GAMES AS A BRIDGE BETWEEN THE PAST AND THE PRESENT WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO TOUCH THE FUTURE In today’s highly digitalized world it is not “an impossible task” for every human in almost all the structures of the occupations to find his own,real,alternative story fоr his lifelong learning,personal and professional development and constant improvement.
huge puzzle called Internet offers click for discovering pieces (puzzles)with scientific achievements from a wide range,in a width and in a depth.The more you discover,the more the puzzle builds developing warehouse for thinking in every sphere and shape of the personal manifestation in every age. The road of the beginnings of the idea and the time to the publication of scientific insights from conducted surveys to the wide audience of readers,has been developed for years with difficulties from different kinds.Today,with only a dive in the binary of the internet researchers,we can suppress our thirst for knowledge in unlimited quantities. But do our students suppress their thirst in appropriate studies for their age or do they enjoy playing computer games which are created for learning? According to the numerous researches which were realized by reputable authors, it is stated that the students suppress their thirst in video games which occupy their senses with multimedia lighting and sound effects but also they are full of violence,murders,fast driving which twist the psyche of their minds 1. The questions we must consider are: Can we use the moment of the arrival of his majesty “the computer”in every classroom in our schools in order to direct the small children’s brains to believe that the computer is a tool for learning such as the hammer is the blacksmith’s tool for forging of the iron?
Prensky Marc., The Digital Game-Based Learning Revolution - 2003
The structure of this work is based on the direction of analyses, discovering, creating, design and promotion of the qualities and the pedagogical value of a project “Grandma’s games” which we would like to share it with the teachers and the authorities from the Macedonian educational activity. Above all, we will try to explain the aims and the activities of this project because they were misunderstood by the journalists and the public. Notably,a part of them were talking that the project is a revival of the forgotten children’s games and the children lay outside the classroom, and the others thought that the project is an innovative use of The ICT in the teaching. The intention of this project is with an only aim, the students to increase the interest and motivation with an assistance of their teachers to include their own creativity and originality in developing the most important human characteristic, learning and professional development. If the key term in this text is the game,at first we will try to define the terminology of the term game before and after the technological revolution,with a special review of the term a game in the 21st century which is used among the young population worldwide.Basically the word game means a creative activity which involves one or more players. Usually the games are played for fun and enjoyment but they can contain educational and stimulating elements for the players.During the whole human history,the people have been playing games and they have transmitted them to the next generations.They had an extraordinary role in the maintenance of the traditional and the cultural values,as well as the customs of the other nations all around the world.Through the game,also the knowledge was transmitted in dependence of the aim that the players want to accomplish. The game is played according to the rules which determine what the players will do,what kinds of materials should be used for the realization and in what conditions the activities occur of the primary function of the game in order to be played successfully.
Piaget’s theory
(1951) about the game and the intellectual
development,explains that there are two key functions in the area of the intellectual process for the development of the child,a game and information processing as a theory for an imitation such as learning.i.e drama like a strategy of an assimilation and an imitation as a remembering strategy.
Here begins the theoretical basic of the project Grandma’s games.The first key function,in the area of the intellectual process of the child’s development the game -we have realized it with revival of the old and already forgotten games,as an assimilation strategy.
The second key function-an imitation as remembering strategy-we have
realized it with an imitation of the game ,by using ICT,as remembering strategy,realizing aims from the National curriculum.A grandma’s game,Zavor is digitalized on the computer,in a cooperation with the students and the professors of the FINKI University as an essential component of their learning. The game has anchored itself as a strategy of an assimilation in authentic situations which had important influence of the socialization and a strong collaboration among the students,the teachers and the parents with a lot of schools from different regions in Macedonia,and abroad.
were the base of the building of a bridge between the present and the past,the multicultural tradition and the benefits of the technological revolution in the 21 st century. „Have you ever wondered where the child’s game has gone and the noise in our neighborhood?”In this study,we would like to give an answer of the transformation of the term game and the playing activities of the young population in the 21 st century. Their language is different from the languages of the adults,like the word game which is also understood by the adultsover 40 years in a different way, and a teenagerThe teenager thinks of a video game with Play Station,and the adults thinks of a game which is played on a meadow,but not in front of a computer. Why do people play computer games?Many authors have tried to give an answer to this question. "Fantasy , curiosity, challenge, control" (Меllone, 1981), "Dinamic visualization of rules,realization of an aim,interaction” Jonston, 1993), "Challenge ,risk” (Baranauskas,
excitement,fantasy.” (Garris et al., 2002). The academic games researches are popular all around the world. „The European Parliament(2009) stood for the users protection,especially the minors,for the use of the games. They totally supported the use of the digital games in the education and video games which can stimulate the learning so they can develop skills such as strategic thinking,creativity,collaboration and critical reasoning which are important skills
in the informatics society.”
The authors Maja and Pavel Pivec, professors at the
University of Applied Sciences, Austria had studied
85 projects in which except
pupils,students and old people also people with disabilities were involved and some projects were made which were intended for women. In this work,they describe the challenges which the designers and the instructors have faced with for a successful design and classification of the educational video game. Their aim was to provide relevant directions for solution of these questions.2 In their report from 2008 for “games in the schools”is it shown that there is a lack of GBL 3 resources , lack of specific results of the learning with games and real evidences which show that the learning can be accomplished. According to their researches,the projects for games in the schools are very expensive and they haven’t sustainability unlike the commercial games which are very successful.Their suggestion for reasoning are the projects which are intended for design of
GBL to be financed by the Government or within the computer industry.
According to them well designed computer game can be realized only when: 1.The games are designed and intended properly, 2. They are used in an appropriate environment and, 3. Соntain appropriate activity according to the pedagogical framework. Their recommendation is that GBL should not to be focused only to the arrangement of the player with the fun game, but to the games which are designed for students,where the action and the consequence will be involved,so the learning can be accomplished through a reflection. The word game is differently understood in different occupations,for e.g. the study of Andrew Miller4, which shows clearly that “when a teacher and a lawyer discuss about the term game,probably they think that they understand each other but it’s not like that.”He defines the terms Playing
(Gamification) and (Game Based Learning) or
GBL , encouraged from many blogs,studies and resources based on this subject, in which
a lack of clarity can be felt ,such as simplification,when it comes to the term
game based on learning with ICT. 2
Pivec, P., Pivec, M., (2011). Digital Games: changing Education, one raid at a time, International Journal of Game-Based Learning, IGI PublIshInG, CranberryBlue R & D, New Zealand, FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Austria 3 GBL кратенка од англиски – Game Based Learning – Учење врз основа на игра (слоб. превод) 4
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According to the author,Playing
is a process in which the
learning is based on levels and searches of avatars 5 and stimulants and with a game the processes of reasoning and mechanic movement are activated, in order the players to solve problems and to get involved as users of the game. The important thing is that the Playing - Gamification in the education presents adoption of the rules as elements of these games also getting quick answers and rewards for the correct answers and higher levels of learning in the classroom.The playing should be considered as a whole packet of learning with a change of paradigms and the methods in the teaching. If students play in the classroom temporary,it will not show the level of accomplishment.He wrote that some particular mini results can be seen with the use of the formative evaluation,but not the whole pedagogical structure from didactic point of view.A school of New York is taken as an example of a school where the whole structure of learning is based on levels and searching for avatars and stimulants,i.e. the whole process of learning is a game. 6 Quest2Learn. GBL (Game Based Learning) 7 is a branch of serious games which involves applications that define the results of the learning. Usually they are designed to make a balance between the subject that is analyzed and the game,i.e. the player’s ability to keep and to use the acquired knowledge of the subject in the real world. These games often contain elements of fantasy in the engagement of the players into the activity learning across various stories.The educational video games can motivate the children also they can raise a process of conscience development.Many teenage games can involve a lot of aspects of the civil and the political life. The success of the game based on learning strategies ,is due to active participation and interaction,which are in the centre of acquiring experience. The author directs that there is an existence of signals in the present educational processes where the students and the pupils are not enough involved. According to (Pivec 2004) GBL is a function which is directly connected to the design and the quality of the contents that will be placed in a computer game as a 5 6 7
A character that repeats Your movement and you see yourself in the computer screen View more on
potential benefit. The computer game involves the players into a game in a living environment which motivates them and provides the users to have fun and to learn. The experiences show that the affinities for games grow and they become tools for learning, turning into a characteristic between the new working strength which is a part of the High education. GBL in an expansive category,which from the simple playing activities “a word that is written on a piece of paper with a pencil,turns into a word for a search and the whole way directs to complex on a massively multi-player online (MMO)education which contains the potential of playing games. Also the use of games where there is cooperation for better learning,gives an opporunity for the students to use the acquired knowledge and to experiment but to get a feedback at the same time as a consiquence or a reward,where they can get some experience in “a safe virtuel world”.8 The improvement of comprehension of the new concept of these games is through rewards which makes the players to feel nice,no matter if the game is considered as fun (Call of Duty that despite all the negative influence with murders,also contains learning of the history of The World War I and World War II, or the game is serious,like the games Faa approved from или играта е сериозна, Flight Simulator, that the pilots use them for learning how to fly. That’s a process where the human’s mind learns how to understand a new system 9. Well designed games are games that motivate the players to play in ideal playing environments,because with them the problems of the real world can be solved easily by facing them in playing contents where interactive experiences are built with which the users get involved actively in the process of learning. The successful game is based on a learning environment in which the choice of actions provokes experiencing consiquences and activities that lead to aims which provide the players to make mistakes through experimentation,but without
a risk,i.e. they offer free living
environment. 8
ARNB Kamal, AT Banu, L Powell, Game-based Learning Journal, 2011 -
In the literature it often happens the meanings of Playing and GBL to coincide , which are popular in the studies and publications,but the both ways of playing mean an engagement of the students with which they should develop critical opinion about the contents and to learn the skills of the 21 st century.It is important they are looking for a change of the paradigm of a teacher from “a Wiseman on the scene” to “a leader”. Regardless of what method it is,teaching method or a style that will be used in the classroom,the game will provide an opportunity to the students to get involved into the learning anyway in order to be successful. Lots of authors and professors from the universities had researched the influences and the effects of the games from a different aspect over the cognitive development of the students,different conditions,from educational or entertaining character. The researches of од Birgit Mayer, Game Bazed Learning 2005г. refer to the video games which are played on Nintendo, Play Station, i.e. their positive and negative effects of the games are researched with playing roles,simulations of creating a strategy of playing the game,a mosaic in the education.10 The following research is about the species of educational games which are popular according to Torente:
- 2D educational games have low technical requirements. According to his researches one of the most important challenges that makes the use of the learning games difficult is their price. Two programmers, Michael and Chen, during a conference of serious games for programmers in 2005, conducted a survey in order to estimate the average price of the development of serious games in a project. The results shown that more than 52% of the projects worth more than 100,000 $. - 3D and multi-player games –for these games a questions was raised whether the audience is grown enough in order this investment to be approved? In some cases the best access would be the request for a modern 3D game because they hesitate if it’s worth for the next generations. They suggest that for these games,specialized games to 10
View more: Birgit, Mayer, 2005, Game Based Learning 11 Torrente, J.P. Mera, P Moreno-Ger., (2009) Coordinating Heterogeneous Game-based Learning Approaches in Online Learning Environments., on Edutainment II, 2009 – Springer
be designed and created,easy for using and writing as tools,such as 3D game Maker TM4 in order to save money. - the mobile games, can be played everywhere,anywhere and any time. Everyone learns according to his interests and needs,but the simple access and the use of the games on a mobile phone,did not solve the main problem of how to integrate and coordinate all the alternative ways of learning or paths, i.e how to approve that the aims of learning were accomplished. The study of Fengfeng Ke, professor at the University in New Mexico, gives an overview and synthesis of theories,methods and findings from the qualitative and quantitative analysis of researches for computer games based on GBL.12 The main purpose of the research was Teta-analysis with which they wanted to inform the the educational sphere for four big periodical subjects about the efficiency of the computer based educational games which were result of the comparative analysis with 89 educational games. The author’s conclusion is that GBL are potential tool for learning with great power of motivation for the students. Probably the computer games are very attractive because of the basic element that every game contains,and that is the fun. It holds the attention and keeps the motivation and the players’ attention.But if learning and development of particular abilities and skills can be accomplished,then the self-confidence of the players grows. Main characteristics of the computer games according to
(Prensky,2001) are:
Entertainment; Game; Rules; Aims; Interactivity;Results; feedback; adoptive ; Victory in a conflict / Competition / challenge / problem solving/ interaction/ representation and a story. Despite the positive side of the power of computer video games for learning,there is a negative side that frightens the adults. The time that the youths spend in front of their computers has rapidly increased in the last years.We can confirm this fact with our research that we made in 2007 in 6 schools with 87 teachers,124 parents and 150 12
View more: Fengfeng Ke A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Computer Games as Learning Tools, University of New Mexico, USA %20games%20as%20learning%20tools.pdf
students from the 4th grade.Table no.1 shows the frequency of the computer use in everyday life according to the categories of students,parents and teachers 13 Таble no1. the frequency of computer use in everyday life according to the categories
Do you use a computer at home?
Students f
parents f
teachers f
I use a computer every day 86 I use a computer two-three
times a week
I use a computer once a month 17
I don’t use a computer
% 85,1 0 0 14,9 100,0
In order to make comparative analysis with the condition in 2012., we conducted qualitative micro-research in two classrooms with 50 students,from the 4 th grade and we asked them how much time they spend in front of a computer in a day,and how many hours they spend in going out with their friends. This micro-research gave the conclusion that every student spends over 5 hours in front of
every day. A
significant number of students do not go out at all.A students said:”I have been sitting in front of my PC since I was born”? The next activity for the students was to see links from the Internet with educational games online and video games with educational component,at school,in a classroom and . the students were watching the games curiously,the atmosphere in the classroom was silent,there weren’t any emotions of an excitement,and their attention was short.The conclusion of the observer from this activity is that the students don’t find the educational games attractive. Willing to avoid the subjective factor of perception of the observer,new educational links with free games were offered by the observer for watching for a week. The answer of the question is:”Did you use the offered links of educational games at home”? from total of 50 students,30 of them gave negative answers, while 12 have opened the links but they played only a few minutes.Only 8 students said that they liked 13
View more Василева.М. 2011г. „pedagogical value of the electronic portfolio in the teaching“ Skopje 14 A personal computer
the games.A student said: „ these games are not interesting,I will play them at school if it’s required of us, I playБаttlefield 3“15. The increased use of PC is a reality in all the spheres in the modern society. Consequently to this fact,comes the question of finding a solution for the danger of the quantity of the radiation which is caused by the computer screens and affects the children from different age. An alternative thought that pervarded before the beginning of the idea for the project”Grandma’s games” was”Can we turn the boring education into fun and challenge for acquiring knowledge,to revive the forgotten games that carry the tradition of our ancestors that will be used to ease the learning of the students entering recreative moments,because the game contains that element that let us to research,to create critical opinion,to learn the rules of the games,to create machanical activity of the musculature and multi-ethnical socialization of the players from different regions. The multi-cultural travelling of Grandma’s games started to overcome the bad influence of the cyber games and the game will be the basis for achieving a wide range of aims from the curriculum in a collaboration with many schools.The innovative acceptation to the technology was motivated strictly with the academic access that we had towards the game. If the famous revivalists had left a trace in the history of the education with their work in order to maintain the cultural heritage,then the prize 1st Runner Up светска награда for the activities of the project Grandma’s games made a truly turnover in the educational and cultural also the national life of the generation of students and teachers today and entered in the history of the Macedonian education. The Grandma’s games left a furrow in the opinion of the academic authorities in the educational sphere worldwide for the quality of the education that the students consume in Macedonia and increased the authority of the Macedonian teachers.Click this, and use the possibility to fill it with games you’re your
grandmas used to play.Be a part of this project which intends to keep and digitalize our cultural heritage for the good of our young population.
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