16 minute read
The balconies o the buildin s are 28cm-thick and extend outwards or 3.35m in an irre ular manner.
The balconies o the buildin s are 28cm-thick and extend outwards or 3.35m in an irre ular manner.
They are made o rein orced concrete and house 900 trees, 5,000 shrubs and 11,000 floral plants.
The balconies o the buildin s are 28cm-thick and extend outwards or 3.35m in an irre ular manner.
They are made o rein orced concrete and house 900 trees, 5,000 shrubs and 11,000 floral plants.
The plant li e is equal to 10,000m² o orest on flat land. Maintenance o the plants is entrusted to a centralised a ency. The hei hts o the plants ran e rom 3m to 9m. The plants row to a maximum hei ht o 30 t.
The buildin s eature sophisticated security systems. Vehicle entrance and exit are controlled by number plate reco nition cameras. A surveillance system is available in the lobby, which connects to a closed-circuit TV camera system.
The profile o the terrace repeats a ter every 6 floors
1. All the Rooms are located at the same corner o the house creatin an entire private zone 2. All dwellin s have a vestibule that acts as a transitional space between all rooms 3. Except the master bedroom, there is one common washroom in between all rooms. 4. Washrooms also have two washbasins, one wc and one bidet. 5. There are two balconies, one common and one located in the master bedroom 6. There is a also space or break ast table in the kitchen
STONE CLADDING Thickness - 0.02m
Thickness - 0.10m
Air cavity o 3 cm between the stone claddin and insulation
Thickness - 0.20m
Thickness - 0.7m
Bosco Verticale every apartment eatures lar e lass slidin doors providin a connection to the outside o the buildin . On a typical balcony slidin doors are o 3 m hei ht and 2 m width. This is modeled as a double lazin unit o similar size. It consists o two float lass panels and an insulation layer.
FLOAT GLASS Thickness - 0.01m
Bosco Verticale every apartment eatures lar e lass slidin doors providin a connection to the outside o the buildin . On a typical balcony slidin doors are o 3 m hei ht and 2 m width. This is modeled as a double lazin unit o similar size. It consists o two float lass panels and an insulation layer. A typical balcony is 8m wide and 3m deep with a parapet o 1m hi h. Two trees are placed on opposite sides o the balcony. The construction material o the balcony plat orm and parapet are rein orced concrete.
FLOAT GLASS Thickness - 0.01m
160 sqm Area 24% Floor area
1 x 0.8 m NO OF COLUMNS 13
Usin round source heat pumps to access the aqui er. Hilson Moran, the ori inal buildin services en ineer on the project, specified two units, which can each provide 556 kW o coolin and 589 kW o heatin .
They have the ability to simultaneously provide heat and coolin , so, or example, hot water or underfloor heatin can be provided to heat north- acin rooms, at the same time as apartments in south- acin rooms are cooled via ducted an coil units.
Rainwater Solar Panels
Geothermal Energy
The radiant floor is also cooled throu h a heat exchan er connected to the aqui er loop, which helps lower the overall
coolin load.
Air handlin units are positioned at the top and bottom o the lar er tower to balance air flows. When the unit provides coolin or overheatin rooms, the heat rejected rom the condenser can be
used to brin room temperatures in other parts o the towers up to the
desired setpoint. By recoverin heat and coolin simultaneously, the units can balance the coolin and heatin loads, and can improve the COP (coefficeint o per ormance) o the heat pump. Solar ener y For Hot water
Solar ener y For Electricity
Ground ener y For Heatin
Rainwater For Irri ation
Greywater For Irri ation
The plants are watered by a dripline. The calculation o the irri ation requirements or the plantin was based on the climatic conditions o the site and adjusted accordin to the exposure o the acades and the distribution o ve etation.
The roundwater used or the heatin and coolin systems is recycled to meet 100% o the irri ation requirements.
While the olia e is abulous, the intelli ent desi n o the HVAC cannot be overestimated when considerin the impact on carbon reduction at Bosco Verticale. Mede hini estimates the
system offers at least 35% savin s over a traditional
buildin . ormance) o the heat pump. Control and Diagnostics Internal Prunnings External Prunnings
Arup adopted hi h-stren th concrete and unbonded post-tension or the slabs.
The buildin envelope is made o 20 cm aerated brick, 10 cm insulation and 2 cm stone claddin .
Due to the peculiar layout o the terraces, cantileverin slabs have been poured on a sel supported cantileverin scaffoldin . The thickness o the balcony plat orm is 30 cm and the thickness o the parapet 20 cm. This solution allowed limited dimensions or the structural elements with si nificant loads and cantilevers (up to 3.5m or the terraces and a maximum span o the cantilever in the corners o approx. 7.5m).
Buildin s have been desi ned with a base-isolation system to
miti ate round-borne vibration
rom the metro trains. The system has also been desi ned to provide additional seismic protection to the buildin s.
Base isolation systems involve floatin the buildin structure on an array o resilient elements.
The structural stability o the trees has been desi ned throu h the botanical analysis o the species and their eometry. A detailed wind climate assessment and two different wind tunnel test campai ns. Followin the results o the analyses and tests, three restrainin devices have been desi ned:
All the trees have elastic temporary bands that connects the root bulb to a steel mesh embedded in the soil
All the trees have elastic temporary bands that connects the root bulb to a steel mesh embedded in the soil All the medium and lar e trees have a sa ety cable to prevent the tree rom allin in case the trunk breaks
All the trees have elastic temporary bands that connects the root bulb to a steel mesh embedded in the soil All the medium and lar e trees have a sa ety cable to prevent the tree rom allin in case the trunk breaks The lar est trees in those locations most exposed to wind have a sa ety steel ca e that restraints the root-bulb and prevents it rom overturnin under major windstorms.
Rather than just a simple architectural object there ore, the presence o the plant component means that the Vertical Forest is more akin to a set o processes – partly natural, partly man-mana ed – that accompany the li e and rowth o the inhabited or anism over time. A specialized team o arborists-climbers descend rom the roo o the buildin s once a year to carry out prunin while checkin the state o the plants in addition to their
eventual removal or substitution.
All the maintenance and reenin operations are in act mana ed at the condominium level in order to maintain
control o the anthropic-ve etal balance.
Irri ation is also centralized: the needs o the plants are monitored by a di itally and remotely controlled installation while the necessary water is lar ely drawn rom filtered effluent rom the towers. The plants are watered by a complex centralized system divided into sub-sectors and equipped with compensated drippers that filter and reuses ray-water rom the
buildin s and recycle the roundwater utilized by the
eothermal heat-pump-based HVAC system o the complex. The maintenance o the ve etation is “ acilitated” by two cranes installed on top o the towers, which allow the ardenin staff to operate on the plants rom the outside. In Milan, the towers’ vertical orest is a shared arden; there ore, its maintenance is mana ed by the condo administration and not by each resident individually.
1. Terraces are accessed via apartments, possibly 3-6 times per year ; 2. Terraces are accessed rom the outside by a basket li t (moved By a telescopic arm placed on the roo o each tower) that will drop personnel rom the top to carry out the prunin and other maintenance that cannot be done rom the inside, possibly 1-2 times per year.
Housin a total o 800 trees (480 first and second sta e trees, 300 smaller ones, 15,000 perennials and/or round coverin plants and 5,000 shrubs.
30,000 square meter o woodland in 3,000 square meter o urban land Unlike “mineral” acades in lass or stone, the plant-based shield does not reflect or
ma ni y the sun’s rays but filters them
thereby creatin a welcomin internal microclimate without harm ul effects on the environment. At the same time, the reen curtain “re ulates” humidity, produces oxy en and absorbs CO2and microparticles,
Benefits: Urban Scale
Reduction o the Urban Heat Island Effect / Air Temperature Miti ation Improvement o Air Quality / Dust Absorption Sequesterin o Carbon Aesthetic Appeal Providin Biodiversity and Creatin
Benefits: Buildin Scale
Health Benefits Improvement o Buildin Ener y Efficiency Internal Air Quality, Air Filtration and Oxy enation Envelope Protection Noise Reduction A ricultural Benefits
As to the benefits to the internal environment o a buildin , the ve etation on the acade
reduces the coolin load durin the warm
season, due to reducin solar ain throu h the envelope. This advanta e is one o the most si nificant and depends essentially on three main actors and their interaction: 1. Plants actin as a sunscreen: The shieldin capacity o the leaves (which is particularly efficient due to phototropism) reduces the absorption o solar radiation o the shaded layers, and there ore the heat trans er to the indoors
2. Plants actin as a windscreen: Althou h leaves are characterized by certain levels o wind permeability, they help to reduce convective heat trans er
3. Plants usin solar ener y or their
transpiration and photosynthesis: These two processes are responsible or air temperature reduction, since the sensible heat is converted into latent heat, and lower external air temperatures imply less consumption o coolin ener y in interiors. In recent years, numerous vertical reenery systems have been implemented, with increasin success.
This amount o reen ve etation brin s with it a number o benefits: Pollution The reenery acts as a buffer between the city and the apartments by absorbin pollutin particles, noise and sequesterin carbon whilst also producin oxy en and improvin air quality.
Ener y efficiency The reen açade results in reduced ener y consumption due to increased insulation a ainst outside temperatures and shadin . This keeps the buildin cooler durin summer and warmer durin winter, Biodiversity Hostin around 100 different plant species, the açade promotes biodiversity by providin a vertical urban oasis or nestin birds and wildli e.
Urban heat island The coolin benefit o the açade contributes to reduced temperatures in the vicinity o the buildin . This urther reduces the need or coolin capacity.
This amount o reen ve etation brin s with it a number o benefits:
Internal com ort Shadin rom the reen açade results in natural temperature control, li ht mana ement and improved air quality. Durin summer months, some residents rely purely on natural ventilation to achieve com ortable internal temperatures. In extreme external temperatures, an underfloor passive-coolin system, ed by roundwater, urther helps prevent overheatin .
Benefits o Green Walls : The benefits o reen walls vary dependin on many actors, such as eo raphic location and climate, buildin eometry, orientation, plant species, and reen wall components and systems.
MITIGATION The Vertical Forest helps to build a microclimate and to filter fine particles contained in the urban environment. The diversity o plants helps to develop the microclimate which produces humidity, absorbs CO2 and particles, produces oxy en, and protects a ainst radiation and noise pollution.
BIOLOGICAL HABITAT The Vertical Forest increases biodiversity. It promotes the ormation o an urban ecosystem where various plant types create a separate vertical environment, but which works within the existin network, able to be inhabited by birds and insects (with an initial estimate o 1,600 specimens o birds and butterflies). In this way, it constitutes a spontaneous actor or repopulatin the city’s flora and auna.
ANTI SPRAWL The Vertical Forest is an anti-sprawl method which helps to control and reduce urban expansion. In terms o urban density, each tower constitutes the equivalent o a peripheral area o sin le amily houses and buildin s o around 50,000 m2.
TREES The choice o species and their distribution accordin to the orientation and hei ht o açades is the result o three years o studies carried out alon side a roup o botanists and etholo ists. The plants which are used on the buildin were pre-cultivated in a nursery in order or them to become accustomed to similar conditions to those which they will find on the balconies.
CHANGING FACADES The Vertical Forest is an ever-evolvin landmark o the city, whose colours chan e dependin on the season and the different natures o the plants used. This offers Milan’s population an ever-chan in view o the city. Offices
Basement Basement Basement