The term “SPONGE CITIES” is used to describe urban areas with abundant natural areas such as trees, lakes and parks or other good design intended to absorb rain and prevent flooding.
They are cities designed so that drainage systems, leased from its flooding, inundation and inundation.
WChongqing has a monsoonal humid subtropical climate
Chongqing, with over 100 days of fog per year, is known as the "Fog City
Since its elevation to national-level municipality in 1997, the city has dramatically expanded its transportation infrastructure. With the construction of railways and expressways to the east and southeast, Chongqing is a major transportation hub in southwestern China.
water, often in those same places
Urban areas, particularly low-lying ones, are prone to flooding during storms because there is nowhere for the water to go; as concrete and other hard surfaces will cause the water to pool and flood Flood barriers and storm drains can be sufficient for normal rainfall but can be overwhelmed by more intense storms, especially when a major contributory factor is rising water levels in local rivers
Liangjiang Innovation Zone Chongqing DABA MOUNTAIN DALOU MOUNTAIN YANGTZE RIVER LIMESTONE CAVE Three Gorges Museum Chongqing Zoo Fengdu Ghost City Fengdu Ghost CityChongq ng s one of the f rst to tr al the “sponge city” concept
The challenge ies in
1) mak ng full use of the distinct ve natural features
2)moving away from a traditional dra nage-focused ra nwater treatment method, and 3) creating a soft system for urban dra nage
4)This is a major hurd e that Chongqing must overcome to build a sponge city
The sponge c ty development in Chongq ng nvo ves var ous strategies and nfrastructure pro ects Some of the key nitiatives nclude
1) Rainwater harvesting
Chongq ng's first demonstrat on "sponge garden" recently opened to the pub ic n the city's Yubei district
The garden, located n Chongqing Central Park covers an area of about 700 square meters with six sets of faci ities with d fferent app icat on scenar os Taken together, the garden supports the "sponge c ty" concept n a garden landscape
2) Permeable surfaces
3) Green infrastructure
To Achieve 43% Greening Coverage of Bui t-Up Urban Areas n 2025
4) Technological solutions
AQUADVANCED® urban dra nage system for realtime view of the ent re sanitat on network based on data collected us ng sensors nstalled on the network and in the receiv ng environment and short-term weather forecasts
1999 2004 2009
iang nnovation Zone Chongqing
rapid urbanizat on, inadequate drainage infrastructure, and vulnerab lity to flooding due to heavy ra nfall
ongo ng urban zat on pressures increasing impervious surfaces, and grow ng water scarcity concerns
continued urban expansion, deteriorat ng water quality and the need for more resi ient infrastructure
faced issues related to cl mate change, ncreased extreme weather events and the need for sustainable urban development
enhancing ts sponge city development efforts to create a more susta nable and livable urban environment
improving and expand ng its dra nage systems constructing reservoirs and retent on ponds, and implement ng flood control measures Additiona ly, measures to increase water storage capacity and enhance water conservat on practices might have been mplemented
constructing green spaces, permeable pavements, and rooftop gardens to enhance stormwater infiltration and reduce runoff The promotion of water-efficient technolog es and pract ces such as rainwater harvesting and water recycling, could have been encouraged as well
invested n water treatment facil ties eco-fr endly wastewater management systems and improved monitoring systems to enhance water quality Sustainab e urban dra nage systems (SUDS) ncorporating features l ke bioswales, constructed wetlands, and natural water retent on areas might have been mplemented to mitigate f ooding and improve water management
Green roof installations, ra n gardens, and decentra ized ra nwater storage systems Integrated urban planning approaches that prior tize water-sensit ve design, combined with public awareness campaigns to promote water conservat on, could have been imp emented as well
smart techno ogies for rea -time monitoring of water resources, optim zed water usage and f ood forecast ng The use of permeable pavements green infrastructure, and the development of decentral zed wastewater treatment systems
Chongqing s transition to a sponge city has resu ted in s gn f cant improvements n urban water management By mplementing susta nable practices l ke green nfrastructure stormwater retention systems and water conservat on measures the c ty has effect ve y m t gated flooding r sks, enhanced water qual ty, and fostered a more resil ent urban environment Chongq ng's comm tment to becom ng a sponge city showcases ts dedication to susta nab e development and serves as a model for other c t es fac ng similar water management challenges
Presented by: Amruta Shelekar Anushka Tabhane Anushri Parate Vasavi Barde Vidhi Raut 4th Year/ 7th semester (2023-24) Landscape Architecture Yubei