GoHuskies Magazine, February 2021

Page 22

Balancing Act Coach Rosso brings perspective, experience and vision to UW Gymnastics BY MARK MOSCHETTI FOR GOHUSKIES MAGAZINE


here to from here? So many college students everywhere ask themselves that question as they come close to completing their studies. Where to from here? Back in 2009, Ralph Rosso didn’t really know. A gymnast while earning a degree in general studies at the University of Michigan, he was staring at a future that essentially was still a blank piece of paper, Rosso didn’t even see a place for himself in gymnastics with his days in a team uniform now behind him. “When I was a competitor at Michigan, coaching was the last thing on my mind,” Rosso said. “I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do, even to the point when I graduated. I stayed in Ann Arbor for another two years and volunteered with the men’s team, and I really enjoyed working with the athletes and coaching staff. I really found a passion for it. I worked at a few club gyms to help pay PAGE 20

for rent, and my passion grew for it more. “I always looked up to my coaches as role models,” he added. “Now, I’m on the other side of that fence and I can help (others) in their quest for their gymnastics goals.” Since June of 2017, Rosso has been offering that help from his side of the fence in the University of Washington’s gym – first as an assistant coach and now as the interim head coach, taking over in late October when Elise Ray-Statz announced her departure after nine years, leaving the area to move closer to her family. “I always knew how much she valued her family, as well as being a mother to her two young sons,” the 33-year-old Rosso said. “While I was not surprised, the timing threw me off guard a little bit. But I certainly support her in her endeavor in how she wants to take care of her family first.” Continued on page 23 GoHUSKIES

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