VASANTH RAJ DHARMARAJ D.D.S General Practice >> Dentist >> Dental Providers
Registrant NPI Number: 1427286798 Individual Registrant: VASANTH RAJ DHARMARAJ D.D.S Gender: M Not Sole Proprietor Location and contact information for practice: 430 W ERIE ST SUITE - 200 CHICAGO, IL 60654-6914 US Tel: 920-838-1649
920-838-1649 FREE
Fax: --
Contact information for business: 430 W ERIE DENTAL DREAMS LLC SUITE 200 CHICAGO, IL 60610 US Tel: 920-838-1649
920-838-1649 FREE
Fax: --
Registration Information: NPI: 1427286798 Entity Type: Individual
Vasanth Dharmaraj DDS
Vasanth Dharmaraj DDS Is this your business? Claim your profile 430 W Erie St Chicago, IL 60654 Contact: Dharmaraj, Vasanth Raj
1427286798 NPI number — VASANTH RAJ DHARMARAJ D.D.S NPI Number : 1427286798 Entity Type Code : Individual Provider Name (Legal Business Name) : VASANTH RAJ DHARMARAJ D.D.S
Detailed Information
NPI Number 1427286798 has the “Individual” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — VASANTH RAJ DHARMARAJ D.D.S. Records indicate that the provider gender is “Male”. The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 06/25/2009. NPI Numer information was last updated at 06/25/2009. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at:
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430 W ERIE ST SUITE - 200 CHICAGO , IL 60654-6914 US