Building Online Communities With Drupal, Phpbb, And Wordpress
Section I: Drupal: Overview, Terminology, Installation; Key Concepts and Configuring the Site; Using Core Modules; Installing and Using Contrib Modules; Utilizing Themes; Maintenance Tasks and External Resources.- Section II: phpBB: Overview and Terminology; Installation and Configuration; Mods: Installation and Common Mods; Mods: Creating Your Own; Styles: Installation and Create of New Styles; Securing Maintaining Your phpBB.- Section III: Wordpress: Overview and Terminology; Installation and Configuration; Plugins and Hacks: Installation and Common Plugins and Hacks; Plugins and Hacks: Creating your own; Themes: Installation and Creation of New Themes; Maintenance Tasks. EAN/ISBN : 9781430201069 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, APress Discussed keywords: Drupal, Online Communities Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Douglass, Robert T. - Little, Mike - Smith, Jared W.
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