SVS New Member Booklet

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Dear New SVS Member: It’s my privilege to officially welcome you to membership in the Society of Vascular Surgery. The SVS is the largest and most respected professional organization in the world representing vascular surgeons and affiliated vascular specialists. Your election denotes acknowledgement of your professional excellence and dedicated commitment as a vascular specialist, and your professionalism. This is a most prestigious accomplishment of which you should be truly proud. There has never been a more exciting time to be a vascular and endovascular surgeon or a more challenging and rapidly evolving health care environment in which to practice. While our Vascular Annual Meeting is widely acknowledged to be the pre-eminent vascular educational forum in this country to disseminate cutting edge information, and provides a unique opportunity to network with fellow members and international leaders in the field, the SVS today does much more. Our Officers, Board of Directors, and more than two dozen Committees including more than 400 volunteer members work daily on activities for the benefit of our membership in the areas of government relations, reimbursement, branding of the specialty, patient education, journal publications, research support, providing practice resources, and a host of other activities to support our members. I encourage you to visit and learn of the breadth of our activities, and possibly consider volunteering for a Committee appointment. If you have any questions about SVS or your membership, please email our membership team at Also, please feel free to contact me at any time with your ideas and concerns. Our leadership’s primary mission is to serve our membership as we all work together to improve our specialty and most important serve our patients. Once again, congratulations and welcome! Sincerely,

Bruce A. Perler, MD, MBA President, Society for Vascular Surgery

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How To Access Your Membership Profile 1.

Go to


Select SVS Member Login, as shown below.


E nter your username (your email address on file with SVS) and password (the default is your member ID) and click login. Please note: If you hit the enter key, the page will NOT load.


A successful login will display a greeting and your first and last name.

5. To change your password, opt out of Find a Vascular Specialist, or update your contact information hold the cursor over your name and click “Update Profile.�

6. To pay dues and access other options, visit the link section of the home page shown below.

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Membership Time Line July 2015

Newly approved members receive July–December 2015 prorated dues statement by email

JVS publication benefits activated upon receipt of prorated 2015 ½ year dues payment

August 2015

Comprehensive Vascular Review Course in Chicago, IL—August 28–29

September 2015 October 2015

All members receive 2016 annual dues statement by email

Coding and Reimbursement for Vascular Surgeons in Chicago, IL—October 16–17

November 2015

2016 dues reminder sent by mail

December 2015

2016 annual dues payment deadline. Reminders sent by mail and email

January 2016 February 2016 March 2016

2016 Vascular Annual Meeting Registration opens

April 2016 May 2016

Vascular Research Initiatives Conference in Nashville—May 3

June 2016

2016 Vascular Annual Meeting in National Harbor Maryland (just outside Washington, D.C.) June 8–11

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SVS Staff Telephone: 1-800-258-7188 or 312-334-2300 Fax: 312-334-2320 Email:

Chicago Office 633 N. St. Clair, 22nd Floor, Chicago IL 60611





Sonia Alvarez

Accounting Specialist


Jessica Brabant

JVS Managing Editor


Joanna Bronson

Education Program Manager


Patricia Burton

Deputy Executive Director, SVS Executive Director, SVS Foundation


Julie Chan

Director of Education


Angela Churilla

Education Program Manager


Justin Cogswell

Membership and Marketing Manager


Gina Dickinson

Program Specialist, Resident/Student Programs


Brandon Fiedor

Assistant Managing Editor


Jill Goodwin

Director of SVS Foundation and SVS PAC Marketing


Emily Kalata

Director of Resident and Student Programs


Keri Kramer

Director of Marketing and Membership


Rebecca Maron

Executive Director, SVS


Megan Mathy

SVS-PSO Program Specialist


Katherine Mocarski

Accounting Manager


Megan Mullay

Education Program Specialist


Sarah Murphy

Research Director


Vihar Patel

Lead Software Engineer


Kimberly Perez

Accounting Specialist


Pamela Phillips

Director, Washington Office


Alexandria Sese

Editorial Assistant


Debbie Wallentin

Director of Meetings


Jason Wampler

Technology Director


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Washington Office 20 F Street, NW, Suite 310B Washington, DC 20001 Fax: 202-787-1229



Vascular Patient Resources The Society for Vascular Surgery offers free education materials for your vascular patients. The patient education materials are in different formats to meet your patients’ needs. They include videos, online information, flyers, and a children’s work book. All materials are written and reviewed by vascular surgeons. Resources are listed below.

Vascular Health Fliers Download and customize these free vascular health education flyers. Print and distribute the flyers to patients, the public, and post on your own website. Flyers are available in English and Spanish. Click on the links below to download.

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It s Pho One hundred fifty minutes of physical activity per week ne: 123 ode also -456-7 is recommended for adults ages 18 toema 64. ilThe activity can 890 occur in a combination of moderate intensity aerobics / FAX : 123 and strength training. It is recommended to continue the -456-7 890 activity for at least 10 minutes at a time.

Protect Your Vascular Health

Physical Activity



Please call with any questions:

While the resources on are copyrighted, they may be reproduced without permission in their entirety. However, no portion of the print publications, videos, images, etc. may be used in materials produced by other entities.

How Statins Improve Vascular Health for the Vascular Patient English | Spanish

Patient Stories on Video

Your Blood’s Amazing Trip through Your Vascular System English | Spanish

Practice or Doctor name Address1 Address2 City, ST ZipCode Phone: 123-456-7890 / FAX: 123-456-7890 email



visit Vascul arW


Surg ery® . All


Copyright © 2012, Society for Vascular Surgery®. All rights reserved

What is Vascular Disease? English | Spanish

How to Prepare for an Appointment with a Vascular Surgeon English | Spanish

Videos for Patients and Families

When Should You See a Vascular Surgeon? English | Spanish

Patient videos were made possible through a grant from Cook Medical.

© 2012 , Socie ty for

For more information visit

Vascular patients with their vascular surgeons discuss conditions and treatments in these easy-to-understand videos.

A library of videos viewable on YouTube feature some of the most prestigious vascular surgeons in the country explaining, in detail, diseases and treatments available for Peripheral Arterial Disease, Abdominal Aoritc Aneurysms, Carotid Artery Disease— Stroke, Wounds, Mesenteric, and additional topics.

more info rma tion


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm English | Spanish Smoking and Vascular Disease English | Spanish AAA Medicare Screening Benefit English | Spanish Preventative Care for Diabetics English | Spanish Peripheral Arterial Disease English | Spanish Aspirin Therapy English | Spanish Carotid Artery Disease English | Spanish

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SVS Publications Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders

Recognized as the leading resource of vascular health research and news, SVS provides the following publications to its members.

Journal of Vascular Surgery Each month, the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS) publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on clinical and experimental studies, noninvasive diagnostic techniques, processes and vascular substitutes, microvascular surgical techniques, angiography, and endovascular management. Based on its 2012 impact factor, JVS is the #1 journal in the category of vascular surgery. JVS ranks 24 out of 198 journals in the surgery category and 22 out of 68 in the peripheral vascular disease category and is in the top 10 percent of the more than 8,000 scientific journals listed in the 2012 Science Citation IndexŠ —Thomson Reuters. For more information, visit

The Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders (JVS: VL) is an official publication of SVS and the American Venous Forum. This quarterly journal publishes high quality clinical research, case reports, techniques, and practice manuscripts related to all aspects of venous disease, lymphatic disease, and wound care with an emphasis on the practicing clinician. JVS: VL seeks to provide novel and timely information to vascular surgeons, interventionalists, phlebologists, wound care specialists, and allied health professionals who treat patients presenting with vascular and lymphatic disease. For more information, visit

SVS Pulse SVS Pulse, an e-newsletter, is published regularly to report up-to-the-minute information relevant to members.

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Vascular Specialist Vascular Specialist is a monthly member magazine, available in both print and digital editions. For more information, visit



2016 Vascular Annual Meeting // June 8–11 National Harbor, Maryland (just outside Washington, D.C.)

Plenary and exhibits June 9–11, 2016

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center


E arn continuing education credit through plenary and concurrent sessions

C onnect with your colleagues

L earn about cutting-edge research in the field

V iew the latest devices and products

G et ideas that will help your practice today

Visit or telephone 800-258-7188 for complete and updated meeting information. Future Vascular Annual Meeting Dates 2017



May 31–June 3



Plenary and Exhibits: June 1–3


June 20–23

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Plenary and Exhibits: June 21–23



SVS Foundation Yields Nearly a 5-Fold Return on Investment

Make a contribution at, or use this contribution form. I wish to further the mission of the SVS Foundation through a contribution of:

❑ $1,000

❑ $500

❑ $250

❑ $100

❑ Other


The SVS Foundation supports the society’s mission to improve vascular health care. To help reach this goal, the Foundation funds basic and clinical research, and encourages vascular research careers. Be assured your contribution advances quality vascular medicine and secures vascular surgery’s respected position in health care. The SVS Research Council, chaired by Michael Conte, MD, reports a nearly 5-fold Return on Investment for the SVS Foundation’s K08 and K23 Research Career Development Awards funding. SVS Foundation has invested $9 million in the careers of talented vascular researchers. This investment has paid off. Your contribution is critical to continue and exceed these remarkable results. K Awardees have: •

B een awarded over $45 million in subsequent NIH and VA funding

• Advanced

their careers to division chiefs, vice chairs, and professorships • Mentored more than 50 postdoctoral trainees and other K Awardees • Published

more than 1,000 peer-reviewed manuscripts

Learn more at

Address City/State/Zip Telephone Email

Donate by credit card at or use this donation form and fax it to 312-334-2320. Name on Card Cardholder Signature Credit Card Number Expiration Date

CSC Number

Donate by check: Make check payable to: SVS Foundation. Mail check and this donation form to: SVS Foundation, 35312 Eagle Way, Chicago, IL 60678-1353 •Y our contribution may be tax-deductible. Please contact

your tax advisor for assistance

• SVS Foundation Tax ID Number 04-3580038 • To make gifts of securities, please telephone 312-334-2300

Thank you for your generosity!

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SVS PAC: A Decade of Access to Congress The Society for Vascular Surgery® (SVS) Political Action Committee (PAC) is the only PAC that provides a unified voice for vascular surgeons. Your support is critical to the future of your practice and profession.

SVS PAC Donation Form

Make your donation at or complete the form and fax or mail it. Name Street City

State Zip

Phone Number

The SVS PAC is an independent committee formed to raise funds for campaign contributions to United States House of Representatives and Senate candidates who support high quality diagnosis and care for vascular disease patients and solutions to physician reimbursement challenges. 100 percent of your SVS PAC contribution goes directly to candidates. With your contribution, receive an invitation to an exclusive SVS PAC reception during the Vascular Annual Meeting® and proudly wear a PAC pin in recognition of your donation.

Occupation Employer

Donation Preferences Automatic withdrawals from your credit or debit card are available. This donation is

❑ Monthly

❑ Quarterly

❑ One-time


❑ $50 ❑ $500

❑ $100 ❑ $1,000

❑ $250 ❑ Other

If monthly or quarterly, number of years

❑ One year

❑ Two Years

Personal Check Make checks payable to SVS PAC Checks cannot be drawn from a corporate account. Send your PAC donation along with this form to: Society for Vascular Surgery, Political Action Committee, 35314 Eagle Way, Chicago, IL 60678-1353

Personal Credit Card or Debit Card Complete this form and fax it to 312-334-2320 or mail it to: Society for Vascular Surgery, Political Action Committee, 663 N St. Clair, 22nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60611 Credit Card Information (American Express, Mastercard or Visa) Credit/Debit Card Type

Your donation is a political contribution under federal law and will be used for federal election purposes. Contributions from corporations and foreign nationals are not permitted. All contributions are voluntary and will not affect your status as a SVS member. Federal election law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and maintain the following information for individuals who contribute more than $200 in a calendar year.

Card Number

Exp. Date (mm/yy)

Name on Card


Cardholder or Account Owner Signature

Thank you for your SVS PAC donation. If you have suggestions about which members of Congress the SVS PAC should contribute to, please email pphillips @

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Code of Ethics for SVS Members General Statement of Purpose This document is intended to serve as a guide for members of the Society for Vascular Surgery® (SVS) in their medical, social, and professional relationships in the practice of vascular surgery. This code is a statement of ideals, commitments, and responsibilities of SVS members to their patients, other health professionals, society, and themselves. It will be considered as one of the criteria used to evaluate qualifications for membership by applicants and to evaluate a member’s maintenance of good professional standing in the SVS.

Ethics as Related to the Provision of Vascular Care An SVS member shall serve as the patient’s advocate to ensure that the most appropriate care is provided to the patient. An SVS member shall not participate in any activity that is not in the best interest of the patient. An SVS member shall practice within the limitations of his or her privileges, which reflect his or her competencies and expertise. An SVS member shall not publicize or represent himself or herself in any untruthful, misleading, or deceptive manner to patients, colleagues, other health care professionals, or the public. An SVS member shall be actively involved in continuing medical education in order to remain current on new medical information related to vascular interventions. Should an SVS member become dependent on alcohol or drugs or otherwise become impaired, he or she should accept treatment and recommendations of the treating physician(s) and the recommendations of his or her hospital committee, local medical society committee, and/or ACS guidelines for evaluating and assisting impaired physicians.

Ethics of Relationships Between Health Care Professionals An SVS member shall strive to achieve and maintain professional and courteous relationships with his or her colleagues and other health care professionals. If an SVS member has reason to believe that another SVS member is incompetent, he/she shall bring this situation to that person’s attention and advise the appropriate professional committee of his or her hospital or regional medical society. An SVS member shall not practice medicine while impaired by alcohol, drugs, or physical or mental disability. The vascular surgeon who experiences substance abuse problems or who is physically or emotionally impaired should seek appropriate assistance to address these problems and limit his or her practice until the impairment no longer affects the quality of patient care. An SVS member shall respect the rights of colleagues and of other health professionals. An SVS member shall only receive compensation for services provided within the rules as defined in the relevant laws. The division of income among members of a formally organized group is appropriate and can be based on the value of the services performed by each member and/or other contributions to the group, as agreed to in advance by the group members. An SVS member who transfers care of a patient to another health care provider, either by his or her own recommendation or at the request of the patient or patient’s family, shall cooperate fully with the health care provider who receives the transferred patient.

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An SVS member shall be actively involved in the educational process of other physicians and health care providers as circumstances permit. An SVS member shall help his or her medical colleagues maintain a high level of performance and integrity in the practice of medicine.

Ethics Related to the Patient and Patient’s Family An SVS member and the patient and/or patient’s family when appropriate, shall be involved in dialogue so the joint medical decision-making process will be in keeping with the patient’s philosophy and wishes and their Advanced Directive for health care. Explanation of the nature and risk of an operation to the patient or to the patient’s representative is essential. An SVS member shall maintain the privacy and confidentiality of patient information. Patient health information, protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) and other laws, shall be respected except in those circumstances where the law requires disclosure. Sexual misconduct on the part of an SVS member is an abuse of professional power and a violation of patient trust and is unethical. An SVS member shall collaborate with other health care professions and advocate for the terminally ill patient to allow dignity, provide relief of pain and suffering. The lawful wishes of the competent patient shall be respected.

Ethics as Related to the Legal Profession An SVS member shall respect the confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship as defined by HIPPA regulation.

best of his or her ability, provide the court with accurate and documented opinions on the matters at hand. An SVS member shall follow the “Guidelines for Testimony by Vascular Surgeons Serving as Expert Witnesses in Litigation.”

Responsibilities of the SVS Member to Government An SVS member shall always abide by the law of the land, but upport changes in those laws that are in the best interests of the patient and medical practice. An SVS member shall cooperate with and deal honestly with governmental agencies involving those areas of health care in which he or she is a participant, but will preserve patient confidentiality.

Ethics Related to the Physician and Insurance, Compensation and Reimbursement Agencies An SVS member shall be honest in financial dealings with patients, insurance companies and health care financing agencies, and shall provide accurate, complete and timely information to these entities. An SVS member shall respond in a timely fashion and completely to requests for medical reports from private and governmental agencies involved in reimbursement and compensation for medically related services with the consent of the patient or the patient’s agent, or as otherwise provided by the law. Financial and administrative constraints imposed by managed care may create disincentives to treatment that has been recommended by the vascular surgeon as being in the patient’s best interest. Any pertinent constraints or incentives should be disclosed to the patient.

As an expert witness, an SVS member, shall thoroughly prepare by reviewing the relevant facts so that he or she can, to the

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Ethics Related to Relationships with Industry

Ethics as Related to Patients and Research

An SVS member should not accept direct payment from industry (defined as individuals or organizations with a commercial interest in the field of vascular surgery or related health care issues) for the costs of travel, lodging or other personal expenses to attend scientific or educational conferences or meetings. Faculty at such conferences or educational meetings can accept reasonable honoraria and reimbursement of reasonable expenses. Unrestricted educational grants to a training institution or society can be disbursed to cover expenses of individuals but the medical technology company must not select the recipients or select the speakers. Residents and fellows in training can accept travel grants if the grants are awarded to a third party who should select the recipients based on established criteria.

An SVS member involved in human research shall respect the rights of the participants, obtain approval from an appropriate institutional human review committee, and fully inform the participants before proceeding with any treatment or research.

An SVS member should not accept cash or any gifts of substantial value, directly from industry. Any gift must be modest, and benefit patient care or serve a genuine educational function and have a fair market value of less than $100. An SVS member can accept donations for charitable purposes such as supporting independent medical research for the advancement of medical science, patient education, public education or the sponsorship of educational courses.

An SVS member may perform innovative procedures in connection with rigorous validation trials to insure that new operative procedures are safe and effective only if: •

E ach prospective study is evaluated and approved by an appropriate federal and/or local institutional oversight committee


P atients are fully informed of the nature of the study, risks of the new procedure, and alternative treatment options

Ethics Related to Community and World Affairs SVS members, in addition to providing care to the individual patient, have a responsibility to be involved in community and humanitarian activities, especially those matters affecting health.

An SVS member can accept remuneration for consulting services providing that the payment is based on fair market value compensation and is entered into only where a legitimate need and purpose is identified in advance and selection of the consultant should be based solely on the consultant’s qualifications and expertise. An SVS member should not enter into any relationship with industry that might influence his or her primary responsibility for care of the individual patient. When there is the potential for conflict of interest, an SVS member must disclose to colleagues and patients any financial relationships that he or she has with industry. Go to to learn more about programs and products in this booklet.

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Guidelines for Testimony by Vascular Surgeons Serving as Expert Witnesses in Litigation Preamble

B. Subject Matter Knowledge

The American legal system often calls for expert medical testimony. Proper functioning of this system requires that when such testimony is needed, it be truly expert, impartial, and available to all litigants. To that end, the following guidelines have been adopted by the Society for Vascular Surgeons (SVS). These guidelines apply to all Society for Vascular Surgery members providing expert opinion services to attorneys, litigants, or the judiciary in the context of civil or criminal matters and include written expert opinions as well as sworn testimony.

1. T he vascular surgeon expert witness shall have sufficient knowledge of and experience in the specific subject(s) of his or her written expert opinion or sworn oral testimony to warrant designation as an expert. Ideally, the witness should hold current hospital privileges to perform those same procedures.

A. Impartial Testimony

1. T he vascular surgeon expert witness shall be an impartial educator for attorneys, jurors, and the court on the subject of vascular surgery practice. 2. The vascular surgeon expert witness shall represent and testify as to the practice behavior of a prudent vascular surgeon giving different viewpoints if such there are.

2. The vascular surgeon expert witness shall review all pertinent available medical information about a particular patient prior to rendering an opinion about the appropriateness of medical or surgical management of the patient. 3. T he vascular surgeon expert witness shall be very familiar with prior and current concepts of standard vascular surgical practices before giving testimony or providing a written opinion about such practice standards. Ideally, the witness should be able to demonstrate evidence of continuing medical education relevant to the subject matter of the case. C. Compensation

3. T he vascular surgeon expert witness shall identify as such any personal opinions that vary significantly from generally accepted vascular surgical practice.

1. T he vascular surgeon expert witness should be prepared to document the percentage of his or her time that is involved in serving as an expert witness.

4. The vascular surgeon expert witness shall recognize and correctly represent the full standard of vascular surgery care and shall with reasonable accuracy state whether a particular action was clearly within, clearly outside of, or close to the margins of the standard of vascular surgery care.

2. The vascular surgeon expert witness shall not accept a contingency fee for providing expert medical opinion services. 3. Charges for medical expert opinion services shall be reasonable and commensurate with the time and effort given to preparing and providing those services.

5. The vascular surgeon expert witness shall not be evasive for the purpose of favoring one litigant over another. The vascular surgeon expert shall answer all properly framed questions pertaining to his or her opinions on the subject matter thereof.

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633 North Saint Clair Street, 22nd Floor Chicago, Illinois 60611

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