial number and manufacture date code are located on a plate on the passenger side of the dash housing Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield or for 4 and 6 seat models on the rear of the front seat.

Direction Selector Sun top canopy and windshield

Design changes take place on an ongoing basis. In13 order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 13 WARNING!

WARNING! manufacturer General General date code, serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. General General Operation Operation

To The prevent of control damage to the vehicle not move switch while the vehicle is in •Caution: sun top canopy (if and fitted) does not provide protection from roll the overdirection or falling objects. To loss prolong vehicle life,or some maintenance itemsdo must be serviced more frequently on vehicles used Motion. Moving the selector can result in sudden slowing of the vehicle and severe damage to the electronics. drivingdoes conditions suchprotection as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with •under Thesevere windshield not provide from tree limbs or flying objects. BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 14 14 maximumToload. aCaution: reduce the possibility of component damage, the vehicle must be completely stopped before Battery Battery Safety Safety • moving The sun top canopyselector. and windshield provide some protection from the elements; however, they will not keep theInstallation direction Charger Charger Installation the operator and passenger dry in a downpour. The sun top does not provide protection from falling objects General General Information Located onInformation the dash panel,protect this switch permits selection either ‘F’ Keep (forward), (reverse) or neutral (the windshield against flyingthe objects and of tree limbs. arms‘R’ and legs inside of vehicle nor does the Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery position between forward and reverse) while it is moving. Charging Charging Batteries Batteries

Periodic service schedule Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance

NOTE: The vehicle willinflation. not operate when switched to neutral position. DAILY/BEFORE USE: Check for correct TYRE See GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. (18 – 22 psi) Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water

Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning • Check service brake Determine and record braking distance required to stop vehicle for future brake performance tests. Battery Battery Replacement Replacement

State of charge meter

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting • Check brake function, lock,that hold and general operation Remove thepark protective clear plastic, protects the seat bottom and back rest during shipping, before placing Hydrometer Hydrometer vehicle in service. the •Located Checkonhand brake the function the dash, state(ifoffitted) change meter indicates the amount of useable power in the batteries. 9

•NOTE: Check warning device function reverse The state of charge meterindoes not necessarily display the remaining range or distance the vehicle TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 1919 Towing will Towing travel before a recharge is required. For example, if batteries are discharged by approximately 50%. • Check TYRE conditionHauling Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Depending onTransporting, batteryHauling condition and other factors the time required to fully recharge the batteries may be •8 hours Checkbut overall condition if thevehicle batteries are only charged for 2 hours the state of charge meter may well indicate fully charged batteries. In this case thePAGE vehicle meter will drop very quickly to SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 20each 20is operated • Recharge batteries to full statewhen of charge after days use the battery Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in indicate theEquipment lower state of charge. The state of charge meter should be considered only, and not Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to a make toguide make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment - Classic - Classic document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar •relied Inspect connector and receptacle at each chargeindicator. Standard Standard Equipment - Executive - Executive uponcharger asEquipment a remaining range or “distance to empty” changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite

The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to change change without without notice. notice.

The state of charge meter also operates as a fault identification display. When the onboard computer (The Curtis GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or WEEKLY Controller) detects a fault a fault code will be displayed of charge meter. The code may for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that fault that may may result result fromfrom WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 2323 on the battery state the use the of use this of material. this material. series of off/on or alternating blinking lights. If a fault code is displayed, for example the top and the bottom be a Warranty Warranty • TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure. CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA Q&A your selling dealer or service agent. lightQ&A bar blink on 3 times then pause and then 3 times then pause. Call CUSTOMER | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 • Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.


Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

8 2 2812 12


Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.

1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260

12 11

Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance

To Toreduce reducethe thechance chanceofofpersonal personalinjury injuryororproperty propertydamage, damage,the thefollowing followingmust mustbe befully fullyobserved: observed: To Toreduce reducethe thechance chanceofofpersonal personalinjury injuryororproperty propertydamage, damage,the thefollowing followingmust mustbe befully fullyobserved: observed:

General General General General • • Many Manyvehicles vehiclesare areused usedfor foraavariety varietyofoftasks tasksbeyond beyondthe theintended intendeduse useofofthe thevehicle; vehicle;therefore, therefore,it itisisimpossible impossible • • Many Manyvehicles vehiclesare areused usedfor foraavariety varietyofoftasks tasksbeyond beyondthe theintended intendeduse useofofthe thevehicle; vehicle;therefore, therefore,it itisisimpossible impossible anticipateand andwarn warnagainst againstevery everypossible possiblecombination combinationofofcircumstances circumstancesthat thatmay mayoccur. occur.No Nowarnings warningscan can totoanticipate anticipateand andwarn warnagainst againstevery everypossible possiblecombination combinationofofcircumstances circumstancesthat thatmay mayoccur. occur.No Nowarnings warningscan can totoanticipate senseand andprudent prudentdriving drivingpractises. practises. take takethe theplace placeofofgood goodcommon commonsense senseand andprudent prudentdriving drivingpractises. practises. take takethe theplace placeofofgood goodcommon commonsense • • Good Goodcommon commonsense senseand andprudent prudentdriving drivingpractises practisesdo domore moretotoprevent preventaccidents accidentsand andinjury injurythan thanallallofofthe the • • Good Goodcommon commonsense senseand andprudent prudentdriving drivingpractises practisesdo domore moretotoprevent preventaccidents accidentsand andinjury injurythan thanallallofofthe the instructionscombined. combined.The Themanufacturer manufacturerstrongly stronglysuggests suggeststhat thatallallusers usersand andmaintenance maintenance warnings warningsand andinstructions instructionscombined. combined.The Themanufacturer manufacturerstrongly stronglysuggests suggeststhat thatallallusers usersand andmaintenance maintenance warnings warningsand andinstructions entire material material paying paying particular attention toto the thein cautions cautions and and warnings warnings contained contained therein. personnel personnel read read this thisentire The Thefollowing following list list of ofsafety safety procedures procedures are are totobe beparticular used usedasasa aattention guide guideonly only and and in no noway way supersede supersede any any specific specifictherein. entire material material paying paying particular particular attention attention toto the thecautions cautions and and warnings warnings contained contained therein. therein. personnel personnel read read this thisentire themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions provided provided by bythe •instructions • IfIfyou youhave have any anyquestions questions regarding regardingthis thisvehicle, vehicle,contact contactyour yourselling sellingdealer, dealer,nearest nearestservice serviceagent agentororwrite writetoto • • IfIfyou youhave haveany anyquestions questionsregarding regardingthis thisvehicle, vehicle,contact contactyour yourselling sellingdealer, dealer,nearest nearestservice serviceagent agentororwrite writetoto EMC EMCCustomer Customerservice serviceatatthe theaddress addressabove. above. Always: Always: EMC EMCCustomer Customerservice serviceatatthe theaddress addressabove. above. EMC EMCreserves reserves the theright totomake makedesign design changes changes without withoutobligation obligation to tomake make these thesechanges changeson onunits unitspreviously previously •••••• Maintain Maintain the thevehicle vehicle inright inaccordance accordance with withthe the manufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodic periodicservice service schedule. schedule. EMC EMCreserves reserves the theright right totomake makedesign design changes changes without withoutobligation obligation to tomake make these thesechanges changeson onunits unitspreviously previously sold soldand andthe theinformation informationcontained containedininthis thismaterial materialisissubject subjecttotochange changewithout withoutnotice. notice. sold soldand and the theinformation information contained contained inin this thismaterial material isissubject subject totochange change without without notice. • • Ensure Ensure repairs repairs are areonly onlyperformed performed byby persons persons trained trained and andqualified qualified totodo do so. so. notice. • • EMC EMCisisnot notliable liablefor forerrors errorsininthis thismaterial materialororfor forincidental incidentalororconsequential consequentialdamages damagesthat thatresult resultfrom fromthe theuse use EMC EMCisthe isthe not not liable liablefor errors errors in inthis thisterminal material materialand orand orfor for incidental incidental or consequential consequential damages damages that thatresult resultfrom fromthe theuse use •••• Check Check polarity polarity offor ofeach each battery battery terminal ensure ensure the theor batteries batteries are arere-wired re-wired correctly. correctly. ofofthe thematerial. material. ofofthe thematerial. material. • • Only Onlyuse usegenuine genuinereplacement replacementparts. parts. • • These Thesevehicles vehiclesare aredesigned designedand andmanufactured manufacturedfor foroff-road off-roaduse. use.They Theydo donot notconform conformtotoAustralian AustralianMotor Motor • • These Thesevehicles vehiclesare aredesigned designedand andmanufactured manufacturedfor foroff-road off-roaduse. use.They Theydo donot notconform conformtotoAustralian AustralianMotor Motor Vehicle Vehicle Safety Safety Standards Standards and andare are not not equipped equipped for foroperation operation on onpublic public streets. streets. States States and andTerritories Territories • • Only Only use use recommended recommended tools. tools. This This includes includes insulated insulated tools toolswhen when working working ininorSome orSome around around batteries. batteries. Vehicle VehicleSafety SafetyStandards Standardsand andare arenot notequipped equippedfor foroperation operationon onpublic publicstreets. streets.Some SomeStates Statesand andTerritories Territories vehiclestotobe beoperated operatedon ontheir theirstreets streetson onaalimited limitedbasis basisand andininaccordance accordancewith withlocal local may maypermit permitthese thesevehicles vehicles totobe be operated operated on on their their streets streets on onaalimited limited basis basis and andininaccordance accordance with withlocal local may maypermit permit these thesevehicles • • Support Support the thevehicle vehicle using usingwheel wheel chocks chocks and and jack jack stands. stands. Never Never get getunder under aavehicle vehicle that thatisissupported supported by byaa rulesand andregulations. regulations. laws, laws,rules rules rules and and regulations. regulations. laws, laws, vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle • • With Withelectrically electricallypowered poweredvehicles, vehicles,be besure surethat thatallallelectrical electricalaccessories accessoriesare aregrounded groundeddirectly directlytotothe thebattery battery With Withelectrically electrically powered powered vehicles, vehicles, be be sure sure that thatallallelectrical electrical accessories accessories are are grounded grounded directlytotothe thebattery battery •••• Maintain Maintain the thevehicle vehicle ininan anarea area away away from from exposed exposed flame flameororpersons persons who who are are smoking. smoking.directly (-)(-)post. post.Never Neveruse usethe thechassis chassisororbody bodyasasaaground groundconnection. connection. (-)(-)post. post.Never Neveruse usethe thechassis chassisororbody bodyasasaaground groundconnection. connection. • • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated. • • Never Nevermodify modifyvehicle vehicleininany anyway waythat thatwill willalter alterthe theweight weightdistribution distributionofofthe thevehicle, vehicle,decrease decreaseitsitsstability stabilityoror Never Never modify modify vehicle vehicle inafter inany any way way that thatwill will alter alter the weight weight distribution distribution of the the vehicle, vehicle, decrease decrease itsitsstability stability orororor •••• Test Test drive drive the the vehicle vehicle after any any maintenance maintenance ororthe repairs. repairs. AllAll tests tests must mustof be be conducted conducted by byaaqualified, qualified, trained trained increase increase the the speed speed beyond beyond the the factory factory specification. specification. Such Such modifications modifications can can cause cause serious serious personal personal injury injury increase increase the the speed speed beyond beyond the the factory factory specification. specification. Such Such modifications modifications can can cause cause serious serious personal personal injury injury oror safearea areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and and authorised authorisedperson personininaasafe death. death. death. death. Modifications Modifications that that increase increase the speed speed and/or and/orweight weight ofofthe thepersons vehicle vehiclewill will extend extend the the stopping stopping distance distance and and • • All All maintenance maintenance and and repairs repairsthe must must bebeperformed performed bybyqualified qualified persons with with the theskills skills and and experience experience totorecognize recognize • • Modifications Modificationsthat thatincrease increasethe thespeed speedand/or and/orweight weightofofthe thevehicle vehiclewill willextend extendthe thestopping stoppingdistance distanceand and stability of ofthe thevehicle. vehicle. Do Donot not make makeany any such such modifications modifications or orchanges. changes. The manufacturer manufacturer may mayreduce reduce the thestability and andprotect protect themselves themselves from from situations situations that thatcould could result resultinThe indamage damage totothe thevehicle vehicle potential potential hazards hazards and/or and/ordanger danger stabilityofofthe thevehicle. vehicle.Do Donot notmake makeany anysuch suchmodifications modificationsororchanges. changes.The Themanufacturer manufacturer may mayreduce reducethe thestability disclaims disclaims responsibility responsibility for forany any such such modifications modifications otheralteration, alteration,which whichwould wouldadversely adversely prohibits prohibits and severe severeand personal personal injury injury or ordeath. death.Always Always use use extreme extreme caution. caution.ororother or or disclaimsresponsibility responsibilityfor forany anysuch suchmodifications modificationsororother otheralteration, alteration,which whichwould wouldadversely adversely prohibits prohibitsand anddisclaims safetyofofthe thevehicle. vehicle. affect affectthe thesafety safety safetyofofthe the vehicle. vehicle. totoimmobilize affect affectthe the • • Follow Follow manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions instructions immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. • • Vehicles Vehiclesthat thatare arecapable capableofofhigher higherspeeds speedsmust mustlimit limittheir theirspeed speedtotono nomore morethan thanthe thespeed speedofofother othervehicles vehicles Vehicles Vehicles that thatare are capable capable ofofhigher higher speeds speeds must must limit limittheir theirspeed speedtotono nomore morethan thanthe thespeed speedofofother othervehicles vehicles • • Block Block chassis chassis before before working working underneath underneath golf golf vehicle. vehicle. environment.Additionally, Additionally,speed speedshould shouldbe befurther furthermoderated moderatedby bythe theenvironmental environmental when whenused usedininthe thesame sameenvironment. environment.Additionally, Additionally,speed speedshould shouldbe befurther furthermoderated moderatedby bythe theenvironmental environmental when whenused usedininthe thesame sameenvironment. • • Avoid Avoid fire firehazards hazards and have fire fireprotection protection available. terrain terrainand and andhave common common sense. sense. available. conditions, conditions, terrainand andcommon commonsense. sense. conditions, conditions,terrain • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electricalsystem systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the General General Operation Operation instructions. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. Disabling Disabling includes includes removing removing the the key key from from the the switch switch and and disconnecting disconnecting aa General GeneralOperation Operation battery battery wire. wire. Always Always: : Always Always: : • • Brakes, Brakes,steering steeringmechanisms, mechanisms,warning warningdevices, devices,governors governorsand andallallother othersafety safetydevices devicesshould shouldbe be maintainedtotoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspectedand andmaintained  Read Readand andobserve observed all all warnings warnings and and operation operation instruction instruction labels labels affixed affixed to the to the vehicle. vehicle. • • All Read Read and and observe observed all all warnings warnings and and operation operation instruction instruction labels labels affixed affixed to the to the vehicle. vehicle. Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson person performing performingthe the   maintenance Follow Follow all all safety safety rules rules in in the the area area where where the the vehicle vehicle is is being being operated. operated. and and the themaintenance maintenance performed performed should should also alsobe beis recorded. recorded.   maintenance Follow Followallall safety safety rules rulesininthe thearea area where where the thevehicle vehicle is being beingoperated. operated. • • The Reduce Reduce speed speed totocompensate compensate for forpoor poorterrain terrain oror conditions. conditions. maintenance maintenance manager manager should shouldperiodically periodically inspect inspect the the maintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof   TheReduce Reduce speed speed totocompensate compensate for forpoor poorterrain terrain oror conditions. conditions. entries.   entries. Apply Applyservice servicebrake brake to control to control speed speed on on steep steep grades. grades.  Apply Applyservice servicebrake brake to control to control speed speed on on steep steep grades. grades. name plates, plates, warning warning and andinstructions instructions supplied supplied bybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible • • AllAllname Maintain Maintain adequate adequate distance distance between between vehicles. vehicles.  Maintain Maintainadequate adequatedistance distancebetween betweenvehicles. vehicles. 33 condition. condition.  Reduce Reducespeed speedininwet wetareas. areas.  Reduce Reducespeed speedininwet wetareas. areas. •  • The TheUse controlling controlling party party should should not notperform perform any anymodification modification orchange change totothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the Useextreme extremecaution caution when when approaching approaching sharp sharp or blind ororblind turns. turns.   manufacturer’s Use Useextreme extreme caution caution when when approaching approaching sharp sharp or blind or blind turns. turns. prior prior written written authorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s  Use Useextreme extremecaution caution when when driving driving over over loose loose terrain. terrain. • • Where Use Use extreme extremecaution caution when when driving driving over over loose loose terrain. terrain. Where authorised authorised modifications modifications have have been been made, made, the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation,   warning Use Use extreme extreme caution caution in areas in areas where where pedestrians pedestrians are present. are present. maintenance maintenance instruction instruction plates, plates, tags tags or or decals decals are are affixed affixed and/or and/or changed changed accordingly. accordingly. warning and and  Use Useextreme extremecaution caution in areas in areas where where pedestrians pedestrians are present. are present.


Safety Safety Information Information



Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures








13 13 13 13 332


Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components.

SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE 3 3fitting could damage grease seals and cause premature Putting more three pumps of greasePAGE inPAGE grease

Battery Battery Safety Safety Safety Safety Procedures Procedures Battery Battery Safety Safety bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation

WARNING! WARNING! Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance WARNING! WARNING!


Batteries Batteries Contents Contents Parts Parts & Materials & Materials

To Toprevent prevent battery batteryexplosion explosionthat thatcould couldresult resultininsevere severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath, death,keep keepallallsmoking smokingmaterials, materials,open open Operator Operator To Toprevent prevent battery batteryexplosion explosionthat thatcould couldresult resultininsevere severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath, death,keep keepallallsmoking smokingmaterials, materials,open open flame flame or or sparks sparks away away from from the the batteries. batteries. Qualifications Qualifications flame flame or or sparks sparks away away from from the the batteries. batteries. Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just below the bottom of • • Hydrogen Hydrogen gasisisgenerated generatedasasaanatural naturalpart partofofthe thelead leadacid acidbattery batterycharging chargingprocess. process.AA4% 4%concentration concentrationofof Cleaning Cleaning gas •the • Hydrogen Hydrogen gas gasis generated generated asaanatural natural part partofof the the lead leadacid acid battery battery charging charging process. AA4% 4%starts concentration concentration is as low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowlyprocess. until lubricant to seep ofof threaded hole. Ifislubricant Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle explosiveand andcould couldcause causesevere severeinjury injuryorordeath. death.Charging Chargingmust musttake takeplace placeininan anarea areathat thatisis hydrogen hydrogen gas gas isisexplosive explosive explosive and and could could cause cause severe severe injury injury or or death. death. Charging Charging must must take take place place in in an an area areathat thatisis hydrogen hydrogen gas gas is is Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated fromWheel hole. Wheel Installation Installation adequately adequately ventilated ventilated(minimum (minimumofof55air airexchanges exchangesper perhour). hour). adequately ventilated ventilated (minimum (minimum of of 5 5 air air exchanges exchanges per per hour). hour). removed or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. andadequately the oil pan TyreTyre Inspection Inspection Brakes Brakes • • To Toreduce reducethe thechance chanceofofbattery batteryexplosion explosionthat thatcould couldresult resultininsevere severeinjury injuryorordeath, death,never neversmoke smokearound aroundoror • • To Toreduce reduce the the chance chance ofofbattery battery explosion explosionthat thatcould couldresult resultininsevere severeinjury injuryorordeath, death,never neversmoke smokearound aroundoror Periodic Periodic Brake Brake Test Test (mechanical (mechanical brakes) charge charge batteries batteries in inan anarea areabrakes) that that has hasan anopen openflame flameororelectrical electricalequipment equipmentthat thatcould couldcause causeand andelectrical electricalarc. arc. charge charge batteries batteriesininan anarea areathat thathas hasan anopen openflame flameororelectrical electricalequipment equipmentthat thatcould couldcause causeand andelectrical electricalarc. arc. Lubrication Lubrication Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels • • Vehicle Vehicle batteries batteries must must be be fully fullycharged chargedbefore beforeinitial initialuse. use. • • Vehicle Vehicle batteries batteries must mustbe befully fullycharged chargedbefore beforeinitial initialuse. use. Light Light Bulb Replacement Replacement ToBulb reduce the possibility premature bulb failure, doare not touchoff new bulbs with work bare fingers. Serial Number Number Location •Caution: • Be BeSerial sure sure that thatLocation the the key keyswitch switchisisoff offof and and allallelectrical electrical accessories accessories are turned turned off before before starting starting workon onthe the •Use • Be BePeriodic sure sure that that the the key key switch isoff offand and allelectrical electrical accessories accessories are turned offbefore beforestarting startingwork workon onthe the clean, dry tissue orswitch paperistowel to all handle glass portion ofare theturned bulb. off Periodic Service Service Schedule Schedule vehicle. vehicle. vehicle. vehicle. vehicles equippedawith head light/s locate bulb socket on backside of light bar and turn bulb socket a quarter •For • Never Neverdisconnect disconnect acircuit circuit under under load load atataabattery battery terminal. terminal. • • Never Never disconnect disconnect a a circuit circuit under under load load at at a a battery battery terminal. terminal. Insert new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE PAGE 1010 •secure. • Batteries Batteries are are heavy. heavy. Use Use proper properlifting liftingtechniques techniqueswhen whenmoving movingthem. them.Always Alwaysliftliftthe thebattery batterywith withaa Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices • • Batteries Batteriesare areheavy. heavy.Use Useproper properlifting liftingtechniques techniqueswhen whenmoving movingthem. them.Always Alwaysliftliftthe thebattery batterywith withaa Operation Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo battery commercially commercially available available batterylifting liftingdevice. device.Use Usecaution cautionnot nottototiptipbatteries batterieswhen whenremoving removingororinstalling installingthem; them; commercially commercially available available battery battery lifting lifting device. device. Use Use caution caution not not to to tip tip batteries batteries when when removing removing or or installing installingthem; them; the and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To replace Controls Controls &electrolyte &tail Indicators Indicators spilled spilled electrolyte can cancause causeburns burnsand anddamage. damage. spilled spilled electrolyte electrolyte can can cause cause burns burns and and damage. damage. Key Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch as per above. Direction Direction Selector Selector • • The The electrolyte electrolyte ininaastorage storagebattery batteryisisan anacid acidsolution solutionwhich whichcan cancause causesevere severeburns burnstotothe theskin skinand andeyes. eyes. • • The The electrolyte electrolyte inMeter inaastorage storagebattery batteryisisan anacid acidsolution solutionwhich whichcan cancause causesevere severeburns burnstotothe theskin skinand andeyes. eyes. State State of of Charge Charge Meter Treat Treat allall electrolyte electrolyte spills spillstotothe thebody bodyand andeyes eyeswith withextended extendedflushing flushingwith withclear clearwater. water.Contact Contactaaphysician physician Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal spills Treat Treat allallelectrolyte electrolyte spillstotothe thebody bodyand andeyes eyeswith withextended extendedflushing flushingwith withclear clearwater. water.Contact Contactaaphysician physician immediately. immediately. Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal immediately. immediately. Horn Horn •The • Always Always wear wear aWindshield a safety safety shield shieldororapproved approved safety safety goggles goggles when when adding adding water water ororcharging charging batteries. serial number and manufacture date code are located on a plate on the passenger sidebatteries. of the dash housing Canopy Canopy Roof Roof &a & Windshield • • Always Always wear wear a safety safety shield shieldororapproved approved safety safety goggles goggles when when adding adding water water ororcharging charging batteries. batteries. rear of the front seat. or for 4 and 6 seat models on the • • Any Anyelectrolyte electrolytespills spillsshould shouldbe beneutralised neutralisedwith withaasolution solutionofof¼¼cup cup(160ml) (160ml)sodium sodiumbicarbonate bicarbonate(baking (bakingsoda) soda) • • Any Anyelectrolyte electrolytespills spillsshould shouldbe beneutralised neutralisedwith withaasolution solutionofof¼¼cup cup(160ml) (160ml)sodium sodiumbicarbonate bicarbonate(baking (bakingsoda) soda) dissolved dissolved in in 6 6 litres litres of of water water and and flushed flushed with with water. water. Design changes take place on an ongoing basis. In order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 13 13 dissolved dissolvedinin6 6litres litresofofwater waterand andflushed flushed with with water. water. serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. date code, General General batteries •manufacturer • Overfilling Overfilling batteries may may result result ininelectrolyte electrolyte being being expelled expelled from from the thebattery battery during during the thecharge charge cycle. cycle. Expelled Expelled • • Overfilling Overfilling batteries batteriesmay mayresult resultininelectrolyte electrolytebeing beingexpelled expelledfrom fromthe thebattery batteryduring duringthe thecharge chargecycle. cycle.Expelled Expelled General General Operation Operation electrolyte electrolyte may maycause causedamage damage totothe thevehicle vehicleand and storage storage facility. facility. Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items must be serviced more frequently on vehicles used electrolyte electrolytemay maycause causedamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicleand andstorage storagefacility. facility. severe driving conditions such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with •under • Aerosol Aerosol containers containers ofofbattery battery terminal terminal protectant protectant must mustbe beused used with withextreme extremecaution. caution. Insulate Insulate metal metalcontainer container •a•maximum Aerosol Aerosolcontainers containersofofbattery batteryterminal terminal protectant protectant must mustbe beused usedwith withextreme extremecaution. caution.Insulate Insulatemetal metalcontainer container BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 14 14 load. prevent can canfrom fromconducting conductingbattery batteryterminals terminalswhich whichcould couldresult resultininan anexplosion. explosion. to toprevent Battery Battery Safety Safety prevent can canfrom fromconducting conductingbattery batteryterminals terminalswhich whichcould couldresult resultininan anexplosion. explosion. to toprevent Charger Charger Installation Installation • • Wrap Wrapwrenches wrencheswith withvinyl vinyltape tapetotoprevent preventthe thepossibility possibilityofofaadropped droppedwrench wrenchfrom fromshorting shortingout outaabattery, battery, • • Wrap Wrap wrenches wrenches with withvinyl vinyltape tapetotoprevent preventthe thepossibility possibilityofofaadropped droppedwrench wrenchfrom fromshorting shortingout outaabattery, battery, General General Information Information result result in in an an explosion explosion and and severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. which which could could Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery result result in inan anexplosion explosionand andsevere severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath. death. which which could could

Checking The Lubricant Level

Light bulb replacement

Serial plate number location

Periodic service schedule Charging Charging Batteries Batteries Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance

DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water

Charger Charger Installation Installation (Not (Notapplicable applicablefor foroptional optionalonboard onboardcharger) charger) Charger Installation Installation (Not (Notapplicable applicablefor foroptional optionalonboard onboardcharger) charger) Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning •Charger Check service brake Battery Battery Replacement Replacement WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Troubleshooting Troubleshooting •WARNING! Check park brake function, lock, hold and general operation

Hydrometer Hydrometer To Toprevent prevent overheating overheatingthat thatmay maycause causeserious seriousdamage damagetotothe thecharger chargerand andcreate createthe thepotential potentialfor forfire, fire,do donot not To Toprevent prevent overheating overheating that thatmay may cause seriousdamage damagetotothe thecharger chargerand andcreate createthe thepotential potentialfor forfire, fire,do donot not •block Check hand brake function (ifcause fitted)serious airways. Chargers Chargers must mustbe bemounted mountedon onaaplatform platformabove abovethe theground groundororininsuch suchaamanner manner block ororobstruct obstruct the theairways. 9blockororobstruct airways.Chargers Chargersmust mustbe bemounted mountedon onaaplatform platformabove abovethe theground groundororininsuch suchaamanner manner block obstructthe theairways. maximum airflow flowunderneath underneath and and aroundthe thecharger. charger. as toto permit permit the themaximum •as Check warning device air function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 19around 19 maximum air airflow flowunderneath underneath and and around aroundthe thecharger. charger. as astoto permit permit the themaximum

Towing Prior totoTowing vehicle vehicle ororcondition charger chargeroperation, operation,chargers chargersmust mustbe beremoved removedand andmounted mountedon onaaplatform platformororwall wallabove abovethe the •Prior Check TYRE Prior Prior totoTrucking, vehicle vehicle ororcharger charger operation, operation,chargers chargersmust mustbe beremoved removedand andmounted mountedon onaaplatform platformororwall wallabove abovethe the Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling maximumair airflow flowaround aroundand andunderneath underneaththe thecharger. charger.The Thecharger chargermust mustnot notbe beoperated operatedinin ground groundtotopermit permitmaximum maximum maximum air air flow flow around around and and underneath underneath the the charger. charger. The The charger charger must must not not be be operated operated in in ground ground to to permit permit •anoutdoor Check location, overall vehicle condition location, water water and andsun sunprotection protectionmust mustbe beprovided. provided.The Thecharger chargermust mustnever nevercome comeinto intocontact contact an outdoor location,water waterand andsun sunprotection protectionmust mustbe beprovided. provided.The Thecharger chargermust mustnever nevercome comeinto intocontact contact an anoutdoor outdoorlocation, required for for the thecharger. charger. Refer Refer totothe thecharger charger manual manual for for appropriate appropriate circuit circuit with water. water.AAdedicated dedicatedto circuit circuit isisrequired SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20 20 days •with batteries full state of charge after each use Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty (sole Ltdappropriate (sole distributor distributor for EMC forcircuit EMC vehicles vehicles in in required for forthe thecharger. charger. Refer Refer totothe thecharger charger manual manual for for appropriate circuit with withRecharge water. water. AA dedicated dedicated circuit circuit isisrequired Australia) Australia) reserves reserves theDC right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment Equipment Classic - Classic insertthe the polarised polarised DC plug plug completely completely into intothe the protection. protection. Make Make sure sure-the the AC ACpower poweroutlet outletisisturned turnedoff offwhen whenyou youinsert insert insert the the polarised polarised DC DC plug plug completely completely into into the the protection. protection. Make Make sure sure the the AC AC power power outlet outlet is is turned turned off off when when you you document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar •vehicle Inspect charger connector and receptacle at each charge Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive - Executive vehicle receptacle. receptacle. changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. vehicle vehicle receptacle. receptacle. Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to change change without without notice. notice. Then Thenturn turnthe thecharger chargeron onbybyswitching switchingthe theAC ACwall wallswitch switchto”ON”. to”ON”.The Thecharger charger will will automatically automatically start startaafew few Then Thenturn turnthe thecharger chargeron onbybyswitching switchingthe theAC ACwall wallswitch switchto”ON”. to”ON”.The Thecharger charger will will automatically automatically start start ainamaterial few fewor or Golf CartCart Group Group is not isliable notcharged. liable for any forerrors any errors in this this material seconds secondsafter afteryou youswitch switchit iton. on.The Thecharger chargerwill willautomatically automaticallystop stopwhen whenGolf batteries batteries are are fully fully charged. Switch Switch the theAC AC WEEKLY incidental for incidental or are consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result from from seconds secondsafter afteryou youswitch switchit iton. on.The Thecharger charger will willautomatically automatically stop stopwhen whenfor batteries batteries are fully fullycharged. charged. Switch Switch the the AC AC WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 23 23 removedtotopermit permituse use of the the vehicle. vehicle. Somechargers chargersrequire require power poweroff offatatthe thewall walloutlet outletand andthe theDC DCplug plugcan canbe beremoved the use theof of use this of material. this material. Some Warranty Warranty removedtotopermit permituse useofofthe thevehicle. vehicle.Some Somechargers chargersrequire require power off offatat the wall walloutlet outlet and andthe theDC DCplug plug can can be beremoved •power TYRES –the examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure. removingthe theplug plugfrom fromthe thevehicle vehicle even even when when the the AC ACpower power isisturned turnedoff off that thatyou you push pushthe the“STOP” “STOP”button buttonbefore beforeremoving CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA Q&A Q&A removingthe theplug plugfrom fromthe thevehicle vehicle even even when when the the AC ACpower power isisturned turnedoff off that thatyou you push pushthe the“STOP” “STOP”button buttonbefore beforeremoving | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 at atthe the wall walloutlet. outlet. • Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts. atatthe thewall walloutlet. outlet.


14 8 2 2814 14 14


Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.



To prevent a Safety physical hazard that could result in an electrical shock or electrocution, be sure that the charger plug Battery Battery Safety Battery Safety is not damaged and is inserted into the grounded receptacle. The power (AC) cord is equipped with a grounded

WARNING! WARNING! plug, do not attempt to pull out, cut or bend the ground post. WARNING! To To prevent prevent battery battery explosion that thatcould could result result ininsevere severe personal personalwhich injury injuryorordeath, death, keepallallsmoking smoking materials, materials, open The charging (DC) explosion cord is equipped with a polarised connector a keep matching receptacle on theopen To prevent battery explosion that could result in severe personal injuryfits or into death, keep all smoking materials, open flame flame or or sparks sparks away away from from the the batteries. batteries. vehicle. The power (AC)from cordthe is equipped flame or sparks away batteries. with a grounded plug. Do not attempt to remove, cut or bend the ground post. gas • • Hydrogen Hydrogen gasisisgenerated generatedasasaanatural naturalpart partofofthe thelead leadacid acidbattery batterycharging chargingprocess. process.AA4% 4%concentration concentrationofof • Hydrogen gas is generated as a natural part of the lead acid battery charging process. A 4% concentration of explosive explosive and and could could cause cause severe severe injury injury or or death. death. Charging Charging must must take take place place in in an anarea areathat thatisis hydrogen hydrogen gas gas is is STORAGE/BATTERY CHARGING and could cause severe injury or death. Charging must take place in an area that is hydrogen gas is explosive adequately adequately ventilated ventilated (minimum (minimum of of 5 5 air air exchanges exchanges per per hour). hour). The controlling shall require battery and charging facilities and procedures are in accordance with adequatelyparty ventilated (minimum of 5changing air exchanges per hour). all regulations. • • applicable To Toreduce reduce the thechance chanceofofbattery batteryexplosion explosionthat thatcould couldresult resultininsevere severeinjury injuryorordeath, death,never neversmoke smokearound aroundoror • following To reduce the chance of battery explosion that could resultonly in severe or supersede death, never smoke around or The The following list list ofofsafety safetyprocedures procedures are aretotobe beused usedas asa aguide guide only and andinininjury no noway way supersede any any specific specific charge chargebatteries batteriesininan anarea areathat thathas hasan anopen openflame flameororelectrical electricalequipment equipmentthat thatcould couldcause causeand andelectrical electricalarc. arc. chargeprovided batteries in area that has an open flame or electrical equipment that could cause and electrical arc. the the manufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions providedby byan • • Vehicle Vehiclebatteries batteriesmust mustbe befully fullycharged chargedbefore beforeinitial initialuse. use. • Vehicle batteries must be fully charged before initial use. Always: Always: • •battery Be Besure sure that thatthe the key key switch switch isisoff offand andallallimmersed electrical electricalaccessories accessories areturned turned offbefore before work workaren’t on onthe the is defined as two dissimilar in an acid. Ifare the isoff absent orstarting ifstarting the metals Be sure that the key switch is offmetals and all electrical accessories are acid turned off before starting work on the Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles •A•EMC Maintain Maintain the thevehicle vehicle inin accordance accordance with with the the manufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodic periodic service service schedule. schedule. vehicle. vehicle. dissimilar, a battery has not been created. The batteries most commonly used in these vehicles are lead acid. vehicle. • • Ensure Ensurerepairs repairsare areonly onlyperformed performedbybypersons personstrained trainedand andqualified qualifiedtotodo doso. so. •A•battery Never Never disconnect disconnect aacircuit circuitunder under load load ataabattery battery terminal. terminal. does not store but it isatable to produce electricity as the result of a chemical reaction which • Never disconnect aelectricity, circuit under load at a battery terminal. •releases • Check Check the thepolarity polarityofofeach eachbattery battery terminal terminal and andensure ensure the thebatteries batteries are arere-wired re-wired correctly. correctly. stored chemical energy in the form of electrical energy. The chemical reaction takes place faster • • Batteries Batteries are are heavy. heavy.Use Useproper proper lifting lifting techniques techniques when when moving moving them. them.Always Always liftliftthe the battery battery with with aa in warm • Batteries are heavy. Use proper lifting techniques when moving them. Always lift the battery with a slower inreplacement cold conditions. Temperature is important when conducting tests on a or battery and them; test and •conditions • Only Only use use genuine genuine replacement parts. parts. commercially commercially available available battery battery lifting lifting device. device.Use Usecaution caution not nottototip tipbatteries batteries when when removing removing orinstalling installing them; commercially available battery lifting device. Use caution not to tip batteries when removing or installing them; results mustelectrolyte be corrected tocause compensate fordamage. temperature differences. spilled spilled electrolyte can cancause burns burnsand and damage. • • Only Only use use recommended recommended tools. tools. This Thisincludes includes insulated insulatedtools toolswhen whenworking workingininororaround aroundbatteries. batteries. spilled electrolyte can cause burns and damage. battery ages, itinstill performs adequately except that its capacity iscause diminished. Capacity describes the time ••As •• aSupport The The electrolyte electrolyte in a a storage storage battery battery is is an an acid acid solution solution which which can can cause severe severe burns burns to to the the skin skinand and eyes. eyes. Support the thevehicle vehicle usingwheel wheel chocks chocks and jack jack stands. stands. Never Never get get under under aavehicle vehicle that that issupported supported byaa The electrolyte in ausing storage battery is anand acid solution which can cause severe burns toisthe skin andby eyes. can continue totoprovide its and design amperes from a full charge. that Treat aTreat battery all all electrolyte electrolyte spills spills to the the body body and eyes eyes with with extended extended flushing flushing with with clear clear water. water. Contact Contact a a physician physician vehiclein inaccordance accordance with with the the manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. jack. jack. Lift thevehicle TreatLift allthe electrolyte spills to the body and eyes with extended flushing with clear water. Contact a physician immediately. immediately. A battery has a maximum life, therefore good maintenance is designed to maximise the available life and reduce immediately. • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking. the battery. can reduce the life •the • factors Always Alwaysthat wear wear aasafety safetyshield shield ororof approved approved safety safetygoggles goggleswhen whenadding addingwater waterororcharging chargingbatteries. batteries. • Always wear a safety shield or approved safety goggles when adding water or charging batteries. • • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazard and andmust must not notbe beoperated. operated. • • Any Anyelectrolyte electrolytespills spillsshould shouldbe beneutralised neutralisedwith withaasolution solutionofof¼¼cup cup(160ml) (160ml)sodium sodiumbicarbonate bicarbonate(baking (bakingsoda) soda) Anydrive electrolyte spillsafter should be neutralisedorwith a solution of ¼must cup be (160ml) sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) • •• Test Test drive the vehicle after any any maintenance maintenance repairs. repairs. AllAlltests tests must beconducted conducted byby aaqualified, qualified, trained trained dissolved dissolved inthe in6 6vehicle litres litresofof water water and and flushed flushedwith withor water. water. dissolved in 6 litres of water and flushed with water. safearea areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and andauthorised authorisedperson personininaasafe • • Batteries Overfilling Overfilling batteries batteries may mayresult result inelectrolyte electrolyte being being expelled expelled from from the thebattery battery during during thecharge charge cycle. cycle. Expelled Expelled All will self discharge overintime. The rate of self discharge varies depending onthe ambient temperature • Overfilling batteries may result in electrolyte being expelled from the battery during the charge cycle. Expelled • • All All maintenance maintenance and andrepairs repairs must must be be performed performed bybystorage qualified qualified persons personswith withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize electrolyte electrolyte may may cause cause damage damage to to the the vehicle vehicle and and storage facility. facility. fully charged battery will not freeze in winter temperatures unless the and the age andmay condition the batteries. electrolyte causeofdamage to the A vehicle and storage facility. andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand falls belowof -60c. temperature • • Aerosol Aerosolcontainers containers ofbattery batteryterminal terminalprotectant protectantmust mustbe beused usedwith withextreme extremecaution. caution.Insulate Insulatemetal metalcontainer container • oror Aerosol containers of battery terminal protectant mustcaution. be used with extreme caution. Insulate metal container severe severepersonal personalinjury injury orordeath. death. Always Always use useextreme extreme caution. prevent can canfrom from conducting conducting battery battery terminals terminals which whichcould could result resultininan anexplosion. explosion. totoprevent For winter storage, batteries must be clean, fully charged disconnected from any source of electrical canthe from conducting battery terminals which and could result in an explosion. to prevent • • Follow Followmanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions instructionstotoimmobilize immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. charger DC thethe vehicle receptacle. As with wrench allwrench electric vehicles, theout batteries must drain. Unplug the battery • • Wrap Wrap wrenches wrenches with withvinyl vinyltape tape totofrom prevent prevent thepossibility possibility ofofaadropped dropped from from shorting shorting out aabattery, battery, • Wrap wrenches with vinyl tape to prevent the possibility of a dropped wrench from shorting out a battery, recharged as required or at a golf minimum of 30 dayorintervals. and result •be • checked Block Block chassis chassis before before working working underneath underneath golfpersonal vehicle. vehicle. result ininan an explosion explosion and and severe severe personal injury injury ordeath. death. which which could could which could result in an explosion and severe personal injury or death. Battery charger and other devices need to be disconnected since they will contribute to the •Caution: • Avoid Avoid fire firehazards hazards and and have have fire fireelectronic protection protection available. available. premature discharge of batteries. • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenance always always disable disable the the electrical electrical system systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the (Not (Notapplicable applicable for for optional optional onboard onboard charger) charger) (Not applicable for optional onboard charger) During periods of storage, the batteries will includes need attention to keep maintained andand prevent discharge.aIn manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. Disabling Disabling includes removing removing the thethem key keyfrom from the theswitch switch anddisconnecting disconnecting a WARNING! WARNING! temperatures high battery batterywire. wire. the chemical reaction is faster, while low temperatures cause the chemical reaction to slow WARNING! that is stored at cause 32 C will lose .002 of specific gravity ofand 1.275, andthe the battery for isfor allowed down. A vehicle prevent prevent overheating overheating that thatmay may cause serious serious damage damage totothe thecharger charger and create create potential potential fire, fire,do doto not not •To •To Brakes, Brakes, steering steeringmechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices, governors governors andallallother other safetythe devices devices should should be be Tounused, prevent that may cause serious damage to theand charger andsafety create the for fire, do not partially discharged. When it reaches 1.240, which it will do inpotential lessoror than twenty days, sitblock itoverheating will become airways. airways. Chargers Chargers must must be be mounted mounted on on a a platform platform above above the the ground ground in in such such a a manner manner block or or obstruct obstruct the the maintained maintained toChargers toaasafe safeoperating operating condition condition and and should shouldnever never be be modified. modified. inspected inspected and andthe airways. must be mounted on a platform above the ground or in such a manner block or obstruct If a air battery isunderneath left in a discharged state, sulphating it as should be recharged. maximum airflow flowunderneath and andaround around the thecharger. charger. takes place on and within the plates. as totopermit permit the themaximum maximum air and flowwill underneath and around the charger. as to permit the This condition is not reversible cause permanent damage to the battery. Inperson order to prevent damage, the • • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The The name name ofofthe the person performing performing the the Prior Priortotoshould vehicle vehiclebe ororcharger chargeroperation, operation, chargers chargers must must be beremoved removed and andmounted mounted on onagravity aplatform platform oror wall wallabove above the the recharged. A hydrometer can be used to determine the specific and therefore the state battery Prior to vehicle or charger operation, chargers must be removed and mounted on a platform or wall above the maintenance maintenance and andthe themaintenance maintenance performed performed should shouldalso also be berecorded. recorded. maximum maximum air airflow flowaround around and andunderneath underneath the thecharger. charger. The Thecharger chargermust mustnot notbe beoperated operatedinin ground totopermit permit ofground change a battery. maximum air flow around and underneath the charger. The charger must not be operated in ground toofpermit location, location,water water and andshould sun sunprotection protection must must be beprovided. provided. The Thecharger charger must must never never come comeinto into contact an outdoor • an • outdoor The Themaintenance maintenance manager manager should periodically periodically inspect inspect the themaintenance maintenance log log to toensure ensure accuracy accuracy ofofcontact location,the water andmust sun protection must be The charger must never come contact outdoor charged to provided. prevent the possibility of freezing. A fully into charged battery Inan winter conditions, battery be fully required required for forthe thecharger. charger. Refer Refertoto the the charger chargermanual manual for forappropriate appropriate circuit circuit with with water. water. AAdedicated dedicatedcircuit circuitisis entries. entries. required for the charger. Refer to the charger manual for appropriate circuit with water. A dedicated circuit is freeze in temperature’s above -60 C. Although the chemical reaction is slowed in cold temperatures, will not insertthe thepolarised polarisedDC DCplug plugcompletely completelyinto intothe the protection. protection.Make Makesure surethe theAC ACpower poweroutlet outletisisturned turnedoff offwhen whenyou youinsert the polarised DC plugincompletely Make the fully AC power outlet is turnedby off when you • protection. • battery AllAllname name plates, plates, warning warning and and instructions instructions supplied bythe the manufacturer manufacturer should should bebemaintained maintained in a alegible legible charged andsupplied disconnected from anyinsert circuit that could discharge the battery.into the the must besure stored vehicle vehicle receptacle. receptacle. vehicle receptacle. 33 condition. condition. Chargers: disconnect charging plugthe from the vehicle receptacle. The batteries must be cleaned and all Then Thenturn turnthe thecharger chargerthe on onby byswitching switching the AC AC wall wall switch switch to”ON”. to”ON”.The The charger charger will will automatically automatically start start aafew few Then turn the charger onshould by switching the AC wall switch to”ON”. The charger will automatically start a few •deposits • The The controlling controlling party party not not perform perform any any modification modification orstop orchange change to to the thevehicle vehicle without without the the neutralised and removed from the battery case to prevent self discharge. The batteries should be tested seconds seconds after afteryou youswitch switch itshould iton. on.The The charger charger will will automatically automatically stop when when batteries batteries are arefully fully charged. charged. Switch Switch the theAC AC seconds after you prior switch it on. authorisation. The charger will automatically stop when batteries are fully charged. Switch the AC prior written written authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s recharged at thirty day minimum intervals. orpower removedtotopermit permituse useofofthe thevehicle. vehicle.Some Somechargers chargersrequire require power off offatatthe the wall walloutlet outlet and andthe the DC DCplug plugcan canbe beremoved 18 power off at the wall outlet and the DC plug can be removed to permit use of the vehicle. Some chargers require removing removing the theplug plug from fromthe thevehicle vehicle even even when whenthe the AC AC power poweroperation, isisturned turnedoff off that you youpush push the the“STOP” “STOP” button buttonbefore before • that • Where Where authorised authorised modifications modifications have have been beenmade, made, thecontrolling controlling partyshall shall ensure ensure that capacity, capacity, removing thethe plug from theparty vehicle even whenthat the AC power operation, is turned off that you push the “STOP” button before atatthe the wall wall outlet. outlet. maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warning and andmaintenance at the wall outlet.


Batteries Batteries Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance


Note: Looping the DC cord through the steering wheel when charging serves as a good reminder to store the cord out of the way when finished with charging. The DC plug can be damaged by driving over or catching the cord on the vehicle when driving away.



Owners Guide

Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures Battery General


Battery prolonged storage



Charger Charger Installation ChargerInstallation Installation

Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

14 14 14





1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260

15 332

Batteries Batteries Contents Contents

The Thebattery battery charger isismore designed designed fully fullycharge chargethe the batteryset. set.IfIfthe thebatteries batteries areseverely severely deep cycled, cycled, some Caution: Docharger not use thantoto three pumps of battery grease fitting at any one are time. Excessdeep grease maysome cause changers changers contain contain an an electronic electronic module module that that may may not not activate activate and and the the battery battery charger charger will will not not automatic automatic battery battery grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components. chargerswill willdetermine determinethe thecorrect correctduration durationofofcharge chargetotothe thebattery batteryset setand andwill willshut shutoff offwhen when function. function.Automatic Automaticchargers SERVICE SERVICE & set MAINTENANCE &set MAINTENANCE PAGE 3 instructions 3fitting Putting more than three pumpsAlways of grease inPAGE grease couldofof damage grease seals used. and cause premature fully fully charged. charged. Always refer refer to to the the instructions the the specific specific charger charger used. the thebattery battery is is Safety Safety Procedures Procedures bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation Before Before charging, charging, thefollowing followingshould shouldbe beobserved: observed: WARNING! WARNING! the

Battery BatterySafety Safety

Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance Parts Parts & Materials & Materials Caution: Caution: Do Do not notoverfill overfill batteries. batteries. The The charging charging cycle cycle will willexpel expel electrolyte electrolyte and result result inincomponent component To To prevent prevent battery battery explosion explosion that thatcould could result result ininsevere severe personal personal injury injury orordeath, death,and keep keep all allsmoking smoking materials, materials,open open Operator Operator damage. damage. flame flame or or sparks sparks away away from from the the batteries. batteries. Qualifications Qualifications Personnel Personnel the area around the check/fill plugbe and remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just below the bottom of ••Clean •• The The electrolyte electrolyte level level ininall allcells cells must be atpart atthe the recommended recommended level level and and cover coverthe the plates. plates. Hydrogen Hydrogen gasis is generated generated asas amust anatural natural part of of the thelead leadacid acid battery battery charging charging process. process. AA4% 4%concentration concentrationofof Cleaning Cleaning gas the threaded hole. If lubricant is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle explosive and and could could cause cause severe severe injury injury orordeath. death. Charging Charging must must take takeplace place ininan anarea area that thatisis hydrogen hydrogen gas gas is isexplosive •from • The The charging charging must must take take place place in in an an area area that that is is well well ventilated ventilated and and capable capable of of removing removing the the hydrogen hydrogen gas gas Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated hole. Wheel Wheel Installation Installation adequately adequately ventilated ventilated (minimum (minimum ofof 5process. 5air airexchanges exchanges per perof hour). hour). generated generated by by the the charging charging process. A A minimum minimum of five five air air exchanges exchanges per per out out is is recommended. recommended. The The that that is is removed or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. and Tyre theTyre oil pan Inspection Inspection charging charging connector connector components components are areiningood good condition condition and and free free from from dirt dirtoror debris. debris. Brakes Brakes • • To To reduce reduce the thechance chance ofofbattery batteryexplosion explosion that that could couldresult result in in severe severe injury injury oror death, death,never neversmoke smokearound aroundoror Periodic Periodic Brake Brake Test Test (mechanical (mechanical brakes) brakes) charge charge batteries batteries in in an an area area that that has has an an open open flame flame or or electrical electrical equipment equipment that that could could cause cause and and electrical electrical arc. arc. • • The The charger chargerconnector connectorisisfully fullyinserted insertedinto intothe thevehicle vehiclereceptacle. receptacle. Lubrication Lubrication Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels • • Vehicle Vehicle batteries batteries must must be be fully fully charged charged before before initial initial use. use. and The The charger charger connector/cord connector/cord set set isisprotected protected from from damage damage andisislocated locatedininan anarea areatotoprevent preventinjury injurythat thatmay may Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement Caution: To reduce the possibility of premature bulb failure, do not touch new bulbs with bare fingers. result result from from personnel personnel running running over over or or tripping tripping over over the the cord cord set. set. Serial Number Number Location • • Be BeSerial sure sure that thatLocation the the key keyswitch switchisisoff offand andallallelectrical electricalaccessories accessoriesare areturned turnedoff offbefore beforestarting startingwork workon onthe the EMC Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles Use clean, dry tissue or paper towel to handle glass portion of the bulb. Periodic Periodic Service Service Schedule Schedule vehicle. vehicle.



Batteries Batteries&&charging charging Lubrication

Checking The Lubricant Level

Owners Guide

Light bulb replacement

• • The Thecharger chargermust mustbe beturned turnedoff offduring duringthe theconnect/disconnect connect/disconnectcycle cycleand andtherefore thereforeno noelectrical electricalarc arcisis vehicles equipped with head light/s locate bulb socket on backside of light and turn bulb a quarter generated generated atatthe theDC plug/receptacle plug/receptacle contacts. contacts. (Some (Some chargers chargers require require the thebar “STOP” “STOP” button button totosocket be bepushed pushed •For • Never Never disconnect disconnect aDC acircuit circuit under under load load at ataabattery battery terminal. terminal. Insert new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. chargerisisunplugged unpluggedfrom from the the vehicle) vehicle) before beforethe thecharger OPERATION OPERATION PAGE PAGE 1010 •secure. • Batteries Batteries are are heavy. heavy. Use proper properlifting liftingtechniques techniqueswhen whenmoving movingthem. them.Always Alwaysliftliftthe thebattery batterywith withaa Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules &Use Practices & Practices Operation Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo battery commercially commercially available available batterylifting liftingdevice. device.Use Usecaution cautionnot nottototiptipbatteries batterieswhen whenremoving removingororinstalling installingthem; them; the and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To replace Controls Controls &electrolyte &tail Indicators Indicators spilled spilled electrolyte can cancause causeburns burnsand anddamage. damage. Keyabove. Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch as per Direction Direction Selector Selector •Tool •Tool The The electrolyte electrolyte in in aaInsulated storage storagebattery battery isis an anacid acid solutionwhich whichcan cancause causesevere severeburns burnstotothe theskin skinand andeyes. eyes. List ListQty. Qty.Required Required Insulated Wrench Wrench 9/16” 9/16” 11solution State State of Charge Charge Meter Meter Treat Treat allallof electrolyte electrolyte spills spillstotothe thebody bodyand andeyes eyeswith withextended extendedflushing flushingwith withclear clearwater. water.Contact Contactaaphysician physician Accelerator Accelerator Battery Battery carrier carrierPedal 11Pedal immediately. immediately. Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal Horn Horn 11 Hydrometer Hydrometer •The • Always Always wear wearaaand safety safety shield shieldororapproved approved safety safety goggles goggles when when adding adding water water ororcharging charging batteries. serial number manufacture date code are located on a plate on the passenger sidebatteries. of the dash housing

Battery BatteryMaintenance Maintenance

Serial plate number location Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield

rear of the front seat. or•Battery for 4 maintenance and 6 seat models on the maintenance 11 should •Battery Any Any electrolyte electrolyte spills spills should be be neutralised neutralised with with aasolution solutionofof¼¼cup cup(160ml) (160ml)sodium sodiumbicarbonate bicarbonate(baking (bakingsoda) soda) dissolved dissolved in in 6 6 litres litres of of water water and and flushed flushed with with water. water. Design changes take place on an ongoing basis. In order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the AtAtEach EachCharging ChargingCycle Cycle SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 1313 serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. manufacturer date code, General General • • Overfilling Overfillingbatteries batteriesmay mayresult resultininelectrolyte electrolytebeing being expelled expelled from from the thebattery battery during during the thecharge charge cycle. cycle. Expelled Expelled

WARNING! WARNING! General General Operation Operation

electrolyte electrolyte may maycause causedamage damage totothe thevehicle vehicleand and storage storage facility. Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items mustfacility. be serviced more frequently on vehicles used To Toreduce reduce the thedriving possibility possibility ofoffire, fire,never neverattach attach aabattery battery charger chargertoto aavehicle vehicle that thatisisunattended unattended beyond beyond the thenormal normal severe conditions such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with under •charging •charging Aerosol Aerosol containers containers ofofbattery battery terminal terminal protectant protectant must must be beused used with withextreme extreme caution. caution. Insulate Insulate metal metalcontainer container cycle. cycle. Overcharging Overcharging could could cause cause damage damage to to the the vehicle vehicle batteries batteries and and result result in in extreme extreme overheating. overheating. The The BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 14 14 load. a maximum prevent can can from fromconducting conducting battery terminals terminals which which could could result result ininan an explosion. explosion. to toprevent charger charger should should be bechecked checked after after24 24battery hours hoursand and unplugged unplugged after after the the charge charge cycle cycle isiscomplete. complete. Battery Battery Safety Safety Charger Charger Installation Installation •Before •Before Wrap Wrap wrenches wrenches with vinyl vinyltape tape totoprevent prevent the the possibility ofcharger ofa adropped dropped wrench from fromshorting shorting out outaafor battery, battery, changing changing the thewith batteries, batteries, inspect inspect the theplug plug ofofpossibility the thebattery battery charger and andwrench vehicle vehiclereceptacle receptacle housing housing for dirt dirtoror General General Information Information result result in in an an explosion explosion and and severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. which which could could Charge Charge the thebatteries batteries aftereach eachdays daysuse. use. debris. debris. Storage Storageafter Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery

Periodic service schedule Charging Charging Batteries Batteries

Monthly Monthly Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water (Not applicable applicable for foroptional optional onboard onboard charger) charger) • • Inspect Inspect all all wiring wiring for forfraying, fraying,(Not loose, loose, terminations, terminations, corrosion corrosion oror deterioration deteriorationofofinsulation. insulation. Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning • Check service brake Battery Battery Replacement Replacement WARNING! • WARNING! • Check Checkthat thatthe theelectrolyte electrolytelevel levelisiscorrect correctand andadd addsuitable suitablewater waterasasrequired. required. Troubleshooting Troubleshooting • Check park brake function, lock, hold and general operation Hydrometer Hydrometer To prevent overheating overheating that may cause serious seriousdamage damagetotothe thecharger chargerand andcreate createthe thepotential potentialfor forfire, fire,do donot not • To • prevent Clean Clean the the batteries batteriesthat and andmay wire wirecause terminations. terminations. •block Check hand brake function (if fitted)must airways. Chargers Chargers mustbe bemounted mountedon onaaplatform platformabove abovethe theground groundororininsuch suchaamanner manner block ororobstruct obstruct the theairways. 9 maximum airflow flowunderneath underneath and and aroundthe thecharger. charger. as permit permit the themaximum •astoto Check warning device air function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 19around 19

Charger ChargerInstallation Installation

Electrolyte Electrolytelevel leveland andwater water

Towing Prior totoTowing vehicle vehicle ororcondition charger chargeroperation, operation,chargers chargersmust mustbe beremoved removedand andmounted mountedon onaaplatform platformororwall wallabove abovethe the •Prior Check TYRE Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling maximum maximum air air flow flow around around and and underneath underneath the the charger. charger. The The charger charger must must not not be be operated operated in in ground ground to to permit permit The TheCheck correct correct level levelofof the theelectrolyte electrolyte isis13mm 13mmabove abovethe theplates platesinineach eachcell. cell. •an overall vehicle condition location, water water and andsun sunprotection protectionmust mustbe beprovided. provided.The Thecharger chargermust mustnever nevercome comeinto intocontact contact an outdoor outdoorlocation, This ThisRecharge level levelwill will leave leaveapproximately approximately 6-10mm 6-10mm of of space space between between the the electrolyte and and the the vent vent tube. tube. The The electrolyte electrolyte required for for the the charger. charger. Refer Refer totoelectrolyte the thecharger charger manual manual for for appropriate appropriate circuit circuit with water. water. AAdedicated dedicated circuit circuit isisrequired SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20 20 •with batteries to full state of charge after each days use Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this level level is is important important since since any any portion portion of of the the plates plates exposed exposed to to air air will will be be ruined ruined beyond beyond repair. repair. Of Of equal equal importance importance Standard Standard Equipment Equipment Classic Classic insertthe thepolarised polarisedDC DCplug plugcompletely completely into intothe the protection. protection.Make Makesure surethe theAC ACpower poweroutlet outletisisturned turnedoff offwhen whenyou youinsert document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar •vehicle Inspect charger connector andinreceptacle atbeing eachforced charge Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive -will Executive result inelectrolyte electrolyte being forcedout outofofthe thebattery battery to togassing gassing and andthe theincrease increaseinin is istoo too much much water water which which willresult vehicle receptacle. receptacle. changes changes f odue r due units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to volume volume ofofthe the electrolyte electrolyte that thatresults resultsfrom fromthe thecharging chargingcycle. cycle. change change without without notice. notice. Then Thenturn turnthe thecharger chargeron onbybyswitching switchingthe theAC ACwall wallswitch switchto”ON”. to”ON”.The Thecharger charger will will automatically automatically start startaafew few Golf Golf CartCart Group Group is not isliable notcharged. liable for forcomponent errors any errors in this in material this material or orAC Caution: Caution:after Do Donot not overfill overfill The Thecharging charging cycle cyclewill willexpel expel electrolyte electrolyte and and result result in inany component seconds seconds after you you switch switchbatteries. itbatteries. iton. on.The Thecharger charger will willautomatically automatically stop stopwhen when batteries batteries are are fully fully charged. Switch Switch the theAC WEEKLY for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 23 damage. damage. removed removedtotopermit permituse use of the the vehicle. vehicle. Somechargers chargersrequire require power power off offatatthe thewall walloutlet outletand andthe theDC DCplug plug can canbe be23 the use theof of use this of material. this material. Some Warranty Warranty • TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure. removingthe theplug plugfrom fromthe thevehicle vehicle even even when when the the AC ACpower power isisturned turnedoff off that thatyou you push pushthe the“STOP” “STOP”button buttonbefore beforeremoving CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA Q&A Q&A | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 at the wall walloutlet. outlet. •atthe Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.


Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

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Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.

1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260


Batteries Batteries

Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance Battery BatterySafety Safety

contaminants that could reduce the lifepersonal of the battery by reducing theall chemical reaction. The pure and free ofnot Caution: Do overfill batteries. The charging cycle will expel electrolyte and result in component To To prevent prevent battery battery explosion explosion that that could could result result ininsevere severe personal injury injury orordeath, death,keep keep allsmoking smoking materials, materials, open open distilled or purified by an efficient filtration system. Water that is not distilled should be analysed and water must be damage. flame flame ororsparks sparksaway awayfrom fromthe thebatteries. batteries. if required, filtration installed to permit the water to meet the requirements of the water purity table. The electrolyte level in all cells be part atpart the recommended level and cover the plates.AA4% • •• Hydrogen Hydrogen gas gasisis generated generated asasamust anatural natural ofof the thelead leadacid acidbattery battery charging charging process. process. 4%concentration concentrationofof Even if the water is colourless, odourless, tasteless and fit for drinking, the water should be analysed to see that it explosive and andcould cause cause severe severe injury injury orordeath. death. Chargingof must must take takeplace place ininan anarea area that thatisis hydrogen gas gasis isexplosive • hydrogen The charging must take place incould an area that is well ventilated andCharging capable removing the hydrogen gas does not exceed the impurity levels specified in the table. Automatic watering devices can be used with an adequately adequately ventilated ventilated (minimum (minimum ofof5process. 5air airexchanges exchanges per perhour). hour). generated by the charging A minimum of five air exchanges per out is recommended. The that is approved water source. These watering devices are fast and accurate to use and maintain the correct electrolyte charging connector components are in good and free from dirt or • • To To reduce reduce thechance chance ofofbattery batteryexplosion explosion that thatcondition could couldresult result inin severe severe injury injury orordebris. death, death,never neversmoke smokearound aroundoror level within thethe battery cells. The Thefollowing followinglist listofofsafety safetyprocedures proceduresare aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific charge charge batteries batteries in in an an area area that that has has an an open open flame flame or or electrical electrical equipment equipment that that could could cause cause and and electrical electrical arc. arc. • The charger connector ismanufacturer. fully inserted into the vehicle receptacle. themanufacturer. instructions instructions provided provided bybythe • • Vehicle Vehicle batteries batteries must mustbe befully fullyset charged charged before beforeinitial initialuse. use. and is located in an area to prevent injury that may The charger connector/cord is protected from damage Always: Always: result from personnel running over or tripping over the cord set. • • Be Besure surethat thatthe thekey keyswitch switchisisoff offand andallallelectrical electricalaccessories accessories are areturned turnedoff offbefore beforestarting startingwork workon onthe the Electric Golf Cart Based Vehiclesbewith •Caution: •EMC Maintain Maintain the thevehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordance withthe the manufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodic periodic service serviceare schedule. schedule. To prevent battery damage, sure that all battery caps (if equipped) tightly installed. To reduce the vehicle. vehicle. • The charger must be turned off during the connect/disconnect cycle and therefore no electrical arc is ofrepairs damage toonly vehicle or floor,by neutralise acid before rinsing battery. •possibility • Ensure Ensure repairs are are only performed performed bypersons persons trained trained and and qualified qualified totodo do so. so. generated at the plug/receptacle contacts. (Some chargers require the “STOP” button to be pushed • • Never Never disconnect disconnect aDC acircuit circuit under underload loadat ataabattery battery terminal. terminal. To reduce the possibility of damage to electrical components while cleaning, do not use a pressure washer. charger iseach unplugged from the and vehicle) beforethe thepolarity • • Check Check the polarity ofof each battery battery terminal terminal andensure ensurethe thebatteries batteriesare arere-wired re-wired correctly. correctly. • • Batteries Batteriesare areheavy. heavy.Use Useproper properlifting liftingtechniques techniqueswhen whenmoving movingthem. them.Always Alwaysliftliftthe thebattery batterywith withaa should take place on a regular basis. When cleaning thetoto outside of batteries and terminals, first spray •Cleaning • Only Only use usegenuine genuine replacement replacement parts. parts. commercially commercially available available battery battery lifting lifting device. device. Use Usecaution cautionnot not tiptipbatteries batteries when whenremoving removing ororinstalling installing them; them; solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water to neutralise any acid deposits before rinsing with with spilled aspilled electrolyte electrolytecan cancause causeburns burnsand anddamage. damage. •clear • Only Only use use recommended recommended tools. tools. This Thisincludes includes insulated insulated toolswhen when working working inororaround around water. Use of a water hose without first neutralising anytools acid will move acid in from the top batteries. ofbatteries. batteries to ••another ••Tool The The electrolyte electrolyte in in a a storage storage battery battery is is an an acid acid solution solution which which can can cause cause severe severe burns burns to to the the skin skinand andeyes. eyes. area of the vehicle or storage facility where it will attack the metal structure or the concrete/asphalt floor. List Qty. Required Insulated Wrench 9/16” Support Support the the vehicle vehicle using using wheel wheel chocks chocks and and1 jack jack stands. stands. Never Never get getunder under aavehicle vehicle that that isissupported supported by by aa Treat Treat all all electrolyte electrolyte spills spills to to the the body body and and eyes eyes with with extended extended flushing flushing with with clear clear water. water. Contact Contact a a physician physician Additionally, conductive residue will remain on the batteries and contribute to their self discharge. vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.carrier Lift Liftthe the Battery 1vehicle immediately. immediately. WARNING! • •Hydrometer Maintain Maintainthe vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking. 1thevehicle • • Always Alwayswear wear aasafety safetyshield shieldororapproved approvedsafety safetygoggles goggleswhen whenadding addingwater waterororcharging chargingbatteries. batteries. reduce the that possibility of battery that could result in severe injury orhazard death, do not use metallic spray •To •Battery Be Beaware aware thatany any1vehicle vehicle that thatexplosion isisnot notperforming performing asasdesigned designed isisaapotential potential hazardand and must must not not be beoperated. operated. maintenance • • Any Any electrolyte electrolyte spills spills should be beneutralised neutralised with withopen aasolution solution of¼sparks ¼cup cup(160ml) (160ml) sodium sodium bicarbonate(baking (bakingsoda) soda) battery andshould keep smoking materials, flameofor away from the bicarbonate battery. wand to clean • •At Test Test drive drive the the vehicle vehicle after after any any maintenance maintenance or or repairs. repairs. All All tests tests must must be be conducted conducted by by a a qualified, qualified, trained trained dissolved dissolved in in 6 6 litres litres of of water water and and flushed flushed with with water. water. Each Charging Cycle The and correct cleaningperson technique to spray the top and with a solution ofpedestrian sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) safe area areathat that isisfree freeofsides ofboth both vehicular vehicular and andpedestrian traffic. traffic. andauthorised authorised personininais asafe • •WARNING! Overfilling Overfilling batteries result result ininelectrolyte electrolyte being being expelled expelled from from the thebattery battery during during the charge charge cycle. cycle. Expelled Expelled Thisbatteries solution may ismay best applied with a garden type sprayer equipped with a nonthe metallic spray wand or and water. •plastic • All All maintenance maintenance and and repairs repairs must must be be performed performed bybystorage qualified qualified persons persons with with the theskills skillsand and experience experience torecognize recognize electrolyte electrolyte may maycause damage damage toto the the vehicle vehicleshould and and storage facility. facility. special attention be paid to metal components adjacent to thetobatteries spray bottle. Incause addition, To potential reduce the possibility ofdanger fire, never attach a themselves battery charger tosituations a vehiclethat that is unattended beyond normal and and protect protect themselves from from situations thatcould could result resultinindamage damagetothe tothe the vehicle vehicle potential hazards hazards and/or danger sprayed withterminal the solution. which shouldcontainers also beand/or • •charging Aerosol Aerosol containers ofofbattery battery terminal protectant protectant must beused used with withextreme extreme caution. caution. Insulate Insulateoverheating. metal metalcontainer container cycle. Overcharging cause damage tomust thebe vehicle batteries and result in extreme The severe personal personal injury injuryororcould death. death. Always Always use useextreme extreme caution. caution. ororsevere prevent prevent can can from conducting conducting battery battery terminals terminals could could result result inor inan an explosion. explosion. toto Allow the solution tofrom sit for at after least 24 three minutes. Usewhich awhich softafter bristle brush cloth to wipe the tops of the batteries charger should be checked hours and unplugged the charge cycle is complete. •to• remove Follow Followany manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions instructions totoimmobilize immobilize the thevehicle vehicle before before commencing commencing any anymaintenance. maintenance. conductive residue. Rinse the entire area with pressure clear water. not use a apressure • •Before Wrap Wrap wrenches wrenches with vinyl vinyltape tape totoprevent prevent the the possibility oflow ofa adropped dropped wrench fromDo shorting shorting out out abattery, battery, changing thewith batteries, inspect the plug ofpossibility the battery charger andwrench vehiclefrom receptacle housing for dirt or • •debris. Block Block chassis chassis before before working working underneath underneath golf golf vehicle. vehicle. result result in in an an explosion explosion and and severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. which which could could Charge the batteries after each days use.



Batteries & charging

A battery being charged will ‘gas’ with the majority of the gassing taking place at the end of the charging cycle. This gas is hydrogen which is lighter than air. Water and sulphuric acid droplets will be carried out of the battery The battery charger isgas; designed to fully battery set.battery If the batteries arelevel severely some however, thischarge loss is the minimal. If the electrolyte is toodeep high,cycled, the electrolyte vents by the hydrogen changers contain an electronic module that may not activate and the battery charger will automatic battery but will block the vent tube and the gas will force it out of the vent tube and battery cap. The water will evaporatenot will determine the correct of charge batteryfacility. set and will shutacid off when function. Automatic sulphuric acid will chargers remain where it can damage vehicleduration components andto thethe storage Sulphuric the charged. Always refer to the of the specific used. thewill battery set the is fully weaken concentration of acid within the instructions electrolyte and reduce the charger life of the battery. loss Before charging, the following should be observed: WARNING! WARNING! Over the life of the battery, a considerable amount of water is consumed. It is important that the water used be



Owners Guide

Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures Battery Cleaning


Battery Maintenance



Battery replacement batteries and be aware ofapplicable thealways correct arrangement for reconnection. •Disconnect •Charger Before performing performing any any maintenance maintenance always disable disable the the electrical electrical system systemininaccordance accordance with withthe the Charger Installation Installation (Not (Not applicable for for optional optional onboard onboard charger) charger) • Before Inspect all wiring for fraying, loose, terminations, corrosion or deterioration of insulation. • •Monthly Avoid Avoidfire firehazards hazardsand andhave havefire fireprotection protectionavailable. available.

manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. Disabling Disabling includes removing removing the key keyfrom fromthe the switch switchlifting and anddisconnecting disconnecting Remove battery hold downs andlevel cables. Liftincludes out batteries with athe commercially available device. If the aa WARNING! WARNING! • battery Check that the electrolyte is correct and add suitable water as required. battery wire. wire. batteries have been cleaned and any acid in the battery rack area neutralised as recommended, no corrosion to To prevent overheating that that may cause cause serious serious damage toAny tothe the charger charger and andcreate create the the potential potential for for fire, fire, do donot not • prevent Cleanoverheating the batteries andmay wirearea terminations. should bedamage present. corrosion found should be immediately removed. battery racks or surrounding •the •To Brakes, Brakes, steering steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices, governors governors and andallallother other safety safety devices devices should should be be airways. airways. Chargers Chargers must must be be mounted mounted on on a a platform platform above above the the ground ground or or in in such such a a manner manner block block or or obstruct obstruct the the The inspected area should bemaintained washed with of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water and thoroughly dried maintained totoa asolution safe safeoperating operating condition condition and andshould should never never be be modified. modified. inspected and and maximum maximum airflow flow underneath and andaround around thecharger. charger. asastotopermit permit the the paintingair with a underneath corrosion resistant paint.the before priming and • • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the Prior Prior totovehicle vehicle ororcharger charger operation, operation, chargers chargers must mustbe beremoved removed and andmounted mounted on on aaplatform platform orwall wall above above the theto The batteries should be placed into the battery racks and the battery hold downs tightened toor5-6 Nm torque, maintenance maintenance and and the the maintenance maintenance performed performed should should also also be be recorded. recorded. maximum maximum air air flow flow around around and and underneath underneath the the charger. charger. The The charger charger must must not not be be operated operated in in ground ground to to permit permit prevent movement but tight enough to cause distortion of the battery The correct level of thenot electrolyte is 13mm above the plates in each cell.cases. location, location,water water and andshould sun sunprotection protection must must be beprovided. provided. The Thecharger charger must must never never come comeinto into contact an outdoor • an • outdoor The Themaintenance maintenance manager manager should periodically periodically inspect inspect the themaintenance maintenance log log to toensure ensure accuracy accuracy ofofcontact Inspect all wires and approximately terminals. any for corrosion from the battery terminals or the with a solution This level will leave 6-10mm space between the electrolyte thewire vent tube. The electrolyte required forof the the charger. charger. Refer Refer totothe the charger chargerand manual manual for forterminals appropriate appropriate circuit circuit with with water. water. AAdedicated dedicated circuit circuitisClean isrequired entries. entries. bicarbonate (baking soda) and brush clean if required. of sodium level is important since any portion of the plates exposed to air will be ruined beyond repair. Of equal importance insertthe thepolarised polarisedDC DCplug plugcompletely completelyinto intothe the protection. protection.Make Makesure surethe theAC ACpower poweroutlet outletisisturned turnedoff offwhen whenyou youinsert • •is too AllAllname nameplates, plates,which warning warning and and instructions instructions supplied supplied byby the themanufacturer manufacturer should shoulddue bebemaintained maintained ina alegible legible result in electrolyte being forced out of the battery to gassinginand the increase in much water will vehicle vehicle receptacle. receptacle. WARNING! 33 condition. condition. volume of the electrolyte that results from the charging cycle. Then Then turn turn the the charger charger on onbybyswitching switching the theAC AC wall wall switch switch to”ON”. to”ON”. The The charger charger will willautomatically automatically start startabe afew few To prevent battery explosion that could result in severe personal injury or death, extreme caution must used • seconds •Caution: The Thecontrolling controlling party partyshould should not not perform perform any any modification modification orexpel orchange change to to the thevehicle vehicle without without the Do you not overfill batteries. The charging cycle willstop electrolyte and result in the component seconds after after you switch switch it it on. on. The The charger charger will will automatically automatically stop when when batteries batteries are are fully fully charged. charged. Switch Switch the theAC AC with aerosol containers of battery terminal protectant. Insulate the metal container to prevent the metal can from prior prior written written authorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’s damage. removed removed to to permit permit use use of of the the vehicle. vehicle. Some Some chargers chargers require require power power off off at at the the wall wall outlet outlet and and the the DC DC plug plug can can be be contacting battery terminals which could result in an explosion. removing removing the theplug plug from fromthe thevehicle vehicle even even when whenthe the AC AC power poweroperation, isoperation, isturned turnedoff off that you youpush push the the“STOP” “STOP” button buttonbefore before • that • Where Where authorised authorised modifications modifications have have been beenmade, made, the thecontrolling controlling party partyshall shall ensure ensure that that capacity, capacity, Use caution to connect the battery wires correctly. Tighten the battery post hardware. Protect the battery atatthe the wall wall outlet. outlet. maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance terminals and battery wire terminals with a commercially available protective coating.


Electrolyte level and water

Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

14 14 16




1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260

17 17332

Lubrication Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

Caution: Do not use morewill than ofdistinct grease fitting First, atFirst, any one time. Excess grease may cause In Ingeneral, general, troubleshooting troubleshooting willbe bethree done donepumps for fortwo twodistinct reasons. reasons. aabattery battery that that performs performs poorly poorly and and isis grease seals tomanufacturer’s fail or grease migration into areas that couldindamage components. specifications specifications should should be be identified identified inorder ordertoto replace replaceit itunder underthe theterms termsofofthe the outside outsideof ofthe themanufacturer’s representative representativefor forspecific specificrequirements. requirements. manufacturer manufacturer SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE 3 3fitting could damage grease seals and cause premature Putting more three pumps of greasePAGE inPAGE grease Safety Safety Procedures Procedures bearing failure. The Thesecond second reason reasonisistotodetermine determinewhy whyaaparticular particularvehicle vehicledoes doesnot notperform performadequately. adequately.Performance Performanceproblems problems Ventilation Ventilation WARNING! WARNING! result result ininaavehicle vehicle that thatruns runsslowly slowlyororininaavehicle vehiclethat thatisisunable unabletotooperate operatefor forthe thetime timerequired. required. may may Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance

Battery BatterySafety Safety


Batteries Batteries Contents Contents Parts Parts & Materials & Materials

To To prevent prevent battery battery explosion explosion that thatcould could result result ininsevere severe personal personal injury injuryoror death, death,keep keep all all smoking smoking materials, materials, open open A A new new battery battery must must mature maturebefore before it itwill will develop develop its itsmaximum maximum capacity. capacity. Maturing Maturing may may take take up uptoto100 100 charge/ charge/ Operator Operator flame flame or or sparks sparks away away from from the the batteries. batteries. Qualifications Qualifications discharge discharge cycles. cycles. Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just below the bottom of • After • Hydrogen Hydrogen gas gas isphase, isgenerated generated asasaanatural natural part ofthe ofthe the lead leadthe acid acid battery batterycharging charging process. process. AA4% 4%concentration concentration ofof After the the maturing maturing phase, the theolder older battery batterypart gets, gets, lower lower the capacity. capacity. The Theonly only way waytotodetermine determine the thecapacity capacity Cleaning Cleaning the threaded hole. If lubricant is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep Lifting Lifting the Vehicle Vehicle explosive and and could could cause severe severe injury injuryororfollowing death. death.Charging Charging must musttake take place placeininan anarea areathat thatisis hydrogen gas gas isisexplosive discharge machine machine following manufacturer’s manufacturer’s recommendations. recommendations. ofofaahydrogen battery battery isthe is to to perform perform aaload load test test using using acause adischarge Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated fromWheel hole. Wheel Installation Installation adequately adequately ventilated ventilated(minimum (minimumofof55air airexchanges exchangesper perhour). hour). removed or theaoil siphoned through the check/fill hole. theeffective oil pan Aand Acost cost effective way waytotoidentify identify apoorly poorly performing performing battery battery isistotouse use aahydrometer hydrometertotoidentify identifyaabattery batteryininaaset set Tyre Tyre Inspection Inspection Brakes Brakes • with • To To reduce reduce the the chance chance ofofbattery battery explosion explosion that that could couldresult result inor insevere injury injury oror death, death, never never smoke smoke around around oror normal normal specific specific gravity. gravity. Once Once the theparticular particular cell cell orsevere cells cellsthat that are are the the problem problem are are identified, identified, the the with a alower lower than than Periodic Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical (mechanical brakes) charge charge batteries batteries in inan an area areabrakes) that that has has an anopen open flame flame or orelectrical electrical equipment equipment that that could could cause cause and and electrical electrical arc. removed removed and and replaced. replaced. AtAt this thispoint point there thereisis nothing nothingthat that can can be bedone done toto salvage salvage the the arc. suspect suspect battery battery can canbe be Lubrication Lubrication however, however, the the individual individual battery battery should should be be replaced replaced with with a a good good battery battery of of the the same same brand, brand, type type and and battery; battery; Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels • • Vehicle Vehicle batteries batteries must must be be fully fullycharged chargedbefore beforeinitial initialuse. use. approximate approximate age. age. Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement Caution: To reduce the possibility of premature bulb failure, doare not touchoff new bulbs with work bare fingers. Serial Number Number Location • • Be BeSerial sure sure that thatLocation the the key keyswitch switchisisoff offand andallallelectrical electricalaccessories accessories are turned turned off before before starting starting workon onthe the Use Periodic clean, dryService tissue or paper towel to handle glass portion of the bulb. Periodic Service Schedule Schedule vehicle. vehicle. vehicles equippedawith head light/s locate bulb socket on backside of light bar and turn bulb socket a quarter •For • Never Neverdisconnect disconnect acircuit circuit under under load load atataabattery battery terminal. terminal. Insert new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE 10 A A hydrometer isare isused used totoUse test testproper the thestate state ofofPAGE charge charge of ofa10 abattery battery cell. cell.This This isisperformed performed by by measuring measuring the theadensity •secure. •hydrometer Batteries Batteries are heavy. heavy. Use proper lifting lifting techniques techniques when whenmoving moving them. them. Always Alwayslift lift the the battery batterywith with adensityofof Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices accomplished accomplished by by measuring measuring the the specific specific gravity gravity of of the the electrolyte. electrolyte. The The greater greater the the them; the theelectrolyte, electrolyte, which which is is Operation Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo battery commercially commercially available available batterylifting liftingdevice. device.Use Usecaution cautionnot nottototiptipbatteries batterieswhen whenremoving removingororinstalling installing them; replace the tail and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To concentration concentration of of sulphuric sulphuric acid, acid, the the more more dense dense the the electrolyte electrolyte becomes. becomes. The The higher higher the the density, density, the the higher higher the the Controls Controls & & Indicators Indicators spilled spilledelectrolyte electrolytecan cancause causeburns burnsand anddamage. damage. Key Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch as per above. state state ofof change. change. Direction Direction Selector Selector • • The The electrolyte electrolyte ininaastorage storagebattery batteryisisan anacid acidsolution solutionwhich whichcan cancause causesevere severeburns burnstotothe theskin skinand andeyes. eyes. State State of Charge Charge Meter Meter WARNING! WARNING! Treat Treat allallof electrolyte electrolyte spills spillstotothe thebody bodyand andeyes eyeswith withextended extendedflushing flushingwith withclear clearwater. water.Contact Contactaaphysician physician Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal immediately. immediately. To Toprevent prevent battery battery explosion explosion that that could couldresult resultininsevere severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath, death,never neverinsert insertaametal metalthermometer thermometer Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal Horn Horn into into a a battery. battery. Use Use a a hydrometer hydrometer with with a a built built in in thermometer thermometer that that is is designed designed for for testing testing batteries. batteries. •The • Always Always wear wearaaand safety safety shield shieldororapproved approved safety safety goggles goggles when when adding adding water water ororcharging charging batteries. serial number manufacture date code are located on a plate on the passenger sidebatteries. of the dash housing

Checking The Lubricant Level

Light bulb replacement

Hydrometer Hydrometer

Serial plate number location Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield

rear of the front seat. 4 and 6 seat models on the •or• for Any Any electrolyte electrolyte spills spillsshould should be be neutralised neutralised with with aasolution solutionofof¼¼cup cup(160ml) (160ml)sodium sodiumbicarbonate bicarbonate(baking (bakingsoda) soda) dissolved dissolved in in 6 6 litres litres of of water water and and flushed flushed with with water. water. Design changes take place on an ongoing basis. In order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 1313 serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. manufacturer date code, General General • • Overfilling Overfillingbatteries batteriesmay mayresult resultininelectrolyte electrolytebeing being expelled expelled from from the thebattery battery during during the thecharge charge cycle. cycle. Expelled Expelled General General Operation Operation

electrolyte electrolyte may maycause causedamage damage totothe thevehicle vehicleand and storage storage facility. Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items mustfacility. be serviced more frequently on vehicles used severe driving conditions such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with under • • Aerosol Aerosolcontainers containersofofbattery batteryterminal terminalprotectant protectantmust mustbe beused used with withextreme extremecaution. caution. Insulate Insulate metal metalcontainer container BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 14 14 load. a maximum preventcan canfrom fromconducting conductingbattery batteryterminals terminalswhich whichcould couldresult resultininan anexplosion. explosion. totoprevent Battery Battery Safety Safety

Charger Charger Installation Installation • • Wrap Wrap wrenches wrenches with withvinyl vinyltape tapetotoprevent preventthe thepossibility possibilityofofaadropped droppedwrench wrenchfrom fromshorting shortingout outaabattery, battery, General General Information Information result result in in an an explosion explosion and and severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. which which could could Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery

Periodic service schedule Charging Charging Batteries Batteries Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance

DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water

Charger Charger Installation Installation(Not (Notapplicable applicablefor foroptional optionalonboard onboardcharger) charger) Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning •

Check service brake

Battery Battery Replacement Replacement WARNING! WARNING!

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting • Check park brake function, lock, hold and general operation Hydrometer Hydrometer To Toprevent prevent overheating overheatingthat thatmay maycause causeserious seriousdamage damagetotothe thecharger chargerand andcreate createthe thepotential potentialfor forfire, fire,do donot not •block Check hand brake function (if fitted)must airways. Chargers Chargers mustbe bemounted mountedon onaaplatform platformabove abovethe theground groundororininsuch suchaamanner manner block ororobstruct obstruct the theairways. 9 maximum airflow flowunderneath underneath and and aroundthe thecharger. charger. as permit permit the themaximum •astoto Check warning device air function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 19around 19

Towing Prior totoTowing vehicle vehicle ororcondition charger chargeroperation, operation,chargers chargersmust mustbe beremoved removedand andmounted mountedon onaaplatform platformororwall wallabove abovethe the •Prior Check TYRE Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling maximumair airflow flowaround aroundand andunderneath underneaththe thecharger. charger.The Thecharger chargermust mustnot notbe beoperated operatedinin ground groundtotopermit permitmaximum •anoutdoor Check location, overall vehicle condition location, water water and andsun sunprotection protectionmust mustbe beprovided. provided.The Thecharger chargermust mustnever nevercome comeinto intocontact contact an outdoor required for for the thecharger. charger. Refer Refer totothe thecharger charger manual manual for for appropriate appropriate circuit circuit with water. water.AAdedicated dedicatedto circuit circuit isisrequired SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20 20 days •withRecharge batteries full state of charge after each use Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves theDC right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment Equipment Classic - Classic insertthe the polarised polarised DC plug plug completely completely into intothe the protection. protection. Make Make sure sure-the the AC ACpower poweroutlet outletisisturned turnedoff offwhen whenyou youinsert document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar •vehicle Inspect charger connector and receptacle at each charge Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive - Executive vehicle receptacle. receptacle. changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite

The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to

change change without without notice. notice. Then Thenturn turnthe thecharger chargeron onbybyswitching switchingthe theAC ACwall wallswitch switchto”ON”. to”ON”.The Thecharger charger will will automatically automatically start startaafew few Golf Golf CartCart Group Group is not isliable notcharged. liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or orAC seconds seconds after after you you switch switch it it on. on. The The charger charger will will automatically automatically stop stop when when batteries batteries are are fully fully charged. Switch Switch the theAC WEEKLY for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 23 removed removedtotopermit permituse use of the the vehicle. vehicle. Somechargers chargersrequire require power poweroff offatatthe thewall walloutlet outletand andthe theDC DCplug plug can canbe be23 the use theof of use this of material. this material. Some Warranty Warranty • TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure. removingthe theplug plugfrom fromthe thevehicle vehicle even even when when the the AC ACpower power isisturned turnedoff off that thatyou you push pushthe the“STOP” “STOP”button buttonbefore beforeremoving CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA Q&A Q&A | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 at the wall walloutlet. outlet. •atthe Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.


14 8 2 2814 18 18


Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.


Towing Towing Towing Towing


Transport Transport Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance



Make Makesure surethe thevehicle vehicleisisturned turnedoff offand andthe thekey keyisisremoved removedfrom fromthe theswitch switchbefore beforetowing. towing. Make Makesure surethe thevehicle vehicleisisturned turnedoff offand andthe thekey keyisisremoved removedfrom fromthe theswitch switchbefore beforetowing. towing.


To Toreduce reducethe thepossibility possibilityofofsevere severeinjury injuryorordeath deathresulting resultingfrom fromloss lossofofvehicle vehiclecontrol, control,consider considerthe thegrade gradeofofthe the

To Toreduce reducethe thepossibility possibilityofofsevere severeinjury injuryorordeath deathresulting resultingfrom fromloss lossofofvehicle vehiclecontrol, control,consider considerthe thegrade gradeofofthe the terrain terrainthe thevehicle vehicle isison. on. Safety Safety Procedures Procedures terrain terrainthe thevehicle vehicle isison. on.

WARNING! WARNING! The The following followinglist listofofsafety safetyprocedures proceduresare aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific WARNING! WARNING! themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructionsprovided providedbybythe Only Onlyqualified qualifiedpersons personsusing usingapproved approvedtowing towingequipment equipmentshould shouldattempt attempttowing. towing.ItItisisNOT NOTnecessary necessarytotoremove remove Only Onlyqualified qualifiedpersons personsusing usingapproved approvedtowing towingequipment equipmentshould shouldattempt attempttowing. towing.ItItisisNOT NOTnecessary necessarytotoremove remove distanceshould shouldbe belimited limitedand andnot notmore morethan than22kilometres kilometresatatvery verylow low aAlways: abattery batterylead leadbefore beforetowing towingbut buttowing towingdistance Always: distanceshould shouldbe belimited limitedand andnot notmore morethan than22kilometres kilometresatatvery verylow low aabattery batterylead leadbefore beforetowing towingbut buttowing towingdistance speeds. speeds. •speeds. •speeds. Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’speriodic periodicservice serviceschedule. schedule. possibilityofofsevere severeinjury injuryorordeath: death: To Toreduce reducethe thepossibility possibility possibility ofofsevere severe injury injury oror death: death:trained reduce the the •To •Toreduce Ensure Ensure repairs repairs are areonly only performed performed byby persons persons trainedand andqualified qualifiedtotodo doso. so. • • Use Useextra extracaution cautionwhen whentowing towingvehicle vehicle • • Check Use Check Useextra extra the the caution polarity caution polaritywhen ofwhen ofeach each towing towing battery battery vehicle vehicle terminal terminaland andensure ensurethe thebatteries batteriesare arere-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly. • • Do Donot notride rideon onvehicle vehiclebeing beingtowed towed • • Only Only use use genuine genuine replacement replacement parts. parts. Do Donot not ride ride on onvehicle vehicle being beingtowed towed • • Do Donot nottow towvehicle vehicleon onhighways. highways. • • Only Do Only Donot not use use tow tow recommended recommended vehicle vehicleon onhighways. highways. tools. tools.This Thisincludes includesinsulated insulatedtools toolswhen whenworking workingininororaround aroundbatteries. batteries. •• •• Support Do Do not not tow tow vehicle vehicle at at speeds speeds in in excess excess of of 10kph. 10kph. (lower (lower speed speed is is preferable) preferable) Support the the vehicle vehicle using using wheel wheel chocks chocks and and jack jackstands. stands. Never Never under underaavehicle vehiclethat thatisissupported supportedby byaa Do Donot nottow tow vehicle vehicle at at speeds speeds ininexcess excess of of 10kph. 10kph. (lower (lowerspeed speed isget isget preferable) preferable) vehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordance with with the themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. Lift Lift the the • • jack. Do Donot not tow tow more more than than one onevehicle vehicleat at aatime. time. • • Do Donot nottow towmore morethan thanone onevehicle vehicleatataatime. time. • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking.


Trucking, Trucking, transporting Hauling hauling Trucking, Trucking,Transporting transporting transporting&& &hauling hauling

• • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated. •WARNING! •WARNING! Test Testdrive drivethe thevehicle vehicleafter afterany anymaintenance maintenanceororrepairs. repairs.AllAlltests testsmust mustbe beconducted conductedbybyaaqualified, qualified,trained trained WARNING! WARNING! safearea areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and andauthorised authorisedperson personininaasafe To Toreduce reducethe thepossibility possibilityofofsevere severeinjury injuryorordeath deathwhile whiletransport transportvehicle: vehicle: reduce the thepossibility possibility ofrepairs ofsevere severe injury injury orperformed ordeath deathwhile while transport transport vehicle: vehicle: •To •Toreduce All Allmaintenance maintenance and andrepairs must must bebeperformed bybyqualified qualified persons persons with withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize • • potential Secure Secure the the vehicle vehicle and and contents contents and and protect protect themselves themselves from from situations situations that that could could result result in in damage damage to to the thevehicle vehicle potential hazards hazards and/or and/or danger danger • • Secure Securethe thevehicle vehicleand andcontents contents severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. Always Always use use extreme extreme caution. caution. or or • • Never Neverride rideon onvehicle vehiclebeing beingtransported transported • • Never Neverride rideon onvehicle vehiclebeing beingtransported transported • • Follow Follow manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions instructions totransporting toimmobilize immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. Always Always remove removewindshield windshield before beforetransporting • • Always Alwaysremove removewindshield windshieldbefore beforetransporting transporting • • Block Block chassis chassis before before working working underneath golf golfvehicle. vehicle. Maximum Maximum speed speed with with sun suntop topunderneath installed installedisis80kph 80kph • • Maximum Maximumspeed speedwith withsun suntop topinstalled installedisis80kph 80kph •If•Ifthe Avoid Avoid fire fire and andhave havefire fire protection protection available. available. the vehicle vehicle ishazards ishazards totobe betransported transported at athighway highway speeds speeds the theseat seatbottom/s bottom/smust mustbe besecured. secured.Utility Utilityvehicles vehiclesmay may IfIfthe thevehicle vehicleisistotobe betransported transportedatathighway highwayspeeds speedsthe theseat seatbottom/s bottom/smust mustbe besecured. secured.Utility Utilityvehicles vehiclesmay may require require battery battery maintenance maintenance hatch hatch and and or or battery battery tray tray to to be be secured. secured. When When transporting transporting vehicle vehicle check check for for •require •require Before Before performing performing any anymaintenance maintenance disable disable the the electrical system in inaccordance accordance with with the the for battery battery maintenance maintenance hatch hatchand andoralways oralways battery battery tray traytoto be beelectrical secured. secured.system When Whentransporting transporting vehicle vehicle check check for ofofhardware hardware and andcracks cracks in insun suntop top at atmounting mounting points. points. Always Always remove remove windshield windshield when transporting. transporting. tightness tightness manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. Disabling Disabling includes includes removing removing the the key keyfrom from the theswitch switch and andwhen disconnecting disconnecting aa ofofhardware hardware and andcracks cracks in insun suntop top at atmounting mounting points. points. Always Always remove remove windshield windshield when when transporting. transporting. tightness tightness Always Always check check that that the the vehicle vehicle and and contents contents are are adequately adequately secured secured before before transporting. transporting. The The rated rated capacity capacityofofthe the battery battery wire. wire. Always Always check check that thatthe thevehicle vehicleand andcontents contentsare areadequately adequatelysecured securedbefore beforetransporting. transporting.The Therated ratedcapacity capacityofofthe the trailer trailerorortruck truckmust mustexceed exceedthe theweight weightofofthe thevehicle vehicleand andload loadplus plus500kg). 500kg).Lock Lockthe thepark parkbrake brake(and (andhand handbrake brake trailer trailer or or truck truck must must exceed exceed the the weight weight of of the the vehicle vehicle and and load load plus plus 500kg). 500kg). Lock Lock the the park park brake brake (and (and hand hand brake brake •if •iffitted) Brakes, Brakes, steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warning warning devices, devices, governors governorsand andallallother othersafety safetydevices devicesshould shouldbe be fitted) and andsteering secure securethe the vehicle vehicleusing using ratchet ratchet tie tiedowns. downs. fitted) and and secure secure the the vehicle vehicle using using ratchet ratchet tie tie downs. downs. if iffitted) maintainedtotoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspectedand andmaintained




• • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance maintenanceand andthe themaintenance maintenanceperformed performedshould shouldalso alsobe berecorded. recorded. • • The Themaintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries.


• • AllAllname nameplates, plates,warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible 33 condition. condition. • • The Thecontrolling controllingparty partyshould shouldnot notperform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the priorwritten writtenauthorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sprior


• • Where Whereauthorised authorisedmodifications modificationshave havebeen beenmade, made,the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance


19 19 19 19 332


Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components.

SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE 3 3fitting could damage grease seals and cause premature Putting more three pumps of greasePAGE inPAGE grease Safety Safety Procedures Procedures

bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation

CLASSIC - standard Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenanceequipment CLASSIC - Materials standard equipment Parts Parts & Materials & Batteries Six 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC ) CLASSIC - standard equipment CLASSIC standard equipment Operator Operator -The Batteries Six 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC ) Checking Lubricant Level


Specifications Specifications Contents Contents Specifications Specifications

Controller Solid State, with(Trojan Non-Contact Sensor Qualifications Qualifications Batteries Batteries SixCurtis Six 8 volt 8 volt Deep Deep Cycle Cycle (Trojan T875 T875 or US8VGC or Inductive US8VGC ) Throttle ) Controller Curtis Solid State, with Non-Contact Inductive Throttle Sensor Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and remove plug. correct lubricant levelcopper is just below the bottom of Motor 36 V wound, Non Vented 2.2KWThe Brazed Armature and solid windings Controller Controller Curtis Curtis Solid Solid State, State, with with Non-Contact Non-Contact Inductive Inductive Throttle Throttle Sensor Sensor Cleaning Cleaning Motor 36 is V low, wound, Non Vented as 2.2KW BrazedAdd Armature andslowly solid copper windings starts to seep lubricant add lubricant required. lubricant until lubricant the threaded hole. If Transaxle Helical Geared withVented Input Pinion Shaft Directly connected to motor shaft Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle Motor Motor 36 plug. 36 V wound, V wound, Non Non Vented 2.2KW 2.2KW Brazed Brazed Armature and solid solid copper copper windings windings Install the check/fill In the event that the lubricant is Armature toconnected be and replaced, the vehicle from hole. Transaxle Helical Geared with Input Pinion Shaft Directly to motor shaft must be elevated Wheel Wheel Installation Installation Brakes Dual rear wheel, self adjusting mechanical drum brakes Transaxle Transaxle Helical Helical Geared Geared with with Input Input Pinion Pinion Shaft Shaft Directly Directly connected connected to motor to motor shaft shaft removed or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. and the oil pan TyreTyre Inspection Inspection Brakes Dual rear wheel, self adjusting mechanical drum brakes Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating Brakes Brakes Brakes Brakes Dual Dual rearrear wheel, wheel, selfself adjusting adjusting mechanical mechanical drum drum brakes brakes system Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system Periodic Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical (mechanical brakes) brakes) Front suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Parking Parking brake brake Automatic Automatic parking parking brake brake release release withwith self-compensating self-compensating system system Lubrication Lubrication Front suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Rear suspension Leaf springs hydraulic shock absorbers Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels Front Front suspension suspension Leaf Leaf springs springs withwith with hydraulic hydraulic shock shock absorbers absorbers RearLight suspension Light Bulb Replacement Replacement Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Singe reduction rack and pinion Steering Caution: ToBulb reduce the possibility of with premature bulb failure, do not touch new bulbs with bare fingers. Rear Rear suspension suspension Leaf springs springs with hydraulic hydraulic shock shock absorbers absorbers Serial Serial Number Number Location Location Leaf Singe towel reduction rack andglass pinion portion of the bulb. Steering Use clean, dryService tissue or paper to handle Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Periodic Periodic Service Schedule Schedule Singe Singe reduction reduction rack rack andand pinion pinion Steering Steering Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, hip hold For vehicles equipped with head light/s locate bulb socket on backside of light bar and turn bulb socket a quarter Steering Steering wheel wheel Dual Dual handgrips, handgrips, pencil pencil holder holder & scorecard &restraint/hand scorecard holder holder Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl cover,Insert hip restraint/hand holdrotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to new bulb and turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. Seating capacity 2, 3, 4,Foam/vinyl 6& 8PAGE Seat OPERATION OPERATION PAGE 10 10 Seating Seating Cushion Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, cover, hiphip restraint/hand restraint/hand hold hold Seating capacity 3, 4, 6 & 8 Seat secure. Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & 2, Practices Total load capacity SWB: 320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg Seating Seating capacity capacity 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 6 4, & 6 8 & Seat 8 Seat Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo SWB: 320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg TotalOperation load capacity replace the and brakeSWB: light remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To Speed 18 –bulb, 20 kph Controls Controls & capacity &tail Indicators Indicators Total Total load load capacity SWB: 320kg, 320kg, LWB: LWB: 480kg, 480kg, XLWB: XLWB: 640kg 640kg Speed – 20 kph Keyabove. Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch 18 Welded as per Chassis Tubular steel Speed Speed 18 18 – 20 – 20 kphkph Direction Direction Selector Selector Chassis Welded Tubular steel Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic State State of of Charge Charge Meter Meter Chassis Chassis Welded Welded Tubular Tubular steel steel Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal Standard colours White Body Body Flexible, Flexible, Impact Impact Resistant Resistant Injection Injection Moulded Moulded Plastic Plastic Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal Standard colours White Dash panel Reinforced plastic with 4 Drink Holders, Tee & Ball Storage Horn Horn Standard Standard colours colours White White The serial number and manufacture date code are located on a Tee plate on the passenger side of the dash housing Dash panel Reinforced plastic with 4 Drink Holders, & Ball Storage Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield Tyres 18 x 8.50 –plastic 8 withwith Dash Dash panel panel Reinforced Reinforced plastic 4 seat. Drink 4 Drink Holders, Holders, TeeTee & Ball & Ball Storage Storage rear of the front or for 4 and 6 seat models on the Tyres 18 x 8.50 – 8 Tyre pressure 18 – 22–psi Tyres Tyres 18 x 8.50 x 8.50 8– 8 basis. In order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the Design changes take place on18 Tyre pressure 18 –an 22ongoing psi PAGE SAFETY SAFETY PAGE 1313 XLWB: 670kg Weight SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, Tyre Tyre pressure pressure 18 18 –number 22 – 22 psi psiand vehicle manufacturer date code, serial General General Weight SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, model XLWB: must 670kgbe provided when ordering service parts. Operating controls and Standard black steering wheel, foot operated dual function service brake and parking brake. General General Operation Operation Weight Weight SWB: SWB: 480kg, 480kg, LWB: LWB: 580kg, 580kg, XLWB: XLWB: 670kg 670kg Caution: To prolong vehicle Standard life,Removable some maintenance items must be serviced more frequently on and vehicles used Operating controls and black steering wheel, foot operated dual function service brake parking brake. instrumentation Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning Operating Operating controls controls andconditions and Standard Standard black black steering steering wheel, wheel, footfoot operated operated dual dual function function service service brake brake and and parking parking brake. brake. instrumentation Removable Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning severe driving such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with under Weather canopy Glass fibre reinforced orSelector, moulded plastic instrumentation instrumentation Removable Removable Key, Key, Direction Direction Selector, Audible Audible Reverse Reverse Warning Warning BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 14 plastic maximum load. aWeather canopy Glass fibre reinforced or14 moulded Windscreen One piece fixed resin Battery Battery Safety Safety Weather Weather canopy canopy Glass Glass fibre fibre reinforced reinforced or moulded or moulded plastic plastic Windscreen One piece fixed resin Charger Charger Installation Installation Windscreen Windscreen One One piece piece fixed fixed resin resin General General Information Information

Light bulb replacement

Serial plate number location

Periodic service schedule Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery Charging Charging Batteries Batteries Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance

DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water •

Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning Check service brake

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Check park brake function, lock, hold and general operation

Check hand brake function (if fitted)


Battery Battery Replacement Replacement Hydrometer Hydrometer

• Check warning device function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 1919 Towing Towing

Check TYRE condition Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling

Check overall vehicle condition

SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20each 20 days use • Recharge batteries to full state of charge after •

Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic - Classic Inspect charger connector and receptacle Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive - Executive Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite



at each charge


Warranty Warranty TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure.

Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.



20 20 8 20 2 2820 20


Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to change change without without notice. notice. GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom the use the of use this of material. this material. CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.


CLASSIC - standard equipment CLASSIC - standard equipment Batteries Six 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC ) EXECUTIVEequipment CLASSIC - standardSix Batteries 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC )


Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance

1001ELV 1001ELV 1001ELV

Controller Curtis Solid State, with Non-Contact Inductive Throttle Sensor Batteries Six Six 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC ) ) Batteries 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC Controller Curtis Solid State, with Non-Contact Inductive Throttleand Sensor Motor 36 V wound, Non Vented 2.2KW Brazed Armature solid copper windings Controller Curtis Solid State, Non-Contact InductiveInductive Throttle Sensor Controller Curtis Solid State, with Non-Contact Throttle Sensor Motor 36 V wound, Non Vented 2.2KW Brazed Armature and solid copper windings Transaxle Helical Geared with Input Pinion Shaft Directly connected to motor shaft Motor 48 V NonNon Vented 3KW Brazed Armature and solid windings. Motor 36wound, V wound, Vented 2.2KW Brazed Armature and copper solid copper windings Transaxle Helical with self Input Pinion Shaft Directlydrum connected Brakes DualGeared rear wheel, adjusting mechanical brakesto motor shaft Transaxle 12.44:1 Helical Geared with Input Directly connected to motor Transaxle Helical Geared with Input PinionPinion ShaftShaft Directly connected to motor shaftshaft Brakes Dual rear wheel, self adjusting mechanical drum brakes Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system Brakes Dual rearrear wheel, adjusting drum brakes Brakes Dual wheel, self adjusting mechanical drum The The following followinglist listofofsafety safetyprocedures procedures are are toself tobe be used used asasmechanical a aguide guide only only and and ininbrakes no noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific Parking Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system Frontbrake suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system the the manufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions provided provided by by Front suspension Leaf springs withwith hydraulic shock absorbers Rear suspension Leaf springs hydraulic shock absorbers Front suspension LeafLeaf springs withwith hydraulic shock absorbers Front suspension springs hydraulic shock absorbers Always: Always: Rear suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Singe reduction rack and pinion Steering EMC EMC Electric Electric Golf Golf Cart Cart Based Based Vehicles Vehicles RearRear suspension LeafLeaf springs withwith hydraulic shock absorbers suspension springs hydraulic shock absorbers Singe reduction rack and pinion EMC Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles • •Steering Maintain Maintain the thevehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordance with with the the manufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodic periodic service serviceschedule. schedule. Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Steering Singe reduction rackrack andand pinion Singe reduction pinion Steering Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Seating Cushion by Foam/vinyl cover, hip and restraint/hand hold •Steering • Ensure Ensure repairs repairsare areonly onlyDual performed performed bypersons persons trained trained andqualified qualified totodo doso. so. wheel handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, hip restraint/hand hold Seating capacity 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Seat •Seating • Check Checkthe thepolarity polarityofofeach each battery battery terminal terminal and and ensure ensure the thebatteries batteries are arere-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly. Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, hip restraint/hand holdhold Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, hip restraint/hand Seating capacity 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Seat Total load capacity SWB: 320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg capacity 2, 3,2,4,3,64, &parts. Seat Seating capacity 68parts. & 8 Seat •Seating •Total Only Only use genuine genuinereplacement replacement loaduse capacity SWB: LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg Speed 18 320kg, – 20 kph TotalTotal loadload capacity SWB: 320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg capacity SWB: 320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg 18 – 20 This kph • •Speed Only Onlyuse userecommended recommended tools. tools. This includes includes insulatedtools toolswhen whenworking workingininororaround aroundbatteries. batteries. Chassis Welded Tubular steelinsulated Speed 16 -18 18–kph Speed 20 kph Tubular steel Welded • •Chassis Support Supportthe thevehicle vehicleusing using wheel wheel chocks chocks andjack jackstands. stands.Never Neverget get under underaavehicle vehiclethat thatisissupported supportedby byaa Body Flexible, Impactand Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic Tubular steel Chassis Welded Chassis Welded Tubular steel Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic vehicleininaccordance accordance withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftcolours the thevehicle Standard White with Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic Standard colours White •Standard • Maintain Maintain the thevehicle vehicleininan anarea area away awayfrom fromexposed exposed flame flame ororpersons persons who who are aresmoking. smoking. Dash panel Reinforced plastic with 4 Drink Holders, Tee & Ball Storage colours White, Green and Yellow Standard colours White Dash panel Reinforced plastic with 4 Drink Holders, Tee & Ball Storage Tyres 18 xis 8.50 –performing 8performingas •Dash • Be Be aware aware thatany anyvehicle vehicle that that isnot not asdesigned designed isis a potential hazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated. panel Reinforced plastic withwith 4 Drink Holders, Tee &apotential Ball Storage Dash panelthat Reinforced plastic 4 Drink Holders, Tee & Ball Storage Tyres 18 18 x 8.50 8 Tyre pressure – 22–psi 10 any inch. 18 x 8.50 (4repairs. ply rated) With Wheel Covers Tyres 18 xmaintenance 8.50 – 8 – 10oror •Tyres •Tyre Test Test drive drivethe thevehicle vehicleafter after maintenance repairs. AllAll tests tests must must be beconducted conductedbybyaaqualified, qualified,trained trained pressure 18 –any 22 psi Weight SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, XLWB: 670kg safe safe areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and and authorised authorisedperson person18 inina–18 a22 Tyre pressure Tyre pressure – psi 22area psi Weight 480kg,black LWB:steering 580kg, XLWB: 670kg Operating controls and SWB: Standard wheel, foot operated dual function service brake and parking brake. SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, XLWB: 670kg Weight SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, XLWB: 670kg •Weight •Operating All All maintenance maintenance and and repairs repairs must must be be performed performed by by qualified qualified persons persons with with the the skills skills and andbrake experience experience totorecognize recognize controls and Standard blackKey, steering wheel, foot operated dual function service and parking brake. instrumentation Removable Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning Operating controls and Standard black steering wheel, foot operated dual function service brake and parking brake. Operating controls and Standard black steering wheel, foot operated dual function service brake and parking brake. and and protect protect themselves themselves from from situations situations that that could could result result in in damage damage to to the thevehicle vehicle potential potential hazards hazards and/or and/or danger danger instrumentation Removable Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning Weather canopy Glass fibre reinforced or moulded plastic instrumentation Removable Three position Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning. Light switch, instrumentation Removable Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning severe severe personal personal injury injury or or death. death. Always Always use use extreme extreme caution. caution. or or Weather canopy Glass fibre reinforced or moulded plastic Windscreen One piece fixed resin meter state of charge Weather canopy Glass fibre reinforced orthe moulded plastic • •Windscreen Follow Followmanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions instructions totoimmobilize immobilize thevehicle vehicle before beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. One piece fixed resin Weather canopy Glass fibre reinforced or moulded plastic Windscreen One piece fixed resin •Windscreen • Block Blockchassis chassisbefore beforeworking working underneath underneath golfvehicle. vehicle. One piece fixed resingolf



Owners Guide Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures




•Electrics • Avoid Avoid fire firehazards hazardsand andhave havefire fireprotection protection available. available. package Headlight, tail lights, turn signal indicator lights, horn. • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electricalsystem systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa battery batterywire. wire. • • Brakes, Brakes,steering steeringmechanisms, mechanisms,warning warningdevices, devices,governors governorsand andallallother othersafety safetydevices devicesshould shouldbe be maintainedtotoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspectedand andmaintained


• • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance maintenanceand andthe themaintenance maintenanceperformed performedshould shouldalso alsobe berecorded. recorded. • • The Themaintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries.


• • AllAllname nameplates, plates,warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible 33 condition. condition. • • The Thecontrolling controllingparty partyshould shouldnot notperform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the priorwritten writtenauthorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sprior


• • Where Whereauthorised authorisedmodifications modificationshave havebeen beenmade, made,the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance Golf GolfCart CartGroup GroupPty PtyLtd Ltd Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

20 20 20


1300 130073 7366 6685 85| PO | POBOX BOX1000 1000Terrigal TerrigalNSW NSWAustralia Australia2260 2260 1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260

21 332

Specifications Specifications Contents Contents Specifications Specifications Lubrication

Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components.

SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE 3 3fitting could damage grease seals and cause premature Putting more three pumps of greasePAGE inPAGE grease Safety Safety Procedures Procedures

bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation

CLASSIC - standard Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenanceequipment CLASSIC - Materials standard equipment Parts Parts & Materials & Batteries Six 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC ) ELITE - standard equipment CLASSIC standard equipment Operator Operator -The Batteries Six 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or US8VGC ) Checking Lubricant Level


1001ELV 1001ELV 1001ELV

Controller Curtis Solid State, with(Trojan Non-Contact Throttle Sensor Qualifications Qualifications Batteries Six 8 volt Deep Cycle T875 or Inductive US8VGC Batteries Six 8 volt Deep Cycle (Trojan T875 or Inductive US8VGC ) ) Controller Curtis Solid State, with Non-Contact Throttle Sensor Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and plug. correct lubricant levelcopper is just below the bottom of Motor 36 V wound, Nonremove Vented 2.2KWThe Brazed Armature andSensor solid windings Controller Curtis Solid State, Non-Contact Inductive Throttle Speed Controller Curtis Solid State, withwith Non-Contact Inductive Throttle Sensor Cleaning Cleaning Motor 36 V wound, Non Vented 2.2KW Brazed Armature and solid copper windings starts to seep low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant the Transaxle threaded hole. If lubricant is Helical GearedNon withVented Input Pinion Shaft Directly connected to motor shaft Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle Motor 36 V wound, 2.2KW Brazed andcopper solid copper windings Motor 48V wound, Non Vented 4kw Brazed and solid windings Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is Armature toconnected be replaced, the vehicle from hole. Transaxle Helical Geared with Input Pinion ShaftArmature Directly to motor shaft must be elevated Wheel Wheel Installation Installation Brakes Dual rear wheel, self adjusting mechanical drum brakes Transaxle Helical Geared with Input Pinion Shaft Directly connected to motor shaft Transaxle 12.44:1 Helical Geared with Input Pinion Shaft directly connected to motor shaft removed or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. and the oil pan TyreTyre Inspection Inspection Brakes Dual rear wheel, self adjusting mechanical drum brakes Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system Brakes Brakes Brakes Dual wheel, self adjusting mechanical drum brakes Brakes Dual rearrear wheel, selfbrake adjusting mechanical drum brakes Parking brake Automatic parking release with self-compensating system Periodic Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical (mechanical brakes) brakes) Front suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system Parking brake Automatic parking brake release with self-compensating system Lubrication Lubrication Front suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Rear suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels Front suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Front suspension Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers RearLight suspension Light Bulb Replacement Replacement Leaf springs with hydraulic shock absorbers Singesprings reduction rack and pinion Steering Caution: ToBulb reduce the possibility of with premature bulb failure, do not touch new bulbs with bare fingers. EMC EMC Electric Electric Golf GolfLocation Cart Cart Based Based Vehicles Vehicles Rear suspension Leaf with hydraulic shock absorbers Rear suspension Leaf springs hydraulic shock absorbers Serial Serial Number Number Location Singe reduction rack andglass pinion Steering EMC Electric Golf Cart Based Vehicles Use clean, dry tissue or paper towel to handle portion of the bulb. Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Periodic Periodic Service Service Schedule Schedule Singe reduction rack and pinion Steering Steering Singe reduction rack and pinion Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder & scorecard holder Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, hip&restraint/hand hold For vehicles equipped with head light/s locate bulb socket on backside of holder light bar and turn holder bulb socket a quarter Steering wheel Dual handgrips, pencil holder scorecard holder Steering wheel Deluxe wood grain style with handgrips, pencil & scorecard Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, hipdual restraint/hand holdrotate Insert new bulb and socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. Seating capacity 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8PAGE Seat OPERATION OPERATION PAGE 10 10 hip restraint/hand hold Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl cover, Seating Cushion Foam/vinyl Seating capacity 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Seat cover, hip restraint/hand hold secure. Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices Total load capacity SWB:4,320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg Seating capacity 8 Seat Seating capacity 3,2,4,3, 6, &68&Seat Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo 2, TotalOperation load capacity SWB: 320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg replace the and brakeSWB: light remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To Speed 18 –bulb, 20 kph Controls Controls & capacity &tail Indicators Indicators Total load SWB: 320kg, LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg Total load capacity 320kg, Speed – 20 kph LWB: 480kg, XLWB: 640kg Keyabove. Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch 18 Welded as per Chassis Tubular steel Speed 1826– kph 20 kph Speed 21 – Direction Direction Selector Selector Tubular steel Chassis Welded Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic State State of of Charge Charge Meter Meter Chassis Welded Tubular steel Chassis Welded Tubular steel Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal Standard colours White Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic Body Flexible, Impact Resistant Injection Moulded Plastic Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal Standard colours White Dash panel ReinforcedSapphire plastic with 4 Drink Holders, Tee &Green, Ball Storage Horn Horn Standard colours White Standard colours Champagne, Blue, Red, Black, White, Yellow, The serial number and manufacture date code are located on a Tee plate on the passenger side of the dash housing Dash panel Reinforced plastic with 4 Drink Holders, & Ball Storage Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield Tyres 18 x 8.50 – 8 Dash panel Reinforced plastic withseat. 4pDrink Holders, Teeholders, & Ball Storage Dash panel Wood grain style reinforced lastic with 4 drink t ee & ball storage rear of the front or for 4 and 6 seat models on the Tyres 18 x 8.50 – 8 Tyre pressure 18 – 22 psi– 8 Tyres 18 x 8.50 Tyres 10 18 x 8.50 – 10 (4 ply rated) wheel covers Design changes take place oninch. basis. In13 order to with obtain correct components for the vehicle, the Tyre pressure 18 –an 22ongoing psi SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 13 Weight SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, XLWB: 670kg Tyre pressure 18 – 22 psi Tyre pressure 18 – 22 psi serial number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. manufacturer date code, General General Weight SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, XLWB: 670kg Operating controls and Standard black steering wheel, foot operated dual function service brake and parking brake. General General Operation Operation Weight SWB: 480kg, LWB: 580kg, XLWB: 670kg Weight 480kg, LWB: 580kg, XLWB: 670kg Caution: To prolong vehicle SWB: life,Removable some maintenance items must be serviced more frequently on and vehicles used Operating controls and Standard black steering wheel, foot operated dual function service brake parking brake. instrumentation Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning Operating controls and Deluxe Standard black steering wheel, foot operated dual function brakefrequent and parking brake. Instrumentation steering wheel, foot operated dual function service brakeservice and parking brake. instrumentation Removable Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning severe driving conditions such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust conditions, use with under Weather canopy Glass fibre reinforced orKey, moulded plastic instrumentation Removable Key, Direction Selector, Audible Reverse Warning Removable Three position Direction Selector, and Audible Reverse Warning. Light switch, BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 14 plastic maximum load. aWeather canopy Glass fibre reinforced or14 moulded Windscreen One piece resin or moulded plastic meter state of charge Battery Battery Safety Safety Weather canopy Glass fibrefixed reinforced Windscreen One piece fixed resin Charger Charger Installation Installation Weather canopy Glass fibre reinforced or moulded plastic Windscreen One piece fixed resin General General Information Information Windscreen Tinted split-fold Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery

Owners Guide Light bulb replacement

Serial plate number location

Periodic service schedule Charging Charging Batteries Batteries Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance

DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water •

Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning Check service brake

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Check park brake function, lock, hold and general operation

Check hand brake function (if fitted)


Battery Battery Replacement Replacement Hydrometer Hydrometer

• Check warning device function in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 1919 Towing Towing

Check TYRE condition Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling

Check overall vehicle condition

SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20each 20 days use • Recharge batteries to full state of charge after •

Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic - Classic Inspect charger connector and receptacle Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive - Executive Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite



at each charge


Warranty Warranty TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure.

Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.



Golf GolfCart CartGroup GroupPty PtyLtd Ltd Golf Cart Group Pty Ltd

20 20 8 20 2 2822 22


Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to change change without without notice. notice. GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom the use the of use this of material. this material. CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.

1300 130073 7366 6685 85| PO | POBOX BOX1000 1000Terrigal TerrigalNSW NSWAustralia Australia2260 2260 1300 73 66 85 | PO BOX 1000 Terrigal NSW Australia 2260


To obtain a copy of the limited warranty applicable to the vehicle, call or write to your local distributor, authorised To obtain of warranty applicable the write local distributor, To Branch obtain a aorcopy copy of the the limited limited warrantywith applicable to the vehicle, vehicle, call or write to to your yourdate localcode. distributor, authorised authorised Department vehicleto serial number call andor manufacturer the Warranty Warranty Department with vehicle serial number and manufacturer date code. Branch or the To To obtain obtain a copy a copy of the of the limited limited warranty warranty applicable applicable to the to the vehicle, vehicle, call call or write or write to your to your local local distributor, distributor, authorised authorised Branch or the Warranty Department with vehicle serial number and manufacturer date code. EXCLUSIONS: Specifically excluded from anyserial EMC warranty are: adjustments/repairs made due to normal wear, Warranty Warranty Department Department with with vehicle vehicle serial number number and and manufacturer manufacturer date date code. code. Branch Branch or the or the EXCLUSIONS: Specifically excluded from anytoEMC warranty are: Purchaser adjustments/repairs made due to normal wear, EMC The Electric Mobility Company Warrants the Original Retail or the Original Retail Lessee routine maintenance items, cosmetic deterioration, and electrical components which are susceptible to that fluctuation routine maintenance items, cosmetic deterioration, and electrical components which are susceptible to fluctuation EXCLUSIONS: EXCLUSIONS: Specifically excluded excluded from from anyany EMC warranty warranty are: are: adjustments/repairs adjustments/repairs made made due todoes normal to normal wear, Vehicle beSpecifically free defects in material or EMC workmanship for one year from thewarranty date ofdue purchase with the (Including but not limited to light bulbs) This also not wear, apply to in currentshall beyond thefrom control of EMC. (Including butand not limited to light bulbs) This warranty also does to in current thelabour. control ofcosmetic EMC. routine routine maintenance maintenance items, items, cosmetic deterioration, deterioration, electrical electrical components components which which arefor are susceptible susceptible tonot fluctuation to apply fluctuation respect to beyond partsor and events over which EMC has noand control. Transportation charges warranty service, as well Acts of God other events over EMC has no control. Transportation charges for warranty service, as well Acts offreight God or other (Including (Including but but not not limited limited to this light to light bulbs) bulbs) This This warranty warranty also also does does notnot apply apply to to in current in beyond beyond thethe control control of EMC. ofwhich EMC. charges to receive warranty parts are excluded from warranty and all replaced parts shall become ascurrent EXCLUSIONS: Specifically excluded from any EMC warranty are: adjustments/repairs made due to normal wear, The The following following list list of of safety safety procedures procedures are are to to be be used used as as a a guide guide only only and and in in no no way way supersede supersede any any specific specific charges to receive warranty parts are excluded from this warranty and all replaced parts shall become as freight events events over over which which EMC EMC hashas no no control. control. Transportation Transportation charges charges for for warranty warranty service, service, as as well well Acts Acts ofproperty God of God or other or other This warranty also excludes batteries, tyres and battery chargers that are warranted by their the of EMC. routine maintenance cosmetic deterioration, and electrical components which are susceptible toshall fluctuation the the manufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions provided provided by by This warranty also excludes batteries, tyres and battery chargers that are warranted by their the property of EMC. charges charges to items, receive to receive warranty warranty parts parts areare excluded excluded from from this this warranty warranty and and all replaced all replaced parts parts shall become become as as freight freight respective manufacturers. (Including but not limited toand light bulbs) This warranty also does not apply to in current beyond the This control of EMC. respective manufacturers. This warranty warranty also also excludes excludes batteries, batteries, tyres tyres and battery battery chargers chargers thatthat areare warranted warranted by by their their the the property property of EMC. of EMC. Always: Always: events over which EMC has no control. Transportation charges for warranty service, as well Acts of God or other REMEDY: The sole remedy under this warranty and EMC’s only obligation in the event of a defect in the vehicle, respective respective manufacturers. manufacturers. The sole remedy under this repair warranty and EMC’s only obligation inand the event of athe defect in thebecome vehicle,Any that EMC will, itsinin sole option, or replace any defective part or parts during warranty period. •REMEDY: • is Maintain Maintain the the vehicle vehicle accordance accordance with withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’s periodic periodic service service schedule. schedule. charges toat receive warranty parts are excluded from this warranty all replaced parts shall as freight EMC will, atsole its sole option, repair or replace any defective part or parts during the warranty period. Any is that REMEDY: REMEDY: The The sole remedy remedy under under this this warranty warranty and and EMC’s EMC’s only only obligation obligation in the in the event event of a of defect a defect in the in the claimed must be returned to EMC at no cost to EMC so that EMC can determine if the part is defective parts byvehicle, their the property of EMC. This warranty also excludes batteries, tyres and battery chargers that are warrantedvehicle, •parts • Ensure Ensure repairs repairs are are only only performed performed by by persons persons trained trained and and qualified qualified to to do do so. so. claimed must be returned to EMC at no cost to EMC so that EMC can determine if the part is defective is that is materials that EMC EMC will, at its at its sole sole option, option, repair or precludes or replace replace any any defective defective part part orincluding or parts parts during during thethe warranty warranty period. period. Any Any orwill, workmanship. Thisrepair remedy all other remedies any lawsuits, claims or other in respective manufacturers. or must workmanship. This remedy allEMC remedies including anyEMC lawsuits, claims other in materials claimed claimed must be be returned returned to EMC to negligence EMC atprecludes no at no cost cost to toother EMC so so that that EMC EMC can can determine determine if the if the part part isthe defective isordefective proceedings alleging strict liability, of contract or any cause of action. reserves right to •parts • parts Check Check the thepolarity polarity of ofeach each battery battery terminal terminal and and ensure ensure the the batteries batteries are are re-wired re-wired correctly. correctly. REMEDY: The sole remedy under this warranty EMC’s only obligation in theany event of a defect inright theother vehicle, proceedings strict liability, negligence of and contract any cause of action. EMC reserves the to materials materials oralleging workmanship. or workmanship. This This remedy precludes precludes all other allor other remedies remedies including including any lawsuits, lawsuits, claims claims or or other in in improve or change the design ofremedy any EMC vehicle without assuming any responsibility to warranty modify previously sold that EMC will, at its sole option, repair or replace any defective part or parts during the period. Any •is • Only Only use use genuine genuine replacement replacement parts. parts. improve or change the design of any EMC vehicle without assuming any responsibility to modify previously sold proceedings proceedings alleging alleging strict strict liability, liability, negligence negligence of contract of contract or any or any cause cause of action. of action. EMC EMC reserves reserves thethe right right to to vehicles. claimed must bethe returned toany at vehicle no vehicle costwithout to without EMCassuming soassuming that EMC can determine iftothe part previously is defective parts improve or change or recommended change the design design of ofEMC any EMC EMC anyany responsibility responsibility modify to modify previously sold sold •vehicles. • improve Only Only use use recommended tools. tools. This This includes includes insulated insulated tools toolswhen when working working ininororaround around batteries. batteries. materials or workmanship. This remedy precludes all other remedies including any lawsuits, claims or other in WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR DISCLAIMER: THIS vehicles. vehicles. WARRANTY ISchocks MADEand IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, IMPLIED THIS •DISCLAIMER: • EXPRESSED, Support Supportthe the vehicle vehicle using using wheel wheel chocks and jack jack stands. Never Never get get under under aavehicle vehicle that thatFOR isissupported supported by byaa proceedings alleging strict liability, negligence of contract or any cause of action. EMC reserves the right to WARRANTY OFstands. MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS AOR PARTICULAR INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR EXPRESSED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY WARRANTY IS IS MADE MADE IN IN LIEU LIEU OF OF ALL ALL OTHER OTHER WARRANTIES, WARRANTIES, IMPLIED IMPLIED OR OR DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER: THIS THIS vehicle vehicle ininaccordance accordance with with the themanufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. jack. jack. Lift Lift the the improve or change the design of any EMC vehicle without assuming any responsibility to modify previously sold FURTHER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL PURPOSE. EMC WILL FURTHER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL PURPOSE. EMC WILL WARRANTY WARRANTY OFOF MERCHANTABILITY MERCHANTABILITY OROR FITNESS FITNESS FOR FOR A PARTICULAR ADAMAGE PARTICULAR EXPRESSED, EXPRESSED, INCLUDING INCLUDING ANY ANY vehicles. TO INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGES, •PURPOSE. • PURPOSE. Maintain Maintain the the vehicle vehicle in inan anarea area away away from from exposed exposed flame flameororpersons persons who whoare aresmoking. smoking. TO INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE DAMAGES, FURTHER FURTHER DISCLAIM DISCLAIM ANY ANY LIABILITY LIABILITY FOR FOR INCIDENTAL INCIDENTAL OR OR CONSEQUENTIAL CONSEQUENTIAL EMC EMC WILL WILL DEFECT IS IN MADE THE VEHICLE. ARISING FROM ANY WARRANTY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR DISCLAIMER: THIS DEFECT IN THE FROM ANY TO TO INCLUDE INCLUDE BUT BUT NOT BEVEHICLE. BE LIMITED LIMITED TO, TO, PERSONAL PERSONAL INJURY INJURY OR OR PROPERTY PROPERTY DAMAGE DAMAGES, •ARISING • DAMAGES, Be Beaware aware that that any anyvehicle vehicle that that isNOT isnot not performing performing asas designed designed isisaapotential potential hazard hazard and andmust mustDAMAGE not not be beoperated. operated. INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR EXPRESSED, No agent, employee or representative of EMC, or any person has any authority to bind EMC to any other DEFECT DEFECT IN IN THE THE VEHICLE. VEHICLE. ARISING ARISING FROM FROM ANY ANY No agent, employee or representative of EMC, or any person any authority towarranty. bind any other •PURPOSE. • agreement, Test Testdrive drive the thevehicle vehicle after afterany maintenance maintenance or or repairs. repairs. AllAllhas tests tests must must be beconducted conducted by byaato qualified, qualified, trained trained FURTHER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OREMC CONSEQUENTIAL EMC WILL representation, orany warranty concerning the goods sold under this representation, or warranty concerning the goods sold under this warranty. agreement, No No agent, agent, employee employee or representative or representative of EMC, of EMC, or any or any person person has has any any authority authority to bind to bind EMC EMC to to any other other safearea area that thatisisfree free ofofboth bothvehicular vehicular and andpedestrian pedestrian traffic. traffic. any and andauthorised authorised person person ininaasafe DAMAGE DAMAGES, TO INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY WARNING: ANY MODIFICATION OR CHANGE TOsold THE VEHICLE WHICH ALTERS THE representation, representation, or warranty orIN warranty concerning concerning thethe goods goods sold under under thisthis warranty. warranty. agreement, agreement, DEFECT THEOR VEHICLE. ARISING FROM ANY ANY MODIFICATION CHANGE TO THE VEHICLE WHICH ALTERS THE •WARNING: • WEIGHT AllAllmaintenance maintenance and andrepairs repairsmust must beperformed performed bybyqualified qualified persons persons with withINCREASES the the skills skillsand and experience experience totorecognize recognize THE SPEED, DISTRIBUTION OF be THE VEHICLE, ITS STABILITY, INCREASES THE SPEED, WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION OF THE VEHICLE, ITS STABILITY, WARNING: ANY ANY MODIFICATION MODIFICATION OR OR CHANGE CHANGE TO TO THE THE VEHICLE VEHICLE WHICH WHICH ALTERS ALTERS THE THE and and protect protect themselves themselves from from situations situations that that could could result result in in damage damage to to the vehicle potential potential hazards hazards and/or and/or danger danger NoWARNING: agent, employee or representative of EMC, or any person has any authority to bind EMC to any other OR ALTERS THE OUTPUT OF THE BATTERY CHARGER BEYOND THE FACTORY thevehicle OR THE OUTPUT OF THE BATTERY CHARGER BEYOND THE THE FACTORY severe personal personal injury injury death. death. Always Always use useextreme extreme caution. caution. orALTERS orsevere representation, ororor warranty concerning the goods sold under this warranty. agreement, INCREASES INCREASES THE SPEED, SPEED, WEIGHT WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION OF OF THE THE VEHICLE, VEHICLE, ITS ITS STABILITY, STABILITY,


Warranty Warranty Warranty Warranty Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance



Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures








• • Where Whereauthorised authorisedmodifications modificationshave havebeen beenmade, made,the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance


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ATTENTION: WARRANTY DEPARTMENT, 11 Bowen Crescent, West Gosford NSW 2250 Australia Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause Note: understand followinginto text and that warnings attempting to service vehicle. greaseRead sealsand to fail or greasethe migration areas could before damage components. SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE 3fitting could In any product, components willofeventually fail to3perform properly as the grease result ofseals normal age, wear Putting more three pumps greasePAGE inPAGE grease damage anduse, cause premature Safety Safety Procedures Procedures abuse. It is virtually impossible to anticipate all possible component failures or the manner in which each or bearing failure. Ventilation Ventilation fail. Be aware that a vehicle requiring repair indicates that the vehicle is no longer functioning as component may Preventative Maintenance Maintenance ToPreventative obtain a copy of the limited warranty applicable to the vehicle, call or write to your local distributor, authorised designed and therefore should be considered potentially hazardous. Use extreme caution when working on any Parts Parts &or Materials &the Materials Warranty Department with vehicle serial number and manufacturer date code. Branch Operator Operator When diagnosing, removing or replacing components that not take time to vehicle. To obtain a copy of the limited warranty applicableany to the vehicle, call or are write tooperating your localcorrectly, distributor, authorised Qualifications Qualifications EXCLUSIONS: Specifically excluded from any EMC warranty are: adjustments/repairs made due to normal wear, To obtain a copy of the limited warranty applicable to the vehicle, call or write to your local distributor, authorised consider the safety of yourself and others around you should the component move unexpectedly. Branch or the Warranty Department with vehicle serial number and manufacturer date code. Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and remove plug. The correct lubricant level isare just below the bottom of routine maintenance items, cosmetic deterioration, and electrical components which susceptible to fluctuation Warranty Department with vehicle serial number and manufacturer date code. Branch or the Cleaning Cleaning Some components heavy, spring loaded, highly corrosive, explosive or may high amperage orthat reach EMC The Electric Company Warrants to theas Original Retail Purchaser or produce the Original Retail Lessee lubricant is low, add lubricant required. Add lubricant slowly lubricant seep theinthreaded hole.Mobility Ifare (Including but not limited to light bulbs) Thisuntil warranty alsostarts doesto not apply to current the control of EMC. Lifting Lifting thebeyond the Vehicle Vehicle EXCLUSIONS: Specifically excluded from any EMC warranty are: adjustments/repairs made due to normal wear, temperatures. Battery acid and hydrogen gas could result in serious bodily injury to the technician/mechanic high Vehicle shall be free from defects in material or workmanship for one year from the date of purchase with the Install check/fill the event that no thecontrol. lubricant is to be replaced, the for vehicle mustservice, be elevated from hole. eventsplug. over In which EMC has Transportation charges warranty as well Acts of God orthe other Wheel Wheel Installation Installation routine maintenance items, cosmetic deterioration, and electrical components which are susceptible to fluctuation and bystanders if not treated with the utmost caution. Be careful not to place hands, face, feet or body in a respect to parts and labour. removed or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. and the oil pan Tyre Inspection Inspection charges to receive warranty parts are excluded from this warranty and all replaced parts shall become asTyre freight not limited to lightoccur. bulbs) This warranty also does not apply to in Brakes current the control injury (Including should anbut unforeseen situation location that beyond could expose themof toEMC. Brakes Thisexcluded warranty alsoany excludes batteries, tyresadjustments/repairs and battery chargers thatdue are to warranted by their the property of EMC. EXCLUSIONS: Specifically from warranty normal wear, Periodic Periodic Brake Brake Test Test (mechanical (mechanical brakes) brakes) events over which EMCEMC has no control.are: Transportation charges made for warranty service, as well Acts of God or other respective manufacturers. WARNING! routine maintenance cosmetic deterioration, and electrical are susceptible fluctuation Lubrication charges items, to receive warranty parts are excluded fromcomponents this warrantywhich and all replaced partstoshall become asLubrication freight Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels (Including but not limited to light bulbs) This warranty also does not apply in current beyond the control of EMC. The sole remedy under this warranty and EMC’s only obligation in the event of a defect in the vehicle, This warranty also excludes batteries, tyres and battery chargers that are warranted byto their the property of EMC. • REMEDY: Before working on the vehicle, remove all jewellery (rings, watches, necklaces, etc.) Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement events over which EMC has no control. Transportation charges for warranty service, as well Acts of God or other Caution: To reduce the possibility of premature bulb failure, do not touch new bulbs with bare fingers. is that EMC will, at its sole option, repair or replace any defective part or parts during the warranty period. Any respective manufacturers. Serial Serial Number Number Location Location •Use Be sure noService loose clothing or hair moving parts. charges to receive warranty parts fromso this warranty anddetermine all replaced parts become as freight clean, dry tissue or returned paper towel tocontact handle glass portion of the bulb. claimed must be to can EMC atare noexcluded cost to EMC that EMC can if the partshall is defective parts Periodic Periodic Service Schedule Schedule REMEDY: soleThis remedy under thisexcludes warranty and EMC’s only obligation in theany event ofare a defect in or the vehicle, warranty also batteries, tyres and battery chargers that warranted by their the property ofThe EMC. materials or workmanship. This remedy precludes all other remedies lawsuits, claims other •Forin Use caution not to its touch hot objects. vehicles equipped with head light/s locate bulb socket ondefective backside ofincluding light bar and turn bulb socket a quarter is that EMC will, at sole option, repair or replace any part or parts during the warranty period. Any respective manufacturers. proceedings alleging strict liability, negligence of contract or any cause of action. EMC reserves the right to Insert new bulb and rotate socket apowertrain. quarter clockwise counter clockwise toand unlock and pullPAGE out bulb. claimed must be returned to EMC at no cost to EMC so that EMC canor determine if the turn part is defectiveto parts OPERATION OPERATION PAGE 10 10 •turn Raise rear of vehicle support on jack stands before attempting to run adjust improve orSafety change the design ofthis anywarranty EMC vehicle withoutonly assuming any responsibility modifyinpreviously sold REMEDY: The sole remedy under and EMC’s obligation in the event of to a defect theorvehicle, secure. Operating Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices materials or workmanship. This remedy precludes all other remedies including any lawsuits, claims other in Operating vehicles. • that Wear eyewill, protection when working onor or replace around the vehicle. Incause particular, useduring caution when working around is EMC at its sole option, repair any defective part orofparts the warranty Any Operation Operation &Service &Service Info Info alleging strict liability, negligence of contract or any action. EMC reserves theperiod. right tobulb replace the and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement Toproceedings Controls Controls & Indicators &tail Indicators claimed must be returned to EMC at no cost to EMC so that EMC can determine if the part is defective parts batteries, using solvents or compressed air. WARRANTY ISEMC MADE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER IMPLIED OR DISCLAIMER: THIS improve or change the design of any vehicle without assuming anyWARRANTIES, responsibility to modify previously sold Keyabove. Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch asmaterials per or workmanship. This remedy precludesOF all MERCHANTABILITY other remedies including any lawsuits, claims or other in WARRANTY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ANY vehicles. Direction Direction Selector Selector • EXPRESSED, Hydrogen gasINCLUDING is formed when charging batteries. Do not charge batteriesOR without adequate ventilation. proceedings strict liability, negligence of contract or any cause ofINCIDENTAL action. EMC reserves the right to State State of Charge ofalleging Charge Meter Meter FURTHER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR OR CONSEQUENTIAL PURPOSE. EMC WILL WARRANTY IS MADE INwithout LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR THIS • DISCLAIMER: Do not permit open flame BUT or any anyone to smoke in an area thatOTHER is any being used for charging batteries. A improve or change the design of EMC vehicle assuming responsibility to modify previously sold Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal TO INCLUDE NOT BE LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE DAMAGES, WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR EXPRESSED, INCLUDING ANY Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal concentration of 4% hydrogen gas or more is explosive. vehicles. DEFECT IN THE VEHICLE. ARISING FROM ANY Horn Horn FURTHER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL PURPOSE. EMC WILL The serial number and manufacture date code located on aOTHER plate onWARRANTIES, the passengerOR side of theOR dash housing Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield WARRANTY IS MADE INare LIEU OF ALL IMPLIED DISCLAIMER: THIS No agent, employee or representative of EMC, or any person has any authority to bind EMC to any other TO INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE DAMAGES, rear of the front seat. or for 4 and 6 seat models on the INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS EXPRESSED, representation, or warranty the goods sold under this warranty.FOR A PARTICULAR agreement, IN THEconcerning VEHICLE. ARISING FROM ANY DEFECT FURTHER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL PURPOSE. EMCtake WILL Design changes place on an ongoing basis. In13 order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 13 No agent,TO employee or serial representative ofLIMITED EMC, orTO, any PERSONAL person has any authority to bind EMC to any other WARNING: ANY MODIFICATION OR CHANGE TO THE VEHICLE WHICH ALTERS THE PROPERTY DAMAGE DAMAGES, INCLUDE BUT NOT BE INJURY OR number and vehicle model must be provided when ordering service parts. manufacturer date code, General General representation, or warranty concerning the goods sold under this warranty. agreement, WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION OFTHE THE VEHICLE, ITS STABILITY, INCREASES THE SPEED, VEHICLE. ARISING FROM ANY DEFECT IN General General Operation Operation Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items must be serviced more frequently on vehicles used OR ALTERS THE OUTPUT OF THE BATTERY CHARGER BEYOND THE FACTORY WARNING: ANY MODIFICATION OR or CHANGE TO THE THE No agent, employee or representative of EMC, any person has any VEHICLE authority to WHICH bindconditions, EMCALTERS to any other severe driving conditions such as extreme temperatures, extreme debris/dust frequent use with under SPECIFICATION, CAN CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY. DO NOT MAKE ANY SUCH representation, or warranty concerning the goods sold under this warranty. agreement, INCREASES THE SPEED, WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION OF THE VEHICLE, ITS STABILITY, BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 1414 a maximum load.


Warranty Warranty Contents Contents Warranty


Checking The Lubricant Level

Light bulb replacement

Serial plate number location



Hydrometer Hydrometer ACCIDENT OR COLLISION; INDICATIONS THAT THE SPEED GOVERNOR WAS ADJUSTED A: Check the direction switch isSHOWS set to ANY forward or reverse. ALTERATIONS TO THE SPEED BRAKING STEERING BUT NOT LIMITED TO VOIDING OF WARRANTY: THIS, AND OTHER WARRANTY SHALL BESPECIFICATIONS; VOID SYSTEM, IF THE VEHICLE OR • INCLUDING Check hand brake function (if fitted) VEHICLE TO OPERATE BEYOND EMC SHOWS OR MODIFIED ALLOWING THE 9 OR OTHER OPERATING SYSTEMS OF THE VEHICLE OR; SHOWS INDICATIONS THAT ROUTINE OTHERWISE NOT USED IN ITS INTENDED MANNER; IS IN AN BATTERY CHARGER IS ABUSED OR THAT IT function HAS BEEN ALTERED MODIFIED IN ANY WAY FROM EMC SPECIFICATIONS, • INDICATIONS Check warning device in reverse TRANSPORT TRANSPORT PAGE PAGE 19OR 19 THAT PERFORMED WHEN, AND IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED BYADJUSTED EMC. THIS MAINTENANCE WAS NOT GOVERNOR WAS ACCIDENT OR BUT COLLISION; SHOWS INDICATIONS THE SPEED ALTERATIONS TO THE BRAKING SYSTEM, STEERING INCLUDING NOT LIMITED TO Towing TowingI remove Q.MODIFIED Should theBE windscreen when towing the on aSPEED trailer. RESPECT TOvehicle ANY DEFECT OR DAMAGE CAUSED SHOWS BY, OR AS A SHALL VOID WITH VEHICLE TO OPERATE BEYOND EMC SPECIFICATIONS; OR ALLOWING THE • WARRANTY Check TYRE condition OPERATING SYSTEMS OF THE VEHICLE OR; SHOWS INDICATIONS THAT ROUTINE OR OTHER Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling ACCESSORIES WHICH ARE NOT MANUFACTURED OR RESULT OF,THAT OR RELATED TO PARTS ORtowing INDICATIONS IT HAS BEEN ALTERED OR MODIFIED IN ANY WAY FROM EMC SPECIFICATIONS, A. Yes. Always remove the windscreen when on a trailer at speeds over 50 km/h MAINTENANCE WAS condition NOT PERFORMED WHEN, AND IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED BY EMC. THIS • AUTHORISED Check overall BY vehicle EMC, OR WERE NOT INSTALLED PERSPEED EMC INSTRUCTIONS. ALTERATIONS TO THE BRAKING SYSTEM, STEERING INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTY SHALL BE VOID WITH RESPECT TO ANY DEFECT OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY, OR AS A SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 20each 20 days OPERATING SYSTEMS OFPAGE THE VEHICLE OR;use SHOWS INDICATIONS THAT ROUTINE OR OTHER • RESULT Recharge batteries to full state charge after Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty MANUFACTURED Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in ACCESSORIES WHICH ARE NOT OR OF, OR RELATED TOof PARTS OR Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - NOT Classic -should Classic PERFORMED WHEN, AND IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED BY EMC. THIS MAINTENANCE WAS Q. What tyre pressures I run. document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar AUTHORISED BY EMC, OR WERE NOT INSTALLED PER EMC INSTRUCTIONS. • Inspect charger connector and receptacle at each charge Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive - Executive changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. DAMAGE CAUSED BY, OR AS A WARRANTY SHALL BE VOID WITH RESPECT TO ANY DEFECT ORchanges Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite A. Standard Tyre pressures should be lower for vehicles used mainly on grass and on paved surfaces. 22topsi is Thehigher The information information contained contained within within this material this material is18 subject is to subject to NOT MANUFACTURED OR RESULT OF, OR RELATED TO PARTS OR ACCESSORIES WHICH ARE change change without without notice. notice. recommended. Tyres should never be inflated to more than the maximum indicated on the tyre wall. AUTHORISED BY EMC, OR WERE NOT INSTALLED PER EMC INSTRUCTIONS. GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or WEEKLY for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom



Warranty Warranty TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure.

Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts.





8 2 2824 24

the use the of use this of material. this material.

CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT IN AUSTRALIA IN AUSTRALIA | PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 Australia. Australia.

23 23 2423








Service Log Service Service Service Log Log Log Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance



COMPANY: Safety Safety Procedures Procedures TECHNICIAN NAME:

COMPANY: TECHNICIAN NAME: NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN The Thefollowing following list listofofsafety safety procedures proceduresare aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guide only onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN NAME: NAME: TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN NAME: NAME: the the manufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructions provided provided by by COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: Always: Always: • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’speriodic periodicservice serviceschedule. schedule.

SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: • • Ensure Ensure repairs repairsare areonly onlyperformed performedbybypersons personstrained trainedand and qualified qualifiedtotodo doso. so. SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: DATE: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE:



• • Check Checkthe thepolarity polarityofofeach eachbattery batteryterminal terminaland andensure ensurethe thebatteries batteriesare arere-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly.

REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: parts. • • Only Onlyuse usegenuine genuine replacement replacement parts.

REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: • • Only Only use userecommended recommendedtools. tools.This Thisincludes includesinsulated insulatedtools tools when whenworking workingininororaround aroundbatteries. batteries. DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: that • • Support Support the thevehicle vehicleusing using wheel wheelchocks chocksand andjack jackstands. stands. Never Neverget get under underaavehicle vehicle thatisissupported supportedby byaa REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking. • • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated.



• • Test Testdrive drivethe thevehicle vehicleafter afterany anymaintenance maintenanceororrepairs. repairs.AllAlltests testsmust mustbe beconducted conductedbybyaaqualified, qualified,trained trained safe safe area area that that is is free free of of both both vehicular vehicular and and pedestrian pedestrian traffic. traffic. and andauthorised authorised person person in in a a COMPANY: COMPANY:






• • AllAllTECHNICIAN maintenance maintenance and andNAME: repairs repairsmust mustbebeperformed performedbybyqualified qualified persons personswith withNAME: the the skills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize NAME: TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath. death.Always Alwaysuse useextreme extremecaution. caution. ororsevere


• • Follow Followmanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions instructionstotoimmobilize immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. • • Block Blockchassis chassisbefore beforeworking workingunderneath underneathgolf golfvehicle. vehicle.


DATE: • • Avoid Avoid fire firehazards hazardsand andhave havefire fireprotection protectionavailable. available. SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE:


• • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electricalsystem systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: manufacturer’s manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. Disabling Disabling includes includes removing removing the the key key from from the the switch switch and and disconnecting disconnecting aa DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: battery battery wire. wire. DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: • • Brakes, Brakes, steering steering mechanisms, mechanisms, warningdevices, devices,governors governors and andallallother othersafety safety devices devicesshould shouldbe be REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: warning REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: maintained maintained totoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand and should should never never be bemodified. modified. inspected inspected and and REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT:


• • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance maintenanceand andthe themaintenance maintenanceperformed performedshould shouldalso alsobe berecorded. recorded.



• • The Themaintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries.


COMPANY: COMPANY: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: • • AllAllTECHNICIAN name nameplates, plates,warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould should bebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: 33 condition. condition. COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: • • The The controlling controllingparty partyshould shouldnot notperform performany anymodification modification ororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE:


priorwritten writtenauthorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sprior

• • Where Whereauthorised authorisedmodifications modificationshave havebeen beenmade, made,the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decals are areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warning and andmaintenance SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE:



25 2525 2525 332


Caution: Do not use more than three pumps of grease fitting at any one time. Excess grease may cause grease seals to fail or grease migration into areas that could damage components.

DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: SERVICE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE &than MAINTENANCE PAGE PAGE 3 3fitting could PuttingDATE: more three pumps of grease in grease damage grease seals and cause premature DATE: DATE: DATE: Safety Safety Procedures Procedures bearing failure. REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: Ventilation Ventilation REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance REPAIRS REPAIRS CARRIED CARRIED OUT: OUT: REPAIRS REPAIRS CARRIED CARRIED OUT: OUT: Parts Parts & Materials & Materials


Service Log Service Log Service Log Contents Contents Lubrication

Operator Operator The Lubricant Level Checking Qualifications Qualifications

Personnel Personnel Clean the area around the check/fill plug and remove plug. The correct lubricant level is just below the bottom of Cleaning Cleaning the threaded hole. If lubricant is low, add lubricant as required. Add lubricant slowly until lubricant starts to seep Lifting Lifting the the Vehicle Vehicle Install the check/fill plug. In the event that the lubricant is to be replaced, the vehicle must be elevated fromWheel hole. Wheel Installation Installation removedNAME: or the oil siphoned through the check/fill hole. and Tyre theTyre oil pan Inspection Inspection TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN NAME:

TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: Brakes Brakes TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN NAME: NAME:brakes) Periodic Periodic Brake Brake TestTest (mechanical (mechanical brakes) Lubrication Lubrication COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: Checking Checking the the Lubrication Lubrication Levels Levels COMPANY: COMPANY: Light Light Bulb Bulb Replacement Replacement Caution: ToNumber reduce the possibility of premature bulb Serial Serial Number Location Location Use Periodic clean, dryService tissue or paper towel to handle glass Periodic Service Schedule Schedule

Light bulb replacement SIGNATURE:


failure, do not touch new bulbs with bare fingers. portion of the bulb.


SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: For vehicles equipped with head light/s locate bulb socket onSIGNATURE: backside of light bar and turn bulb socket a quarter SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: Insert new bulb and rotate socket a quarter turn clockwise to turn counter clockwise to unlock and pull out bulb. OPERATION OPERATION PAGE PAGE 1010 secure. Operating Operating Safety Safety Rules Rules & Practices & Practices DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: the and brake light bulb, remove hardware securing lens and remove lens. Install replacement bulb To replace DATE: DATE: Controls Controls & Indicators &tail Indicators DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: Key Key Accessories Accessories Switch Switch as per above. Operation Operation &Service &Service InfoInfo

Direction Direction Selector Selector REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED State State of Charge of Charge Meter Meter OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: REPAIRS CARRIED OUT: Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Pedal Combination Combination Brake Brake & Brake & Brake Pedal Pedal Horn Horn serial number and manufacture Canopy Canopy Roof Roof & Windshield & Windshield

Serial plate number location


The date code are located on a plate on the passenger side of the dash housing or for 4 and 6 seat models on the rear of the front seat. Design changes take place on an ongoing basis. In13 order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the SAFETY SAFETY PAGE PAGE 13 serial number and vehicle model mustTECHNICIAN be provided when ordering service parts. manufacturer date code, General General NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN NAME: General General Operation Operation Caution: To prolong vehicle life, some maintenance items must be serviced NAME: more frequently on vehicles used TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: driving conditions such as extreme temperatures,COMPANY: extreme debris/dust conditions, frequent use with under severe COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: BATTERIES BATTERIES PAGE PAGE 1414 load. a maximum COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: Battery Battery Safety Safety Charger Charger Installation Installation General General Information Information SIGNATURE: Storage Storage Prolonged Prolonged Battery Battery SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: Charging Charging Batteries Batteries SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: Battery Battery Maintenance Maintenance DAILY/BEFORE USE: Electrolyte Electrolyte Level Level & Water & Water Battery Battery Cleaning Cleaning • Check service brake DATE: DATE: Battery Battery Replacement Replacement DATE: Troubleshooting Troubleshooting DATE: DATE: • Check park brake function, lock, Hydrometer Hydrometer REPAIRS CARRIED OUT:

Periodic service schedule



Check TYRE condition Trucking, Trucking, Transporting, Transporting, Hauling Hauling

Check overall vehicle condition

SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PAGE PAGE 20each 20 days use • Recharge batteries to full state of charge after Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty(sole Ltd (sole distributor distributor for EMC for EMC vehicles vehicles in in Australia) Australia) reserves reserves the right the right to make to make changes changes to this to this Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Classic - Classic TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: document document without without obligation obligation to make to make the same the same or similar or similar TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: • Inspect charger connector and receptacle at each charge Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Executive - Executive changes changes f o r units f o r units previously previously sold.sold. TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: TECHNICIAN NAME: Standard Standard Equipment Equipment - Elite - Elite The The information information contained contained within within this material this material is subject is subject to to change change without without notice. notice. COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: GolfGolf CartCart Group Group is notisliable not liable for any forerrors any errors in this in material this material or or WEEKLY COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: COMPANY: for incidental for incidental or consequential or consequential damages damages that that may may result result fromfrom WARRANTY WARRANTY PAGE PAGE 2323 the use the of use this of material. this material.

Warranty Warranty TYRES – examine for cuts, excessive wear and pressure.

| PHONE: | PHONE: 13001300 73 66 7385 66 85 SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: Wheels – Check for bent rims, missing or loose wheel nuts. SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE:



8 2 2826 26



Golf Golf Cart Cart Group Group Pty Ltd Pty -Ltd PO- BOX PO BOX 10001000 Terrigal Terrigal NSWNSW 22602260 SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: Australia. Australia.

2525 25 2525


Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance



Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures The Thefollowing followinglist listofofsafety safetyprocedures proceduresare aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructionsprovided providedbybythe Always: Always: • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’speriodic periodicservice serviceschedule. schedule. • • Ensure Ensurerepairs repairsare areonly onlyperformed performedbybypersons personstrained trainedand andqualified qualifiedtotodo doso. so.


• • Check Checkthe thepolarity polarityofofeach eachbattery batteryterminal terminaland andensure ensurethe thebatteries batteriesare arere-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly. • • Only Onlyuse usegenuine genuinereplacement replacementparts. parts. • • Only Onlyuse userecommended recommendedtools. tools.This Thisincludes includesinsulated insulatedtools toolswhen whenworking workingininororaround aroundbatteries. batteries. • • Support Supportthe thevehicle vehicleusing usingwheel wheelchocks chocksand andjack jackstands. stands.Never Neverget getunder underaavehicle vehiclethat thatisissupported supportedby byaa vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking. • • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated. • • Test Testdrive drivethe thevehicle vehicleafter afterany anymaintenance maintenanceororrepairs. repairs.AllAlltests testsmust mustbe beconducted conductedbybyaaqualified, qualified,trained trained safearea areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and andauthorised authorisedperson personininaasafe


• • AllAllmaintenance maintenanceand andrepairs repairsmust mustbebeperformed performedbybyqualified qualifiedpersons personswith withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath. death.Always Alwaysuse useextreme extremecaution. caution. ororsevere


• • Follow Followmanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions instructionstotoimmobilize immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. • • Block Blockchassis chassisbefore beforeworking workingunderneath underneathgolf golfvehicle. vehicle. • • Avoid Avoidfire firehazards hazardsand andhave havefire fireprotection protectionavailable. available. • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electricalsystem systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa battery batterywire. wire. • • Brakes, Brakes,steering steeringmechanisms, mechanisms,warning warningdevices, devices,governors governorsand andallallother othersafety safetydevices devicesshould shouldbe be maintainedtotoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspectedand andmaintained


• • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance maintenanceand andthe themaintenance maintenanceperformed performedshould shouldalso alsobe berecorded. recorded. • • The Themaintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries.


• • AllAllname nameplates, plates,warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible 33 condition. condition. • • The Thecontrolling controllingparty partyshould shouldnot notperform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the priorwritten writtenauthorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sprior


• • Where Whereauthorised authorisedmodifications modificationshave havebeen beenmade, made,the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance




Service Service && Maintenance Maintenance



Safety SafetyProcedures Procedures The Thefollowing followinglist listofofsafety safetyprocedures proceduresare aretotobe beused usedasasa aguide guideonly onlyand andininno noway waysupersede supersedeany anyspecific specific themanufacturer. manufacturer. instructions instructionsprovided providedbybythe Always: Always: • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’speriodic periodicservice serviceschedule. schedule. • • Ensure Ensurerepairs repairsare areonly onlyperformed performedbybypersons personstrained trainedand andqualified qualifiedtotodo doso. so.


• • Check Checkthe thepolarity polarityofofeach eachbattery batteryterminal terminaland andensure ensurethe thebatteries batteriesare arere-wired re-wiredcorrectly. correctly. • • Only Onlyuse usegenuine genuinereplacement replacementparts. parts. • • Only Onlyuse userecommended recommendedtools. tools.This Thisincludes includesinsulated insulatedtools toolswhen whenworking workingininororaround aroundbatteries. batteries. • • Support Supportthe thevehicle vehicleusing usingwheel wheelchocks chocksand andjack jackstands. stands.Never Neverget getunder underaavehicle vehiclethat thatisissupported supportedby byaa vehicleininaccordance accordancewith withthe themanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions. jack. jack.Lift Liftthe thevehicle • • Maintain Maintainthe thevehicle vehicleininan anarea areaaway awayfrom fromexposed exposedflame flameororpersons personswho whoare aresmoking. smoking. • • Be Beaware awarethat thatany anyvehicle vehiclethat thatisisnot notperforming performingasasdesigned designedisisaapotential potentialhazard hazardand andmust mustnot notbe beoperated. operated. • • Test Testdrive drivethe thevehicle vehicleafter afterany anymaintenance maintenanceororrepairs. repairs.AllAlltests testsmust mustbe beconducted conductedbybyaaqualified, qualified,trained trained safearea areathat thatisisfree freeofofboth bothvehicular vehicularand andpedestrian pedestriantraffic. traffic. and andauthorised authorisedperson personininaasafe


• • AllAllmaintenance maintenanceand andrepairs repairsmust mustbebeperformed performedbybyqualified qualifiedpersons personswith withthe theskills skillsand andexperience experiencetotorecognize recognize andprotect protectthemselves themselvesfrom fromsituations situationsthat thatcould couldresult resultinindamage damagetotothe thevehicle vehicle potential potentialhazards hazardsand/or and/ordanger dangerand severepersonal personalinjury injuryorordeath. death.Always Alwaysuse useextreme extremecaution. caution. ororsevere



• • Follow Followmanufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions instructionstotoimmobilize immobilizethe thevehicle vehiclebefore beforecommencing commencingany anymaintenance. maintenance. • • Block Blockchassis chassisbefore beforeworking workingunderneath underneathgolf golfvehicle. vehicle. • • Avoid Avoidfire firehazards hazardsand andhave havefire fireprotection protectionavailable. available. • • Before Beforeperforming performingany anymaintenance maintenancealways alwaysdisable disablethe theelectrical electricalsystem systemininaccordance accordancewith withthe the manufacturer’s manufacturer’sinstructions. instructions.Disabling Disablingincludes includesremoving removingthe thekey keyfrom fromthe theswitch switchand anddisconnecting disconnectingaa battery batterywire. wire. • • Brakes, Brakes,steering steeringmechanisms, mechanisms,warning warningdevices, devices,governors governorsand andallallother othersafety safetydevices devicesshould shouldbe be maintainedtotoaasafe safeoperating operatingcondition conditionand andshould shouldnever neverbe bemodified. modified. inspected inspectedand andmaintained


• • All Allmaintenance maintenanceshould shouldbeberecorded recordedininaalog logbook bookinindate dateorder. order.The Thename nameofofthe theperson personperforming performingthe the maintenance maintenanceand andthe themaintenance maintenanceperformed performedshould shouldalso alsobe berecorded. recorded. • • The Themaintenance maintenancemanager managershould shouldperiodically periodicallyinspect inspectthe themaintenance maintenancelog logtotoensure ensureaccuracy accuracyofof entries. entries.


• • AllAllname nameplates, plates,warning warningand andinstructions instructionssupplied suppliedbybythe themanufacturer manufacturershould shouldbebemaintained maintainedinina alegible legible 33 condition. condition. • • The Thecontrolling controllingparty partyshould shouldnot notperform performany anymodification modificationororchange changetotothe thevehicle vehiclewithout withoutthe the priorwritten writtenauthorisation. authorisation. manufacturer’s manufacturer’sprior


• • Where Whereauthorised authorisedmodifications modificationshave havebeen beenmade, made,the thecontrolling controllingparty partyshall shallensure ensurethat thatcapacity, capacity,operation, operation, maintenanceinstruction instructionplates, plates,tags tagsorordecals decalsare areaffixed affixedand/or and/orchanged changedaccordingly. accordingly. warning warningand andmaintenance



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