What is Kadha?? Kadha is the concoction of various Indian spices & herbs that contains immunity-boosting & healing properties. This brew is prepared with spices & herbs like Black Pepper, Ginger, Cardamom, Cloves, Cinnamon, Basil, etc. which are then boiled in water, allowing all its medicinal benefits to be extracted.
Health Benefits of Kadha: • It strengthens the body's defense mechanism, giving it the ability to fight against fatal viruses. • The presence of Basil in Kadha makes it an effective healing drink. • It has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and, antiseptic properties that are effective against cold & cough. • It is also known for its immunity-boosting properties, thus help in fighting infections.
Kadha Recipe 1: Ingredients:
2-3 cups of water Pinch of Vasant Turmeric powder 1 tbsp of Dalchini powder 1 tbsp of Elaichi powder 1 tbsp of Vasant Ginger powder 1 tbsp of Vasant Black Pepper Few Tulsi leaves Vasant Ajwain Honey or Jaggery (to taste) Fresh Lemon Juice
Method: • To begin with, add 2 cups of water in a pan & boil it. • Add basil leaves and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes • Now add turmeric powder, Dalchini powder, Elaichi powder, ginger powder, black pepper, and, ajwain & let it boil. • Let this mixture boil for about 20 minutes or till the concoction is reduced to half. • Strain this mixture in Glass and drizzle it with some honey & lemon to enhance its taste. • Your healthy homemade Kadha is now ready!! • Have this Kadha when it's still warm.
Kadha Recipe 2: Ingredients: 2-3 cups of water 3 tbsp of Vasant Tea Masala Tulsi Leaves Honey or Jaggery Lemon
Method: • Take water in a deep pan & boil it. • Once the water is boiled, add Vasant Tea Masala & Tulsi leaves. • Let the mixture boil for about 20 minutes or till it is reduced to half. • Then strain this mixture through a sieve. • Add honey & lemon. • Your Kadha is ready- Easy & Healthy. • Serve it when it's still warm.
Side Effects: • Keep in mind, do not add an excessive amount of spices as it can cause heartburn, nausea, or burning sensation in the food pipe. • You can consume this Kadha two times a day and if you have a severe cold & cough, you can consume it three times.
• Make this Kadha for your loved ones & keep them safe from deadly viruses. And, while making this Kadha, don't forget to use 100% pure & authentic Indian spices, from one of the best spice manufacturers in Gujarat - Vasant Masala. You can buy our spices from your nearest Grocery store or you can buy spices online from Amazon and Flipkart.