Varun Patra Homegrown – Shaping Up Future Minds The main purpose of Varun Patra Homegrown is to help the youth of India take this country forward. If there is one young entrepreneur in the limelight, then that has to be Varun Patra, the owner of Homegrown with multiple successes under his name. The Varun Patra Homegrown is primarily known to be a media and cultural entrepreneur who has widely seen success in turning some of the larger-than-life ideas into reality.
Over the last couple of decades, he has been doing great in his field and has made his name to be one of the most successful youngsters of the modern century. His passion is fuelled by the goal of bringing societal and cultural change to India. So, all his
professional ideas have been primarily focused on creating eco-systems and foundations. So, the idea of Homegrown came into being to create that major impact. Shaping up minds for a better future: The main goal of Varun Patra is to shape up culture and creative and young marketing strategies for some of the major brands in India. He is also known to be the Homegrown Founder, which is a digital-first and next-generation youth cultural platform. This platform is mainly targeted at that creative class. So, whether you own a creator network, content studio, publication, or even creative and events agency, make sure to get hold of Homegrown for your solid foundation base now. More about Homegrown: It was not the idea of just Varun Patra to come up with Homegrown. It is a joint venture between him and his sister. This platform has dug deep into its roots and stood steady as trailblazers to present the dynamic youth culture of India with high-end authenticity. This platform is mainly represented by those who cannot be otherwise confined or defined. So, Homegrown is always considered to be the most influential platform in this country. It always remains at the frontline of curating, creating, and then cultivating change and taking India forward, one step at a time. More on the campaign count: For the past 6+ years, as seen in Varun Patra Blog, this Homegrown has led over 100 successful events and campaigns. The main goal is to drive social change and shape the movements of present youth for some of the major brands like Nike, UNICEF, British Council, Bacardi, Audi, and more. The main goal of this platform is to constantly push the youths of today to change the narrative of how the brands are subject to communicate to truly resonate with the Indian Youth. Get help from the experts: Being a young successful individual himself. Varun Patra is here to shape India’s future and take it up a notch. Homegrown is just a starting point, and there is so much more to address with the time that comes now. Source URL: