Role of AR and VR Technology in the Future of E-Learning Industry

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Role of AR and VR in the Future of E-Learning Industry

E-LEARNING COURSES  Along with the academics

curriculum, many schools and college students sign up for e-courses for gaining in-depth in many subjects.  This is one of the reasons why the demand for AI-ML & programming courses are increasing exponentially.

AR & VR  Speaking

about E-Learning courses, many AR and VR software track the student performance in a much better way.  Most of the regular e-courses will show you the marks you have obtained and the questions you have marked wronged with a comprehensive solution to it.


from the technical skills, soft skills are also very necessary for students especially if they are preparing for a job interview or a presentation.  With the help of VR software, a student can practice and get better at communication and understanding skills.

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