3 Reasons to choose Packaged spices over Loose spices

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Packaged spices for good health

3 Reasons to choose Packaged spices over Loose spices ____________________________________

Introduction: • The spice industry is one of the highest revenue-generating industries of spiceproducing nations like India, Sri Lanka, etc. • They produce one of the finest spiceproducing nations of the world. • They sell spices in two major forms • Loose and Packaged

3 Reasons to choose Packaged spices over Loose spices ____________________________________ 1. Hygienic: • Loose spices are sold without any sort of packaging. They are available conveniently in the market and are comparatively cheaper. • They are made using hands and usually in unhygienic conditions. • They are widely known for adulteration.

3 Reasons to choose Packaged spices over Loose spices ____________________________________ 2. Pure: • Packaged spices are sold with leak-proof packaging. • They are also available conveniently and are processed in hygienic facilities. • As they are processed in such facilities, they are usually pure and not adulterated.

3 Reasons to choose Packaged spices over Loose spices ____________________________________ 3. Healthy option: • They have a natural flavour and aroma that is retained until a long period of time.

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