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A R T ’ s



Issue I: PART II JUNE 21, 2011

“Good News ~ Let’s Build It Together”


“Happiness is knowing what you want, and finding out that you can get what you want, because what you want, has always been inside you.�

Author: Juno Cristi PAGE 2

EDITOR’S PAGE character of this country strengthen? Will our children have these opportunites?

Children and the ARTs is the focus of the first segment of our second magazine. One common organization focusing on Children and the Arts is the National Endowment for the Arts. Others vary from state to state but they each play a pivotal role as the nation struggles to improve high school graduation rates, develop pre-kindergarten programs, and counter the achievement gap in urban communities. In these times these programs are being removed. “If a child’s creativity is not nurtured, it could be lost forever.” Is it time we asked ourselves a few questions? Are we satisfied with the social health of the nation? It is said it is directly related to our involvement in the ARTs. Do we have the opportunity to have the children of our nation enriched with poetry, literature, music, dance, theatre, photography, and art? Today how many children are exposed to the arts in school? Is it consistent state to state? Is there money available state to state? No! Are our souls nourished, is the

In healing through Art a part of the child still remains frozen with development on hold until the terror can be told to someone who will listen. Only then can the person become unstuck and start growing again. But how do you talk about it when there is no language to express it? In the past, telling anybody usually resulted in ridicule or punishment. Fortunately, children have another channel to express themselves – through art, music, poetry, dance, dramatics and writing. We tell the story of a special celebration for children at the Nations Mall with celebrations. [Environment Day] is informational, spotlighting common concerns shared by children; the educational framework on the second day [Creativity + Imagination Day] is participatory, kindling children’s inherent talents and potential; and the training on the third day [Peace + Leadership Day] is inspirational, encouraging children to embrace lifelong creativity and empathy and dedicate themselves to building peaceful, prosperous and healthy communities. Historically, the obstacles preven ting artistic talent from coming forth to be recognized have mainly been the expenses, art politics and commercial requirements of exhibits. Regardless of age, culture, class or economic status you start to see, comprehend and relate differently in the process of understanding, making and enjoying ART. Once you have unlocked the true understanding of all Art and what it offers, you then have learned the world’s oldest, most cherished Foreign Language: ART.





CHILDREN & THE ARTs The Importance OF Children’s Participation In Arts And pages 5 Culture

Your passions

page 7

Photo: Rhaniel Lao Verse by: Juno Cristi


YOUR Art Work Into Your Gallery

page 8 The International Child page 10

Art Foundation

Fourth ANNUAL World Children’s Festival page 11 PAGE 4

The Importance Of Children’s Participation In Arts And Culture By Rhonda Varsane With cuts in funding and a change in our life style where “competition for ears and shortened attention spans in a world of 90-second YouTube videos, and instant popmusic downloads proves too much for a staid two-hour program of Brahms”. Hanging by a string: Can classical music adapt? The Denver Post music/ci_16762771#ixzz17IlywJ8N it is importance to understand the im-

portance of the arts and the importance of expression which comes from the arts. This is not a new subject. A letter written by George Washington in 1784, states “to encourage literature and the arts is a duty which every good citizen owes to his country.” Why would that be? Our current President’s comment on the arts: “The pursuits and professions that enrich the mind, and nourish the soul, and strengthen the character of this country,” Obama said. “They bring us joy. They bring us understanding and insight.” Stop and picture our children with these qualities. It’s been proven that early exposure to visual art, music, or drama promotes activity in the brain \ “The Arts Ask for More,” Americans for the Arts states the arts: • improve kids’ overall academic performance; • show that kids actively engaged in arts education are likely to have higher test scores than those with little or no involvement; • develop skills needed by the 21st century workforce: critical thinking, creative problem solving, effective communication and teamwork; • teach kids to be more tolerant and open; •allow kids to express themselves creatively and bolster their self-confidence; • keep students engaged in school and less likely to drop out.


The Rockefeller Foundation asked the Institute for Innovation in Social Policy to establish a Working Group on the Arts and Humanities. The goal of this group was to envision participation in arts and culture as a critical component of the social health of the nation. It is time we asked ourselves a few questions. Are we satisfied with the social health of the nation? Do

we have the opportunity to have the children of our nation enriched with poetry, literature, music, dance, theatre, photography, and art? How many children are exposed to the arts in school? Is it consistent state to state? Is there money available state to state? No. Are our souls nourished, is the character of this country strengthen? Will our children have these skills to pass on? One common national thread is the National Endowment for the Arts. Others are state to state. “Arts education programs will continue to play a pivotal role as the nation struggles to improve high school graduation rates, develop pre-kindergarten programs, and counter the achievement gap in urban communities.” For more information visit the: National Endowment for the Arts continued on page 6

continued from page 5

is an independent federal agency * Send a letter of congratulations to each elected leader representing supporting artists and arts organizayour community (federal, state, and local levels) and identify yourself tions and bringing the arts to all or your organization as a resource on arts policy issues. Americans.


Ask all freshman members of Congress to begin thinking about joining the bipartisan Congressional Arts Caucus or Senate Cultural Caucus.


Congressional Arts Caucus or Senate Cultural Caucus.


Work with your state and local arts advocacy organizations to develop a unified message to your newly-elected state and local leaders. Save the dates of April 4-5, 2011 to come to Washington, DC for National Arts Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Arts Advocacy Day Check out highlights from last year’s Arts Advocacy Day. You can register now for Arts Advocacy Day 2011 at http://!

* BE HEARD by your members of * Congress when you visit them to make the case for the arts and arts education. Read the following ideas, * get involved and make a difference locally and nationally.

We especially need grassroots advocates representing the districts and states of newly elected Congressional members.

1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20506-0001 Email: Phone: 202-682-5400 Voice/T.T.Y., 202-682-5496 Help spread the word about

Arts Advocacy Day! * LEARN how to lobby congress. * NETWORK with other attendees from your state and across the country.

Become an official member of Americans for the Arts Action Fund, it’s free and it helps you stay connected to all the latest political breaking news impacting the arts. PAGE 6

“Your passions become your strengths.” Verse: Juno Cristi PAGE 7

Children Upload Your Art Work To Your Online Gallery Today! Upload Your work to Your on-line gallery today! “The National Arts Program® on-line artist gallery is open to artists of all ages and level of experience. Each artist receives their own personal profile page and gallery to showcase their artwork, as well as the opportunity to contribute to our growing on-line public gallery. In addition, each week a participating artist is selected as the “featured artists” on our homepage.” The National Arts Program® Foundation

(610) 408-9600 F(610) 408-9674 701 Providence Road Malvern, PA 19355 h t t p : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / NationalArts Historically, the obstacles preventing artistic talent from coming forth to be recognized have mainly been the expenses, art politics and commercial requirements of exhibits. The National Arts Program has absolutely proved there is another way. For 28 years now The National Arts Program® has held annual exhibits featuring the art works of employees and their families in more than 450 large and small cities, counties, airports, hospitals

and other organizations. What we have found each year is an extraordinary exhibit of artistic talent from "the people". It is truly the indigenous art of America! The Program is now producing "people's art" at a rate of some


20,000 pieces a year. All these paintings, sculpture, photography, and crafts have been exhibited for the public to see. This has been an immense public relations bonus for the cities, counties and commercial entities.

The International Child

Art Foundation

The International Child Art Foundation’s mission is to integrate the arts with science, sport and technology for the development of children’s innate creativity and intrinsic empathy – preconditions for a more just, prosperous and nonviolent world. Art by: International Children’s Arts Foundation


If a child’s creativity is not nurtured, it could be lost forever. E. Paul Torrance, American psychologist and founder of the Torrance Center for Creativity documented what he calls the “4th-grade slump” in the creative lives of children. When children begin school, their level of creativity is evident and often flourishing, but by the time they reach 4th grade, they are more conforming, less likely to take risks, and less playful or spontaneous than in earlier years. This decline in creativity may continue throughout the school years and into adulthood.

Arts Olympiad The world’s largest and most prestigious creative education program modeled as “Olympics” of children’s creativity and imagination. World Children’s Festival The world’s largest international children’s celebration, traditionally held on the National Mall in Washington DC every four years. Healing Arts Programs Creative interventions for victims of natural disasters to aid psychological recovery from traumatic experiences. Peace Through Art Innovative approach that reduces intergenerational transmission of trauma and hatred by providing children a new outlook and perspective on opportunities. ChildArt Magazine Published advertisement-free since 1998 to nurture children’s creativity, foster their empathy, and introduce the world to them through the arts. Exhibitions Display of children’s thought-provoking artworks to inspire dialogue on a better future. Conferences Arranging children’s panels and youth panels to introduce their voices to discussions on the future.


International Child Art


World Children's Festival 2011

People who might not speak a single word of the same language, who might not have a single shared experience, might still be drawn together when their hearts are lifted by the notes of a song, or their souls are stirred by a vision on a canvas. That is the power of the arts -- to remind us of what we each have to offer, and what we all have in common; to help us understand our history and imagine our future; to give us hope in the moments of struggle; and to bring us together when nothing else will. - First Lady Michelle Obama, G20 Pittsburgh Summit, January 2009 More than 300 educational, cultural and business leaders as well as art-

ists, scientists, technologists and Olympians will host free workshops and activities, interact with the children, listen to their concerns, play and paint with them, inspire them and be inspired. But the children are our celebrities. They stage the festival and serve as event MCs. Young artists, musicians, dancers, and performers from across the globe showcase their talents, learn from each other, and create a nexus for the future. The festival’s educational programming integrates the arts with science, sport and technology for the promotion of creative, peaceful and healthy cultures. Drawing

upon ICAF’s Peace through Art approach, featured in the December 2006 issue of U.K.’s leading medical journal The Lancet, the instruction on festival’s first day [Health + Environment Day] is informational, spotlighting common concerns shared by children; the educational framework on the second day [Creativity + Imagination Day] is participatory, kindling children’s inherent talents and potential; and the training on the third day [Peace + Leadership Day] is inspirational, encouraging children to embrace lifelong creativity and empathy and dedicate themselves to building peaceful, prosperous and healthy communities.

International Children’s Arts Foundation


Fourth ANNUAL World Children’s Festival Since 1997 International Children’s Arts Foundation has organized the World Children’s Festival in Washington, DC. The 3-day event – the world’s largest international celebration of children’s creativity and imagination – takes place every four years on The National Mall opposite the U.S. Capitol and is free and open to the public. Hosted to honor the Arts Olympiad winners from each U.S.

Here is a taste of what you will see. Children from ages 6 to 16 dance, educate, sing, provide skits, songs and dance. There are YouTube stars, bands, choirs and stories about daily lives of children, people, joys and sorrows. Along with performances by a West African dance company, Indian dance forms, Hip-Hop and Break Dance. You can experience the Chinese

Come “children of all ages” and join in a colorful adventure on Yoga Mountain. Explore movement and breathing while you make colorful decorative paper puppets with moving joints. This offering by Wendy Cohen of Sparks based on her book Life On Yoga. Join Faces of Change and take part in a self-portrait art workshop

Children Ŷ You Ŷ Future state and territory and from nearly 100 participating countries, the festival attracts at least 10,000 attendees. The upcoming festival in June 2011 is a timely and important celebration for organizations, companies and leaders to demonstrate their support for children and a better future for all. Performances on June 17, 18 and 19 on the “World Stage” setup on The National Mall.

music education and opera program, Joy of Motion Dance Center, Salsa Kids, and Modern Latin dance. Learn about mandalas in different cultures and make three different types: one for Mother Earth, the second for the Creative Spirit, and the third for the Peaceful Soul. Offered by Half Moon Bay, Californiabased artist Judy Shintani

that fosters communication, cooperation with others, and self-expression. Hannah Richards, The Colored Pencil Project, FUNTHINK focus to Brainstorm & Collaborate. Create a hands-on activity where a challenge is presented, then brainstorm and collaborate to create a solution, using the materials available. And enjoy many more weekend activities.

Children Ŷ You Ŷ Future

Art by: International Children’s Arts Foundation


Art by: International Children’s Arts Foundation

Are the urgent problems afflicting local ccommuommunities and the world today (global warming, grind ing poverty, mushrooming violence‌) mere grinding symptoms of something deeper and fundamental? Is it the prevailing system of thinking and feeling? PAGE 12

A Young Haitian Earthquake Survivor Uses Art To page 14 Cope With Disaster

Children and the Arts

page 15


page 16

Photo by : Rhaniel Lao Verse by: Juno Cristi




page 17

The Apollo Theatre page 20

Jon R. Parker PAGE 13

A Young Haitian Earthquake Survivor Uses Art To Cope With Disaster NEW YORK, USA, 22 January 2010 – Until their home was destroyed in last week’s earthquake, Bruno Rene, 18, lived with his mother in the southern Haitian port city of Jacmel. Since then, Bruno, an aspiring artist, has been working on art projects to cope with the impact of the disaster. Bruno spoke with UNICEF Radio by phone from Jacmel, describing his experience during the earthquake and in its aftermath. When the quake struck on 12 January, Bruno was in the street. He heard a loud noise but didn’t understand what was going on, and then he fell. A man passed by and told him it was an earthquake. When he looked up, he saw that all the houses around him were destroyed – including his own. “Everyone was crying,” he recalls. ‘A very bad state’. With his home uninhabitable, Bruno has been sleeping outside. He and his family members are hungry and don’t have access to food or drinking water. He is also concerned about malaria. “There are many mosquitoes, and we don’t have mosquito nets or tents,” he says. “We are really in a very bad state.” Bruno’s school, too, was destroyed in the earthquake. Several teachers died when the building collapsed; others were badly injured. The Art Programme provides support. As one of the star pupils in an art programme for young people in Jacmel,

© Art Creation Foundation for Children A recent painting by Bruno Rene, who has been using painting to help process his experiences since the earthquake in Haiti left his family homeless.

UNICEF Image © Art Creation Foundation for Children A recent painting by Bruno Rene, who has been using painting to help process his experiences since the earthquake in Haiti left his family homeless.

Bruno is a talented artist, working with paint on canvas and with papier-mâché. For the past 10 days, he has been painting whatever he sees going on around him. Other local young artists – including two of Bruno’s classmates, Withnie Charles and Marie-Michelle Val – are also homeless as a result of the earthquake. Now they spend their days painting and creating papier-mâché constructions to-


gether at the Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel. By night, they return to their displaced families. Organizers of the programme hope the art activities will help students process some of the trauma they have experienced. UNICEF has found that such activities can provide a critically important support structure for children and young people in the wake of a disaster, when much of the world they knew before has been shattered.

Children and Arts Children are keepers of an unlimited imagination, not being tied up with limits and conditioning factors that we acquire as adults, children express freely their feelings and visions of the world. They keep in touch permanently with their wishes and dreams and get inspiration in everything they look at.

not be able to imagine at first glance, and that is because children are always unpredictable, innovative, unexpected. Arts benefit from the children’s wonder for life, their eyes fulfilled with love and the freedom of their hearts in feeling whatever is that they feel at any given moment.

By Sarah Stuart children’s artistic expression. Expositions, contests, all are ways that bring children and art together and that help children finding their own talent and gift. As adults we have the power to encourage children to share their visions of the world, of their life and ours

through art. We as adults and artists have amazing gifts to bring from this interaction, as what it is shared by a child is an inspiring tool for many of us as well. From this healthy interaction art can expand to new lands of imaginaEducation exposes, fortunately, children tion, to new ways of being. Children are to the most diverse types of art, and needed in art as in any other activity, encourages them to find their own style they bring joy, happiness and always Combining both worlds, arts and chil- and express their inner world. Now, it worlds of discovery many times not dren, we can expect things that we might is time to create more spaces to reached by us, adults. Art and creation walk hand in hand, they spread inspirations, talents, expressions, feelings, thoughts and their influence in our society is very visible and can never be denied. Art is the medium of innovation, where imagination gains a shape, a future, a time and space to exist and a way of existing as well.

The world benefits from children’s artistic expressions. It is in the new ideas and methods that children bring to the world, that the world advances and shines through the times of humanity.


Photo by : Rhaniel Lao Verse by: Juno Cristi

“The things you are passionate about are the things the world will remember about you.�



Milton 510 Bowens



lem without instruction in understanding the language. Fine Art is viewed in the same manner, if you do not understand basic composition; balance, Historically art has always been used color and knowledge of the History of to communicate ideas, emotions, and points of views on a very HIGH level. Today the importance of this gift, the gift of free expression and genuine creativity, can and should be used to enhance basic learning process in all people; most importantly young people. I like to believe when looking at artwork you are not viewing product paintings, a personal opinion and guarded pieces of one’s cultural greatness. You, the viewer, are asked to use art as a tool to learn and expand your ability to communicate. You are asking questions, you are exploring culture, you are seeking solutions.

Art and movements; you might not get the ART equation. For example: You would not dare attempt calculus without taking basic algebra. Would you realistically think you


The beauty of this is when you expose yourself to All Art, Music, Dance and Theater and by attending exhibitions, concerts, theatrical performances, visiting museums and prepare yourself properly, you start to appreciate the ‘Communicative Code’ of artistic creativity. Regardless of age, culture, class or economic status you start to see, comprehend and relate differently in the process of understanding, making and enjoying ART. Once you have unlocked the true understanding of All Art and what it offers you then have learned the world’s oldest, most cherished Foreign Language.

Milton © 510 Bowen

Understand the impact of Fine Art, as a communicative tool, is like trying to comprehend advance math. If you do not understand what X and Y represents it becomes difficult to add numbers, percent signs and square root symbols. The average person won’t get [understand] this math prob-

could solve the equations? So, why do ART exhibition attendees feel like they are an instant critic, curator, historian or professor of art? They may have no prior knowledge, exposure, and understanding of art history or art appreciation. How would they correctly gauge the communication impact of the art work? How would X be represented or Y be used? Neither are likely.



At Free Arts we believe, "ART is only a matter of giving a child acHEALS!" We like to think of art cess to what they already have, and as therapy. teaching them to tune in and hear their feelings and fears. Each time a child This philosophy is grounded in over gets through to us, they feel an inkling three decades of first-hand experiences of trust and a supporting a growing body of research ray of hope. that shows a strong relationship be- They know they tween children’s participation in the arts really do exist. That they aren’t and improved life outcomes. nothing. That they aren’t noWe have seen: Tiffany walk a little taller after complet- bodies. ing a print-making project Free Arts proJose find a voice through self-portrai- vides children ture that speaks louder than the one with opportunities to express inside telling him to fight themselves creMaria inspired to continue art journaling atively in safe and encouraging as a way to mitigate her depression environments. Dr. Mark S. Goulston, a psychiatrist and Our success former Free Arts Advisory Board mem- means children ber, describes how art helps children experience: overcome trauma in the following way: An open and uninhibited space encourA part of the child still remains frozen aging self-expression and creativity with development on hold until the ter- that introduces kids to new or difror can be told to someone who will ferent possibilities and opportunities listen. Only then can the person become unstuck and start growing again. A momentary escape allowing them But how do you talk about it when there to use their imagination to have fun is no language to express it? In the past, through the arts and to interact with telling anybody usually resulted in ridi- volunteers who act as positive role cule or punishment. Fortunately, chil- models providing non-judgmental, dren have another channel to express consistent and respectful support themselves – through art, music, poetry, dance, dramatics and writing. It A creative experience designed to pro-


mote self-worth, empowerment and successful participation. Opportunities to develop creative skills from exposure to new mediums,

materials, and techniques Painting, dance, photography, mixedmedia collage and music are just some of the avenues of creativity made available to the children participating in our programs. We value the creative process over the physical art product, acknowledging children’s persistence and creativity instead of judging the “quality” of their artwork or artistic expression. www.freearts.orgarthealsphilosophy

Art Heals! Art Heals! For more than 30 years, Free Arts for Abused Children has been delivering on our philosophy that "ART HEALS!" This is what drives our organization, a network of passionate and concerned individuals coming together to share the healing power of art. Free Arts is dedicated to delivering volunteer-driven arts programs to abused, homeless and at-risk children throughout greater Los Angeles. With over 32,000 children receiving child welfare services at any given time in the LA County alone, Free Arts strives to reach more children every year, eager to spark their creative spirit, inspiring and transforming their lives through the power of artistic expression.

Mission Statement Free Arts programs inspire hope in the lives of abused, homeless and at-risk children through innovative creative arts programs and positive interactions with caring adult volunteers.

Vision Statement Free Arts for Abused Children envisions a society of individuals from different communities, cultures and life experiences connecting through the healing power of art to interrupt the cycle of violence, create understanding, build self-esteem and nurture better lives. Free Arts for Abused Children 12095 W. Washington Blvd., Suite 104 Los Angeles, CA 90066,, 310-313-4278


The Apollo Theatre


R. Parker

Look at the three children ghost by the doors on the right side.

The Apollo Theatre was built in 1913, Since then it has been used for local civic events, showing movies, putting on stage plays,

The Apollo is a place where kids can be themselves and do something fun in life; mentor younger kids and eventually be part of the team

gas bills alone are massive, not to mention any repairs or upgrades which need done. She is not looking at being shut down, the

etc. My parents were involved in the theatre for as long as I can remember and were on the Board of Officers. The theatre has been a place for the community to put on plays, pageants, haunted house every October, etc... Basically it is used for a lot of things for the community.

which keeps the theatre running.

Apollo is registered on the Historic Society, but without the efforts of the volunteers we would not be able to keep her running.

The theatre is a place where our youth have always been able to go in order to get involved in acting, set-building, learning lighting and the sound board. They can be a part of something special.

Things have been rough for the theatre, so I decided to donate money from my books to help out as best I can. My donation is small compared to what is needed to keep ‘her’ running. Electric and

I have been involved in the theatre since I was 12 years old. I am now a member of the board. We run the theatre from grants, donations, and whatever money is made from the plays. Everything is done by volunteer work, no-one is paid to be there.


The Apollo is a special place for me, I learned a lot of things there. I met a lot of people, and had a lot of fun in my youth, and that is why I want to do all I can do to keep her going. I cannot do it alone, it takes a lot of help and money to keep it going, I am just a small part of the whole. Jon’s book is: “The Healing of Two Souls”

“The Healing of Two Souls” Reviewed B.K. Drury of B.K. Walker Books Sunday, March 20, 2011, 9:16 PM B.K. Drury... B.K. Walker books Here is the latest review of Jon This is a story of a young girl whose R. Parkers second book, “The life was changed in a single Healing of Two Souls” moment. With the help of one woman and an abused horse the I have to say, this book spoke to me. journey begins. A journey I call, A young child witnessing the “The Healing Of Two Souls”, most horrific crime, the loss of her mother without trust in men, she comes to find there is good in this world, and over time, all her wounds heal. Getting moved from foster home to foster home, now in a more permanent stay, she had no trust for anyone, until she met Marni… with love and understanding this small soul finds a way to forgive, and heal, and along the way finds a horse which has her same scars, only his are on the outside. Her father escapes from prison and is looking for her. He doesn’t want her, but, he feels he has a plan to make a profit off her kidnapping. But officials seem already aware of this possibility. No matter how bad things are you need to rise above them. You can’t always do things alone, you need the help of others, so don’t shut them out, to see abuse, or to live with abuse makes one weak and an easy target. To stop it from happen again you must regain confidence and willpower to then be able to help others. Kristy regained her life and by doing so brought much more to others.


One soul; a horse with a broken spirit and the other; a girl with a lost soul. It gives new meaning to the old saying- soulmate. This latest book by Author Jon R. Parker, is sure to bring a few tears and warm the heart of many.

Drumming Dream of the Benu Bird May we walk in beauty as we step upon the earth, and sing our lives into being. May our souls learn to soar as the Benu bird, and dance awake our dreams. May we bring about more balance in connection to each other, the Earth we all share, and all the creatures upon it. May we honor those who came before us, and the gifts they have given. May we remember where we came from, and what we each came here to do. May we honor and protect the children, and future generations, through our actions today. by Valley Reed

Drum Dance & Dream for Peace

lands, Japan, Turkey, Iran, Italy, South Africa, Canada, and also in New York, Massachusetts, California, and Texas.

Sunday , June 19, 2011, 3 to 5 PM at the World Children's Drum, Dance, Dream for Peace has an event planned loFestival at the National Mall, Washington DC cally in North Texas which will take place on Tuesday, June The largest drumming circle ever created on the planet 21st 7-9 PM at the Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics, 340 Country Club Lane. Fairview, Texas.

Drum, Dance, Dream for Peace 2011

Drums are provided, bring a chair to sit on outside. This is a Comes to North Texas, Tuesday, June 21st 7-9 PM, Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics, 340 Country Club Lane. family event with no smoking or alcohol consumption permitted. This event is planned for families to enjoy drumming Fairview, Texas. together toward a more peaceful world. Drums Not Guns The Drum, Dance, Dream for Peace event is part of the will be there to lead the drum circle for children. Umbrellas closing ceremonies for the World Children’s Festival produced for Peace with local artist Solange Mariel will have umbrelby the International Child Art Foundation. Every 4 years chil- las for children to paint to create expressions of peace. This dren gather from around the world to participate in the week- event is free and open to the public. end festival on the National Mall in Washington D.C. Sponsored by Drums Not Guns, Umbrellas for Peace, DalDrum, Dance, Dream for Peace is an event organized by the las Peace Center, Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics, World Dreams Peace Bridge which brings together dream- and the World Dreams Peace Bridge. ers from around the world to dream for peace. As part of the event, drum circles will be participating from around the For more info contact; Valley Reed world drumming for peace in such places as the Nether- 214-288-8935 or Jean Campbell


Drum Dance & Dream for Peace Drum Dance Dream for Peace comes to North Texas, Summer Solstice, Tuesday June 21, 2011, 7-9 PM, Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics, 340 Country Club Lane, Fairview, Texas.

RSVP: Drum Dance Dream for Peace Facebook event page Drums Not Guns - is a Dallas, Texas 501 (c)(3) nonprofit membership organization devoted to stopping violence (increase the peace) through the power of percussion; to provide our youth with creative ways to re-channel negative energy... diffuse anger... build team spirit, self-worth, self-esteem, learn to listen better... and community through the power of percussion." The Mission of the Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics is to be a growing community of families coming together to put their deepest values into action in order to co-create a new culture of sustainibility. By bringing the three R’s of education into a new era of Reverence for all life, Responsibility for the planet, and ecological understanding of the Relationships between the whole and its parts, we believe we can participate in making the world a better place by being the change we wish to see.

The umbrella is all inclusive and does not discriminate. It accepts everyone under it for protection, no matter the race, religion, age, gender, or color. The umbrella requires action on the part of the individual. It has to be picked up, opened up and held up to provide the protection that it can offer.





Declaration pages 25



Teach your children pages 26

Verse by: Juno Cristi Photo by: Romero Photography

Rescued Success Stories pages 27

pages 28 PAGE 24

Declaration of the Rights of the Child CHILDREN’S RIGHTS 1. The child must be given the means requisite for its normal development, both materially and spiritually. 2. The child that is hungry must be fed, the child that is sick must be nursed, the child that is backward must be helped, the delinquent child must be reclaimed, and the orphan and the waif must be sheltered and succored.

3. The child must be the first to receive relief in times of distress. 4. The child must be put in a position to earn a livelihood, and must be protected against every form of exploitation.

5. The child must be brought up in the consciousness that its talents must be devoted to the service of its fellow men. First declaration was drafted by Eglantyne Jebb and adopted by the International Save the Children Union, Geneva, on 23 February 1923 and endorsed by the League of Nations General Assembly on 26 November 1924 as the World Child Welfare Charter.


“Teach your children everything you can about life and love. The school is just the second classroom�

Verse by: Juno Cristi



Rambho freed and at Ashram Rambho says he wants to be a guard when he grows up. He wants to keep other children free from slavery. "I won’t let anybody go there even by mistake. I’ll tell them that they hit you and they beat you and I would not let them go there ever."

Rambho and 10 other boys were rescued by Bal Vikas Ashram - a grass-roots organization in northern India that not only frees children from slavery, but houses them for six months as they recover from Rambho years of abuse, educates them and helps them learn to play Help other children like again. Activists from the Bal Vikas Rambho get free and stay free. You can make all the difference by become familiar with this organization and others like it.

““THEY THEY HIT HIT Ashram also go to the remote villages where the traffickers sweet talk parents with false promises. The activists explain what is really happening and help vulnerable parents organize to demand their rights and earn a living.

YOU YOU AND AND THEY THEY BEAT BEAT YOU YOU...” ...” The US government estimates 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the US each year to be used as slaves. See for yourself

Back Home Today, after 6 months in the Ashram, Rambho knows how to read and write. He is back home and activists have helped his mother reclaim the family home that was lost when her husband died.


‘Dreams Die Hard’ follows the stories of four slaves in the US. they share their stories of slavery in hopes of saving others lured by dreams of

a better life. http://www.freetheslaves .net/Page.aspx?pid=356 JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Sign up to get updates about our work, our action, and our cause. Educate Yourself: Check out our Give the Gift of Freedom: books, downloadable documents, The frontline heroes rely on regular donations. An automatic monthly gift is research, glossary, and more. so important. Thank you in advance!

Spread the Word: Read it. Write it. Shout it from the treetops. Tell the universe, or maybe just your closest relative that you don't want to live in a world with slavery. Join the Movement - I Am The Change You're invited to make history: This is our chance to end slavery and human trafficking. Become a member of Free the Slaves. Be as involved or uninvolved as you want to be. Everything helps. Support the Liberators With a Donation: Help the heroes who risk their lives, to free slaves, keep doing their job. Free The Slaves (FTS) can make it easy for you, go to: Volunteer/Intern FTS Interns: Be the change! Help wipe out slavery. Forever. Every person has a role. What's yours? Volunteer for FTS or sign up for our unpaid internships. You don't have to be a student to intern in the movement to end slavery!


Ramphal Dares to page 30


Hyderbad Festival Celebrates “The Rights of Children in Pakistan” page 31

PG 13 ART WORK page 32


( Private Collection Of Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson )

Alice in Wonderland page 33


Kenya: School Meals page 34

Help Girl Rise To Top Of Class PAGE 29

Ramphal Dares to Dream

Ramphal freed from slavery in the quarries

What little the families had was gone. Nine slaves were jailed and charged with murder. Ramphal was one of them.

Ramphal and his entire family were slaves in the rock quarries of India for as long as anyone can remember. Slowly - with the help of grass-roots activists, Ramphal and the other slaves in his village realized that freedom was possible. Getting there was dangerous.

this new life that I’ve got and it gives me so much joy, the fact that I can control my own mind, my own thoughts, my own movements. I can’t even look back at my earlier

Life in slavery Ramphal working in the quarries, "If I would move in my house or out of my house, if I want to sit somewhere, get up, if I want to eat, if I want to drink - anything that I wanted to do - I required permission." The villagers of Sonnebarsa

began meeting with other slaves across the area and demanding their rights. Violence broke out at a meeting. A slave owner was killed. Slave owners retaliated by burning Ramphal's village.

Land of the Free Other freed slaves in the area took in the desperate families, still some babies in the village died. Legal activists worked to get the slaves out of jail. Grass-roots activists applied for leases to mine nearby rock quarries. They won the leases. The men were freed. Finally the villagers were able to build a new village - Azad Nagar or 'Land of the Free'. Ramphal's son was then free to go to school.


existence." Ramphal's children are going to school for the first time. He has dreams of opening his own business but won't share the details. He is just getting use to the idea of daring to dream.

Today Ramphal is still giddy with If you would like to give the gift of freedom, "I’m just so happy with freedom to more people like Ramphal visit


Hyderbad Festival Celebrates The Rights Of Children In Pakistan By Raabya Amjad and Zohra Nisar Hunzai SINDH PROVINCE, Pakistan, 2 December 2010 – It was a rare day of celebration for hundreds of children from flood-affected areas – a day made possible by UNICEF and its partner Nutkhut Publications – when they came together recently in Hyderabad for a festival marking the 20th anniversary of Pakistan’s ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child Right. Nearly 800 students from the Jamshoro, Tando Allah Yar and Hyderabad districts of the Sindh Province participated in the festival, including children from the flood-relief camps. “Though I have no new clothes for this occasion, I feel extremely happy to be here,” said Ahsan, 10, a boy from one flood-affected family. Children were encouraged to express themselves creatively through an art competition with a hand washing theme. “I learnt that how important is to wash hands with soap at the critical times to prevent ourselves from diseases which are life-threatening,” said Iqra, a 12-year-old girl at the event. Training journalists The Sindh festival was part of an initiative in which UNICEF is engaging public- and private-sector organizations in Pakistan to cham-

pion the cause of child rights. journalists reporting on rights-based Among the objectives of this effort are: issues and child and maternal advocating for appropriate legisla- health. This year, 40 young journaltion; overseeing implementation of relevant laws at the community level; raising financial resources; and increasing awareness of issues affecting children. The festival also highlighted a UNICEF-supported media training programme. In partnership with Nutkhut Publications, the programme aims to build capacity among

© UNICEF Pakistan/2010/Mudabbir Children listen to speeches at the festival celebrating the Convention of the Rights of the Child in Pakistan's Hyderbad district.

ists have been trained on coverage of these topics in newspapers, magazines and electronic media. Rights Based Reporting “It gives me great pleasure to join hands with Nutkhut for highlighting the importance of rights-based reporting by media correspondents – especially of the children who have become more vulnerable in the aftermath of the devastating floods,” said UNICEF Field Office © UNICEF Pakistan/2010/Mudabbir Chief Andro Shilakadze. A girl from a flood-relief camp in Pakistan's Hyderabad District sings onstage at the festival celebrating child rights.


“We are all here to make Pakistan a safer and more secure place for these children,” he added.


Alice in Wonderland

“Sharing your story is one of the most important parts of healing but finding someone safe to share it with is key.�

Debra Robert, I dropped off 30 journals to the Solicitors office for advocates to share with sexually abused children. While I was there, I saw the little space they

have for the children to sit while being interviewed. It was in the basement of a building with no windows. In the corner of a small room was a cute little round table and chair set. This is where the children are encouraged to tell their stories. A journal is presented to them while they are interviewed... Children as young as three years old. At that age they don't write, but they can draw.

***** Journal by Lillian Gaffney

A journal can be the safest "someone" there is to share the pain with. It won't violate you, nor lie, manipulate, or hurt you. To put it simply, it is a safe con-

feel safe. If you have been sexually abused I want to encourage you to reach out to someone that you feel safe enough to tell your story to. Get

tainer. For some, this may be the only ally they have.

help, if this is still going on in your life. Just telling someone else will be your door to freedom.

Sharing your story of being victimized is important to healing. Starting with a journal is a great place to begin the healing process. However, I personally find that sharing your story is taking the healing process one step further. In order to do that you will need to

Please consider donating a journal to the 2011 Donation Journal Project so we can give other girls/women a place to begin their healing. Thank YOU! http// page_66?viewMode=magazine:


Kenya: School Meals

Copyright: WFP/Rose Ogola

Help Girl Rise To Top Of Class even think,” she said. “At the time I was only eating one meal a day, Nyipher eats her midday meal in in the evenings. But by morning, I her classroom at the “New Adven- was hungry again with nothing to ture” School in the Kibera slums tide me over until supper, but a of Nairobi. cup of tea. Then they started serving lunch at school and suddenly, things changed. Published on 17 February 2011

Nyipher used to struggle in school. She had trouble paying attention and she’d fall asleep in class. A 14-year-old girl growing up in the slums of Nairobi, her problem wasn’t laziness—it was hunger. Then her school started serving meals at lunch and things began to change. Now, she’s thinking about college and beyond. NAIROBI—Nyipher remembers having to fight to keep her eyes open in school. Even when she could stay awake, she says it was a daily struggle to keep her mind on the lesson and off her empty stomach. It was a battle she seemed destined to lose. By the age of ten, Nyipher had fallen to the bottom of her class and showed little hope of catching up.

”Nyipher’s grades shot up overnight. Today, she’s 14 years old and competing for the top spot in her school with two other students. College is around the bend and Nyipher says she wants to study law and become a judge. “I want to bring justice to poor people and show that if you’re sure of yourself, then you can do anything.” Slum life Nyipher lives in the Kibera slums of Nairobi, one of the largest and poorest slums in Africa where most people live on less than US $1.00 per day. Like most of her neighbors, she has no electricity and no running water.

“When I come home from school, the first thing I have to do is fetch clean water so we can do the laundry and wash dishes,” she says. Household chores take up most of “I was so hungry I could hardly her time and whatever time is left,


she uses to study. Nyipher is not an isolated case. Kenya hosts one of WFP’s longest running school feeding programs, reaching over 675,000 children around the country. 83,000 of them live in Nairobi, where more

than 90 schools across the city serve meals provided by World Food Program. Food in schools Studies in Kenya have shown that providing food to children in school can boost enrolment rates by as much as 28 per cent. They were also found to keep kids coming back, particularly in the case of girls, whose attendance rates rose by 10 per cent when fed at school. Teachers at the “New Adventure” school where Nyipher studies confirm that since the program began four years ago, the student body has grown from 142 to nearly 200, and that their grades have risen across the board.

Stop Traffick Fashion

they make tells a story of redemption and hope. Every woman who finds freedom through Freeset also brings freedom to her family.

www. s t o p t r a f f i c k f a s h i o n . c o m / Some people assume this social plague only affects other parts of the world: the third world or places where lack of education fuel poverty and ignorance. However an estimated 17,500 people from other countries are trafficked into the United States each year. Slavery in all parts of the world impacts our daily lives; enslaved people produce the food and clothing which form the foundation of our daily lives. This gaping misconception—slavery doesn’t affect me— allows us to distance ourselves from the issue and silences the cries of exploited people around the world.

vivors of trafficking. By shopping at Stop Traffick Fashion you’ll have a direct impact on the lives of exploited people around the world. This global problem is overwhelming, but we can work together to take small steps toward big change. Stop Traffick Fashion exists to: · Support the victims and survivors of human trafficking · Support the organizations who are rescuing and rehabilitating victims of trafficking

· Raise awareness of human Unfortunately, too many people trafficking* are still unaware of the problem, and those who know often feel Vendor Collections overwhelmed and paralyzed by Freeset the enormity of the problem. natural jute Take a small step toward big bags are change. handmade by women One way we can make a difference escaping is to put our money to work. We the sex can support companies which take trade of a stand against human trafficking— Calcutta, companies which have ethical busiIndia. Each ness practices and supply chains— woman has been trained and emand avoid companies who don’t. We ployed by Freeset. Instead of recan support organizations commit- maining victims of exploitation, ted to carrying out justice and res- these women are now skilled cuing the oppressed; in addition, we craftsmen, living and working with can directly support victims and sur- dignity. Each of the beautiful bags


STOPStart (Formerly Hagar Design) employs women from Hagar International in Cambodia. Hagar works with women and children from devastating backgrounds of violence, abuse, and trafficking and supports them in their recovery, rehabilitation, job readiness, and community reintegrat i o n . Hagar is committed to individualized and long-term assistance for its beneficiaries, advocating the strategic use of the social enterprise model as a tool for social rehabilitation and economic empowerment.

The Emancipation Network helps survivors of slavery rebuild their lives, earn continued on page 36

continued from page 35

sustainable income, acquire education, and reintegrate into society. They work to prevent slavery in high risk communities, such as red light and refugee communities, by creating jobs for adults, organizing volunteer trips, and making donations to shelter partners for rescue, school fees, emergency needs, and reintegration.

The whimsical purses in our kid’s collection are from Made by Survivors. They are handmade from wool felt by survivors in Nepal. NightLight jewelry is handmade in Bangkok by women who have escaped the exploitation of the sex trade. NightLight’s goal is to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of women and children in prostitution. They build relationships with women and children who work in

the sex industry and provide a center that offers emergency aid, educational and employment opportunities, emergency childcare, language tutoring, literacy training, and spiritual guidance.

These all natural bath and body products are handmade by women who have survived lives of violence, prostitution and abuse in the United States. Into every Thistle Farms product goes the belief that freedom starts with healing, and love can change lives. Your purchase also benefits the ‘Not For Sale’ campaign to end global slavery.

31 Bits jewelry is hand crafted by women in Northern Uganda who have been displaced and trafficked due to the civil war. However, in the midst of this suffering, there are women who are finding creative ways to provide for themselves and their families. Their creations are made from 100% recycled paper. Wear a necklace, share their story and give hope.

profit sectors through education and enterprise to end human trafficking. By buying this bag you are helping to provide the liberty women need to dream freely again.

Wo n d e r fully Made’s model of social entrepreneurship hopes to provide an alternative income for girls and boys leaving trafficking situations. Sustainable jobs are created through producing high quality products desired by Western markets. The jewelry is made in Chiang Mai, Thailand and helps to provide hope and new life for survivors of human trafficking. They’re h e r e ! Freeset tees are made by women in Kolkata, India who were once marginalized and trapped by poverty and prostitution. Freeset has given them a way to find freedom. They have learned new skills and now earn a respectable, shame-free living making tees for you! A Freeset Tee sustainable pulls people out of poverty, children and pesticides out of fields, and women out of the sex trade. Make your money count!

The story of Nomi, a young girl sold into a brothel by her parents inspired the creation of the Nomi Network. Nomi Network is a leading non-profit organization bridging the public, private and non- PAGE 36

CHILD ABUSE Hope i s like the sunrise

page 38

Author: Juno Cristi Photo: Justin MacArthur Rand

End Violence page 39 Against Children We can never hide the page 40


Children of the Night page 41

Success Stories PAGE 37

Hope is like the sunrise. It just has to be there at the start of each day.

Author: Juno Cristi Photo by Justin MacArthur Rand


End Violence Against Children Childhood Cartoon Faces

By Gina Alzate

When I first saw how the avatars of my Facebook Friends changed to cartoon faces, at first I became curious as to what was happening. Then I saw posts after posts imploring all of us to change our avatars through December 5, 2010 in support of the Campaign to End Violence Against Children – Childhood Cartoon Faces. Then I saw issue an article about this event going viral. The article led me to the Fan Page of the campaign. At that time there were less than 2500 fans. In a matter of a few days, the page grew to over 29,000 fans. I read that this was meant to be an awareness campaign and I saw links for donations to charitable organizations which support prevention of child abuse. So, I joined in and encouraged my friends to do so as well. What became amusement at first became my stroll down memory lane, not because of the cartoon faces but a remembering of my childhood years. I lived with abuse all my life not realizing that it was called abuse as it was prevalent in most households I knew in Quezon City, Manila, Philippines including mine. It was common for adults to slap their children. Children got pinched on the thighs, hit with a ruler even by nuns, punished with the buckle end of a leather belt, and a candle dripped on the skin. The adults showed power and force through threats of bodily harm or to be sold to slavery, or promises to be thrown off a cliff or a stairwell. So children learned to obey the adults, be quiet, and not be trouble makers as the conse-

quences at home were severe. Adults constantly yelled and belittled children in most household. Their yells could be heard by neighbors as the windows were usually left open due to constant hot weather.

At times emotional abuse brought by abandonment, not being seen and often being ignored were prominent stories among children. Abrupt separation from parents also occurred when parents found work away from their hometown.

So children grew up not thinking any other way of living. Children began work early, doing household chores and taking care of smaller children. They would be left alone on their own

The separation sometimes lasted years if the parents went abroad for work. Communication with one another was sparse and the children would be passed around from family

even if they were children themselves. The punishment was severe if mistakes were made in any of the chores no matter how old was the child. In some of the poverty areas, children did not go to school after sixth grade as high school charged tuition fees. So children went to work instead, mostly as errand children and in some instances, as con artists in pick pocketing or theft schemes.

to family in their extended circles. At times holidays were spent if not with extended families, with the household help who were given money for food and expenses.


The campaign brought all those memories back to me in an instant. In the Philippines tit was not thought of as abuse. It was not until I came to the United States did I see it differently.

We can never hide the truth. It travels with the wind and lives in light.


JESSE Although I did well in school and participated in extra-curricular activities such as Girl Scouts and a variety of sports, incest and domestic violence would haunt the landscape of my childhood. My abusive father dropped me off to attend Northeastern University with a $30 check. His parting words were, “Don’t ever call collect and don’t forget what I taught you.” The financial aid packet from school would not arrive for several months and what he taught me would be a license for sexual deviation. Prostitution dominated my life throughout my twenties. I contacted an organization in Washington D.C. that was supposed to help prostitutes survive, but Joe Haggerty, who founded the program, was no longer involved. I sought him out and he single-handedly changed my life. He taught me about self-respect, how to handle inappropriate sexual advances and how to recover from rape. I also learned from him how to navigate the system as related to the rape case, how to heal from the violence of prostitution and incest, but most importantly, how to confront my father and tell the police about the incest. Without being righteous he gave me a moral compass. He has been a blessing in my life. co 5



e o d

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DETECTIVE KEITH HAIGHT, RETIRED LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Nancy and her friend were outside their school in Northern California when a couple of pimps approached them. The girls assumed they were just two regular guys looking for a good time. They eagerly accepted what sounded like an exciting invitation to drive to LA for the weekend. Once they arrived, they were thrown in with the rest of the pimps’ girls, made to dress up like hookers, and forced to work the streets. Nancy was able to escape by urging LAPD to arrest her. She was handcuffed and driven to the station. COTN sent a taxi to pick her up. Checking into the case, I learned that her friend had been transported to San Francisco and was picked up by the vice squad there. Nancy and her friend were reunited at COTN. I have worked hand and hand with Lois for nearly 30 years. What makes her so special is that she understands both sides of the business— victims and police. I rely on her for victim management, but she also empowers the kids so they can stand up against what they fear most. With Nancy’s and Lois’s help, the pimps were located, a trial was held and they were sentenced to 14 years each. Nancy stayed at COTN and graduated from high school. She did all the heavy pulling. I didn’t do much! 4


In 1979, Dr. Lois Lee abandoned a promising career as a Social Policy expert and scholar to plan action to rescue America’s children from the ravages of prostitution. Dr. Lee’s single-minded effort and dedication resulted in Children of the Night where she still serves as President. In 1996 she passed the California Bar Examination in order to further help child prostitutes legally. In the seventies, Dr. Lee discovered children working as prostitutes in Hollywood. Some of those children sought refuge in the home of Lois Lee while a graduate student studying police reports filed on prostitution. Other children, in the eighties frequented the Children of the Night drop-incenter in the heart of Hollywood— the first of its kind. And in the 90’s, many children were able to live in the Children of the Night home which remains the only comprehensive program specifically designed for children victimized by prostitution. Dr. Lee and Children of the Night’s work exemplifies America’s natural resources of voluntaryism and the private sector initiative and was recognized by President Ronald Reagan at the White House in 1984 when he presented Dr. Lee with the President’s Volunteer Action Award.


Dr. Lois Lee Founder & President Children of the Night 14530 Sylvan Street Van Nuys, California 91411 818 908 4474 x 125 818 908 1468 fax



by Tayyiba Iram & Susan McKenzie

Your small acts of

kindness Verse by: Juno Cristi

page 47

Children and Stress . . . page 48

page 49

As we on on the responsibility of creatingof a hopeful loving As wetake take the responsibility creating a attitude with and for our children. hopeful loving attitude with and for our children.


Means We Are Together PAGE 44

COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS by Tayyiba Iram and Susan McKenzie

Blessings certainly do no harm and can do a lot of good. Enjoy our selection of blessings GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT at CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE, TEACH THEM WELL Numerous songs abound exhorting the importance of treating and teaching

Kindness is an aspect of generosity of spirit. Every day we have an opportunity to practice kindness from the smallest to the biggest acts. During the holiday seasons we have even greater

opportunities, because at the core of most of these seasons are thanksgivings and seasons of goodwill with opportunities to show kindness through acts and good wishes. WHAT KINDNESS IS Kindness is about helping others and spreading a good feeling too. From greetings of good wishes to positive actions, holiday seasons are extra opportunities to be kind and spread good cheer all around. Christmas, for example, is the season of goodwill toward all humankind and is about honoring the birth of a very special child. In the Muslim world, Eid al-Alha is about a father’s love for God and his family. Although Ibrahim (aka Abraham) was ready to sacrifice his son for God, at the last minute God said to sacrifice a ram. During Eid, rams and other animals are sacrificed and one-third of the meat is distributed to poorer people. Giving to the poor in this manner is an continued on page 46

children well, because they are our future. If we want children to be kind then we must first be kind ourselves and extend our kindness out toward others. FOLLOW MY LEADER Children learn best by our example, so guard your thoughts, words, deeds and actions, and ensure they are the most kind at all times. Actions do speak louder than words so if you want kind kids, be the kindest person you can be first. At best you will have little angels who naturally emulate you; at worst you aren’t a hypocrite when you exhort them to be kinder. So big or small, great or humble, think of all the ways you can lead your kids in paths of greater kindness.


continued from page 44

act of kindness. During the Christmas season, some churches put together food parcels and volunteers deliver these to people who they think may appreciate some extra food during this time, usually retirees. Going the

helps to achieve that. Even when it seems that nothing will make a difference, kindness may and can. Everyone’s day will be brighter if you add a dose of kindness. BLESSING FOR GREATER KINDNESS

E: Encourage everyone to be kind by being the personification of kindness yourself. Expect kindness and always reciprocate with kindness whether you perceive the other person as kind or not. S: Songs of kindness are legion. Sing a song of kindness always. S: Slices of life will taste so much better with a dose of kindness added. Y: You have an opportunity to improve the world every time you are kind, so do be as kind as you can be. O: Overlook the past, overlook others lack of kindness and encourage kindness by your good example of kindness. A kind word really can brighten up the day. U: Untold kindness is within your grasp to give, so just do it: be kind always.

Blessings extra mile is an exhortation to be kinder and to do more for others. CHARITY AUDIT Whoever coined the phrase charity begins at home really gets to the core of where kindness starts. Charity is love in action, is kindness in action and the home is where values are observed and learned. Do you ever run down your spouse? Think again, that is not kind. Sometimes we don’t even realize when we are not being kind. So before we can expect kindness, we must be beacons of kindness ourselves. Find ways to be kind and involve your kids. For example, a neighbor who needs help. Ask your kids what could be done to lend a hand.

B: Be a beacon of kindness. Bless everyone with your kind thoughts, words, actions and deeds. L: Learn to be kind at all time and lead your children in ways of kindness.

POSITIVE SIDE Kindness and being kind keeps us on the positive side of life. If you would like to make a positive contribution to life, expressing kindness


Susan McKenzie teaches practical English, Pronunciation and IELTS. susanmckenzie!/abetoday See

“Your small acts of kindness can be a great source of strength and joy to others. Be kind. You have nothing to lose and the whole world to gain.� Verse by: Juno Cristi PAGE 47

Children and Stress . . . Therèse Tappouni Children are affected by the energy around them. Research has shown there are tools we can teach children to reduce their stress. Young children are eager to learn new ways of being stress free.

As we take on the responsibility of creating a hopeful loving attitude with and for our children. when you go into a classroom for a test, or when there are belligerent kids on the school bus, take one minute to do the following exercise. 1. Breathe in deeply, counting to five, and imagine the breath is surrounding your heart. Breathe out, count-

One of the most exciting visuals for young people is a representation of the way energy acts on them and others. For instance, the energy which radiates from the heart is huge compared to that which surrounds the brain. In many cases, heart energy reaches eight feet out from the body to contact the heart energy of others. Does it matter? Yes, it matters a lot! If you come from a loving compassionate place, your heart energy releases that emotion and affects those around you in a positive way. If you enter a room which feels uncomfortable your heart’s warning system tells you to back up. It’s as if your energy reaches out and shakes hands with all the energies in the space and decides which are safe and which are not. I know you have been in a situation where you just wanted to reach out and hug a person and the opposite situation where you actually want to back up from a person. This is a demonstration of their heart’s energy. A simple tool to use, and kids pick this up quickly, it prepares anyone for a stressful situation. For example,

cially adrenaline and cortisol, bathe all of your organs in a toxic brew, speed up the heart and breathing, and make your body less able to fend off illness. This is why stress is dangerous and leads to illness. Simple methods like this will change your life. The only hard part is to convince yourself easy can be effective, because we live in a world which says it has to be hard. I promise you, it doesn’t. With the holidays, stress levels climb. Try this one simple step to pave your way, and your children’s, to a more peaceful and loving holiday season.

ing slowly to five, seeing the breath protecting your heart. (Imagine a color if you like.) 2. While breathing deeply, remember a time you felt peaceful, or loved, or grateful, any strong positive emotion. Breathe that feeling into your heart, and feel it spread throughout your body. (It helps to see a scene or person or animal you love and sense it, smell it, hear it.) 3. From this point on, every time you think about breathing deeply and counting to five, this feeling will return. So why does this help? It helps because it returns your heart to a regular rhythm and stops the release of stress chemicals into the system. These chemicals, espe-


“Leaving the past and venturing into the future is the terrain of explorers and visionaries. We are all capable of being either or both of those things, but we have to unburden ourselves of our own expectations and the belief systems of others to learn to fly.” Therèse has combined wisdom and insight to create a spiritual path for her life and work. Find out more about Therese Tappouni successes and accomplishments at Cell: 805-2310184, a resource for tools to decrease and eliminate stress.

“Love means we are together.” Author: Kaya (age 5) Photo by John Cloutman PAGE 49

LifeChronicles produces videos of people who are terminally ill or in any of a variety of life crises, offering comfort to people during critical periods of their life by providing an opportunity to share a piece of their life with others before they die.

Capture the essence of a loved one with the talent and compassionate hearts of student volunteers. LifeChronicles utilizes video to preserve a legacy for people in defining times of their lives: people who are terminally ill or in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, ALS or Parkinson’s, women placing their child up for adoption or older people wishing to leave their life stories for the benefit of those they will eventually leave

The best way to express the importance of LifeChronicles’ services is to listen to the people who have experienced it. Since LifeChronicles was founded we have served over 800 individuals and families. Visit to hear their words, their stories and share their joy.

behind. Bill’s doctor felt it would be therapeutic to Unlike any other medium, video encompasses people in their entirety, including the sound of their laughter, the inflections tell of his World War II experience. in their voices and the sight of their facial expressions. We did videotapes of Jessi and her family while Over the past 13 years, we have found that our service is she was in isolation for her cancer treatments... both therapeutic and empowering not only for the participants themselves but also for those who are near and dear to them. This truly happens every time we do a taping... people like Mary are invigorated by the experience. LifeChronicles works to fulfill its mission: to produce video recordings that capture a person’s essence for the comfort Rose is a prime example of a senior person and guidance of those who follow them. who was rich with stories of the past. Send Requests To: P.O. Box 31152 "This is enough to make me live for another Santa Barbara, California 93130 week," joked Max to his family. Call: Toll Free: (866) 998-5433, S. CA: (805) 682-3411

Mission Statement


HOW MANY POSITIVES negate A negative? Everything we’ve been through Photo: Sujin Jetkasettakorn’s Portfolio: http://bit,ly/eeJKly Verse: Juno Cristi

page 52


page 53

When you find yourself in the Verse: Juno Crist dark... Photo: Keattikorn page 54




page 55

“The sky is God’s page 57

Verse: Juno Cristi Photo: Rhaniel Lao PAGE 51

Photo: Sujin Jetkasettakorn’s Portfolio: http://bit,ly/eeJKly Verse: Juno Cristi

“Everything we’ve been through is everything we are. That’s how the universe shapes all its stars.”


BUILDING Patrick McCleary As parents, we are tasked with a very large responsibility in raising the next generation to be as good, if not better than, the current generation. We all live very busy lives; from our jobs to paying the bills and, yes, even to our hobbies (if we find time for them). It is easy to forget about the kids. I mean, we feed and clothe them and take them to their sporting practices and events, but we don’t often make them a priority. Often they don’t complain because they are content in their cycle: school, homework and play. Also, DVD players make this very easy to do. I am guilty of this myself, on occasion, when I am busy. So, this takes us back to our job as parents. A strong and united family is necessary for raising the next generation. Regardless of how you define family, the kids must be included with feelings of importance which equal strength and unity. I can hear some of you now, in fact, I’ve used some of these excuses before: “But when we get home from a long day at work, we have to prepare dinner and lunches for tomorrow. Then we have to catch up on the dishes and the laundry and help the kids with their homework (which really isn’t quality time), and, before we know it, bedtime is here and the time to spend with the kids is gone. So, what is a busy parent to do?” The task of building up the children does not have to be an arduous one. I recommend starting small and build-


ing from there. Now, remember this is about personal attention so, do this on a one-on-one basis, and remember to be attentive to the conversation at hand. This means turning off the phone, the internet, the TV and just paying attention to your little ones. Here is a small list of suggestions: Listen to your kids - When is the last time you sat down and let your

kids tell you about their day or how they feel? Talk with your kids - The other half of listening is responding. I talk to my kids like they are adults. Not only does this help their vocabulary, but it shows respect. Try it out; kids often fit the respect you give them. Give your kids a note - For those times you are too busy to sit down for a conversation, send them a card which says, “I Love You”. It will brighten their day and they may brag about it. OK, maybe not the last bit if they are too “grown-up” but they will still remember those things in years to come.


Just have fun with your kids Be a kid again, it will do you good. Run around silly and climb trees, just remember you aren’t a kid any more so, be careful. Play dress-up with your little girls and fort with your boys or vice-versa. Find things that you can do together which helps you out on your chore list. In my house, I teach the children to cook and use that opportunity to talk and listen to them. This way, maybe both parties can learn something useful. The most important thing to remember is to just be there when they need you. Reach out to them when they are little, and they just might not completely shut you out when they are teenagers and need you the most. Create what I have - an open-door policy, where the children can come to you without fear (that means no yelling) and talk to you about anything.

Now here is some homework for you. Go find or buy a board game and sit down with your kids and play it. Then take some time over the next few days and sit down with each of them separately and have a long conversation. I can’t tell you what to talk about, that depends on their age and your individual family, but just talk. The point of the conversation is to find out what is going on in each of your kids’ lives.

“When you find yourself in the dark, and you endure, your inner light surfaces. It is when you embrace this light all fears begin to disappear.� Verse: Juno Crist Photo by: Keattikorn Portfolio:


NEGATE THE NEGATIVE WITH POSITIVES ... Transforming negativity into positives. Is it harder to do when we are in the youth of our lives?

EXPERIMENTAL DANGERS These are the years of greatest experiments. Everyone in the social circle is doing it and anyway it is great fun. But how do we break out of these years and get back to the straight and narrow as soon as possible. First of all it depends on how much negatively you have created and how much you want to change.

Written by Susan McKenzie

GROWING PAINS We were all young once. Think back to your youth. What do you regret? What do you wish you had done better? What would you do again the

nies, not to mention arguments and falling out with parents and other relatives, are all features of this tumultuous phase. Potentially, all of these are on the negative side of life. While some succumb to these negatives, many emerge stronger and wiser once they hit their 20’s and 30’s and take their place as responsible adults.

same way and what would you do differently? What close shaves did you have? What about your thought processes? Were you fearful of the future? Did you know what you wanted to be and what to achieve? Think about your thoughts: were they overall positive or negative? Did you have happiness or did you experience tragedy and dashed hopes? Could you resist the peer pressure or did you give into it?

NEGATE THE NEGATIVE WITH POSITIVES How negative are you? What do you

ADOLESCENT INDISCRETIONS Youth is a time of exploration and experimentation, it is about finding yourself and becoming an adult. Some sail through youth and onto adulthood with ease, while others flounder and flap through these difficult years. Drugs, sex, teenage pregnancy, violence, suicide, accidents, gangs, cigarettes, petty crime and serious felo-


want? What do you like? Do you prefer associating with chums filled with negativity such as anger, hatred, bitterness, hopelessness, fearfulness, pessimism, selfishness, cruelty. Some people just prefer this, but are you one of those who hanker for more positivity? Qualities of a positive person include being optimistic, hopeful and having a faith in the present and the future. The question you have to ask yourself: Do you prefer to be a more positive person or remain a negative person? No one is usually totally positive and no one is usually totally negative. But it is about thinking about what are the dominant thoughts: overall positive or overall negative. WAVING A MAGIC WAND We cannot expect a happy life if we are filled with negativity but how many positive things will make us happy. Positivity can be like a magic wand: the moment you decide to be more continued on page 56

continued from page 55

positive and associate with more positive people, then you will be more positive and you can positively deal with the negative aspects of your life. Get help, find support when you decide to turn over a new leaf. HOW TO GET OUT OF A NEGATIVE MOOD When everything seems bleak, down and hopeless, it is difficult to snap out of it and enter a positive frame of

find fault with your negative outlook. Say to yourself, for example: I’m going nowhere with this negative attitude. It is getting me nowhere. I can’t believe how much time I am wasting. If you are really negative and critical of your negativity, this might just jolt you into agreeing that a more positive frame of mind makes more sense. Do this and you will have no choice but to become more positive. A positive attitude can be the positive act that negates your negativity. NEGATE NEGATIVITY WITH POSITIVITY BLESSING B: Brave, bold positive thoughts and attitudes overcome the deepest negativity. L: Learn to transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Less than perfect thoughts are a fact of

mind. In this state, we tend to criticize everything, even our wish to be more positive. Let us use reverse psychology here: you are criticizing a lot of things, so think of ways to


life and very natural. E: Either you can be negative or positive: energize yourself with positive thoughts that empower you to be more positive. S: Start to overcome negative feelings by looking at these feelings critically. S: Secondly, realize that your feelings are normal but that all you have to do is adjust your thinking to be more positive. Y: Your choice, so choose the highest more positive direction and act with steely determination and purpose. O: Optimism is the hallmark of a positive person, so use optimistic thoughts to get you past temporary negativity. U: Use negative thoughts as a signal that you must take steps to get back to a more positive state of mind. Use these feelings to recommit to being more positive.

Therèse Tappouni Leaving the past and venturing into the future is the terrain of explorers and visionaries. We are all capable of being either or both of those things, but we have to unburden ourselves of our own expectations and the belief systems of others to learn and community activist, I needed to give myself the advice I wrote in that quote. The following tells you what I have been doing, not who I am. It is a fact in this world that others define us, usually, by what we have accomplished. I feel defined most happily by my feelings of being connected to individuals and the larger world as a spiritual human being. Therèse has combined wisdom and insight to create a spiritual path for her life and work. She is a Time Dimension Therapist, Certified Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist, and Somatic Intuitive Practitioner while acting daily as CEO of ISIS Institute and Whole Heart. However, she creates her life’s work most typically through the written word and workshops. Her book The Promise: Revealing the Purpose of Your Soul was a 2008 winner of the Independent Book Publishers Award’s bronze medal in women’s issues, and she has recorded a CD titled The Promise: Walking Your Path of Truth, consisting of guided visualizations and meditations with music by international composer Michael Hoppé and the Prague

Symphony. Me and Green, a book for children on sustainability, came out in September of 2009 and won the gold medal from the Indie Excellence Book Awards. Her novel A Time to Reap, the story of three generations of women finding the inner source of their strength through tragedy and blessings has met with wonderful reviews. Her previous books are Lot’s Wife; Walking Your Walk: A Woman’s Guide to a Spirit Filled Life; and Night Gardening: Passionate Poems for the Beloved

Stories about War. Her recent collaboration with Grammy winner Michael Hoppè is a CD titled Tapestry where each composition by Michael is accompanied by a poem written for that piece.

Therèse leads workshops for women based on Walking Your Walk and The Promise, and also co-conducts workshops for couples and singles focusing on relationship as well as writing workshops solo and with her partner. She teaches the importance of the Sacred Feminine, and ways in which women can focus on spiritual growth in work and relationship while nurturing the feminine and researching the history of women. She also presents workshops for professional women on recovering the passion that led them into their work or relationships, and discovering the energy of life passages such as menopause while acting from the heart. She has served on many boards and committees, including The YMCA Writer’s Voice, The School Community Council of Teacher Corps, the local chapter of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and The Chopra Foundation. She is a member of the International Women’s Writer’s Guild and the Society of Children’s Book with her partner, Lance Ware. Therèse Writers and Illustrators. has been published in many literary publications and anthologies, including the Grammy-nominated Grow Old Along With Me: the Best is Yet to Be, where her work was read by Alfre Woodard; and she was featured in 19841 Gulf Blvd, Indian Shores, FL Through a Child’s Eyes: Poems and 33785 Cell: 805-231-0184


tions out in her blog, and eventually on Twitter and Facebook as “The Love Goddess”. One by one, her verses, her prose and poetry were picked up by her friends and followers, spreading like wildfire across the virtual universe. In just 6 months, her account grew to tens of thousand with people all over the world thanking her for healing words.


She continues to_ share messages of faith, hope and love, offering her devotionals in gratitude for the gift God has bequeathed her, and she continues to communicate on-line with her readers as often as she can.


Sarah Stuart is a creative, fiction and non-fiction writer, poet, dreamer, philosopher, scientist. Her passion in life is Email: to manifest dreams and ideas, helping Blog: others to live their own. She finds in writing her divine and inspirational exTwitter: pression, and she finds that sharing her _lovegoddess visions and ways of seeing the world Facebook: http://www.facebook com/ and Universe fulfills her heart everyday. profile.php?id=100001 490552443 As founder of The New Writers, Sarah When the writing job had not proven defines herself as a person who dreams to be rewarding she decided to join the big. To her nothing is impossible and outsourcing world and built her career she is always ready to embark in the as a Service Leader in the nation’s wonders of a magical life, meeting booming industry championing Leaderpeople and living her dreams in connection with all others. Her passions ship Development of several coaches, are children, people and she loves managers, trainers and call center staff helping them in any possible way. for 11 years. As a young executive, she also contributed as a feature writer a lifestyle and entertainment magazine. chosen to raise my children as Pagan. When I was with my first wife, we deHer life took a quick turn on 2010 afcided to keep religion out of things, since ter a series of unfortunate events the maour religious choices were different. But jor turning point a debilitating accident when that didn't work out and I started mid 2010 where she was paralyzed hip a relationship with the lovely women that down from a fall leaving her unable to work was to become my current wife and had outside for a prolonged period. another daughter, we made the decision to raise a Pagan child. And that is In her solitude she decided to go back ATRICK C LEARY when I started my blog PaganDad. It is to her passion— writing. In this My name is Patrick McCleary and I through this blog and my interaction epiphany, she felt an immense desire to have been a parent for almost eleven with other parents that I have gained write about only one thing - LOVE. She years now. And while I have always insight and experience into creating a decided to pour her thoughts and emo- been a Pagan parent, I have not always Strong and Spiritual Family.

Juno Cristi a 33 year old single mom and native of Manila, Philippines, graduated in 1998 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Studies in her State University. After college she worked briefly as a University Research Assistant and then took the role of Writer / PR Officer for the country’s top book store.

Links to e-mail & web sites:



Patrick McCleary PAGE 58

GINA ALZATE Thank you for taking an interest to know more about me. What I share with you now serves more to remind me how much I have been able to be of service to anyone. So, in those times that I feel sad about my world, I would be able to remind myself easily that everything in my life is temporary, and how I am fully empowered to make heart-centered decisions for my highest and greatest good. I remind myself I could always choose the path to joy, and how each choice provides me a path to self-mastery. Each choice serves me well in the end.

RHONDA VARSANE Rhonda Varsane enjoys change in her community through actions and words. She shares her passion and vision with the world through her photography and writing. She brings a philanthropic attitude and experience along with awareness, education, opportunity and exposure through as visionary and founder. Her vision is to educate and help others. These qualities comes, alive for all to experience as she changes the global community. She is a correspondent and trained as a photographer in the United States Marine Corps Reserves

and now lives in Saint Thomas, Pennsylvania with his wife, Marni, and three children, Jonathan, Jennifer, and Devon. Jon along with his wife Marni are the founders of a paranormal group called E.P.P.S. Eastern Panhandle Paranormal Society and enjoys paranormal investigating, cooking, bowling, golfing, spending time with family, playing the drums, writing and watching sci-fi movies. Jon Born in Quantico, Virginia, in 1969 to is also a member of the board for the Gary and Cecelia Parker, Jon grew up Apollo Civic Theatre in Martinsburg, in Martinsburg, West Virginia, where he WV. and does volunteer work for the graduated from Martinsburg Senior Haunted Theatre along with his wife and High in 1988. He was married in 1989 kids at the Apollo Theatre.

Jon Parker


SUSAN MCKENZIE Susan McKenzie has had 20 years experience as an English teacher. She has worked in the British Council, Linguaphone, and well-known language teaching organizations. Susan is a London-trained lawyer who has been an editor in an international book publishing house and national magazine. In 2006 Susan was appointed an Ambassador of Peace by the Universal Peace Federation and Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace. She is also a co-author of two law books. For enquiries IELTS, practical English and pronunciation courses email: For Daily Blessings follow us at:, she is also the Outreach Coordinator for


Professional: Writing journals for twenty years and using the work to assist others in a creative process called Journal To Change YOUR Life. Journal Writer/watching video's, and seminars. Joined various groups throughout the years, such as Liberty Bell Speakers in Philadelphia branch of NSA, National Image Consultants, BNI, Chamber of Commerce, Business Women's Network. My own life's process and healing

has been my greatest assets. I am a teacher and a student of life. Personal: I am family oriented. I love to write, draw, read and create...whether that be workshops, writing, cooking, quilting, travel, collage work, decorating, or gardening. My passion is to create. I also enjoy yoga, biking, walking, swimming, and nature. I am not big on labels, I simply see myself as a safe container for others to process their work.

MILTON 501 BOWENS Born and raised in Oakland, Calif., Milton Bowens is the fifth boy of ten children and also the youngest of the ten, that’s the origin of his unique signature Milton 510. Milton’s artistic

promise began at the age of five with nothing more than a few pencils and cut up brown paper bags used as sketch paper, thanks to his mother’s ingenuity of making the best of lean times. Milton never lost sight of his humble roots. Discreetly placed on many of his collage works of art is a piece or strip of brown

paper bag a subtle reminder. Years later, Milton’s formal art education took off while he attended the Renaissance Art School in Oakland during his junior and senior high school years. After graduating, Milton received a scholarship to the California College of Arts and

Crafts. He completed one-year of study then enlisted in the United States Armed Forces and became an Illustrator. He received his Associates Degree in Commercial Art under the Army’s College Education Assistance


Program (ACE). Milton is a nationally known artist and activist, who has been creating powerful work for over the past

20 years, and who has participated in over 100 group and one-person exhibitions regionally and nationally. Although Milton has accomplished a tremendous body of work and many accolades over a brief period, he never rests on his laurels. His relentless quest for knowledge, innovative artistic techniques and a deeper understanding of art and the role it plays in the preservation of culture is never ending.



I am an Author, Linguist, Mixer,

World Photographer and Traveler. I was born in Warwick, Rhode Island, the son of an Army officer who took me around the world. My Dad taught me the importance of building character and never quitting. I have been to 65 countries as a result of being brought up outside the U.S.A. and still love to connect with the world. I attended Johns Hopkins University to follow in my father's footsteps and became an officer in the U.S. Army. After being commissioned, I found a greater purpose in education, and taught Physical Science in Prince George's County for four years. I have studied 12 languages and hope to visit at least 100 countries, encourage others to expand their acceptance through cultural education. I am a member of Good Fellas of Baltimore and what you can count on me for is… “Building Loving Connections Through Powerful Communication”.


VINCE SHARPS As the son of a retired U.S. Air Force officer, I spent most of my childhood traveling around the country and the world with a great deal of my formative years being raised in Europe. I attribute my world-view and character to this upbringing abroad. Traveling the world at a young age and seeing how fortunate I was compared to people in other countries made a deep impression, laying a firm foundation for the power of compassion. After settling in Maryland I became a partner in my first printing firm in my early twenties and have been in the printing industry ever since. As a young entrepreneur this platform enabled & encouraged me to be an advocate for people in my community and beyond, something firmly instilled in me by my father and a trait I hope to pass on to my son. I support & sponsor many networking organizations in the area and I am one of the founding members of Network For a Cure and Baltimore Business Networking. I am a member of Good Fellas of Baltimore and you can count on me… “For the Power of Compassion”.


Stephanie Williams, Juris Doctor (J.D.), graduated with honors from the University of Miami School of Law. She is an international human rights law advocate and an independent, freelance consultant on human rights issues. She has been politically active and working in the field of human rights since 1992. She primarily works with human rights advocates, non-profit organizations, IGOs, NGOs, and humanitarian think tanks that are committed to identifying, researching, tracking, assessing and eliminating human rights abuses. In addition to her published works, Stephanie authors, co-authors and edits legal and political articles. Stephanie is the co-founder of a local non-profit fund-raiser: Food for Life Network (FFLN) AIDS Marathon/Half-Marathon. Stephanie’s interest span from astronomy and quantum physics to philosophy and politics. She is an avid reader, writer/blogger and social networker. She is currently working on projects for Food for Life Network AIDS Marathon, and her second book of poetry, “Sex will be Sweeter for my Daughter.”


Every book is a drop of wisdom, but

Author: Juno Cristi

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