Christmas wishes

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This book represent an basic product of the eTwinning project ” Christmas Wishes” 2014-2015.


Coordinator of this book” Christmas Wishes”-Teacher Vasilica Gazdac,School Tiberiu Morariu Salva, Romania.

International collaborators in this book are: Teacher ΜΑΡΙΑ ΤΣΙΟΥΚΑ, Νηπιαγωγείο Νεοχωρίου, Greece Teacher ELENI TSIRIMPASI, 2ο Νηπιαγωγείο Νέας Τρίγλιας, Greece. Teacher Vassilis Misailidis, Δημ. Σχολ. Ολύνθου, Greece. Teacher Georgia Maneta, 5th Primary School of Volos, Greece Teacher Madalina Ioana Grecu, School "Gheorghe Corneliu" Domnesti, Romania. Teacher Emese Cimpean,National College “Petru Rares” Beclean, Romania. Teacher Vasilica Gazdac,School Tiberiu Morariu Salva, Romania.




THE KINDERGARTEN OF NEOCHORI, IN CHALKIDIKI,GREECE ΜΑΡΙΑ ΤΣΙΟΥΚΑ, Νηπιαγωγείο Νεοχωρίου, Greece A Nursery Teacher, who is also, the school director and a special Education Nursery Teacher work in the kindergarten of Neochori in which there are 16 toddlers aged 4-6 years old. A new building is being constructed at the moment and this is why this kindergarten is temporarily housed in a classroom of the Primary School of Neochori. This building is expected to be ready for use in 2016-2017 During the school year 2014-2015 our school has decided for the first time to take part in the < etwinning> program and more specifically in the <CHRISTMAS WISHES>project. Moreover, our school has also participated in several other innovative programs, like the <Environmental Education> program, the social school, the Cultural projects and many others. According to the ordinance of the Greek Ministry of Education, school starts at 8.00 and finishes at 12.00 every day. The detailed program is based on the principles of <D.E.P.P.S>, through which the children are deeply engaged in the process of learning. When designing the school curriculum, the Nursery Teacher bears in mind the interests of her students and their learning and social experiences. She respects their personality and the cultural identity of each student. She urges them to take initiatives and encourages them to discover new things, thus helping them develop psychically, emotionally, mentally and socially. During their stay at school, children take part in both free and organized activities equally. The cooperation between our school and the families of our students is considered of great importance. Parents take part actively in the whole learning procedure. Also The cooperation with the local council is considered equally important.


ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΝΕΟΧΩΡΙΟΥ ΧΑΛΚΙΔΙΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Στο Νηπιαγωγείο Νεοχωρίου υπηρετεί μια Νηπιαγωγός που είναι και Προϊσταμένη και μια Νηπιαγωγός Ειδικής αγωγής στο Νηπιαγωγείο φοιτούν 16 νήπια ηλικίας 4-6 ετών . Το σχολείο μας στεγάζεται προσωρινά σε αίθουσα του κτιρίου του Δημοτικού Διαμερίσματος του Χωριού διότι κατασκευάζεται καινούργιο Νηπιαγωγείο και αναμένεται η ολοκλήρωσή του για το σχολικό έτος 2016-2017. Το Νηπιαγωγείο μας την σχολική χρονιά 2014-2015 αποφάσισε να συμμετέχει για πρώτη φορά σε πρόγραμμα eTwinning και συγκεκριμένα στο έργο Christmas wishes. Επίσης συμμετέχουμε και σε άλλα καινοτόμα προγράμματα ,συμμετοχή σε εθνικά θεματικά δίκτυα Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης, Κοινωνικό Σχολείο, Πολιτιστικά Προγράμματα και Πρόγραμμα ενεργητικής ακρόασης. Tο πρόγραμμα το οποίο ακολουθεί το Νηπιαγωγείο καθορίζεται από το Ελληνικό Υπουργείο Παιδείας το ημερήσιο πρόγραμμα αρχίζει στις 8.00πμ.και ολοκληρώνεται στις 12.30.Το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα βασίζεται στις αρχές του Δ.Ε.Π.Π.Σ όπου επιδιώκεται η διαθεματική προσέγγιση της γνώσης στο πλαίσιο της οποίας τα παιδιά εμπλέκονται δυναμικά στην μαθησιακή διδασκαλία Νηπιαγωγός στο σχεδιασμό του προγράμματος λαμβάνει υπ΄ όψιν της τα ενδιαφέροντα των παιδιών ,τις μαθησιακές και κοινωνικές εμπειρίες τους, σέβεται την προσωπικότητα και την πολιτισμική ταυτότητα κάθε παιδιού το προτρέπει να αναλαμβάνει πρωτοβουλίες και το ενθαρρύνει να εξερευνά και να ανακαλύπτει την γνώση διαμορφώνοντας τις προϋποθέσεις για την ολόπλευρη-σωματικά, συναισθηματική ,νοητική και κοινωνική ανάπτυξή του. Ο ημερήσιος χρόνος παραμονής των παιδιών στο σχολείο μοιράζεται αρχικά σε ελεύθερες δραστηριότητες που αναπτύσσουν τα παιδιά στις <γωνιές> της τάξης και στη συνέχεια στις οργανωμένες δραστηριότητες. Η συνεργασία του σχολείου με την οικογένεια των παιδιών θεωρείται ζωτικής σημασίας και οι γονείς συμμετέχουν ενεργά στην όλη εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία επίσης σημαντική θεωρείται και η συνεργασία με τους τοπικούς φορείς και την ευρύτερη κοινωνία και τις προϊστάμενες αρχές.




Αρχιμηνιά κι αρχιχρονιά ψηλή μου δεντρολιβανιά (κι αρχή) κι αρχή καλός μας χρόνος (Εκκλησιά) Εκκλησιά με τ’ άγιο θρόνο Αρχή που βγήκε ο Χριστός Άγιος και πνευματικός (στη γη) στη γη να περπατήσει (και να μας) και να μας καλοκαρδίσει Άγιος Βασίλης έρχεται κι όλους μας καταδέχεται (από) από την Καισαρεία (συ σ’ αρχό) συ σ’ αρχόντισσα κυρία Βαστά εικόνα και χαρτί ζαχαροκάντιο, ζυμωτή (χαρτί) χαρτί και καλαμάρι (δες κι εμέ) δες κι εμέ το παλληκάρι Το καλαμάρι έγραφε τη μοίρα μου την έλεγε (και το) και το χαρτί ομίλει (άσπρε μου) άσπρε μου Άγιο Βασίλη


English traduction: First of the month and first day of the year, my tall christmas tree And the beginning of the new year Church with the holy throne. In the beginning, when Christ appeared as a holy saint to walk upon the earth and to welcome us with his heart. Santa Claus is coming-land lords do you realise thatFrom Caeserea You are the land lady of this house He is holding a picture and a paper, a shaped piece of rock (candy) a paper and a quill Look at me, a young man The quill wrote, he was writing about his fate and the paper speaks for its self Saint Vasilis (Father Christmas)



Άγια Νύχτα, σε προσμένουν με χαρά οι Χριστιανοί και με πίστη ανυμνούμε, το Θεό δοξολογούμε μ' ένα στόμα, μια φωνή, ναι, με μια φωνή

Η ψυχή μας φτερουγίζει πέρα στ'άγια τα βουνά, όπου ψάλλουν οι αγγέλοι απ' τα ουράνια θεία μέλη, στο Σωτήρα "Ωσαννά" ψάλλουν "Ωσαννά"

Στης Βηθλεέμ ελάτε όλοι τα βουνά τα ιερά και μ' ευλάβεια μεγάλη 'κει που Άγιο Φως προβάλλει προσκυνήστε με χαρά ναι, με μια χαρά. Άγια Νύχτα, σε προσμένουν με χαρά οι Χριστιανοί και με πίστη ανυμνούμε, το Θεό δοξολογούμε μ' ένα στόμα, μια φωνή, ναι, με μια φωνή Η ψυχή μας φτερουγίζει πέρα στ'άγια τα βουνά, 11

όπου ψάλλουν οι αγγέλοι απ' τα ουράνια θεία μέλη, στο Σωτήρα "Ωσαννά" ψάλλουν "Ωσαννά"

English traduction:


Holy Night, are awaiting of you Christians with joy With the faith we anthem We glorify the God With one mouth, with one voice, Yes, with one voice

Our soul is flittering Firther to the saint hills Where the angels are singing Holy melodies from the skyes To the Saviour Chanting Hosanna

Come everyone to Bethlehem's Saint hills And with big reverence There, where Saint Light comes up, Bow down with joy Yes, with joy



Στην πατρίδα μας και σε κάθε της περιοχή γιορτάζεται η γιορτή της Γέννησης με ποικίλους μα και ξεχωριστούς τρόπους μιας και η παράδοση και η τήρηση αυτής απαιτεί την διαχρονικότητα τους. Κοινό γνώρισμα των παραπάνω δεν είναι άλλο από τις μελωδίες τις γιορτινές πoυ ηχούν από τα χείλη των παιδιών μα και των μεγαλύτερων , χορωδίες ψάλουν το δόξα εν υψίστη θεό όπως και πολλά άλλα τραγούδια μα και ύμνους με κεντρικό τους θέμα τη Γέννηση του Κυρίου. Παιδικές μυθοπλασίες, αρώματα από κουζίνες νοικοκυριών, φωτιές, κουδούνες, τυχερά παιχνίδια, αγιοβασιλιάτικα καραβάκια και χριστουγεννιάτικα δέντρα, μεταμφιέσεις και καλικάντζαροι, δίνουν και αυτά το δικό τους ξεχωριστό χρώμα σε όλες τις περιοχές αλλά ακόμη και τις πιο μικρές εστίες της ελληνικής επικράτειας. Όλοι προετοιμάζονται για τη γέννηση του Χριστού, τα ρεβεγιόν έχουν την τιμητική τους ενώ οι οικογένειες και οι παρέες μεγαλώνουν και οι δρόμοι και οι 14

πλατείες φωτίζονται και πλημμυρίζουν από κόσμο. Κάθε περιοχή έχει αυτές τις ημέρες τα δικά της ξεχωριστά έθιμα. Δωδεκαήμερο Με τη γιορτή των Χριστουγέννων ξεκινά μια περίοδος εορτασμού δώδεκα ημερών, το γνωστό Δωδεκαήμερο, που τελειώνει με τον εορτασμό των Θεοφανίων. Στις παραμονές των εορτών που σηματοδοτούν το Δωδεκαήμερο (Χριστούγεννα, Πρωτοχρονιά, Φώτα) λέγονται τα Κόλιντα από μικρές ομάδες, κυρίως παιδιών. Τα Κόλιντα (Κάλαντα) της παραμονής των Χριστουγέννων όπως και αυτά των ανήμερων της Πρωτοχρονιάς (Σούρβα) και των Φώτων, λέγονται ακόμη στο χωριό μας. Την παραμονή των Χριστουγέννων, συνήθως τις πρωινές ώρες η ελληνική παράδοση είναι ότι τα μικρά παιδιά γυρνάνε στους δρόμους του χωριού για να τραγουδήσουν τα κάλαντα. Χτυπάνε την πόρτα και φωνάζουν '' ΝΑ ΤΑ ΠΟΥΜΕ '' που σημαίνει θα πρέπει να το πω; Όλοι λένε < ναι> και τα παιδιά λένε συνήθως τους στίχους του τραγουδιού <Καλήν ημέρα άρχοντες> Καλήν ημέραν άρχοντες αν είναι ορισμός σας Χριστού τη Θεία γέννηση, να πω στ' αρχοντικό σας. Χριστός γεννάται σήμερον, εν Βηθλεέμ τη πόλη, οι ουρανοί αγάλλονται, χαίρεται η φύσις όλη. Εν τω σπηλαίω τίκτεται, εν φάτνη των αλόγων, ο βασιλεύς των ουρών, και ποιητής των όλων. Πλήθος αγγέλων ψάλλουσι, το Δόξα εν υψίστοις, 15

και τούτο άξιον εστί, η των ποιμένων πίστις. Εκ της Περσίας έρχονται τρεις μάγοι με τα δώρα άστρο λαμπρό τους οδηγεί χωρίς να λείψει ώρα. Σ' αυτό το σπίτι που 'ρθαμε, πέτρα να μη ραγίσει κι ο νοικοκύρης του σπιτιού χρόνια πολλά να ζήσει Good evening noblemen If this is your will, Christ's holy birth May I sing in your noble house Christ is being born today In the town of Bethlehem Heavens rejoice All of nature is happy. Inside the cave (He) is being born In a manger for horses The King of all the universe The Creator of everything. A crowd of angels are singing, "Ossana in excelsis", And holly is The faith of the shepherds. From Persia three magi arrive With their gifts A bright star shows them the way Without any delay. In this house we have come May no stone ever crack And the landlord May live for many years.

και όταν τελειώσει εύχονται < Καλά Χριστούγεννα> και του χρόνου με υγεία, τότε η νοικοκυρά του σπιτιού τους δίνει <κόλιντα> δηλαδή καραμέλες ,φρούτα, ξηρούς καρπού 16

ς(κάστανα, καρύδια, σύκα ξερά) και χρήματα άνθρωποι .Παλιότερα, ο νοικοκύρης πρόσφερε μελομακάρονα ή κουραμπιέδες, φρούτα, καραμέλες και λουκάνικα. Τις παραμονές των Χριστουγέννων με πρωτοβουλία του Συλλόγου Γυναικών και του Δήμου στολίζεται ένα μεγάλο δένδρο στην πλατεία του χωριού με χριστουγεννιάτικα στολίδια φτιαγμένα από τα παιδιά των σχολείων του χωριού τα παιδιά τραγουδούν τα <κάλαντα> και οι γυναίκες του χωριού φτιάχνουν παραδοσιακά

γλυκά και πίτες.Τα παλαιότερα χρόνια στόλιζαν το χριστουγεννιάτικο δένδρο με χειμωνιάτικα τοπικά φρούτα και καρπούς στα νησιώτικα μέρη της Ελλάδος αντί για δένδρο στολίζουν καραβάκια. Το πολύ παλιό έθιμο του «Μελώματος του Χριστού» λαμβάνει χώρα το βράδυ της παραμονής των Χριστουγέννων. Οι οικογένειες συγκεντρώνονται γύρω από το χριστουγεννιάτικο τραπέζι για την κοπή του χριστόψωμου

. Εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια η Πολιτιστική και Επιμορφωτική Εταιρεία του Δήμου μας έχει μεταφέρει το έθιμο αυτό στην κεντρική πλατεία του χωριού, με σκοπό να ενισχύσει τους δεσμούς μεταξύ των κατοίκων. Το πρωί της παραμονής των Χριστουγέννων το χριστόψωμο ετοιμάζεται στο εργαστήριο και αργά το απόγευμα, 17

μαζί με τα καρύδια και το μέλι, μεταφέρονται στην κεντρική πλατεία. Η μικτή χορωδία του δήμου και η μπάντα του δήμου ψάλλουν τα κάλαντα και άλλα χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια. Όλοι οι παρευρισκόμενοι κρατούν στα χέρια τους αναμμένα φαναράκια. Στη συνέχεια μοιράζεται το χριστόψωμο, τα καρύδια και το μέλι στον κόσμο. Από τα χαρακτηριστικά της χριστιανικής παράδοσης είναι 40 ημέρες πριν από τα Χριστούγεννα αρχίζει η νηστεία με σκοπό να προετοιμαστούν οι χριστιανοί για τη γέννηση του Χριστού και να απολαύσουν στη συνέχεια το Χριστουγεννιάτικο τραπέζι Τα χαράματα της 25ης Δεκεμβρίου οι καμπάνες χτυπούν χαρμόσυνα και οι χριστιανοί πηγαίνουν στην εκκλησία για να γιορτάσουν την Γέννηση του Χριστού. Κύριο φαγητό στα περισσότερα μέρη της Ελλάδος ήταν και σε γενικές γραμμές παραμένει, παράλληλα με τη γαλοπούλα τα τελευταία χρόνια, το ψητό χοιρινό κρέας.

Από τα Χριστουγεννιάτικα φαγητά ήταν επίσης τα παραδοσιακά "γιαπράκια" τα οποία δεν έλειπαν από το τραπέζι. Τα Χριστουγεννιάτικα γλυκά ήταν και παραμένουν μεταξύ των άλλων , <η σουσαμόπιτα>, <τα μελομακάρονα>, <τα φοινίκια>, <ο μπακλαβάς>. 18

Σε αρκετά χωριά το σφάξιμο του χοίρου που μεγάλωναν οι οικογένειες γινόταν σε παρέες και με ειδική ιεροτελεστία, στις ημέρες μας διοργανώνονται από τους τοπικούς φορείς γιορτές για την αναβίωση του εθίμου αυτού, με το ψήσιμο άφθονου κρέατος και κρασιού. Τα σχολεία παραμένουν κλειστά από τις 23 Δεκεμβρίου μέχρι τις 7 Ιανουαρίου –ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΙΑΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΚΟΠΕΣ-.


In our country and in every place of our country Christmas is celebrated in several special ways since our traditions have been preserved over time. 19

The most common characteristics of Christmas are festive melodies which are sung by both children and grown-ups, choirs who chant the so-called hymn<Glory to God> and several other songs and hymns which focus on the birth of Jesus Christ. Children’s fairytales, beautiful smells coming from the kitchens of the houses, bonfires, bells, lucky games, Christmas ships and Christmas trees, special costumes and goblins give their own special character to every area, even to the smallest houses in Greece. Everybody gets ready for the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas dinners are really famous during this period. Families and friends get together, while streets and squares are full of light and people. Dodekaimero(a 12-day period) A period of celebration which lasts twelve days starts on Christmas Eve and ends with the celebration of <Epiphany>. During the Eve of these celebrations which comprise the <Dodekaimero> (Christmas, New Year’s Day, Epiphany) Christmas Carols are sung by small groups of young children. Christmas carols, which are called <kolida>or <kalada>and the carols which are sung on New Year’s Day and during <Epiphany>, can still be encountered in our village. On Christmas Eve, usually in the morning, there is a Greek tradition for young kids to go around the streets of the village and chant the Christmas Carols. They knock the doors shouting<Do you want to hear us singing>everybody says <Yes> and the kids usually sing the well-known song <kalin imera archodes> which means <good morning noblemen> and when this song finishes everybody wishes <Merry Christmas> and then the lady of the house gives <kolida>,namely candies, fruit, dry nuts(chestnuts, walnuts ,figs)and some money . In the past people used to give <melomakarona>or <kourabiedes> (which are traditional Greek sweets), fruit, candies and sausages.


On Christmas Eve, a big Christmas tree is decorated in the square of our village with Christmas decorations made by the kids of the village. The kids chant the Christmas carols and the women of the village prepare traditional sweets and pies. A few years ago, people used to decorate the Christmas tree with local winter fruit and nuts. In the islands of Greece, people decorate ships instead of Christmas trees. The old custom of <Meloma tou Christou> takes place at Christmas Eve’s night. Families sit together around the Christmas table to cut a special kind of bread, the so-called <christopsomo> Over the past few years, the cultural and Educational Association of our municipality made this custom take place in the square of our village in order to make the people of the village come closer. In the morning of Christmas Eve, the Christmas bread is cooked in bakeries and late in the afternoon it is transferred in the square of the village along with nuts and honey. The choir and the band of our municipality chant the Christmas carols and other Christmas songs and people hold lanterns in their hands. Next, the Christmas bread, the nuts and the honey is given out to the people. One of the main characteristics of our Christmas traditions is that 40 days before Christmas, a period of fast starts in order Christians to be prepared for the birth of Jesus Christ and enjoy all the food which is served during Christmas dinner. At the dawn of 25th of December, bells ring happily and Christians go to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Apart from the turkey, the main Christmas dish in most areas in Greece is the roasted pork meat. Another famous traditional dish is the <giaprakia> which is never absent from the Christmas dinner. Among the most famous traditional Christmas sweets are the <sousamopita>, the <melomakarona> the <finikia> and the <baklavas>. 21

In many villages, the slaughter of the pig which is raised by the families comprises a kind of special ritual and nowadays the local authorities organize celebrations in order to keep this tradition alive by serving abundant meat and wine. Schools stay closed from the 23rd of December up to the 7th of January to celebrate the Christmas holidays.


2nd Kindergarten of Nea Triglia, Chalkidiki, Greece. ELENI TSIRIMPASI, 2ο Νηπιαγωγείο Νέας Τρίγλιας, Greece 23

The 2nd Kindergarten of Nea Triglia Is located in the Prefecture of Chalkidiki in northern Greece. It was founded and first opened in 1973. Now in our Kindergarten housed together two kindergartens, the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten, in a beautiful building.

Our Kindergarten is open from 8:00 am to 12.15 pm. There is a full-day class division in the 1 st Kindergarten which functions as the 3.45 pm. There are two classes in the 1st kindergarten with 32 students and 2 classes in the 2nd Kindergarten with 28 students. Our students are 4, 5 and 6 years old. This year in our class are 10 children. 24

In our Kindergarten operates school website at the following address, which can parents of our children, the local community and the education community to be informed about the programs, our actions and activities. Our goal is to open the school to society, to help children to explore creatively the knowledge of life, to encourage children's creativity, to cultivate critical thinking, aimed at all-round development of infants.

2ο Νηπιαγωγείο Νέας Τρίγλιας Χαλκιδικής, Ελλάδα

Το 2ο Νηπιαγωγείο της Νέας Τρίγλιας βρίσκεται στον νομό Χαλκιδικής στα βόρεια της Ελλάδας. Ιδρύθηκε και λειτούργησε για πρώτη φορά το 1973. Σήμερα στο Νηπιαγωγείο μας συστεγάζονται δύο Νηπιαγωγεία, το 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο και το 2ο Νηπιαγωγείο σε ένα όμορφο κτίριο.


Το Νηπιαγωγείο μας λειτουργεί από τις 8:00 το πρωί ως τις 12.15 το μεσημέρι. Υπάρχει και ένα τμήμα ολοήμερης τάξης στο 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο το οποίο λειτουργεί ως τις 3.45 το μεσημέρι. Λειτουργούν δύο τμήματα στο 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο με 32 μαθητές και δύο τμήματα στο 2ο Νηπιαγωγείο με 28 μαθητές. Οι μαθητές μας είναι 4, 5 και 6 χρονών. Την φετινή σχολική χρονιά στην τάξη μας είμαστε 10 παιδιά. Στο Νηπιαγωγείο μας λειτουργεί σχολική ιστοσελίδα στην εξής διεύθυνση, με την οποία μπορούν οι γονείς των παιδιών μας, η τοπική κοινωνία και η εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα να ενημερώνονται για τα προγράμματα, τις δράσεις και τις δραστηριότητές μας. Στόχος μας είναι να ανοίξουμε το σχολείο στην κοινωνία, να βοηθήσουμε τα παιδιά να εξερευνήσουν με δημιουργικό τρόπο την γνώση για την ζωή, να καλλιεργήσουμε την κριτική σκέψη τους, στοχεύοντας στην ολόπλευρη ανάπτυξη των νηπίων.


Κάλαντα Χριστουγέννων «Χριστούγεννα- Πρωτούγεννα» Χριστούγεννα, Πρωτούγεννα, πρώτη γιορτή του χρόνου για βγάτε, διέτε, μάθετε πως ο Χριστός γεννάται. Γεννάται κι ανατρέφεται με μέλι και με γάλα, το μέλι τρών’ οι άρχοντες, το γάλα οι αφεντάδες και το μελισσοβότανο να νίβονται οι κυράδες. Εμείς εδώ δεν ήρθαμε να φάμε και να πιούμε, παρά σας αγαπούσαμε κι ήρθαμε να σας δούμε. Δώστε μας και τον κόκκορα, δώστε μας και την κότα, δώστε μας και πέντ’ έξι αυγά να πάμε σ’ άλλη πόρτα. Εδώ που τραγουδήσαμε πέτρα να μη ραΐσει, κι ο νοικοκύρης του σπιτιού πολλά χρόνια να ζήσει.

Christmas carols “Christmas- the First birth of the year” Christmas the most significant birth, the First celebration of the year Come out to see, to learn that Christ is born. He is born and raised with honey and milk, Honey is eaten by the lords, milk is drunk by landlords and the bee herb issued by ladies to be washed. We didn't come here to eat and drink, but out of love and longing. Give us rooster, give us a hen give us five or six eggs to go to another doorstep. In this place we sang a stone not to crack, and may the landlord Live long and merry days. 27

Άγια Νύχτα Άγια Νύχτα, σε προσμένουν με χαρά οι Χριστιανοί και με πίστη ανυμνούμε, το Θεό δοξολογούμε μ’ ένα στόμα, μια φωνή, ναι, με μια φωνή... Η ψυχή μας φτερουγίζει πέρα στ’ άγια τα βουνά, όπου ψάλλουν οι αγγέλοι απ’ τα ουράνια θεία μέλη, στο Σωτήρα "Ωσαννά" ψάλλουν "Ωσαννά" Στης Βηθλεέμ ελάτε όλοι τα βουνά τα ιερά και μ’ ευλάβεια μεγάλη 'κει που Άγιο Φως προβάλλει προσκυνήστε με χαρά ναι, με μια χαρά.


Christmas in Greece In Greece Christmas is one of the biggest religious festivals of the Greeks. Several days before Christmas in homes, courtyards, squares and in many places decorate the manger and the Christmas tree with balls and ornaments. Previously in Greece the custom was to decorate a ship. Over the years the ship was replaced with the tree. Children write letters to Santa Claus and expect gifts of Santa Claus under their tree house .

Schools closed for fifteen days for this big celebration. All schools in Greece make love activities and representation of the birth of Christ. Small plays, songs and building dedicated to this great event. Across the country the children wander from house to house to sing the carols on Christmas Eve. People accept with great joy the children and at the end give them money and offer them sweets and candies. There are many different carols in Greece according to the region and the location of each area.


The housewives are preparing for this big celebration cleaning their houses making sweets and foods with particular symbolism. Christ's bread is round bread that makes women two or three days before Christmas, which adorned with a cross in the middle and around it creates shapes with nuts, raisins and almonds. Because the daily food of the Greeks includes bread and wheat with which we make the flour is from seed produced in Greece, Christ's bread symbolizes love to the newborn Christ and the hope for a good harvest of agricultural products each family who produces those products.

Also women make sweets with which the house would smell as sweet. Some of them are “melomakarona”, “kourampiedes” and New Year's cake.


In the villages of northern Greece, the landlord is looking into the fields one day before the Christmas and chooses “Christoxylo�, the Christ's wood that is the most beautiful, sturdy and thick wood of pine or olive. He will go home it with a view to then burn in the fireplace of the Christmas until Epiphany. The people believe that as burned Christoxylo, warms Christ in Bethlehem cold cave.

Before the landlord bears the Christoxylo every housewife care to have good clean house and with particular attention the fireplace, so as not to leave any trace of the old ashes. They clean even the chimney, not to find presses to fall goblins, evil demons, as they say in the traditional Christmas tales. In the evening of Christmas Eve, when the whole family is gathered around the fireplace, the house of landlord will light the new fire and will go into the trivet Christoxylo, with all prayer to last a whole twelve days of holiday. On Christmas morning people visit the church to hear the good news of Christ's birth. Later in the noon, every house on Christmas day, families gather around the table, which is festive and paved with many traditional dishes and desserts. In each region the dishes are prepared differently. Traditional pork is food cooked in different ways. However there are now influences from other countries, such as stuffed turkey.


Tα Χριστούγεννα στην Ελλάδα Στην Ελλάδα τα Χριστούγεννα είναι μια από τις μεγαλύτερες Θρησκευτικές εορτές των Ελλήνων. Αρκετές μέρες πριν από τα Χριστούγεννα στα σπίτια, στις αυλές, στις πλατείες και σε πολλούς χώρους στολίζουν την φάτνη και το Χριστουγεννιάτικο δέντρο με μπάλες και στολίδια. Παλαιότερα στην Ελλάδα το έθιμο ήταν να στολίζουν ένα καράβι. Με το πέρασμα των χρόνων το καράβι αντικαταστάθηκε με το δέντρο. Τα παιδιά γράφουν γράμματα στον Άγιο Βασίλη και περιμένουν τα δώρα του Αϊ Βασίλη κάτω από το δέντρο του σπιτιού τους. Τα σχολεία κλείνουν για δεκαπέντε ημέρες για αυτή την μεγάλη γιορτή. Όλα τα σχολεία στην Ελλάδας πραγματοποιούν δραστηριότητες αγάπης και αναπαράστασης της γέννησης του χριστού. Μικρά θεατρικά έργα, τραγούδια και κατασκευές αφιερώνονται στο μεγάλο αυτό γεγονός. Σε όλη τη χώρα τα παιδιά τριγυρνούν από σπίτι σε σπίτι για να πουν τα κάλαντα την παραμονή των Χριστουγέννων. Οι άνθρωποι δέχονται με μεγάλη χαρά τα παιδιά και στο τέλος τους δίνουν χρήματα και τους προσφέρουν γλυκά και καραμέλες. Υπάρχουν πολλά και διαφορετικά κάλαντα στην Ελλάδα ανάλογα με την περιοχή και την γεωγραφική θέση της κάθε περιοχής. Οι νοικοκυρές ετοιμάζονται για αυτή την μεγάλη γιορτή καθαρίζοντας τα σπίτια τους φτιάχνοντας γλυκά και φαγητά με ιδιαίτερο συμβολισμό. Το Χριστόψωμο είναι ένα στρογγυλό ψωμί που φτιάχνουν οι γυναίκες 2 ή 3 ημέρες πριν τα Χριστούγεννα, το οποίο στολίζουν με έναν σταυρό στην μέση και γύρω του δημιουργούν σχήματα με καρύδια, σταφίδες και αμύγδαλα. Επειδή το καθημερινό φαγητό των Ελλήνων περιλαμβάνει το ψωμί και το σιτάρι με το οποίο φτιάχνουμε το 32

αλεύρι είναι από τους σπόρους που παράγονται στην Ελλάδα, το Χριστόψωμο συμβολίζει την αγάπη προς τον νεογέννητο Χριστό και την προσδοκία για μια καλή σοδειά από τα αγροτικά προϊόντα που η κάθε οικογένεια παράγει. Επίσης οι γυναίκες φτιάχνουν γλυκά με τα οποία το σπίτι μυρίζει όμορφα. Μερικά από αυτά είναι τα μελομακάρονα, οι κουραμπιέδες και η Βασιλόπιτα. Στα χωριά της βορείου Ελλάδας, ο νοικοκύρης ψάχνει στα χωράφια τις παραμονές των γιορτών και διαλέγει το Χριστόξυλο, δηλαδή το πιο όμορφο, γερό και χοντρό ξύλο από πεύκο ή ελιά. Θα το πάει στο σπίτι του με αυτό, με σκοπό να καίει συνέχεια στο τζάκι από τα Χριστούγεννα μέχρι και τα Φώτα. Ο λαός πιστεύει ότι καθώς καίγεται το Χριστόξυλο, ζεσταίνεται ο Χριστός στην κρύα σπηλιά της Βηθλεέμ. Πριν ο νοικοκύρης φέρει το Χριστόξυλο, κάθε νοικοκυρά φροντίζει να έχει καθαρίσει καλά το σπίτι και με ιδιαίτερη προσοχή το τζάκι, ώστε να μη μείνει ούτε ίχνος από την παλιά στάχτη. Καθαρίζουν ακόμη και την καπνοδόχο, για να μη βρίσκουν πατήματα να κατέβουν οι καλικάντζαροι, τα κακά δαιμόνια, όπως λένε στα παραδοσιακά χριστουγεννιάτικα παραμύθια. Το βράδυ της παραμονής των Χριστουγέννων, όταν όλη η οικογένεια θα είναι μαζεμένη γύρω από το τζάκι, ο νοικοκύρης του σπιτιού θα ανάψει την καινούρια φωτιά και θα μπει στην πυροστιά το Χριστόξυλο, με ευχή όλων να αντέξει για όλο το δωδεκαήμερο των γιορτών. Το πρωί των Χριστουγέννων οι άνθρωποι επισκέπτονται την εκκλησία για να ακούσουν το χαρμόσυνο μήνυμα της γέννησης του Χριστού. Αργότερα, το μεσημέρι, σε κάθε σπίτι την ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων οι οικογένειες μαζεύονται γύρω από το τραπέζι, το οποίο είναι γιορτινό και στρωμένο με πολλά παραδοσιακά φαγητά και γλυκά. Σε κάθε περιοχή τα φαγητά που ετοιμάζονται είναι διαφορετικά. Παραδοσιακά το χοιρινό είναι το φαγητό που μαγειρεύεται με διάφορους τρόπους. Ωστόσο υπάρχουν πλέον και επιρροές από άλλες χώρες, όπως η γεμιστή γαλοπούλα.




Το σχολείο μας Vassilis Misailidis, Δημ. Σχολ. Ολύνθου, Greece Το σχολείο μας, το Δημοτικό Σχολείο διαμέρισμα του δήμου Πολυγύρου στο ασχολούνται με τη γεωργία και τη φιστίκια Αιγίνης.

Ολύνθου, Η Όλυνθος σήμερα αποτελεί Δημοτικό νομό Χαλκιδικής. Είναι σε πεδινή περιοχή και οι κάτοικοι κτηνοτροφία. Παράγεται βρώσιμη ελιά, αγουρέλαιο και

Στο σχολείο μας, φοιτούν 60 μαθητές σε λειτουργίας του είναι 8.00-16.15 μιας πρωινού ωραρίου ξεκινούν στις 08:10 από τις 12:35 έως στις 16:15 με Ολοήμερο οι μαθητές και μαθήτριες μαθήματα: Ελληνική Γλώσσα και και κάνουν Γυμναστική.

6 τάξεις. Οι μαθητές είναι ηλικίας 6 έως 12 ετών. Oι ώρες και λειτουργεί τμήμα ολοήμερου. Τα μαθήματα του και τελειώνουν στις 14:00. Το Ολοήμερο τμήμα λειτουργεί περιορισμένο αριθμό μαθητών και μαθητριών. Στο προετοιμάζονται για την επόμενη ημέρα στα βασικά Μαθηματικά. Επίσης, διδάσκονται Αγγλικά, Πληροφορική

Στο σχολείο μας έχουμε μια μεγάλη αυλή και παιδική χαρά την οποία χρησιμοποιούμε και αξιοποιούμε κατά την ώρα των διαλλειμάτων, παιδαγωγικά, με την ενσωμάτωση διαφόρων υπαίθριων δραστηριοτήτων (π.χ. λαχανόκηπο μας) που δίνουν την ευκαιρία στους μαθητές να εμπλακούν στη διαδικασία της μάθησης. Στόχος μας είναι τα παιδιά να συμμετέχουν ενεργά στη μάθηση, βιώνοντας τις καταστάσεις με όλες τους τις αισθήσεις.



Our school, the primary school of Olynthos, is situated in Olynthos which is a municipal unit of the municipality of Polygyros in the county of Chalkidiki and it lies in a fertile plain near the archaeological site of the ancient of Olynthos. It is populated by almost 1500 people who are involved in agriculture and livestock farming. Edible olives, olive oil and pistachios are produced in the area.


Our school is a six grade primary school with an extended afternoon programme. The six classes attended by 60 pupils whose age range from 6 to 12 years old. Working hours are from 08:00 to 16:15 because of the extended afternoon programme.


Morning classes start at 08:10 and finish at 14:00. The extended afternoon programme is attended by a limited number of pupils and is from 12:35 to 16:15. During these after school tutorial classes, pupils do their homework and they get ready for next day’s lessons in Modern Greek Language and Maths. They also have English, IT (Information Technology) and PE (Physical Education) lessons. In our school we have a large yard and playground which we use and exploit at the time of breaks, educational, integrating various outdoor activities (e.g. our vegetable garden) which give pupils the opportunity to get involved in the learning process. Our goal is the children to actively participate in learning, experiencing situations with all their senses.


Κάλαντα Χριστουγέννων Χριστούγεννα, Πρωτούγεννα, πρώτη γιορτή του χρόνου για βγάτε, διέτε, μάθετε πως ο Χριστός γεννάται. Γεννάται κι ανατρέφεται με μέλι και με γάλα, το μέλι τρών’ οι άρχοντες, το γάλα οι αφεντάδες κ το μελισσοβότανο να νίβονται οι κυράδες. Κυρά ψηλή, κυρά λιγνή, κυρά γαϊτανοφρύδα, κυρά μ’ όταν στολίζεσαι να πας στην εκκλησιά σου βάζεις τον ήλιο πρόσωπο και το φεγγάρι αγκάλη και τον καθάριο αυγερινό τον βάζεις δαχτυλίδι. Εμείς εδώ δεν ήρθαμε να φάμε και να πιούμε, παρά σας αγαπούσαμε κι ήρθαμε να σας δούμε. Δώστε μας και τον κόκορα, δώστε μας και την κότα, δώστε μας και πέντ’ έξι αυγά να πάμε σ’ άλλη πόρτα.


Christmas carols Christmas Protougenna first festival of the year go out, see, learn how Christ is born. He is born and nurtured with honey and milk, lords eat the honey, masters the milk and the ladies wash with the melissovotano (herd). Tall lady, slender lady, with the beautiful eyebrows, Lady when you get dressed to go to church you put the sun in your face, and the moon in your arms and as a ring you put the morning star. We came here not to eat and drink, we loved you and we came to see you. Give us the rooster, give us the hen, Give us five or six eggs to go to another door.


Άγια Νύχτα Holy Night Άγια Νύχτα, σε προσμένουν με χαρά οι Χριστιανοί και με πίστη ανυμνούμε, το Θεό δοξολογούμε μ’ ένα στόμα, μια φωνή, ναι, με μια φωνή... Η ψυχή μας φτερουγίζει πέρα στ’ άγια τα βουνά, όπου ψάλλουν οι αγγέλοι απ’ τα ουράνια θεία μέλη, στο Σωτήρα "Ωσαννά" ψάλλουν "Ωσαννά" Στης Βηθλεέμ ελάτε όλοι τα βουνά τα ιερά και μ’ ευλάβεια μεγάλη 'κει που Άγιο Φως προβάλλει προσκυνήστε με χαρά ναι, με μια χαρά.


Christmas in Greece There are two sides to Christmas in Greece; one is religious, while the other is festive and glamorous. Most towns in Greece are decorated with bright lights, bells, angels and other Christmassy objects. In Greek tradition, Basil’s (of Caesarea) name was given to Father Christmas and is supposed to visit children and give presents on January 1 (when Basil's memory is celebrated), unlike other European traditions, where this person is Saint Nicholas and comes every Christmas. According to Greek tradition, Saint Nikolaos is the protector of sailors. For this reason, you will often see boats decorated with many sparkling lights, rather than the traditional Christmas trees which are currently becoming more popular though. The Christmas season in Greece begins on December 6th, which is Saint Nicolaos day, and ends on January 6th, which is the Feast of the Epiphany (Theophania). Celebrations really pick-up from the 20th of December, as Christmas day gets closer. Christmas Traditions in Greece Greece is a country where traditions and customs are a part of everyday life. Christmas carols is very popular and there are actually three "official" caroling days. The custom is that children go from house to house singing the carol, with the accompaniment of a triangle, and residents of the houses give them a small amount of money. Greek Christmas carols (calanda) are sung on the mornings of Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and January 5, the Eve of the Epiphany. According to tradition, during the Greek 12 days of Christmas (December 25 to January 6), goblins come out to tease people and eat their food. This tradition is based on the legend that the "waters aren't christened" since Christ has not yet been baptized. The goblins are renowned for their ugliness and their cunning. They are not very intelligent and can't really hurt anybody. It is said that they enter houses through chimneys, and this is the reason people, especially in villages, keep the fireplace lit during the 12 days of Christmas. In many parts of Greece, people hang a pomegranate above the front door of their house. By the New Year, Greeks throw it on the ground so it breaks, and step into their house on their right foot. According to tradition, this brings good luck for the year to come.


Christmas Food in Greece Christmas, like many other holidays in Greece, is a time for feasting. In the past years, Christmas turkey has become very popular as the main dish of the holiday. Traditionally, the main course of Christmas dinner in Greece is roast pork, with a variety of side delicacies. Melomakarona and kourabiedes are the two varieties of Christmas and New Year's cookies in Greece. Christopsomo is the bread that is made on Christmas Eve, which has a cross carved into the top crust before it is baked. Vasilopita is a cake that is eaten on New Year's Day. Before the cake is baked, a coin covered in foil is placed in it. The person who cuts the cake makes the sign of the cross three times above it and then starts serving the pieces, one to each person, the house, Christ, The Virgin Mary and Saint Vasileios. Whoever has the coin in his piece of cake will have luck for the rest of the year.

Tα Χριστούγεννα στην Ελλάδα

Υπάρχουν δύο όψεις για τα Χριστούγεννα στην Ελλάδα, η μια είναι θρησκευτική, ενώ η άλλη είναι γιορτινή και λαμπερή. Οι περισσότερες πόλεις στην Ελλάδα είναι διακοσμημένες με λαμπερά φώτα, καμπάνες, αγγέλους και άλλα αντικείμενα των Χριστουγέννων. Στην ελληνική παράδοση το όνομα του Αγ. Βασιλείου της Καισαρείας δόθηκε στον Father Christmas ( Πατέρα των Χριστουγέννων) που επισκέπτεται και φέρνει δώρα την 1η Ιανουαρίου (όταν γιορτάζεται η μνήμη του Αγ. Βασιλείου), σε αντίθεση με άλλες ευρωπαϊκές παραδόσεις όπου το άτομο αυτό είναι ο Αγ. Νικόλαος και έρχεται κάθε Χριστούγεννα. Σύμφωνα με την ελληνική παράδοση ο Αγ. Νικόλαος είναι ο προστάτης των ναυτικών. 41

Για τον λόγο αυτό, θα δείτε συχνά βάρκες διακοσμημένες με πολλά λαμπάκια, αντί για τα παραδοσιακά χριστουγεννιάτικα δέντρα τα οποία όμως στις μέρες μας γίνονται όλο και πιο δημοφιλή.

Η περίοδος των Χριστουγέννων στην Ελλάδα αρχίζει στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου, ημέρα της γιορτής του Αγ. Νικολάου, και τελειώνει στις 6 Ιανουαρίου, που είναι η γιορτή των Φώτων (Θεοφάνεια).Οι εορτασμοί πραγματικά κλιμακώνονται από την 20η Δεκεμβρίου καθώς η ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων πλησιάζει.

Έθιμα των Χριστουγέννων στην Ελλάδα Η Ελλάδα είναι μια χώρα όπου οι παραδόσεις και τα έθιμα είναι ένα μέρος της καθημερινής ζωής. Τα Χριστουγεννιάτικα Κάλαντα είναι πολύ δημοφιλή και στην ουσία υπάρχουν τρεις «επίσημες» ημέρες για κάλαντα. Το έθιμο είναι ότι τα παιδιά πηγαίνουν από σπίτι σε σπίτι τραγουδώντας το κάλαντα, με τη συνοδεία ενός τριγώνου, και οι κάτοικοι των σπιτιών τους δίνουνε ένα μικρό χρηματικό ποσό. Τα 42

ελληνικά κάλαντα των Χριστουγέννων (Calanda) ψέλνονται τα πρωινά της παραμονής των Χριστουγέννων, της Πρωτοχρονιάς και στις 5 Ιανουαρίου παραμονή των Θεοφανείων. Σύμφωνα με την παράδοση, κατά τη διάρκεια των 12 ημερών των Χριστουγέννων (Δεκ 25 - Ιαν 6), ξωτικά βγαίνουν για να πειράξουν τους ανθρώπους και να φάνε το φαγητό τους. Η παράδοση αυτή βασίζεται στο μύθο ότι "τα νερά δεν έχουν αγιαστεί", αφού ο Χριστός δεν έχει ακόμη βαπτισθεί. Τα ξωτικά είναι διαβόητα για την ασχήμια και την πονηριά τους . Δεν είναι πολύ έξυπνα και δεν μπορούν να βλάψουν πραγματικά κανέναν. Λέγεται ότι μπαίνουν στα σπίτια μέσα από τις καμινάδες, και αυτός είναι ο λόγος που οι άνθρωποι, ειδικά στα χωριά, κρατούν το τζάκι αναμμένο κατά τη διάρκεια των 12 ημερών των Χριστουγέννων. Σε πολλά μέρη της Ελλάδα, οι άνθρωποι κρεμούν ένα ρόδι πάνω από την μπροστινή πόρτα του σπιτιού τους. Με το νέο έτος, οι Έλληνες το πετούν στο έδαφος έτσι ώστε να σπάσει, και μπαίνουν μέσα στο σπίτι τους με το δεξί τους πόδι. Σύμφωνα με την παράδοση, αυτό φέρνει καλή τύχη για το επόμενο έτος.

Φαγητά Χριστουγέννων στη Ελλάδα Τα Χριστούγεννα, όπως πολλές άλλες γιορτές στην Ελλάδα είναι ευκαιρία για γλέντι. Τα τελευταία χρόνια η γαλοπούλα έχει γίνει πολύ δημοφιλής ως το κύριο πιάτο της γιορτής. Παραδοσιακά, το κυρίως πιάτο του Χριστουγεννιάτικου τραπεζιού στην Ελλάδα είναι ψητό χοιρινό, με μια ποικιλία από λιχουδιές που το συνοδεύουν. Τα μελομακάρονα και οι κουραμπιέδες, είναι οι δύο ποικιλίες γλυκών των Χριστουγέννων και της Πρωτοχρονιάς στην Ελλάδα. Το Χριστόψωμο είναι το ψωμί που φτιάχνεται την παραμονή των Χριστουγέννων, στο οποίο σχηματίζουν ένα σταυρό στην επιφάνεια του πριν ψηθεί. Η Βασιλόπιτα είναι ένα κέικ ή πίτα που τρώγεται την Ημέρα της Πρωτοχρονιάς. Πριν ψηθεί, ένα νόμισμα που καλύπτεται από αλουμινόχαρτο τοποθετείται σε αυτό. Το πρόσωπο που κόβει την πίτα κάνει το σημείο του σταυρού τρεις φορές πάνω από αυτό και στη συνέχεια αρχίζει να μοιράζει τα κομμάτια, ένα για κάθε άτομο, το σπίτι, τον Χριστό, την Παναγία και τον Άγιο Βασίλειο. Όποιος έχει το κέρμα στο κομμάτι του θα έχει τύχη για το υπόλοιπο του έτους.



5ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Βόλου, Ελλάδα

Georgia Maneta, 5th Primary School of Volos, Greece Ιδρύθηκε τυπικά στις 3 Μαΐου 1899, ενώ η επίσημη ίδρυσή του ανάγεται στην 1η Σεπτεμβρίου 1900. Η τότε ονομασία του ήταν “4o Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αρρένων”. Στεγαζόταν σε ενοικιαζόμενο χώρο μέχρι το 1913, όταν και μεταφέρθηκε σε καινούριο κτίριο, του οποίου η ανέγερση χρηματοδοτήθηκε από το Δήμο. Τη δεκαετία του ’20, μετά την Μικρασιατική καταστροφή, το σχολείο λειτούργησε σαν άσυλο προσφύγων και στη δεκαετία του ’30 μετονομάστηκε σε “5 ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Βόλου” και λειτούργησε πλέον ως μεικτό. Στις 21 Απριλίου 1941 ο Βόλος τέθηκε υπό το καθεστώς της γερμανικής κατοχής, και το 5ο Δημοτικό επιστρατεύτηκε από το Γερμανικό στρατό. Τα μαθήματα πραγματοποιούνταν για λίγες ώρες καθημερινά. Τη σημερινή του μορφή την απέκτησε τη δεκαετία του ’70 όταν προστέθηκαν ακόμα 4 αίθουσες διδασκαλίας. Το 2013 γιορτάστηκαν τα 100 χρόνια λειτουργίας του με πολλές ομιλίες, έκδοση συλλεκτικών γραμματοσήμων, δημιουργία ντοκιμαντέρ και τη συμμετοχή πολλών αποφοίτων από το παρελθόν. Σήμερα το σχολείο μας ανήκει στα λεγόμενα Ε.Α.Ε.Π., όπου τα Αγγλικά διδάσκονται από την Α’ Δημοτικού, ενώ διδάσκουν καθηγητές του Θεάτρου, της Πληροφορικής και των Καλλιτεχνικών. 25 δάσκαλοι και 250 μαθητές συνθέτουν το δυναμικό του. Το σχολείο είναι από τα πρώτα που υποστήριξε ενεργά την ανακύκλωση, συμμετέχει σε Ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα, σε διαθεματικά projects, λαμβάνει με επιτυχία μέρος σε αθλητικές δραστηριότητες και παρακολουθεί πολύ συχνά θεατρικές παραστάσεις.

5th Primary School of Volos, Greece

It was typically founded on 3 rd May 1899, while its formal foundation is placed on 1 st September 1900. Back then it was named “4 th Primary Boys’ school”. The school was housed in a rented place until in 1913, when it was transferred to a new building, the construction of which was financed by the Local Authorities. In the 1920s, after the destruction of Asia Minor, the school took on the role of a refugee’s shelter and in the 1930s it was renamed as “5th Primary School of Volos” and has been a mixed sex school since then. 45

On 21st April 1941 Volos came under the German occupation and the school was conscripted by the German army. The lessons lasted for two hours every day. Its present look was acquired in the 1970s when 4 more classrooms were added to the existing building. In 2013, its centenary of existence was celebrated with a lot of talks and presentations, the issuing of collectible stamps, the creation of a documentary film and the participation of many graduates of the past. Today, our school belongs to the so- called “experimental” schools, where English is taught to Year 1 students and on, whereas Art, Drama and Computing are, also, among the subjects taught. Its “force” consists of 25 teachers and 250 pupils. The school was among the first who actively supported, and still does, recycling, gets involved in European programs and interdisciplinary projects, takes parts successfully in sports activities and attends theatrical performances very often .


The front of the school

The logo created for its centenary


Κάλαντα Χριστουγέννων Καλήν εσπέραν άρχοντες κι αν είναι ορισμός σας Χριστού τη Θείαν Γέννησιν να πω στ’ αρχοντικό σας. Χριστός γεννάται σήμερον εν Βηθλεέμ τη πόλει, οι ουρανοί αγάλλονται, χαίρει η φύσις όλη. Εν τω σπηλαίω τίκτεται ,εν φάτνη των αλόγων ο Βασιλεύς των ουρανών και Ποιητής των όλων. Πλήθος αγγέλων ψάλλουσι το "Δόξα εν Υψίστοις" και τούτο Άξιον εστί η των ποιμένων πίστις. Εκ της Περσίας έρχονται τρεις Μάγοι με τα δώρα άστρο λαμπρό τους οδηγεί χωρίς να λείψει ώρα,


Christmas Carols Good evening to you Lords and if you may please I will tell you about Christ’s birth in your house.

Christ is born today in the town of Bethlehem The skies rejoice and the Nature is happy.

In a cave He is born, in a manger of horses The King of the skies and Creator of everything.

Myriads of angels chant “Glory to the Lord” And it is worth wondering the shepherds’ faith.

From Persia come three Magi with the gifts A bright star leads them without missing at all (The song is really long, telling the whole story of the nativity and Herod’s brutality, but the kids sing until the point you see here)


Κάλαντα Πρωτοχρονιάς Αρχιμηνιά κι αρχιχρονιά ψηλή μου δεντρολιβανιά (κι αρχή) κι αρχή καλός μας χρόνος (Εκκλησιά) Εκκλησιά με τ’ άγιο θρόνο Αρχή που βγήκε ο Χριστός Άγιος και πνευματικός (στη γη) στη γη να περπατήσει (και να μας) και να μας καλοκαρδίσει Άγιος Βασίλης έρχεται κι όλους μας καταδέχεται (από) από την Καισαρεία (συ σ’ αρχό) συ σ’ αρχόντισσα κυρία Βαστά εικόνα και χαρτί ζαχαροκάντιο, ζυμωτή (χαρτί) χαρτί και καλαμάρι (δες κι εμέ) δες κι εμέ το παλληκάρι Το καλαμάρι έγραφε τη μοίρα μου την έλεγε (και το) και το χαρτί ομίλει (άσπρε μου) άσπρε μου Άγιο Βασίλη


Του χρόνου μας αρχή καλή και ο Χριστός μας οδηγεί κακία να αρνηθούμε μ’ αρετές να στολιστούμε

New Year’s Carols First day of the month, first day of the Year My tall rosemary. And may the New Year start well Church with the Holy Throne

Beginning of Christ’s coming out Holy and Spiritual To walk on Earth And make our hearts happy

Santa Claus is coming And accepts us all From Caesarea You are a Lady


He is holding a picture and a piece of paper Kneaded with candy A piece of paper and a pen Look at me, the lad

The pen was writing It was telling my fate And the paper was speaking My white Santa Claus

May our New Year have a good start And Christ is guiding us Let’s deny all meanness And dress ourselves with virtues


Άγια Νύχτα Άγια Νύχτα, σε προσμένουν με χαρά οι Χριστιανοί και με πίστη ανυμνούμε, το Θεό δοξολογούμε μ’ ένα στόμα, μια φωνή, ναι, με μια φωνή... Η ψυχή μας φτερουγίζει πέρα στ’ άγια τα βουνά, όπου ψάλλουν οι αγγέλοι απ’ τα ουράνια θεία μέλη, στο Σωτήρα "Ωσαννά" ψάλλουν "Ωσαννά" Στης Βηθλεέμ ελάτε όλοι τα βουνά τα ιερά και μ’ ευλάβεια μεγάλη 'κει που Άγιο Φως προβάλλει προσκυνήστε με χαρά ναι, με μια χαρά


Χριστούγεννα στην Ελλάδα! Τα Χριστούγεννα στην Ελλάδα γιορτάζονται, όπως και σε όλο τον κόσμο, στις 25 Δεκεμβρίου. Πριν την ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων, οι νοικοκυρές έχουν ετοιμάσει τα παραδοσιακά Χριστουγεννιάτικα γλυκά, μελομακάρονα και κουραμπιέδες.

Τα παιδιά στις 24 Δεκεμβρίου βγαίνουν στις γειτονιές και τραγουδάνε τα κάλαντα. Σαν «ανταμοιβή» τους δίνουν χρήματα και γλυκά Οι πιστοί πηγαίνουν νωρίς το πρωί των Χριστουγέννων στην Θεία Λειτουργία, η οποία αρχίζει στις 5.00 και τελειώνει στις 8.00. Συνήθως οι πιο πολλοί κοινωνούνε αφού έχει περάσει η περίοδος της Σαρακοστής. Στο σπίτι η οικογένεια παίρνουν όλοι μαζί το πρωινό τους και μετά παίζουν επιτραπέζια παιχνίδια ή τραγουδάνε Χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια. Το μεσημεριανό φαγητό συνήθως περιλαμβάνει γεμιστή γαλοπούλα ή κοτόσουπα ή χοιρινό στο φούρνο (λιγότερο συνηθισμένο). Υπάρχει και το έθιμο του Χριστόψωμου, όπου ο πατέρας κόβει στο τραπέζι πριν το φαγητό ένα ειδικό ψωμί αφιερωμένο στο Χριστό.

Η 26ηΔεκεμβρίου είναι αργία γιατί είναι αφιερωμένη στην Παναγία, Μητέρα του Ιησού Χριστού. Παραμονή Πρωτοχρονιάς και από το πρωί ξεκινάνε οι ετοιμασίες για τον ερχομό του νέου έτους. Τα παιδιά πηγαίνουν για τα Πρωτοχρονιάτικα κάλαντα και οι μητέρες


κάνουν τις ετοιμασίες για το βράδυ. Συνήθως για την αλλαγή του χρόνου μαζεύονται σε ένα σπίτι φίλοι και συγγενείς για να γιορτάσουν και να χαρούν μαζί. Το μεσημέρι της Πρωτοχρονιάς οι οικογένειες κόβουν τη βασιλόπιτα, ένα κέικ όπου μέσα του υπάρχει ένα νόμισμα. Όποιος το βρει θεωρείται ο τυχερός της χρονιάς. Αυτός που κόβει τα κομμάτια (συνήθως η κεφαλή της οικογένειας) τα «ονοματίζει», αφιερώνει δηλαδή το καθένα σε κάποιο άτομο. Τα τρία πρώτα κομμάτια είναι πάντα για το Χριστό, τον Άι Βασίλη και το σπίτι.

Στις 6 Ιανουαρίου γιορτάζουμε τα Θεοφάνεια, τη Βάπτιση του Χριστού. Στην εκκλησία, ο ιερέας αναπαριστά τη Βάπτιση του Χριστού βουτώντας το Σταυρό σε δοχείο με νερό. Το νερό θεωρείται αγιασμένο και οι Χριστιανοί το πίνουν. Στα μέρη που είναι στη θάλασσα, ο ιερέας ρίχνει το σταυρό στη θάλασσα και οι “γενναίοι” βουτάνε στα κρύα νερά για αν τον πιάσουν. Αυτός που θα τον πιάσει πρώτος θεωρείται ότι έχει την ευλογία.

Στην Ελλάδα, τα σχολεία παραμένουν κλειστά από τις 24/12 εως 7/1.

Christmas in Greece Christmas in Greece is celebrated, like everywhere in the world, on 25 th December. Before Christmas day, the women have prepared the traditional Christmas sweets, kourabiedes and melomakarona. The children go around the neighborhood and sing the carols. As a “reward” they get money and sweets. 54

On Christmas day, the Christians go to the Mass which starts at 5:00 and finishes at 8:00. Usually, most of them take the Holy Communion since the Lent is over. At home, the family have breakfast altogether and then play board games or sing Christmas songs. Lunch more often includes stuffed turkey or chicken soup or pork in the oven (less often). There is, also, the custom of “christopsomo” (Christ’s bread), where father cuts at the table before lunch a special bread dedicated to Jesus Christ. 26th December is a holiday because it is dedicated to Virgin Mary, Christ’s mother. Before the New Year’s Day, the preparations begin for the coming of the New Year. The children go out to sing the New Year’s carols while the housewives make the preparations for the night. It is very common in Greece for friends and relatives to gather in one house so as to celebrate altogether and enjoy themselves. On New Year’s day, usually at the table before lunch, the families cut a special cake called “vasilopita” (Santa Claus’s pie) where there is a coin hidden. The person who finds the coin in his piece is considered to be lucky for the whole year. The person who cuts the pie (usually the father of the family) name each piece so that everyone gets his or hers. The first three pieces are always dedicated to Christ, Santa Claus and the house. On 6th January we celebrate the Epiphany, Christ’s baptism. In the church, the priest reenacts the baptism by immersing the Cross in a tank with water. The water is considered hallowed and the Christians drink it. In the places which are near the sea, the priest drops the Cross in the sea and the “brave” ones dive to catch It. Whoever catches It first is considered to be blessed. In Greece, schools break up for Christmas from 24/12 to 7/1.





Let us present our village! DOMNEŞTI, Ilfov county Madalina Ioana Grecu, Scoala Gimnaziala "Gheorghe Corneliu" Domnesti, Romania Secondary school „Gheorghe Corneliu” Domneşti is located in a rural area in the very proximity of Bucharest in Ilfov region which surrounds the capital of Romania. Even is considered a rural area, only a small part of the inhabitants are working now in the field of agriculture and are doing this mainly for their own needs. The region developed last years as a residential area of Bucharest. The majority of inhabitants are employed in Bucharest.There are also unemployed and retired people. In our community there are a number of social issues that we are currently struggling with children coming from single-parent families or from families living on welfare. Only a very small amount of children in our school are disabled. Our challenges include increasing the general level of education among the community and offering equal opportunities to children coming from economically disadvantaged families. Also we are developing programs in order to prevent and reduce school abandonment among these children. We are also preoccupied to offer to our students a deeper understanding about what European citizenship is by European partnerships and other specific activities. Our students are studying English as 1’st modern language and French as the 2’nd one. Our participation in our previous Comenius project opened new perspectives for our community and we intend again to involve as many students and teachers as possible in order to offer them the possibility to communicate with students all over Europe, to travel and work together. As the EST and report consultant we will make sure that all project activities and results will be presented on the EST website and we will coordinate the making of the final report. In our last project we were successful in this field and have motivaded and very qualified colleagues for this task. Să ne prezentăm localitatea! – DOMNEŞTI, judeţul Ilfov

Şcoala Gimnazială „Gheorghe Corneliu” Domneşti este situată într-o zonă rurală, în imediata apropiere a Bucureştiului, în judeţul Ilfov, care înconjoară capitala României. Chiar dacă este considerată o zonă rurală, doar o mică parte dintre locuitori mai lucrează terenurile agricole, iar cei care încă fac asta o fac doar pentru propriile nevoi. Regiunea s-a dezvoltat în ultimii ani ca o zonă rezidenţială a Bucureştiului. Majoritatea locuitorilor sunt angajaţi în Bucureşti. De asemenea, există şi oameni fără serviciu şi pensionari. În comunitatea noastră există o serie de probleme sociale, care, în prezent ne fac să ne confruntăm cu copii care provin din familii monoparentale sau din familii care trăiesc din ajutorul social. Doar o foarte mică parte din elevii şcolii noastre sunt copii cu dizabilităţi. Provocările noastre includ creșterea nivelului general de educație în rândul comunității și oferirea de șanse egale pentru copiii care provin din familii dezavantajate economic. De asemenea, suntem în curs de dezvoltare de programe pentru a preveni și a reduce abandonul școlar în rândul acestor copii. Suntem, de asemenea preocupați să îi facem pe elevii noștri să 58

înțeleagă mai profund ceea ce reprezintă cetățenia europeană prin parteneriate europene și alte activități specifice. Elevii noştri studiază limba engleză ca prima limbă modernă încă din clasa pregătitoare și limba franceză ca a doua limbă modernă, din clasa a V-a. Participarea noastră la proiectele Comenius a deschis noi perspective pentru comunitatea noastră și ne-am propus din nou să implicăm cât mai mulți elevi și profesori posibil pentru a le oferi posibilitatea de a comunica cu elevii din întreaga Europă, de a călători și de a lucra împreună .



Steaua sus răsare Ca o taină mare Steaua străluceşte Şi lumii vesteşte Şi lumii vesteşte Că astăzi Curata Preanevinovata Fecioara Maria Naşte pe Mesia Naşte pe Mesia. Magii cum zăriră Steaua şi porniră Mergând după rază Pe Hristos să-l vază Pe Hristos să-l vază Şi dacă porniră Îndată-L găsiră La Dânsul intrară Şi se închinară Şi se închinară. Cu daruri gătite Lui Hristos menite Luând fiecare Bucurie mare Bucurie mare. Care bucurie Şi aici să fie De la tinereţe Pân’ la bătrâneţe Pân’ la bătrâneţe.

The Star

The star rises in the sky Like a great mystery The star is shining And it is announcing the world That today the pure and innocent Virgin Mary is giving birth to the Messiah. As soon as the wise men had seen the star They immediately started their journey Following the star To see Christ

And after they had started They found Him at once They entered His shelter And they bowed before Him With gifts prepared and intended for Christ They shared great joy Which joy should be here with you From youth until old age.


Astăzi s-a născut Hristos

Today Christ was born

Astăzi s-a nascut Hristos, Mesia chip luminos Lăudaţi şi cântaţi, Şi vă bucuraţi!

Today Christ was born, The Messiah with a bright face Praise and sing, And be joyful!

Mititel înfăşeţel, În scutec de bumbacel Lăudaţi şi cântaţi, Şi vă bucuraţi!

Small and wrapped in cotton cloth, Praise and sing And be joyful!

Vântul bate, nu-L răzbate, through Neaua ninge, nu-L atinge Him Lăudaţi şi cântaţi, Şi vă bucuraţi!

Wind is blowing, but it isn't going Snow is falling, but it doesn't touch Praise and sing And be joyful!

Şi de-acum până-n vecie Mila Domnului să fie Lăudaţi şi cântaţi, Şi vă bucuraţi!

And from now on and forever Let God's mercy be with you, Praise and sing And be joyful!


CHRISTMAS IN ROMANIA For Romanians, Christmas is a festival of joy and hope. At Christmas, Romanians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, who comes to Earth and into the world to save man from sin and death. According to the Romanian Orthodox Calendar, Christmas lasts three days, that is from the date of 25th December until the date of 27th December. In Romania, the first and the second days of celebrating Christmas - 25th December and 26th December - are also legal holidays. Chronologically, Christmas is situated in the proximity of the winter solstice, 22nd December, which is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. However, in spite of the shorter days and the longer nights, in spite of the cold or sometimes freezing, in spite of snow and sometimes snow storms, at Christmas, Romanians are the happiest because they are together with the beloved ones and they enjoy their days off from work or school. Christmas is preceded by a period of fast of forty days when many Romanians do not eat meat, milk and milk products, and eggs. They also do no not drink alcohol. On Saturdays and Sundays they are allowed to eat fish. The fast before Christmas is known as not being very severe. Fast means not only food restraining, but also restraining from being selfish and from doing bad deeds. Those who are able to fast until Christmas Eve and who also confess in front of God, through a priest, are allowed to receive the Holy Communion in church, during the Christmas Liturgy which takes place in the morning of 25th December. Starting with the Christmas morning, people's restraining from food ends. The whole month of December is marked by the Christmas spirit. On 6th December Romanians celebrate Saint Nicholas's Day. Saint Nicholas is a very loved saint because he is considered to be the protector of children and of the poor. In the night of 6th December, Saint Nicholas is said to come and bring small gifts for children in their cleaned boots. At the same time, throughout the entire month of December, Romanians start thinking about the way they will celebrate Christmas, that is the place they will go, the people they will join and meet, the meal they will have. They also start buying presents for their family members and for their friends and work colleagues. In the countryside, the Romanian peasants usually grow pigs on their farms throughout a whole year and, as a rule, on the date of 20th December, known as Saint Ignatius's Day, they kill these animals in order to have an abundant Christmas meal. From the meat of the pig, people make traditional products such as: different types of sausages with different fillings made from the meat, the liver and other organs of the pig. People use the bowels of the pig in order to make these sausages. People also make a sort of aspic by boiling bones, meat and skin of the pig until the soup in which all these have been boiled becomes firm. The meat and the fat of the pig can also be salted and smoked in order to last longer and taste better. The process of smoking meat is very simple and natural in special places where people light small fires which burn slowly without flames but with a lot of smoke while the pieces of meat and fat and the sausages are hung in the smoke which rises. Getting closer to Christmas Day, young people and especially children start memorising or remembering traditional Christmas carols. In Romania there is a rich tradition of 62

Christmas carols. Each Romanian region has its own carols, but there are numerous carols which are known and loved everywhere in the country. Probably, the best-known carol is that sung by small children in the early morning of Christmas Eve. Children go from house to house and let people know about the coming of Christmas by singing: 'Good morning for Christmas Eve'. They also ask people whether they are going or are not going to give them something good to eat such as: fruits (apples, pears, oranges), nuts, bagels, sweets, cookies, biscuits. Children have bags to collect all this food. Later, in the evening of Christmas Eve, children, especially boys, and young men go carolling from house to house bringing the wonderful news of Christ's birth. For Romanians, to open the gates of their yards and the doors of their houses is very important because it means sharing the general joy and hope with the entire community to each people belong. The Romanian carols are about the star which rises in the sky leading the three wise men to the place where God's son is born, about the fact that Christ's birth brings the hope of deliverance for everyone, or about urging people to open the doors of their houses to the carol singers to share the general joy and hope and to thank them for making the effort of bringing the wonderful news in spite of cold and snow. At the same time, a few days before Christmas, Romanians buy fir trees, natural or artificial, which they decorate with colourful ornaments, tinsel and lights. Thus, the decorated fir tree becomes the Christmas tree and symbolizes life, joy and hope. Under the Christmas tree, people put presents for all the family members. In the evening of Christmas Eve, Santa Claus (Father Christmas) is received next to the Christmas tree where children come and sing winter songs and carols and recite poems in exchange for presents given by Santa Claus. The role of Santa Claus is played by one of the family members who puts on the red costume and wears white hair and beard. The moment of Santa Claus's coming and of receiving presents from him is a magic moment which children will always remember. The first thing which most Romanians do early in the morning of Christmas Day is to go to church where they take part in the religious service. At about 12 o'clock Romanians lay the table at their homes. Romanian usually spend their Christmas holiday at their home or at their parents' home, so with their closest family members. The main dishes Romanians eat at Christmas are: starter consisting of pork products, such as sausages with different fillings made of pork, fat and spices, a salad made of boiled and pickled vegetables, 'sarmale' made of pickled cabbage leaves filled with chopped meat, roast and grilled meat. As dessert, Romanians eat 'cozonac' which is a sweet bread made with nuts, currants and cocoa. As we said in the beginning, Romanians celebrate Christmas for 3 days, starting from 25th December until 27th December, which is a great occasion to relax and to be with the beloved ones. The winter festivals will end with New Year on 1st January when Romanians celebrate the beginning of a new year.


Crăciunul în România Pentru români, Crăciunul este o sărbătoare a bucuriei şi speranţei. La Crăciun, românii sărbătoresc naşterea lui Isus Hristos, ca fiu al lui Dumnezeu, care vine pe pământ şi în lume pentru a salva omul din păcat şi moarte. Conform calendarului creştin-ortodox român, Crăciunul durează 3 zile, adică din data de 25 decembrie până în data de 27 decembrie. În România, prima şi a doua zi de sărbătorire a Crăciunului – 25 si 26 decembrie – sunt de asemenea sărbători legale. Din punct de vedere cronologic, Crăciunul este situat în apropierea solstiţiului de iarnă, 22 decembrie, care reprezintă cea mai scurtă zi şi cea mai lungă noapte a anului. Oricum, în ciuda zilelor mai scurte şi a nopţilor mai lungi, în ciuda frigului şi uneori a gerului, în ciuda zăpezii şi uneori a viscolelor, la Crăciun, românii sunt cei mai fericiţi pentru că ei sunt împreună cu cei dragi şi pentru că se bucură de zilele libere de la serviciu şi de la şcoală. Crăciunul este precedat de o perioadă de post de 40 de zile în care mulţi români nu mănânca lapte şi produse din lapte, carne şi ouă. De asemenea, ei nu beau alcool. În zilele de sâmbătă şi duminică li se permite să mănânce peşte. Postul de dinainte de Crăciun este cunoscut ca nefiind foarte dur. Postul înseamnă nu numai abţinere de la mâncare, dar şi abţinere de a mai fi egoist şi de a mai face fapte rele. Celor care pot să postească până în Ajunul Crăciunului şi care se şi spovedesc înaintea lui Dumnezeu prin intermediul unui preot le este permis să se împărtăşească la biserică, în cadrul Liturghiei de Crăciun care are loc în dimineaţa de 25 decembrie. Începând cu dimineaţa de Crăciun abţinerea oamenilor de la mâncare încetează. Întreaga lună decembrie este marcată de spiritul Crăciunului. Pe 6 decembrie, românii sărbătoresc ziua de Sfântul Nicolae. Sfântul Nicolae este un sfânt foarte iubit pentru că el este considerat a fi protectorul copiilor şi al săracilor. În noaptea de 6 decembrie, se spune că Sfântul Nicolae vine şi aduce mici daruri pentru copii în ghetele curăţate. În acelaşi timp, de-a lungul întregii luni decembrie, românii încep să se gândească la modul în care vor sărbători Crăciunul, adică locul unde vor merge, oamenii cărora se vor alătura şi cu care se vor întâlni, mâncarea pe care o vor servi. De asemenea, ei încep să cumpere cadouri pentru membrii familiei lor, pentru prietenii lor şi pentru colegii de serviciu. La ţară, românii de obicei cresc porci la fermele lor de-a lungul unui întreg an şi, de regulă, pe data de 20 decembrie, cunoscută ca ziua Sfântului Ignat, ei sacrifică aceste animale pentru a avea o masă de Crăciun îmbelşugată. Din carnea porcului, oamenii fac produse tradiţionale precum: diferite tipuri de cârnaţi cu diferite umpluturi făcute din carne, ficat şi alte organe ale porcului. Oamenii folosesc intestinele porcului pentru a face acesti cârnaţi. De asemenea, oamenii fac un fel de aspic prin fierberea oaselor, cărnii şi a pielii porcului până când supa în care toate acestea au fost fierte se întăreşte. Carnea şi grăsimea porcului pot fi, de asemenea, sărate şi afumate pentru a dura mai mult şi a fi mai gustoase. Procesul de afumare a cărnii este foarte simplu şi natural în locuri speciale unde oamenii aprind mici focuri care ard încet fără flăcări, dar cu mult fum, în timp ce bucăţile de carne şi de grăsime precum şi cârnaţii sunt agăţaţi în fumul care se ridică. Apropiindu-ne de ziua de Crăciun, tinerii şi, în mod special, copiii încep să memoreze sau să-şi aducă aminte colinde de Crăciun. În România există o bogată tradiţie de colinde de Crăciun. Fiecare regiune din România are propriile colinde, dar există numeroase 64

colinde care sunt cunoscute şi iubite peste tot în ţară. Probabil cel mai cunoscut colind este cel cântat de copiii mici în Ajunul Crăciunului, dimineaţa devreme. Copiii merg din casă în casă şi anunţă oamenii despre venirea Crăciunului cântând: „Bună dimineaţa la Moş Ajun!”. De asemenea, ei îi întreabă pe oameni dacă le vor da sau nu le vor da ceva bun de mâncat precum: fructe (mere, pere, portocale), nuci, covrigi, bomboane, fursecuri, biscuiţi. Copiii au nişte saci mici pentru a strânge toată această mâncare. Mai târziu, în seara de Ajun, copiii, în special băieţii şi tinerii merg la colindat din casă în casă pentru a duce minunata veste a naşterii lui Hristos. Pentru români, a deschide porţile curţilor şi uşile caselor lor este foarte important pentru că aceasta înseamnă a împărtăşi bucuria generală şi speranţa cu întrega comunitate cărora oamenii le aparţin. Colindele româneşti sunt despre steaua care se înalţă pe cer conducându-i pe cei trei magi la locul unde Fiul lui Dumnezeu se naşte, despre faptul că naşterea lui Hristos aduce speranţa mântuirii pentru toată lumea, sau despre îndemnarea oamenilor să deschidă uşile caselor lor colindătorilor pentru a împărtăşi bucuria şi speranţa generală şi să le mulţumească pentru efortul de a aduce minunata veste în ciuda frigului şi a zăpezii. În acelaşi timp, cu câteva zile înainte de Crăciun, românii cumpără brazi, naturali sau artificiali pe care îi decorează cu globuri, beteală şi luminiţe colorate. Astfel, bradul decorat devine bradul de Crăciun sau pomul de Crăciun care simbolizează viaţa, bucuria şi speranţa. Sub pomul de Crăciun, oamenii pun cadouri pentru toţi membrii familiei. În seara Ajunului de Crăciun, Moş Crăciun este primit lângă bradul de Crăciun unde copiii vin şi cântă cântece de iarnă, colinde şi recită poezii în schimbul cadourilor date de către Moş Crăciun. Primul lucru pe care cei mai mulţi români îl fac în dimineaţa de Crăciun este să meargă la biserică, unde iau parte la slujba religioasă. În jur de ora 12, românii pun masa acasă la ei. De regulă, românii petrec sărbătoarea de Crăciun acasă la ei sau acasă la părinţii lor, deci cu cei mai apropiaţi membri ai familiei. Principalele feluri de mâncare pe care românii le mănâncă de Crăciun: Aperitivul care constă în produse din carne de porc, ca de exemplu cârnaţi cu diferite umpluturi făcute din carne de porc, grăsime şi condimente, o salată făcută din legume fierte şi murate, sarmale făcute din frunze de varză murată umplute cu carne tocată, carne gătită la cuptor şi pe grătar. Ca desert, românii mănânca cozonac, care este un fel de pâine dulce cu nuci, stafide şi cacao. După cum am spus la început, românii sărbătoresc Crăciunul timp de 3 zile, începând de pe 25 decembrie până pe 27 decembrie, ceea ce este o ocazie minunată de a se relaxa şi de a fi cu cei dragi. Sărbătorile de iarnă se vor termina cu Anul Nou pe 1 ianuarie, când românii sărbătoresc începutul unui nou an.



Scoala noastra.Colegiul National „Petru Rares”,Beclean Emese Cîmpean Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean este o unitate școlară reprezentativă pentru județul BistrițaNăsăud, o școală în care se pune accentul pe calitatea predării-învățării, dar și pe dezvoltarea de competențe elevilor. În prezent, Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” are peste 1000 de elevi (în ciclul primar, gimnaziu și liceu). La nivel de liceu, elevii studiază la următoarele specializări: economic, filologie, matematicăinformatică, științe ale naturii și științe sociale. Școala noastră este implicată în proiecte extrașcolare (ex. „Prietenii lecturii”, „Ia atitudine!” – incluse în Calendarul Activităților Educative Regionale și Interjudețene; proiecte eTwinning, Europa, casa noastră), dar și în parteneriate cu școli din Ungaria și Polonia. Elevii de la Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean învață într-o școală care le respectă și le dezvoltă personalitatea, într-o comunitate unită sub deviza „Reușim împreună!”



Our school: „Petru Rareș” National College, Beclean

„Petru Rareș” National College is one of the best schools in the area. It is located in Beclean, Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania. The school has over 1000 students, from 6 to 18 years old. We have one class/level for primary and gymnasium and 6 highschool classes/level. Our highschool students study economics, mathematics, social studies, natural science and phylology. We are involved in many extracurricular activites and promote the school`s values through each contest we participate to. We love eTwinning and have projects on it, but also, we organize national and regional projects and contests. One of the things we are proud of is the partnership with schools from Hungary and Poland. The students from „Petru Rareș” National College study in a school which respects their personalities and in a united community.


Noapte de vis Noapte de vis Timo prea sfânt Toate dorm, pe pământ Două inimi veghează Pruncul dulce visează Intr-un leagăn de cânt Intr-un leagăn de cânt Noapte de vis Timp prea sfânt Dumnezeu râde blând Pieptu-i varsă iubire Lumii-i dă mântuire Pace-n ea aducând Pace-n ea aducând Noapte de vis Timp prea sfânt Păstorași vin cântând Ingerii cânt' Aleluia Lumii vestesc bucurïa Domnul e pe pământ Domnul e pe pământ


Silent night Silent night, Holy night All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin, mother and child Holy infant, so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night, Holy night Son of God, love's pure light Radiant beams from thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord at thy birth Jesus, Lord at thy birth. Silent night, Holy night Shepherds quake, at the sight Glories stream from heaven above Heavenly, hosts sing Hallelujah. Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior 誰s born.


”Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”- Pietro Aretino Marica Andreea, 12th grade „Petru Rareș” National College Beclean Coordinating teacher: Emese Cîmpean

Winter is that period of the year when everything receives a special kind of beauty. A nude and pure awesomeness. The simplicity is easier to gain and, from a certain point of view, it may be a true fact between people. Often, winter is associated with sadness, despair, stagnation. More often, with ugly feelings. Why so? Well, because it is cold and because the wind gets violent. From my point of view, winter is the most beautiful time of the year. It gives me power, kindness and a strong feeling of security. For me, winter is the true example for facing lifetime problems. How so? Well, it gets harsh and cold, your body freezes but you know that if you can stand the gale, in the morning, you will find a peaceful atmosphere and a wonderful landscape. Winter also gains a special charm from all the activities you can practice only in winter. In my country, for example, the loveliest things are traditions and the landscapes that Romania gives. The chills you receive from a beautiful part of nature are priceless, especially at countryside, where the pollution is enormously reduced. The following photos are made at Leșu, in Bistrița-Năsăud, Transilvania. Romania is a rich country when it comes to traditions and superstitions. Modern Romanians only keep a few of them, but many of the old traditions can be discovered in the countryside, in remote areas of the country. In my grandparent’s village, children still go caroling in the Christmas Eve. The carolers have bells, whips and drums and make noise to dispel the malevolent spirits. Some of them also wear costumes and masks, symbolizing diverse animals, such as: bears, goats and horses, which represent the evil forces. In the end, “let us love winter”, if not for it’s pureness and clearness, at least for the stories it brings back, for a drop of mystery and a memorable time when our souls warm up and collide into one.


“In mijlocul iernilor înghețate, am învățat că există în mine o vară fără putință de învins.” – Albert Camus Andreea Marica, clasa a XII-a F1 Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean Îndrumător: prof. Emese Cîmpean Iarna este o frumoasă perioadă a anului. Ea deschide uși ale simțirii și totodată captează spiritul bunătății adânc în sufletele oamenilor. Iarna, regina anotimpurilor, își primește caracterul nobil, atât prin puritatea ei, cât și prin faptul că aduce bucurii tuturor categoriilor de oameni, copii sau adulți. De ce să iubim iarna? Eu personal, poate o iubesc pentru că, în așteptarea primei zăpezi din fiecare an, am timp suficient să rememorez toate iernile de pânî atunci. Fiecare dintre ele, are acel ceva, care care le face pe fiecare să fie, unice - deși, par să semene toate atât de mult. Aceeași zăpadă, același aer înghețat, aceiași oameni zgribuliți pe stradă... și totuși, o nouă iarnă. Iarna aduce orașului meu, un aspect aparte. Îl face, mai bogat, mai vesel și, din sclipirea specifică a anotimpului, se desprinde magia, ca în cărțile de basme, peste tot ce iubesc. Îmi metamorfozează casa într-o lume a inocenței, o lume unde doar binele domină.

România este o țară bogată în tradiții și superstiții. În ziua de azi sunt păstrate doar câteva dintre ele, dar multe tradiții vechi se păstrează și practică în zonele istorice sau mici ale țării. În satul bunicilor mei, în ajunul Crăciunului, străzile se umplu de copii veseli și dornici să colinde. Ei sunt vestitorii bucuriei, iar pe fețele lor mici și roșii de la aprigul ger, se poate citi esența iernii. Magia reiese din povestea acestor colindători, care urmează superstițiile. Copiii folosesc clopote sau tobe și fac o zarvă mare, pentru a alunga spiritele rele. Uneori, un membru mai curajos și mai vioi al grupului se îmbracă în costume de animale, de obicei capre sau urși, reprezentând spiritul rău, ce joacă îngrozit, după voia oamenilor. Amplitudinea iernii dă și ea un caracter minunat acestei perioade. Bogată în tradiții religioase, ea aduce calmul și bunăstarea în casă, și în ciuda gerului ce se instalează, iarna face simțit sentimentul lăsat de căldurosul adăpost. În mijlocul iernilor, ceea ce face ca în sufletul nostru să fie vară – este familia.



Our school. School Tiberiu Morariu Salva,Romania VASILICA GAZDAC, SCHOOL TIBERIU MORARIU SALVA, Romania Salva is a village in Bistriナ」a-Nトピトブd Region, Transilvania, in Nord-Est of Romania. Our village is located in a tourist area known for its brand Dracula, at 150 km from Cluj-Napoca International Airport.It is composed of a single village, Salva. In our school enrolled 230 students are aged between 3 and 14 years in three cycles of education, pre-school, primary and secondary guided by a total of 23 teachers. Our institution children come from disadvantaged social environment, with limited material possibilities, most parents work in subsistence agriculture, and some of them have parents working in Spain, Italy and the UK. In our institution are included and three children with special educational needs. In our school are studying English since pre-school as the main foreign language and French as secondary foreign language. Our school has developed eTwinning projects that have improved knowledge of foreign languages and knowledge about IT at a good level but with this project we want to move to a higher level of knowledge for all members of the educational process. Teachers in our institution are qualified and well trained organizes various educational activities for local, regional and national contained in CMEA and CAEN, calendars Ministry of National Education collaborates with local authorities, non-governmental organizations making voluntary actions. In our institution in the period 2009-2012 were held two Comenius Multilateral Projects, We Chose friendship first! (2009-1-RO1-Com 06-030441) and second-universal language of love Lullabies (2010-1-RO1-COM06-06834 6) was last evaluated based on the Star Project EST; all activities have brought major changes in the education of our school for all those involved. The impact of these projects contributed to attracting students in school activities, reducing the percentage of zero dropout and promoting regional educational community in the products obtained as innovative teaching materials. In 2013 our institution received the title of European School contest organized by the Ministry of National Education, a position that honors and mobilizes us for the development of creative and innovative educational projects. 75

Scoala Gimnaziala Tiberiu Morariu Salva Localitatea Salva se situeaza in NE TRansilvaniei in judetul Bistrita-Nasaud intr-o cunoscuta arie turistica renumita datorita brandului Dracula si la aprox.150 de km de Aeroportul International Cluj-Napoca. In cadrul scolii noastre sunt inscrisi 230 de elevi cu varste cuprinse intre 3 si 14 ani in trei cicluri de invatamant, ciclul prescolar , primar si gimnazial ghidati de un numar de 23 de cadre didactice . Copiii institutiei noastre provin dintr-un mediu social dezavantajat, cu posibilitati materiale reduse, majoritatea parintilor lucreaza in agricultura de subzistenta, iar o parte dintre ei au parinti plecati la munca in Spania, Italia si Marea Britanie. In cadrul institutiei noastre sunt inclusi si trei copiii cu cerinte educative speciale. In cadrul scolii noastre se studiaza limba engleza inca de la ciclul prescolar ca si limba straina principala iar limba franceza ca si limba straina secundara. Scoala noastra a derulat proiecte eTwinning care au imbunatatit cunoasterea limbilor straine si a cunostintelor despre IT la un nivel bun dar prin acest proiect ne dorim sa trecem la un nivel superior de cunoastere pentru toti membrii procesului de invatamant. Cadrele didactice din institutia noastra sunt calificate si bine pregatite organizeaza diferite activitati educative locale, regionale si nationale cuprinse in CAER si CAEN, calendarele Ministerului Educatiei Nationale, colaboreaza cu autoritatile locale, cu organizatii nonguvernamentale realizand actiuni de voluntariat. In cadrul institutiei noastre in perioada 2009-2012 s-au desfasurat doua Proiecte Multilaterale Comenius , primul We chose friendship ! (2009-1-RO1-Com 06030441) si al doilea Lullabies-universal language of love(2010-1-RO1-COM0606834 6) ultimul a fost evaluat in baza EST ca Star Project; toate activitatile desfasurate au adus schimbari majore in procesul de invatamant din cadrul scolii noastre pentru toti actorii implicati.


Impactul acestor proiecte a contribuit la atragerea elevilor in activitatile scolii , reducerea abandonului scolar la procentul de zero precum si promovarea in cadrul comunitatii educationale regionale a produselor obtinute ca materiale didactice inovatoare. In anul 2013 institutia noastra a primit titulatura de Scoala Europeana la concursul organizat de Ministerul Educatiei Nationale, o postura ce onoreaza si ne mobilizeaza pentru derularea unor proiecte educationale creative si inovative.


SARBATOAREA CRACIUNULUI LA SALVA Printre obiceiurile tradiţionale, cele ale sarbătorilor de iarnă ocupă, datorită amploarei lor, un loc deosebit. Ele se desfăşoară intre 24 decembrie si 7 ianuarie şi au ca punct central Craciunulşi Anul Nou, încheindu-se cu Boboteaza. Repertoriul lor bogat cuprinde: colindele; steaua;turca; căluşarii; irozii; “ciufurile”; urările de belşug şi recoltă bogată cu pluguşorul, sorcova şi“ajunul”-urare facută în ajunul Craciunului şi a Anului Nou. De sarbătorile Craciunului, cel mai frumos obicei este colinda, cu care tinerii şi bătrâniiîntampină pe Hristos pe pământ. De altfel, colindele domină sărbătorile de iarnă prin numărullor mare, prin frumuseţea muzicii şi a poeziei lor. Colindul începe de cu seara şi se desfăşoarăpe parcursul întregii nopţi. Înainte de 1950 se colindau oficialităţile satului: preotul, primarul,dascălul şi apoi la neamuri, prieteni, vecini, cunoscuţi. Seara colindă copii, fetele şi băieţii şi apoi bătrânii. Colindul este răsplatit de gazdă cu mere, nuci, cozonaci, cârnaţi, prăjituri, ţuică. Colindul celor mari are un pronunţat caracter religios, evocându-se secvenţe din periplul Mariei si al lui Iosif, ca şi naşterea Mântuitorului: “Sara Craciunului nost / Mare bucurie o fost/Ş-o fost bucurie-n lume/ De asa mare minune/ Iosif cu Sfânta Marie/ Pleacă în călătorie/…”, “O ce veste minunată/ Langă Viflaim s-arată/ Cerul stralucea/ Îngerul venea/ Pe-o razăcurată/…”, “Maica Sfânt-a lui Iisus/ Rătăceşte-n jos şi-n sus/Pe câmpia unui râu/ Printre holde până-n brâu/…”. Colindele copiilor şi ale tinerilor pot fi laice şi mai scurte: “Colindiţă,colindiţă/ Ne uitam pe sub rudiţă/ Vedem coaste şi cârnaţi/ Sculaţi gazde şi ne daţi/…”.ani. Cu “steaua” se vesteşte naşterea Mântuitorului. E construită dintr-o veşcă (marginea sitei) pestecare se aşează o hartie colorată unde se aplică chipul Maicii Domnului şi steluţe. Copilulrosteşte: “Steaua sus răsare/ Ca o taină…, Să traiţi şi LA MULŢI ANI !” “Căluşarii” este un joc al feciorilor (mai demult 17/ acum 7). Aceştia sunt îmbracaţi în costumpopular, împodobit cu “ruji” din petele colorate, la picioare “canaci” şi zurgălăi. Erau conduşide un “vătaf” care purta două “brâie” încrucişate şi dădea comenzi prin figuri. Ei, în timpuljocului strigau: “Căluşar din capul stânii/ Noi nu jucăm ca bătrânii/ Noi jucam căluşăreşte /Săle placă la neveste/bate una, bate două/ La lelea cu poale nouă/ Bate două, bate tri/ La lelea cutalerii/…”


“Irozii” este un obicei stravechi, pomenit şi de cronicarul Miron Costin:“Erau ţinuţi în onoaremai mare, chiar fii de boier se îmbrăcau în haine de stofă aurită şi jucau acest text legendarbiblic” (M.Pop,1970, p.70).Acesta era practicat de feciorii de însurat, iar în ultima vreme şi decopii, frumos costumaţi: Împăratul Irod purta o mantie lungă, largă de culoare roşie. Pe cap oncoroană (facută din carton şi împodobită), o cingătoare de care se prindea sabia din lemn şi un toiag de rege. Craii: Melchior, Baltazar şi Gaşpar aveau şi ei coroane, mai mici şi mantii largi,dar mai scurte ca ale împaratului, la care erau legate săbiile şi ele mai mici. Autorii anonimi doreau să scoată în evidenţă un moment dramatic: uciderea pruncilor de către Irod şi acţiunea “ Ciufurile” erau feciori mascaţi, care mergeau la casele unde erau fete şi făceau diferite jocuride pantonimă. Alţi băieţi care erau împreună cu ei intrau în case şi jucau fetele. Pe drumîntâlneau cete de colindători şi profitând de faptul că erau mascaţi îi loveau cu nuiele pestepicioare, iar pe copii îi speriau. În ultimii ani s-a renunţat la acest obicei, la apelul preotului deoarece se iscau prea multe incidente.. Cu “ajunul” mergeau băieţii în dimineaţa zilei de 24 decembrie, respectiv dimineaţa zilei de 31decembrie, frumos îmbrăcaţi, din casă-n casă să ajune şi rostesc: “Ajun, ajun, Sfântu‟ Crăciun/Cum aţi ajuns Sfântu‟ Craciun/ Aşa sa ajungeţi şi Anu‟ Nou şi Boboteaza/ La mulţi ani Fericiti. In seara de Anul Nou nimeni nu doarme ci toţi petrec în jurul unei mese bogte, aşteptândtrecerea în noul an. La auzul clopotelor, care vestesc sosirea noului an oamenii fac focuri îndrum, colindă şi joacă în jurul lor, beau şampanie “îngropând anul”. La Boboteaza se colindă cei care poartă numele Ion sau Ioana sunt aşezaţi la masa plină cubucate alese, unde petrec până în zori. Din agheasma de la Bobotează se bea în fiecaredimineaţă pe, stomacul gol timp de 12 zile pentru a fi curaţi tot anul.


CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS IN SALVA VILLAGE Among the traditional customs, the winter holidays occupy, thanks to their scale, a specialplace. They take place between 24 th December to January 7 th. Christmas and New Year arethe most representative to the local community, ending with the Epiphany. Their rich repertoireincludes: carols, “steaua”, “turca”, “calusarii”, irozii, "ciufurile" accompanied by wishes ofwealth and rich harvest with “Plugusorul”, “Sorcova” and "Ajunul"-greetings made on Christmas Eve and New Year‟s Eve. On Christmas holidays, the most beautiful stride, with which the youth and elders welcomeChrist on Earth. Moreover, carols dominate the winter holidays with their large number, thebeauty of music and their poetry. Carol begins in the evening and it takes place during the whole night. Before 1950 the officials wandered the village priest, mayor, teacher and then to the relatives, friends, neighbors, known. In the evening children, girls and boys and then elders, wander along the village and go caroling. The caroling group is rewarded with apples, nuts, cakes, sausages, cakes, brandy and money. The carols of the elders have a strong religious character, evoking the sequences of periplul Mary and Joseph, as the birth of the Savior: “Sara Craciunului nost / Mare bucurie o fost/ S-o fost bucurie-n lume/ De asa mare minune/ Iosif cu Sfanta Marie/ Pleaca in calatorie/…”, “O ce veste minunata/ Langa Viflaim s-arata/ Cerul stralucea/ Ingerul venea/ Pe-o raza curate/…”, “Maica Sfant-a lui Iisus/ Rataceste-n jos si-n sus/Pe campia unui rau/ Printre holde pana-n brau/…”. Colindele copiilor si ale tinerilor pot fi laice si mai scurte: “Colindita, colindita/ Ne uitam pe sub rudita/ Vedem coste si carnati/ Sculati gazed si ne dati/…”. The carol "Star" announces the birth of the Savior. It is built of a “vesca” (edge site) over which it is placed a colored paper image of the Virgin Mary and stars. The child speaks: "Star rising up / Like a mystery ..., May long you live, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" "Turkish" (goat) is played by a lad in the rhythm of the music sung by a whistle or a companion's. In a piece of wood that has at the ends two jaws pulled by a rope,over which were set two eaves goat (wood) an inch lower was intins, inflorat, on which bells and colorful ribbons were caught. Under the rug a youngster was hiding to play the goat. "Căluşarii" is dance of sons (formerly 17 / now 7). They are dressed in costume, adorned with "ruji" of colored spots, and on legs "canaci" and bells. They were led by a "Vataf" which had two crossed belts made of textile material, who gave orders. Well, during the game yelling: “Calusar din capul stanii/ Noi nu jucam ca batranii/ Noi jucam calusareste/Sa le placa la neveste/bate una, bate doua/ La lelea cu poale noua/ Bate doua, bate tri/ La lelea cu talerii/…” "Irozii" is an ancient custom, mentioned by the chronicler Miron Costin "they were held in greater honor, even sons of wealthy men, who were dressed in golden cloth and played the 80

legendary biblical text" (M. Pop, 1970, p. 70). It was practiced by the married sons and lately by children too, beautifully dressed: Emperor Herod wore a long robe, large and red. On the head they wore a crown (made of cardboard and decorated), a belt which caught his sword and a wooden scepter. Melchior, Balthazar and Gaspar also had smaller crowns and large but shorter mantles as the emperor, in which they wore smaller swords. Anonymous authors wanted to highlight a dramatic moment: the killing of infants by Herod and the Magi action. "Ciufurile" were masked young men who went to the houses where girls lived and used to do differently pantonima games. Other guys who were joining the masked young men invited the girls to dance .On the road, they met bands of singers and taking advantage of the fact that they were wearing masks, they hit them with and scared the children. In recent years this custom was dropped, because the village priests criticized it because of the many unpleasant incidents. The "Eve" was performed by boys in the morning of December 24, and in the morning of December 31, who were nicely dressed and went from house to house and said: "Eve, Eve, Saint 'Christmas / How you got to holly Christmas / So to get to the New Year and to Epiphany / Happy Happy New Year!â€? In the evening of the New Year no one sleeps and everybody spends the evening around a wealthy table, celebrating the New Yearâ€&#x;s coming. On hearing the bells that announce the arrival of the New Year people make fires on the road, singing carols and playing around the fires, drinking champagne and burying the old year. At the Epiphany, those whose name is John or Joanna receive guests who sing carols to them and afterwards they sit at a table full of delicious food, and spend the night in joy until dawn. The holy water from Epiphany is drunk every morning, on empty stomach for 12 days, by anybody who wants to clean themselves for the whole year.


O CE VESTE MINUNATA! O, ce veste minunată! În Betleem ni s-arată. Astăzi s-a născut cel făr' de-nceput, Cum au spus prorocii. Că la Betleem Maria, Săvârşind călătoria Într-un mic sălaş, lângă-acel oraş, A născut pe Mesia. Pe Fiul în al său nume, Tatăl l-a trimis în lume. Să se nască, şi să crească, Să ne mântuiască.


O WHAT GREAT NEWS! O what great news! Is shown to us in Bethlehem! Today has been born, the One without a beginning, As the Prophets foretold! That in Bethlehem Mary, Having completed the trip, In a little space, near that town, She bore the Messiah His Son in God Own Name, The Father has sent into the world! To be born and to grow, To absolve us!


DESCHIDE USA CRESTINE 1. Deschide uşa, creştine, (bis) Să venim şi noi la tine, La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 2. Noi la Viflaim am fost, (bis) Unde s-o născut Cristos. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 3. Ş-am vazut şi p-a sa mamă. (bis) Pă care Maria-o cheamă. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 4. Cum umbla din casă-n casă, (bis) Ca pă Fiul său să-l nască. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 5. Umbla-n sus şi umbla-n jos (bis) Ca să-l nasca pă Cristos La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 6. Umbla-n jos şi umbla-n sus (bis) Ca să-l nască pă Isus. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 7. Tot umblând, gasi apoi (bis) Un staul mândru de oi. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 8. Îngerii cu flori in mână (bis) Împleteau mândră cunună. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 9. Pă cunună-i scris frumos(bis) Astăzi s-o născut Cristos. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine 10. Pă cunună-i scris aşa Că s-o născut Mesia. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine


11. Care cu puterea Sa Va împărăţi lumea. La mulţi ani, mulţi ani cu bine


CHRISTIAN, OPEN UP YOUR DOOR 1. Christian, open up your door, So that we, too, could come to you. Happy new year, and all good things. 2. We have been to Bethlehem. Where Christ was born. Happy new year, and all good things. 3. We have also seen His mother, Whose name is Mary Happy new year, and all good things. 4. As she walked from house to house In order to give birth to her Son. Happy new year, and all good things. 5. She walked up and she walked down, In order to give birth to Christ. Happy new year, and all good things. 6. She walked down and she walked up, In order to give birth to Jesus. Happy new year, and all good things. 7. The angels, with flowers in their hands, Were knitting a nice crown. Happy new year, and all good things. 8. On the crown it is nicely written: Christ is born today. Happy new year, and all good things. 9. On the crown it is written That the Messiah is born. Happy new year, and all good things. 10. Who, with His might, Will reign over the world. Happy new year, and all good things TREI PĂSTORI 1. Trei păstori se întâlniră (bis) Raza soarelui, floarea soarelui. Şi aşa se sfătuiră. 2. Haideţi, fraţilor,să mergem (bis) Raza soarelui, floarea soarelui. Floricele să culegem. 86

3. Şi să facem o cunună (bis) Raza soarelui, floarea soarelui. S-o-mpletim cu voie bună. 4. Şi s-o ducem lui Cristos (bis) Raza soarelui, floarea soarelui. Să ne fie de folos.

THREE SHEPHERDS 1. Three shepherds met Sunbeam, sunflower. And talked to each other thus: 2. Come on, brothers, let us go Sunbeam, sunflower. And pick some little flowers. 3. And make a crown out of them Sunbeam, sunflower. And knit it joyfully. 87

4. And take the crown to Christ, Sunbeam, sunflower. For the good of us all.

Contributors in eTwinning project “Christmas Wishes”:


SUMMARY: 1.Teacher ΜΑΡΙΑ ΤΣΙΟΥΚΑ, Νηπιαγωγείο Νεοχωρίου, Greece (pages 6-22) 2.Teacher ELENI TSIRIMPASI, 2ο Νηπιαγωγείο Νέας Τρίγλιας, Greece. ( pages 24-33) 3.Teacher Vassilis Misailidis, Δημ. Σχολ. Ολύνθου, Greece. 89

( pages 35-43) 4.Teacher Georgia Maneta, 5th Primary School of Volos, Greece .( pages 45-55) 5.Teacher Madalina Ioana Grecu, School "Gheorghe Corneliu" Domnesti, Romania. ( pages 58-65) 6.Teacher Emese Cimpean,National College “Petru Rares” Beclean, Romania. ( pages 67-73) 7.Teacher Vasilica Gazdac,School Tiberiu Morariu Salva, Romania. ( pages 75-88)

BIBLIOGRAFIE: Bălan, George – Arta de a înţelege muzica, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1970 Bernstein, Leonard – Cum să înţelegem muzica, Editura Hyperion, Chişinău, 1991 Carpentier, Alejo – Întâlniri cu muzica, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1991 Lupu, Jean – Educarea auzului muzical dificil, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1998 Sava, Iosif – Bucuriile muzicii, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1985 Prietenii muzicii, Editura Albatros, Bucureşti , 198 90

Note: Graphics cards and drawings presented in this book represented artistic creations awarded at the International Art Competition "Cradle of Jesus", 15 December 2014.



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