May, priced under USD 2,000. Also, AgVa is collaborating with automaker Maruti Suzuki and state-run Bharat Electronics to make parts required to set up ventilators. While in Germany, where about 25,000 ventilators are now available nationwide, the government ordered 10,000 from a domestic manufacturer, Dräger, to be made over the next year. On 22 March, the FDA gave car manufacturers Ford, General Motors and Tesla the go-ahead to make the devices to alleviate the shortage after relaxing regulation. Fitbit has launched a low cost emergency ventilator in the trying times of Covid 19. Fitbit Flow is a compact machine and is made from laser cut aluminum. It doesn’t require skilled professional and can be operated by volunteers which is very helpful in this strenuous time. ROLE OF VENTILATORS AND CHALLENGES S. No.
Ventilators in Covid-19 pandemic
Role of Ventilators and Challenges
Ventilator and its importance COVID-19 pandemic
in Ventilators are life saving machines required for severely ill COVID19 patients • Two types of ventilation may be used in these patients: a) Invasive and b) Non-invasive ventilation • Invasive ventilation is superior
Challenge of shortage and the cost of • There is an acute shortage of ventilators for COVID-19 patients ventilators • Their high cost and availability is a challenge
Effects of shortages of ventilators
Solutions for overcoming shortage of Ventilators:
Role of 3-D Printer technology in • The use of 3D printing in manufacturing the parts of ventilator ventilator production quickly and cheaply seem promising
• Severely sick people are getting affected from getting the optimal treatment • Innovative means of manufacturing and optimising their use is being tried out the • Several engineering companies are being roped in to manufacture the ventilators • Medical specialists trying to optimise the use of ventilators • Alternative methods of ventilation like an Ambu Bag are being used in innovative ways